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S30.E09: Rampage

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9 hours ago, Adultosaurus said:

I agree with everything in this post - BUT...maybe I'm being a pessimist, but in my opinion MTV LOVES THIS SHIT.  They have since the first Real World episode.  They won't "protect Camilla" because she's good for ratings, they will prolong this coming out because she's good for ratings.  

I agree. MTV loves this. And I'd bet showing what they did and avoiding the rest was the best case scenario for them. They get the controversy, but by not showing the worst of it, don't have to deal with as much backlash for keeping Camilla around. 

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5 hours ago, DOBABYR said:

Nichole has a full face on daily 

There have been quite a few scenes of her this season and seasons past where she had no makeup on... and I thought "Who the hell was that?"

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Regarding Jemmye, I don't know. In her talking head she says that she sees Camila drunk and ready to start shit, but won't intervene. She wanted to stay close enough to see the drama going down and she was sitting right outside of the boys' room. I believe her when she says she doesn't condone racism and all of that, but the things she was saying afterward felt too on the nose.

This episode did make me cry and feel for Leroy. He has to endure Camila saying all those things and then put on a brace face for everyone else. No matter how many times he's heard that or will hear it, it still has to hurt. And I'm glad Johnny was able to stick up for him, but he always does that thing where he'll make a situation worse. There was no reason for him to throw that pillow and then let Leroy take the blame when Camila hit him with it.

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19 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I was thinking the same thing when she came back in the same clothes - the PA probably said "fuck that noise" and left her bags right where they were.  After watching her go off on a racist tirade and then having her pull that lady of the manor verbally abusing the peasants shit on me, I would have absolutely left her shit there until the end of time.  (OK, maybe I would have happily schlepped it to the van if it was taking her to the airport because she was being booted.  But I wouldn't have been gentle, and I would have prayed that shit was broken when she got home.) 

Leroy was freaking amazing.  I'm beyond impressed that he kept his cool the entire time.  Nothing but respect for him there.  And it depressed me that he just talked about it like it was just another day in this world for him.  There is no reason he should ever have to put up with that hateful shit.  He was a better person than me both in his in the moment reaction and the way he handled it the next day.  I do wonder, though, if he's since rethought his saying that he doesn't think she's racist.  The fact that she still hasn't had it in her to approach him and apologize to him, and that her only tears when talking about it were in her taped confessional, when she was trying to win over viewers, should tip him off that she firmly believes the shit she said to him.  Add in that her comments were not solely addressed to him, and included a racist rant at Nelson and the generalized "that's what these black motherfuckers do all the time" statement, and it's pretty clear what she is.  Some of her friends are putting forward the "what she said was inexcusable, but anyone who knows her can tell you she's not racist" line.  They must have a pretty strict definition of "racist."  She may not be putting on a white robe or buying out tiki torches at Walmart and marching, but she's a racist.  What she did on last night's episode was the definition of racism.  I sincerely hope the show doesn't invite her back any more, and I hope that she gets the psychological help she so obviously needs.  (And AA wouldn't hurt, either.) 

I have always been indifferent to Leroy but after this and how he kept his cool I like the dude.

I can't believe that Camila was going on and on and it wasn't just directed towards Leroy. She should have been taken away because she was directing her shit onto others. And for her to say she was the one wronged makes it even worse. Drunk bitch needs to be smacked upside her fucking head. Too bad one of the girls didn't pop off and smack her.

I'm sick of seeing the whole same people go in time after time.

They should make it a new rule that everyone has to go in at least once. Because the same people keep not going in time after time because they are vets or because they are friends with the vets. I know the vets have 'paid' their dues, but it would make the game even better if everyone had to go in instead of never going in and making it to the end. I'm looking at you Camila! I'm looking at several people.

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55 minutes ago, Drogo said:

There have been quite a few scenes of her this season and seasons past where she had no makeup on... and I thought "Who the hell was that?"

Ha yes she does look VERY different....................I was going by her social media. She is always full glam. 

14 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

I have always been indifferent to Leroy but after this and how he kept his cool I like the dude.

I can't believe that Camila was going on and on and it wasn't just directed towards Leroy. She should have been taken away because she was directing her shit onto others. And for her to say she was the one wronged makes it even worse. Drunk bitch needs to be smacked upside her fucking head. Too bad one of the girls didn't pop off and smack her.

I'm sick of seeing the whole same people go in time after time.

