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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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So beautiful. Sniff. Also, this proves that Jason never killed for money. It was for love.

Heh. That was always made clear, actually. He started working for Sonny to get away from the Qs and because he needed somewhere to channel his thrill-seeking and anger. But it was mostly because Sonny treated him with respect and not like he was stupid or damaged. He gave him a home. And he felt loyal to him because of that.

Jason also had low self-esteem, though. He never thought he could do anything else or would be good at anything else. One of my favorite scenes is when he randomly starts speaking French when he was in Paris with Robin and she's like, "See, I told you you knew how to speak French. Your accents better than mine." Jason Q. was still there in a lot of ways.

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Wait, so did they all roll right over not-Jake's body? What the hell, I thought it was just Luke.

I meant that if they thought they felt something kid-sized.

The night it happened, everyone ran over something, knew it, but didn't stop because of more pressing reasons. Then when it was discovered the bump might have been Jake, there was some handwringing that if they'd known, they'd have stopped. When it was revealed that Luke had been the one to actually hit Jake, I forget if they said what the others may have hit. A pothole, maybe? 

33 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Also I think they just copy and pasted half this shit when they SORASed Morgan for Michael/Morgan. It was much better written (and acted, as much as I liked BC back then) the first time.

BC's Morgan has always had a whiny edge, IMO, which undercuts any toughness he tries to show. 

  • Love 1

Okay, last one for now.

Luke: I know it's not easy to wrap your head around this kind of betrayal.

Lucky: it's weird. It's weird how denial works. 'Cause I knew something was going on. I mean, I knew it. Elizabeth was acting so tense. She was hot and then cold and then numb, just going through the motions. She wasn't--she wasn't happy about anything when we got back together. I was just so sure that we loved each other enough.

Luke: There was really no reason to believe otherwise, was there?

Lucky: You know, I went over there to see Nikolas 'cause he was supposed to go to Paris. And I heard Elizabeth's voice. But she was saying "I love you" over and over, which didn't make any sense. So I looked in the room. [Sighs] Yeah. I just turned around and left. They didn't even know I wasn't there.

Luke: At are you gonna do now?

Lucky: I think I'll just sit here and drink. Isn't that a song?

Luke: [Chuckles] It is. Merle Haggard. Yeah.

Lucky: Yeah?

Luke: I used to love that song. I played it a lot when we were in Texas. How do you remember that? You were just a baby.

Lucky: I don't know. Listen, Dad, I'm sorry for shutting you out, for throwing your concern for me right back in your face. For treating you like the enemy when... The enemies were right beside me all along.

Lucky: I trashed the house.

Luke: How badly?

Lucky: Well, let's just say I finally understand why you hate that place so much.

Luke: Hmm. I trashed your room once after the fire when everybody thought you were dead.

Lucky: Really?

Luke: Mm-hmm.

Lucky: Elizabeth and I never recovered after that fire. You know, we were great as teenagers. Loved each other. Helped each other through some really tough times. I think we're pretty good parents, too. It's just that in-between place where a grown-up man meets a grown-up woman. I was never the one.

Luke: Well, I'm not so sure that's true.

Lucky: Every time Elizabeth and I get close to each other, she puts someone between us. First it was Jason. Now it's Nikolas. It's almost like she thinks that they're more dangerous than me or something.

Luke: Well, that's only because she has an untrained eye.

Lucky: Well, you know, you were always that guy with Mom. The dangerous guy. You know, she'd follow you all over the world for God's sake. But with Elizabeth, it's somehow in her mind I'm like this safe haven. She presents it like it's this great everlasting love, but I'm just a living room in that damn house.

Lucky: Yeah, you'd be proud of me. Got that old baseball bat in the closet.

Luke: Yeah?

Lucky: Yeah. I was screaming. Screaming at all the ghosts in that place. You were right. Love is a lie.

Luke: Well, if I ever said that, I was wrong. Love is not a lie. Love is the real deal. The problem is, love is human, the songs and the poems, it does not heal all wounds.

Lucky: I've made so many excuses for Elizabeth. That she needs more time, more distance, closeness, freedom, security, family, no family. The truth is, I have no idea what she wants or what she needs. But it sure as hell isn't me.

Lucky: A safe haven. That's what that house was for me. One place where I didn't have to be on the defensive or look over my shoulder, scout out the nearest exit, but that is exactly what I should have been doing all along.

Luke: You put your heart and your soul on the line for your love with Elizabeth. I admire that. I admire that commitment. I admire the chances that you took. You're fearless.

Lucky: Well, I guess we're about to find out.

Luke: Hey. I thought you were gonna stay here and drink.

Lucky: I've got someplace I need to be.

Luke's line about love is great. 

Some people have mentioned the "Sonny contemplates killing Maxie" scene, this is it:

Sonny: This is exactly the kind of surprise I don't need right now. How did I miss Maxie sittin' in her car in front of Kate's the night Claudia died?

Jason: Obviously you had other things on your mind, Sonny.

Sonny: I just don't like that she saw me there with Michael, Jason.

Jason: Okay, Maxie is not gonna mention Michael. I made that very clear. And Spinelli understands, so he's gonna go over it and over it with Maxie.

