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S02.E14: On These I Stand

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I don’t understand why Darla felt the need to tell Ralph Angel about Blue.

First, in 12 step programs, you don’t make amends if it could hurt someone.  Her NA sponsor would not have agreed with what she did.

If Darla was That fucked up, how is she so sure she even had sex?  Darla said she’d never been that high before.  You’re as sick as your secrets, but it doesn’t mean you vomit your shit over everybody.

I nearly turned off the TV when Nova went to sell those pearls.

If any place is prime for Zika, it would most likely be somewhere like NYC, where people come from everywhere.  I remember when there was a case of Ebola here, we get all kinds of shit in NYC.

Vi, listen to Hollywood; if you live long enough, you’ll eventually get sick with something, at least Hollywood wants to be there for her.

Edited by Neurochick
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I wish I had a Hollywood in my life. Sigh.

I like that they brought up the Confederate history issue and touched on different folks view on it. Their is a city in my county that has a many streets named after Confederate war soldiers-this year, due to protests, the city voted to change the street names. Fights broke out that city hall when the referendum was passed--something like 20 people were arrested. The referendum barely passed in a city that is multicultural. It's definitely a hot-button issue for sure.

Darla and RA are just a hot mess. How could she not see that she needed to give the man a little time and space to process things? Knowing RA, she's lucky he hasn't kicked her out of the house already.

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4 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I wish I had a Hollywood in my life. Sigh.

I like that they brought up the Confederate history issue and touched on different folks view on it. Their is a city in my county that has a many streets named after Confederate war soldiers-this year, due to protests, the city voted to change the street names. Fights broke out that city hall when the referendum was passed--something like 20 people were arrested. The referendum barely passed in a city that is multicultural. It's definitely a hot-button issue for sure.

Darla and RA are just a hot mess. How could she not see that she needed to give the man a little time and space to process things? Knowing RA, she's lucky he hasn't kicked her out of the house already.

The issues with the ridiculous need of certain groups in this country to continue praising and elevating a symbol of domestic terrorism will always be hot button, because we should have never paid homage to it in the first place.

Darla feels like if she doesn't get a response from RA now, that she may lose him forever. When RA responded with "What home?" to Darla's call, it was like she took a punch. I am glad that her Mom is there with her and Blue, but I did not like where she was going in trying to get Darla to take Blue and leave with them for awhile. That would not be good for anyone, especially Blue. Yes, the Cutters are also Blue's family, but he has only known and been raised by this one and he loves them. 

Also, the entire family would rise up against the Cutters if they even attempt to take Blue out of the state.

Edited by vixenbynight
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I was annoyed with that party scene. Angry, self-righteous, activist needed to sit down. I get being upset about the hysteria Nova's article caused, but she didn't say that Zika was in the Ninth, she said that it had potential to be. However, she secured a grant for the hood. What does angry activist want Nova to do? Besides, what's the point of protesting and having rallies if nothing comes from it? Isn't the point of all of this to get a seat at the table? To get the ear of someone influential who can help? Otherwise, like Nova said, you'll be saying and doing the same thing for decades.

9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Vi, listen to Hollywood; if you live long enough, you’ll eventually get sick with something, at least Hollywood wants to be there for her.

That annoyed me as well, but it's so true to life. Older people don't tell their family what's going on with them until it's too late.

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Wouldn't "Let's get a paternity test" and then go from there be first and foremost on Darla and RA's mind? If Blu is RA's then no issue, right? I mean RA knows Darla was a junkie and wasn't a virgin so get the test out of the way before all the dramatics. 

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So Charley is criticized by the black farmers, called Bougie had a meeting to assure them she's not leaving anytime soon and they cut business ties with her because of Landry. What Landry is doing is terrible but Charley promised to help them, proven herself to them time and again  and they back out. Charley has as much to lose and more.

We've seen Prosper and Remy lecture Charley on talking with the farmers but did they talk to the farmers? Remy asked Charley if she'd talk to the farmers but did Remy say,  "Prosper and I tried talking them out of leaving." Feels like a double standard.

The black farmers can't criticize Charley for doing business with the black sheep Landry or any white farmers 


Speaking of the black sheep, I hope Charley doesn't sleep with him. 

