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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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9 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

However, Ned was a prominent character for several years (2001-05) after Runaway Bride. He had the relationship with Big Kristina; he was one of what seems like about six guys Faith Roscoe hooked up with (sexually and otherwise) in her anti-Sonny vendetta; he was conspiring with Skye to take Sonny down; he was romantically involved with Skye; he was trying to take Baby Kristina from Alexis. 

There was also the SORASed Brook Lynn showing up in those years, and Lesli Kay as nuLois.  Did Ned and Lois ever get together during that time period?  All I remember was some brief thing with Lois and Alcazar.

Gawd the Ned/Skye relationship grossed me out.

Edited by TeeVee329

It's amazing how much the Leslie Kay version of Lois has faded from my mind. Until you mentioned that, I had forgotten she returned in 2004-05. That was a fallow period, even for 21st-century GH.   

Per the Wiki, "Lois ended her relationship with Lorenzo and started to reconcile with Ned. Ned and Lois realized that a relationship between them would no longer work, but they agreed to stay friends."

Ned gets friend-zoned a lot.  

21 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

It's amazing how much the Leslie Kay version of Lois has faded from my mind. Until you mentioned that, I had forgotten she returned in 2004-05. That was a fallow period, even for 21st-century GH.   

Per the Wiki, "Lois ended her relationship with Lorenzo and started to reconcile with Ned. Ned and Lois realized that a relationship between them would no longer work, but they agreed to stay friends."

Ned gets friend-zoned a lot.  

I get the feeling had WK and RS not divorced (and had Rena not found some primetime success and had been willing to return), a Ned & Lois reunion would have happened a long time ago.

And I have a feeling that WK and RS would NOT be open to a reunion now. Then again, Jack & Kristina Wagner were briefly on air again as ex spouses in 2013 (except F&F never really reunited), so what do I know? 

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought Leslie Kay was a decent recast, but it was odd to see fake Lois. Her brief, second return was totally pointless, even though I can barely remember why she was around. (Or if it was her second return; I know there was a brief return where we were all thinking, "Huh?")

She was there to usher in a the SORASed Brook Lynne and date Lorenzo. I felt bad for Leslie Kay because I thought she did a good job with the material she was given and managed to generate the same type of chemistry that Rena Sofer did, but because she was the singular person that liked Sonny, but didn't kiss his ass. She even called Michael Aj's son to Carly's face.

  • Love 2

@ulkis I thought you'd find this hilarious. Billy should have played JQ. Start at 5:00. 

JQ: Come on, Robin, smile! You call that a smile!? Smile!

Robin: I'm smiling, I'm smiling!

JQ: Smile!

9 hours ago, UYI said:

Are there any clips? She would have only been around 14 or 15 then. She hadn't even started seriously dating yet. 

Yeah, I'll link you to a clip when I get a chance!

1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

@ulkis I thought you'd find this hilarious. Billy should have played JQ. Start at 5:00. 

JQ: Come on, Robin, smile! You call that a smile!? Smile!

Robin: I'm smiling, I'm smiling!

JQ: Smile!

Yeah, I'll link you to a clip when I get a chance!

SBu delivers that less annoying than BM would lol.

Look at Robin's fabulous hair! Who's the doof with her?

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

SBu delivers that less annoying than BM would lol.

Look at Robin's fabulous hair! Who's the doof with her?

Her date to the dance who already had a girlfriend. She didn't know and Jason was so upset that he and Brenda didn't tell her. The beginning of the clip is funny too because he said "She walked into the situation without knowing all the information." He was not a fan of keeping people in the dark. Ahem. Liz. Ahem. ;)

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 2

Thanks for that, TeeVee 329. That was slightly before I was a regular viewer, so I've read about it without ever seeing it.  

Jackie Zeman did a really good job there. It was maybe four years after that that...a point was passed, and she was sharply limited in expression. There are early traces here, but it doesn't impede the performance. I'm able to watch it and focus on Bobbie, Bobbie's thought process, Bobbie's history, Bobbie's feelings, rather than thinking the whole time about the actress's face.  

9 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I'm able to watch it and focus on Bobbie, Bobbie's thought process, Bobbie's history, Bobbie's feelings, rather than thinking the whole time about the actress's face.  

