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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I thought he kicked her out after she set up Bobbie finding them together in some cabin.


Wow! You have a great memory. The 96 to 99 stuff was the way I remember it too, except, for some reason, I though Stefan set Bobbie up to find Carly and Tony. 


I vaguely recall Tony chasing after Bobbie, Bobbie running to Luke and crying on his shoulder, and Luke going to the cabin and practically strangling Carly. A very intense, and realistic scene. Even if Luke's hair looked like the dutch paint boy's.



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TG seriously has always has some um interesting hair styles through the years. Is that a Luke thing or an actor thing?

I must say that SJB is my favorite Carly. At least when she did shitty things, I could see emotion behind it. LW, I kinda like based on good will from Loving (I sobbed when Casey died in Ally's arms!), plus she sparkles with Jax.

Sighs. I can admit this here. Guys, I liked the Eddie Maine story. It was a bright spot in all the bs. And I love a tall AJ. Why? Because AJ should always be able to literally look down, way down at Sonny. The aesethic pleases me.

 In the meantime, new physical therapist/candy striper Carly shows up. Bobbie doesn't like her, and every time Bobbie is around Carly screws up.


I thought Bobbie actually did like Carly, at least at first.


What I do remember is the night that Bobbie caught Tony and Carly together, it was actually their anniversary or BJ's birthday or something.

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True.  After all these years the triad are so deeply ingrained in my mind.  It should have been duo of destruction, Carly & Jason, with primary responsibility falling directly at the feet of Carly.  They were directly responsible for Tony's slow descent into his breakdown, his decision to kidnap Michael and then Robin when she found them.  It was so sad that in the end, Tony had become a shell of his former self.  


The last substantial story Tony got was when he revived the previously thought to have broken his neck and died, Stavros.

The whole kidnapping Michael thing in my opinion was done to drum up sympathy for Carly and move her to lead of the show and paint stupid Jason as a hero. I always wished they had a scene where Tony told Jason that he wished he wasn't as good as he was and Jason died on the table (if there is a scene, please do link it).  Wasn't Guza the head writer by then? This was one of the first cracks in his writing, where he would destroy one character in order to prop Jason. 

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Stefan DID set Bobbie up to find Carly and Tony in bed at the cabin, though I forget exactly how. Luke had been down in Florida to meet Virginia Benson and had figured out Carly was Caroline, when he got back to town he intended to tell Bobbie, but she told him about the affair first, so he lied and told her Caroline was dead.


Michael was definitely already born when Carly told Bobbie who she was. I distinctly remember that they were in the Port Charles Grille during a snowstorm or something and Carly had Michael in her arms. Surprisingly, it wasn't a spiteful move on Carly's part. Carly and Bobbie had reached a sort of understanding over the baby and you could see in her face this hope that Bobbie would be happy and welcome her as a daughter. It was a beautiful piece of acting by Sarah Brown. Bobbie, understandably, was disbelieving and then furious. Then Virginia came in, and Tony gleefully told her everything Carly had done, including having a baby, which she didn't know about. Then she had a heart attack (or possibly a stroke, now that I think about it I'm not sure which. She collapsed, anyhow.).


Bobbie and Stefan were over by then, but she went to Wyndemere to ask him if he had known all along Carly was her daughter, which he confirmed. She berated him for lying to her, and he pointed out he wasn't the only one. Then - and I remember this like it was yesterday - she went to the Spencer house and waited on the couch, in the dark. When Luke came in, the first thing she said was "Lucky's dead." Cut to Luke's shocked face and then away, when the scene resumed she said, "how does it feel?" and he realized she knew.


The Baby Michael Saga was the beginning of the end of this show, but the rot hadn't fully set in yet, and those scenes were so great.

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Yes Carly befriended Bobbie.This was during the time Carly was going to go to school to be a physical therapist and anyways I remember her wanting to throw Bobbie a surprise birthday party.I remember yeears later Amy saying remember what happened last time carly wanted to throw a birthday party for Bobbie or something like that lol.

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Can someone remind me of a little Sabrina/Patty history. If I recall, Sabrina started liking him because she thought he was gorgeous? Is that how it started?


