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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I just saw on Twitter that Jensen said at JIB that he had a "fundamental problem" with Dean leaving Sam in the cave but there was no time to change the script. Said it didn't square with Dean for all these years. I am so glad he said this. I thought it was a huge writing fail and I didn't buy the idea that this was character growth or that it made sense. 

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Saturday J2/J2M panel from JIB9.

Just starting, but the most interesting Q/A so far for me, they were asked to say something they felt beautiful about each other. After the requisite joking, Jared loves that Jensen is the friend who will call him on his bullshit, and Jensen loves Jared's ability to enliven, lighten and make a room better just by walking in.  

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2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Just starting, but the most interesting Q/A so far for me, they were asked to say something they felt beautiful about each other. After the requisite joking, Jared loves that Jensen is the friend who will call him on his bullshit, and Jensen loves Jared's ability to enliven, lighten and make a room better just by walking in.

That was really sweet from both of them and I think that Jared was deeply moved by Jensen's answer. Nice friendship.

Edited by belbar
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1 hour ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I watched that and was interested to see they didn't really look each other in the eye during the answers - like it would have pushed them over the edge. So nice. 

Yes.  I also thought it was telling that Jensen immediately knew Jared was distracted and hat it was the monitor that was doing it.  They know each other pretty well. 

Also, at SPNUK (I think), hey asked who was the ‘Mom’ in the group and they said no one.  But I think ‘Uncle Ackles’ is.  Just by the way Jared seems to take mentoring from him.  

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1 hour ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I watched that and was interested to see they didn't really look each other in the eye during the answers - like it would have pushed them over the edge. So nice. 

This is in no way meant to disparage, it's just something I've always noticed about their dynamic since I've been following them. I fully believe they are both sincere and each admires and loves the other, but: Jensen's answer is about Jared, and Jared's answer is about.. what Jensen does for Jared. And it's not the fisrt time they've answered similar questions this way. I think it's an innate part of their natures. It's amazingly like the Sam/Dean dynamic, to me.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

This is in no way meant to disparage, it's just something I've always noticed about their dynamic since I've been following them. I fully believe they are both sincere and each admires and loves the other, but: Jensen's answer is about Jared, and Jared's answer is about.. what Jensen does for Jared. And it's not the fisrt time they've answered similar questions this way. I think it's an innate part of their natures. It's amazingly like the Sam/Dean dynamic, to me.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen any evidence that their friendship is one-sided or that Jared is a taker. It seems equally affectionate to me.

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I didn't see an implication that Jensen and Jared's relationship is one-sided from what gonzogirrl said, but more an observation of the roles within that friendship. I think they both clearly love each other dearly, but I do think that, from the beginning, Jensen's role has been that of big brother in many ways. He seems to be, by nature, a care-taker; and I think that Jared's personality is much more little-brother-y - funny, look-at-me (not in a bad way) - than Jensen's, though they are both, IRL, little brothers (and also big brothers). That's been my impression - incredibly uninformed and not knowing either of them AT ALL - from seeing them interact starting with season 1. 

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12 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen any evidence that their friendship is one-sided or that Jared is a taker. It seems equally affectionate to me.

I didn't say that so please don't put words in my mouth. I'm not going to debate it or defend my observations. I believe in their friendship and brotherly love for each other. They are just different people. Nothing wrong with that.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
missing words
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13 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

They are just different people. Nothing wrong with that.

I think this is the key.  They obviously both get what they need from the friendship, or it wouldn't have lasted this long.  It will be interesting to see if that relationship changes once they're no longer working together.  

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Anything else come out of Jib? Panels with J2M all together are so rare...and I always enjoy them. I’ve only seen them all in person together once, but it’s probably one of the best panels I’ve seen. 

I saw the part where Misha said that the AU!Cas accent was his own idea...but what about the mouth twitch? Upon a re-watch, it bothered me less lol. 

