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I just finished the season this past weekend and my overall thought is: just as the show was finally hitting its stride, it got cancelled. Ah well.

- There may have been missteps here and there throughout the series but I really enjoyed this cast. I'd say probably the guy who plays Chase was the weakest of them all (the girl who plays Molly is still a kid so I'll excuse her) but he improved this season.

- I'm gonna miss Tina. She was one of the worst parents but Brittany Ishibashi made her so entertaining whether she was regular Tina or alien Tina.

- Nico truly came into her own this season and all the stunts, magic, emotions she went through pushed her right to the top of my favourite character list. Heck, I think the Minors were by far the most interesting family as a whole.

- The visuals and the stunt work were impressive this season especially in the dark dimension.

I'll probably came back after a rewatch with more thoughts but I wanted to put those down first.

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Chase: Why is the phone floating? 
Gert: I guess I didn't download that app.

Tina: Those karate lessons were worth every penny.

Chase: Hi, you might remember us as those runaway Brentwood teens who were accused of murder and kidnapping a while ago. You know, maybe we don't have the best credibility for this.
Gert: It's the internet. Credibility isn't a thing.

Nico: I may not want to be [Morgan's] disciple in magic, but if she could teach me how to walk like that in heels.

Molly: I feel like we got a little off topic when Gert started talking about the underpaid WizPhone workers in China.
Gert: There's more than one sin going on with these phones, okay?

Chase: Wait, the camera's on, but it doesn't see me.
Gert: That's like your worst nightmare, isn't it?

Bodhi: Hey, Molly. Are you okay?
Molly: Umm, no. It's been a shitty day. And a shitty week. And a shitty month
Bodhi: Whoa, language. This is a church. I'm kidding.

Geoffrey: Since when do you two hang out?
Stacey: Well, that's a long, funny story.
Victor: And not relevant.

Stacey: Guess that hideous crow necklace should have been a giveaway.

Molly: You promise you won't judge?
Bodhi: Molly, if judging was my thing, I wouldn't live in a tent and chop vegetables all day.

Gert: Dale, you're a Gibb. You smell like death.
Dale: Okay, that is my Kombucha scoby. It's a little on the funky side this week. I'm just kind of adjusting the yeast ratios. It's kind of a tenuous situation.

Robert: Of course a book about her [opens th secret door]. Narcissism 101.

Chase: Are you okay?
Gert: Yeah, I'm being tied to a chair by some supermodel witches. All my dreams are coming true.

Stacey: Omigawd, what is that fetid stench?
Dale: That would be me, honeybun. I'm sorry. I've been living off the grid. If I knew today was kidnapping day, I most likely would've bathed. Hey, sweetheart, why are you hanging out with Victor Stein? 
Stacey: Oh. We're just friends. I mean, the aliens used our bodies for a physical release, but the sex meant nothing.
Dale: What?
Stacey: Also I am super sorry for trying to kill you.
Dale: Okay, the killing part I can understand, I guess, because you were - but you getting jiggy with Victor? I'm thinking we're back in couples therapy twice a week.
Stacey: Maybe three times.

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Awww, poor Molly. She finally found someone to like and he has been spying on her for the coven. I didn't suspect anything until he asked someone where Karolina and her friends were. That seemed sketchy. He didn't seem like he was being coerced or blackmailed into cooperating with the witches which just makes his betrayal even worse. At least we can understand why Geoffrey is cooperating with Morgan - Alex has been missing for six months and he's desperate to get him back (although I can't wait to hear what Alex will say when he find out about his dad and Tamar!).

After the witches knocked out and kidnapped Dale, Stacey, Victor, Karolina, Chase, and Gert, the six of them were all together but Molly was not with them. I guess they took her to Morgan?

Dale would probably get along with Vaughn (or at least they could compare notes on what the kids are saying these days).

Heh, I loved that Geoffrey and Dale both immediately asked why Stacey and Victor were hanging out. I've been enjoying their new friendship so I hope the fact that Stacey and Dale have been kind of reunited doesn't change that.

Poor Nico. As Chase said earlier in the season, Robert seemed like the least evil of all the parents. He said that Morgan gave him his life and that she was always going to take it back. Does he mean that she magically cured him when he was in the hospital or is there more to it than that? Did she create him for Tina so that she could eventually take him away? If so, brave to Morgan for playing the long con.