They should make it a new rule that everyone has to go in at least once. Because the same people keep not going in time after time because they are vets or because they are friends with the vets. I know the vets have 'paid' their dues, but it would make the game even better if everyone had to go in instead of never going in and making it to the end. I'm looking at you Camila! I'm looking at several people.

Secret voting!!!!!

40 minutes ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

Regarding Jemmye, I don't know. In her talking head she says that she sees Camila drunk and ready to start shit, but won't intervene. She wanted to stay close enough to see the drama going down and she was sitting right outside of the boys' room. I believe her when she says she doesn't condone racism and all of that, but the things she was saying afterward felt too on the nose.

This episode did make me cry and feel for Leroy. He has to endure Camila saying all those things and then put on a brace face for everyone else. No matter how many times he's heard that or will hear it, it still has to hurt. And I'm glad Johnny was able to stick up for him, but he always does that thing where he'll make a situation worse. There was no reason for him to throw that pillow and then let Leroy take the blame when Camila hit him with it.

Many cast members stated they attempted to intervene. Considering it is edited and that even more of her rant was edited, we don't know who tried to intervene. We see CM suddenly sitting beside her. That is who I was looking for the entire time since they are buddies outside the show.

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21 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Because Camilla is one of their favorites, and always brings the drama.  They were protecting her.

Ding Ding Ding!  A few seasons ago I think I said something to the effect of "Camila is the female version of John", in the eyes of MTV, anyway.  She's been coming back every. single. season. and she brings the entertainment whether it be good, bad, or atrocious.  Camila is very aware of those cameras and does what she thinks it takes to keep coming back, and MTV eats that shit up.  She can also be a decent competitor, albeit a whiney, entitled, manipulative one, and she usually makes it until the end or close to, unless she gets kicked off first.   IMO, MTV originally edited this episode to minimize the situation and to keep her coming back.  Then Charlottesville and the world happened, not to mention the outrage by the fellow housemates.  MTV found themselves with their thumb up their ass and had to scramble to save face, what with the anti-racism voiceovers and last second confessionals.  They knew it was going to blow up on social media.  Just look at the Jordan episode vs. this one.  MTV edited Jordan's episode to make him out to be a monster (which was deserved), but I feel like MTV took steps to edit this episode to yes, show Camila to be the crazy person she is (because TPTB love it), but also to garner sympathy from the viewers.  Her fake tears, her mentioning her upbringing...etc.  Instead of showing us that, they could have left in the other racist shit she said.   I call shenanigans. 

Edited by AngryCarrot86
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Camila isn't Johnny. Johnny passes around the "special drink," making sure his cup has water instead. Camila grabs the pitcher and just chugs it, not giving a fuck. Once again, this makes sense in my head.

Another indicator that Camila may be irrevocably fucked up: she didn't automatically attack Johnny after she got hit with the pillow. I mean, who else could have done that? She was in the wrong and everybody in the room wanted her gone, but Johnny should be the automatic first and only suspect.

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Camila is a washed up, sloppy, drunken, racist idiot. She should have been sent home...PERIOD

The crocodile tears every time she goes nuts do not move me at all. I've always believed in the old saying "A drunken mind speaks the truth". She meant every word she said, she's disgusting.

I have always thought Leroy was a sweetheart and he did handle things like a gentlemen....but I feel he let it go way to easy.

When he said "I don't think she's racist..." What??? She called him a black mthrfkr and from what I've read she let the "N" word fly numerous times. How is that not racist? Whatever Leroy.

Nicole's makeup is horrible, it's so jarring! She needs to learn how to blend and go a shade darker with that under-eye concealer. She looks like a clown.

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34 minutes ago, 80sBaby said:

I have always thought Leroy was a sweetheart and he did handle things like a gentlemen....but I feel he let it go way to easy.

When he said "I don't think she's racist..." What??? She called him a black mthrfkr and from what I've read she let the "N" word fly numerous times. How is that not racist? Whatever Leroy.

Leroy's reaction could be because of many things. First, if he did consider her a friend it's hard to just decide someone you have spent a lot of time with is racist. Hard and painful. It feels better to deny it. Also, there's a ton of pressure from the whole world to not call someone racist no matter what they say or do. That stuff is really easy to internalize.