"little" is right. and history? bwahahahhaahahaha.




Actually, yes. She bumped into him and had Cinderella fantasies.


Yep, what Grrpants09 said.  Sabrina didn't even have enough time to compute Patrick's looks when deciding he was a prince. And Sabrina apparently dropped all the sex (and confidence and ability to speak) she ever had when she dropped those folders, and turned into a bumbling teen ager. Behold the "history" of Sabrina and Patrick, all contained in this single clip:



Edited by Francie
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Thanks for the clip. I knew Sabrina had a bunch of fantasies, but I didn't recall when they happened.


When I was watching in real-time, I remember thinking that the character was rather manipulative in terms of getting into Patrick's circle. The babysitting and bad-mouthing Britt to Emma, for example. But I know that wasn't Ron's intention. That's just how it came off to me.


And I also couldn't STAND Emma for about 2 years because of Sabrina.


I guess I ultimately can't stand love stories that start with INSTANT SOULMATE LOVE. Never have.

Edited by HeatLifer
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There was also the time that Patrick was like dude, babysit my kid on New Years Eve or Halloween. Yeah Halloween. So Sabrina thinks omg we are going on a date! She shows up to seduce him.... dressed as a grape. Well, a bunch of grapes. He was like um no you're babysitting. Sabrina was sad. Then she discovered the picture of Robin, became inspired to do the Nurse's Ball and blah blah turned into a pink sparkly princess.

I thought Britt was cool. I liked her torturing Sabrina.


I like Britt a lot now, but when she was introduced, I disliked her as much as Sabrina.  Because she equally appeared out of nowhere all hot for Patrick's junk and was equally one-note, just the opposite number.  


But the more propping Sabrina got, the more pathetic she acted, the more I started enjoying Britt messing with her.  And the rest is history.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I miss the unapologetic scheming Britt, too. I think she wrote this scathing letter about Sabrina being the reason why a patient died and it was the most hilarious thing everrr.

The Carlos stuff killed me because there's no way I believe Sabrina was ever sexually involved with anyone the way she was first introduced.

Edited by HeatLifer
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The Carlos stuff killed me because there's no way I believe Sabrina was ever sexually involved with anyone the way she was first introduced.


Oh, that was one hell of a (failed) retcon. "Lots of sex" my lily white ass. Sabrina acted 12 and probably would have screeched in horror or giggled like a tween if Caaaaaaaarrrrrrlos tried to play hide the salami with her.


And the fact he is so devoted to her, I have to question his mental faculties, too!

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Oh, that was one hell of a (failed) retcon. "Lots of sex" my lily white ass. Sabrina acted 12 and probably would have screeched in horror or giggled like a tween if Caaaaaaaarrrrrrlos tried to play hide the salami with her.

And the fact he is so devoted to her, I have to question his mental faculties, too!

LMAO. Right? I just can't believe the writers created this squealing, crying childlike character and then had 2 MEN, especially sex-obsessed Patty, fall for her. It was so jarring to watch.

And I don't know if it's RC's writing or JT's acting or just the character's natural progression, but Patrick hasn't been the same since Robin "died." It's so strange watching his early stuff-2012 and comparing it to now.

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LMAO. Right? I just can't believe the writers created this squealing, crying childlike character and then had 2 MEN, especially sex-obsessed Patty, fall for her.


Three men.  Don't forget, for a brief second, Magic Milo fell so head-over-heels for Nurse Santiago that he (GASP) deleted a voice message Patrick left for her!

Oh, that was one hell of a (failed) retcon. "Lots of sex" my lily white ass. Sabrina acted 12 and probably would have screeched in horror or giggled like a tween if Caaaaaaaarrrrrrlos tried to play hide the salami with her.


And the fact he is so devoted to her, I have to question his mental faculties, too!

I'm telling you, it works if you consider that Carlos accidently bought her as a child bride.  He didn't want to -- but there was this poker game, Sabrina's dad threw Sabrina into the kitty. Carlos won.  And now he feels responsible for her. 


Or what Grrpants09 said. That works too!


