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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Mohammed asked on his FB page: "Someone told me that people in the US live paycheck to paycheck and have a lot of drama. Is this true? I responded: "All depends on your choices. Like you, being in your 20's already having to support a wife and three teenagers. Yes, you will be living paycheck to paycheck. As far as drama? Same thing. You chose to be on a TV show that opening your private life to millions of people and married a woman who seems to be an emotional basket case. Yes, you will have drama."


Let's see how long until it's deleted or a bunch of his crazy Facebook harem give me hell.


Wow! Cassia sure has a long legal name. Whew! Good luck to her, but I give it tip the Green card arrives in the mail.

I had to pipe up and tell him that not everyone in the U.S. mismanages their financials like Danielle. We don't ALL live paycheck to paycheck. We'll see how THAT floats.

  • Love 3
Wow! Cassia sure has a long legal name. Whew! Good luck to her, but I give it tip the Green card arrives in the mail. 



If I remember correctly from my high school and college Spanish classes (Yes, I know Brazilians speak Portuguese), hispanic cultures do a lot of honor naming. They also add in this mother's maiden name, but typically drop it when being addressed or following the typical "first name, last name" format. So, "Tavares" is her father's last name and "Oliveira" is her mother's.

  • Love 1

So I see someone on his FB page this morning suggested he set up a GoFundMe account for he and Dani :o

I was about to come on here and comment about the same thing, it seemed one person wanted him to set up one for just himself, and someone else suggested one for him and Dani, I swear I will miss this train wreck after next week : /

  • Love 2

Anyone have a link to Danielle's FB page? Mohammed's page is set up in a way that makes me even more suspicious of his motives. You cannot post to his timeline unless it's in response to one of his posts. That weeds out a lot of people giving him hell I guess. he has no friend listings. I posted a somewhat mean post to his timeline and it just vanished. 

I said how I thought it was strange that he doesn't have one photo of him together with his new wife or even his new step children. All I see are photos of him alone practicing his Zoolander blue steel face hoping for his big break as the next new movie star. 

  • Love 1

I can't believe how obsessed I am with the train wreck that is 90 Day Fiance :-)

Jason Wade Hitch and Rita De Cassia Ferreria Tavares De Oliveira were married on October 13, 2014 by Ronald James Hitch, Ordained Minister Universal Life Church. FL is an open public records state. Here is the link to the Herando County Clerk's Office. http://hernandoclerk.com/official-records/search-official-records/

I work in Research Development, so I have a knack for "sleuthing" and getting around the BS :-)



His Dad married them? Wow.

Regarding public social media pages REVISED:

I have been informed that it's OK for you to repost links to things you find on public pages. There was some confusion regarding this issue, as I was getting mixed information. But, let's be mindful of the fact that it shouldn't be anything of a harassing nature, or stalkerish. Keep it friendly!

Also, do not copy/paste content. Post a LINK and people can then read for themselves. Thanks!

  • Love 16

I dont see anything wrong with Jason's dad marrying them.  It's a pretty common thing to have a friend or family member become ordained online (one of our local radio DJ's did it for shits and giggles and now had a side gig doing wedding) and it was probably just easier.  They probably do not belong to a church and sometimes you have to take a lot of steps if you actually want to get married by a legit pastor/priest. 

  • Love 2

I dont see anything wrong with Jason's dad marrying them.  It's a pretty common thing to have a friend or family member become ordained online (one of our local radio DJ's did it for shits and giggles and now had a side gig doing wedding) and it was probably just easier.  They probably do not belong to a church and sometimes you have to take a lot of steps if you actually want to get married by a legit pastor/priest. 


I really don't see anything wrong with that either. I, for some reason, figured they would go to the White Chapel in Vegas or the Justice back at home.

Anyone have a link to Danielle's FB page? Mohammed's page is set up in a way that makes me even more suspicious of his motives. You cannot post to his timeline unless it's in response to one of his posts. That weeds out a lot of people giving him hell I guess. he has no friend listings. I posted a somewhat mean post to his timeline and it just vanished. 