So I expect a lot of hate for this but as someone who enjoys the dynamics between jensen and misha, I am genuinely curious as to why Jared thought it was necessary that he crash the Jensen misha panel. Jared got to participate in a solo panel, a j2 panel, a misha panel and a j2m panel. Why weren’t Jensen and misha allowed a panel to themselves, we only get one a year

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, devlin said:

So I expect a lot of hate for this but as someone who enjoys the dynamics between jensen and misha, I am genuinely curious as to why Jared thought it was necessary that he crash the Jensen misha panel. Jared got to participate in a solo panel, a j2 panel, a misha panel and a j2m panel. Why weren’t Jensen and misha allowed a panel to themselves, we only get one a year

No hate from me. I don’t know if it’s true, but I think I remember hearing he did that the last time there was a Jensen/Misha panel too. ??‍♀️

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Honesty and the ability to ground others are positive qualities one can admire in a friend, just like being able to liven up a room is a positive quality one can admire in a friend. I don’t personally see how Jared’s answer was less about Jensen than Jensen’s was about Jared, but miles vary. Not trying to debate or argue, just sharing my own thoughts.


No hate, but I really don’t understand why people get so frustrated with the panel-sharing. That’s just me, of course, and I know others feel differently. Jared’s solo panel yesterday saw Jensen, Rich, and Rob sharing the stage for part or all of the time (I’m aware Jared wasn’t feeling well). Jared was supposed to do a solo panel at Nerd HQ (SDCC 2016, I believe?) but ended up sharing with Jensen, Misha, and Mark Sheppard. Just not that big a deal when it happens regardless of whom it happens to, IMO. All of the actors are friends and no malice is intended. Most of the complaints seemed to come from people who weren’t even in attendance, and some of the comments about (and to) Jared on Twitter over what is, at the end of the day, just a panel, are so heinous and vile that they’re honestly nauseating to read. Those members of the SPN “family” desperately need to gain some perspective, and fast.


Editing to clarify that my last comment is directed solely at the people spewing hate, not those voicing their disappointment in a reasonable way!

Edited by cavelupum
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38 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

How do you know Jared wasn't invited to join?  

I just saw what was supposed to be a "Jared-only" panel on Saturday and Jensen came out at the start and said he, Rich & Rob had nothing better to do and were going to join Jared. First 4 mins and Jared didn't uttered a word.  Modified:  In fact, the first 10 mins, Jared looked a pretty low on energy.  And the other guys seemed to be there out of love.

So, I think they do what they do and it's all part of how they roll.

ETA: See next comment.


Edited by SueB
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, devlin said:

So I expect a lot of hate for this but as someone who enjoys the dynamics between jensen and misha, I am genuinely curious as to why Jared thought it was necessary that he crash the Jensen misha panel. Jared got to participate in a solo panel, a j2 panel, a misha panel and a j2m panel. Why weren’t Jensen and misha allowed a panel to themselves, we only get one a year

No hate, but I'd say they make choices in the green room as a group. If Jensen & Misha felt it was important to have the panel "alone", they would have made that clear.

Edited by SueB
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, cavelupum said:

No hate, but I really don’t understand why people get so frustrated with the panel-sharing. That’s just me, of course, and I know others feel differently.

I don't mind panel-sharing for the most part, but we get to see J2 all the time but rarely get to see them interact individually with others.  For me, as a Dean/Jensen fan, I want to see/hear him by himself and not always relating to/responding to Jared's jokes and comments.   IMO--and this is *not* a slur against Jared--when he's in a good and happy mood, Jared does tend to take over conversations.   Jensen tends to speak slower, be more serious, and think longer before he answers, and Jared speaks faster and usually jokes around more, so in the J2 and other "shared" panels I've seen/watched, Jared tends to speak more and others often get interrupted or distracted.  That IMO is just Jared's way and it works well in the J2 panels because they play off each other so well and are always entertaining; but it can get frustrating when you want to hear a serious answer from Jensen and Jared keep joking.   From what I've heard (and seen in bits and pieces), Jensen has a different dynamic with other guests/friends, and I'd like to get a chance to see that.  No hate, just looking for something different than all the panels we've seen over and over.  

