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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I agree with you that Guza was Mob-focused, it's just that the persistent need some viewers seem to have that Lucky was this terrific (close to perfect?) guy who was a victim of big bad Liz is ludicrous. Even JJ's Lucky was flawed.  I don't know if you ever got to see it, but he was really vicious to Laura after finding out that Luke had once raped her. He continued to be cold and nasty, despite the fact Laura had always been a loving mother to him. Lucky lashing out at Liz as he did after finding out about the Niz affair was not this completely OOC moment for him.


I was not surprised about the lack of intervention with Lucky, as it had been well-established that Laura was the heart of the family. Not Luke. Luke actually said he at one point (I think when Liz was in a coma) that he hoped Lucky wouldn't be in his situation - stuck with two kids he has no idea how to raise on his own (without Laura). And since Luke never thought of himself as someone with a problem; he definitey was not going to acknowledge/choose to address Lucky's addiction esp. if he would have to take 'blame' for it being 'genetic.' Heck, Luke blew off Laura's concern for Lucky back in the day about safety/sanitation when Lucky came home from camping with a newly pierced ear - that Luke did himself. Luke was annoyed she was mad that he didn't bother to consult her before doing it. It's also been well-established that once Genie left the show, Luke left the raising of Lulu up to Grandma Leslie. He took her ice-fishing.


The "intervention" with Luke was because he's an old guy/legacy character connected to many others. It was poorly done - just one example was Carly, his adversarial niece, was a part of it but his sister Bobbie, who loved him his whole life, was not.


I can understand Lucky feeling guilty about Maxie; he didn't have to demand anything from her so much as he should have told her look, quit disrespecting  my wife so much/loudly if for no other reason than that we have a son to think of. It was appalling that he allowed Maxie to behave the way she did at the L&L wedding on the Q property. I think she even wanted to be in a Spencer family pic because of her Pillowena scam.



I always felt that Laura should have gotten that slap in when he confronted her about marrying her rapist.  Neither Jason or Lucky were terrific, and as we all know, a perfectly nice character that is emotional mature all the time is someone the audience hates and frankly rarely exists even in real life. But I always figured when he went for the jugular with Liz, I think it was a lot of anger that had built up over her affair and her lying about Jake being her biological son, since he didn't seem to allowed to tell off Liz when he actually found, the alcohol he had consumed and the realization that Liz actually hadn't forgiven him for his drug addiction or Maxie


Lucky is connected to as many people as Luke, and I wouldn't mind dusting off Bobbie or Lesley (you know that lady that actually did raise Lulu) to help. When JJ's Lucky found out about Liz and Nik, Lulu told off Liz very publicly, Nik privately and Luke offered to kill Nikolas. Not exactly an intervention, but it was a heck of a lot more to than when Lucky first developed the addiction. No one, not Luke, not Nikolas, not Lulu, not Emily when she was a live seemed to care about what happened to Lucky. What's more, when Liz, after the abortion and Dillon left, Lulu passed on secret messages to Jason and wished him a Happy Birthday.  


As for Maxie, Lucky was dealing with a lot of personal shit, I don't completely blame him for somewhat freezing up on how to handle Maxie.

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Tiger and katie - I hear ya. The problem with the narrative on the show is that Elizabeth has never allowed herself to absorb that truth - she insists on seeing him with rose-colored glasses. There are several examples of scenes over the years showing that. My other issue with the narrative of the past was Jason and Lucky as victims of Elizabeth, and then Elizabeth as the big bad in the affair with Nikolas. Jason's circle didn't have a leg to stand on given his history with Michael, and that his job was violence. Lucky didn't have a leg to stand on due to his own behavior and Maxie causing pain for Liz and the rest of the Spencer family by faking a pregnancy. Seriously, she couldn't have pulled off the Pillowena scam if Lucky hadn't slept with her in the first place. When he was in the barn on Spoon Island screaming "whore" at Elizabeth, I would have loved for someone to say, "So are you. You do remember screwing Maxie and then the pillow pregnancy, right?"