I said how I thought it was strange that he doesn't have one photo of him together with his new wife or even his new step children. All I see are photos of him alone practicing his Zoolander blue steel face hoping for his big break as the next new movie star.

The reason you can't post directly to the timeline is because it's a "page" that you like, instead of one that you friend. That's why there are no friends either...only "likes". He does have a personal page that you can send a friend request, but it doesn't seem to get much action.

Look on the left side of the page, down from the top just a little, and you may find your post. I can't remember what the heading is, but those posts are in a separate place from the timeline posts.

  • Love 2

Christ on a green card....Can anyone look at this Facebook post by Mo and tell me what jumps out at you:




- feeling wandering
Sponsored ·
Someone is always telling me that every body in the states is living paycheck to paycheck and having a drama in his/her life !!! Is that true ??

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Okay, besides the obvious lulzy irony that he's being sponsored, "sponsored" on a Facebook post?


It's my understanding that "sponsored" appearing on a post means it has been paid for to promote it throughout Facebook.


I have no idea how much this would cost but....What the actual fuck????


Mohamed is paying to have his posts read by all and sundry?  


How fucking bizarro-world is that??????  


ETA:  Okay, I had to ask.  I just had to.



Why does this post come up in my newsfeed as "sponsored"? Are you actually paying to promote your own posts?


I'll keep you posted should he or Danielle respond.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 1

I don't see sponsored BS at all, maybe your ad blocker is doing funny things.




"some is helping me to make plan for my brother and my best friend to come see me after 5 years we did not meet"


Oh great, some cretin is throwing money at him, and all the heifers rejoice.


I don't know about that.  The only time "sponsored" ads appear in my newsfeed is when they're clearly sponsored.  It doesn't say sponsored on his page, note, it only says it as it appears in my newsfeed.


Do you follow him, TS?  Note that this same post appeared in my newsfeed when he initially posted it, but it didn't say "sponsored" at all.  At first I thought this appeared in my newsfeed because he had updated it but, nope, the only difference was "sponsored" appearing in it.


Oy, those women dying to anoint his feet with oil on his page are probably doing a Kickstart or GoFundMe for him.  What an odd group those women are.  Probably another collection of Danielle types.    *eye roll*

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 2

Do you follow him, TS?  Note that this same post appeared in my newsfeed when he initially posted it, but it didn't say "sponsored" at all.  At first I thought this appeared in my newsfeed because he had updated it but, nope, the only difference was "sponsored" appearing in it.

I don't follow him... I don't like him at all, I'm not going to boost his ego.

  • Love 6

I don't follow him... I don't like him at all, I'm not going to boost his ego.


I not only follow him, I also have him set up for notifications.


I know this shit with Danielle is going to end in an epic, perhaps even newsworthy, fashion.


I ain't gonna miss that shit.  No way, no how.


Some wit on the 90 day Fiance FB page called out the fact that Dani's trip to Qatar last year coincided with Ramadan. Dani messaged with someone that they had sexy time on that trip. Wonder if the fasting and no kissing policy is waived if bezness romancing is underway.


(heading over to check out the new posts there now.... )

  • Love 7

There is some aging cow offering to give his brother & friend that are now are in Canada some gifts for Mo when they pass through Toronto on their way to visit him.  Good grief. There doesn't appear to be a shortage of Danielles.


"There are not enough words of joy for that. I pray that happens for you."


What is this, a cult of geriatric Facebook leg humping?  Not enough words?  Get a thesaurus and write him poems.  After all, some stranger might see his brother if another stranger bankrolls the trip!


And the whole bovine herd that is trying to encourage him to come to Canada because Canada is better?  Someone have mercy on me.  I just can't.  I need a hug.

  • Love 7

I think that I shall never see

A poem as lovely as you, Mo, you see

Because as the pendulum swings

So must you, toward your destiny

Come take my hand, and you'll be free

To come and go, and make merry with me

We'll sail the globe, and you will see

Minnie, Mickey and me at Disney

Oh, what joy awaits!

What fun, what freedom!

