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S06.E05: Devil's Bargain

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Casey and Severide find themselves at odds after Casey argues with him over the best way to save a teenager entangled in barbed wire. When Casey looks to Boden for help smoothing out the situation, he comes to the realization that he will have to fix it himself. Elsewhere, Otis tries to convince Casey to participate in the beta test for an expensive piece of new firefighting equipment imported from Japan. Meanwhile, Kidd and Hope come to blows over a payroll issue and Brett goes on a date with a doctor she meets during an ambo call.

Wow no thread yet?

And that's why you use Direct Deposit, moron! I couldn't believe how many of the firefighters got paper checks. I didn't even know that was a thing anymore. Our company doesn't even have that option.

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Didn't care for this episode. 

I do use checks but it's my managers that are the only ones who handle it. 

I didn't care for the Casey/Severide issue but it seemed like Casey had a big head already and maybe Severide was a bit upset about not being made Captain. 

At first I thought Brett had a stalker but I wonder if maybe the comment Stella made got Brett mad and caused her to lash out at the end. I was thinking, wtf Brett? 

When she met the doctor for dinner, I actually was thinking this would be a stalker type storyline but it was too short. lol 

Otis mentioned he would have to pay for that gadget, I wonder how much it is in American dollars he would be out because I would have thought he'd be worried about that. 

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Otis claimed 9 million yen, which comes out to about $73,000 dollars US.  Not too likely on a firefighter salary.  When that box arrived, the first thing I thought of was those old Bugs Bunny cartoons about the Tasmanian Devil.

Alright, so now we know that Hope is eeeevil.  Can we get on with some real stories now?  I agree 100% about the paper checks.  Years ago, before DD became available for everyone in our department, I received a paper check in the mail.  Without looking, I endorsed and deposited it.  The bank apparently never looked at it either, because it was actually someone else's check that had been misplaced in the envelope.  It took about two months for the AA to track it down, after which they called me to refund the money, which, of course, I promptly did.  Sorry about that, dude, if you're reading this.

Gabby and her snotty comments on the pregnant woman incident.  Shut up, Gabby.  Look up the definition of the word professionalism before next shift, please.  Even if the MD was rather intrusive, that's not an excuse for your conduct. 

I did like Boden's comment to Casey about "We have a problem, Captain?"  Yeah, that is why the overhead usually start out at a different station.  Casey was right in that the Captain has overall authority at a scene (unless preempted by a BC), but Severide made a good point about delegation of authority.  Casey has some stuff to learn.

One thing puzzled me at the end scene.  The firehouse crew is going off shift in the morning (Casey and Gabby going to breakfast), but when Brett goes in to confront Hope, she is shutting down her computer and the office is empty.  Admin personnel work 8-5 or so, not 24's, or did the writers just have a brainfart?

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Dawson gave the doctor a little of the same attitude she received from the foreman in the previous episode. The doctor tried help, he gave his credentials and she just rolled her eyes. 

When Stella was told she would have to wait 2 weeks for another check, Dawson or Sylvie didn't offer a loan. I know they were arguing about Hope but help a sister out. Where's the bond we kept hearing about?

From the scene with Boden and Casey, it seem like Boden was about to cry. Was this overacting? Reflecting on the character's 3rd marriage, leadership skills, no friends must have hit the actor hard.

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1 hour ago, Waterston Fan said:

I didn't care for the Casey/Severide issue but it seemed like Casey had a big head already and maybe Severide was a bit upset about not being made Captain. 

At first I thought Brett had a stalker but I wonder if maybe the comment Stella made got Brett mad and caused her to lash out at the end. I was thinking, wtf Brett? 

Casey was acting like an arrogant jerk.  He even seemed to walk and look different, like he had a stick up his @$$.  I'm with Severide on this one.

Brett approached Hope because of Gabby's comment to her about being naive and only seeing the good in people without seeing all sides.  I think she realized that Stella may have had a point.  Hope's actions could have gotten the woman from payroll fired too - she's just a jerk too.  Maybe she and Casey would be good for each other...