I get Karolina being concerned about Nico being around Morgan, but as Nico pointed out, Karolina was just as bad when she trusted Jonah to teach her about her glow powers. At least Nico has a specific goal in mind (rescuing Alex) and is being honest with her friends about the fact that she's doing it (as opposed to Karolina sneaking around for most of S2 and lying to everyone about where she was going, what she was doing, etc).

Awww, I'm glad that Janet is still around, even if it's a digital version of her.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Ty: Who's Morgan? 
Nico: Your boss? Morgan le Fay?
Ty: Like from King Arthur?
Nico: It doesn't matter. It's time for you to get out. 
Tandy: Is that a threat?
Nico: Is that a glowstick? Must be great for trick or treating.
Tandy: How about I jump in your head, take a look at your deepest hopes? Or maybe Ty here can show you your worst fears?
Nico: Great powers. What are you going to do? Hope me to death?

Chase: I can't get out. These must be like extra strength ropes.
Gert: Trying to flex your way out is extra pointless.

Stacey: We have to find a way out of here.
Victor: We have some of the world's most brilliant minds in this room. And Dale. We'll come up with a plan.
Dale: Not cool, bro.

Chase: No worries, I already got a plan.
Gert: Falling on your face - great plan.
Chase: Falling on my face next to you.
Stacey: Oh, that is so sweet, but not helpful.

Chase: We could untie each other working together.
Victor: Chase, pull the other end.
Chase: The one with the underhand loop?
Victor: No, that's a cleat hitch. Four years of sailing lessons wasted.
Chase: We're screwed. Again.
Gert: More like still.

Tandy: So you used a spell you couldn't control to get to another dimension but an evil sorceress escaped, trapped your friend there, then you tried to fix it all by using another spell you couldn't control.
Nico: Well, anything sounds bad if you say it like that.

Tandy: I'm sorry, what are your powers again?
Chase: Oh, uh, I got these supercool bionic prosthetic gauntlets called Fistigons. That aren't here.
Gert: I am psychically linked to a dinosaur who is also not here.
Tandy: Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. At least one of you guys has some firepower.
Nico: Uh, extraterrestrial abilities don't work in here, so Karolina's-
Karolina: Powerless. As usual.

Nico: Quinton? Hello?
Chase: It's us, your favorite band of racially diverse youths. Well, not me.

Tandy: Well, that looks bad.
Nico: We should probably check out this blood covered sword box, right?
Gert: Please, no dead magicians.

Chase: Let's go get the skinny nerd.

Gert: Cool spell, Nico.
Nico: Uh, not my spell. I was going to turn their hands into cantaloupes.
Ty: That would have been pretty cool.

Chase: Did you do that with your cape? What is it with the magical outerwear in this place?
Quinton: Young man, the cape is Savile Row.

Chase: I'm fine. It's like Coach Alphona says - don't let yesterday's loss take up too much of today.
Ty: I'm pretty sure that was John Wooden.
Chase: Did Coach Alphona say anything original?
Ty: You play ball?
Chase: Lacrosse. Well, used to.
Ty: Yeah. Used to. It's basically the same game. The hoop is just the goal with no goalie.
Chase: Yeah, and the three point line is like the box.
Gert: This dude bonding is my Dark Dimension.

Karolina: I'm Team Nico.
Tandy: Is it really a team, though? Cause it seems like we're just blindly following her.

Gert: If If we make it out of here alive and the regular world doesn't fall prey to Morgan's evil plan, I fully intend on going to college. And I'm pretty sure I can't board my little sister and my pet deinonychus in my dorm room at Smith.

Alex: Maybe you saw some dark dimension version of me, okay? Minds kind of get broken over there. Now that I'm back, I'm fine, okay? Trust me. It's not like I played a One With Nothing Card and I got mindflavored, okay? If I did that, then you'd have to send me on back there.
Everyone: ...
Alex: It's a Magic: The Gathering reference.
Chase: It's definitely Wilder.

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I just can't with Karolina's blatant jealousy of Morgan and the coven. She flat out accused Nico of leaving the group (but we really know she meant herself) for Morgan, despite the fact that Nico has told her repeatedly that she was playing along with Morgan in order to gain her trust so that she could get back to the other dimension to find Alex. But it's in one ear and out the other with Karolina, who is acting like Nico dumped her and ran off with someone else. And again the hypocrisy since Karolina snuck around to learn from Jonah last season.