I just really, really can't stand that it seems like Lucky is constantly given a pass for the affair with Maxie, treating Liz like crap, etc. because he had a drug addiction. It comes across like well, Lucky had an excuse whereas Liz's choices just make her a lying slut - no chance that perhaps she has serious emotional problems or issues with men/relationships/sex that need to be addressed. She certainly didn't make Lucky, Jason or Nikolas cheat or claim or not claim Jake or Aiden.

  • Love 4

My issue with Liz isn't really the things she does - it's that she keeps doing the same things. She's been telling paternity lies for over a decade now; she's done it with each one of her children and most recently with Danny. I absolutely believe she has serious emotional issues but she doesn't seek help, she doesn't change and she's the 2nd most self-righteous liar in Port Charles - so my sympathy is limited. 


I wish RB had been cast/recast as Sarah because Liz needs a story about dealing with her shit (preferably with a family member) so she can have a story about something that doesn't involve lying just because it's temporarily easier

  • Love 7

It's Mac that gets me every time I watch this. I miss you, Mac!

Oh, and of course, Sabrina starting to sob when Patrick and Robin kiss.

I just watched that scene again after so freaking long and I forgot how good JT/KMc were, purely on an acting level.

And I actually do applaud whoever decided to let Patrick and Robin kiss in that particular scene. Like, that's so rare in soap wedding crashing. It's usually X and Y say "OMG! It's you! But I'm getting married! What do we do!?" followed by an episodes-long conversation.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

My issue with Liz isn't really the things she does - it's that she keeps doing the same things. She's been telling paternity lies for over a decade now; she's done it with each one of her children and most recently with Danny. I absolutely believe she has serious emotional issues but she doesn't seek help, she doesn't change and she's the 2nd most self-righteous liar in Port Charles - so my sympathy is limited. 

No one seeks help for anything. It is either full blown crazy or it is making the same stupid mistakes over and over. I think Liz would be a great candidate for the in between; she is someone that could greatly benefit from regular counseling.

The problem with the narrative on the show is that Elizabeth has never allowed herself to absorb that truth - she insists on seeing him with rose-colored glasses.


To be fair, the show has always portrayed Jason as the "noble" hit man. It's ridiculous.


No one seeks help for anything. It is either full blown crazy or it is making the same stupid mistakes over and over.


It would be nice to see some consistent character growth from someone. It would also be nice if the full-blown crazy didn't apply almost exclusively to the wimmins. I am not holding breath on either point, however.

  • Love 2

Ah, much simpler times.

Dante: This is perfect. Now I don't have to call you.

Lulu: You don't ever have to call me. You don't even have my number.

Dante: We'll get that straightened out this afternoon.

Dante: I'm choosing not to feel rejected.

Lulu: Oh, feel rejected. This is me rejecting you.

Dante: You're just trying really hard to get to me. I don't mind telling you, it's working.

Dante: I hate telling women this, it happens all the time, I don't spend all my time plotting ways to meet up with you.

Lulu: You've never told a woman that in your life.

Dante: It's just fate. What's meant to be is meant to be. And I'm meant to make you happy.

Lulu: We're not meant to be...fate has nothing to do with us...and there is no us...so...leave me alone.

Dante: She wishes she was going out with me instead of that doctor.

  • Love 6

Woman, you are trying to get on my good side. And it's woooorking.

My favorite line there was always "what's meant to be is meant to be, and I'm meant to make you happy" cause for a long time it was true. <3 DZ has a way of delivering lines that should be super cheesy but managing to turn it around.

  • Love 7

Curly hair + that pink dress= Carly looking like a poodle.


Olivia wearing a cross necklace really seems with her boobs hanging out like that. I guess she's worn it a lot like that, but i just noticed the cross now and it's really funny to me.


Seeing this always makes me wish I had seen Lante from the beginning, but of course I didn't. :(

Seeing this always makes me wish I had seen Lante from the beginning, but of course I didn't. :(


If you go to that person's main page that Heatlifer linked to, they have all their scenes from the start, although that video's a good place to start from. I didn't really like the first month or so besides their first meeting. It was typical Guza-esque "the man pushes the girl into saying she likes him and is obnoxious" stuff.