But what's kinda sad after this story is that it's never really about Bobbie again after this, it's all about Carly.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

What in the actual fuck.

That was probably one of my biggest peeves when Guza wrote. Oh, so he doesn't hit women? That is one damn low bar. And also, a lot of the shit Sonny did do, I'd put on par with hitting a woman, if not worse, so the whole "yeah he did such-and-such but he would never hit a woman" line seemed pretty absurd imo. I mean, I get where they were coming from but . . . Sonny was such a shit in other ways that him not hitting women didn't really mean that much all in all.

Also, honestly, how the hell did either of them know he wouldn't snap and hit Carly? 

I remember some dumb speech Olivia made about how she really pissed Sonny off (and she emphasized that SHE had acted terribly) and she could see that Sonny wanted to hit her, but he held himself back and that's how she just knew Sonny could never hit a woman. Okay, show.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, ulkis said:

That was probably one of my biggest peeves when Guza wrote. Oh, so he doesn't hit women? How's that incredibly low bar going? And also, a lot of the shit Sonny did do, I'd put on par with hitting a woman, if not worse, so the whole "yeah he did such-and-such but he would never hit a woman" line seemed pretty absurd imo. I mean, I get where they were coming from but . . . Sonny was such a shit in other ways that him not hitting women didn't really mean that much all in all.

This. Sonny is violent and abusive in everything but the most literal of physical ways, so he gets a fucking gold star?

Remember the wire scene with Brenda? He didn't strike her, but he did grab her by the head (!) and shake her pretty hard. So even physical violence towards women is qualified. Like, no slapping or punching, but shoving and manhandling is okay. (I actually remember it as a pretty intense, compelling scene from before the era of Sonny the Hero when he was still supposed to be a sort-of bad guy, but it is super uncomfortable in retrospect.) Here it is:

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MB said that he actually wanted Sonny to hit her during that scene but the writers said no, and admitted they were right to do so later on. 

These two clips are interesting in hindsight as well:

Go to around 7 minutes if you want to get straight to the most heated fighting.

beginning of the clip:

Brenda: He asked me to leave and he really meant it. It was almost like, I felt like he'd do something awful if I stayed there.

Lois: No!

Brenda: I don't know, Lois, we were totally out of control. He gets so jealous. It seems like the more I tell him not to be jealous the more furious he gets.


Brenda: I'm sorry.

Sonny: No, don't be, I'm the one who should apologize. I blew it. I promised myself I'd never treat you or any woman like - (pause) anyway, it's over, okay.

I guess that was before he mentioned Deke to Brenda?

  • Love 2

It's super aggravating that just because Sonny doesn't physically hurt women he's somehow a prince among men. He may not punch them, but he throws money on the ground and makes then crawl on their knees to pick it up. He blackmails the mothers of his children. He calls women bitches, sluts, and whores.

Yes, he's a real peach, Sonny Corinthos. He doesn't hit women!

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

But they also did the story with Kristina and Kiefer that ended up being a pretty great story about Sonny's treatment of Claudia and women in general. 

Sonny's asking everyone whether he's abusive or not and then getting mad when they gave him the answer he didn't want tour was hilarious:

Sonny: Carly thinks... I'm abusive. I told her it takes two to tango. You know how she can be. You don't think I am, right?

Olivia: Well, Sonny, I can only speak to who you were when you were 16. You know that what you experienced over the next 30-some odd years, I wasn't there for that. I know people do change. God knows I did. I saw the way that you treated your wife, and that wasn't a pretty picture.

Sonny: Claudia was a manipulative snake, a dangerous person. What do you want me to say?

Olivia: I'm not going to argue that. But the answer to that would have been to leave her, right? Or how about this--not marry her in the first place? Not stick around and try to break her and control her? You know, with Carly, I mean, the woman married you 4 times. If she said you abused her, you probably did. Oh. I'm sorry.

Sonny: No. Whatever.

Olivia: Look, I...I know how awful it is to, um, to take personal accounting and to see that there's some part of you that has become something that you despise. But what matters is what you're going to do next. You admit it--you admit what you've become, and then, you do everything in your power to get better.