You'll eat like a king

And have your own kingdom

I'll give it all to you

But you must never go asunder

You must cling only unto me

For if you leave, if you wander

I'll cut off your balls

With my dull-edged knife

I'll hobble you until you wail


  • Love 15

She had looked for his coming as beznessmen come,
With the landing of airplanes and the green card's call;
But he came instead with a stealthy hatred,
Which she did not notice at all.


She had thought his polyester suit would blaze in the sun,
As he lounged like a freeloader to claim his bride:
Until the Juggalo gathering was done
She-Shrek found him avoiding her side.


She had dreamed how the gaze of her lazy eye
Would wake his heart to a sudden glow:
She found instead threats of spraying lye
Should she come too close to his bow.


She had dreamed how his coming would make him chase,
As the town hall is stirred by the eviction's warfare:
With sausage fingers she tried to grab his face,
But it being Ramadan, it was too much to bear.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 14

There is some aging cow offering to give his brother & friend that are now are in Canada some gifts for Mo when they pass through Toronto on their way to visit him.  Good grief. There doesn't appear to be a shortage of Danielles.


"There are not enough words of joy for that. I pray that happens for you."


What is this, a cult of geriatric Facebook leg humping?  Not enough words?  Get a thesaurus and write him poems.  After all, some stranger might see his brother if another stranger bankrolls the trip!


And the whole bovine herd that is trying to encourage him to come to Canada because Canada is better?  Someone have mercy on me.  I just can't.  I need a hug.


You see, this is another reason why I follow him.


He posts an update, it appears in my newsfeed, I wait 30 minutes and then go check the post on his page to see the many responses.


It truly is a bunch of (presumably) desperate and perhaps even mentally ill women doing everything they possibly can to get his attention.


I haven't seen anything this perplexing and stupefying since I stumbled across a forum full of aged, desperate Vinnie Vincent groupies from the 1980s still vying for a chance at his...."backstage pass," so to speak.


I'm not positive, but I think these women on Mo's page might be of the same mindset of those who befriend and marry men in prison on life sentences or awaitng the death penalty.  Maybe even scarier, because with Mo, there's always a chance he could take one of them up on their blatant offers.


The world has really gone mad, hasn't it?  I think Facebook has solidified that belief in my mind.


As said in Psycho, "We all go a little bit mad sometimes," but Christ on a cross, these women trolling aging retired rock n' rollers, reality TV faux celebrities, and violent men in prison are an entirely new breed to me.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 5

Not saying Dani is a great person but I have compassion for her. It must be heartbreaking to read comments people write about her. She can't help the way she looks. I mean even if she lost weight it is what it is. She is not an attractive person and has flaws like most of us do but more than most of us do. Why in the world she went on a reality show to be picked apart is the crazy part. Someone surely told her it would happen!


She would have just ignored them.


Just as she ignored all of the mostly gently given and well-intentioned advice about not marrying Mo.


Danielle's head is apparently as thick as concrete and twice as hard.

  • Love 7

Danielle has a fantasy of what marrying Mohammad would mean.   Nothing is going to interfere with that.   Not her friends and family warning her.   Not mean comments on social media.   Not even Mohammad's obvious contempt for her.   In her world, where the sky is always blue, theirs is the greatest love story since Westley and Buttercup.

  • Love 5

I don't think being overweight is the biggest thing about her unattractiveness. To me, it starts way before we get to that point. Basically she has no dynamics. None. So it seems she is also a victim of the camera. Whatever. Probably the show pays more than she's ever made.

You are right. It isn't her being overweight. There are a lot of overweight women that are BBW.  It's her attitude, her sloppy ways (as close to Mama June as you can get) and her overall disrespect for herself and her children.  

Edited by greekmom
  • Love 3

Danielle has a fantasy of what marrying Mohammad would mean.   Nothing is going to interfere with that.   Not her friends and family warning her.   Not mean comments on social media.   Not even Mohammad's obvious contempt for her.   In her world, where the sky is always blue, theirs is the greatest love story since Westley and Buttercup.


I just had a vision of Dani and Mo running towards each other, arms open,  through a field of buttercups...and then Mo speeding up and running past her into the sunset!

