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S13.E35: One of 5 is Eliminated

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Yep, caught that too.  Girl acts like she is at Willy Wonka's Palace, no self awareness.  Also caught the saliva strings in Caleb's mouth when he was singing the night before.  I realize he can' t do much about that though in a way.   Who ever is in charge of the camera should not do close ups of his mouth if he is like that.  Instant yuk.

Jenaugustus Gloop? 


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Apparently Jena also tweeted about the "twist" from last night calling it "unnecessary and stupid." Seems like none of the contestants were happy about the twist. Jessica even said it reminded her of The Hunger Games and thought it was mean. They all seem to think it was mean, unnecessary, stupid, and a shitty thing to do to each other. I think it's so funny how it backfired on TPTB. 


According to Lyndsey Parker's recap, she seems to think Sam was actually the reason TPTB did this little twist, and not Jena. As she stated, Sam was saved by the judges after already being in the bottom 3 times. Since they knew he'd be eliminated again this week, they tried one last shot to save him. Only it backfired and he went home anyway. That seems like a logical theory to me.

According to Lyndsey Parker's recap, she seems to think Sam was actually the reason TPTB did this little twist, and not Jena. As she stated, Sam was saved by the judges after already being in the bottom 3 times. Since they knew he'd be eliminated again this week, they tried one last shot to save him. Only it backfired and he went home anyway. That seems like a logical theory to me.



That was certainly my assumption as soon as I heard about the twist. 


Reading the comments here and elsewhere, I'm kind of glad that I can't watch the show on TV where I live and have to rely on the YouTube videos of the performances.  I almost prefer to not be influenced by their offstage antics (scripted or otherwise).  But it may be because of this that I don´t understand all the Jena hate.  To me she seems like a reasonably talented girl who deserves to be in the Top 4 after having given some of the best performances of the season.  She has her faults (a weak lower register and enunciation), but so do other three.  I personally don't have any problem with her winning.  But I also wouldn't mind if Caleb or Jessica win.  The only one I'm less enthusiastic about is Alex, mostly for stylistic reasons.  Despite some very good performances (like Say Something), there have been too many times where he neutered some really good songs by taking all the oomph out of them.  I certainly can't imagine buying any album he might put out.  But then, I probably wouldn't buy any of the music of the other three either, except for possibly Jessica if her future material lives up to the promise shown by Blue Eyed Lie.

Well, I predict next week Sam votes go to Alex and we may have a surprise boot for sure.  I wonder if the CJ and Dexter votes swung the way of Jessica as well.  


I never thought voters moved allegiance once their favorite was eliminated - maybe way back in the day they did, I don't think so now so it seems unlikely to me that Alex will pick up any votes because Sam is gone.



Speaking of Sam, I will miss him.  Sure he was all kinds of awkward (adorable so) and seemed like a sweet, shy, well-mannered young man - however, despite his inexperience with live performances I think he had the loveliest voice  in the competition.  I hope he rooms with Alex while on tour and hons his craft.

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I guess that it's okay to discuss theories about the stunt they pulled last night with the vote.  I have heard that Sam says they all agreed on what to do during the break. I'm looking for a link. 


WHAT? Well, that would be interesting. A 3-2 split and they were ALL in on it? That seems.... I'm not sure what word.


I thought the SHOCKING! TWIST! was not planned until after TPTB saw the results of the vote and were either steamed that the low vote getter was Sam OR.... did not like who the second lowest was and did not want to reveal who that pet is because, well they did not reveal who was the second of the bottom 2. IDK what TPTB are claiming in the media, if anything, but I know for sure that if they had planned this stunt to drum up ratings (if that is their go-to excuse for covering their real reasons) then Ryan would have surely shouted it from the rafters on Wednesday's show that the results show will have, "a never before seen! shocking ! twist! Tune in and see! and talk about it at work! and on the internetS!! WOOT!" But as we all know, he did not mention anything, not one thing, on Wednesday about an awesome shocking twist, so they hatched this nugget after getting the results, imo.


Does Ryan typically say that the second one is actually the second lowest vote-getter or anything to that effect? Or do they do like DWTS and just stick some random person of their choosing in the bottom 2 for whatever reason they have? I get it that the lowest vote getter goes home, but is the other person in the bottom 2 the REAL bottom 2? I did not say that well.