Sonny: Spinel -- okay. So now it goes from bad to worse. You tell me how a ditsy broad like Maxie is gonna keep her mouth shut during a whole police interrogation.

Jason: Look, I know Maxie better than you do, and I told her exactly what she can tell the cops.

Sonny: Which is what?

Jason: That you came home late with a stain on your shirt.

Sonny: Well, how the hell -- what's that mean?

Jason: That you got out of the car, you opened the gates, the headlights were aimed at you.

Sonny: Okay.

Jason: That's what Maxie's gonna say, okay? Nothin' about Michael being in the car, and the cops can come to the same conclusion as she did, that you killed Claudia.

Sonny: Well, why wouldn't they? She saw blood on my shirt.

Jason: Yeah, but it doesn't matter because the shirt’s gone, there's no physical proof, and there's plenty of room for reasonable doubt.

Sonny: I don't trust Maxie.

Jason: Okay, Sonny. She kept her mouth shut so far out of loyalty to me. She's gonna keep it together for Spinelli.

Sonny: Yeah? Like when she had sex with Franco? All Franco had to do was talk pretty to her. And it's not pretty what the cops do when they want something, especially when it involves me --

Spinelli: The itchy arms of the law, in the person of the parental unit, have wasted no time. Maximista's been escorted downtown, and I fear she will crack like an egg at the first sign of pressure.

Just to clarify, I went and checked, and Spinelli doesn't come in to the room until his line. I checked because I was like wtf, was Spin there listening and then just confirms to Sonny that he thinks she's gonna crack? It's still a shit thing to do though.

Spinelli: The parental one insisted on escorting Maximista to police headquarters.

Sonny: Well, that's not good.

Spinelli: Well, I took it upon myself to contact the brusque lady of justice.

Sonny: But that's a dumb move, because, you know, it shows that Maxie's tryin' to hide something, so you don't --

Jason: Hey, Spinelli, why don't you just go find out what's happening and report back to me, please.

Spinelli: Will do.

[Sonny sighs]

Sonny: We gotta have a plan "B."

Jason: But, Sonny, the only alternative is just to tell the truth and let Diane make a case for self-defense for Michael.

Sonny: What's goin' on with you right now? Did Franco mess with your head more than I thought?

Jason: This has nothin' to do with Franco.

Sonny: Are you sure about that? Because you're the one who keeps sayin' that he got to you. I'm just tryin' to figure out how bad.

Jason: Are you gonna tell me our only option was to take Maxie out before she could be questioned by the cops? Come on, Sonny.

Sonny: I'm just makin' a point. We don't give up Michael, whatever it takes. We make sure the cover holds.

The Lucky speech to Liz when he confronted Nikolas and Liz:

Elizabeth: Lucky, you think that Nikolas and I -- no.

Lucky: Yeah, I know Elizabeth. I know that you two have been screwing each other behind my back. It's not your finest moment.

Elizabeth: Lucky, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know how I let it happen. I know it was wrong.

Lucky: Wrong? No. No. Wrong is forgetting our anniversary or not paying the phone bill. When your fiancée is nailing your brother, that goes way, way past wrong, Elizabeth. That's something else. I don't even know what it is. It's sick. And I've been tryin' to figure out how I could be so blind to what you really are.

Nikolas: You're drunk. This isn't the time for this.

Lucky: So what?

Nikolas: You're gonna say something that you regret.

Lucky: So what? I'll regret? Out of the three of us in this room, I'm supposed to be the one with regrets?

Elizabeth: Who told you?

Lucky: You did. Well, actually you told him. See, I was on my way to Wyndemere, say good-bye to my brother, and I heard your voice say, "I love you," just like you've said to me a million times. Pushed open the door -- and there you were, all over each other.

Elizabeth: Lucky, I never wanted to hurt you.

Lucky: Why would you care? You don't love me.

Elizabeth: But I do. I do.

Lucky: You don't do this to someone you love.

Nikolas: If you're gonna hate anyone in this, hate me. It's not her fault.

Lucky: Oh, I’ll get to you. Don't worry. But you know what? In all fairness, I deserve a free pass. First time around, you know, not knowing that you were banging Jason, carrying his child, and lying to me, sayin' that it was mine. I mean, I was in recovery, and I thought you were the little angel I'd always loved.

Nikolas: It's not her fault, okay? She didn't want this all along, and I pressed it. I --

Lucky: You pressed. Well, she failed miserably. What is it, Elizabeth? Huh? I wanna know. What is it about cheating that just turns you on so much, huh? Are you bored when I touch you? Is it not risky enough, or do you just like being the center of your own drama, huh?

Nikolas: I am begging you not to do this right now.

Lucky: What, do you like the rush of sneaking around behind my back, the danger of screwin' on any flat surface you can find? Huh? In the back seat of a car, telling him or just whoever the guy of the moment is that nobody gets you like he does?

Elizabeth: I don't think we should be doing this while you're drunk.

Lucky: Who cares?! Who cares if I'm drunk?! Drunk! sober! Sober! Drunk! I can still smell every lie that comes out of your mouth. But look, I'll own my part in this. Okay? I couldn't see what was right in front of me. You’re too edgy when Nikolas is around. You cry for no reason. You push me away and then say it has nothing to do with me. I should have known after everything that Elizabeth has done that she was a faithless tramp. But never, ever in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine this betrayal from my own brother.