And then a car plows through the carnival they go to, a bunch of people get injured, including Jake, and then we get Jason's Walk O' Pain:




There's no way ever that that Dante would think of cheating on Lulu, especially with her cousin. Ugh, another character Ron has ruined.


You have no idea the rage-attacks-that-I shouldn't-have-over-a-tv-show that I've had when I've seen people say "well it's a soap, everyone cheats". Oh yes great idea. Let's do everything as cliche as possible because it's not like soaps are dying or anything.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

There's no way ever that that Dante would think of cheating on Lulu, especially with her cousin. Ugh, another character Ron has ruined.


I maybe could have bought this if Dante's jealous had steadily been building for months, but the whole set-up that led to him hopping into the sack with Valerie was horribly written and so contrived and happened about six seconds after Dillon's return.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Ah, much simpler times.

Dante: This is perfect. Now I don't have to call you.

Lulu: You don't ever have to call me. You don't even have my number.

Dante: We'll get that straightened out this afternoon.

Dante: I'm choosing not to feel rejected.

Lulu: Oh, feel rejected. This is me rejecting you.

Dante: You're just trying really hard to get to me. I don't mind telling you, it's working.

Dante: I hate telling women this, it happens all the time, I don't spend all my time plotting ways to meet up with you.

Lulu: You've never told a woman that in your life.

Dante: It's just fate. What's meant to be is meant to be. And I'm meant to make you happy.

Lulu: We're not meant to be...fate has nothing to do with us...and there is no us...so...leave me alone.

Dante: She wishes she was going out with me instead of that doctor.



Woman, you are trying to get on my good side. And it's woooorking.

My favorite line there was always "what's meant to be is meant to be, and I'm meant to make you happy" cause for a long time it was true. <3 DZ has a way of delivering lines that should be super cheesy but managing to turn it around.


Ah, such lovely memories!   Loved that Dante and Lulu together - and so enjoyed all the dialogue in these scenes.  I miss this GH. 


From the very beginning, Dom and Julie really captured the banter between them and their timing with each other.  No wonder so many of us became invested in Lante and the individual characters through them.

  • Love 4

I maybe could have bought this if Dante's jealous had steadily been building for months, but the whole set-up that led to him hopping into the sack with Valerie was horribly written and so contrived and happened about six seconds after Dillon's return.



Exactly. It all screamed plot point from the get-go.


This whole story has screamed plot point for months!  What a waste and what character destruction - the epitome of characters being damaged by plot points.  Dante because, as we are seeing again here, his actions were so terribly out-of-character.  And Valerie - perhaps even worse destruction in the long run - because she was introduced into a family and age group where she could and should have been properly developed.  But, instead, she was immediately thrown into an ill-conceived triangle with a popular long-established couple - and made a walking plot-point to deliver them contrived angst. 


What an effed-up story!!  No winners here.

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 6

It's made even worse by Valerie moping around and making moo eyes at Dante, and probably being pregnant now.  (Though if I were a guest at a Sonny-Carly wedding, I'd feel sick, too.)


And the moping around and probably being pregnant are just additional examples of how badly Valerie has been damaged by being written as  plot-point character.  As I said, no winners in this badly-written story. 

This might just be me, but I feel like I would be way more outraged by Dante/Lulu's story if JMB was in the role. I sadly just haven't cared about them since she left--the chemistry just isn't there (for me) and the writing has been disastrous. :/ I mean, I'm still hoping DZ will be free one day and have more material with either Fin or VA.

  • Love 5

This might just be me, but I feel like I would be way more outraged by Dante/Lulu's story if JMB was in the role. I sadly just haven't cared about them since she left--the chemistry just isn't there (for me) and the writing has been disastrous. :/ I mean, I'm still hoping DZ will be free one day and have more material with either Fin or VA.


It's more for me I care more about the character than the coupling, it still pisses me off on that level. But yeah I would be more pissed if it were JMB.


I was hoping when Jordan became the police commissioner they'd have more scenes and they have but weirdly enough now she just seems pissed at him 88% of the time.


