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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Last I heard, the CW doesn't do great in terms of ad revenue, but is making money (finally!) thanks to streaming/Netflix. So I think the CW will likely stick around -- since apparently, with the money it gets selling streaming rights, it is actually profitable. Even if the network folds, though, I would guess that the shows that do especially well in terms of streaming are going to stick around in some form. Maybe bought directly by Netflix, I don't know. But Supernatural in particular is a show that I would think is doing well in terms streaming, so it's probably a show that would look attractive to Netflix. I would actually be pretty interested to see what a Netflix-owned SPN would look like, though since it would probably still be produced by Wonderland, maybe it wouldn't look all that different after all.


Well anyway, I completely believe that as long as JA and JP are signing on, the show will continue (at least for the foreseeable). I don't even think that S11 is all that likely to be the last season. I mean, at this point, any season *could* be the last season, but it seems like everyone involved is very comfortable and feels like "this is it" for them, and it seems like things are really pretty hunky-dory backstage and everyone is still having a good time (there's no way that everyone would be showing up at conventions every week if they all hated each other, I assume), so I think it's fairly likely that there will be a few seasons left yet.


Especially if either JA or JP discover that their wife/kid(s) is going to be super expensive to take care of for some reason and decide that they need to bank a bit more before they get cut loose :P. Naw, just joking. I'm just perpetually bewildered that either of them still bothers to work at all, considering how much money they already have. At a point, wouldn't you be like WTVRS DONE WITH THIS WORK THING and spend your life doing whatever the f*** you want? Though I guess these men (*gasp*) actually like their jobs, so. What a concept!


And doesn't JA come from some money, too? Isn't he like, a second generation television star? Blows my mind. I would be spoiled as hell and trying to live off a trust fund if I were him, but he's apparently been working since he was a teenager. Or maybe his parents blew all that money and would be broke without him, who knows what anybody's lives are like.


OMG to get back on topic. Well sorta. What I think is really strange is that Smallville isn't streaming anywhere that I know of. I wonder why not? A lot of the old WB shows are on Netflix, or at least were on Netflix for long periods of time -- Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Gilmore Girls...Why would Smallville be left off? It was even still on-air after the switchover to the CW (I remember, because it was paired with SPN during SPN's comeback year!), unlike a lot of the other popular shows from the WB's back catalog. I wonder what the story is there.

And doesn't JA come from some money, too? Isn't he like, a second generation television star? Blows my mind. I would be spoiled as hell and trying to live off a trust fund if I were him, but he's apparently been working since he was a teenager. Or maybe his parents blew all that money and would be broke without him, who knows what anybody's lives are like.



Really?  He shouldn't have grown up in Richardson, then.  They should have lived in Highland Park.  ;-)

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And doesn't JA come from some money, too? Isn't he like, a second generation television star? Blows my mind. I would be spoiled as hell and trying to live off a trust fund if I were him, but he's apparently been working since he was a teenager. Or maybe his parents blew all that money and would be broke without him, who knows what anybody's lives are like.


I wouldn't classify his dad as a star. He's done mostly voice over and radio work and is a working actor over the years, but a television star? Eh. Not so sure I'd classify it that way. Jensen...yes he's  a bonafide TV star.


As far as I've read seems like Jensen grew up in an upper middle class family not some fabulously wealthy environment. He had some advantages but pretty sure he was never a trust fund baby or rode his dad's coattails in any way.  He had the advantage of having an agent because of his dad but that's it.  He's gotten everything because of his hard work. 

Edited by catrox14
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I'd be surprised if either Jared or Jensen are exactly set for life. They make pretty good salaries, but there's also a lot of other folks who get a large chunk of that pie. Granted, I doubt they have to worry about money on a daily basis like a good portion of the population, either. However, I imagine they continue to work because they like the work.


OMG to get back on topic. Well sorta. What I think is really strange is that Smallville isn't streaming anywhere that I know of. I wonder why not? A lot of the old WB shows are on Netflix, or at least were on Netflix for long periods of time -- Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Gilmore Girls...Why would Smallville be left off? It was even still on-air after the switchover to the CW (I remember, because it was paired with SPN during SPN's comeback year!), unlike a lot of the other popular shows from the WB's back catalog. I wonder what the story is there.


I'm sure it's a licensing issue. Smallville is based off the DC Comics Universe so I'd bet it has to do with the deal they originally made with them. When doing a show based on original content has all sorts of weird legal hoops to jump through just to get the rights to certain characters. Also, remember when Smallville started in 2001 this whole streaming thing wasn't even in it's infancy, so I doubt they planned for that when the studio made the deal with DC Comics. Plus, Smallville has a lot of music in it that would need to be licensed for streaming too and maybe the producers don't want to have to replace the music like they did on the first season of Supernatural. I assume later seasons would've included the rights for streaming, but the first three or four seasons, maybe they didn't?