Lucky: You're the big surprise, Nikolas. All those years learning to trust each other, believing you when you said you loved me, that we were both our mother's sons. I got news for you. You are a Cassadine right down to the bottom of your rotten soul. Yeah, I guess I had to see it for myself, but you two make a hell of a pair.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Lucky: So you've said.

Elizabeth: I have no excuse.

Lucky: Something we agree on.

Nikolas: Look, don't know what else to say. We didn't plan for this to happen, Lucky. It just happened, okay?

Lucky: I don't even know what that means.

Elizabeth: You know, what you saw, it was the end of it.

Lucky: End of it? Oh, it helps to know that wasn't the only time. When did this affair start exactly, huh? Well, you know what? I don't wanna know.

Nikolas: The bottom line is, Lucky, we love you. It's over. Whatever we had --

Lucky: You might have thought about that before you jumped into bed.

Elizabeth: Nikolas was leaving the country. I just went to Wyndemere to say good-bye, and I don't know how --

Lucky: Oh, and nothing says goodbye like a good --

Nikolas: Wait! Stop! St --

Lucky: Hey! You wanna get all macho now? Huh? You wanna get all chivalrous, defend your little prize over here? You make me sick. You're a sorry excuse for a man. What happened, Elizabeth? What happened? I mean, I thought we had forgiven each other for everything that happened with me and Maxie and you and Jason.

Elizabeth: We did.

Lucky: Then why?

Elizabeth: We did.

Lucky: Then why? What, you just decided to betray me?

Elizabeth: I hate myself for what I did, and I'm never gonna touch him again. I swear.

Lucky: Well, good news on that, 'cause the deal is off. You two can screw each other as much as you want now, 'cause I no longer care. You were everything to me once, Elizabeth. And I don't know when you changed or why, but now I can see you for the cheating slut that you are.

Nikolas: Stop it! You wanna take it out on someone, you take it out on me! It's not her fault!

Lucky: Oh, I'd love to.

Nikolas: Elizabeth loves you. Do you understand that? She tried to end this thing with me over and over, and I wouldn't let her. It's on me.

Lucky: Do me a favor, okay? Stop tryin' to blame yourself. It's embarrassing. It doesn't change any of the lies. It doesn't change the fact that you were sleeping with him while you were getting ready to marry me.

[Knock on door]

Carly: Elizabeth, it's Carly. Are you home?

Elizabeth: Please don't.

Lucky: Pardon me. Hey, cuz. Come on in.

Carly: Okay, obviously you guys are in the middle of something. I just wanted to invite you to Josslyn's christening. It's on January 29, so --

Lucky: I'll be there, wouldn't miss it. Nikolas and Elizabeth, I don't think they're gonna be able to make it, though, because they'll be both busy rutting like farm animals on any flat surf --

Nikolas: Lucky, for God's sakes! Come on, will you?!

Lucky: What, man? Huh? You don't have to keep it secret anymore. This is liberating! [Chuckles]

Carly: I'm gonna go.

Elizabeth: Carly's gonna tell the world.

Lucky: Don't blame Carly.

Elizabeth: I know you wanna punish me, but think about the boys.

Lucky: Shut your lying mouth! You can whore yourself out to anyone you want, but don't you ever, ever try to use Cam and Jake to manipulate me again, you bitch.

Elizabeth: You can attack me all you want, but I have never used Cam and Jake to manipulate you.

Lucky: You always have. You knew the problems I had with my dad from day one. You held Cam and Jake out as my chance to be a better father, to have a stable family, but what you really wanted was for me to be your fail-safe. You wanted me to play papa while you were out tramping around. Those boys have no idea --

Nikolas: Lucky, you're understandably upset, but you're taking this thing too far.

Lucky: Like hell I am! You heard her. She doesn't want the world to know what you two did, for the boys' sake. She thinks that by throwin' them in my face, she'll get what she wants like always. Well, not this time! You cheated, he lied, and you handed yourself out like candy. You're gonna get what you deserve, Elizabeth, and that might include 2 kids who can't stand the sight of you. Just remember you only have yourself to blame. What happened to that precious little girl that I found trembling in the snow? I'll always love her. [Weeping]

so there are a lot of really good lines there. I think Lucky's "I don't even know what that even means" was a mock up of Nikolas' standard soap trope line, "it just happened, okay?" I still think "sober, drunk; drunk, sober: who cares?!" is funny (in a dark comedy way, of course). So is, "out of all the people in this room, I'm supposed to be the one with regrets?"

As for a lot of the nastier stuff he says, I'm torn. A lot of it really is gross. I necessarily think it was OOC and horrible of Lucky; he just caught his two best friends, his brother and his soulmate fucking, he knows they've been doing it for months behind his back. I think Lucky went back and apologized later so I'm kinda reconciled with it, but some of it is a bit creepy. Then emphasis of Elizabeth as "little" - "little girl", "little angel." Lucky at the time of the rape did not think of Elizabeth as a child; they were the same age more of less, and the whole story was about them (sorry to sound cheesy) them becoming adults. so the whole "where was the little girl I found in the snow!" is not only creepy, but inaccurate. Lucky did overromanticize Liz but he never thought of her as a little girl; the story was not just about Lucky helping Liz - she helped him just as much.

meanwhile, while that was going on, Luke and Tracy were having this conversation:

Luke: Pretty amazing how kids can share the same DNA and be so incredibly different. Lulu, the eternal optimist, she always bounces back. Ethan, well --

Tracy: Cynic to the core.