Olivia: I'm not saying you're like Kiefer, Sonny. I know that you would never hit a woman. But there's a lot of other ways to be abusive. Right?

Sonny: Okay.

Olivia: Okay. See, I know what you want through. I know what Deke did to you and your ma, and I can only imagine the things that you suffered through. And you were a little kid. I get that. But you survived, right?

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: And you turned yourself into the kind of man that you wanted to be. You're powerful, you're successful, you got kids that mean the world to you. I mean, no one else would look at you and know what's going on right under the surface.

Sonny: What's the point?

Olivia: My point is, my point is, don't believe your own hype. Sonny, okay, you can put one over on the whole rest of the world, but don't put one over on yourself. Okay, don't get caught up in believing that, because you made something out of your life, that that abuse didn't have an effect on every part of you, okay? It directly affects everything, especially the way that you treat other people.

Sonny: You're talking like I think I'm perfect, and I'm nowhere near perfect.

Olivia: Look, okay, you got Carly claiming that you abused her.

Sonny: Right.

Olivia: Okay, maybe not physically, but in other ways. You're gonna sit here and you're gonna tell me that she's lying, or she's wrong, or what? What that bastard Deke did to you and your ma had a direct effect on your relationships with women. Okay? You need to admit that, and you need to get help.

Sonny: What Kiefer did to Kristina, I have not done to any woman. It's not a fair comparison.

Olivia: I agree. I agree. And I know how much it must hurt you to know that your daughter thinks she saw the real you that night that you went off on Claudia. Okay. Or that she would ever compare you to anybody like Kiefer. But, Sonny, Kristina is confused right now. And that's why you gotta get in there with her right now. You gotta show her that you're willing to change, and that you can change. You gotta find a way to separate who you really are from all those ugly patterns that you grew up with.

Sonny: I'm nothing like Deke. What he did was sick. But you're right. It kills me that my daughter compares me to him.

Olivia: Okay, then do something about it, Sonny. Make a change, and all those comparisons are going to disappear!

Sonny: Okay, okay. What do you want? Maybe I did some things, said some things that weren't politically correct, but that's as far as it goes. And maybe I did, you know, I don't know, cross the line a bit when I was married to Carly, because we used to fight like cats and dogs. But underneath all that, there was love. But Claudia was different. That was a business transaction that I thought would work out. For the sake of business. But it was impossible. She was a lying bitch. What do you want from me? She got my son shot, put into a coma. So she deserved what she got!

Olivia: No, you're wrong.

Sonny: Why am I wrong?

Olivia: This is where you shoot yourself in the foot! Okay, instead of defending yourself in the way that you were with Claudia, you should be looking at that time with her as a learning experience; trying to see how you could have handled it different. You know I'm not going to say anything, but Claudia was awful. She was awful. But don't defend what you said and what you did to her. To justify this, it just brings you down to her level. I'm not a therapist, all right, but I do know this--if you can change this one thing about yourself, I mean, think of what that would do for Kristina. And for your boys. Okay. And maybe... who knows, maybe you can find a little bit of peace for yourself.

Sonny: I always believed... therapy was for other people, weak people. 'Cause, you know, I was taught to always hold everything in, carry it. So it was a big deal when I got help for this bi-polar thing, because I felt like it was a sign of weakness.

Olivia: Yeah, but just the opposite was true, right? You know that now.

Sonny: What I know is that I can't shut everything down. You know, I gotta face this stuff with Deke. 'Cause otherwise, I feel like he's still got a hold of me, and I don't want Kristina to carry that bastard Kiefer like I carried Deke. So... I want to help her, you know. I want to help my daughter. And I'm going to help her, and I want to do what I can because she deserves a better life.

Olivia: You know what, Sonny, you can't help Kristina until you help yourself.

Dante: What the hell, Mom, what are you doing here?

Olivia: Relax, Dante. Nothing is going on, okay. Just everything is okay.

Dante: No, no, no, it's not. Not when you're here with him, it isn't.

Olivia: You know what, I'm not getting into this with you right now. You don't police my life.

Sonny: Your mother was trying to help, that's all. That's all.

Dante: So what did he give you, what line of crap did he feed you this time? What sob story?

