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While I understand Alex being upset that the girls brought Leslie back to the mansion, he doesn't really have a leg to stand on since he brought Livvie there without asking anyone beforehand. But maybe they could have blindfolded Leslie on the way so she wouldn't know the location of the super secret mansion.

I love that Nico's idea of getting rid of the goth makeup to blend in at the cult compound is wearing only half as much eyeliner as usual.

For some reason, I thought Xavin was Karolina's brother (the one who Jonah introduced her to in the hole).

Man, even with her brain back, Susan is still drinking the Gibborim Kool-Aid. I guess someone had to stay behind and get rid of Frank. Knowing what we know about the actor now, I'm glad that the show had already found a way to get rid of him (even before the news broke). I'm guessing in S3, Susan will try to get Karolina and Leslie to come back to the church.

I know I'm supposed to think Vaughn's crush on Karolina is cute but I find it creepy.

Oh, Chase, quit being such a dummy!

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S2.E13 quotes

Xavin: No one knows the origins of this story. It passed down through the generations until it was just a thing that is known. A truth. A prophecy. And at some point, the story is heard by someone who comes to believe that the story is about them. Are they crazy to believe? Or would it be crazy not to? Because this story is a love story. A love story that unites two worlds and brings peace to the universe. And so a believer stowed away on a ship that carried a family of exiled Royal Magistrates at the center of the prophecy. But the stowaway did not remain secret for long. Once exposed, the stowaway became a help to them, and soon they had mastered every skill needed to run the ship. But peace was not to last. All seemed lost. Perhaps the stowaway was not the one spoken of in the prophecy. Maybe the prophecy was not even true. Death would have been a relief from the uncertainty the stowaway suffered. Until there was a light from above. And it occurred to the stowaway that this had always been a part of the prophecy, that they had crashed in exactly the right place, because the light they saw was their beloved. My beloved. My intended. My betrothed.
Karolina: Whoa. That was a trip.
Xavin: Are you okay? I've never done that before to someone like you.
Karolina: I think so. A little invasive, but beautiful.

Karolina: It's not that I don't believe you. I believe that you believe. It's just a lot to take in.
Xavin: Our destinies are woven together by prophecy.
Karolina: Is is there maybe a hard copy of this prophecy that I could look at? Preferably written in English and not projected into my brain.

Chase: I woke up with a sore neck, and I'm pretty sure it's because Nico stuck pins in a voodoo doll with my name on it.

Xavin: How many kingdoms how many lives were given in pursuit of this treasure? High-fructose corn syrup. 
Leslie: Uh, many. Many lives. But for future reference, we don't really talk with our mouths full.
Xavin: Apologies. Shapeshifter. Still getting used to having a mouth.

Nico: This can't be a halfway house for pregnant PRIDE members and aliens with fairy tale fixations.

Alex: [Chase] wants to meet up.
[Gert, Karolina, Nico, and Molly all give him the finger]
Alex: They're interested.

Leslie: So you won't forgive me, ever?
Karolina: Forgiveness is earned over time with deeds, not words. Isn't that a fundamental Gibb teaching?

Nico: You're not coming because you're not invited! Chase doesn't even know you exist. 
Xavin: I don't require an invitation. It should be assumed that I'd go along to protect my betrothed.
Nico: She protects herself. And if she needs backup, I've got it.
Xavin: If that's the case, wouldn't it be better if there were twice the backup?
Nico: Holy shit. Am I Am I really this small?
Xavin: Exact duplicate.
Karolina: Xavin, please change back. That creeps people out.

Chase: I'm here with an offer from our parents.
Alex: Omigawd, you're one of them.

Chase: If they have to hurt you, they will, and believe me, they can. But they'd prefer you to come home without a fight, and if you're willing to do that, then PRIDE is ours.
Gert: Why would we want a totally corrupt organization and the hypocritical life that comes with that?

Gert: Molly, these boots were made to support my self-image, not my ankles!

Earl: I understand that drones are annoying, but that was totally uncalled for.
Gert: Yeah, sorry, dude. Do you have insurance or something?
Earl: Insurance is a corporate swindle invented to capitalize on our inner fears.
Gert: Oh, you're totally speaking my language.

Catherine: What is he doing? He's going to kill himself!
Geoffrey: I should've never let him play Grand Theft Auto.

Catherine: Where the hell are you, Victor?
Victor: The last person to talk to me like that works in a Malaysian toy factory for fifteen cents an hour.
Catherine: The last person who talked to me like that doesn't talk anymore.

Chase: Dad's sick. Sicker than he's ever been.
Janet: Yeah, I've noticed some things. But he's been through a lot.
Chase: I think the tumor's coming back. And now, weirdly, his skin's flaking.
Janet: Flaking how?
Chase: White, scaly.
Janet: Holy shit. 
Chase: What? It's not like dry skin's worse than a brain tumor. I mean, maybe he just needs a good moisturizer.

Jonah in Victor: You have no idea how much that one can talk. Especially on a long trip.

Molly: We have to get out of here. 
Gert: Do we? What if they're still out there?
Molly: We can't just spend the rest of our lives in a kiosk that sells men's socks.

Gert: Everyone thinks that you're the nice one. The levelheaded, concerned mom. Another lie.
Stacey: Honey, I understand your disappointment. Every kid that learns the truth about their parents thinks that they've discovered something really big, but honestly, it's like finding out the stove is hot. It hurts for a while, and then you get a scar.