Luke: I'd say so. He's certainly enough like me that he can punch his way out of a crisis. Cynicism is one of my finer survival mechanisms.

Tracy: Mm-hmm, and not a bad coat of armor.

Luke: Yeah, it deflects the pain, doesn't stop it, might cushion the blow a bit. Lucky doesn't have any armor. He's pretty naked in the world. He believes in hope. He counts on faith. And like me, when I was a younger, more tender man, he wants to believe that love is everlasting. Oh, Elizabeth and his brother. That is a pretty ugly betrayal.

This how you can tell Tony Geary Luke didn't watch the rest of the show. Lulu, the optimist? Ethan, cynic to the core??? Good description of Lucky though. 

Luke: There was a time when Lucky and I understood each other pretty well. I knew that his way of dealing with things was to be the direct opposite of me, light to my dark. That's how he got in the mess he's in now.

Tracy: You could have done worse.

Luke: You damn with faint praise better than anybody I know. Heh.

Tracy: It's a gift. So why don't you just stop feeling sorry for yourself? It's not about you, Luke. It’s obvious you love your son, and whether Lucky realizes it yet or not, he is gonna need you more than ever.

Tracy leaves and Lucky comes in after the confrontation:

Lucky: Can I have a glass? A glass, Dad. [Sighs]

Luke: You know there's only room for one bitter, jaded, nasty Spencer in this saloon, cowboy.

Lucky: You ever looked at someone and known what love is? Watched her brush her hair, read a book, and just every gesture, so simple, so perfect?

Luke: Yeah, I think I know that feeling.

Lucky: I loved her. I mean, I would just look at her and know that she was mine. My heart would just ache with it. That was a good ache. It was like standing on the edge of a cliff looking at the ocean, just frighteningly beautiful. Now the good is gone, and then all that's left is just the ache. I confronted Elizabeth, called her some horrible, horrible, brutal names. I don't even think I feel sad about it or angry. I don't even think I feel anything about it.

Luke: Well, that's probably a blessing right now.

Lucky: Yeah.

Luke: But it won't last.

Luke: I hope you're numb. I hope your numbness gives you a little rest, 'cause when the full weight of this hits you, it's gonna be like an emotional tsunami.

Lucky: You know, I don't give you enough credit, Dad. You've always known that love is just an invitation to get played for a fool.

Luke: Oh, I think it's a little more than that. It has changed lives. It's saved lives.

Lucky: It's destroyed lives.

Luke: Love is a perfect notion. People expect too much out of it. No one can fix your life for you, no matter how much you love them. People are flawed. People fail. I fail regularly.

Lucky: Well, that makes two of us.

Luke: I don't have any doubts about you, cowboy. As soon as you get your wits about you and get your balance back, you'll know just how to face this.

Lucky: There's a lot that makes sense now about you, why you'd never make plans. That way, you'll never be disappointed. You just get up and take it as it comes. Heh. You know, I've been goin' to meetings for over 2 years now, and I just finally now understand what "just for today" is about. Deep your options open. Dump your expectations.

Luke: it's not really that black and white. Nothing is. You know, every hope doesn't get shot to hell.

Lucky: It's okay, Dad. There's something to be said for takin' off the rose-colored glasses. It helps you see clearly to a place where nothing can hurt you, 'cause you've got nothing to lose.

Luke: Careful, son. A man with nothin' to lose has nothin' to live for.

excuse me for a moment while my LL2 loving heart cries about "I would look at her and know that she was mine."

And right when Lucky starts to turn bitter Luke is immediately trying to get him be an optimist again. As Luke once said to Lucky, he's Luke's hero and Luke complained for years but Luke needs Lucky to be the good guy who has hope. "Dump your expectations" is pretty much a Luke line but as soon as Lucky says it Luke's all "well okay maaaybe I bullshitted and it's not quite that simple."

Robin: Yeah. She was furious, hurt on Lucky's behalf. Elizabeth, she was so devastated she didn't even try to defend herself.

Steve: I don't think my sister feels she has a defense.

Robin: When you do talk to Elizabeth, will you give her my best and tell her Patrick and I don't judge her?

Steve: Thanks. I will.

See @HeatLifer? There was precedence! :p

Oh, classic line:

Graciella: Well, sometimes he takes out the trash. One time he even took out the ashes from the fireplace.

Jason: Do you remember when?

Graciella: Um. Just after Mr. Corinthos' latest wife disappeared. 

I remember a lot of people genuinely thought Luke was going to kill Nikolas and/or Elizabeth, which was odd to me. 

Luke: Impressive marksmanship, cowboy. Wow. Looks to me like you can pretty well hit anything you aim for. So, who will it be?

Luke: You've been burned badly. I know you have, son. It's ugly. And you're gonna have to deal with it however you choose. But, um...I would ask.

