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You Have Failed This City!: Quotes from Arrow

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Some of my fave 3x20 quotes...


Felicity: "Thanks for letting me be here for you."

Oliver: "You're welcome. I didn't have much of a choice, though, did I?"
Felicity: "No. I wanted to make you think you had grown a little as a person."


Ra's al Ghul (to Felicity): "You have a great fire within you. I can see now why Oliver loves you."


Felicity (to Ra's al Ghul): "Me and John and, God help me, Malcolm, are not going to let this happen, and we have friends, and we have resources, and we will go to war to get Oliver back."


Felicity (to Oliver): "I wish that I could change your mind about staying here, but I know I can't. Just like I know how leaving you here is going to destroy me. I don't regret a single moment. And you shouldn't, either. You have done so much. You have saved so many people's lives. And you have changed so many for the better. Including mine. Knowing you has changed my life. You opened up my heart in a way I didn't even know was possible. I love you."


Felicity: "There's not much to toast to up here, is there?"
Oliver: "Well... There's us."


Oliver (to Felicity): "Thank you for trying. I love you all the more for it."


Oliver (to Diggle): "John, you're the best man I've ever known. And whatever happens, you're my brother."


Felicity: "I am afraid I will never forgive myself for leaving you here."
Oliver: "You told me once that life is precious. And that you wanted more from it than I could offer you. Don't give up on that. The only way that I'm going to survive this... is if I know that you're out there living your life, happy."
Felicity: "We're always saying good-bye to each other. You'd think I'd be good at it by now."
Oliver: "Well, let's not say good-bye this time."

Edited by tv echo
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Felicity:  Oliver...

Oliver:    I'd prefer if we didn't do our usual 'please don't go' dance.

Felicity:   We're not.going to because I'm coming with you. Assuming that this works, someone's going to need to bring Thea back home.

Edited by statsgirl
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Oliver's line seemed odd to me.  In 3x09, Felicity actually said she wasn't going to ask him to stay because she knew it was no good, and he thanked her for that.  I loved that bit, evidence of her knowing him so well.  The next time, she was a bit exasperated to have him leave again, but I don't see it as a "usual dance."  Were they trying to call back to earlier seasons?

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Think it was a call back to earlier seasons. Especially in s2 when she asked him to sign the papers instead of fighting the bad guy. Family is his priority, so its become her priority as well along with his safety. Having Thea's life be at risk raised the stakes on him leaving in the winter finale & this episode. I don't think she ever would have ever considered asking him to stay on either occasion. On his little "suicide" mission to NP with Diggle in mid-season 3, I don't recall her asking him explicitly not to go - but their shared glances kinda implied that she might have considered asking him if he didn't give her that look & tell her he would be back in a few days.  Also, OQ tends to verbalize ideas that he only has really internalized when it comes to them - so in his mind he's probably had a song & dance about leaving internally even if he forgot to include her in the song & dance.

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I think he was expecting her to say "don't go" because that was the smart decision, and also the one she had been advising since Ra's made the offer. Even Malcolm was advising against going.


But Felicity turned the tables on him and realizing that this was something he felt he had to do, said she was going with him instead.  One of the reasons I like their relationship so much, that not only does Felicity understand him so well (Oliver doesn't get her as well) but she's willing to adapt to meet what he needs when he's at his rope's end.



Also, OQ tends to verbalize ideas that he only has really internalized when it comes to them - so in his mind he's probably had a song & dance about leaving internally even if he forgot to include her in the song & dance.

Nice. I can totally see that happening in his mind.


Along with Diggle, she's the voice inside his head.

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R'as: There's one immutable truth about life. It is often more cruel than it is fair.


R'as: Embrace the pain for it is your soul finally being unburdened.

Having a really rough & sad week at work (well actually past 2 weeks) just sad realities of life and this quote really stuck with me. It's moments like these that I like that Arrow does not always force lightness on the audience. Sometimes you can't erase the darkness of life even if you wanted to. Pain is inevitable and there isn't always a way to unburden it no matter what you do. But now I've just depressed myself more and still have to go into work tonight so I guess it is what it is.

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From 3x21...


Al Sah-Him: "My name was Oliver Queen. For three years, I worked to save my city. But to save my sister, I had to become someone else. I had to become something else."


