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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I would love to see JDM back at least one more time.  He worked for me which is weird because yes in a way I do see the age difference. 


I have heard and don't know how true it is, but that he was really upset with what they did with John after he left.  I can get that both money and scheduling was the issue.


But I am hoping I can find them on youtube because I would love to see what he had to say during the Vegas con.


As far as whether Jensen has nerves or not in singing, I don't know.  Most of what I am using to filter my explanation is based on interviews.  Manns has said that Jensen has a great ear for hearing harmony and he hasn't met anyone that can do it as well as his friend can.


I think Jensen likes to observe and then react.  So many may interpret that as being shy.  I think he is hard on himself based on interviews.  JMV


Kane started out with hard core rock so he can sing many types of music as well. 


both acting and singing demand you give a personal side to yourself, but Jensen's acting has mainly been film which allows him to redo if he makes a mistake.  Singing live and acting live is just scarey because if you goof, you can't cover it. 


I just know the more I learn about Jensen the more I like and I really enjoy the chemistry that Jared and Jensen share.

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I wouldn't want him back full time on the show but I do hope we get him back for one or two more episodes.


I mostly want to see more of how John, Sam, and Dean relate as a family, especially now that John's been dead for so long and Sam and Dean have both really grown up. I'd also like to see Sam's relationship with him, and Dean's relationship with him. Just, how they work together, in what ways are they familiar/relaxed around each other and in what ways are they on edge -- that sort of thing. Dean was and still weirdly is kind of possessive over being the "favorite," and Sam has this whole hangup over being the "black sheep" -- so I wonder how it would change Sam and Dean's relationship to have John around. I still find Sam and Dean's relationship interesting, and I'm just as interested in both of their relationships with their father and with their relationship as a family. YMMV.


I love the monster stuff, especially when it pulls from real legends, but the family stuff is genuinely interesting to me (just as much so). I'd love for the show to get a chance to get JDM back and to get the opportunity to explore some fresh "family drama" (as distinct from "angst," lol) storylines, and to just shake up the relationships a bit -- for however long they could get him. If John were alive, he wouldn't necessarily want to or have to hunt with Sam and Dean, either. I'd like it if he were just ~around~, and sometimes they'd have storylines involving him and sometimes not. If they're trying to flesh out/expand the cast, that's one character I would *love* to see brought in! There's definitely a role for him within the show imo. (More so than other characters I could name *cough* Cole *cough*). Not to bend everybody's ear about it for the n-th time!


I'm not sure what to think about JDM laying it on so thick, though. Do TPTB want him to come back, but he's holding out or trying to negotiate, and he's laying on the praise and showing up at a con as proof that he really does want to make a deal? Or does it mean he's actually going to be coming back and they already know it, so they're trying to lay the groundwork with the fans for that? Because you know how this show is, they like to prep the fans a million years in advance, since there are so many people who react to TPTB's decisions in such extreme ways -- and I get the feeling that John in particular is a pretty divisive character, maybe even disliked by many (most?) fans? Or does it mean that he just doesn't want to close the door to coming back on the show entirely, he wants to keep it on the backburner, so he's doing a little "maintenance work" by going to a con for once?


Obviously there's no way to really know right now, just musing. It feels to me that they're actually laying the groundwork for him to come back on, maybe even in the near future (like in this last block of episodes) -- because it seems like JA/JP are talking up the possibility and talking up John as a character, too. But who knows. And I don't keep track of BTS stuff very much, so my perspective is probably skewed, lol.

Wow, that had to be embarrassing for Kripke! What was wrong with his script?


I don't think it was embarrassing, but it was just outside the scope of what they could afford to get done and within the time frame they had too. There's a great little featurette on the S2 DVDs were they talk about all the problems they had shooting All Hell Breaks Loose II. Basically, Kripke had this idea that not only they would have the devil's trap train track and the hell gate in the middle, but there were churches on each point of the devil's trap where they team would have to go each one and to get some artifact. Kim Manners read the script and was like "this can't happen on our budget" so they had to pare down his ideas. Plus, they had a bunch of problems with the weather and ended up having to shoot that graveyard scene in front of the hell gate on stage at the last minute. It was just one of those episodes that anything that could go wrong did, it seemed.


So, you really think that he's likely coming back on SPN? I had been thinking of Matthew Cohen rather than JDM in terms of bringing back John, because JDM seemed like such a lost cause. And anyway, that version of John is dead. Albeit that's meaningless on this show.