Lucky: Yeah? What's that?

Luke: I've lived a full life... and then some. So, if you decide that somebody has to die for this, let me do the honors. Be a lot easier for me to go on the run indefinitely. And if I get caught or drop dead trying, at least I would die a very happy man, knowing that I saved my son from the regret and the remorse of committing impulse mayhem, no matter how justified.

Lucky: Thank you, Dad. That means a lot to me. But, um... I don't have any intentions of killing Elizabeth or Nikolas, or anyone, for that matter. I'm just... I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna live my life now that I don't have a future that I can see... or feel.

Lucky: Must have been hard for you watching me grow up. You don't know what to tell your kids--how many hard truths they need to swallow and at what age. I guess the problems, all the illusions that Mom projected of this perfect family, were reinforced in my head just enough to where I actually believed it. Maybe it was 'cause really--I really believed that love could last, that... people could actually live happily ever after. But... it usually doesn't work like that, does it, Dad?

Luke: No. But don't blame your mother. She didn't intend to fill your head with illusion. She believed we were the perfect family for a long time. She knew her faults. She knew mine. And she loved you and Lulu. And she did the best she could. We both did. And Laura and I had... something wonderful for a lot longer than we deserved.

Lucky: It was wrong of me to ever judge your marriage, Dad. I'm sorry. [Sighs and sniffles]

Luke: I don't think you should be sorry. I think you should judge my marriage. I mean, for heaven's sakes, you were there. You and Lulu were there through the good and the bad. Of course you're gonna judge. Who else has a better right? [Sighs] But I think that... if your mother is responsible for instilling hope and belief in you, you should thank her for that... because a man's beliefs define him. And you are an extraordinary young man. I just don't want you to lose that part of you.

Lucky: I don't know if I'm strong enough to hold on to it this time.

Aw, poor fakeson:

Tracy: Where is he?

Ethan: Luke? Haven't seen him. Or Lucky, for that matter, so they're probably off together somewhere.

Tracy: Nursing mutual hangovers.

Ethan: [Chuckles] Yeah, Luke's been pretty focused on helping Lucky get through all this. I mean, it's bad enough to have the woman you love cheat on you. But then with your own brother? That's got to be brutal.

Tracy: And Lucky and Luke have had a really hard time connecting, so now they have something to bond over.

Ethan: Yeah. Well, sometimes, it takes something terrible to shake things up. Really tells you who your friends are, though. But, you know, Luke's missed Lucky, though, so I'm happy for him, circumstances aside.

Tracy: Are you? Or are you feeling left out?

Ethan: Well, I mean, you'll get no drama from me. I'm a realist. I always suspected I was something of a substitute. You know, I'm somebody that Luke can sit down with and be himself and not feel judged for that. Now that he and Lucky are tight, I guess I'm not as necessary.

Just kidding! Of course you're a substitute for Jonathan Jackson Lucky, fakeson! Duh!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

LOL, @ulkis! That was a completely different situation. Cheating is one thing (even though when she caught Niz she said she'd testify for Lucky in a dream sequence. Hee.). Sacrificing yourself and your family, all while being held captive and tortured, to save Jason while Liz....did what she did? Robin would be furious. She was OOC. The end. ;)

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

LOL, @ulkis! That was a completely different situation. Cheating is one thing (even though when she caught Niz and said she'd testify for Lucky. Hee.). Sacrificing yourself and your family, all while being held captive and tortured, to save Jason while Liz....did what she did? Robin would be furious. She was OOC. The end. ;)

I wish Robin had said, "we judge her a little, but tell her we still love her!"

  • Love 1

To me nothing compares to Lulu's takedown of Liz at the nurse's station. I am really not one for calling people names but this was the second time Liz cheated on Lucky and it was with Lulu's and Lucky's brother so I can understand why Lulu was throwing names around.

Lulu: [Sighs] You faithless, lying, sleeping with both of my brothers slut! I hope you burn in hell!

Ethan: Wait, hold up, hold up. You're sleeping with Nikolas?

Lulu: Go on, answer. Tell everyone what a two-faced tramp you are.

Ethan: So that's why Rebecca took off to Paris. 'Cause she found out he was having an affair with you.

Lulu: You talked so much trash about Rebecca. You were all morally outraged over her lies. Turns out you're not only a family-wrecking tramp, you're also a raging hypocrite. And I thought I knew you. I thought you were someone to be admired. I actually believed you when you said that you loved Lucky and you couldn't wait to get remarried and build your sweet little house in the woods and live happily ever after. I totally bought into that four musketeers crap. But it turns out you and Nikolas were really just laughing in Lucky's face.

Elizabeth: It wasn't like --

Lulu: No, shut up! You have no defense. Lucky and Nikolas were more than brothers. They were each other's best friend and now all that's changed because some cheap little tart had to be the center of everyone's attention. Have you broken enough, Elizabeth? Huh? Bond between two brothers, Lucky's sobriety. Now your kids are losing the only father they've ever known. Have you done enough damage so you can slink into some dark hole somewhere and, I don't know, never show your sorry face again? No, no, I'm sorry. I suppose not. It's too much to hope for. Why would you go and do the decent thing? Well, hey, I still have one brother who hasn't been poisoned by you. Better watch out. She might start crying on your shoulder and make it three for three.