It could also just be that they're getting enough residual revenue from DVD sales, so they're holding back on allowing it to be streamed for that reason?

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Okay, this is weird.  Jared is bailing out of JIBCON and the Aussie Con due to illness. And his tweets are kind of scaring me.  I'm not kidding.


Jared Padalecki @jarpad  ·  3m 3 minutes ago

I need all of the love I can get right now. Please please give me a few seconds of your time and write me. #AlwaysKeepFighting

Jared Padalecki @jarpad  ·  4m 4 minutes ago

Dear #JIBCON and #AHBL6. I am in desperate and urgent need of my family. I am so sorry to tell you this but I must head home.

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I've becoming a Twitterholic. It's bad.  SPN Family is trending #AlwaysKeepFighting for Jared. It's all quite lovely aside from the assholes that are encouraging him to kill himself....but that was knocked down pretty fast. 



I have a fun thing.  Orlando Jones favorited a Tweet I replied to about getting him on SPN :)

Edited by catrox14
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Well I think there's about a million fans who aren't going to sleep tonight until he tweets he's okay.  Seriously, I'm worried. It was 1 am in Rome when he tweeted that.  I don't mean to raise alarm, BTW, I'm just coming here to vent my anxiety.  If Jensen knows what's going on, he'll make sure Jared is okay.  I wouldn't be surprised if he makes sure Jared's butt gets on a plane safely.  Love those two and their epic friendship. 

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Wow, I hope he's OK. And I hope that something didn't happen to someone else in his family, and that's why he needs to get to them ASAP. If he were sick, wouldn't he be going to the hospital himself? Oh jeez I hope he's not rushing to someone's bedside, I hope everyone is alright. Best wishes to him and his.

I saw some tweets coming out of JIBcon that implied Jensen was the one to insist Jared cancel and go home, saying that Jared's health was more important than anything else they were scheduled to do.  It did sound like Jared was physically ill, but it could be exhaustion and/or something brought on by exhaustion.  Which would seem reasonable, just reading their schedule is exhausting.


And if depression is a factor, well, being ill and/or tired would just compound things. 


No matter what the specifics, I hope he gets the care he needs ASAP.

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I just hope Jensen sent Cliff or someone else with Jared to make sure he got home okay.  Dude may be a giant but when you are sick and tired, you can use a friend to lean on. 

I'm sure some one must have gone with him.  And yeah, traveling when sick and tired is *horrible*, definitely not something you want to do alone.

Jared lost a friend to suicide this Jan. hence the keep fighting.  He suffered from a bout in season 3 and was told they needed to shut the filming down for 5 days, he took one according to him.


I read he was bummed about the fans reactions to Charlie's death and that some were blaming Sam.  Now if Jared is a method actor and I suspect he uses a bit of it, Some of the feelings of his character could be bleeding over and he just needs to rest and feel loved.


So I sent a tweet, not sure he will see it, but I'm sure someone is in touch with him till he makes it safely back to Austin. 


I think the best advice I have heard and is true about suicide, is that if you're stuck in a monologue you'll choose to end your life.  but if you get into a dialogue, you can save a life.  Depression is nasty and the head games are the worst part of it.


So hopefully he'll get some rest, have some fun time with family and feel better soon.  I'm glad that Jensen will look out for Jared's best interest and say what he really needs, instead of suck it up and do your job. 


It's how they look after each other is another reason I keep coming back to watch this show.

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I hope Jared knows that he has a lot of people pulling for him and that he's not alone in his struggle.


It breaks my heart knowing such a fine man suffers so much.  I hope being with his family will bring him some comfort.


You probably aren't reading this but we all love you, Jared Padalecki.

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Well anyway, I completely believe that as long as JA and JP are signing on, the show will continue (at least for the foreseeable). but it seems like everyone involved is very comfortable and feels like "this is it" for them, and it seems like things are really pretty hunky-dory backstage and everyone is still having a good time


At a point, wouldn't you be like WTVRS DONE WITH THIS WORK THING and spend your life doing whatever the f*** you want? Though I guess these men (*gasp*) actually like their jobs, so. What a concept!


And doesn't JA come from some money, too? Isn't he like, a second generation television star? Blows my mind. I would be spoiled as hell and trying to live off a trust fund if I were him, but he's apparently been working since he was a teenager. Or maybe his parents blew all that money and would be broke without him, who knows what anybody's lives are like.