Gert: Between the poisoning and the kidnapping, when did you have time to get Lasik?

Nico: Flip you. 
Tina: I love what it does to your language center. It's really kind of funny.

Alex: If I were you guys, I'd put those weapons down. LAPD has a little thing about black folks waving guns around.

Catherine: We don't want to do this, Alex. Don't make us.
Alex: I never made you do anything. And let's be clear. Everything that you guys have done has been your choice. Nobody forced you to kill those kids or to pull that trigger on Darius. You did that cause you wanted to. And now I get it. It kinda feels good to take somebody's life away. Because with a little help from Tamar and an anonymous note to a cold case detective, it's dominoes, bitch.

Jonah in Victor: I'm really disappointed. Both of you should be quicker on the uptake.

Gert: When we get out of here, I'm gonna have you eat [Dale].

Dale: I know I haven't exactly been the father of the year lately, but I think in time you will realize that what I'm doing is actually
Gert: For my own good.
Dale: Benefit.
Gert: Please, that's not possible if it involves being kidnapped and forced to run away with you and Mom. 
Dale: I agree with you on that.
Gert: Where is Mom?
Dale: Well, honey, that's kind of who we're running away from.
Gert: What?!
Dale: Your mom's been acting a little strange lately. Erratic. Violent. Actually, some might say bloodthirsty.
Gert: You don't say.
Dale: And your sister, thankfully, she got away safely, so I thought the best thing for us to do would be go on the road. Off the grid, just until your mom works through her issues. 
Gert: Okay, so let me get this straight. My murderous father is taking me on the lam because he's afraid of my even more murderous mother.
Dale: Pretty much nailed it. You know me they call me Mr. Bright Side. You and I, we have not gone on a road trip in a long time. We're going to have fun. We're going to listen to some tunes yo, play the game with the license plates. Oh, and before you say anything, Phish live from the Gorge, '99. Are you the Wolfman's Brother? Beautiful sound, from the soundboard, Trey's solos are delectably tasty. So good. You ready to float down the sea like Prince Caspian? Let's do it.

Alien in Tina: It's hard to keep these host personalities in check. This particular vessel is a control freak.

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6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I know I'm supposed to think Vaughn's crush on Karolina is cute but I find it creepy.

Vaughn is like a clone of Jaime from the Progressive Insurance ads.

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On 1/3/2019 at 12:01 PM, tennisgurl said:

When the parents thought they found the kids in the first episode, and it was a bunch of burlier people wearing the same clothes that they usually do, I almost expected someone to yell "You've captured their stunt doubles!!"

You're not the only one.

On 12/25/2018 at 4:24 PM, xaxat said:

Laid Back Not Tina is totally hot.

And she's less threatening than real Tina.

And I can't believe I'm almost through the second season and only realized now that the character with the dinosaur is named Gert

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Oh shit, Nico has Kaecilius eyes when she goes full on Witch Power! That cant be a good sign! But that is super cool, and possibly a shout out to Tina being named as a Sorcerer guarding a magical location in Doctor Strange. But I hope Nico watches herself, that might not be a safe power source to tap into. 

Oh Chase. Chase, Chase, Chase. I sort of knew this was coming, as when Victor says jump usually Chase will ask how high, but it was still really sad to see. Its actually a pretty realistic look at how hard it can be for victims of abuse to finally leave their abusers for good, even if they leave for a whole. Despite the fact that Victor tried to kill him right before he and the kids ran off at the end of last season, he still makes excuses for him, becomes hopeless at the prospect of fighting or trying to escape him and the parents for real, and quickly falls for his "no really, its different this!" manipulations when they finally talk again. Then the parents manipulate him and play on his issues and hopes to get him to join them. You can even see it in his relationships with other people, like how quick he always is to assume that Gert is mad at him for something he did wrong, and not just because Gert is growing through stuff*, or being quick to hold onto any tiny bit of kindness he gets from people, especially parental figures (yeah your parents locked us up and drugged me, but they were so nice about it!) and having father/son honeymoon period as soon as he got home. I dont know how much of the real Victor is going to be around after Jonah is done with him, or how much we have even seen "real" Victor lately, but I hope that next season, he can finally get away from him permanently.  

I think that the alien might be in Alex. Alex has been pretty damn bloodthirsty lately, like his gleefully smile when his parents got arrested was a WHOLE lot, and Gert asking if he even cared about them and Alex rattling off a bunch of stuff about facts over emotions, it seemed like something a secret alien could say. Or Alex is just messed up from everything that happened, and the alien is inside of Nico, and thats one of the reasons for her growing feelings of being off. Its not her magic, its an alien fighting for dominance inside of her!

I cant believe that they're bringing Xavin into the show! I like they way they've used "her*" so far, its a good way to adapt the character from the source material, without some of the more...questionable parts of her character and how that played out with Karolina. And the actress who is mainly playing her is doing a great job at seeming alien without going over the top. 

The party for Molly was really cute, so of course things have to go to crap. Poor kids, they just cant get any damn breaks. 

I thought this season was an improvement over last season, even though I liked last season a lot. Cant wait to see what happens next! I want more Old Lace though. Always more dinosaurs! 

*Not that I blame Gert for that, or do I think their relationship is even close to abusive. Its just the way he looks at himself in relation to other people. 