Ethan: All right, Lulu. Lulu, that's enough.

Lulu: I guess your martyr act is still working. [Chuckles] Wow. It's not working with me. I see you for who you really are. You're a lying slut.


Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 3

You gotta wonder though if Lulu and Lucky had had some sort of "ye olde 1950s insult synonyms for promiscuous women" handbook in the house growing up.

While I enjoyed the speech at the time, I did like it a lot that Lulu went back and apologized after Jake died. I was really pleasantly surprised the writers a) acknowledged that Lulu was actively still holding a grudge against Liz even if they didn't interact much and didn't mention it and b) that they had Lulu go back at all to apologize.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
On August 13, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Chairperson Meow said:

But, to be fair, Sonny is also to blame.  I'm a bit fuzzy, so I'm sure you can fill in my blanks.  When Michael went to prison, the judge sentenced him harshly based on Sonny/Carly being his parental figures.  Sonny struck a protection deal with Anthony Zaccara.  When Sonny kidnapped his son, Johnny and almost killed him, Anthony Z called off the protection. This made Michael vulnerable as well.  Jason found out and got himself put in prison to protect Michael.  It was too late though because Michael had already been raped by Carter.  Jason knew something happened, but wasn't sure.  So he murdered Carter. Monica didn't know until Franco's video thing where AJ learned and tried to kill Franco.  He also awesomely lashed out at Carly/Sonny.  Those scenes are still on you tube.  

I thought Jason struck the protection deal with  Anthony. He wanted to double up on Michael's protection so he got himself sent to prison. While Jason was being processed (read:not yet with Michael), Sonny called off the deal so he could go after Johnny, which gave the window for the rape.  

On August 12, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Bishop said:

I love the budding romance between Kevin and Laura.

Agreed.  He really dialed up the crazy with her.  Lucy was also a bit off-center, but FV and RC really went "dials-to-the-right" with her.  It was unnecessary, and even the way she cheated on Kevin with Scotty was dumb.  Regardless, I'm happy to see Kevin in a new romance, and I think Lucy and Scotty do work better together, and their temperaments work better too.

Kevin and Laura will be boring and Lucy and Scotty will eventually get boring. 

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Lucky: Every time Elizabeth and I get close to each other, she puts someone between us. First it was Jason. Now it's Nikolas. It's almost like she thinks that they're more dangerous than me or something.

Luke: Well, that's only because she has an untrained eye.

Lucky: Well, you know, you were always that guy with Mom. The dangerous guy. You know, she'd follow you all over the world for God's sake. But with Elizabeth, it's somehow in her mind I'm like this safe haven. She presents it like it's this great everlasting love, but I'm just a living room in that damn house.

And now there's Franco. 

I understand why Guza was fired; the show needed a change in tone and focus, but I miss the soapiness. The current, anemic, glutted bore of an hour is not soapy. 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I did like it a lot that Lulu went back and apologized after Jake died. I was really pleasantly surprised the writers a) acknowledged that Lulu was actively still holding a grudge against Liz even if they didn't interact much and didn't mention it and b) that they had Lulu go back at all to apologize.

I liked that, too. It was fine for Lulu to be angry with Liz, but she had no business calling her out, especially in public that way. (I always hated that.) And I liked that Lulu could put that anger aside because something else was going on that was so much worse.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

And now there's Franco. 

I understand why Guza was fired; the show needed a change in tone and focus, but I miss the soapiness. The current, anemic, boring  glutted bore of an hour is not soapy. 

I don't think we need him back necessarily, just the scriptwriters. I would have liked to see what their work would have been under Ron. I think they could have offset a lot of the camp with good dialogue.

  • Love 5

Would post the clip but, again, a part of a massive list and for some reason it tries to import all the clips.

Anyway, something a little more lighthearted to end the evening. I cut out the first part because it included Lisa (ugh) but...

Patrick: I know my limits.

Robin: Not in the O.R. you don’t.

Patrick: And my patients reap the benefits.

Robin: You are going to continue taking on bigger and bigger challenges just to prove to everyone that you're not some boring married guy with a kid. And I will not stand by and watch that happen.

Patrick: You don't have to protect me from myself.

Robin: We both know that your large ego gets in the way of your judgment. I just don't want to see you push yourself to do something you'd regret.

Patrick: This has nothing to do with me. This is about your fear.

Robin: My fear? What am I afraid of?

Patrick: That I somehow feel tied down or trapped or resentful, which I don’t. But you know who you married. Yes, I'm an adrenaline junkie, and I'm sometimes a jerk. If you don't like that, then I don't know. What are you smiling about?

Robin: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You were saying?

Patrick: No. You're smiling. Tell me what you're smiling about.

Robin: Because when you get angry, your head cocks to the side ever so slightly--

Patrick: It doesn't cock. My head doesn't cock to the--

Robin: It does, and our daughter does the same thing when she's mad.

Patrick: You know what our daughter does? That little thing right there. When she knows she's got me wrapped around her finger, that little smirk.

Robin: Do I have...

Patrick: What do you think? I can't even get mad at you anymore.

Robin: Ohh...

