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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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I would almost feel sorry for her, except for the part where she is begging for money and demanding people not backtalk her or make any sort of negative comment.


If you're desperate enough to beg people for money to fix your car, you should be able to handle a few pissy comments.  I can't even imagine who is giving her money.  I suspect family members that don't want to listen to her whine....but aren't allowed to say "I told you so"

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Also, Mohamed left her.  This news only hours old.

What the what???  Theirs was a love story for the ages.  


When I think of great love stories I think....Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra, Rochester and Jane Eyre, and Dani and Mo.


From here on I'll always remember where I was the day I found out that Dani and Mo were no longer DaniMo

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The day the dream of them having their own show died... though I hope Sharp Entertainment is filming in Sandusky right now.


But I have to keep hope alive.  I mean, can you imagine Dani on a roadtrip to get Mo back?  Phenomenally entertaining!


And does he have a permanent greencard yet?  I thought it took two years, no way have they been married that long!

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The total is up to $180 and she's added an update that the family needs to heal, that's she's not ready to reveal what's going on just yet. So yeah, I'd guess he's gone. The question now is, where to and how can he stay without a permanent GC?


The grammar and spelling on the comments are killing me. One wants people to "leave are family alone" and "everybody needs help wants awhile". So again, Dani has multiple accounts somewhere and comments to herself. How original.

Edited by KarmaG
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I think he can get a permanent card if he files for divorce before the permanent hearing comes up and he shows it would be a hardship to go back, or if he is claiming abuse.  Do you think she beat him?

I don't know if marital molestation is a thing, but if it is, she has abused the hell out of him.  

The total is up to $180 and she's added an update that the family needs to heal, that's she's not ready to reveal what's going on just yet. So yeah, I'd guess he's gone. The question now is, where to and how can he stay without a permanent GC?


The grammar and spelling on the comments are killing me. One wants people to "leave are family alone" and "everybody needs help wants awhile". So again, Dani has multiple accounts somewhere and comments to herself. How original.

She is so manipulative for someone who doesn't appear to be intelligent.  Its almost like an animal instinct with her.  She is so perfect for reality TV.  I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this car trouble is a figment of her imagination and is simply being used as a way for her to leave herself supportive comments and get some suckers to send her money.

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It's a conditional green card that expires after 2 years and you have to prove everything again that it was a legitimate marriage at the time of the wedding.   You do not have to stay married to the person.    You can get divorced.   Because after all, American citizens who are truly in love get divorced after less than 2 years.   They don't want someone to stay in a bad marriage just to get a green card.   


If they passed the first interview - despite ample evidence that Mo was just in it for the green card, then they will pass it a second time.   After all, Dani is still putting out there they married for love.   Like Mo is going to contradict that and get deported?

So we're the problem in her relationship with Mo?

That is the reason they are splitting up? We're the reason he is cheating on her? We're the reason he looks ready to throw up every time she squashes herself next to him? Wow.....I didn't realize I had such power. I mean who didn't see a marriage based on a green card where the man can only call you "acceptable" would ever break up.

The public is so mean to Dani, and we're busy ruining her good and solid marriage -- its such a surprise that she is still out there begging us for money to fix her car.

Edited by cooksdelight
Removed pasted content. Links only, please.
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The joint Mo/Dani FB page is gone, he's posting photos of "It's a new day!" and how happy he is. She has gone silent. The party's over, folks. Just when I was hoping the rumors of a show for them were true.

Why must everything bad happen to me?  Why would the fates allow us to have something as magical and rare as DaniMo and then yank it away so cruelly? 

Edited by RCharter
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I don't think you can take your money back on Go Fund Me.  The first crowd funding thing I ever gave to was just this year, for a friend who is a stand-up comic, and was raising funds for a DVD on Kickstarter.  He didn't get fully funded, so they never took my money.  Then I donated to someone's funeral expenses on Go Fund Me.  They took the money immediately.  The person never reached their goal, but they got everything that had been given.


The one comment on there made my head explode.  It said something like "She got a job but everyone needs help wants awhile".  Yeesh.

Edited by funky-rat
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Those trips aren't for fun, she is like  a Kardashian making public appearances. She just has a slight cash flow problem that she needs to overcome.