Edited by Arcadiasw
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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Wouldn't "Let's get a paternity test" and then go from there be first and foremost on Darla and RA's mind? If Blu is RA's then no issue, right? I mean RA knows Darla was a junkie and wasn't a virgin so get the test out of the way before all the dramatics

In the real world, yes. But this is a soap so the dramatics are necessary :). I seriously hate that the show went there with this soap trope but  oh, well. Plus,its RA and we all know that he never misses a chance to be extra as hell.  Next week looks like more hand-wringing and wailing...sigh. I just want Vi to be the one to state that just because Blue MIGHT not be his biologically, doesn't mean he's not. And even so, Blue is still his son in every other way that counts.

I'm also growing weary of the music in the background during every scene. I sometimes can't even hear what the characters are saying because of the music. I don't know why its just starting to bother me, but it is.

Edited by AgentRXS
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Wouldn't "Let's get a paternity test" and then go from there be first and foremost on Darla and RA's mind? If Blu is RA's then no issue, right? I mean RA knows Darla was a junkie and wasn't a virgin so get the test out of the way before all the dramatics. 

With mature adults, yes but RA isn't mature. 

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14 hours ago, Neurochick said:


I nearly turned off the TV when Nova went to sell those pearls.


I haven't been as focused on Nova storyline as the others but were the pearls a gift from Calvin?


6 hours ago, vixenbynight said:


Darla feels like if she doesn't get a response from RA now, that she may lose him forever. When RA responded with "What home?" to Darla's call, it was like she took a punch. I am glad that her Mom is there with her and Blue, but I did not like where she was going in trying to get Darla to take Blue and leave with them for awhile. That would not be good for anyone, especially Blue. Yes, the Cutters are also Blue's family, but he has only known and been raised by this one and he loves them. 

Also, the entire family would rise up against the Cutters if they even attempt to take Blue out of the state.

If it's only for the summer then I don't see a problem but I wouldn't be surprise if as soon as they take Darla and Blue they may convince her not to return. 

RA could fight for custody if it came to that but he needs to get a DNA test. Without proof he's the father, RA has no case.

Edited by Arcadiasw
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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Wouldn't "Let's get a paternity test" and then go from there be first and foremost on Darla and RA's mind? If Blu is RA's then no issue, right? I mean RA knows Darla was a junkie and wasn't a virgin so get the test out of the way before all the dramatics. 

I could see why he wouldn't want a paternity test. He doesn't want confirmation that Blue isn't his son. The truth could be more devastating than the uncertainty. I had a family member who refused a DNA test and took financial responsibility for a child who is almost certainly not his because he didn't want to believe his girlfriend cheated on him and he'd already claimed the kid. I thought it was stupid at the time (he lost gov't assistance for her care and I still think it was a bad idea, but those were his reasons.

Plus, as AgentRXS said, RA doesn't miss a chance to be extra.


15 minutes ago, Arcadiasw said:

 I haven't been as focused on Nova storyline as the others but were the pearls a gift from Calvin?

They were a gift from Robert, given to her before the taping of their TV interview.

It was pretty clear from their first interaction in her office that Black Sheep Landry (Matthew?) was into Charley. It probably won't go anywhere, but it was fun to watch.

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Wouldn't "Let's get a paternity test" and then go from there be first and foremost on Darla and RA's mind? If Blu is RA's then no issue, right? I mean RA knows Darla was a junkie and wasn't a virgin so get the test out of the way before all the dramatics. 

I think that RA is in absolute shock by even the possibility that 1) Blue may not be his and 2) that Darla could keep something like this from him for so long, that thinking rationally is the furthest thing from his mind and his immediate reaction was to flee.

Darla's going to do whatever RA (and his family) will want in regards to finding out the paternity of Blue, but right now it is just a rising storm of heartbreak.

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It's probably horrible for any man to find out the child he loves might not be his. But ugh, RA has a way of making everything about him. Maybe he should consider how much worse it could be for Blue to lose the only father he's known. Or not. All the agony is pointless without a DNA test.


Speaking of the black sheep, I hope Charley doesn't sleep with him.  

