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Growing Up Supermodel - General Discussion

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Schroder mom has deadly fry voice. 

And major depression, obviously.  

Nice how the talk about Faith and friends ended up in a pity plea from mom. Jeez louise, mom, get a therapist,  not your daughters.  

Cambrie is not doing Faith or mom any favors by taking over/influencing Faith to go against mom. 

Cambrie needs to go live in her apt alone and let Faith stay with mom---altho that would be a major drag because of mom's depression and tight leash.  But it might be too late already, since Cambrie is closer and more fun at this time.  

Interesting that that there's no talk of actual plan B after their looks age out. I guess there's unlimited royalties or trust funds for these self-centered babies.  

And on that now,  will tge Kardashians ever stop being in the limelight?   They spud have their own channel so I can block it from my view. Overexposed and under-talented role models I guess. 

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 2

So glad they created a forum for this show!!

Like many upthread have said (hey that rhymes!) what am I watching??  Yet, cannot look away...

I was a DOOL fan, so I knew who Krista Allen was, she hasn't done much lately so I'm sure she's thrilled to be featured on the show.  I couldn't get beyond her son's 70's hair, he looks so dated.  And he was so....goofy....clearly excited to be on camera but tone it down, bro....

I actually don't mind Arissa, she seems to be the most down to earth.  And I like that she talks about how hard it is to make it in Hollywood despite having two (albeit has been) famous parents, that she will drive 2 hours for a 3 minute audition and usually doesn't get the job.  And, yikes, time (and plastic surgery) have not been kind to Kelly LeBrock, but she IS a hoot.  

Cairo has very strange looks.  She seemed so bratty at first when she was talking about her mom having another baby, but when she further explained that she is the live in nanny, I get that.  

I don't get the "modeling" Cambrie and Faith do, it's on instragram?  I lol'd at the photo shoot at the clothing store, where the woman was taking pictures of them with her iPhone.  Yeah, BIG fancy  photo shoot....

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Summer said:

I don't get the "modeling" Cambrie and Faith do, it's on instragram?  I lol'd at the photo shoot at the clothing store, where the woman was taking pictures of them with her iPhone.  Yeah, BIG fancy  photo shoot....

I gather that when they post a photo on Instagram of them with a certain item (or maybe in a certain place), they get paid big bucks by the company/whatever that sells the item.  Rather revolting.

  • Love 5

All these youngins are self centered entitled brats.  The Schroder girls are the worst.  The eating pancakes and honey are the couch scene was ridiculous.  It's the mothers home and if she doesn't want honey on the couch, she needs to be listened to.  When I was growing up (not supermodel)...if my mother said, "not on the couch" and we told her she was out of line for asking.....LOL....well I can't even tell you what she would have done to our asses.  The younger one is only like 14 and she is so insulant that it gets to my last nerve.

  • Love 5

Super random and unsubstantiated, but I read a revealed blind item a while back that I recall being about Rick Schroeder. It was about an actor (may have been described as a child actor and previously successful adult actor, or something like that) who drives people behind him in line at the grocery store crazy because he clips and uses so many coupons. Allegedly, he takes forever checking out because of the sorting and redemption (he's not all ready to go once he gets to the cashier). There was a lot of speculation as to why he does that, especially since at the time, people had no idea of his income and living standards.

Mmmm and about the parents that are actually on the show ... Krista Allen's character died a grisly death in one of those Final Destination movies. They faked the viewer out with a bunch of near-misses she wasn't even aware of while getting her hair done. IIRC, then she stepped outside where a lawnmower was going across the street, and it struck some kind of object (like a piece of metal or something), sent it careening in her direction, and it slammed into her eye socket.

I remember enjoying Kelly LeBrock when she was on Celebrity Fit Club, too.

Agree with those saying its a wreck you can't look away from. 