*In the comics, Xavin was a gender fluid shape shifting alien with a very different view of gender than most human societies. Here, Xavin seems to be only taking the form of women, so I guess you can call Xavin a she? Or maybe Xavin prefers they?

Edited by tennisgurl
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I have no idea why the kids have already gone back to both Nico's house and their school but no one has bothered going back to Dale and Stacey's house to get Gert's meds. Couldn't they just hide nearby, wait until Stacey and Dale leave for work, and then run in and get her medication?

Yes! I'm going through the first half of the season now and this has been driving me up a wall! They risked the school. They risked Nico's house. They know that Alex is risking Darius. But they can't risk the YORKESES??? Dale and Stacey are easily the least problematic parents to be caught by. And Gert has a real need. It's a stopgap solution, but it seems so weird that no one considers it. Heck, Gert could probably just arrange a meeting drop off point with Dale and Stacey.

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That last episode seemed to me like a ham-fisted way to set things up for a third season. Has the show been officially renewed or is that forgone conclusion?

I noted in the first season that there had to be a reason Victor was being portrayed by an actor who looked like a low-rent Julian McMahon. Now we see why. I wonder if he was original choice for Jonah but Julian brought more star power and name recognition.

"It's dominoes, bitch. Wash 'em." I also think one of the aliens might be in Alex. That line was a bit much for someone like him, IMO.

Looks like three of actors might not be back since their characters will be transferred to different bodies. Guess it depends on how well contract renegotiations go.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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‘Marvel’s Runaways’ Looks Likely To Return For Third Season As Hulu Content Chief Praises Performance


The show’s 13-episode second season launched on December 21, 2018 and it seems likely that there’ll be another run this year.

“We’re really happy with the performance of Runaways, both creatively and in terms of its performance and we’ll have an announcement shortly,” Erwich said, speaking at TCA.

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‘Marvel’s Runaways’ Officially Renewed For 10-Episode Season 3


Season 3 of the series, from showrunners/writers Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, Marvel TV and ABC Signature, will consist of 10 episodes, down from the 13-episode first and second seasons. That has been a trend for streaming series across the board as 10 has proven optimal for binging.

Additionally, I hear that, staying true to its title, Runaways plans to focus on the kids, so the actors playing parents who were series regulars are being reduced from all shows produced to factual series regulars – 7 out of 10.

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I'm more interested in the parents than the kids, but I'm mostly interested in good storylines. And I think not having to treat the parents as regulars will free up the show to develop the kids in a more organic way, especially once the alien possession storyline is resolved. 

I hope Gert and Old Lace get to do more this season. They got a lot of screentime last season, but it was mostly damsel in distress type screentime.

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Finished the series a couple of days ago... and you know what...

I can take the aliens, the dinosaur, and technological wizardry, but you know where I cross the line... AWOL. So cringey.

I enjoyed the season though, more than the first. Keep the parents to the minimum in the future, I think that chapter is done. While on that subject, the parents, PRIDE, I just kinda got low rent... Hellfire Club, Inner Circle.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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Just a few thoughts about Season 2 since I am late to the party:

My favorite scene was Gert freaking out that Alex had a gun in the compound. She was out cold/held hostage at home when the dining room table was covered with automatic weapons and grenades.

I found it weird that the compound had so much graffiti since it seemed to be so hard to get into.

It's strange that Alex had so much computer equipment running, how is he getting the internet.

What did they do with all the cars the SWAT team had, since they are using the Rolls or calling for Ubers.

Kip Pardue was fined by SAG for sexual harassment. He plays Karolina's Church Daddy (typical behavior for the head of a church). At the end of the season he was confined at the church of Gibborim, so if he is never seen again, it would fit in with the story line.

Marvel's Runaways Season 3 will be 10 episodes and it is currently in production.

There is a rumor that there might be a Cloak & Dagger crossover this season.

My prediction for Season Three:


The baby that Leslie Dean is carrying will be contain the missing alien they are looking for. It is growing way to fast to be a normal baby.

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Marvel Sets ‘Runaways’ And ‘Cloak & Dagger’ Crossover Episode


The upcoming Season 3 of Hulu superhero series Marvel’s Runaways will include a crossover episode with the Freeform series Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger, Marvel Television and Hulu said Thursday.

The news comes after Hulu said Runaways will return with its 10-episode third season on December 13. The Season 2 finale Cloak & Dagger aired earlier this year.

No details yet on the subject of the Marvel collision, which was unveiled in a video today

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They've crossed over in the comics, so it only makes sense.

All I want is Molly referring to them as "Cloak and Dazzler," although that wouldn't make sense in the current universe.

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Alex: I'm sorry, Nico. Your dad always seemed a little less evil than the rest of them.

Jonah in Victor: Robert is in intensive care at University of Los Angeles Medical Center. We're praying for his full and speedy recovery. Aren't we, Tina? 
Daughter in Tina: Mmm hmm. Totes. [flashes the peace sign]
Nico: What is my mom doing?
Gert: Channeling 2012 Miley Cyrus?

Alex: Let's gear up and meet back here in 10.
Nico: What gear do you need?
Molly: My pink hat.

Dale: I think maybe if you calm down, then [Old Lace]'ll calm down.
Gert: I'm not going to calm down. Why would I calm down? I'm being held hostage! I'm not calm!