Would you be unhappy if they were to bring him back, since the actor rubs you the wrong way? Or would you find the SL/relationships interesting enough to make up for that?


I don't know if he is coming back, but I've been wondering about it this year. Mostly because he did a couple cons this year and he's never done one con that I can remember previously. Maybe he just suddenly became available, though, I really don't know. Plus, they've had a couple of mentions of John this season that feel more like setting the stage than the normal "Dad's rules" or "Dad took one down back in the day" and such. However, I'd say since they introduced the MoL, the show has had a softer tone when it comes to John, so it could mean absolutely nothing.


I wouldn't say JDM rubs me the wrong way. I think he's and affable guy and I think he'd be fun to hang out with in real life, but on camera, he just lulls me to sleep. I think it's the combination of his kinda sleepy eyes and slow drawly speech. I really don't know and I really don't think it's something that makes him a bad actor or anything, just doesn't work for me. I've seen some interviews and such of him where I think he's got all kinds of charisma and always wonder why it never translates for me when he's acting. So, no, I wouldn't be upset they brought him back, probably just indifferent.  But Jensen's been pining for him to come back for years--and the look of sheer joy he displayed in those pictures are nice to see--so I'd be happy others were happy he's back. It's really been a long time since the actual storylines of this show engaged me, but I do love that Jared and Jensen and a whole bunch of others love doing it. That's why I stick with the show, I kinda feel like I'm rewarding them for entertaining me greatly a while back.


As to Magic City: it seemed like they took what was popular about Mad Men--the 1950s--and what was popular about Empire City--gangsters--added in Miami for color and made a show. I can't really judge if it was good or not because I couldn't stay awake and gave up after a couple episodes. However, the opening sequence of the first episode was a birthday-suit clad JDM, if I recall, and you said he was your type, so...



I have heard and don't know how true it is, but that he was really upset with what they did with John after he left.  I can get that both money and scheduling was the issue.


I read an interview with JDM were he was asked if he'd want to come back and, as always, he mentioned he'd love to return because he loved working on the show, but they've done so much to tear down John's character over the years he wasn't sure if it was a good idea. I'd be interested in watching his panel too. Also, if he did come back, I'd love someone to ask him about the differences of working on the show now, in it's 10th year, as opposed to working on this little show back when it first started. It'd be an interesting perspective of someone not clouded by the years in between, I think.



Did you see JDM in Watchmen? Or PS I love you in which he plays an Irish singer?  I really liked him in both those roles.  I particularly liked him in Watchmen. 


I tried to watch The Watchmen, but fell asleep. PS I Love You just didn't interest me. To be fair, he did a movie (sorry can't remember the title) where he was a shady messenger for shady folks and I was surprised to stay awake during it. I never really watched Grey's Anatomy, but have seen a couple episodes with him in it and thought he was more full of life sitting in a hospital bed dying than he's displayed in pretty much anything else I've ever seen him in. I really don't know why I never connect with him as an actor. Like I said, I wouldn't say I hate him or that he's a terrible actor, just not someone I care to watch.

Edited by DittyDotDot


I'm not sure what to think about JDM laying it on so thick, though. Do TPTB want him to come back, but he's holding out or trying to negotiate, and he's laying on the praise and showing up at a con as proof that he really does want to make a deal?



But Jensen's been pining for him to come back for years--and the look of sheer joy he displayed in those pictures are nice to see--so I'd be happy others were happy he's back.


Honestly, having watched the clips and seen the photos, I think he was literally overwhelmed at what an awesome experience it was.  I think it was genuine gratitude he felt for being there at the Con.  His opening comment was along the lines of 'what took me so long'.


Reading tweets and listening to the stars, I truly think a convention is a wonderful experience for them.  Mark Sheppard commented on Saturday that they work for weeks and connecting with the crowds at conventions sort of brings the whole experience full circle.  


Again, for JDM, I think your right that J2 (with Jensen in particular), were lobbying JDM to come to a convention.  Like little kids, they wanted to show "Dad" this amazing thing they have.  And Jensen (with Jared being sick this weekend), was JDM's personal ambassador to the convention it seemed.  J2 were in Vegas on Saturday.  Jensen practiced with the band, Jared hung out at his sister's book booth.  They both gambled (Jared apparently won $1100 in slots and was given a tax form, Jensen lost all his money on BlackJack).  I don't know when Jensen tagged up with JDM but I think he was stuck like glue for the night.  And the Sister Christian song was clearly not "impromptu" but it was very well done.  Perhaps he asked JDM for a song before they got to Vegas and this is what Jensen worked up.