OMG the Schroder girls. I want to smack them both. The oldest going off about what mommy said about De La Hoya's daughter and telling them things. Then the way they talk to their mom. WTF?? Sorry but its mom's rules and her home. The youngest needs to be knocked down many pegs with how she speaks. If she talks about working a minimum wage as if its beneath her like she does now imagine how much worse this girl is going to be in 5 yrs? Or 10 yrs even? She just thinks buying new kitchen stuff they already have is funny. I would love to see what else she blew that money on because no way that covered it all and the ingredients. While I get their mom worried about the daughter "hooking up", I noticed her girls dress in some little itty bitty shorts and shirts, while De La Hoya is usually more covered up. Not that it means anything but even the way they carry themselves is a lot different. Mommy there needs should have set some ground rules from the get go for the one and said don't follow then no more "modeling" bs. Cut the money off as well. I'm sick of them trying to act as well as if they didn't grow up with both parents too. The mom filed for divorce last year (I think that is right) and they still have a relationship with their father. Its not like they don't. It comes off more like they are trying to "fit in" with the ones that don't have daddy around or never really did. SMH 

Peele is a bit more than selfish. Sorry but you could have waited for your mom to come home from brother's game instead of calling her up like that. That was not cool. Instead of whining about daddy and all the facetime junk, why hasn't she gotten off her butt to go to him and talk to him face to face instead? Go tell him to his face where she is at with him and how she feels. I do think it was shitty that daddy did that about the marriage but there are those that have no clue about there dad or half siblings that might be out there who aren't rich and living it up. Hell at least she has seen her father and knows how to get in touch with him. I have a friend that has no clue where her dad is or if he is alive or their are other siblings out there. I married a man that his dad left before he was 1 and married another woman. We know where he is but he has never responded to any letters sent by any of us. Spoke to one half sibling by him a couple times then for some reason never again. 

On 9/4/2017 at 6:25 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I gather that when they post a photo on Instagram of them with a certain item (or maybe in a certain place), they get paid big bucks by the company/whatever that sells the item.  Rather revolting.

Seriously this is disgusting. Its not just them but I noticed that "reality stars" do it left and right as well to gain money or free stuff as well. SMH IMO it gives this illusion to younger people that if they do things like this too they could be making some money as well so easily and that is not how it works. 


I wanted to add that the dad and son from, what was it Belgium? Are beyond annoying. Dad basically creep me out with his comment about being a dad to them all. Then when he mentions his dream is coming true too being here in LA. UGH All I could think is he basically raised his son to do this so he could live through him what he didn't do. The whole whining over mom and sibling not there yet...well sorry but should have come all together then. I so don't need to here that bs and scripted junk coming out of their mouths on issues. It didn't come off real feeling at all on visa issues but was just tossed in because of what has been going on. Which I can do without when watching trash tv thank you. 

Edited by Evil Queen
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, sweetandsour said:

Super random and unsubstantiated, but I read a revealed blind item a while back that I recall being about Rick Schroeder. It was about an actor (may have been described as a child actor and previously successful adult actor, or something like that) who drives people behind him in line at the grocery store crazy because he clips and uses so many coupons. Allegedly, he takes forever checking out because of the sorting and redemption (he's not all ready to go once he gets to the cashier). There was a lot of speculation as to why he does that, especially since at the time, people had no idea of his income and living standards.

Mmmm and about the parents that are actually on the show ... Krista Allen's character died a grisly death in one of those Final Destination movies. They faked the viewer out with a bunch of near-misses she wasn't even aware of while getting her hair done. IIRC, then she stepped outside where a lawnmower was going across the street, and it struck some kind of object (like a piece of metal or something), sent it careening in her direction, and it slammed into her eye socket.

I remember enjoying Kelly LeBrock when she was on Celebrity Fit Club, too.

Can you tell us a little about Kelly LeBrock when she was on Celebrity Fit Club?

