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S03.E22: A House Divided

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When an unknown entity prevents the Machine from seeing the full picture of an impending catastrophic event, it sends the team five separate numbers to help them piece together the bigger picture. Meanwhile, Root’s team of hackers arrives in New York.

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Wow.   This show just keeps hitting on all cylinders.   Every episode leaves me breathless.


Now we know why Vigiliance got started.   If you want an excellent movie on the perils of over surveillance I recommend Eyeborg with Adrian Paul.  I watched it because well, Adrian Paul.  I thought it would be cheesy.  Yeah it has a lot of cheese but makes a really good statement about surveillance "evidence."  


Ma'am got saved by someone she would have tossed aside as expendable.  Bwahahahaha.  And good thing Shaw likes Finch more than she hates Ma'am.  Good job reminding her Reese.   


Loved Reese reminding everyone repeatedly that getting Finch back was the most important thing.  Yeah, he only saved everyone's lives by giving them purpose.  How the hell does the Machine know there is no immediate danger?   Carter anyone?  Besides Decima's folks know how to hide from surveillance which means the Machine has no data to evaluate.  


Is it next week yet?

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^ That is why I love POI's take on the issue - I think more people would support privacy than surveillance at this point. But our show takes the privacy team and ramps them up to the point where we absolutely cannot root for them. We support their ideas but not their methods. I love it. As for the trial, I think it's a great idea. We'll get to examine the whole issue from the barrel of a gun. I expect lots of salient points and good writing. And then kneecapping. Sweet, sweet kneecapping.  

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Collier got those cryptic texts as he was leaving "anonymous government agency".


Any chance those were sent to him by Finch to expose that the government was using The Machine in an unintended way?

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Did I miss a previous scene showing Root collecting her cadre of codeslingers?

I was caught by surprise when they appeared.

Technically?  At the end of Mors Praematura we have Root sending Jason Greenfield off to somewhere tropical with a lot of money and the knowledge that he would be needed somewhere in the future.  And at the end of RAM we see Root collect Daniel Casey from his cabin in the wilderness.  We first saw Daizo at the beginning of Root Path.


I was actually surprised that she didn't have more team members, but I understand why they didn't add more.


I really liked this episode.  Peter Collier and Greer got humanized pretty nicely.  Finch had a good scene with Greer.  And Shaw, Root and Reese were awesome as always.

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Technically?  At the end of Mors Praematura we have Root sending Jason Greenfield off to somewhere tropical with a lot of money and the knowledge that he would be needed somewhere in the future.  And at the end of RAM we see Root collect Daniel Casey from his cabin in the wilderness.  We first saw Daizo at the beginning of Root Path..


Ahh, I was thinking I missed something at the end of the previous episode showing them gathered together.


[i'd go back & rewatch, but %$&%$^^5 CBS makes it too hard.

I rewatch Grimm on Hulu; no fuss no muss, it just works...]


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Wow.  I want next week's episode now now now.



Any chance those were sent to him by Finch to expose that the government was using The Machine in an unintended way?

But then Finch would have known who Collier was from the beginning.  Also, that doesn't strike me as his method; he'd either be more direct or completely hidden, if that makes sense.


So, could it be a new player?  If the season finale finishes off Decima and temporarily sets back Vigilance, as I predict, this mysterious entity could be set up for next year, perhaps to wrap up Vigilance then.

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Am I wrong in wanting a scene next week where Collier is cross-examining Finch and Finch shouts "You can't handle the truth!"? Although Harold would more likely just calmly and quietly lay out in great detail why Collier is wrong in what he is doing.


This was a typical second episode in a triology where our heroes have set backs and seem to have lost everything. But the third episode is always the triumphant victory over the Forces of Darkness, so I am  looking forward to some real ass-kicking next week (or ass-biting in the case of Bear).

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Could the machine be behind Vigilante?


I was kinda thinking that the Machine was contacting him to put him in play.  The two gods are playing with the same deck, but the Machine has been at it longer and inserted a couple of wild cards. She's also know to play from the bottom of the deck. :)

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Boy, lots of theories re: Collier's mystery texter because I was thinking it was the government desk jockey that he talked to the first time.

Apropos of nothing, Root and Shaw really need to get a room.

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So we have Decima, the Northern Lights government people, Vigilance, and our heroes, and everyone considers themselves "the good guys".  I like that.  I think that all 4 sides will get their say during the trial next week.  


Here's a question for everyone: Aside from the stars of the show, which "other" side are you rooting for (or that you disagree with the least)?  My rank-ordering (least awful to most awful) would be 1. Vigilance; 2. Northern Lights; 3. Decima.  Maybe next week will change my mind! :)

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I reject the methods, but I'm not entirely unsympathetic to the aims of Vigilance.



I like how this show and Continuum, show groups with good ideals, but awful methods.  It really makes one think (and maybe hope) that those in power will take note that if things don't change, these kind of groups may really come into existence (since more peaceful methods like Occupy Wall Street haven't had much success).