And all of that is before producer pressure. Imagine sitting there after all this goes down with some staffer trying really hard to get that reaction. "Are you sure she's racist? Do you really think Camila hates all black people? What is she, some kind of KK member? She just hooked up with Corey, how could she be racist?" And on and on and on. 

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Why does production allow Camila to be abusive toward the producer and security as well as to other players? She's a mean, violent, paranoid drunk and I'm sure they like her bringing the drama but she should've been sent home. When we've seen others be sent to a hotel for the night I've only seen them take a backpack. Camila packed everything, maybe they were going to send her home or she thought they were.

Cara, STFU about Tony. I'm not a fan of his, but Camila was the aggressor in the back seat. Tony looked kinda trapped the way she had him in a headlock.

Nicole: "I'm thinking who the hell let this girl win this challenge and have power." You and the other idiots who couldn't beat her in a trivia challenge, moron.

Ok, Britni doesn't know what "playing the race card" means, but Nelson also said "you really gonna pull that card" so...

Not an AYTO fan but I like Britni. No tantrum about going in to the Presidio again, just gets the job done and goes about her business with a smile on her face. She even asked Nicole if she was ok after she flipped her down the ramp the first time. Nicole, still waiting for you to prove yourself like you say, not constantly whine about the challenge being unfair for someone your size. You actually had a comparable competitor but you talk like you were going against Aneesa. Apparently you think you should be able to piggyback your way to the final due to your size.

I admire that Hunter is willing to go against the top players, but unfortunately for him they don't want to play that way. Remember when Jordan thought that way on Free Agents? I guess he drank the Kool-Aid since he's up John's banana now. Tony, Jordan, Dario, Leroy, who do you think is next to go after the other alliance is eliminated? Hunter is right about them all being afraid to say the big dogs names, they'll just let themselves be picked   off. Most of the girls are the same way.

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1 hour ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Most of the girls are the same way.

I don't blame the girls, they'd go against Camilla or Cara Maria.  Camilla ain't shit IMO, but Cara has been too successful in eliminations to risk going up against her.  I'd still try, but I'd be sure Camilla's name fell out my mouth first out of the two.

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2 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:


Nicole: "I'm thinking who the hell let this girl win this challenge and have power." You and the other idiots who couldn't beat her in a trivia challenge, moron.

In Nicole's defense, she was one of the few taking shots at Camila throughout the trivia challenge. She also seems fairly smart... she handily won the trivia challenge in a previous season, but this one put her at a disadvantage for being in the minority alliance. 

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You guys have pretty much said it all regarding Camila and I pretty much agree. I've never liked her and I really hope she never comes back. She does this every season, goes nuts, blames it on her drinking and cries. This time she went too far. In a way I'm kinda glad she did it becasue even though we knew she was awful before, she showed her true self this time and us the viewers and the cast saw it. Leroy handled it perfectly. A poster mentioned that if Aneesa was in the house she would let her have it. I hope Aneesa unloads on her at the reunion.  Also, the reunion should be interesting with everything that's been going on. Seriously, fuck you Camila.

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4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

A poster mentioned that if Aneesa was in the house she would let her have it. I hope Aneesa unloads on her at the reunion.  Also, the reunion should be interesting with everything that's been going on. Seriously, fuck you Camila.

I know I would have wanted to see how she would be dragged over what happened but Camila was not at the reunion.

Edited by Decider
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16 hours ago, OnceSane said:

I don't blame the girls, they'd go against Camilla or Cara Maria.  Camilla ain't shit IMO, but Cara has been too successful in eliminations to risk going up against her.  I'd still try, but I'd be sure Camilla's name fell out my mouth first out of the two.

You never can tell with eliminations, who would have guessed that Ammo would eliminate Tony, or that Camila would eliminate Laurel (last season, after Laurel had eliminated Cara). If they don't at least try to put in a strong player, they will just continue to get picked off one by one anyway.

15 hours ago, Oholibamah said:

In Nicole's defense, she was one of the few taking shots at Camila throughout the trivia challenge. She also seems fairly smart... she handily won the trivia challenge in a previous season, but this one put her at a disadvantage for being in the minority alliance. 

I did say "You and the other..." so I wasn't putting it all on Nicole. Everyone who answered their question incorrectly or failed to give Camila an X when they did answer correctly gave Camila the power. It was a dumb question for her to pose. Nicole answered her first two questions correctly but being part of the mean girls, gave her first X to Kailah and the second to Jenna. She didn't give an X to Camila until Camila had given one to her. The first three girls, Nicole, Veronica and Jemmye, who all answered correctly could've taken out Camila right from the start. What alliance was Nicole in? Not the AYTO girls and not Jenna/Kailah so it wasn't a minority. Camila's comment about who else saves Nicole but her gave me the impression she was with the mean girls (Camila/Cara/Jemmye maybe Veronica).