Ra's al Ghul: "When I joined the League, I was conscripted with another man. Damien Darhk. We would become the prized agents of Ra's al Ghul. We were his horsemen. And he molded us into warriors the likes the world had never seen. We were as brothers."
Al Sah-Him: "What happened to him?"
Ra's al Ghul: "He believed himself worthy of becoming heir to the Demon, but I was the one chosen."
Al Sah-Him: "So you had to kill him."
Ra's al Ghul: "Yes. But you see, I hesitated. And with that hesitation, he found an opportunity to escape, taking with him his loyalists and water from the Lazarus pit. And he has vexed me ever since. And you."
Al Sah-Him: "I don't follow."
Ra's al Ghul: "Damien continues the League's ways, but through his own organization filled with a hive of agents devoted to his own agenda. Last year, he tried to purchase Malcolm Merlyn's earthquake generator. He gave Gholem Qadir safe haven to Markovia. And he hired Mark Shaw to steal a secret file from A.R.G.U.S."
Al Sah-Him: "This was all the work of one man?"
Ra's al Ghul: "The list goes on. Many lives have been lost, others endangered. And all because I was slow to swing a vengeful sword. And I will not have my heir haunted by the same mistake."

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More from 3x21...


Felicity: "Well, my mom used to feed me nachos from the bar at the Grand before I was off the bottle, and I turned out normal."
Thea: "Ish."


Lyla: "John - what's the house rule?"
Diggle: "No Glocks on the dinner table."


Felicity: "If you're going to keep going out into the field --"
Diggle: "Do not say 'costume'."
Felicity: "OK. Identity concealment."

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Nyssa: What is a black and white milkshake?

Nyssa: I never understood your country's need to fry everything.

Laurel: That's because everything tastes better that way.

Nyssa: This is more oil than potato.

Laurel: Dip it in your milkshake

Nyssa: I sense you're mocking me.

Felicity: How'd you get in here?

Thea: My dad's a super villain and you left your doors unlocked.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Felicity: You've had a lot on your plate and I've been trying to think of the right time to tell you this. Roy's alive. We faked his death. It's a long story as most fake death stories are. We were going to tell you, I promise, but then you were busy being mostly dead and then Oliver signed on to become Darth Oliver.

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How about a recurring player, mostly said by Oliver - "This only ends one way".


Of course then the show generally shows us all the other ways it will end instead. Its usually the hint that there will be some super swerve secret trick plan coming our way.

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Diggle: I hate when they run.

Felicity: Well at least you're getting your cardio workout in.


Ray: True art is never finished. It's only abandoned.


Diggle: Merlyn assures me he'll be waving the white flag.

Malcolm: I'm sorry, I forgot the flag.


Malcolm: This isn't going to be easy for all of you to believe.

Felicity: Only because you're a sociopath and a liar.

Malcolm: Be that as it may, this will be much quicker for all of us if we could fast forward through the cynicism and reach the conclusion that I am telling you the truth.


Diggle: Instead of sharing this plan with us, he trusted you.

Malcolm: Well, I am better practiced in the art of deception and, no offense, none of you are particularly good actors.


Laurel: You know I wouldn't have done the same thing for you.

Malcolm: I know.

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Diggle: Instead of sharing this plan with us, he trusted you.

Malcolm: Well, I am better practiced in the art of deception and, no offense, none of you are particularly good actors.

Is that a meta joke?

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From 3x22...


Felicity (about Malcolm):  “He’s a mass murderer who’s lied to us so many times, it should be a drinking game.”


Ra's al Ghul: "You are Warith al Ghul, Heir to the Demon. Before the night is over, you will be Ibn al Ghul. Son of the Demon."


LOA Priestess: "There is no vow more sacred, nor covenant more holy than the one between man and woman. With this ceremony, your souls are bound together, forever joined. You will never be free. You will always be held captive by your love for each other... We offer blessings.  The union is sealed."

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My favorite quote from 3x22...


Felicity: "Oh. That makes more sense." (After realizing she didn’t kill the assassin with her tablet, but rather it was Malcolm’s arrows).







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Barry: "You guys have a hot tub? Nice."

Felicity: "Don't fight to die. Fight to live."

Nyssa: "I have been a most excellent trainer."