Me too, because that will likely not end well for her business-wise or personally to be mixed up with a Landry, especially a black sheep one.

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I was a little surprised that given the way Darla described what happened at the party that there wasn't even a slight suggestion that she was too wasted to give consent, which makes it rape. She was taking all the blame on herself, and it seemed like her mother was right there along with her.

I do not like the vibe from Landry light. He's a bit too smooth and insistent of a womanizer for my tastes.

20 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don’t understand why Darla felt the need to tell Ralph Angel about Blue.

First, in 12 step programs, you don’t make amends if it could hurt someone.  Her NA sponsor would not have agreed with what she did.

If Darla was That fucked up, how is she so sure she even had sex?  Darla said she’d never been that high before.  You’re as sick as your secrets, but it doesn’t mean you vomit your shit over everybody.

Her father's the one who said she needed to tell RA.  I don't know about 12 step programs and what they would want her to do, but it is a huge lie to carry in a marriage, sober or not. And again, if she was that fucked up, she wasn't able to give consent. Which puts a different spin on it, at least for me. 

Edited by Clanstarling
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24 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I was a little surprised that given the way Darla described what happened at the party that there wasn't even a slight suggestion that she was too wasted to give consent, which makes it rape. She was taking all the blame on herself, and it seemed like her mother was right there along with her.

I do not like the vibe from Landry light. He's a bit too smooth and insistent of a womanizer for my tastes.

Her father's the one who said she needed to tell RA.  I don't know about 12 step programs and what they would want her to do, but it is a huge lie to carry in a marriage, sober or not. And again, if she was that fucked up, she wasn't able to give consent. Which puts a different spin on it, at least for me. 

That is a very good point that it could be seen as rape and is Darla 100% sure that she had sex with anybody?

12 step programs say about amends, "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others."  The idea is that you really should talk to someone before making the amends; and I don't mean her father who just said, "tell him."  I mean to seriously think about it.

I've been reading these historical novels which take place in the late eighteenth/early nineteen century and one of the characters is concerned that his son might not be his son.  His wife basically tells him, "darling, no one's really certain who their father is." I guess there was a lot of that in the age before DNA.  

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17 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I've been reading these historical novels which take place in the late eighteenth/early nineteen century and one of the characters is concerned that his son might not be his son.  His wife basically tells him, "darling, no one's really certain who their father is." I guess there was a lot of that in the age before DNA.  

"Mama's baby, daddy's maybe." Many of my Southern relatives have told me that it was pretty common for men to raise children that weren't their own, and everybody knew about it. If your wife had a baby, then you were the father, biological or not.

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2 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

"Mama's baby, daddy's maybe." Many of my Southern relatives have told me that it was pretty common for men to raise children that weren't their own, and everybody knew about it. If your wife had a baby, then you were the father, biological or not.

Kind of explains something I heard the first time I met my father's southern family. "You can't deny she's yours" (or something like that) was the first thing out of his uncle's mouth. I was taken aback. At 14, that just seemed like a really weird thing to say. (yes, I favor his side of the family)

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Really, Darla probably shouldn't have ever told RA the truth about Blue. It cant help anything, and will just lead to more angst. It was nice to see Darla bonding with her mom though. And RA wasn't The Worst this week, even though he still acted as immature as you would imagine. Find out some bad news? Get wasted and try to go boating, of course! 

That activist at the party needed to step the hell down from Nova. I thought that Nova was intense about activism, but at least she tries to stay civil to start with. She was even polite to the Trump supporter guy at that dinner party a few weeks ago until he started saying some REALLY messed up stuff. This lady is the reason so many people stereotype activists as easily offended assholes who are constantly going off on people.  It was also interesting for Nova to run into a more intense version of herself. The lady was basically calling Nova a sell out (I think?) and thats what Nova has accused Robert of being. At the table instead of in the community? Sound familiar? 

The black sheep Landry is totally crushing on Charlie. I dont think it'll end well if Charlie hooks up with him though, hope she doesent go there. That being said, I do kind of hope that he isnt a bad guy and he sticks around a bit. I like his accent. 