Olivia: Okay, we're talking about Kristina.

Sonny: Your sister's going through a lot. Here's what's happening, okay? She heard Johnny Zacchara's lies on the stand about me hitting Claudia, so now it put stuff in her head, and she thinks that I'm abusive like Kiefer.

Dante: All right, so let me guess what's happening here. You're just sitting here telling him everything he wants to hear? Poor, misunderstood Sonny, poor, misunderstood, murdering Sonny.

Olivia: Dante, I know that you're angry, okay. I'm offering Sonny some advice and some support. Under the circumstances, I think it's appropriate.

Dante: Oh, I cannot believe you are letting him play the victim again!

Sonny: Your mother and I were just talking, Dante. Like I said, your sister thinks that I'm this abusive monster. Your mother was just trying to help me out!

Dante: You want help, Sonny? Fine, here it is, real clear for you--you are abusive. It might be a great idea for you to leave Kristina alone, stay out of her life for a while.

Sonny: And Michael's in prison, thanks to you! Okay, so you hate me, we're going to go down that road again? I've done plenty of things that justify it, but I don't hit women!

Dante: There are plenty of other types of abuse! You yell at women, you intimidate them, you humiliate them in public. You want everybody to be afraid of you. Okay? On top of it all, you kill people and you justify it that it's part of your business. You shot me point blank in the chest. Are you really that surprised that Kristina doesn't want anything to do with you? I wish to God Carly had the guts that you had and kept Michael away from you. You just don't forget why you did that, okay? You did that for me. You look at Michael and Kristina right now, 'cause that could have been me.


Carly: Any word on Michael's release?

Sonny: As soon as Claire Walsh comes up with something, you'll be the first to know.

Carly: Okay, you know, Morgan’s not here, but if he were here, you can't be here.

Sonny: Yeah, no, no. I get it. I get it. I just came from therapy with Kristina, and there was a shrink there who does what shrinks do and, you know, blames the parents for everything, you know, filling Kristina's head with lies.

Carly: Okay, what do you want from me?

Sonny: Well, I just dropped Kristina off, and on the way over here, I was second-guessing myself, like maybe everything isn't so black and white like I thought.

Carly: That's a first for you.

Sonny: I've never fought with anyone like I fought with you, been angry at anyone as I was with you, and…. you think I ever abused you?

Carly: You know, you really shouldn't ask questions that you don't want the answers to.

(the above section was a friday cliffhanger, by the way. "Will Carly say Sonny was abusive?! find out, next time, on GH!"

Carly: What happened in Kristina's therapy session?

Sonny: Well, this so-called therapist kept twisting my words, making it sound like I'm some animal who, you know, women should fear. Kristina ate it up. I guess she felt validated. I don't know. Oh, man. My own daughter has no faith in me. But she believes Johnny's lies on the witness stand. Kristina thinks I'm some kind of... Vicious animal. But I'm not that person. I mean, you and I, we've been married a bunch of times. We've been together how many years? I never abused you.

Carly: You know, Sonny, the awful way you grew up still lives inside of you. And that anger runs deep, and it really doesn't take much for you to tap into that and to set you off. I don't think you realize some of the things you say and what you do.

Sonny: So, in other words, you do believe I abused you?

Carly: We are so much alike. I guess that's what attracted us to each other. We're impulsive, you know? We don't realize the damage we've caused till it's already done.

Sonny: You're dodging the question. Do you honestly think that I abused you?

Carly: Kristina asked me that question.

Sonny: What do you mean Kristina? When?

Carly: After your outburst in court.

Sonny: What'd you say?

Carly: I told her the technical truth.

Sonny: I'm afraid to hear what that means.

Carly: I was as honest with Kristina as I felt was appropriate, Sonny. I'm not Kristina's parent. There are questions that only you and Alexis should answer. But I did think she deserved the truth as much as I could give it. So I told her that, you know, our relationship was dysfunctional and volatile, that we genuinely loved each other, but we were toxic together. And that no, you never hit me.

Sonny: Thank God for that.