How about she gets a job?!?! Walmart, Coffee shop, Target, grocery stores.... the opportunities are limitless. She is just lazy and addicted to social media and lazy. People like that don't deserve any help.

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If you have one part-time job -- get a second one.   And there is nothing wrong with asking for a little help from time to time.   But 1) she has not shown she is most responsible with her money.   And 2) if you ask people for help, you are going to get their thoughts about you too.   You don't want the judging that goes with it, don't ask for help.   

  • Love 5

Regarding public social media pages REVISED:

I have been informed that it's OK for you to repost links to things you find on public pages. There was some confusion regarding this issue, as I was getting mixed information. But, let's be mindful of the fact that it shouldn't be anything of a harassing nature, or stalkerish. Keep it friendly!

Also, do not copy/paste content. Post a LINK and people can then read for themselves. Thanks!

What about Facebook postings that are only visible to others with a Facebook account? They're technically public but people like me (no FB account) can't see them.

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 2) if you ask people for help, you are going to get their thoughts about you too.   You don't want the judging that goes with it, don't ask for help.   

Exactly, don't beg people for money, and then put conditions on them giving you the money.  She can miss me with all of that, especially since she spent so much time, effort and money to bring a man over here who had zero interest in her.

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What about Facebook postings that are only visible to others with a Facebook account? They're technically public but people like me (no FB account) can't see them.

Sorry, can't do anything to help you with that. Most of the links posted to public pages are visible to anyone, it's the private pages that we don't allow any links to.

Exactly, don't beg people for money, and then put conditions on them giving you the money.  She can miss me with all of that, especially since she spent so much time, effort and money to bring a man over here who had zero interest in her.


Exactly and in fact one of the comments said pretty much that. That she spent thousands of dollars to bring over a man that clearly didn't want to be with her, that perhaps her money could be better spent. Also that she needed to learn better spending habits.

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Exactly and in fact one of the comments said pretty much that. That she spent thousands of dollars to bring over a man that clearly didn't want to be with her, that perhaps her money could be better spent. Also that she needed to learn better spending habits.

why should she ever learn better spending habits when people are willing to give her $145 just because she whines for it?  I'm not saying she has it easy, and maybe at this age she can't do any better, but geez...

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why should she ever learn better spending habits when people are willing to give her $145 just because she whines for it?  I'm not saying she has it easy, and maybe at this age she can't do any better, but geez...

Right, remember she is a reality TV star now. Just not at a Kardahsian or even the porno star teen mom level. And her "fans" will do what it takes to keep getting content from her. She must be kicking herself not thinking that Dr Phil and his cohorts would be interested before the sister in law from hell showed up with Melanie and Devar for their secondary TV exposure.

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I imagine her kids are celebrating. I can't imagine how much the Mo saga has taken from their lives.

Sadly, I don't think that this news will make them any more of a priority in her life.  If anything, they could at least know that Mo wanted to be as far away from Dani as possible so he wasn't a constant in their life.  Dani could maybe give them a few crumbs of attention, since she had a man that was just "travelling" for a "job."  Now that she doesn't that I feel like she will be right back on the internet looking for a new dude to bring over here.


Her children always seem to just be props for her and a means to get sympathy and attention.  If the message was "I need to heal, please leave me alone" no one cares, but the minute you frame your argument in terms of a poor innocent child who needs to hear along with you, suddenly you get sympathy.  She has done nothing to show that she sincerely cares for her children.  Look at how quick she was to throw her son under the bus in favor of a man who merely found her "acceptable?"  Yet, the situation became a way for Dani to elicit even more sympathy and attention.  

Edited by RCharter
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She has done nothing to show that she sincerely cares for her children. Look at how quick she was to throw her son under the bus in favor of a man who merely found her "acceptable?" Yet, the situation became a way for Dani to elicit even more sympathy and attention.

So true! I forgot about that. And the guy before Mo she met online who used her info to commit fraud.

Edited by LemonSoda
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Welcome to the world of a narcissist.   It's all about them.   Other people only exist in relation to the needs of the narcissist at that moment.   Her kids are only there to curry sympathy for the sadness in her life.  When she wants a man, she doesn't need them anymore (except to beg for him to help him take care of them as a way to snag him).   When she needs money, others should just put up the money with no comment because well, she needs it.   

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