Now that Nico isn't wearing those huge bulky coats, she looks so tiny. It was even more noticeable in the wedding scene. Awwww and Nico's wish is to marry Karolina!

Seriously, Tandy couldn't tell everyone what she saw before she and Ty left? That way the group could decide what to do with that information themselves. But just leaving without telling them seems like a bad idea. At least right now there isn't a way for him to gain Karolina's glow skills, Nico's staff, and Gert's psychic link to Old Lace. But I guess that means that's exactly what Morgan will offer him.

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Chase: [Molly] kicked my ass. I'm sure she'll be fine.
Gert: That's not exactly the barometer of toughness.

Tamar: You can't beat evil Beyoncé alone.

Victor: How do we know we can trust you?
Geoffrey: Morgan put that necklace on me and made me her damn puppet. You of all people should know how it feels for something to take over your body and make you do crazy shit.
Stacey: Touché.

Gert: This is a crazy storm for LA.
Karolina: The whole reason people move to LA is to avoid weather like this.
Chase: Taco trucks come a close second.

Gert: Omigawd, Molly, you're back! Oh, with our on-again/off-again evil parents.
Chase: Hey, dad. Welcome back to our not-so-secret hideout.
Dale: Okay, was everybody invited to the housewarming party but old Dale?
Gert: I wouldn't classify it as a party.
Dale: As far as secret lairs go, it's pretty sweet.

Gert: Every good dictator - and by good I mean bad - needs a loyal army to maintain power.

Molly: Can't we just take down the phones somehow? I mean, calls drop all the time in LA.

Tina: We can't be reckless. Morgan's magic is too strong. But there may be a way to contain it - with a circle of salt.
Nico: Like a Wiccan magic circle. It's used to create a sacred space, a barrier to limit spells.
Gert: Seriously? Like table salt? It's really that simple?
Tina: It's not simple at all. It needs to be imbued with magic, forged with blood.
Dale: Okay, that sounds terrifying.

Stacey: You need a hospital. 
Geoffrey: No, it's too dangerous. I just need a couple of cold towels, mouthwash, and Mr. Clean.

Geoffrey: Missed you at your mother's funeral.
Alex: Sorry, I was possessed by a psychotic Gibb, then thrown into another dimension.

Dale: It's asparagus anosmia!

Dale: Magic is just science we don't understand.

Molly: I can't believe you made a centrifuge out of Chase's protein shake blender.
Dale: Well, sometimes you girls forget your dad is a bioengineering genius. Now, Gert, please, you don't have to say don't say anything, okay? I know that I make it easy most of the time for you to forget the genius part.

Dale: Now it may sting just a little bit, and you're going to feel a slight sense of euphoria as well as a few other side effects: dizziness, upset stomach, swelling of the extremities, also known as sausage fingers.
Molly: Wait, sausage fingers? Why didn't you tell me that before you injected me?

Janet: Victor, it's a shame we don't have that disruptor we put together that weekend at the lake.
Victor: I'm afraid the FBI took possession of that a long time ago.
Chase: You two invented something that was confiscated by the FBI?
Victor: Your mother and I had a rebellious streak in our youth. All great inventors do.

Nico: You can't force people to follow you.That has to be earned.
Morgan: I beg to differ.

Gert: Aren't you supposed to be some great powerful witch? Blah blah blah. You've got the look, I'll give you that. Cape's a bit much for my taste. But I'm not going to judge a woman for what she wears. You do you. Don't try to tell me that you're some kind of symbol of female empowerment. The truth is that you're a bully and all you want is power for yourself.
Morgan: Wow. You see right through me.

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Chase knows that his parents have done terrible things for Pride over the years but somehow he seemed surprised that they invented something that the FBI confiscated ages ago. Yes, THAT is what your parents have done that's totally unbelievable.

It took us three seasons but we finally had the kids and the parents working together. Well, some of them. I don't know if Stacey, Victor, and Leslie standing around while Geoffrey bleeds out really counts as helping (I kid, I kid - I know they were each doing their part). It was nice to finally see everyone on the same team.

Man, the Liz Hurley boob shots just increased exponentially as the season went on. I was totally cracking up that after Nico threw the light/dark dagger thing, the camera zoomed right into her cleavage so we could see the dagger.

Liz Hurley was cast perfectly for this role (I mean aside from the boobs). Her droll "Wow, you see right through me," after Gert's speech was hilarious.