Gert: I've changed since I left. I grew up. And I'm never going to be that kid who eats bananas and oatmeal for breakfast every morning and sings along to Earth, Wind, and Fire.
Dale: But they're such a good band! I mean, why doesn't anyone use horns anymore?

Daughter in Tina: Eww, what is that?
Wife in Stacey: Yellow hunks of viscous avian embryo. It's what they eat.

Xavin: When you're a soldier, you learn there's no room for emotions.
Molly: Is that why you don't smile? Because soldiers don't have feelings?
Xavin: We can't show feelings. I didn't say we don't have them.

Xavin: I believe this is where humans stretch their arms around each other.

Nico: Do you think I'm I'm the fourth alien?
Alex: No offense, Nico, but you seem like a pretty hostile host. If an alien jumped in you, they'd jump right back out.

Daughter in Tina: Of course you would jump into the body of someone with purple hair.

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Xavin's attempts to smile, hug, and generally act human cracked me up.

Janet's fantasy world with endless crepes from a relentlessly supportive Victor was also amusing. I loved that she realized she was in the algorithm. I found it sad that Chase's fantasy was saving everyone from the brink of death.

I was surprised that Catherine confessed to murdering Darius.

I enjoyed the mystery of who the fourth alien was inside. I really didn't think it was Gert so first I thought well played, show! When we got the twist of Xavin pretending to be the Magistrate's son in Gert's body, that made a lot more sense to me considering how the Magistrate's wife and daughter seemed unable to conceal how different they were from Stacey and Tina (props to the actresses for making it really obvious that Stacey and Tina were not in control of their bodies).

Jonah, on the other hand, had years of observing Victor so it was no surprise that he could play him convincingly. I also give credit to James Marsters because the way he played Jonah pretending to be Victor was subtle but noticeable. JM also gets extra credit for the chase scene. If I were pushing 60 and they told me they wanted me to run in hot LA while wearing a suit for multiple takes, I'd be like uh, no thanks.

But poor Old Lace. I know she's not real but I still felt bad for her when Gert accidentally made run right into a tree.

Liz Hurley!

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Chase: Gert, you're not real. I'd know that even without this weird thing happening to you because you haven't talked about patriarchy or gender bias or microaggression once since I got here.
Gert: I need you to save me!
Chase: See, that's exactly how I know you're not real. Real Gert never needed saving.

Chase: Mom?
Janet: Thank God you're okay!
Chase: Okay may be overstating it, but I'm alive.

Janet: The glitching's getting worse. If these virtual worlds collapse while we're inside of them-
Chase: We die in the real one?
Janet: Our bodies do. I don't know if our consciousness can survive in here. It's actually a fascinating scientific question.
Chase: Except for the dying part.

Chase: Mom, I have an idea. Everything we're seeing is just electrical impulses in our brains. The algorithm is just mining our thoughts for details. What if we just stopped thinking? Something real Gert accused me of on more than one occasion.

Janet: Victor, I don't want any more goddamn crepes!

Gert: I really don't need any more bootleg Phish tapes for the road, Dale.

Gert: Are you going to be okay? 
Dale: Me? Yeah! I'm just gonna commit to some full-time homesteading. You know, grow my own food, home brew kombucha. Love the 'buch. Oh, I did pick up some Guangxi horned goat powder. You know, it's for digestion. I'll get you some. 
Gert: I don't need that. 
Dale: Gert, IBS is genetic. And stress makes it worse.

Dale: Gert, run. She'll attack.
Stacey: No, no, no, that wasn't me. That was the alien inside me. She's really dangerous, and she could come back at any moment.
Dale: Okay, I'm sorry, what? That's so much worse!
Gert: I gotta agree with Dale on this one.

Stacey: The [alien] inside Victor Stein - he's flaking really badly. It's so gross, ugh. 
Dale: Where's my tranq gun? 
Gert: I stole it in case you tried to do something stupid like mind-wipe me before I left. 
Dale: What
Stacey: That actually does sound like you, honeybee.
Dale: I'm so offended you think I could do that!

Dale: Tranq her! Oh, gawd, I forgot. I hid the cartridges in case you stole it!

Gert: You know, you don't have to do this. I know that somewhere inside of you, my mother still exists.
Wife in Stacey: From what I can tell, that woman was great at killing humans.

Alex: [Jonah in Victor] hasn't moved for hours. He doesn't eat or sleep or pee - all of which I kind of need to do right now.

Xavin: I'm sensing self-pitying anger.
Molly: Just anger, actually.
Xavin: But there's a whining quality.

Xavin: She knows we're here. Otherwise, why the barbaric sound torture? Prepare to battle. 
Molly: Shhh! It's just k pop.

Alex: I think I can read this. I mean, kind of. It's math-based. It's amazing!
Nico: Okay, put a pin in your nerdgasm and find the code Janet mentioned.
Alex: It's not organized like a normal book or a computer file. I'm going to try using a cryptographic algorithm. It's this theory I have on quantum key distribution.
Nico: I understood four of those words.
Alex: It means I'm going to wing it. Remember, nerdy shit - me. Protecting us from evil aliens - all you.

Molly: Have you ever even driven before?
Xavin: Molly, I'm a certified interstellar galactic pilot. I think I can handle a tiny rolling vessel.