I did some googling and came up with this KLB quote: "I was constantly raped and abused my whole life." In the same article, she says that she had a life before SS and a life after SS. She also says that it's upsetting because she had three children with SS. So I can't figure out what she means.

I think I like JD Ostojic. I'm shocked and impressed that he and his wife seem to have such a good marriage, especially since all the other moms and dads are no longer together and/or the dads don't give two sh--- about their kids. Is JD originally from Serbia? I know two Serbian families in my town. The parents are loving and witty and seem very devoted to one another and to their children. Why couldn't I have married a man from Serbia?

But I did think it odd that JD's wife was crying about the delay to the States. I'd be really angry and frustrated, not sad. Now I sound like Kelly Scary Island.

  • Love 2

Cambrie's face bugs me so much!! She's like a really icky version of Heather Tom (The Young & the Restless, a soap opera), and even HT's face bugged me a little.  

But I do appreciate that she supposedly is encouraging Faith to get a humbling job so that she will understand the value of money better.

 I am going to tell myself that the producers told her to tell the de la Hoya girl how Andrea feels about the hooking up and bad influence thing. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I think I like JD Ostojic. I'm shocked and impressed that he and his wife seem to have such a good marriage, especially since all the other moms and dads are no longer together and/or the dads don't give two sh--- about their kids. Is JD originally from Serbia? I know two Serbian families in my town. The parents are loving and witty and seem very devoted to one another and to their children. Why couldn't I have married a man from Serbia?

But I did think it odd that JD's wife was crying about the delay to the States. I'd be really angry and frustrated, not sad. Now I sound like Kelly Scary Island.

I didn't mind JD either. I can't believe he's been married for all these years. Well, I kind of understand it. He said he lost both of his parents when he was 20. That must have been a terrible thing to go through. I understand why he's super close to his own family.

  • Love 2

I like JD. I can see where others find his positivity overbearing or even annoying but I think others can learn from it. Especially given some of the family situations we're seeing. 


Loved Kelly on Celebrity Fit Club. I wish it would re air.

Edited by LemonSoda
So I don't double post
  • Love 3

Damn those Schroeder genes are strong.  All 4 kids totally look like him.  And speaking of looks, you are all so harsh.  Do I think any of this group are destined for model stardom?  Nope (except maybe the Belgian kid), but they are all perfectly normal looking kids.  No ugly stick beatings.  Their attitudes are a completely different story.  I want to punch most of them in the throat.  :)

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Nikki55x said:

Is Cairo really that guy's daughter. Cause he is good looking and Beverley is was good looking but Cairo is unfortunate looking.

I think Cairo is pretty but doesn't know how to play on her assets.  She has far set eyes which are pretty, but the way she wears her eye makeup makes them look extremely far set.  She also has a gummy smile, but she can learn how to tailor her smile to be more photogenic.  She needs to lose the nails, as well as another of the girls (Atianna?).

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Damn those Schroeder genes are strong.  All 4 kids totally look like him.  And speaking of looks, you are all so harsh.  Do I think any of this group are destined for model stardom?  Nope (except maybe the Belgian kid), but they are all perfectly normal looking kids.  No ugly stick beatings.  Their attitudes are a completely different story.  I want to punch most of them in the throat.  :)

That is the thing, they are all average run of the mill in looks and that is fine. Yet toss in their attitudes/personalities and that is another story. This is what is making them ugly so to speak. They need to understand how one can look at certain way on the outside but what is inside can make them ugly in the end. They don't understand that....I think Faith is probably the worse in that so far with how she spoke in the last one. The Belgian kid and his dad bug me. There is just something about them but I just don't know what it is exactly yet. Its more then the fake Daddy whining drama in the car or creepy I'll be a dad to you all comment. 


8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I think Cairo is pretty but doesn't know how to play on her assets.  She has far set eyes which are pretty, but the way she wears her eye makeup makes them look extremely far set.  She also has a gummy smile, but she can learn how to tailor her smile to be more photogenic.  She needs to lose the nails, as well as another of the girls (Atianna?).