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21 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Wouldn't "Let's get a paternity test" and then go from there be first and foremost on Darla and RA's mind? If Blu is RA's then no issue, right? I mean RA knows Darla was a junkie and wasn't a virgin so get the test out of the way before all the dramatics. 


17 hours ago, vixenbynight said:

I think that RA is in absolute shock by even the possibility that 1) Blue may not be his and 2) that Darla could keep something like this from him for so long, that thinking rationally is the furthest thing from his mind and his immediate reaction was to flee.

Darla's going to do whatever RA (and his family) will want in regards to finding out the paternity of Blue, but right now it is just a rising storm of heartbreak.

But to add to this, let's remember that even though it's been two weeks our time, it really has been only a few hours since Darla made this confession, of sorts, to RA. I would've been surprised (and would've seen it as unrealistic) if right after Darla telling Ralph Angel that Blue may not be biologically his son that either of them said, "So, now that that's out in the open, let's go down to [wherever one goes to have paternity tests done] to see what's what."

Ralph Angel does need time to process this news, which is very devastating. I mean, I get it: RA is frustrating as hell, very pigheaded, quite sensitive, but expecting a series of "logical" steps very shortly after some big news like this? Ehhhh. I give him (and Darla) a pass on not springing into "Let's DNA swab!" mode. 

Re: Nova and what happened at that gathering. It seems the age-old question between grassroots activists: Do you want a seat at the table, or do you believe the system to be so corrupt that agitating for seat at the table ultimately changes your activism? I've seen it more recently, post-Michael Brown, where activists are fighting amongst each other for either trying to get facetime with President Obama or being on the front lines at marches and demonstrations. 

That is one of the things I like about this show--they truly do represent that, among Black people, there is more than one way to skin a cat, and they don't try to make it seem that all Black people are always on the same page about the same things. 

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On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:32 PM, Neurochick said:

I don’t understand why Darla felt the need to tell Ralph Angel about Blue.

First, in 12 step programs, you don’t make amends if it could hurt someone.  Her NA sponsor would not have agreed with what she did.

If Darla was That fucked up, how is she so sure she even had sex?  Darla said she’d never been that high before.  You’re as sick as your secrets, but it doesn’t mean you vomit your shit over everybody.

I nearly turned off the TV when Nova went to sell those pearls.

If any place is prime for Zika, it would most likely be somewhere like NYC, where people come from everywhere.  I remember when there was a case of Ebola here, we get all kinds of shit in NYC.

Vi, listen to Hollywood; if you live long enough, you’ll eventually get sick with something, at least Hollywood wants to be there for her.

Right, I felt the same way at first then I realized that Darla had to make peace with herself. If confessing to RA about Blue was the only way to have that peace then by all means do what you have to do. RA will have a uphill battle with this because of all that he has gone through in life, Blue was the purest thing that he had. Now Darla has taken that from him. But I believe they will get through it if RA is willing to give it chance  .He  should forgive her because Blue needs them both in his life.

Edited by byrd
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Two things about this episode felt like cop-outs.

First, Quincy going missing. He urges Darla to be totally honest with Rah, then he's nowhere to be found in the aftermath? I get that the show wanted to reveal Darlene's past as a fellow alcoholic, but for someone who had also recently reconciled with Darla, and was the impetus for her essentially nuking her relationship, his absence was rather noticeable.

Second, the Mia character felt pointless. Again, I know the show wanted to emphasize Nova's 'divided' loyalties and highlight the ongoing tension between established activists and outside agitators, but that particular role would've better been suited by Chantal. She shares a past with Nova, has already questioned Nova's loyalties along with Nova's handling of the Zika situation, and isn't afraid of speaking up for herself. That would've given that particular exchange much more heft.

Edited by Dee
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On 11/2/2017 at 7:41 PM, Neurochick said:

That is a very good point that it could be seen as rape and is Darla 100% sure that she had sex with anybody?

12 step programs say about amends, "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others."  The idea is that you really should talk to someone before making the amends; and I don't mean her father who just said, "tell him."  I mean to seriously think about it.

I've been reading these historical novels which take place in the late eighteenth/early nineteen century and one of the characters is concerned that his son might not be his son.  His wife basically tells him, "darling, no one's really certain who their father is." I guess there was a lot of that in the age before DNA.  