BTW, I will forgive Ron everything (yes, everything!), if one day he has Carlos saying to Sabrina:


"That wasn't sex, Sabrina. We had lots and lots of chex.  You know, the party favorite snack food."

Edited by Francie
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I think there was a duel and perhaps a magic spell.

Once Carrlos was a cat, an orange cat, skilled in fighting and fencing and stealing (but the Robin Hood of cats), and a nice Puerto Rican girl took him in. She was a sparkly princess and possessed a book of spells. One day, she took pity upon the troubled cat and made him human. It became Carrlos. He is furrever indebted to Sabrina for saving his life and making him human. And it explains the hair.

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Didn't they have Patrick just going on and on about how fabulous Sabrina was in bed when they finally did it? It was all just overkill on the 'No! Sabrina is actually not a 16 year old virgin! Despite what we portrayed her as immediately upon arrival! She's a grown woman! With lots of sexual experience! So much so that even the womanizer that is Patrick is totes wowed by her! Love her dammit!'

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Sabrina was annoying and twee right from the start, but after the makeover, there appeared this gloss of smugness that guaranteed I would never get on board.


Both she and Felix, the alleged good guys, were so smug and obnoxious that it was impossible not to root for Britt, when she moved into their apartment, to drink all their milk and leave her clothes laying everywhere and use all the hot water.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Didn't they have Patrick just going on and on about how fabulous Sabrina was in bed when they finally did it? It was all just overkill on the 'No! Sabrina is actually not a 16 year old virgin! Despite what we portrayed her as immediately upon arrival! She's a grown woman! With lots of sexual experience! So much so that even the womanizer that is Patrick is totes wowed by her! Love her dammit!'


Maybe he threw her a compliment, but I honestly don't remember anything over-the-top like that.

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Maybe he threw her a compliment, but I honestly don't remember anything over-the-top like that.

I remember the "you were so noisy."* comment, hinting at wild abandon. All the brain bleach in the world won't wipe that comment away.


*Look, chex is crunchy. So it's not surprising when it's loud.


I would fan wank that Patrick quickly discovered that Sabrina was mistaken about her sexual experience and had no clue as to what she was doing. So -- mainly out of indifference -- he let her think that they had sex. But that doesn't explain the baby.

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Dude, that was not Caleb's real kid.

Stephen Clay was a name made up to fuck with Livvie. When Allison banged Caleb, he was Caleb, therefore, Ron can choke on relish because that thing was not Caleb/Allison spawn. What really happened was that Caleb/Livvie stole the baby, raised it like a bad ass halfling. It's not named Rafe. It's named Jack, to fuck with Jack. And for fun. Allison and stupid Real Rafe had a baby. That was the kid you saw.

Who killed Allison? Oh, well after spending so much time with the Buchanan girls, McBain got DID and murdered her, thinking she was one of Jessica Buchanan's personalities. He's now in an Undisclosed Location. Who is this guy? Not Silas Clay. It's Caleb's brother, former priest Micheal Morley. He's now a doctor so he can learn about and avenge dead love, Eve. Nina is some crazy lady he performed an exorcism on.

Anymore stories I need to fix?

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Carly and Sonny with plenty of help from Jason practically made it impossible for AJ to even have a chance to wave at Michael from across the docks without being threatened. They spent years twisting Michael's viewpoint of AJ, and the Qs in general, during the evil red headed stepchild years of Michael especially. They wanted Michael to have nothing to do with his biological father or that side of the family, and they did so many unspeakably deplorable things to make sure of it that it's hard to count them all up but kudos to the posters who have.


They even had it written in that Michael smothered AJ to death in bed, supposedly due to being so traumatized when AJ kidnapped him, played by Billy Warlock then, but basically the fans about lost their minds over that turn of events so the show quickly turned it around that it only seemed as if Michael had killed his own father, but the actual murderer was this nutso doctor with a stupid name, Asher Thomas, who was also revealed as being hired by AJ to kill Jason, yes they went there and tried to make it appear that AJ was capable of something that unforgivable, after the car accident, hence giving the doctor good cause to want AJ dead as he'd been blackmailing him to keep his mouth shut ever since. It was all very...shitty and stupid and insulting.