Daughter in Tina: We're canceling the 5G program and starting something new in the area of transportation. So I'll need you, you, you, and definitely you!
Delivery guy: Uh, I'm the GrubMates guy.
Daughter in Tina: I don't know what that means, but I am intrigued by the word mat" in your title.
Delivery guy: I just deliver dinner.
Engineer: I'm sorry, Mrs. Minoru. By transportation, do you mean you mean, like, trucks?
Daughter in Tina: If a truck can guide a spacecraft through an intergalactic wormhole, then yes.

Jonah in Victor: You don't need this body.
Carolina: I am this body.

Jonah in Victor: Once we get [to Gibborim], you'll have a million years to talk about your feelings.

Morgan: Stop fighting it, Nico. Your fear's holding you back. There is no need to be afraid of the dark.
Nico: I can't control it.
Morgan: Control is overrated.

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Brittany Ishibashi is totally killing it. She obviously has Tina down pat, but her portrayal of the teenage daughter who is mastering selfies/is grossed out by scrambled eggs/takes someone's coffee and then spits it back into the cup/drinking hand sanitizer straight out of the bottle is hilarious. The way she played Xavin pretending to be Tina was great too.

I was cracking up that every closet that Alex and Nico found to hide in was HUGE.

Yay for Old Lace busting out to save Gert!

I'm not entirely clear on how the pods work. I saw Xavin put four down which enclosed Jonah in Victor within the perimeter, but what if someone (say, the wife or daughter) comes back to the Stein mansion and knocks the pods away? Won't that free him? I mean, it's definitely better than nothing but shouldn't they be looking for a more permanent solution than temporary laser jail?

I'm okay with Gert and the others still being mad at Chase and possibly not trusting him, but I was also glad that Molly spoke up and reminded them that they are a family.

I'm only two episodes in but I am really enjoying this season. Part of me wants to binge it all this weekend (partly so I can finish before the craziness of the holidays really kicks in) and part of me wants to stretch it out since I know this is the end.

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Chase: You got something to hide? 
Alex: Other than my disdain for you?

Chase: The hammock's actually more comfortable than it looks. It's surprisingly sound from a an engineering perspective.
Gert: It looks like a literal death trap.

Chase: Gert, I'm sorry I got us into this mess. Going back to my dad really screwed everything up.
Gert: What you did was stupid. But to be fair, Jonah tricked you cause he knew how much you craved paternal love and acceptance and how you lacked a moral compass.
Chase: That went south really quickly.

Molly: You should really get some sleep.
Xavin: Xartans don't sleep.
Molly: That explains the crankiness and the constant urge to kill.

Daughter in Tina: I really hope you're feeling better. You kind of ruined my night.
Jonah in Victor: I'm so sorry saving my life interfered with your dating plans.
Daughter in Tina: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Wife in Stacey: You let them take the abstract? I'm starting to understand why it took you 11,000 years to get us out of that hole.

Wife in Stacey: That's called sarcasm. I really like it. It's so mean.

Xavin: Who wants pressurized cream sugar?

Alex: It is kind of suspicious, Leslie.
Karolina: She's pregnant. It's not that weird to be excited about waffles.

Chase: Doesn't it make the most sense that the Magistrate's kid is inside the Magistrate's kid?
Molly: This is hurting my head.

Molly: I didn't realize your dad was kind of a hoarder, Nico.
Nico: Turns out he's full of surprises.

Catherine: You think you got justice?
Alex: Well, you're sitting in front of me in an orange jumpsuit instead of a red robe, so yeah I'd say justice was served.

Catherine: I pled guilty to Darius's murder. Aren't you curious why?
Alex: Because you murdered him in cold blood?

Engineer: The amount of pressure required to create even a micro black hole would require the collapse of a mass approximately three times the size of our sun.
Daughter in Tina: Not if you tap into the fourth dimension.
Engineer: That sounds dangerous.
Daughter in Tina: That's what makes it so exciting!

Daughter in Tina: Snack break! Meaning, everyone go find me snacks! I'm not kidding. You have 20 minutes to find me the best snacks you can or you're fired. Be creative, I don't know. Winner gets a million dollars.

Xavin: He must have a plan - no doubt terrible and murderous.

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Janet sacrificed herself to stay in the abstract in the previous episode. In this episode, Robert was not looking great in the hospital and Catherine got murdered in prison. The parents are dropping like flies this season! Not that I'm complaining.

The daughter in Tina continues to crack me up. Between having sex with the food delivery guy and demanding that her engineers find her snacks, she has been one of the most entertaining things about this season.

I love that even though Gert and Old Lace have a connection, Old Lace can still have her own feelings about Chase coming back (she missed him!).


Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Leslie: Come on, Dale. Please tell me you have one preset that's not a jam band.

Jonah in Victor: You're absolutely certain [Leslie]'s bearing my child?
Son in Alex: I checked the biomarkers. You are definitely going to be a father again. I'd congratulate you but you're pretty bad at parenting so this isn't great for anyone.

Chase: The strongest defense is a swift and decisive offense. Coach Alphona told me that.
Gert: I hate to break it to you, but Machiavelli and Sun Tzu beat him to it.

Xavin: Why is my face leaking?

Chase: RIP Mrs. Wilder. In junior high, she made the best after school snacks - pizza bagels.
Karolina: She helped murder 17 teenagers.
Molly: And Darius.

Tamar: What makes you think I can deliver a damn baby?
Son in Alex: You have one, don't you?
Alex: I got a 1983 Chevy Monte Carlo SS with a V8 engine too. It don't mean I can build you one.