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29 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Casey was acting like an arrogant jerk.  He even seemed to walk and look different, like he had a stick up his @$$.  I'm with Severide on this one.

Brett approached Hope because of Gabby's comment to her about being naive and only seeing the good in people without seeing all sides.  I think she realized that Stella may have had a point.  Hope's actions could have gotten the woman from payroll fired too - she's just a jerk too.  Maybe she and Casey would be good for each other...

Yeah, Casey was acting like a jerk for sure. I think somehow he will end up getting domoted or ask to be demoted. 

That makes sense about Brett, now that you mention it. Hopefully she will see both sides of whatever issue is with Hope. I think eventually it will bite Brett back hard. 

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One thing puzzled me at the end scene.  The firehouse crew is going off shift in the morning (Casey and Gabby going to breakfast), but when Brett goes in to confront Hope, she is shutting down her computer and the office is empty.  Admin personnel work 8-5 or so, not 24's, or did the writers just have a brainfart?

Not only that but we've heard numerous times about this elusive "third shift" but we've never once seen any other shift but this one. I know a thing or two about how fire stations work: if they're all leaving for the day the other shift should already be there. And when they are arriving in the morning the previous shift should be there. There's a one-hour shift change where the departing shift checks out their equipment and the arriving shift checks it in. You cannot leave until your relief is there. I know they don't want to add other characters but just once I'd like to see some extras walking out of the station in the morning,  or walking in after this shift leaves.

I didn't really get the "panic" on the doctor's face when he saw Sylvie at the hospital. Or, is he psychic? How prescient that his wife should call the front desk (and not his cell phone FFS) at that very moment!

And yeah - why is Gabby such a bitch? Is she psychic too? Did she know the doctor was an adulterer? I swear, I wish the writers or the directors would realize who awful she comes off sometimes.

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42 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I didn't really get the "panic" on the doctor's face when he saw Sylvie at the hospital. Or, is he psychic? How prescient that his wife should call the front desk (and not his cell phone FFS) at that very moment!

He knew his wife was there at the hospital, ready to walk in at any second. She called the front desk saying she couldn't find a parking space. 

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8 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Dawson gave the doctor a little of the same attitude she received from the foreman in the previous episode. The doctor tried help, he gave his credentials and she just rolled her eyes. 

Yeah, thanks for pointing out the similarity.  Dawson was really being a bitch, telling the doctor to get out of the way.  She's got a chip on her shoulder about doctors thinking they know more than she does?  News flash - they DO. 

I hated that the doctor turned out to be an ass - I wanted Gabby to be wrong about him.

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As soon as Gabby started being a dick to the doctor in the supermarket, I wanted to throw my remote at the TV. The immature eye rolling was driving me nuts. He's a doctor and he's trying to help. He knows more than you. Let him. Gah. So much hate.

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I will say this about the doctor interaction, though.  The two medics were right in dissuading him from assisting them, although Gabby was all wrong about it.  Anyone can say they're a doctor, but it doesn't mean that they are.  He could be some kind of specialist in tropical insects, or maybe even a history professor who wants to be called Doctor.  They have to rely on their own protocols.

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I HATE GABBY!  The Dr says he can help because he's a doctor.  She could have just said, "we got it, thank you."  Instead, she has to roll her eyes and snap at him.  I guess the Dr should have known it was Gabby and she knows EVERYTHING so there was no need to assist.   Silvie is not allowed to have any kind of storyline for more than one episode so I knew the Dr wouldn't have worked out by the end of the show.

This Hope plot is just awful!  First, who still uses paper checks?  I find it hard to believe that city workers don't have/use direct deposit.  Second, there is NO WAY that a business, especially the city, is going to tell Stella that it would be another 2 weeks before she got her replacement check.  Come the eff on!  Doesn't happen.  EVER!  Third, why would it be Hope's job to track down Stella's check if it was an error on payroll's end.  Stella should have taken the hour off and gone down to payroll and gotten a new check.  

Casey was being a dick this episode and I didn't like it.  I like when he and Severide are friends.  What was up with Boden at the end?  He had 3 failed marriages because he's the chief?  Does that mean Casey and Gabby won't work out...we should be so lucky!