Really they were just trying to turn AJ into the most despicable and despised character on canvas at that point, imho, and then just have him killed off after completing the character assassination. They truly didn't hold back on the ruination of AJ in any capacity, Guza had a very unhealthy dislike for the character it always seemed to me.


He just couldn't do enough to make AJ into a creep, a drunk, a loser, a bad father, a bad son, a bad husband, a bad person in general, and all the while Sonny and Jason were frolicking through fields of daisies with hardly a care in the world, holding hands while the town of PC sung their collective praises, and now I feel a rage blackout coming on...


Here I am reading this, and again I want to just shut the show off. AJ took his son and tried to reprogram him to see he wasn't bad and Sonny was. So Jason ,when AJ brought Michael back because he saw he couldn't change his mind, Jason jumped him. Alan was going to call Jason to tell him AJ had returned AJ shot Alan.The staircase fell while Jason and AJ were fighting .AJ was crippled in the hospital Mykill under the bed with a pillow .,AJ  couldn't have fought him. He DIED. I shut the show off for eight years and am about to again. I also feel the rage of the things unholy did to AJ ,and Michael .AJ just wouldn't give up he kept fighting to get his son. even married SWSNBM. Then Jason takes her away ??? good riddance. I also learned to hate Emily she actually had the nerve to tell AJ he should give Michael to Jason because he loved and him and stole him from his father originally. I also cheered when Robin told AJ. I will tell you one thing. I never hated AJ even though Guza did his damnest  to make viewers do so, Billy Warlock has more talent in his baby finger than the Unholy three had all put together. If they wanted to bring him back as AJ , I would watch everyday..He is shorter and darker haired but Alan had black hair. frankenRon would probably destroy it the same way he did SK. Guess I had better shut up.

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I always loved AJ, but I watched during SK's run the first time and followed him back to CBS. It was like "Oh it's the dude I liked on GH okay. He's really Ambers baby daddy." And he has a lot of talent. I briefly came back, as my cousin loves Billy Warlock. I do like him. I ended up following him back to Days. He's that good. Or maybe it was from Days. I get confused. I'm like 30 and these soaps make me feel old because I have seen so many kids grow up and actors on tons of shows. Anyway, I loved BW too, but hated the way they treated AJ. To me, AJ is the more interesting character. I don't get why a writer would not want to envelop and embrace him. Don't like the actor, recast. It's a soap. BFD.

peachmangosteen said in the main thread:


I didn't think LM was awful and I actually thought EV was good on GH



True. I guess dire is too strong a word for what I thought of Erik Vasquez but the writing for his character was pretty terrible. Same age love child of Connie's was just a hard sell, imo.

Edited by ulkis
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Yup. I really felt for the guy in that moment. It was so bizarre though. They had maybe only one scene together before that and one scene after. Like, you have something interesting there Ron and you choose not to grab it at all. Except at the end when it was all pointless since they were leaving but he wanted to milk it. Argh.

Edited by ulkis
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I was reading Despair in the Afternoon and they mentioned this:


Every now and then I wonder how this hospital can possibly still be in business — even if their primary competition is THOSE BUTCHERS AT MERCY.*



Apparently one of the characters said that "butchers at Mercy" line a while ago . . . does anyone remember who said it?

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From the Spoiler thread

Hey now, Carly once actually uttered the words, "my good friend, Tony Jones", and lightning DIDN'T strike her dead! (This was around some charity bachelor auction back in 2006, just before, if I don't have the timeline confused, Sam was shot. Patrick was one of the bachelors, and he and Robin were still doing their courting dance.)

I think they were trying to make Carly a lot less odious to make it plausible for Jax to be possibly engaged/wed to this chick with borderline personality disorder, multiply exes and 2 kids by two different dads. It isn't that Carly is a slut is that she pretty much takes men for all their worth and then completely destroys them.  Carly acts like she is Amal Alamuddin to Jax's George Clooney (even though she is neither self made woman nor 16 years younger than Jax), when in reality is she probably the ultimate dismal in distress for Jax to get on his white horse and rescue, because she is her own worst enemy. 


I think it is bizarre that as much as I hated her with Jax, I rooted for her and AJ when he returned. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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