I'm super curious who the next to last person was.

I don't think it's ever been stated clearly if the bottom 2 is the real bottom 2 or not. Maybe some weeks yes and other weeks they decide to stick a random person in the bottom 2. As long as one of those people is the real lowest vote-getter they can put whoever they want in there, even if they had the highest votes of the night. For example, Jessica had an amazing night when she sang Jolene, yet she was in the bottom 2. Doubt it. Maybe it was Jena or someone else who was actually the second lowest vote getter but because TPTB have it out for Jessica, they threw her in there to save face for the other person to make America think Jessica is not well-liked and that the audience isn't supposed to like her or vote for her. If this week Jessica had been the second lowest vote getter, they would have announced it, so I'm led to believe the second lowest vote getter may have been Jena but they didn't want to announce that.

If Jena wasn't the second lowest vote getter after having her worst week, we can probably expect to see her in the finale. If she was, Alex might sneak in there.

At this point, I kinda evilly want a Jena finale because I don't much care who wins and I kinda enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth. I'm expecting Jessica to go next, then Alex/Jena but maybe if Jena & Caleb have another rough week we'll get a shake up.

Suppose we could get a poor man's Adam Lambert/Kris Allen finale with Caleb vs Alex.


Awww.  I like ol' Jeeenaah.  Yes, she's ridiculous in some ways, but at the same time I think her version of Drama is maybe a bit more honest than Meatloaf Black Junior's version.

I'm expecting Jessica to go next, then Alex/Jena but maybe if Jena & Caleb have another rough week we'll get a shake up.

The joke will be on Idol if they succeed in manipulating Jessica off. While she does indeed have limitations, and has stayed so long DESPITE that (as well as despite some seeming shenanigans by the producers and judges), and while I agree she really wouldn't work as a show winner, I think I can already see the writing on the wall with her being one of those Country Idol Losers who rolls into a good career in Nashville (while the Northern parts of the country mostly forgets she exists).

Edited by Kromm
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I think Jessica would fit more into the singer/songwriter mold than the current pop country landscape. Some of her original songs aren't bad. She might be better off to focus on writing songs for other people. If she'd acquire a half way decent band, I think she could have a reasonably successful career as a "working" musician rather than trying to be a "star." I'd pay to see her do original material with a good band.

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I think Jessica would fit more into the singer/songwriter mold than the current pop country landscape. 

Not if she's smart.


Singer-songwriters coming off this show, especially the losers, don't do that well.  Country artists, no matter how low they place, seem to wind up having fairly big careers.


Her best bet would be to play up the country, get a recording contract, but gradually take the resulting career in a Bonnie Raitt/Miranda Lambert "Rock Country" direction.

I guess it depends on what you consider country. I just can't see her voice or performance style working in the current market. Kellie Pickler isn't exactly a brilliant singer, but she has a more poppy sound. Carrie's voice was custom made for what was selling at the time. Jessica doesn't have the performance skills to pull off Miranda Lambert type stuff or the right kind of voice to go poppy. Don't see her having mainstream success on any route as a solo act.

There's been plenty of country losers who have dropped off the face of the earth and to me Jessica is barely country to begin with.

I think I made the right decision. I was prepared for one person to leave," Jena Irene Asciutto told PEOPLE. "I thought, 'It is going to be even more nerve-racking next week because we're going to have two people going home out of five.' That's almost half."

Asciutto says she wasn't happy to be put in the position of casting a vote that ultimately sent Sam Woolf home. But she also noted that it would have been the second time the heartthrob would have been spared elimination this season.


"It's always been Sam. Sam went home, and they decided to do a thing," Asciutto told reporters of Woolf, who was saved by the judges once in April.





Someone needs to teach this young girl pr stat. Is she starting to believe her own press or is it just my dislike of her clouding my judgement (rhetorical - I already know the answer lol). I'm guessing she forgot that if not for the judges or TPTB, she wouldn't be in the running for the title since America didn't originally vote her into the top 10. 

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Dunno, she didn't say anything tons of other people haven't already speculated or stated themselves. People who don't like her already don't like her, so I doubt this changes a whole lot. I think she has a valid point. Sam did already get a save and if she thought she was probably not the lowest vote getter, voting "no" was the smart move.

It might have been better to just not answer questions about it at all, but I'm not going to fault her for being honest.