Anyway...all that is background for: JDM walks out onto a stage of what is literally turned into a rock concert with a thousand screaming fans.  He gets to see Jensen sing a song (or three) and joined in for "A Little Help From My Friends". So it started off pretty spectacular.  Then when he showed up on stage for his panel, the room gave a standing ovation.  I think he was literally blown away.  


But I think he's leary because fandom has latched onto John Winchester being the worst father EVER and he didn't feel that was the case.  He saw that opinion solidify as flashbacks added "painful Weechester moments" as the years went by.  So... it would take a deft hand at writing to show John as caring while staying true to the difficult lives the boys had.  Especially because, IMO, the younger demographic of a this century would look at many childhood experiences from the 70's as borderline child abuse.  The Weechester's got a Kripke-esque(70's/early 80's) childhood backstory because that's the nostalgia Kripke was going for.  It's really hard to explain how it was really not that bad (fanfic not included) to people who didn't live in that era.  


I know...I'm acting my age...and yes, i walked uphill both ways to school in a foot of snow.  And I was happy for it.  


Bottom line: I think he'd love to come back but the script would have to be just right.  

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I do think from all that I've read that most of the SPN fandom these days  does not resent the actors for the characters they play(ed). They've done better with that separation than back in the day? I don't know since I'm new to fandom but some of the stuff I've read it seems like fans were a lot more confrontational at cons and such than now. That could be a function of tighter controls on what is permitted at cons now and screening of questions but I do think maybe it's more that fans that did do those things have just backed off.  I dunno. 


As to JDM being so well received I think it's a lot of nostalgia about the early seasons that helps him. I think that if Lauren Cohen (Bela) or Katie Cassidy (Ruby 1.0) ( I don't include Genevieve Padalecki because she benefits from a good reception because she's Jared's wife), showed up at a con they would be better received now because they too benefit from being in s1-5 which seems to be largely considered the glory days of the show. 


Anyway, I think Jensen is championing for JDM because he just loves the guy and he thinks Dean needs his Dad again. He's been saying it since he got the MoC which is really interesting to me. I also think Jensen is one savvy troll too.  Like many, I've speculated that John would make an appearance this season in whatever manner that might be.


I think if it were the final season I would bet 2 million internet dollars that he has already filmed or will be filming some scenes.  Now that they are getting an 11th season...maybe that's pushed back to s11.  But I don't think his appearance at Vegas Con is for nothing. It could be that maybe this was the easiest one for him to attend because it's closer to L.A. or what have you but I dunno seems like something is afoot. 


And call me crazy but I swear Jensen and JDM look more alike now than before. I mean I always thought they resembled each other but they have similar noses and smiles and facial structure.  And I think Jared looks like Samantha. 


I found the best video of Jensen singing is here. JDM comes out at about 6:00 minutes give or take. I point this out because Jensen is just fucking BEAMING at the audiences reaction to JDM.  It's like he's so proud and happy for JDM.  Guh. 

Edited by catrox14
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Honestly, having watched the clips and seen the photos, I think he was literally overwhelmed at what an awesome experience it was.  I think it was genuine gratitude he felt for being there at the Con.  His opening comment was along the lines of 'what took me so long'.


Reading tweets and listening to the stars, I truly think a convention is a wonderful experience for them.  Mark Sheppard commented on Saturday that they work for weeks and connecting with the crowds at conventions sort of brings the whole experience full circle. 


I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're probably right. To them, maybe the conventions are the "cream."


For whatever reason (?), it adds so much to my enjoyment of this show that so many of the people involved in the production seem to genuinely like each other and enjoy doing their jobs. So I really like hearing that everyone involved was like JDM COME BACK WE LOVE YOU, and JA was trying to show him a good time at the con, etc, and that *that* might be what brings him back on the show eventually.


(By the way, speaking of this Vegas con -- I think it's hilarious that Jared was playing the slots.)


I haven't kept up with the SPN fandom in general (I only come on here, haven't been involved with SPN fan stuff before), so I honestly am not sure how John is perceived in general or how the show would want to pave the way in order to bring him back (as a white hat). I wonder what kind of damage control JDM would be looking for, if he would want John to be painted in a better light before coming back on the show.

Having performed live, the conventions are as close as they get to a live performance.  So I imagine it is overwhelming to see so many people thinking really deep about a little show that almost didn't.