A Jewish friend of mine once told me that the reason people are Jewish through the maternal line is that maternity is certain while paternity isn't.

I do not like the distant Landry relative. I don't like his look. He's ... eely. I don't trust him and I hope Charley doesn't do anything stupid.

Hollywood was wrong to go through Vi's bag but Vi has a lot of nerve to talk about minding other people's business. Hollywood's speech to her was very moving though. 

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38 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

A Jewish friend of mine once told me that the reason people are Jewish through the maternal line is that maternity is certain while paternity isn't.

I do not like the distant Landry relative. I don't like his look. He's ... eely. I don't trust him and I hope Charley doesn't do anything stupid.

Hollywood was wrong to go through Vi's bag but Vi has a lot of nerve to talk about minding other people's business. Hollywood's speech to her was very moving though. 

Yes on everything. I waver with Vi. Sometimes I love her, sometimes I want her to step back.

I learned about the maternal line inheritance in college in holocaust studies. As I recall, the reason is based more on the fact that from ancient times on, women were often raped by rampaging enemies, rather than infidelity. 

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On November 3, 2017 at 1:50 PM, byrd said:

Right, I felt the same way at first then I realized that Darla had to make peace with herself. If confessing to RA about Blue was the only way to have that peace then by all means do what you have to do.

I respectfully disagree.  The point of making peace/amends is that you don't dump your shit on another person to feel better about yourself.  Darla could have gone to a neutral person to confess.  If Darla just dumped the shit on RA to make herself feel better, then that was very selfish of her.  

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On 11/1/2017 at 7:32 PM, Neurochick said:

If any place is prime for Zika, it would most likely be somewhere like NYC, where people come from everywhere.  I remember when there was a case of Ebola here, we get all kinds of shit in NYC.

Standing water is heaven for mosquitoes, so the Ninth could have been a prime breeding ground.  That's  what Nora was talking abot, I think.

On 11/2/2017 at 6:22 AM, Arcadiasw said:

So Charley is criticized by the black farmers, called Bougie had a meeting to assure them she's not leaving anytime soon and they cut business ties with her because of Landry. What Landry is doing is terrible but Charley promised to help them, proven herself to them time and again  and they back out. Charley has as much to lose and more.

If Landry was taking their land (which implies that they're still sharecroppers of a sort), there would be little Charley could do to ensure that they kept their crops.  At least that's what I got from the scene.

On 11/2/2017 at 10:59 AM, vixenbynight said:

I think that RA is in absolute shock by even the possibility that 1) Blue may not be his and 2) that Darla could keep something like this from him for so long, that thinking rationally is the furthest thing from his mind and his immediate reaction was to flee.

Darla's going to do whatever RA (and his family) will want in regards to finding out the paternity of Blue, but right now it is just a rising storm of heartbreak.

Thinking rationally is almost always the furthest thing from RA's mind

On 11/2/2017 at 11:05 PM, tennisgurl said:

That being said, I do kind of hope that he isnt a bad guy and he sticks around a bit. I like his accent. 

I very much hope that Charley doesn't do anything other than business with him, but I do hope he's not a bad guy.

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40 minutes ago, jhlipton said:

If Landry was taking their land (which implies that they're still sharecroppers of a sort), there would be little Charley could do to ensure that they kept their crops.  At least that's what I got from the scene.

I believe they are tenant farmers, who pay rent on their land, and the threat was they'd lose their lease if they used Charley's mill. It's somewhat different from sharecropping, where a portion of their crops are the "rent." It's splitting hairs a little bit, I know. Sharecroppers tend to be poorer, so I've been told. Part of the Bordelon story is how they managed to buy and keep their land. So they aren't subject to that particular Landry tactic, fortunately. But many of the other black farmers are.

Edited by Clanstarling
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I had always assumed the other farmers owned their land and I know this sounds terrible but why wouldn't Landry pull the lease if they were going with someone else to mill? It's a win win situation for Landry and  it was silly of them to think he wouldn't react this way. From a business standpoint it makes sense for Landry to do this. It's shady but financially smart. Realistically since they don't even own the land there isn't really anyway I could see them making any real money since the profit margins seem to be so low for small farmers anyway. Charlie needs to try and get some of the other non black small farmers on her side but I could tell on the golf course when she first met the Landry cousin he was into her. She needs to be very careful because I think he is only using her as a ploy to get a discount with his cousins.  