So where did that phone come from that temporarily got to Chase? Did Morgan send it magically? Or is someone in the hostel secretly Team Morgan? My money is still on Alex for that, but he still gets a high five for stabbing Pansy Parkinson.

Is Gert really dead? I can't tell if the show would really kill off one of them main characters. Of course it would be the girl who's been longing to be normal and just go to college and is finally making amends with her ex. Poor Old Lace!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Alex: But you don't have the staff. 
Nico: I've leveled up, asshole.

Nico: I was studying with a master. Look, just think Coach Alphona but with powerful spells instead of, you know, bad sports analogies.

Alex: Hey, things happen, okay? One of you went on a mysterious sojourn to a secret location for an unknown period of time. The other stayed at home and met a cute grad student. That's life.

Alex: Omigawd. Of all the people in the world, you get to become a Time Lord? That is so unfair.
Nico: I assume that's a Doctor Who reference that, like always, lands with a thud.

Future Chase: A bomb was placed in [Alex's] office. It went off but he survived.
Molly:Whoa, that's the exact same method Pride used to kill my parents.
Future Chase: I'm afraid over time some of us follow in their footsteps. 
Nico: Who? 
Future Chase: I can't say.
Karolina: Because you don't know?
Future Chase: No, because too much information about your future could create a shift in the timeline and the results of that could be devastating.
Molly: More devastating than turning evil and trying to kill each other?

Nico: I see a quick solution here. I put Alex in a spell and we keep him quarantined until we're sure we're safe.
Alex: Oh, wait a minute, quarantine - do you mean like in a hospital or jail or something?
Nico: I can make it nice - like Fiji or Hawaii. Or that new Star Wars hotel!
Alex: Actually tempting.

Alex: So, you guys met the future me. I'm not that bad, am I?
Molly: You pistol-whipped Karolina's girlfriend.
Alex: Wow, okay, but I didn't shoot her, so there's hope.

Karolina: After this is all over, Julie and I are going to take a Disney cruise and have a very long talk.

Alex: I feel nauseous.
Chase: Well, that's because you just went in reverse around a donut-shaped vacuum where space-time can get bent upon itself using focused gravitational fields to form a closed timeline curve.

Karolina: I can't blame them for not knowing what they don't know.
Gert: Well, uh, that's actually called ignorance, and it's totally okay to blame them for it.

Gert: Yeah, who'd want to hang out with intelligent, confident women challenging institutional power structures? So boring.

Chase: I was auditioning for, um, Pirates of Penance.
Gert: That says Penzance.

Past Alex: I'm Alex. Who is that? 
Molly: It's you from the future. 
Past Alex: I got contacts? 

Student: Please don't kill me. I can't die before Hillary is elected!

Nico: This is getting too complicated,which brings me again to the fastest way out of here. You, exiled to Hawaii. 
Alex: Or the Star Wars hotel. 
Nico: Yeah, fine. Your choice. 
Future Alex: Take the hotel.

Molly: Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring evil future Alex along with us.

Morgan: If this is the place where we have to pause the action to listen to your moving speech about how evil I am, let's just skip that part, shall we?

Chase: The weirdest thing happened. I just got punched out by myself.

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My favorite thing about future Nico is that she finally abandoned the too pale foundation and the ton of black eyeliner. I loved seeing Nico so calm and confident about using magic. Morgan was right about Nico needing to embrace her power instead of being afraid of it and what she needed in order to do that was to learn how to control it.

I wish future Alex had spilled the truth about the future. I wanted to hear about how Chase got his scar and who turned out evil (and who really sent the bomb to Alex's office). I did like that they had the kids struggle with the ethical dilemma of what to do to present day Alex who hadn't actually committed any of future Alex's sins. As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.

Final body count for S3: Catherine, Robert, Janet (kind of ), Jonah (plus his wife and daughter), Gert (temporarily), and future Chase.

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On 12/16/2019 at 9:08 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Karolina said they missed prom and graduation but weren't they already hiding from their parents at the hostel aka not going to school before they disappeared into the other dimension? Did the kids really think they were going to be able to graduate without attending school? I know Victor and Stacey/Dale kind of kept to themselves because of their work but NO ONE noticed that they were gone for six months?


Wow, Geoffrey and Tamar? Does he know that she had Catherine murdered as revenge for Darius? That's a pretty big secret to keep from your new boyfriend.