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I wish the media hadn't asked the contestants how they voted. It was anonymous for a reason. People (mainly Sam's fans) started spewing unnecessary hate towards Jena and Alex just because they voted no. Both of them had strong nights (I personally think Jena was just okay but the judges made her believe she had a good night) and Alex had a pretty solid night overall, so it's obvious why both would choose to vote no. They also voted no because they thought it was a stupid idea to make the contestants pit themselves against each other like that and that it would ruin the integrity of the show- the point is that it's America's vote, so choosing for everyone to stay is basically disregarding America's vote and they didn't believe in doing that.

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Dunno, she didn't say anything tons of other people haven't already speculated or stated themselves. People who don't like her already don't like her, so I doubt this changes a whole lot. I think she has a valid point. Sam did already get a save and if she thought she was probably not the lowest vote getter, voting "no" was the smart move.

It might have been better to just not answer questions about it at all, but I'm not going to fault her for being honest.


I've made it no secret I don't like Jena, and it was Sam's time to go, but she just needs to learn that you can think it just don't say it. Heck I'm applauding her and Alex for voting no. It is a competition and you should want to eliminate the closest competitors any and all ways that you can so as long as it doesn't negatively affect you. American voters can be fickle. This probably wont have much of an impact toward next weeks votes, but people are already souring on Jena and Alex's decision (instead of blaming producers for this inane twist). 

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Just in case anyone is wondering, according to an interview with Caleb, he said they had 3 songs to pick from. That explains where some awful song choices like the Aerosmith song and Valerie came in.

 Well, that either means Caleb was being phony dramatic when he went on a rant to People about how much he hates the asteroid song, or the other 2 songs were even worse. OTOH, I can see Jena thinking Valerie would be good for her.


I don't think who voted yes or no will have any effect at all unless TMZ did a piece on it, maybe. Most of the world doesn't know or care about the back stage machinations of Idol, even regular viewers. And it doesn't even send a message about 'the audience vote doesn't count', since you don't vote against someone.

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I've made it no secret I don't like Jena, and it was Sam's time to go, but she just needs to learn that you can think it just don't say it. Heck I'm applauding her and Alex for voting no. It is a competition and you should want to eliminate the closest competitors any and all ways that you can so as long as it doesn't negatively affect you. American voters can be fickle. This probably wont have much of an impact toward next weeks votes, but people are already souring on Jena and Alex's decision (instead of blaming producers for this inane twist). 

Yeah, I think they cooked their goose, so to speak.  The producers should be ashamed of themselves, but mass fandom always blames the participants in this kind of thing and not the puppet masters.


So... I guess Caleb wins now?  


Actually Caleb was always going to win.  His Meatloaf Black Junior shtick has from Day 1 played well for the audience (even if he won't sell albums--you know darn well we're probably looking at a future star of Rock of Ages on Broadway instead).

Edited by Kromm
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So... I guess Caleb wins now? 

Actually Caleb was always going to win.  His Meatloaf Black Junior shtick has from Day 1 played well for the audience (even if he won't sell albums--you know darn well we're probably looking at a future star of Rock of Ages on Broadway instead).

The thing is we don't really know since TPTB have only allowed the audience (out of the remaining contestants) to see Jessica in the bottom 2/3. Was it top 7 when the show stopped having a bottom 3 and this past show didn't even show a bottom 2. I'm not good with numbers/statistics, but someone else should be able to deduce that other than Jessica some one or maybe more of the remaining four has at least grazed the bottom since top five week. 


I meant to say other than top five week. 

Edited by yourpointis
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The thing is we don't really know since TPTB have only allowed the audience (out of the remaining contestants) to see Jessica in the bottom 2/3. Was it top 7 when the show stopped having a bottom 3 and this past show didn't even show a bottom 2. I'm not good with numbers/statistics, but someone else should be able to deduce that other than Jessica some one or maybe more of the remaining four has at least grazed the bottom since top five week. 


I found it fishy that they didn't reveal the other person in the bottom 2 on results night. There must be a reason and I can infer one. *snort of derision here*


I thought Her Royal Highness, JENA#$7Q!, did hit B3 one time a while back, IIRC (?)