I think solo panels are very draining, and if they see a friend is low on energy for whatever reason, or not feeling the best, I believe the others jump in to help out.  I don't know if things are planned in advance.  

Edited by ahrtee
removed extra word
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I think the bottom line is people who paid to attend are promised a set of panels and expect to get what they paid for. I think it gets forgotten in the lovefest sometimes that cons are a business and fans are also customers. They have a right to what they paid for and to complain when they don't.  I also realize the stars give up their time to be there, but they are paid handsomely for it as well. It's a job and they agree to do it. 

As for fans who weren't there, I think talking amongst ourselves is perfectly fine, but complaining directly to the actors and organizers on social media... just, no. And spewing hate is never acceptable. 

All that said, I also know that some of the funniest and sweetest, and most memorable  moments come from the impromptu 'crashing' from all parties, and it seems like it's pretty much become the norm at JIB. It does sound like the majority of the audience in attendance loves it if the audio is anything to go by. 

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It's obvious Jared was having a hard time and Jensen, Rob and Rich came on stage to support him.  JIB seems difficult for Jared for some reason.

Jensen's solo was great.  Some good questions and he gives such interesting answers.  He did say something about all the various stages a script goes through once it leaves the writer's hands.  Maybe we shouldn't always blame the writers - although I think the Duo have final say and that's why their scripts are often childish and nonsense.

I'm biased in every way - but how does Jensen look so good?  They've got to be sleep deprived.  I'm sure they party and drink - when in Rome and all that, and he's 40!  Just a few sexy eye crinkles that's about it.  Sometimes I think Supernatural's all real and he's made a deal with a crossroads demon.  LOL

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

This is in no way meant to disparage, it's just something I've always noticed about their dynamic since I've been following them. I fully believe they are both sincere and each admires and loves the other, but: Jensen's answer is about Jared, and Jared's answer is about.. what Jensen does for Jared. And it's not the fisrt time they've answered similar questions this way. I think it's an innate part of their natures. It's amazingly like the Sam/Dean dynamic, to me.

As other have mentioned, we can't know every little thing about their friendship, but from how they often interact at cons and such, I have to agree with this post and especially with the bolded part. Life imitating Art or Art imitating Life, this is what I see also, and for the most part, again from the very limiting public views we get of them when they're together at the cons.

The solo panels are great because we get to see them on an individual basis and I honestly feel that their ease and comfort regarding the solo panels has somewhat reversed since they first started doing cons in that I think JA is now far more comfortable and at ease with doing them, while JP seems less so. And I also agree that Jared seems to struggle more at JibCon than at any other-maybe because this con has always been much more geared towards the actors as individuals than Creation cons and, at some point, the pairing highlight became more JA and MC, rather than JA and JP, as it is with Creation. Certainly, some of the best and most memorable JA/MC panels to come out of any of the cons has happened at JibCon, and(again IMO) many go to JibCon specifically for this aspect and precisely because it is less prevalent at the Creation Cons, at this point.

So this makes sense to me, too...

6 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I think the bottom line is people who paid to attend are promised a set of panels and expect to get what they paid for. I think it gets forgotten in the lovefest sometimes that cons are a business and fans are also customers. They have a right to what they paid for and to complain when they don't.  I also realize the stars give up their time to be there, but they are paid handsomely for it as well. It's a job and they agree to do it. 

As for fans who weren't there, I think talking amongst ourselves is perfectly fine, but complaining directly to the actors and organizers on social media... just, no. And spewing hate is never acceptable. 

So, IMO, the panel crashing should be kept to a minimum for these very reasons-unless, as others have pointed out, the main reason for it is that the main participant(s), for some reason, needs or wants the help and has asked for it.

