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Spoilers And Shockers

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Seconded. He was neat as a good guy when everyone around him was a bit nuts but now we are getting excessive Rafeage, so yeah...not so jazzed for bland good guy Sonny. We've got that track covered. Plus, I never saw any real chemistry between him and Paul.

I wonder if RealWill would have gotten bored with him at some point. I could imagine CM's Will needing someone more compelling a year or two into their marriage...

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When the only two Salem gays reunite by default I wonder how long it will be before they bore themselves to death. Sonny has some semblance of a personality but it's not enough to overcome the extreme nothingness that is Sparkle. 

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46 minutes ago, Rick Kitchen said:

I'm surprised Corday is spilling secrets like this so freely.

Given all the negative buzz, I'm not surprised he's trying to say something, anything, to get people to tune in.

I do like Leann Hunley, though.

Has Sonny been back on-screen yet?

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Glamour: What story line are you most excited for fans to see?

Ken: There are two: the one with Chad and Abigail and JJ and Gabi. They are very vibrant and good actors, the young future of the show. I’m very excited about the story Nicole will have coming up with Chloe and Deimos and with Brady and another huge return from the past. Again, a big surprise, and a great part of Nicole’s past and life experience in Salem. It’s a baby story, and those seem to work well for us.


Brady and another huge return from the past...that is also part of Nicole's past? I was immediately thinking Kristen but she had little to do with Nicole.

Who do they have in common?


Also, I find it weird that Theresa's parents are coming in after December if she's leaving in Sept....am I misunderstanding?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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33 minutes ago, Rick Kitchen said:

They couldn't possibly be bringing Izzy back, could they?

I believe Staci Greason retired from acting on a regular basis and is more into writing now. And as much as I liked Isabella (and RoJohn/Isabella), her death was beautifully done, one of the last with heart. Leave it there.

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39 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Brady and another huge return from the past...that is also part of Nicole's past? I was immediately thinking Kristen but she had little to do with Nicole.

Who do they have in common?


Also, I find it weird that Theresa's parents are coming in after December if she's leaving in Sept....am I misunderstanding?

Rumor has it that one of Nicole's babies are coming back...

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This part of the interview is so short that it's worrisome:



Glamour: Drake Hogestyn (John) had a terrible fall in a freak accident in early May. Any update on how he's doing?

Ken: We wish Drake the best and hope to see him back on set soon.


Has DH been giving updates or has he been silent?

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23 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I wonder if RealWill would have gotten bored with him at some point. I could imagine CM's Will needing someone more compelling a year or two into their marriage...

I'm sorry but "RealWIll"?  Is that the Will who took Abby's side against his mother during the EJ affair?  Or is it the Will who left Salem for LA and cheated on Sonny there and then came back to Salem and cheated on Sonny again with Paul?  

I know I'm looking forward to seeing Sonny again but I don't want him paired with Paul--he was way too controlling in their romance and I don't think that's changed and there's also the whole affair with Will--it's kind of gross and would make Sonny less awesome--in my view anyway :):)

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It's a bit crappy to call Chandler "RealWill" but that's who I was referring to. Guy looked more like Sweeney but always felt like a temp in the part, and since I was talking about Sonny and Will, I found myself wondering where their story would have gone if Chandler had stayed and the writing was consistent.

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Ken Corday had the stupid idea of making Will into his mother's clone and that backfired....They should have just given Wilson character-driven storylines. Will's insecurity, curiosity about life, and growing independence and Sonny's paternalism could have been the vehicle to give us that..Plus, Paul should have been an antagonistic interloper hellbent on destroying Will to get Sonny back....They could have also brought back one of Sonny's brothers to town, to give us more insight on Sonny's backstory..It would have made him more of his own character, instead of an appendage to Will...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Glamour: Melissa Reeves and Billy Flynn had some incredible scenes together last week. What can you preview for Jennifer and Chad?

Ken: Stay tuned on that one. We have a new Abby, and she’s wonderful. There was a lot of great chemistry with Kate Mansi and Billy Flynn, and he’s wonderful. The proof will be in the pudding. We’ll see [the new Abby] air after Christmas.

I'm surprised we're getting that much of a break from Failure. Unfortunately, during that break Chad will probably bang Ciara. 

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4 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Maybe Ciara will pull a Belle and get so distracted and jealous by Theoaire (Cleo?) that she loses her lady boner for Sad Chad.

Cleo. Definitely Cleo : )

15 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

I'm surprised we're getting that much of a break from Failure. Unfortunately, during that break Chad will probably bang Ciara. 

GOD, please don't do that, show. Did earlier reports indicate Abby would be back in September? Maybe I read "fall" somewhere and assumed too much.

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2 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Cleo. Definitely Cleo : )

GOD, please don't do that, show. Did earlier reports indicate Abby would be back in September? Maybe I read "fall" somewhere and assumed too much.

I don't remember reading anything about when her return would be but the recast started filming either in May or June. Even with the shooting schedule she should still be on screen before Christmas,not after. Having her be on the run off screen for seven months is a very long time, especially considering how infatuated TPTB are with the character.  

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So I have a theory about how Theresa will leave the show...what if, after Tate has been recovered and Victor is exposed, she and Brady have a secret wedding and intentionally leave Victor out of it, thereby bringing back her parents and sister Eve. Only, she finally agrees with her mother's original plan to live with the baby in California, this time to protect him from Victor. Brady reluctantly agrees that for the time being he would rather see Tate distanced from Victor, and that's the way things end...


 ...until Shane and Kim return in the new year? I am a bit confused about whether or not they have signed on for additional appearances after their fall appearance...