You know I thought Jena may have hit the bottom once and TPTB just didn't want to show it or else one of either Alex or Caleb who have yet to hit the bottom have so already. By not showing either of those two hitting the bottom previously would make for an exciting shock elimination if that happens. This show needs anything it can to help boost ratings. Of course it may be too little too late. 

Caleb and Alex remain the only contestants to have never been in the bottom (at least the way it was revealed to us) Jena was chosen as a wildcard by the judges originally and then I think the following week she was in the bottom, but hasn't been since. Jessica has been in the bottom twice. Obviously from this week we have no idea who the other bottom person was, could have been either of them. But what's been made known to us is that Jessica has been in the bottom twice, Jena once and was saved as a wildcard, and Caleb and Alex have not been in the bottom yet.


I think Alex will win at this point. I see Caleb maybe making Top 3 and Jena will be in the finale with Alex. Alex is a more marketable artist than Caleb, has done very well on iTunes, and people dig his original material. I would not be mad at all to see Alex win.

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Jessica had one of her better nights and Jena had her worst, so I wouldn't be surprised if Jena was in the B2. Though, if they really want to push her, might have been better to go ahead and reveal it, since it might encourage her fans, if she has any, to vote more diligently. Could be with the 30 minute show & the lame twist there just wasn't time for the usual dramatics.

What I was alluding to is that we the audience can only surmise that Dexter, CJ, Sam, and Jessica have been in the bottom because that is what has been shown, but that maybe one of Alex, Caleb, or Jena has also hit the bottom. We haven't been given a bottom three in weeks and any combination of the aforementioned may have also grazed the bottom but TPTB have chose not to reveal that info. 

Exactly. I read that MJ (MJs big blog) stated that she voted all night (text, fb, phone) for Jessica. In all the years that I have frequented her site (lurk but never post), I have never once read where she frantically voted for a contestant. Now I could be wrong, but if that were me in that situation, you bet  I would be more than a little upset to have my votes not count because TPTB decided to spice things up for the heck of it. It is different prior to the save being used. Viewers are aware their votes may be nullified. 

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The idea that this "twist" even happened at all makes me think, "meh why vote.?" Have TPTB or anyone anywhere addressed the fact that there was not B2 (other person) announced? Don't Top 5 normally have a B2? Something is really fishy in Denmark for me. If they really wanted to amp up ratings and if this were purely ratings driven, then imo they would have repeated it ad nauseum the night before to drum up viewers. But we didnt' hear word one until the results show at which point people were either watching or not. 


After Randy's scripted-sounding faint praise of Jessica on results night, I expect someone will be hired to whack her in the throat with a bat next week, or the audio monkeys will turn off her mic or the band will change keys on her, or all of the above.


Was Keith singing live? Could anyone tell?

Edited by ari333


After Randy's scripted-sounding faint praise of Jessica on results night, I expect someone will be hired to whack her in the throat with a bat next week, ...

We call that giving somebody "the Gillooly" (after Tonya Harding's supposed bodyguard with that last name whacked Nancy K in the shin). Hopefully they won't give Jessica the Gillooly treatment next week because after that, who will be next in their sights? Alex? JEEHHHHHANNNN!&*@#? Or perhaps they will glue Caleb's mike stand to the floor. The sad thing is that Jessica can sing quite well - she just doesn't have that shiny happy peppy appearance of the "preferred" Idol performer. Same thing with Sam. He SOUNDED great - he just wasn't comfortable with all the craziness. And Jessica had her dead eye look.

That's why i don't waste much time voting. I use the Supervote thing on AmericanIdol.com and give all the contestants I like 50 votes and that's it, move on with my life. Who knows if our votes are even really counted at all for anything. I feel bad for Jena and Alex because they were just trying to keep the integrity of the show, yet people are bashing them because they act like they are responsible for Sam leaving (even though he probably would have just gone the next week) or people viewed their decision as "selfish" and only thinking about themselves. It IS a competition and both of them felt they had strong nights so they voted no. 

I don't think the judges brought in the twist because they were trying to save Sam for another week. I think they were trying to avoid showing who else was in the bottom two because it was their pet, Jena. Otherwise (without all the filler) there could have been time to show the vote, then announce the bottom two, then who was going home. There was no need to go from the vote directly to who was leaving. Has Ai EVER not shown the bottom two before?