Emme won me over a bit in that scene in the hospital they had earlier this year after Fluke hit him on the head.

  • Love 4

I'd have been much more interested in this story if VA's Jordan had been his partner and they'd crossed a line.

And I think Valerie might have actual chem with Dollar Store but RC was so married to this terrible quad that they've barely interacted

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

It's more for me I care more about the character than the coupling

I get it. But I think Dante is on a long list of characters that have been destroyed along the way. See: Patrick, Nik, Liz, Lucky, Morgan, AJ, Alexis, LUKE, I could go on.


You're actually lucky he lasted as long as he did.

  • Love 1

This might just be me, but I feel like I would be way more outraged by Dante/Lulu's story if JMB was in the role. I sadly just haven't cared about them since she left--the chemistry just isn't there (for me) and the writing has been disastrous.



It's more for me I care more about the character than the coupling, it still pisses me off on that level. But yeah I would be more pissed if it were JMB.


Oh I'd be WAY more invested if Julie were still part of Lante.  I was really invested in the couple - and in Lulu - when she was part of it. Now my focus is on Dom ... and, with a more detached view of GH, my investment is in ranting about the writing and characterization disasters illustrated in stories like these.


To that end, I can equally defend both established characters (Dante) and new ones (Valerie)  if they are sacrificed to plot.

I get it. But I think Dante is on a long list of characters that have been destroyed along the way. See: Patrick, Nik, Liz, Lucky, Morgan, AJ, Alexis, LUKE, I could go on.


You're actually lucky he lasted as long as he did.


Yes, it's a depressingly long list isn't it.  Sigh.

Edited by Aurora2

Shit. I've fallen into the '90s GH trap! I've watched some Mac, Felicia, Carly, Bobbie, JnR....

Someone direct me to a current GH couple who connects like THIS. I'll wait. I miss this type of stomach-hurting, squeeing romance that Ron wanted no part of.

Also, how eery are their last lines.

"I promise I'll always be waiting for you."

"I promise I'll always come back."

He waited in his frozen chamber, and she went back to save him. Lolllllll.

If GH is cancelled soon, my question is, when in hindsight was the beginning of the end for you?


My answer is still, when JJ left the first time. If I want to give it a bit more leeway, then whenever it was that Guza left the second time in 1999 or 2000. Carly and Sonny, as much as I didn't really care then, were a good story.

I mean, this show has had a lot of comebacks in the new millennium, where it would be down and then seemed to right itself and begin to find its way back. I don't necessarily think any of its past Guza-era lows were the current deathblow for what's going on today. I do think there were certain turning points in that era that altered the show forever.


The first one: Letting Genie Francis walk in 2002. They made a clear choice there and it fundamentally altered the show. I never believed they'd let that happen and I was shocked when they did.


The second: Killing off Alan Quartermaine, another thing I never thought they'd do. But they did, and from there a lot more major deaths that shouldn't have happened came a lot easier for them. That's also when I swore off the show, for the most part anyway, for a long time.


As for the here and now - I think what's really broken the show for today started in the summer of 2013. They had made a huge comeback in 2012 and early 2013, and then they scuttled it all to bring back the OLTL stars in new roles, and along with them, to implement massive changes which, again, fundamentally altered the show and made it alien.


Everything was twisted and skewed around making those choices 'work,' and once they began doing that, just as with Alan's death, it became easier for them to make more and more choices that mutilated the show, or its plotting or characters, around some external goal - a plot, a star, a character. Whether it's the endless Jake saga or Nina or Obrecht or Spencer or Rebecca Budig or Dante/Valerie or Fluke or anything else, it all started with 2013 and forcing those three.

  • Love 8

Everything was twisted and skewed around making those choices 'work,' and once they began doing that, just as with Alan's death, it became easier for them to make more and more choices that mutilated the show, or its plotting or characters, around some external goal - a plot, a star, a character. Whether it's the endless Jake saga or Nina or Obrecht or Spencer or Rebecca Budig or Dante/Valerie or Fluke or anything else, it all started with 2013 and forcing those three.