Chase: I'm not totally sure it'll work.
Gert: I am not going to make the requisite joke about a man's broadsword failing him under pressure, because shaming culture is the antithesis of literally everything that I stand for.
Chase: But if you had made it, I might've laughed because I don't base my sense of self-worth on the shape of my body or my sexual prowess. That much. Anymore.

Tamar: Hey, after we're done with this whole baby situation, can y'all do me a favor and literally never come back here again?

Chase: You made it clear that there's no more romantic us and that you think that I've been weak and stupid.
Gert: I also said insecure. I may have also said jackass.

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Alex was not high on my list of who the son was hiding in (heh, honestly, at the beginning of this episode list of suspects was essentially probably not Gert since we already had the fakeout with her).

Tamar really had a busy day - had Catherine murdered in prison, dropped her phone in the toilet, almost got killed by an alien, delivered a baby.

Since we saw the black mist after Nico saw not Robert at the house, I assumed that whoever impersonated him was from Xanthan since we've seen Xavin shapeshift into other people like that before. I didn't expect it to be Morgan but that makes sense.

Nico said that the Magistrate family is gone but not dead, where are they? And where are the human bodies they were inhabiting?

Farewell, baby Elle! Leslie gave her up pretty quickly but I guess this means her father was not a total loon after all since many of his prophecies came true. I was enjoying Molly and Xavin's friendship so I'll miss that. And it is always helpful to have someone on your team who can look like anyone else so losing her and having Alex gone for now means that it's just Nico, Karolina, Gert, Molly, and Chase against Morgan and whatever she's up to.

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I binged the whole season yesterday. I really enjoyed it.

It was cool to get some of the iconic images from the comics - I gasped when Tandy saw inside Alex's mind, and the Staff of One coming out of Nico's chest was another real highlight. And then of course there was Gert...

And both of the Deanoru dream weddings just killed me, especially when Tandy saw Nico's since that came at a point when Deanoru was having internal conflict issues. I liked how it turned out that in Nico's heart of hearts, not only was she hoping for a wedding, it actually included some things she'd told Karolina would never happen. There was a fancy altar and a pretty dress - white! - and Nico vowing forever and always confidently. Nico, you closet romantic you. I'm really going to miss Deanoru. I'll always be grateful to the show for going full speed ahead with them instead of copying the original comics run in always finding excuses for Nico and Karolina not to get together despite their wanting to.

It was interesting to have the series finale incorporate elements from Rainbow Rowell's current comics run. And there was so much great setup and foreshadowing for what would have been, had we gotten more seasons of the show. Mancha! At least the showrunners knew while making the season that it was very possible that it'd be the last season. It's tricky with a highly serialized show to make an episode that can work well as either a season or a series finale, but they managed it. We don't get to see the future adventures the characters are going to have, yet it ended on a satisfying enough note since the current crisis had been resolved, the group were all friends again, and both of the romantic couples were together and smiling. If the show had ended at S2 with that total cliffhanger, that would have been terrible.

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Nico: Ugh, what the hell is that?
Karolina: Maybe Alex came home?
Nico: And brought a tuba?
Gert: Guys, all of the Didion is gone from my shelves. Nico: What fresh hell is this?
Gert: Okay, I don't know if this is some kind of dream or mass hallucination, but I really need a minute to process. Nico: I'm a little hazy as to how we got home last night.
Karolina: We drove, right? Not that I remember, but that makes sense.
Molly: The hostel looks so weird. And who are all these people?
Chase: Guys, I've been reading about this. I think we're suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. 
Gert: That would makes us dead. 
Molly: And this is purgatory?
Chase: Maybe we're back in Jonah's algorithm.
Karolina: Doesn't feel like that.
Gert: Feels like The Great Gatsby.
Molly: Well then maybe Leo's here! One way to find out.
Gert: It feels more Burton than Baz.
Nico; What is happening? Did we go back in time?
Chase: Maybe the alien platform tore a hole in the space-time continuum.
Gert: The problem with our lives is that any of these theories could be true. 
Nico: And none of them are good.

Gert: Oh, great. Cool. Our house has been taken over by a creepy magician, which oh, sorry, no, that was redundant. All magicians are creepy.

Quinton: It's always the same, you know. I just try to make my home a place of merriment and hospitality, and yet no one wants to stay and watch the show. What am I doing wrong?
Gert: Well, your tendency to self-dramatize may be a sign of narcissistic personality disorder. And the fact that you added "the great" to your name is also a red flag.

Molly: Did you see anyone else new before we came in?
Quinton: Well, yes. A ditzy red-headed dame, an Oriental, a lunatic, and a bespectacled negro child.
Molly: Dude, you cannot talk like that.

Chase: I hate to say this. Come at me, bro.

Grandmother: [Tina] gave the staff to you? You couldn't possibly be ready.
Nico: Well, that's a little judgy of you.

Nico: Weird and rude. Definitely my family.

Gert: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really wish that creepy magician was still here.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Damn, they were gone for six months? If I were them, I'd be getting on the internet to find out what else had happened while I was gone.

Interesting that the adults (Victor, Stacey, and Tina) were all in their nightmare situations but of the kids, only Molly and Karolina were. From a storyline point of view, I know it's because the show wanted Chase, Gert, and Nico to see what their parents' worst memories were (and Molly and Karolina's parents weren't trapped in there with them), but still.