Neither really come from money.  Their family has a nice income but they aren't stinky rich.


JA's Dad main work is voiceover's and it has provided for them but it was clear his father is very grounded.  The directive you can try it for 6 months but if you don't make it or land something steady you're to come back and go to college shows how level headed it all is.


I'm sure like anything there are days they just don't wanna, and would love to do something else, but the crew and actors have a unique situation.  Most shows die because of the in fighting or casts not getting along.  Few have the rep that Supernatural does.  I know  I would love to have the chance to work with them, because it does sound fun. 


Also Texas is cheaper than many States on houses and cost of living.  Hence a reason that many are moving to areas in Texas.  You can buy a really expensive home for $400,000.00 in most areas.  Homes were really cheap 30 years ago as well. 


Actors make their best income working...how much they can make after the show stops depends on how strong of a contract they got signed and how popular the show stays.


If you are really an actor / artist you want to work.  I know when I stop teaching I will still be looking for something creative to do, I have to.  This is something that some will never understand.  I really wish it was easier for creative people to get the jobs they want...but it is a hard field and many turned to other forms of work, to survive.  So I get why these 2 keep doing the show.  When it stops being fun, I think they will leave.

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Also Texas is cheaper than many States on houses and cost of living.  Hence a reason that many are moving to areas in Texas.  You can buy a really expensive home for $400,000.00 in most areas.  Homes were really cheap 30 years ago as well.


Heh. As long as you aren't in Atlanta, much of Georgia is I think even cheaper. In my area $400,000 would likely get you a mansion and likely even some nice acreage (like 20 acres plus). Even in areas like Peachtree City (Where many of the Delta pilots live), $400,000 would get you a major-sized house/mansion. It might be one of the reasons some television shows and movies are starting to film over in Georgia. Likely the cost of renting out areas to film in is cheaper... If they're lucky, they can even destroy the place if they want.* The Walking Dead often films in areas like that around our town as well, and if they film downtown, they'll just rent out the local restaurants and various nearby buildings for a few days to cut down on random traffic. Downtown also has a few lots where the actors and crew can park their trailers and equipment right nearby shooting locations, so it's convenient. I think they like our town for that, because often when they have a director's "extra" in The Talking Dead, it's filmed on a set location in our town. They often mention it in the trivia questions also when a scene is filmed here.


* Across the street from the experiment station where I work, there was an old textile plant slated for demolition. I haven't seen the movies yet, but I'm pretty sure some major filming for the second and third movies of the Hunger Games took place there. It was somewhat beat up and scorched in areas after they were done.

Compared to LA where 400,000 is an average home and not a rich home, well you get my meaning.  :)


Dallas is more expensive than some areas of Texas.


I've visited a few areas of Georgia but never priced anything. 


the cool thing about the internet is you can chat with someone anywhere across the globe. 


My house was just 120,000.00 and now the neighborhood is in the 200,000 range.  It's not the expensive area, but it is a nice area.  I couldn't afford my house now.  :(  No I don't live in Dallas, but I did grow up in a small town sort of near Dallas.  :)


Sounds like it is fun where you live if you can see so much.  :)

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Oh man, real estate talk. Some of this makes me wanna cry.  $400,000 would get you a tiny starter house out in the 'burbs here. Make me wanna move out to a small town.  But, not one of the posh ones. Real estate is even worse there (and yes we have posh small towns~tourist destinations).

Okay, so what's the story with the guy with the long hair not named Jared. His name is Greyston Holt and I know he plays on the show Bitten (per IMDB) but I can't remember him from any episodes of SPN. Now I know Orlando Jones was doing a panel with Misha at Asylum, but that's because Orlando really is a superfan of SPN, which BTW PLEASE LET ORLANDO BE ON SPN.  So I'm wondering what this other guy's connection to SPN is.  Any ideas?

He was in Alex Annie Alexis Ann, one of the vampire brothers.  The guy stuck "doing the dishes" aka cleaning up evidence.  He's also lead on a werewolf series called "Bitten".  Canadian show based on a book series by a Canadian author.  Love the books, tried to like the series, but meh!

I commented, mostly saying that I would've included "Slash Fiction" on the list. If the Henry Winchester episode was in there from season 8, there should've been room for that season 7 episode, in my opinion.


I disagreed with a few of them - it was a bit season 4, depressing episode heavy for me (I likely wouldn't have included "When the Levee Breaks" or "On the Head of a Pin" for example - I'd have put "Slash Fiction" and probably "Time After Time..." in instead), and I would've swapped out the Henry episode for "Everybody Hates Hitler" but otherwise a decent list.

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