TPTB want us to believe that Sam and Jessica are the bottom two. Caleb and Alex have never been there, and Jena is their pet. So what would be the point of saving Sam or Jessica this week only to have both go next week? None.

I don't know if it has been proven who voted no (i read Alex and Jena) but whoever the two were, props to them for not falling for the producers' BS

At this point I am starting to hope for a Jena/Alex final two with Jena winning. Only because I dislike her as a singer, and really dislike the fawning over her by the judges. I fail to see how moving around on the stage equates to a great entertainer. Especially one that cannot enunciate to save her life. And why would anyone buy a CD of someone who cannot be understood? Although I guess if she released a DVD it could be closed captioned. In any case I want to watch the AI pet crash and burn. And I prefer Alex to be able to do his own thing without the AI machine running his life.

I am sure Jessica will end up 4th, and I hope she does well. In fact I hope she outshines JENA in the real world.

Where do you see people bashing Alex and Jena?


Sam tweeted to not blame them:


Sam Woolf ‏@samwoolfmusic  May 2

Stop hating on Alex and Jena. No one knew what the results were before the decisions were made. Anybody could of went home.

I'm talking about in general, as Sam referred to. I'm not saying anybody here was bashing them.


don't think the judges brought in the twist because they were trying to save Sam for another week. I think they were trying to avoid showing who else was in the bottom two because it was their pet, Jena. Otherwise (without all the filler) there could have been time to show the vote, then announce the bottom two, then who was going home. There was no need to go from the vote directly to who was leaving. Has Ai EVER not shown the bottom two before?


THIS. I wondered too if it was some smokescreen distraction to pull attention away from the second person in the bottom 2.... who I think was JENA#%7Q! Just a hunch. If it were Jess they would have written it on a blimp and sailed it across the country while dropping hundred  dollar bills..


HONDS OPP! and I LOAF you all.

Edited by ari333
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Haha I was thinking the same thing. Ironically TPTB want to get rid of Jessica for some unknown reason (though she's had her share of social gaffes in the past), yet she is the only one right now that nobody is mad at. Though she's not my favorite, I could see her fitting the "idol" bill perfectly. She seems overall like a nice person and she loves tweeting with her fans. She didn't do anything to warrant TPTB bussing her so hard. She is able to speak her mind honestly without offending anyone or using poor word choice. And she's worked hard at music for a very long time. She had to put up with all that shit handed to her in Hollywood Week. She deserves the win. I wouldn't be mad if Alex or Jessica won at this point- they both seem like nice, hardworking people and deserve a big break like this. They are people that I would not be embarrassed of for representing our country as our "American idol."


HONDS OPP! and I LOAF you all.

I think I peed myself! 


I think Jessica is a sweet girl and sings well. If it was about her story, I would think she paid her dues many times over. I still remember her tearing up because the other contestants didn't seem to realize how hard it is for her to make a living being a singer. But again she has the zombie eyes and can't seem to dance alone in her room alone so how will she sell records?!?!


Caleb is confident and borders on arrogant so he gets a bad rap. And he's too good too soon which mean nobody likes a GOOD singer, they want a crappy singer that gets better and better. It's all about the redemption arc (see Lee DeWyze and "The Boxer")


I won't even go into JEENAA!&*$#@% 's history, aka The Second Coming of Demi Lovato  (dang, even Demi has to share her name with another famous Demi! !!HONDS OPP!)


And Alex wears Duckie clothes and does the pee pee dance a little too often. Plus he sang that "Every Breath You Take" song and sounded all stalkery and scared all the teenies that watch the show but then again it's all deep and emo and he probably writes in his diary at night by the light of one single lightbulb. 


So who's going to end up the winner? Who has pissed off the public the least? 

As difficult as it is, I think we also have to consider that the fraction of people who post here, on blogs, on twitter etc represent a very small portion of the overall viewership and often the opinions held in one forum don't at all reflect the opinions of the non Internet posting public, so Caleb could get the boot or he might continue his march to the finale relatively unscathed. His Facebook page probably has more words of "ignore the haters" than "shame on yous," probably because the people following his page are his more hardcore fans and their views of him are very different than the views expressed here.

Same for Jena & Alex on the "no" backlash, though honestly I think they have more to fear from producer shenanigans should they get their panties in a wad over them publically dissing the twist than the wrath of Sam fans.

It should be interesting to see which way the bus rolls next week.

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