Don't even get me started on the Otis / broken machine thing.  Lame!  Why does this show always make Otis, Cruz, Mouch, etc such hopeless lugs?

Edited by juliet73
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43 minutes ago, juliet73 said:

This Hope plot is just awful!  First, who still uses paper checks?  I find it hard to believe that city workers don't have/use direct deposit.  Second, there is NO WAY that a business, especially the city, is going to tell Stella that it would be another 2 weeks before she got her replacement check.  Come the eff on!  Doesn't happen.  EVER!  Third, why would it be Hope's job to track down Stella's check if it was an error on payroll's end.  Stella should have taken the hour off and gone down to payroll and gotten a new check.  

The thing is, Hope had stolen Stella's check, she shredded it at the end and Hope realized that she was caught and had to come up with something while she tracked it down. 

Hope is still a thief but got caught because Stella said something. 

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The most obnoxious couple award goes to Casey and Dawson......I used to like Casey but it seems that his wife is rubbing off on him & not in a good way. My impression with Severide at the end was that he will respect the rank but not Casey, not until he pulls his head in and I don't blame him. 

Before his promotion he would have listened to Severide's opinion and let him do the the rescue the way he thought best. It's not Severide that has a problem with Casey now outranking him, it's Casey thinking he's suddenly better than he was a week earlier because of the colour of his shirt. 

The less said about Gabby's ridiculous behaviour the better. A simple question to the Doctor about where he worked would have sufficed and he could have been useful. I don't know about how things work in the US but at an incident here, if a Dr is on hand they are used, he could have been a O&G for all they knew, but of course Dawson wanted to become a Dr for a nanosecond so obviously that's like practically getting a medical licence, isn't it?

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Did Brett not realize something was up with her Doctor date when the guy who took her out for drinks was apparently on call at the hospital that night? At first I figured it was just bad writing, but I guess obviously it was his wife calling not the hospital. 

On 10/28/2017 at 2:40 PM, juliet73 said:

This Hope plot is just awful!  First, who still uses paper checks?  I find it hard to believe that city workers don't have/use direct deposit.  Second, there is NO WAY that a business, especially the city, is going to tell Stella that it would be another 2 weeks before she got her replacement check.

The two weeks thing was really stupid especially in a union/government environment.  

Also speaking of stupid, who has to die in a fire before Otis actually gets a decent storyline?

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10 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Also speaking of stupid, who has to die in a fire before Otis actually gets a decent storyline?

Probably Otis.

Casey was definitely wrong in how he handled the rescue and its aftermath, although I appreciated that he read the article and was concerned that his decision cost the guy his leg.  It was nice of Severide to admit he probably would have lost his leg anyway.  It does seem like they really hit us over the head with "Casey is awesome" plots early; I assume he is heading for a fall soon.  If being chief guarantees divorce, let's promote Casey again right now.

I like the Stella/Kelly friendship right now.  Don't rush it, show!  Give us a slow burn so their inevitable hookup feels natural.

I continue to (mostly) love Christopher and thought his talk with Casey about Otis and then his talk with Otis were perfect.

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Dear Chicago Fire

Will you just please get rid of the awful Dawson. l don't have the time or space to list the hundreds of reasons why she should go but if you would kindly read these forums you can enlighten yourselves more than adequately if you really don't know already. Many fans just can't work out quite why you have her in this show.

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Casey was definitely wrong in how he handled the rescue and its aftermath, although I appreciated that he read the article and was concerned that his decision cost the guy his leg.  It was nice of Severide to admit he probably would have lost his leg anyway.  It does seem like they really hit us over the head with "Casey is awesome" plots early; I assume he is heading for a fall soon.  If being chief guarantees divorce, let's promote Casey again right now.



Dear Chicago Fire

Here l refer just to the last line of the above paragraph. Please let's promote Casey to Chief if it will make sure he becomes detached from that leech of a wife he has got himself shackled to, and no, don't let's have any 'dawsey' babies either! Thank you.

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