Darla was stupid to tell Ralph Angel that he loves that boy. (That's the best I say about RA because he still ain't shit to me) There are some things you just don't say out in the open. Everyone knows someone who later learned their dad isn't their real dad but everyone is polite enough not to bring it up.  I hate when people feel the need to unburden themselves at the expense of someone else. If she needed to confess tell it to God as my grandmother used to say.  

Damn Nova! Pawning those pearls that was just wrong. Yes I'm still mad at her for having two fine men what her that much and dissing both of them. Although I don't really agree 100% with the woman that was attacking Nova,  she should have known it would have scared the public she claims to be apart of to hear that about Zika.  Know your audience, read the room etc. I know she is torn between wanting to stay grass roots in the trenches but she needs to also realize when you are ready for the next stage in life and getting a board seat or whatever is still helping her community and in my opinion a much better one than staging endless rallies. She has the chance to make real changes.

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The last words of the episode were from Blue saying "There it is!" after digging in the dirt.

What do you think he found?  My wife said the original Kenya, but Kenya was tossed in the trash and is long gone.

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2 hours ago, jhlipton said:

The last words of the episode were from Blue saying "There it is!" after digging in the dirt.

What do you think he found?  My wife said the original Kenya, but Kenya was tossed in the trash and is long gone.

I'd forgotten about that. It worried me, actually.  For the episode on end on that note, I'm thinking it's something big (in terms of impact on the family, not size).

And yeah, I don't think it's Kenya either, because I believe Blue would have said "There she is!"

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5 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I'd forgotten about that. It worried me, actually.  For the episode on end on that note, I'm thinking it's something big (in terms of impact on the family, not size).

With Vi's words "Take it all back!" ringing -- I'm very afraid!

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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Wasn’t there someone standing behind Blue in that last shot?  It’s just for a nanosecond but I saw a mans pant leg there.

I don't remember seeing anything, but if there was, that makes it even more worrisome.

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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 2:46 PM, Neurochick said:

I respectfully disagree.  The point of making peace/amends is that you don't dump your shit on another person to feel better about yourself.  Darla could have gone to a neutral person to confess.  If Darla just dumped the shit on RA to make herself feel better, then that was very selfish of her.  

 I think It would have been equally as selfish to keep it from him if there was any doubt that it could be his son.  Imagine how devastated he would be if there was some medical emergency with Blue, whereas he may have needed blood. That would be far worse than finding out now. It was not all about Darla, this situation is about them as a family , and that's what Darla was attempting to do. Start with a clean slate.   I think for her character, it's not about making herself feel better, but finding a way to live with herself.  It hurts so bad , but in the end , I believe she did the right thing, and RA will eventually see that too. I believe that is why her father encouraged her to speak out. Maybe it's time for the DNA test, it's a way to move forward., but there again RA may not want to know. He's not going to stop loving Blue, true love just doesn't work that way .

Edited by byrd
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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:11 PM, Mimiray802 said:

I had always assumed the other farmers owned their land and I know this sounds terrible but why wouldn't Landry pull the lease if they were going with someone else to mill? It's a win win situation for Landry and  it was silly of them to think he wouldn't react this way. From a business standpoint it makes sense for Landry to do this. It's shady but financially smart. Realistically since they don't even own the land there isn't really anyway I could see them making any real money since the profit margins seem to be so low for small farmers anyway. Charlie needs to try and get some of the other non black small farmers on her side but I could tell on the golf course when she first met the Landry cousin he was into her. She needs to be very careful because I think he is only using her as a ploy to get a discount with his cousins.  

Darla was stupid to tell Ralph Angel that he loves that boy. (That's the best I say about RA because he still ain't shit to me) There are some things you just don't say out in the open. Everyone knows someone who later learned their dad isn't their real dad but everyone is polite enough not to bring it up.  I hate when people feel the need to unburden themselves at the expense of someone else. If she needed to confess tell it to God as my grandmother used to say.  