And I think that the con people should inform their customers of this possibility when they put the tickets on sale in the interests of full disclosure and as they do in the event of sudden cancellations regarding the guests.

People might still complain about it, but they wouldn't and couldn't be able to say that they weren't warned. I'm not sure if it would affect sales, but I doubt that it would, and IMO, if they're going to continue this kind of laid back approach to the make-up of the panels, it would only be right.

Edited by Myrelle
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

It's obvious Jared was having a hard time and Jensen, Rob and Rich came on stage to support him.  JIB seems difficult for Jared for some reason.

Jensen's solo was great.  Some good questions and he gives such interesting answers.  He did say something about all the various stages a script goes through once it leaves the writer's hands.  Maybe we shouldn't always blame the writers - although I think the Duo have final say and that's why their scripts are often childish and nonsense.

I'm biased in every way - but how does Jensen look so good?  They've got to be sleep deprived.  I'm sure they party and drink - when in Rome and all that, and he's 40!  Just a few sexy eye crinkles that's about it.  Sometimes I think Supernatural's all real and he's made a deal with a crossroads demon.  LOL

I don't think Jared's less comfortable doing panels, but he seems to be a bit unlucky with Jibcon.  One year he had to leave before everything started because his sister-in-law was in an accident, another year he injured his shoulder, two years ago he had the exhaustion/depression/anxiety issues and decided to opt out, and this year he wasn't feeling well and had to cut his photo ops or autos short.  I remember watching his solo panel last year and he seemed really tired and out-of-it.  Sometimes I think all the con and other appearances take a major toll.

Edited by BlueSapphire
  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

I don't think Jared's less comfortable doing panels, but he seems to be a bit unlucky with Jibcon.  One year he had to leave before everything started because his sister-in-law was in an accident, another year he injured his shoulder, two years ago he had the exhaustion/depression/anxiety issues and decided to opt out, and this year he wasn't feeling well and had to cut his photo ops or autos short.  I remember watching his solo panel last year and he seemed really tired and out-of-it.  Sometimes I think all the con and other appearances take a major toll.

Probably Jared gets worn down at the end of the seasons.

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Okay if I'm understanding correctly (and there is every chance I'm not, so don't take it for gospel this was supposed to be Jared's solo panel, but he wasn't feeling up to it, so Jensen, Rob and Rich stayed on stage with him? I'm assuming Jensen was trying to distract from it all - so if anyone wants to see what it's like when Jensen is being a distraction, have a watch. You're welcome :)

Does he actually drop an f bomb? Yes, I think he does. LOL.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Okay if I'm understanding correctly (and there is every chance I'm not, so don't take it for gospel this was supposed to be Jared's solo panel, but he wasn't feeling up to it, so Jensen, Rob and Rich stayed on stage with him? I'm assuming Jensen was trying to distract from it all - so if anyone wants to see what it's like when Jensen is being a distraction, have a watch. You're welcome :)

Does he actually drop an f bomb? Yes, I think he does. LOL.


Jensen was in a really silly mood.  :)

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, BlueSapphire said:

Sometimes I think all the con and other appearances take a major toll.

They must be pretty whacked by the time JIB comes around.  Plus missing home and family.  Jensen seems able to cope, but it takes its toll on Jared I think.  Maybe next year when the kids are a bit older the whole family can come.

On 01/05/2018 at 5:32 PM, Bobcatkitten said:

I was looking at superwiki the other day and we have had no good music this whole season. It's very disappointing. The music is an important part of this show. 

I'm putting together a karaoke setlist for a convention right now and I have nothing to use from the last two seasons. Pretty sad.


But to be fair, I think that ship sailed long ago. They're always looking for ways to keep the budget tight and it's pretty clear music was among the first to take a hit. Which is a shame, as a good classic rock tune can do wonders to give some oomph to scenes that would be pretty mundane otherwise.

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