ETA: Heh, I forgot about Nico's original encounter with her grandmother and aunts. So is that her true nightmare? Being killed by her relatives? Or was that just what the magician used to get Nico pointed in the right direction as to where Tina was?

And I guess Gert did get some nightmare situation similar to Molly's since she found out that Stacey mind wiping her is what caused her anxiety.

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12 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Interesting that the adults (Victor, Stacey, and Tina) were all in their nightmare situations but of the kids, only Molly and Karolina were. From a storyline point of view, I know it's because the show wanted Chase, Gert, and Nico to see what their parents' worst memories were (and Molly and Karolina's parents weren't trapped in there with them), but still.

Maybe the Dark Dimension likes to be efficient - multiple nightmares must be a drain on whatever powers the DD! So it went for killing two birds with one stone where it could. Stacey is Molly's mother too, so she could have been part of that quest, but since she wasn't part of Stacey's worst memory and Gert was, Gert could be sent into Stacey's nightmare but the DD had to turn to Molly's other parents to try to trap Molly. The other two parent/child combinations had commonalities the DD could use as well: Chase and Victor as part of a cycle of abuse, and Nico and Tina in their shared trauma over Amy.

I've been thinking about the Chase/Karolina/Janet pod fantasy sequences in the first episode, and it occurs to me that by the series finale, they all got what they wanted or are on their way to getting it. Janet wanted to be able to work and to be loved and appreciated by Victor for her brilliance, and she has that in an unconventional way now that she's part of the algorithm. Chase wanted to save Gert, and he did. Karolina wanted to marry Nico, and while obviously that isn't happening anytime soon on account of their being 17, the wedding's really a symbol for what she most wants, which is to spend her life with Nico. Well, FutureNico convinced PresentNico to stay and figure out her issues together with Karolina instead of going off to do that alone. And we saw that even if the original timeline had remained intact, FutureKarolina would have gone back to FutureNico anyway (hinted at a few times since her feelings for Julie clearly weren't as strong, but made definitive in the final scene between her, FutureNico and FutureMolly). Not that that's any surprise, given that that was Deanoru's theme since S1, that however many times they're separated, it will never be permanent, no matter the timeline or reality they're in. That stayed true even though their relationship was quite tested this season. Even the erased Karolina and Nico are together, wherever they went after being erased.

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Chase: Guys, can I ask a question without being judged?
Gert: Probably not.

Molly: So it'll be pancakes, hash browns, breakfast burrito, and an avocado toast. What are you guys getting?
Chase: Hungrier by the second.
Karolina: We've been eating out of a dumpster for months. I think we can survive waiting 40 minutes for fresh waffles.
Molly: Omigawd, waffles?
Chase: Are we sure there aren't equally delicious breakfast options at a place with no line? 
Molly: No line, no good. 
Karolina: Golden rule of brunch spots.
Gert: Did you know that your brain will actually trick you into thinking the food is better just because you waited in line for it?
Max: What we're waiting for is given a false sense of importance because-
Gert & Max: Why else would we all have agreed to wait for it?

Gert: Our parents were downgraded from super villain to nefarious flawed human beings we feel awkward around.

Dale: Day 189 of living off the grid. I was forced to abandon the cabin. I developed a rash from eating what I thought were chanterelle mushrooms. Peeing on it, that didn't help. I attempted to light a fire in the hearth and quickly discovered a family of raccoons. Note to self: raccoons become quite aggressive at the smell of human urine. So I decamped to a tent where I can focus on the reason that I went into isolation, which is to prove to myself that I can be completely self-sufficient. I don't need technology. I don't need modern conveniences. I don't even need a shower. Oh, perhaps I could stand to bathe, but I will remain driven towards my ultimate purpose, which is to find out what the hell went wrong in my life.

Max: Do you care if I make a weird transition?
Gert: That's my favorite kind.

Max: There. I just added you to my flock.
Gert: Flock?
Max: It sounds better than a murder, which is technically what a group of crows is called.

Tina: It feels good not to be wearing Janet Stein's clothes anymore. That woman never met a pastel blazer she didn't like.

Vaughn: Leslie insisted I be given more responsibilities.
Molly: Aren't you just the youth group leader? What other responsibilities do you have besides snacks?
Vaughn: Okay, snacks are only 80% of the job.

Nico: My mother won't be too happy you've turned [Robert] into a man jewelry wearing boy toy who has way too many buttons open on his shirt.

Morgan: Now how about you don't kill me and we have a nice lunch? The lamb meatballs are amazing. Of course, all food turns to ash in your mouth where I've been, so anything would be exquisite right now.