It's also given them so much and I think they see it as a way to give back to the fans.  I know I would like to see them live before it is over, just not sure I can afford to do it before that happens. 


I know I cherish a memory of a little girl saying I want to be like you when I grow up, and I signed her program.  That's as close as I've gotten to it because my professional resume is so short.  I wasn't one of the lucky ones.


But I think I can imagine it is tenfold for them since they've been doing it over ten years.  Yes, they've had some bad moments, but I think on the whole it has been a big blessing or they would have found a way not to do so many.  Not all actors are as giving as these two are and it's a reason I really like seeing the SPN family on youtube and such.

Edited by 7kstar

I got a little verklempt thinking about how shy and embarrassed Jensen was when he first sang in public in Jason Manns at a con a few years ago.  And now he's channeling his inner rock star and he does it pretty fucking well. 


I've thought for a long time he should play Elvis Presley. 

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LOL Misha and Jensen you big goobers!!




I seriously laughed a stupid amount at this one.



Showed the hubby this and he said, and I quote:


"They have too much damn fun!  They need to grow up and get real jobs!"  Said in his best grumpy old man voice.  (Like he's one to talk....)

  • Love 2

Jensen won the 3rd round of the Zap2It social media showdown...and yes indeed.  He is now up against the Arrow...Oliver Queen. AKA Stephen Amell.


This kills me because SA is pretty damn amazing on his FB page but my heart is with Jensen and he'll probably lose anyway.  So go vote for Jensen


Misha is up against someone I don't know who it is for Twitter media king


and Felicia Day is up against Orlando Jones for Tumblr...bye Felicia!!



How many years will I get from a Crossroads demon to get this crew to DragonCon?  Anyone here have an in with a publicist or manager so we can jumpstart negotiations?


That might be a tough thing to do now. Misha and Samantha Ferris came in 2011 when I believe that Supernatural was still in the X-Trak(?) I might be able to check on that, since I have saved all of my books (though don't remember if the trak they are affiliated with is mentioned in that or just the programs.) This may not sound like it is important, but things have shifted around for Supernatural's inclusion in the last couple of years. The last years it was in the X-trak, Supernatural was getting 4 panels, plus the ones with Misha and Ferris, and as part of the NC-17 fanfic panel (usually titled something clever from a quote from one of the shows. Lately, it's been "I'll be in my bunk"). One of the senior panel organizers was very impressed with fan participation, and mentioned that if we kept it up, we'd continue to get a good number of panels in the X-Trak. Then things got squirrelly.


Since I went to many of the Supernatural panels, I overheard talk with some of the panel leaders in 2011 - they weren't that secretive about it. For some reason, Misha really rubbed one of the trak organizers the wrong way. She was not at all happy. i don't know if that contributed to what happened next, but the next  year, Supernatural was no longer in the X-Trak. I don't remember where it went that year, but there was only one panel for the show if I remember correctly. Then the year after that, it was moved to a new trak called "Urban Fantasy" which combined a bunch of genre shows. Unfortunately since there are more shows in the trak now, Supernatural gets less prominence. Last year there were either 2 or 3 panels, plus the fanfic panel. Osric Chau came to visit one of the panels, but he actually came to DragonCon as a fan (he wasn't even registered as a guest) to participate in LARPing. The fans he was sitting next to didn't even know who he was until after the panel was over, because he was in costume. (Then pandemonium broke out. P.S. he's adorable.)


So long explanation short, due to all of this history, I'm not sure we'll be getting any of the Supernatural actors any time soon at Dragon Con, though we did get a book author for the last couple of years. The show has to share time with a lot of other popular shows, some of which may have an easier time getting the show actors to come. Samantha Ferris when she was there also shared time with some of the other fandoms that she belongs to - like the 4400 and Battlestar Galactica. Generally actors who are on multiple shows and can do multiple duty are more sought after.

The April 2015 Sci-Fi Magazine has an interview with Mark Sheppard, and a smaller one with Erica Carroll. The Sheppard interview has a huge error (they claim his first episode was Weekend at Bobby's), but the magazine industry seems to have fired all proofreaders/editors.

The DC Guest Director has indicated she is interested in 10th Anniversary guests, but it's up to the actors' representatives to get things started.  DC's big enough that they don't go looking for guests -- they negotiate with the guests who apply.  So, I don't think there's any issue with DC wanting them to be there -- the real trick is whether any of the main actors WANT to come and whether or not Creation has them locked up with exclusivity on what I've called "The Supernatural 10th Anniversary Tour of Places Sarthaz Can't Get To Over Weekends That Are Impossible".