  • Love 5

According to a commenter on this site http://yourslownewsday.com/90-day-fiance-recap-no-money-mo-problems/, Mo called CPS on Danielle right before Thanksgiving. The commenter presents herself as "Stephanie Calixte" (the girl who Mo was talking to and got Dani to talk about the Doha sex). She said that he called because the girls were just chilling at home everyday, not getting up till noon and watching TV. When it came to school work, Danielle would do it for them.

Take the story with a grain of salt, because it could easily be someone just making it up. Plus, why would anyone trust Danielle to do their schoolwork? And how would Mo know to call CPS for truancy? Maybe he thinks getting enmeshed in activities like this makes him look like an involved stepdad and INS will look past his unwillingness to boink, or even kiss, his weeble wobble wife.

  • Love 2

According to a commenter on this site http://yourslownewsday.com/90-day-fiance-recap-no-money-mo-problems/, Mo called CPS on Danielle right before Thanksgiving. The commenter presents herself as "Stephanie Calixte" (the girl who Mo was talking to and got Dani to talk about the Doha sex). She said that he called because the girls were just chilling at home everyday, not getting up till noon and watching TV. When it came to school work, Danielle would do it for them.

Take the story with a grain of salt, because it could easily be someone just making it up. Plus, why would anyone trust Danielle to do their schoolwork? And how would Mo know to call CPS for truancy? Maybe he thinks getting enmeshed in activities like this makes him look like an involved stepdad and INS will look past his unwillingness to boink, or even kiss, his weeble wobble wife.

My first grader would shit a brick of Danielle did her homework. She likes her straight A's.

  • Love 5


Never married - Cassie Hale Mullins y'all - her mother's obituary

Danielle's mother graduated high school at 21.. That is the age they boot the special Ed kids out, by law. Very telling.

Forgive me if im wrong (horrible at math) but if Danielle's mother passed in 2000 at 50, and Danielle is 46 now, that would make her 32 when her mom died, and her mom 18 when D was born. With her mom not graduating until 21, and being potentially special needs, no one thought anything of it for her to be walking around school pregnant, very possibly twice (with Danielle and maybe even a younger sibling of hers) ? Married or not, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Forgive me if im wrong (horrible at math) but if Danielle's mother passed in 2000 at 50, and Danielle is 46 now, that would make her 32 when her mom died, and her mom 18 when D was born. With her mom not graduating until 21, and being potentially special needs, no one thought anything of it for her to be walking around school pregnant, very possibly twice (with Danielle and maybe even a younger sibling of hers) ? Married or not, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Looks as though the mother was married to Mr. Mullins. However, Danielle's brother "Rob" was not mentioned. Edited by hawkhd

Looks as though the mother was married to Mr. Mullins. However, Danielle's brother "Rob" was not mentioned.

Could Rob be one of the brothers nicknames? Theres something fishy going on here, googling the parents names brought up this short article someone put out when they found the family bible at the local Goodwill in Norwalk

Brief info:

Cassie and Terry Dale were married in New London, Ohio in 1972. Children:

Archer Green Hale, Danielle Michelle Mullins, Matthew Jay Mullins.

Terry's parents: Large May (Case) & Ersel Mullins; grandparents: J. & Polly

Jean Mullins

Cassie's parents: Glenn & Enda Mae Hale; grandparents: Green & Mary Sissie

Hale and Archer & Mary Shepherd.

. Im assuming it was lost before Danielle's other siblings were born, but her parents didnt wed until she was like, 4. And I didnt see anything about the oldest child (assuming theyre listed here in chronological order) Archer, Matthew, or "Rob" in the moms obit...

Could Rob be one of the brothers nicknames? Theres something fishy going on here, googling the parents names brought up this short article someone put out when they found the family bible at the local Goodwill in Norwalk

. Im assuming it was lost before Danielle's other siblings were born, but her parents didnt wed until she was like, 4. And I didnt see anything about the oldest child (assuming theyre listed here in chronological order) Archer, Matthew, or "Rob" in the moms obit...

Nothing like donating the family Bible when Mama kicks the bucket... smh

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