Leader: Welcome to Alien Abductee Anonymous. Everyone find a seat.
AAA 1: They looked like hot blond chicks. And they were very interested in me. Sexually.
AAA 2: They beamed both me and my cow up. For the longest time, just talked to the cow, like like I think they thought he was in charge.
AAA 3: Well, they told me they would reveal the secrets of the universe to me.
AAA 1: Then they probed me, anally.
AAA 2: Then they probed me. I don't think they ever probed my cow. They seemed to respect him too much.
AAA 3: And they probed me with incredible knowledge about the meaning of existence. And with an anal probe.
Victor: Oh, actually, I'm just here to support my friend.
Stacey: It's okay, Victor, it might help.
Victor: Well, my experience began when an alien ingratiated himself into my friend group. He cured my cancer by injecting me with his DNA, which caused me to go berserk and try to kill my son. Luckily, my wife shot me in time. I sabotaged the alien ship and he responded by leaping into my body, where I lived in a state of constant drowning. While he was in control of my body, he slept with my wife, imprisoned my son, and indirectly forced me to have sex with her. The only way I was finally rid of them was when his energy was torn from my body as I was thrown into an alternate dimension, where I was forced to relive childhood abuse over and over again.
AAA 1: When you say that he injected you with his DNA, you mean by anal probe, right?
Victor: I was never anally probed.
Leader: I will not stand for you coming in here and getting your jollies by mocking this group.
Victor: What?! That's what happened.
Leader: Who here is triggered by this guy's insensitivity? 
Victor: Really?

Vaughn: This smells dead-ass bomb in here, fam.
Bodhi: That guy does not understand slang.
Molly: has a spreadsheet of Generation Z terms in his pocket. I saw it.

Vaughn: Hey, Jules, doesn't it smell high-key delish in here?
Jules: Yeah, you know, I can't tell, because Dale the fail is making his brie again. Third tent from the left. You have to do something before he poisons all of us with his stench. 

Molly: Dale, what are you doing here?
Dale: Hey! Uh, I've gone into isolation. Just trying to prove to myself I can be a real man on my own. Made my own sundial.
Molly: You're literally five feet away from a camp full of people
Dale: Well, recovery from co-dependency is not a straight line, Molly. And, hey, it's safer than the streets. Or the woods, turns out.

Dale: Leslie's part of my old PRIDE life, okay? I've washed myself clean of that. 
Molly: Then why do you smell so bad?

Nico: Where is Molly? 
Karolina: She met some nice kids at the Church, which, surprise, my mother is restarting with fewer evil aliens.

Chase: I knew this feather was evil!

Nico: [Morgan] wants to train me, help me master my powers.
Karolina: That's a horrible idea. She's a stranger from another dimension.
Nico: How is this any different than when you went to Jonah for help? Except for the fact that I'm being honest about it, not sneaking around behind your back.

Karolina: We should leave the Corvus phones here, just in case.
Gert: No, wait, how will I find Max in a crowded room?
Karolina: You will look, Gert, with your eyes.

Geoffrey: It's great to see you.
Nico: Yeah, I never thought I'd say this, but you, too.

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The restaurant where Molly, Gert, Karolina, and Chase had brunch is real! It's called Fred62 and it's located in Los Feliz.

Wow, Geoffrey and Tamar? Does he know that she had Catherine murdered as revenge for Darius? That's a pretty big secret to keep from your new boyfriend.

I get Tina being removed from her position at Wizard because it's not a good look when the owner of a company disappears for six months. But that made me wonder what Victor, Stacey, Karolina, Gert, Molly, Chase, and Nico told people when they got back.

Karolina said they missed prom and graduation but weren't they already hiding from their parents at the hostel aka not going to school before they disappeared into the other dimension? Did the kids really think they were going to be able to graduate without attending school? I know Victor and Stacey/Dale kind of kept to themselves because of their work but NO ONE noticed that they were gone for six months?

I had to laugh when Robert referred to Morgan as a marketing genius who turned the Wizard crisis around and then we found out at the party that this genius just put herself on all the larger than life posters for the new phones and then got herself promoted to CEO. Genius indeed.

Also hilarious: Dale's ridiculous monologue about living off the grid followed by the reveal that he was living at the church. Oh, Dale.

I know it was an unnecessary scene, but I liked that Victor went to the alien abduction meeting. Even if he was clearly reluctant to be there and he referred to everyone (including Stacey) as screwballs, he DID open up and tell everyone what happened. I think that in itself was a big step forward for him since he isn't usually a share your feelings with the group kind of guy.

Chase, when you say "I love you" to someone and you don't get an "I love you" back, that's an answer in itself.

OMG TVD reunion - Scarlett Byrne (Nora) and I just saw that Claire Holt is gong to be in the next episode! And Trevor from Shameless played Max!

The restaurant where Molly, Gert, Karolina, and Chase had brunch is real! It's called Fred62 and it's located in Los Feliz.

Wow, Geoffrey and Tamar? Does he know that she had Catherine murdered as revenge for Darius? That's a pretty big secret to keep from your new boyfriend.

I get Tina being removed from her position at Wizard because it's not a good look when the owner of a company disappears for six months. But that made me wonder what Victor, Stacey, Karolina, Gert, Molly, Chase, and Nico told people when they got back.

Karolina said they missed prom and graduation but weren't they already hiding from their parents at the hostel aka not going to school before they disappeared into the other dimension? Did the kids really think they were going to be able to graduate without attending school? I know Victor and Stacey/Dale kind of kept to themselves because of their work but NO ONE noticed that they were gone for six months?

I had to laugh when Robert referred to Morgan as a marketing genius who turned the Wizard crisis around and then we found out at the party that this genius just put herself on all the larger than life posters for the new phones and then got herself promoted to CEO. Genius indeed.

Chase, when you say "I love you" to someone and you don't get "I love you" back, that's an answer in itself.

OMG TVD alert! Scarlett Byrne (Nora) plays one of the witches!

And Trevor from Shameless played Max!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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