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I've never liked Camilla. The only time I was happy she won an elimination round was because she was against Laurel and I dislike her too. But she's always been not only a Sore Loser but a Sore Winner.

She always freaks out. Remember when she got thrown into elmnination because she and her partner took a wrong flag and didn't say anything and then she got thrown in and threw a fit, I still remember her rant "I have bruises ALL OVER MY BODY!"from the challenge she was given a DQ for cheating.

And then the challenge that was before this-not pros va champs- when she didn't get first.. what a sore loser. I mean really. Granted everyone who didn't get first place was a sore loser that challenger, I remember feeling disgusted watching them all cry. Ugh.

She's just a brat. Who was never on a real show btw. I give the AYTO kids a hard time but at least they were on a show.. Camilla was on a spring break thing that I think was merely a commercial bumper thing done between shows but someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. Either way it was a one off. 

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On 9/14/2017 at 4:40 PM, 80sBaby said:

I have always thought Leroy was a sweetheart and he did handle things like a gentlemen....but I feel he let it go way to easy.

When he said "I don't think she's racist..." What??? She called him a black mthrfkr and from what I've read she let the "N" word fly numerous times. How is that not racist? Whatever Leroy.

I've given it some thought, and I think what was going on there was that there is a portion of society who, as soon as you call someone a racist, they just tune you out and think you're being over dramatic or taking it too far.  They simply won't listen to the rest of the conversation beyond that point.  Leroy may very well be used to that kind of thing.  So in order to not distract from the larger point of how completely wrong her outburst was, he took that off the table.  

The other thought I had was that he and a lot of the other cast members have seen how insane she gets every single time she's drunk and angry.  He may have truly, in that moment, considered this just another example of her being completely awful in that state of mind and lashing out to hurt whoever she's pissed at as much as possible.  If he has years of knowing her and not having her say or do racist things around him, it may be hard for him to label her like that vs. labeling her as someone who has an out of control drinking problem.  If that's the case, and it was a matter of him just not wanting to see that in her, I do wonder if he's changed his take on that since then, after finding out about her spewing racist shit at Nelson, after seeing her "these black motherfuckers always do this!" rant at the production staff, and after how much time has gone by and she still hasn't reached out to him about this.  (Provided he didn't witness any of those moments when they happened.  Camila tends to do her own brand of Tasmanian Devil whirl through the house when she's in that state, and I doubt Leroy was following her around to catch it all, so I'm guessing there was shit he missed.) 

To be clear, I absolutely think she's a racist.  But, I'm not someone who has any length of friendship with her to counter that impression.  It may be harder for Leroy to get to that belief than it is for those of us who are simply watching this from the outside. 

One little thing I noticed, when Camila went into the living room for deliberations, she, of course, went to sit next to Tony, since they were the winners who were sending someone into elimination.  But, the person stuck sitting on her other side was John.  In my mind, I'm going to tell myself that the rest of the cast was like "no, you're sitting next to her.  You hooking up with her is probably a huge part of the reason she kept getting asked back in the beginning to establish herself as a regular cast member, and you're the one who has always tried to ramp up the 'Camilinator' for your own entertainment, so this is your mess, Bananas."  

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3 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

MTV would be in deep doodoo if Camila ends up winning the challenge (ugh that would be so freaking awful). CRUNCH! Can you imagine? "We have no tolerance for racism, but we're awarding half a million to a racist anyway." 

I don't know. The show is toxic enough as it is, yet I can't pry myself away. If Camila wins and comes back in 2018? That would be a problem and a potential break-up cause for me. I'd compare her to Kendra from The Amazing Race 6, but Kendra never got racist with any of the other contestants. Also, I didn't think she belonged in a straitjacket.

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Not only is Camila a disgusting racist pig, but she is also a total bitch for coming on to Tony like that. To go after the one male castmate who you know has a girlfriend and 2 babies back home (and who is trying to get his shit together) is pathetic. Not saying Tony is innocent in this situation, but women who go after men who they know are in committed relationships are a special kind of trash. Get over yourself hussy

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