Carly: I mean, you shot me in the head once, but accidents happen. Can you...can you still hear us? I mean, I can. I can hear the yelling and things breaking. I can hear you calling me a faithless whore. Screaming at the top of your lungs that I'm worthless. I've never seen anyone get as angry as you. And your rage, Sonny, your rage is overwhelming. You zero in on what's weak in someone, and you hammer away. You dismantle it piece by piece. And I look back, and I'm horrified at myself. I'm horrified that I put up with it, that I rationalized it, and I participated in it. But that was my illness. I stayed with you, and I let it happen over and over again. The vicious cycle. And you know what, Sonny? It's called abuse.

I wonder if the scriptwriter was twirling in circles that day lol. And they have this woman now saying shit like "you ruined our future together Sonny!" Please. 

Also lol at Sonny being all "but Claudia sucked!" and Olivia replying, "so you could have, I don't know, not married her?!"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

But they also did the story with Kristina and Kiefer that ended up being a pretty great story about Sonny's treatment of Claudia and women in general. 

There's always a "yeah, but..." though, isn't there? Yeah, it led to some good examinations of Sonny's abusiveness (ulkis transcribed some of those conversations), but it didn't lead to any lasting change of behavior in either Sonny or his enablers and apologists.

  • Love 7

I loved Alexis in the '90s and until, oh, 2005-2006 or so, and I always liked Ned back then. I loved Ned and Lois, I liked Ned and Alexis even though I thought their relationship did get smug.

But no, I don't think the writers took Ned very seriously after Lois left. He slowly became a supporting character, a lesser-than. By the time Alexis dumped him he was a second or third-tier guy, playing support to Alexis and others, and by the time Guza came back in '02 he was becoming an afterthought. All that stuff with Big Kristina, with Skye and Faith, that was all filler neither of those creative teams had very much interest in. It was clear Guza never thought Ned or Wally Kurth rated as a leading man, and that's why he downshifted Ned severely after his return, after beginning to marginalize him before Guza's first exit from the show.

I understood Nancy's thought process as a performer going after the pairing with Sonny, and she and Maurice still have chemistry. I've often wondered where those two don't just have another fling, since it's really what Alexis wants in her dysfunction. But the actual pairing as written by JFP and Megan McTavish was terribly done, sub-I Love Lucy follies, which Guza and co. appropriately skewered when they returned and had Alexis literally dream of JFP's version of herself in very unflattering terms. After that they later began to dismantle Alexis themselves, but in different ways (and some similar ones, ultimately - the flustered middle-aged woman, etc). And I think Nancy was wrong about the Cassadines. Alexis' best material is often with her family, particularly Stefan, Helena, Nikolas, etc. It was a mistake wholly domesticating and normalizing her character.

And yeah - as a teenager I could never take Ned's music career seriously. I liked him but he was like somebody's dad. Really, he's a pop star?

  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

There's always a "yeah, but..." though, isn't there? Yeah, it led to some good examinations of Sonny's abusiveness (ulkis transcribed some of those conversations), but it didn't lead to any lasting change of behavior in either Sonny or his enablers and apologists.

I don't think Guza ever walked that back. I really liked that he never put Carly/Sonny back together.  Aside from the lack of chemistry with LW/MB, the Sonny/Carly relationship felt like it had reached an organic ending

  • Love 2

Ulkis, I have looked for it and cannot find it, but if you want another log on the fire of Sonny's hypocrisy: I am sure I remember him arguing that case from the other side back in early 2002, when AJ was dating SWSNBN, and SWSNBN was creeped out by him (Sonny) and thought AJ was a decent, misunderstood guy.  

Sonny was raging about the situation to Alexis, how he had to get his sister away from AJ before he started abusing her. Alexis said something, trying to comfort Sonny, like "Now, in fairness, AJ has never shown any sign of being violent." Sonny just waved it way and said words to the effect of: "That's not what I'm talking about. You can abuse someone without ever touching them. Grind them down, make them feel like they're nothing." And then it may have turned into another segment of the Deke-and-Adele Non-Variety Hour.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 3
17 hours ago, ulkis said:

But what matters is what you're going to do next. You admit it--you admit what you've become, and then, you do everything in your power to get better.

Sonny admits to what he's become, but never does anything to change it. He likes who he is, despite his promises to God and everyone else he'll never do x again.