Felicity: "If I could figure out how to get this thing off I would be kissing you right now."

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Malcolm: I saved your lives. I believe the words you're searching for are "thank" and "you."


Barry: Wow, this is like a real dungeon.

Felicity: Barry!

Barry: Thank you, Felicity. You just outed my secret identity to a super villain. No offense.

Malcolm: None taken.


Barry: I don't know what's going on with [Oliver] aside from a recent wardrobe change.


Felicity: Nyssa looks happy. You on your honeymoon?


Malcolm: That is both ruthless and coldblooded. I approve.


Diggle: On site. I have no idea what I should be looking for.

Felicity: Do you see anyone in a League of Assassins outfit? That would be a dead giveaway.


Quentin: We got a problem.

Felicity: You're going to have to be a lot more specific.


Nyssa: You killed my father.

Oliver: I had to.

Nyssa: I wanted to be the one.


Malcolm: I'll be leaving Starling as well.

Thea: Try to imagine my profound disappointment.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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More from 3x23...


Felicity: "Double-double cross, or triple cross ... I'm losing count."


Felicity: "According to internal emails, the floor was shut down for a Damien Darhk. A name like that has to be an alias."


Felicity: "I know I said I would never, ever bring you coffee again, but the city facing a bioweapon attack seemed like a valid exception."


Oliver: "Every night since the mountain, I've had the same dream. You are pleading with me not to go face Ra's, and I listen to you. Sometimes the dream still ends badly; I end up with this sword in my chest. But most of the time, we escape. And we're just driving. And all this seems... it seems so far away, because it's just... it's the two of us."
Felicity: "I know you think that that's not possible, that you dead and Ra's dead is the only realistic best case scenario."
Oliver: "Felicity... I can't defeat Ra's al Ghul."
Felicity: "Oliver Queen can't. The Arrow can't. Both those men tried and both those men failed. You remember what you said to me during our night together in Nanda Parbat? You're no longer either of those men. You've become... someone else. Become something else. This (Placing hand on his heart)... is different now. Because despite your best efforts, you've allowed yourself to feel something. I know you think that that's a weakness; It's not. It's your key to beating Ra's. Don't fight to die. Fight to live."


Oliver: "Ra's took the Arrow identity from me. I couldn't be that person even if I wanted to be. And I don't want to be. I told you that... I couldn't be the Arrow and be with you. I want to be with you. You told me that I have become someone else, and I would like to... maybe discover a little more about that person. If you'll come with me." (looking at Felicity)
Thea: "With you? Where?"
Oliver: "Some place far away from here."


Oliver: "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city. And I did. I became a hero who helped people. But now it is time for me to be someone else. It is time for me to be...something else."


Felicity: "So, where are we going? I'm thinking a state that can annul a Nanda Parbat marriage."
Oliver: "Can I say something strange?  I'm happy."

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Diggle: I remember a world where people didn't kill each other with boomerangs.

Cisco: Or walk on water.

Roy: Barry can walk on water?

Watching this episode again, I've got add in the rest of the conversations


Cisco: You guys, Harkness has been around long before people like Barry.  I mean this world was crazy before all these metahumans and superpowers, right?

Roy: What's, what's your point?

Cisco: Well, maybe metahumans and superpowers were given to us to deal with the crazy.

Diggle: What do you mean by God?

Cisco: No, by a dark matter wave released from a failed particle accelerator reaction.  Either way I think people like Barry are the hope for saving people like us.  People like your wife and daughter.

Diggle: She's not my wife.

Roy (same time as Diggle): She's not his wife.

Cisco: Okay, anyway you see my point right?  Plus, you gotta admit it's all pretty freaking cool right?

Edited by Jediknight
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I know it was already posted but I think this is beautiful...especially spoken in Arabic:


Forgive and have mercy upon him... Excuse him and pardon him... Make honorable his reception... Protect him from the punishment of the grave... And the torment of fire.


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From 2x18 "Deathstroke"


Roy: I keep wondering what's the worst that could happen if I just told Thea the truth.

Felicity: I told a guy the truth and he got struck by lightning. To be fair, it probably won't happen again, statistically speaking.