Damn Nova! Pawning those pearls that was just wrong. Yes I'm still mad at her for having two fine men what her that much and dissing both of them. Although I don't really agree 100% with the woman that was attacking Nova,  she should have known it would have scared the public she claims to be apart of to hear that about Zika.  Know your audience, read the room etc. I know she is torn between wanting to stay grass roots in the trenches but she needs to also realize when you are ready for the next stage in life and getting a board seat or whatever is still helping her community and in my opinion a much better one than staging endless rallies. She has the chance to make real changes.

yes, yes, yes, Nova can make me really nauseous...

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On 11/5/2017 at 4:28 AM, jhlipton said:

The last words of the episode were from Blue saying "There it is!" after digging in the dirt.

What do you think he found?  My wife said the original Kenya, but Kenya was tossed in the trash and is long gone.

I guess nothing important...

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On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 6:05 PM, Clanstarling said:

I was a little surprised that given the way Darla described what happened at the party that there wasn't even a slight suggestion that she was too wasted to give consent, which makes it rape. She was taking all the blame on herself, and it seemed like her mother was right there along with her.

I do not like the vibe from Landry light. He's a bit too smooth and insistent of a womanizer for my tastes.

Her father's the one who said she needed to tell RA.  I don't know about 12 step programs and what they would want her to do, but it is a huge lie to carry in a marriage, sober or not. And again, if she was that fucked up, she wasn't able to give consent. Which puts a different spin on it, at least for me. 

I agree.. ,I have the same spin.. Darla was an addict and she made really bad choices as most addicts do.  I get that the family is hurt and shocked over Darla's confession, but they were acting a little self-righteous to me. Look at Darla now, she's not the person she was then. Darla paid a heavy price for telling RA which she knew she would , that is why she kept the secret for so long.  They knew what Darla ONCE was when they let her back into their lives. I say look at who she is NOW and realize that the head space she was in no longer exist. Embrace and continue loving each other. The issue that the family is having is because Darla did not tell RA or the family before now... well now we know why don't we ? This is the reaction that she feared ! If she had told you CHARLEY seven years ago would your reaction have been any different ?  I THINK NOT. 

LISTEN, I get that it's hard to trust a former addict most especially  when they have lied  so many times, stolen from you,  did so many things to earn your suspicion. Darla made the ultimate sacrifice to come clean,  all at the risk of losing her family, and that confession cost her everything and in my humble opinion that's what  TRUE LOVE REALLY IS.. 

When you become clear, you are frightened looking back when things were cloudy. Darla did not want to LIE any longer because the TRUTH hurts enough...

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On ‎10‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 1:03 AM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Ralph Angel is left devastated by Darla's news; Charley's business is threatened. Micah has an issue with his school. Nova receives a new opportunity. Violet reveals her diagnosis to Hollywood.

 Wow, what a great season finale. I know RA will come around to forgiving Darla, he will have too because of Blue. Nova will also come around, she champions people that make mistakes in life, it was the hardest thing to turn Darla away. Am I sensing some slight bit of chemistry with Nova and Remy ?  I  pray this is a brotherly love ?   Hollywood and Vie are blessed financially ,  now do the right thing and reach out to Darla with forgiveness. you guys are the only family that Blue has ever known , why tear it apart now ?  Charley is her mother's daughter very business savvy , this strategy may work if she stays focused on the game.  Landry has 'Jungle Fever,"  Charley  is about to blow his mind.   Typical white man craving a taste of that "BROWN SUGAR"  Charley is beautiful, smart, aggressive, cunning, passionate and all of this makes her sexy as hell. " His goose is cooked "

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On 11/2/2017 at 10:40 PM, Clanstarling said:

Kind of explains something I heard the first time I met my father's southern family. "You can't deny she's yours" (or something like that) was the first thing out of his uncle's mouth. I was taken aback. At 14, that just seemed like a really weird thing to say. (yes, I favor his side of the family)

I've heard people say this kind of thing a lot, and I never gave it a second thought. I just thought it was something funny that people say. Now that you mention it, though, it probably does go back to a time when men couldn't be 100% certain about the paternity of their children.

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