Yeah. I was also going to ask and when was it really obvious this show is probably going to be cancelled sooner than later but I didn't ask because it seems the answer really is "when they announce it". But I was going to answer bringing back Easton, Howarth, Alderson.

I didn't think the show was doomed to be cancelled until this year. To be exact, right around Tony's last day. That was such a complete and utter debacle on every level, and on the heels of their hiring another huge hack with a track record of cancellation, while they were vowing to have a renewed focus on "the Corinthos family" and still extolling the virtues of Franco, Nina, Kiki, Rebecca Budig, etc. - that's when I knew the show was fucked for real, as opposed to something it could get out of.

  • Love 6

If GH is cancelled soon, my question is, when in hindsight was the beginning of the end for you?


My answer is still, when JJ left the first time. If I want to give it a bit more leeway, then whenever it was that Guza left the second time in 1999 or 2000. Carly and Sonny, as much as I didn't really care then, were a good story.

This is hard.  A good question, but hard. For me, personally, the show was never the same after they mishandled Jonathan's Jackson's leaving.  They didn't need to fake his death.  The show was perfectly poised to send him off to New York. GF's performances afterwards were gut wrenching, but it wasn't entertainment. GH wasn't the same.


But, I think the show could have, and partially did, come back after that.  But the most significant nails in the coffin were:


10)  Killing off Georgie. Guza gets a deserved bad reputation for focusing on Sonny, Jason and Carly (and to a lesser degree Sam). But he did create two great romances:  Scrubs and Georgie and Dillon. This show showed how out-of-touch it was with younger female viewers when it violently killed off Georgie.  There was no reason to do that, even if Scott Clifton was staying on the show at that time. 


9)  Making Jason the mob boss while Maurice Benard left the show for a year and tried to make it in primetime. By elevating Jason to mob boss, it meant that when Sonny returned, they both had to be huge bad asses in order for neither of them to lose face. The show still worked when Sonny was a local mob boss and Jason his go-to errand boy.  But when they became the bad boys of upper New York, then the show could no longer downplay how bad they were for society and how violent they were.


8)  Emily and Sonny. See below for more. But, apart from allowing Maurice Benard to have his way to the detriment of the show, this embodied the old man and hot young chick dynamic. Wait, it didn't embody it. It just was it. Wow, just what the female viewers want to see. A 45-year-old criminal bed down a 20-year-old girl who grew up right before our eyes.


7)  Bringing on Kelly Monaco.  In 2003, GH had a choice.  Bring back Finola Hughes to GH, as they promised her. Or bring on Kelly Monaco.  Frons chose to renege on his promise to Finola and cast Kelly when Port Charles was canceled.  But Kelly was younger and had bigger boobs, all the criteria Frons needed.  I don't have all that much of a problem with Kelly Monaco, but Finola belonged on GH as Anna. And Sam had to bounce from character to character before she clicked with Burton. And, well, that just made Jason all the more important.


6)  Shoe-horning the Livers back into the show when they could no longer be Starr, Todd and McBain. The show already had a sufficient amount of nails in the coffin by that time. But the back flips and somersaults this show contorted itself into to accommodate those three new characters destroyed whatever gains it had made over the prior year and destroyed most of the fans goodwill toward the FrankenRon regime. 


5)  Letting the mob storylines take up more than 30% of this show and reducing the hospital scenes to less than 50%.  Even in 1998, you still had a fair amount of hospital presence on the show.  And that's all but disappeared now. There are, what, two contract players who are even employed at the hospital now (Patrick and Elizabeth).


4) Re-casting Carly with Tamara Braun.  I actually think TB did pretty well as Carly.  But making that character into a semi-legacy one who had to stay on canvas and be top female has ruined this show. Ruined it.  It led to Laura Wright finally inhabiting the role and taking the place as the premiere female lead on GH.  The idea that we're supposed to care for and root for Carly makes me ill. 


3)  Centering this show on SWMNBN.  No elaboration needed.