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I'm hoping that Theresa finally wakes up to what a dismissive lunkhead Brady is and takes the baby to live in California.  Brady will agree to split custody to protect his little root vegetable from Victor, because Brady has finally realized the old man a vicious, cold-blooded reptile in the skin of a human being.

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Aug 1 spoilers 


Monday August 1:
Jennifer seeks help from an unlikely source. 

Tuesday August 2:
John & Marlena share a romantic moment. 

Tuesday August 2:
Caroline has a startling vision.

Wednesday August 3:
Gabi has a scary encounter. 

Thursday August 4:
Deimos & Nicole take their relationship to the next level. 

Friday August 5:
Jennifer imagines Jack comforting her. 

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2 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Friday August 5:
Jennifer imagines Jack comforting her. 

Until Figment Jack grows a spine and tells Jennifer to get bent and go find Spirit Dan, since she treated Jack like dog shit for the Tan One.

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3 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Why do spoilers always say "take their relationship to the next level" instead of just saying "they have sex." 

I see there are no spoilers about Sonny going to see Gabi and Ari. 

Of Course not! Sonny does not give a damn about Ari, since she is Will's daughter, if she was Paul's daughter, he would go see her..

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1 hour ago, Rick Kitchen said:

Oh, that's not true at all.

 Sonny's last scenes where he placed the photo of Will, Sonny and Arianna on Will's grave and it blew away in the wind said it all to me - that Sonny would wash his hands from the daughter he promised at her christening "to take care of her as if she were my own daughter and love her for the rest of my life" - his promises were all lies. He abandoned her the day Will was buried and Sonny flew to Paris. I lost all respect for Sonny that day. I am no longer excited to see Freddie's return because I know it is going to be all about Paul. No mention of Will or his former life. He has removed his wedding ring. Will meant nothing to him after he saw Paul again. I want Will to come back from the dead and take his daughter and tell Sonny and his precious Paul to fuck off and die...


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I think Sonny's story and his absence from Ariana was written the way it was because Freddie Smith was leaving the show, not because Sonny is an ass.  Show takes the easiest way out with story lines so they weren't about to create some complicated plot that kept Ari in Sonny's life and that they'd have to revisit and deal with.  He is just  a character, not a real person.

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I think Sonny left Ariana also.  Maybe he felt it would be easier to leave?  She is with her bio mom.  It does seem strange that he doesn't see her.   Perhaps a scene of him talking with his mom about this would help.

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More for the week of Aug 1


Monday 8/1/16
Chloe receives unexpected news. 

Tuesday 8/2/16 
John & Brady get a lead in Tate’s kidnapping. 

Wednesday 8/3/16 
Deimos declares his love for Nicole. 

Thursday 8/4/16
Chad remembers his father. 

Friday 8/5/16
JJ lashes out at Chad. 

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20 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

 Sonny's last scenes where he placed the photo of Will, Sonny and Arianna on Will's grave and it blew away in the wind said it all to me - that Sonny would wash his hands from the daughter he promised at her christening "to take care of her as if she were my own daughter and love her for the rest of my life" - his promises were all lies. He abandoned her the day Will was buried and Sonny flew to Paris. I lost all respect for Sonny that day. I am no longer excited to see Freddie's return because I know it is going to be all about Paul. No mention of Will or his former life. He has removed his wedding ring. Will meant nothing to him after he saw Paul again. I want Will to come back from the dead and take his daughter and tell Sonny and his precious Paul to fuck off and die...


I look at the family photo being taken away by the wind as a metaphor for his and Will's relationship.  They had the beginnings of a great marriage/family but then Will left for LA and the lies/cheating began and which Will never truly held himself accountable for and because of that, their little family was doomed.  I also think that Sonny's having to deal with being horribly injured from being stabbed while also finding out about the multiple lies and Will being such a Sneasel really pushed him over the edge, so he had to leave town to get away from the lying/cheater.

Then Will has his personal revelation, calls Sonny for a second chance and his then murdered, so now Sonny has that guilt to live with, so he decided to go back to Paris, so he could try and put his life back together again.  He isn't a villain in this story, but another victim.  And Ari was never left alone or without loved ones around her--at all times, she had one of her parents with her, if it wasn't Will or Sonny then it was Gabi.  The little girl is surrounded by love from her grandparents and extended family and I'm not worried about her feeling abandoned. 

Now I agree that putting Paul and Sonny together is kind of gross but it could be played as Paul was Sonny's first love and they rekindled their old feelings and that's how they will get back together, but Sonny's marriage to Will can't be forgotten.

Now onto what happens with Theresa and Summer--I guess the show is going with making Summer a full on psycho-killer.  I know Brady's going to rescue Theresa but I kind of want her to get away on her own.

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Monday, August 1, 2016
Claire starts working as Chloe’s assistant. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Sonny & Paul catch up. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Chloe shares her news with Philip. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016
Jennifer & Chad continue their custody battle. 

Friday, August 5, 2016 
Justin faces losing his job or worse. 

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2 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Now I agree that putting Paul and Sonny together is kind of gross but it could be played as Paul was Sonny's first love and they rekindled their old feelings and that's how they will get back together, but Sonny's marriage to Will can't be forgotten.

Will never existed according to these writers so I'm sure his marriage to Sonny will be downplayed or not mentioned at all. Which is fine, I don't particularly care anymore. I just want Will's dead to be undone, for him to get his life together, and to raise his daughter with Gabi. Sonny can go back to his one true love and eventually Will can move on with someone who doesn't have an obsessive ex. 

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