Gert says something about getting her GED and then going to Smith. So she hasn’t been going to school and knows she won’t graduate.  I suppose Karolina, being more conventional, cares about the big event milestones like Prom and Graduation  as events  

yes, you would think Tamar and Geoffrey have some awkward conversations in their futures. 

i think Stacy and Dale were off the grid to begin with although I may be confusing aome of the comic stuff with tv stuff. Victor was living a pretty public life, though. 

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Season Three was decent. Can't say I would have missed Gert if she had died for good.

I've always found Alex incredibly annoying, so I kind of liked him turning evil.

Chase is great and I liked all the parents, especially Tina and Gert's parents.

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Little late to this, but I am so very glad they didn’t kill off Gert for good. When the comic killed her off it was IMO a big reason the comic struggled and got cancelled. (Obviously BKV leaving was huge too, but the fact they brought gert back has lead to one of the longest runs is a sign)

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My favorite thing about future Nico is that she finally abandoned the too pale foundation and the ton of black eyeliner.

At that point they no longer had to try to convince the audience that she was a teenager. She was the only one I never bought as a high school kid and that goth makeup didn't help, IMO.

I was amused by some of the attempts to make the actors look like future adults. Most of them could straddle teenage and young adult years but Alex was an amusing fail to me. Anyhoo, I think that's probably one of the reasons the show ended. Most of the actors were not going to be viable as pretending to be teenagers and flash-forwarding them all into their twenties would eliminate the premise. Maybe at some point the show could reboot with a new set of kids?


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This season was great, it really sucks that it was a victim of Disney+ and them trying to bring everything they own under one roof. I wish they could have just moved it to Disney+ but it seems like they want a totally clean break to start a bunch of new MCU shows, which really sucks. 

It was fun seeing the kids and the parents in a better place with the parents trying to make up for the terrible things they did and trying to make things right with their kids. Janet as cyber Janet was great especially, although it sucks that Robert had to die, he was one of my favorites of the parents. I mean, I doubt that things will ever go back to normal with the kids and their parents after everything that went down, but there does seem to be progress. 

Interesting that the future stuff had a lot of comic references in the last episode (Victor! Evil Alex! Time Travel!) and it made me even more sad that the show was cancelled. It seemed like it was leading to a lot of cool stuff that we will never get to actually see now. I am also sad that we will never get another Cloak and Dagger cross-over (also victims of the Disney MCU TV purge) that was a lot of fun, and I liked the character interactions a lot, and feel like we get even more later on if we had been given a chance. There also seemed to be a lot of ideas that seemed like they were getting set up (Like Karolinas issues with magic, Chases fear of continuing his families cycle of violence, the friendship between Victor and Stacy, Alex going darker) but they just never had the time to really delve into. 

I did really like everything in the Dark Dimension and Morgan was a fun final villain. She even somehow got the dark portal stuff from the Ghost Rider arc from Agents of Shield! The ending was nice too, glad that Gert survived and they ended on kind of a happy, open note where the kids are all together and looking forward to having new adventures. 

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I'm a little late but really enjoying the season. I'm about halfway through the season.

Like mentioned above, it's really great seeing the kids and parents coexist.

I was getting a touch bored with the Gibborim, Pride, and Leslie's star baby, but I'll miss Xavin. I really loved the friendship between Molly and Xavin.

I'm just a little hurt, I really enjoyed Runaways, the Netflix-verse, and all the other Marvel-related show, that everything got axed.


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Just watched season 3 after getting access to Hulu again. It was fun to see Ty and Tandy visiting (still haven't watched season 2 of Cloak and Dagger, it's next on the list). I liked this season. It kind of felt like two seasons due to the time skip halfway through. The future storyline seemed interesting. The time travel in the final episode to save Gert seemed a little pointless. Not that I wanted Gert dead, but like, not killing her would've served the same purpose. And I think I'm more confused than ever about Marvel time travel logic. 

I loved that final scene though. I just bought that song. 

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I really liked this season. Any time the kids are all together is my favorite. 

I always thought the Chase actor was the weakest of the group but I thought he did a nice job with Gert's death and then with the future stuff.

Everyone after the time jump was interesting. I actually liked Niko better in her trousers and pastels. And she seemed much more at peace with herself even if clearly unhappy with the Karolina situation. 

I appreciate that the show always treated Karolina and Nico as just another couple and let them cuddle and kiss.

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