2) Letting Maurice Benard have his way. If this means going to a specific moment, I'll pick the one where TPTB let Maurice run Angel Boris out of town. Gloria Monty never would have tolerated Maurice's tanking of the Angel storyline. He would have found himself with a choice -- play out the scenes to the best of his ability or leave. Now, I didn't like the Angel storyline, but letting Maurice get his way led to this so-called "supercoupledom" with Carly, it led to this show centering around him, and it led to his vanity be stroked with ever younger leading ladies.  Hello, Emily?!!!!


1)  Letting Tony Geary have his way and re-write Luke's past.  This would take it all the way back to 1998, when he first referenced being a regular john with hookers.  Letting Luke lust after and hook up with Felicia was a vain choice and did nothing for the show.  It kicked two fanbases in the gut, it was unappetizing for too many of the general fans, and it served no greater purpose.  Letting Luke all but unzip his trousers and take a piss on a picture of Luke and Laura on their wedding day has been an exercise in how to slowly drive viewers away from a show.  Luke without his humanity isn't interesting. And, sorry Tracy, but Laura was the source of his humanity.


Edited by Francie
  • Love 9
6)  Bringing on Kelly Monaco.  In 2003, GH had a choice.  Bring back Finola Hughes to GH, as they promised her. Or bring on Kelly Monaco.  Frons chose to renege on his promise to Finola and cast Kelly when Port Charles was canceled.  But Kelly was younger and had bigger boobs, all the criteria Frons needed.  I don't have all that much of a problem with Kelly Monaco, but Finola belonged on GH as Anna. And Sam had to bounce from character to character before she clicked with Burton. And, well, that just made Jason all the more important.



Wow, I had no idea they were about to bring on Anna. Why couldn't they just have both??

But I was going to answer bringing back Easton, Howarth, Alderson.


I think they could have worked if Frank and Ron didn't put them relentlessly front and center. You can't force viewers to accept characters, and that's what they kept doing, with those three and Nina. It didn't help that none of the characters made much sense, either.

  • Love 3
there are no circumstances where Franco was going to be acceptable

Certainly not as any sort of reformed bad guy/romantic figure like they're going for now. I think he could have worked as the town outcast/guy who did everyone's dirty work. But he'd have to be much more of a minor character.

  • Love 1


Now, I didn't like the Angel storyline, but letting Maurice get his way led to this so-called "supercoupledom" with Carly, it led to this show centering around him, and it led to his vanity be stroked with ever younger leading ladies.  Hello, Emily?!!!!


Sonny was actually with Hannah and not Angel. He tanked that and they put Sonny and Carly together afterwards with HateSex! When TB was hired to be Carly, Angel was introduced and Sonny was supposed to hook up with her but he tanked that story too.

That's news to me too.  I do remember the PC cast spreading through the ABC lineup after the cancellation.  I mean, that's how OLTL got stuck with Michael Easton.

Yet GH idn't want the actual PC characters from GH back sorry but that still pisses me off.

Edited by Harmony233
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I think that's all of them, right? Although I think we're all willing to agree Sonny probably has slept with some women on his island.


You missed Amelia (Sam's tv producer for Everyday Heroes). They slept with each other the night Carly married Jax. Sonny actually called for a call girl and Annie showed up for some reason. They had chemistry and decided to sleep together. It was a one night stand that did not lead to a relationship or more surprisingly a baby.

  • Love 1

That's news to me too.  I do remember the PC cast spreading through the ABC lineup after the cancellation.  I mean, that's how OLTL got stuck with Michael Easton.


I've never heard of the story about Fin either, but I do know for a fact that Lynn Herring in particular was not asked back to GH (although she returned with JL a year later for Lila's funeral). 


I think Kin was asked back, though. Because you know, penis! (Just kidding. I love you, Kin.)


Did Sonny ever sleep with Faith?

Edited by UYI
  • Love 2

I was watching this yesterday. I love Carly's business-appropriate belly shirt! And Liz's Breakfast at Tiffany's cosplay.


But still, how bizarre to see Carly being at odds with Laura over a perfume campaign model. I mean, I'll watch it over the show today, but I can only imagine what SJB was thinking at the time ("Just a few more months!") And I love Laura coming down on her for her bullshit, too.


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