There does appear to be someone or something behind Vigilence and yes, who is it, a human, or a machine?  I wouldn't be surprised at all if Nathan resurfaced, since technically Harold (and we) never saw his body and if Harold could 'disappear', so could Nathan.


I remember the Cabin guy getting released by Root, and his story, as they were fairly recent, but I totally forgot about the other guy.  I'd love to rewatch that episode.  Was that this season?  I don't think CBS has any prior seasons available (I used to have to make absolutely sure I DVR'd this show because it wasn't available on the web).

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"I am  looking forward to some real ass-kicking next week (or ass-biting in the case of Bear)."


Yes, where is Bear? Finch was kidnapped, and the others are running all over the city. Hope someone is taking care of him...

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Yes, where is Bear? Finch was kidnapped, and the others are running all over the city. Hope someone is taking care of him...



According to his tweets, Bear was at John's place with the computer hackers. I missed him and Fusco so much; hopefully that will be remedied next week.

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So we have Decima, the Northern Lights government people, Vigilance, and our heroes, and everyone considers themselves "the good guys".  I like that.  I think that all 4 sides will get their say during the trial next week.

I like when fiction does this because in real life nobody truly believes they are the bad guy. We all believe we are doing good in our own way for our own reasons, even if those reasons are completely nonsensical sometimes.



Here's a question for everyone: Aside from the stars of the show, which "other" side are you rooting for (or that you disagree with the least)?  My rank-ordering (least awful to most awful) would be 1. Vigilance; 2. Northern Lights; 3. Decima.  Maybe next week will change my mind! :)

Hard question to answer. Both Decima and Northern Lights use The Machine and now Samaritan to save people from terrorist attacks but mainly use them to their own benefit despite what they tell others and often go too far with both. Vigilance believes it is fighting for privacy and freedom like the Founding Fathers wanted, but their efforts are ultimately meaningless and counterproductive even if they actually succeed in pulling off their plans. They will just be labeled another radical terrorist group, hunted down, and thrown in prison or killed while used as nothing more than more justification for taking away American freedoms even more than they were already, just like every other similar group throughout human history. It doesn't help that they are fighting for freedoms that only have the power they do because the government allows them to.


So again, hard question to answer. I'd say that all 3 groups are roughly equally bad in the end. Team Machine seems to be the only real good guys in the equation if there is such a thing.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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I did have one nitpick that glared like the light of a thousands suns to me.   The guy who remembered living through the Blitz.   Umm that was more than 70 years ago (VE Day is today and that 69 years ago).   To remember it clearly, the guy had to be in about his 80s and his did NOT look that old.   

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I admit that I kind of zoned out during Greer's speech but did he say he was a WWII vet (which-- no way, he'd have to be in his 90s) or that he was a kid? Because if he was, say, 10 years old at the time, I buy it.

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Seriously? I mean my dad is 74 and is hardly decrepit, but that dude did not look old enough to remember the Blitz.

Don't know what to tell you. The actor is 75. And since he witnessed the Blitz as a child, he really only needs to be 5 or 6 to have seen the fires over London and for that to have made a lasting impression. I don't see how a 75 year old playing a 78 year old is that much of a stretch.
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The large batch of numbers really threw me. I was surprised that the General was helping Shaw. I figured Hersh had to show up, he had been busy I guess. Shaw called him George. Now we know his first name. George Hersh. Well getting him to help free Finch, Greer and Control will be interesting. Vigilance has the upper hand now. But was amazing Ma'am Control was going to work with Greer.

We see how Peter Brandt lawyer becomes Peter Collier. But who text him back in 2010, after his brother Jesse had committed suicide? I figured that Aziz Al-Ibrahim wasn't bad. And I should have caught about Jesse being clean for almost 2 years. He was Aziz sponsor. Nice Aziz gave Peter his coin.

The trial at the end of all the pertinent people would be interesting. But Congressman McCourt is missing for one. Also where was Zachery? Greer's,"Reese or Hersh"??

They do a good job of moving our 3 "Angels" around together. All 3 work alone or you have one alone(Shaw) and the other 2 together. Last week it was Root and Shaw some and Reese alone.

Edited by webruce
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We see how Peter Brandt lawyer becomes Peter Collier. But who text him back in 2010, after his brother Jesse had committed suicide? I figured that Aziz Al-Ibrahim wasn't bad. And I should have caught about Jesse being clean for almost 2 years. He was Aziz sponsor. Nice Aziz gave Peter his coin.


I like to think it's the Machine playing the long con with her moving multiple pieces, but then again I tend to overthink everything.

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My list of not as bad would be 1) Northern Lights, 2) Vigilance and 3) Decima.

 My thoughts on Colliers text now, what about Elias? Maybe he isn't into Surveillance, but he has been quiet. 2nd could be HR head Aionzo Quinn? 3rd might be the Machine? 4) Might be Root? Have we seen her fight them?

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