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

How and why did Sonny know that Maxie slept with Franco? Was it like, common knowledge? Otherwise, I find it kind of creepy.

Good question, lol. Might have been a continuity gaffe. Otherwise, Spin told Sonny, which, weird. Maybe Franco told Jason and Jason told Sonny when they were gathering info on Franco.

On August 14, 2016 at 8:16 PM, dubbel zout said:

The night it happened, everyone ran over something, knew it, but didn't stop because of more pressing reasons. Then when it was discovered the bump might have been Jake, there was some handwringing that if they'd known, they'd have stopped. When it was revealed that Luke had been the one to actually hit Jake, I forget if they said what the others may have hit. A pothole, maybe? 

BC's Morgan has always had a whiny edge, IMO, which undercuts any toughness he tries to show. 

 The same thing happened on Days of our lives when they killed Bo and Hope's kid. And I'll say now what I said then -  when I was a kid, my mom accidentally ran over a cat. It really wasn't her fault, another cat was chasing the one and there is just no way to swerve and miss both. The impact that it made has stayed with me, decades later. When you hit something like that, it's  Not a, "Gee, what happened, was that a pothole?" experience.  It's so much more impactful than that. I can still relive it, to this day. 

That's what I hate about soaps today.  The "unrealness" of it. People don't hit small kids in the road on a dark night and just drive on. Unless they're sociopaths or blind stinking drunk. You know something bad is happened. I hate, truly hate, how soap runners insult our intelligence and our life's experiences like that.  It's just so fucking lazy on their parts. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Francie said:

 The same thing happened on Days of our lives when they killed Bo and Hope's kid. And I'll say now what I said then -  when I was a kid, my mom accidentally ran over a cat. It really wasn't her fault, another cat was chasing the one and there is just no way to swerve and miss both. The impact that it made has stayed with me, decades later. When you hit something like that, it's  Not a, "Gee, what happened, was that a pothole?" experience.  It's so much more impactful than that. I can still relive it, to this day. 

That's what I hate about soaps today.  The "unrealness" of it. People don't hit small kids in the road on a dark night and just drive on. Unless they're sociopaths or blind stinking drunk. You know something bad is happened. I hate, truly hate, how soap runners insult our intelligence and our life's experiences like that.  It's just so fucking lazy on their parts. 

I hear you, and recall a similar episode in my younger years.  And I was driving.  It was traumatic.  However, now people are driving SUVs etc., so it is somewhat believable that you wouldn't know what you hit, if anything.  I wasn't watching GH then, so don't know what they said about it.

  • Love 2
On 8/14/2016 at 10:30 PM, Oracle42 said:

And now there's Franco. 

I understand why Guza was fired; the show needed a change in tone and focus, but I miss the soapiness. The current, anemic, glutted bore of an hour is not soapy. 

I really have to agree with this. I know Guza got a lot of hate, but I was never this bored watching GH, under his reign. I became an official watcher of GH in the summer of 2009 (I was a preteen back then, so the introduction of teenage Kristina/Michael pulled me in), so I definitely get kinda nostalgic  about the 09-11 era.

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, backhometome said:

JaSam were cute a little side eye at Jason saying they both screwed up last time. Hmm you were an asshole Jason. 

It takes decades to get a real apology out of Jason.

So when I got this...

Jason: I came here to apologize to you and it's long overdue. You were right when you told AJ he was Michael's father. I should have never pretended that he was my son.

I was like this....


  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

It takes decades to get a real apology out of Jason.

So when I got this...

Jason: I came here to apologize to you and it's long overdue. You were right when you told AJ he was Michael's father. I should have never pretended that he was my son.

I was like this....


I think next year we'll finally get an apology for the mullet!

  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Going over the scenes over the weekend, I'm still shocked Johnny made it out a) alive and b) not completely villainized. Pretty villainized, but he could still be rehabilitated if he came back. Frank must really like BB.

Sometimes I like exits where characters are still mad at each other or one does something crazy. It's more fun to see where that story goes when/if they come back. 

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Going over the scenes over the weekend, I'm still shocked Johnny made it out a) alive and b) not completely villainized. Pretty villainized, but he could still be rehabilitated if he came back. 

It helps that Sonny never took Johnny seriously, so we were never meant to, either. And I think BB did a good job of making Johnny sympathetic, even when he was doing crappy stuff.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Going over the scenes over the weekend, I'm still shocked Johnny made it out a) alive and b) not completely villainized. Pretty villainized, but he could still be rehabilitated if he came back. Frank must really like BB.


I dunno, Johnny was pretty ruined.

I'd started thinking that maybe I had been too hard on RC, and then I read one of the RC-era Serial Drama recaps that was linked to the post yesterday. NOPE.  His run was shittier than I remembered - chock full of boring stories and character destroying awfulness - and that was before he really got going with the Fluke story

1 minute ago, Oracle42 said:

His run was shittier than I remembered - chock full of boring stories and character destroying awfulness - and that was before he really got going with the Fluke story

Yes. If you ever need a reminder, you can let me know and I'll have a rant ready and waiting.

I love my YT recs. It somehow knows I love scenes where Jason yells. Random hilarity at its finest. My fave part:

Jason: GET OUT!!!!