The DC Guest Director has indicated she is interested in 10th Anniversary guests, but it's up to the actors' representatives to get things started. DC's big enough that they don't go looking for guests -- they negotiate with the guests who apply. So, I don't think there's any issue with DC wanting them to be there -- the real trick is whether any of the main actors WANT to come and whether or not Creation has them locked up with exclusivity on what I've called "The Supernatural 10th Anniversary Tour of Places Sarthaz Can't Get To Over Weekends That Are Impossible".

I read on Twitter that some other entertainment group was selling tickets to panels for SPN in November but they will be in Denver during that time so it was debunked as a fraud and that Creation had exclusive rights to SPN But since they are always at San Diego Comic Con I don't understand how Creation can claim exclusivity. And you know there is no way in Hell they won't be at Comic Con this year. Maybe now that boys both live in Texas getting to DragonCon won't be as difficult?

Edited by catrox14

Here's an interview with Travis Aaron Wade where he talks about tonight's episode and his relationship with Sam and Dean.  http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/18/supernatural-travis-aaron-wade-the-things-they-carried


I really wish that wasn't the route they were taking with Sam.

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The DC Guest Director has indicated she is interested in 10th Anniversary guests, but it's up to the actors' representatives to get things started.  DC's big enough that they don't go looking for guests -- they negotiate with the guests who apply.  So, I don't think there's any issue with DC wanting them to be there -- the real trick is whether any of the main actors WANT to come and whether or not Creation has them locked up with exclusivity


Oh, I agree. The guests reps must apply, but I think sometimes interest might be upped if fans suggest they come. I can't imagine fans not trying to get them to come to Dragon Con though.


The problem  might be that it might take a little bit for the show to get "settled" into the Trak. By the time Misha and Samantha came, the show had been in the X-Trak for quite a few years. The first time I went to a Buffy Horror Picture Show at D*C, for example, there were about 35 of us in the room watching. Now it's generally held in a filled capacity 1000+ seat room (and now only every other year to switch with Dr. Horrible which has also become huge.)


I definitely doubt the trak runner(s) had anything to do with them not coming again... but it may have played a role in why SPN was no longer in the X-trak? (I have no idea). That trak is less full in terms of shows than the Urban Fantasy Trak. So now SPN has to fight for panel time with more shows... And instead of being in one of the main hotels like it was back then, it's now in one of the farther away hotels which gets much less traffic. This past couple of years has seen the biggest changes in the various traks. I'm still getting used to it.


Or maybe the reps for the SPN folks just think D*C is too small potatoes compared to Comic Con?


Maybe now that boys both live in Texas getting to DragonCon won't be as difficult?


Oh, I would love that. If they only realized how big D*C is. I was lucky that I got an overflow hotel room, and I booked it in late Jan or early Feb (the Con hotels - all 5 of them, and they are huge - were already sold out). Dragon*Con is in Sept.

Jensen vs Charlie  and Misha vs Ian Somehalder in the zap2it social media showdown


This sets up a showdown between Jensen and Misha in the final round. 



Edited by catrox14

Jensen vs Charlie  and Misha vs Ian Somehalder in the zap2it social media showdown


This sets up a showdown between Jensen and Misha in the final round. 



Don't let Jensen or Misha loose...lol.  However it will bite as we won't know who's ahead in the final round.    Of course they are saying the supernatural fans are fierce...a force to be reckon with...why can't we feel our power in the stories we want told.  lol

I think it's actually a side handstand kind of thing.  He was a cheerleaderand  a baseball player and we've see him run like the wind in The End and we've seen him vault gymnastics style over that fence in Asylum  and an jump like a ballet dancer..so...that upper body strength...sigh.

Jensen vs Charlie  and Misha vs Ian Somehalder in the zap2it social media showdown


This sets up a showdown between Jensen and Misha in the final round. 



Charlie is gonna win as she is picking up speed, so if you want Jensen to be in the showdown with Misha you have to vote.  Just saying.  :)


Jensen how come you got so much talent...sigh  I hope once Supernatural is over he continues to act, I would hate that all we would get is a shot from twitter and such.

Felicia has a huge online fanbase, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she ousted Jensen.


I don't get this competition, it's about social media and Jensen is still in it? I mean, I love the guy, but I wouldn't say he's a social media king or anything...now Misha and Felicia I get. Sorry, I just never understand these sorts of things.