17 hours ago, ulkis said:

Dante: So what did he give you, what line of crap did he feed you this time? What sob story?

*cries for the Dante that was*

17 hours ago, jsbt said:

Alexis' best material is often with her family, particularly Stefan, Helena, Nikolas, etc. It was a mistake wholly domesticating and normalizing her character.

Definitely. I don't mind her being the "outsider" Cassadine—it fits given her parentage—but her Cassadine side has been ignored for way too long. When she wants to get back at someone, she should be drawing on all of that. Alexis is kind of a doormat at this point, and no Cassadine ever, I don't care who it is, should ever be a doormat.

17 hours ago, jsbt said:

And yeah - as a teenager I could never take Ned's music career seriously. I liked him but he was like somebody's dad. Really, he's a pop star?

Poor WK. I think he's always looked older than his age, so he did look kind of ridiculous as Eddie Maine.

Edited by dubbel zout
"more older"? I am deeply shamed.
  • Love 2

Thanks, @HeatLifer!

Also, Vanessa Marcil was always beautiful, but she is definitely an example of someone where plucking and shaping their eyebrows made a world of difference on their face. 

ETA: OMG, Christie Clark! 

And WOW, poor Cari Shayne having to wear that unflattering print. 

And that's Boyz II Men, right? 

Edited by UYI
1 hour ago, UYI said:

Thanks, @HeatLifer!

Also, Vanessa Marcil was always beautiful, but she is definitely an example of someone where plucking and shaping their eyebrows made a world of difference on their face. 

ETA: OMG, Christie Clark! 

And WOW, poor Cari Shayne having to wear that unflattering print. 

And that's Boyz II Men, right? 

Nope @UYI 

That's,  The Boys. A late 80's/ early 90's R&B group. Most known songs are Dial My HeartLucky Charm, and Crazy.


Okay, it is driving me crazy that Anna has a form of cancer and no one has mentioned the fact that Robin has been through this before when Robert had colon cancer. And, guess what, she was pregnant then too! Talk about history repeating itself.

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that they are writing in Kimberly McCullough's real life pregnancy, but the coincidence is just astounding. Mac better watch out if they go for kid #3.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, cmahorror said:

Okay, it is driving me crazy that Anna has a form of cancer and no one has mentioned the fact that Robin has been through this before when Robert had colon cancer. And, guess what, she was pregnant then too! Talk about history repeating itself.

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that they are writing in Kimberly McCullough's real life pregnancy, but the coincidence is just astounding. Mac better watch out if they go for kid #3.

Yet they mention Leora.....AMC history. Hmmmmmm.

12 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Yet they mention Leora.....AMC history. Hmmmmmm.

Oh, God. No more other soap characters/history! I know Leora was Anna's, and if it JUST focused on her and maybe Robin? Great. But not as some excuse to bring freaking David Hayward on. No.

And I'll say it: I think VI may be a nice man, but I think his acting is only as good as the writing, which GH lacks. VI has had tanked roles on Santa Barbara, Y&R, and Days. And two successes with GL and AMC. I'd say it's a wash, but why tempt fate?

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On 3/4/2017 at 1:13 AM, HeatLifer said:

@Cheyanne11 I mean.....

Jason: "I love Sam so much and it wasn't that long ago I thought I was incapable of those types of feelings. Sam, she changed all that."

Also Jason: "I'll love Robin forever. She taught me how to love. Everything good I ever felt was because of her."

Maybe that's the one memory Jason hasn't remembered...:eye roll:

Tams made her onscreen debut as Carly on May 2, 2001. So, she had been around for a month or so when those scenes aired.

Sarah Brown had last appeared on April 24 of that year. In her last scene, Sonny sent her to her room. He told her "Go upstairs!" She refused. He said, "You think I'm kiddin'?" (or words to that effect), threw a glass, and she scurried upstairs. Then I think the show ended with a musical montage of Sonny looking tortured about Whatever The Hell, and Sarah flaring her nostrils.  

I remember this because there were a lot of pissed-off Sarah/Carly fans on various boards that day. They thought it was a humiliating way for her great run to end, with Carly frightened into obedience by Sonny.  

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