Sam: I love you.

5 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:


I dunno, Johnny was pretty ruined.

I'd started thinking that maybe I had been too hard on RC, and then I read one of the RC-era Serial Drama recaps that was linked to the post yesterday. NOPE.  His run was shittier than I remembered - chock full of boring stories and character destroying awfulness - and that was before he really got going with the Fluke story

I thought it was legitimately good until Mar of 2014 when Robin was given that awful exit at the same time Sonny shot AJ.  And then it was largely downhill from there.  It became totally unwatchable last July, despite the returns of Genie & JJ.  

I think parts of it were decently watchable with  a few legitimately good things but there were huge swaths of terribleness - everything he wrote for Johnny, everything about the Connie DID story, mob princess, WdV as Julian, fuckin' Kiki, Franco, the Ice Princess, whatever the fuck that was with Maxie and the Aztec jewelry 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Tiger said:

I thought it was legitimately good until Mar of 2014 when Robin was given that awful exit 

I think that exit was worse than it should of been, not just because the character was JUST held in captivity, but because Ron refused to play the emotional beats of the plot with the other characters and then he continuously rewrote and retconned the story. Basically, he wanted to write Robin off in this HUGE way and then pretend it had no real effects on anyone.

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I think that exit was worse than it should of been, not just because the character was JUST held in captivity, but because Ron refused to play the emotional beats of the plot with the other characters and then he continuously rewrote and retconned the story. Basically, he wanted to write Robin off in this HUGE way and then pretend it had no real effects on anyone.

Which made her husband and mother look like giant oblivious assholes, which I'm sure was not the intended goal when trying to sell Patrick as a worthy life partner for Sam.

8 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Which made her husband and mother look like giant oblivious assholes, which I'm sure was not the intended goal when trying to sell Patrick as a worthy life partner for Sam.

Well, I don't think they were trying to sell Patrick and Sam for real, though. They were always just a plot point to create the necessary drama for a Jason reveal. They kissed, dated, slept together, said ILY, moved in together, and were engaged in a matter of months. That happened solely for Jason. JT ended up ruining it. I love you, JT.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Well, I don't think they were trying to sell Patrick and Sam for real, though. They were always just a plot point to create the necessary drama for a Jason reveal. They kissed, dated, slept together, said ILY, moved in together, and were engaged in a matter of months. That happened solely for Jason. JT ended up ruining it. I love you, JT.

Oh, it was blatantly obvious it was all plot-point to have Sam engaged to another man at the time of the Jason reveal. (I'm shocked that we made it out of that story without a SamTrick pregnancy/baby. But happily!)

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

I dunno, Johnny was pretty ruined.

I'd started thinking that maybe I had been too hard on RC, and then I read one of the RC-era Serial Drama recaps that was linked to the post yesterday. NOPE.  His run was shittier than I remembered - chock full of boring stories and character destroying awfulness - and that was before he really got going with the Fluke story

He was, which is why I'm surprised they left him a sliver of humanity. I'm not a huge Johnny fan but after Dante's cheating I am more open to him making Dante sweat a little lol. The goodbye scene with Lulu was nice, although I know that wasn't under RC. But his last scene under RC, even though he was working for Fluke, Maxie was still sympathetic enough to give him getaway money. I know, it's shit for brains Maxie but Lulu admitted that she would have done the same.

And yes, RC was freaking godzilla stomping  on the characters, which is why I was fiiine with characters I like on the back/mid burner.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Oh, it was blatantly obvious it was all plot-point to have Sam engaged to another man at the time of the Jason reveal. (I'm shocked that we made it out of that story without a SamTrick pregnancy/baby. But happily!)

Lol, I never thought they were going to throw a baby into the mix. They already had Liz-Jason-Sam-Patrick and then Robin on the side. A kid would have been overkill.

59 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I think parts of it were decently watchable with  a few legitimately good things but there were huge swaths of terribleness - everything he wrote for Johnny, everything about the Connie DID story, mob princess WdV as Julian, fuckin' Kiki, Franco, the Ice Princess, whatever the fuck that was with Maxie and the Aztec jewelry 

It's hard to pick but I have two worst moments of Ron's reign: the kiddie conversation where all, er, confronted each other about their love and secrets in Kelly's and the vampire stuff. I looked around in embarrassment as if there people in the room with me, which I knew very well they were not.

I think it became bad when the OLTL three came back as the new characters, but there was still some good stuff until, man, I don't know, maybe February of last year it just got dire.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

Lol, I never thought they were going to throw a baby into the mix. They already had Liz-Jason-Sam-Patrick and then Robin on the side. A kid would have been overkill.

Lol, why not go for the trifecta? We had Liz and Jason literally standing at the altar, Sam and Patrick engaged, why not have Sam pregnant by Patrick just in time for the reveal? Doesn't Ron live for that stuff?!

5 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Lol, why not go for the trifecta? We had Liz and Jason literally standing at the altar, Sam and Patrick engaged, why not have Sam pregnant by Patrick just in time for the reveal? Doesn't Ron live for that stuff?!

Poor Ron was fired by then. But I do think his reveal would have been SO much better. Like, Jason gets his memories back at the altar and goes OFF. 

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