Um.  Seriously, Jensen. You need to stop now.  This is unfair.

Nicole Watson @nicole_watson__  ·  53m 53 minutes ago

When @JensenAckles supports your golf team



Pfft.  I can do that.  I just don't want to.  

Edited by Demented Daisy
  • Love 4

Okay, so baseball is my favorite sport.  I have crushed on more baseball players than actors.  I watch entirely too much baseball. Baseball is life.  So what does this have to do with Jensen? Well, we know he played baseball. But honestly I figured it was just you know high school and he's a natural athlete but maybe baseball wasn't like a big deal to him. But NOPE that SOB really did PLAY BASEBALL. Liike a lot apparently.


So this tidbit that I ran across in an interview for the 100th episode has done me in. Jensen compared playing baseball to acting.  


On how filming Supernatural is like playing baseball:
"I used to play a lot of baseball. It's not getting in a hitting slump, but I'm gonna switch up my swing a little bit to see how that serves me. And now I'm not getting the cramps in the legs, the elbows or anything like that. And I'm hitting the ball farther in my eyes."



OMG this just ... I can't even.  If you took out the "I used to play baseball a lot" this is what the Troy Tulowitzkis and Carlos Gonzalez's say about baseball (why yes they are my favorite players)


Fuck me.  I'm dead. Jensen Ackles has finally killed me. I just can't even deal with the awesomeness of this.  I'll be in my bunk. Dead.

And so it will be.. Misha vs Jensen in the final round of the Zap2It Social Media showdown. 


I will admit right now, I am voting for Jensen. I mean Misha got the PCA! Jensen deserves something!



And so it will be.. Misha vs Jensen in the final round of the Zap2It Social Media showdown. 


I will admit right now, I am voting for Jensen. I mean Misha got the PCA! Jensen deserves something!



Right now Jensen is in the lead.  Which is kind of funny since really he's the one doing the least on social media. 


I think one reason supernatural stays on the air, it gains lots of new viewers which aren't tired of the same old storyline and the cons are so much fun you can't help but watch.  Some cons are better than others.  Las Vegas was really cool, and all I've done is laugh whenever I've found a clip to watch.


JMD confirmed he was upset with what they did to his character but still says he would like to return at least once to show the love he has for his boys.  You can really see the affection they have for each other, but Jensen might be the favorite, just a tad.  Although it was hoot to see the three of them planning the pranks they would do to Jensen if they got their wish and had Mom, Sam and Dad all together again, with Jensen directing them.  Of course, Jensen responded with guys I'm right here...like you dorks I can hear you.  :) 


Jensen also talked about why Misha and Mark made it as series regulars, requirement must be able to goof off and when the time come to shoot the scene jump into character at a split second. 


Looks like being a goof and dork is requirement to hang out on a more permanent basis.  LOL.


ETA:  my brain gets ahead of my typing realized what I said didn't make sense if you can't read my mind.  Hopefully it's more clear now.

Edited by 7kstar

Misha is more active for a longer time on social media BUT considering Jensen is a relative noob to social media he's shown a real knack for using it to great effect. He's either funny, or goofy and seems to always post something that creates buzz. He only joined Twitter because the fanbase was pushing him to join. Jensen may not  use it as a platform for his charitable causes to the degree that Misha or Stephen Amell has but that's okay. He still participates in charitable causes. And look how quickly he amassed over a million Twitter followers. I think he actually has more FB followers than either Misha or Jared. Best of all, he's largely managed to avoid saying really stupid or controversial things on Twitter unlike Jared.



Oh I agree Jensen has been smart and hasn't had the issues Jared has for not thinking before he tweets.  I think this is part of his personality.  I don't think Jensen is really shy but a thinker.  He said he thought the best way to learn was just to shut up and listen and see what is happening.  Honestly you learn a lot when you can do that.  So he has watched the mistakes Jared has made and learned.


Although he certainly is getting some grief about his dancing pics with Misha.  lol.  So he can be spontaneous when the time hits him.


I too have been voting for Jensen, so it will be interesting to see what happens as they are close and not  that far apart.


If Jensen wins you can bet he will come up with a payback of sorts since Misha won the PCA and rubbed it in Jensen's face.  :)

Oh it wasn't mean, just kind of joking back and forth.  I can't remember where I saw it and I'm probably making it bigger than it was. 


I think the 2 goof balls like giving each other a hard time, but it's all done with teasing.  Which is how I see Jensen giving it back.  I don't think there is really any real heat about whose gotten what.

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