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I agree with some of Laura Hurley's choices for worst lines (see also suggestions made in notes following her article)...


zexyafrosnatcher asks:
What is your least favourite line from Arrow season 1, season 2 and season 3? Mine will forever and always be "Felicity, you will always be my girl". *internal screaming*

Laura Hurley   Aug 25, 2015 1:21 pm

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Her 2nd season runner up "Please save Oliver" was my immediate choice for worst line. Weirdly timed - since that's what they were going to do, oddly spoken, and if I remember, wasn't that Felicity's only line in the episode apart from a hey My phone is ringing?

Just a big disappointment to me.

The "You'll always be my girl."line was saved for me by its context with what Felicity was trying to say and Felicity being high enough that amused patronizing was understandable.

I have zero issues with "I can't believe he's marrying her." It's just Felicity losing her filter. One of those things she's thinking that just slips out and it's not like she was wasting precious planning time. They were all stuck waiting. That's exactly when you are going to think about the disturbing thing you've just learned.

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I think the Thea lines dtissagirl just quoted in the Thea thread are a strong contender:

Roy: Don't take this the wrong way, but isn't killing people exactly what Malcolm Merlyn does?

Thea: Yes, but he also protects people. During the siege, he was the only one who made me a top priority. He saved my life.

Roy: I didn't know.

Thea: Despite everything Malcolm was or is, it means something that he was there when I needed him the most. Even after everything he's done, he cares about people. Even all the terrifying things he's done it was because he thought that he was helping the Glades.

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This whole exchange was gold:

F: "I used to think yelling Oliver was scary, I'm starting to think silent Oliver is a lot worse."

O: "I'm just going over the last five month in my head."

F: "Kay."

O: " When you got food poisoning when we were in Thailand..."

F: "Yes, I might have been secretly working with the team but I didn't exactly lie about the food poisoning. Laab Moo is extremely hard to digest."

O: "What about when you missed our boat, "missed" in Positano?"

F: "Ok, that one was a little fib."

O: " Bali?"

F: "Mmmmmm"

O (hands in the air, voice squeaking in disbelief) "Felicity, you said there wasn't even email in Bali!"

F: "I know! (cringing with regret) But we both know I'm just that good."

Edited by BkWurm1
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Honestly, my favorite bit there was finding out that Oliver actually believed that Bali had no email and that Felicity would accept even a single day of life without email/internet. 

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One of my favourites was the scene with their neighbours about the slow cooker.

Neighbour: "People are always so hesitant to try them but slow cookers are absolute life changers."

Felicity: "I don't know how that is not a bumper sticker yet." Cue laughing.

The best part was Oliver grabbing her arm like "Felicity what was THAT?"

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DA walking: Maybe we should have you focused on catching these ghosts.

Quentin: That's just what the media calls them.

DA: Because they disappear like ghosts.

Quentin: Yeah, I didn't say it wasn't cute.


Snarky Quentin is the bomb.

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Honestly, my favorite bit there was finding out that Oliver actually believed that Bali had no email and that Felicity would accept even a single day of life without email/internet. 

I assume where they were in Bali didn't ...for normal people.  ;D

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I just loved his stupid exasperated smiling face when he yelled that at her, haha.

Oh, and the smile and the look after she started about wanting to get a rush from picking flatware. You can't keep doing this to me. Please, keep on doing it to me forever. There's a pretty sweet ring in it for you.

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Aw, no love for:


Oliver: "Felicity Smoak, you have failed this omelette."

I was too busy trying to figure out how she could fail an omelet.  I mean even when I've kind of burnt it and it's falling apart or stuck to the pan, melt a bit of cheese on it and it's all good!  Obviously someone is being very picky. ;p 

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What I really like about that scene is that when Oliver walks into the kitchen and Felicity offers him a bite of the omelette, he goes "Oh, OK." The way he says it makes me think this is not Felicity's first failed attempt at breakfast in general or omelettes, specifically,

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From 402 The Candidate...


Felicity to Curtis: "Let’s get one thing straight: The only person who is allowed to talk in sentence fragments around here is me."

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To Laurel asking whether he and Dig would be fine without her and Thea.

Oliver: yeah, we'll be fine as long as we don't kill each other first. I'm kidding, by the way. We'll be fine.

The clarification is the best. Feels like sarcasm sign for Sheldon and reminds me of Felicity's, "it's almost impossible to tell when Oliver is joking".

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