I noticed that in some scenes she looks pretty and in others not so much. The TH scenes with her hair up in the bun on her head she usually looks prettier I think. I do think she should tone the eye makeup down some for her eyes. Yes please to losing the nails. 


1 hour ago, Tosia said:

Faith is a blank piece of paper--bland, generic looks, NO personality, just following Cambrie around. What a drag. 

IMO both girls are just your average run of the mill types. My husband was wondering why Cambrie's face looks like its swollen like she has been out drinking to much. I know I noticed it looks like she has braces the way her mouth is and how she talks but I assumed she might have one of those invisaligns in or had braces at some point before this show. 

  • Love 2

My problem with JD is that he basically made the comment on how he can now live his dream too. He is no different then some other parents out there that don't end up the dancer/cheerleaeder/athletic star/model/etc that uses their kids to live their dreams through. I have seen it around here so much with different things. They start the kids at young ages doing whatever it is the parent wants and push the kids to keep going no matter what. Which either the kid starts to believe its their dream as well to do whatever or burns out fast and hates whatever they are forced to do. There is something just there with the guy that bugs me aside from this. I can't put my finger out it right now. 

I took that whole but about his wife and other child not coming right away, as well as their so called issues, as being fake. It didn't come off real at all. None of that has with their "issues". *rollseyes* 

I like Kelly as well. From my understanding it was a horrible marriage with SS. If you look it up there are lots of women that have accused him of sexual harassment and such. I am with those that would much rather see a show with her. Her and her daughter are a big reason I decided to watch this show. 

On 8/26/2017 at 8:29 AM, RamonaVanderpump said:

At first I thought maybe Rick had an affair or a mid life crisis but after doing some digging I get the impression (with no proof) that Andrea may have been cheating.

Interesting. I have no clue what was up with them and didn't realize either the whole deal with how their marriage came to be until now too. I know I find it a bit much the way she goes on about it as if he had filed for divorce but it was her who had from what I have seen. Wonder if she is/has 2nd guessed her decision there. Now if someone can tell me why he doesn't live nearby though? I thought he said he was in NC now...was that correct? 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

How did I not know about this show?!?!  It looks like a fucking trainwreck.....right up my alley!  Off to search for it now....

Welcome, luckyroll3! Please join us in snarking, and encourage your friends to view and snark. I need something to replace my Real Housewives of NYC, now that that season has ended. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

My problem with JD is that he basically made the comment on how he can now live his dream too. He is no different then some other parents out there that don't end up the dancer/cheerleaeder/athletic star/model/etc that uses their kids to live their dreams through. I have seen it around here so much with different things. They start the kids at young ages doing whatever it is the parent wants and push the kids to keep going no matter what. Which either the kid starts to believe its their dream as well to do whatever or burns out fast and hates whatever they are forced to do. There is something just there with the guy that bugs me aside from this. I can't put my finger out it right now. 

I took that whole but about his wife and other child not coming right away, as well as their so called issues, as being fake. It didn't come off real at all. None of that has with their "issues". *rollseyes*  

I think JD seems fine, but I do agree that he's living vicariously through his son. He seems nicer and more together than the other parents (save for Kelly). 

I watch for Kelly and Arissa too. Arissa seems pretty down-to-earth despite her privilege. I don't think I've ever heard a good thing about Steven Seagal, so I'm not surprised Arissa uses her mother's maiden name. 

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

Beautiful couples do not always create beautiful offspring. I can't get over how harsh Beverly looks now. 

I loved Beverly in her heyday. Her appearance on this show makes me sad. 

Cairo isn't the prettiest young woman. I think she's cute, but I feel really bad for her. She has an absentee father and her mother has used her as a nanny for years. 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I loved Beverly in her heyday. Her appearance on this show makes me sad. 

Cairo isn't the prettiest young woman. I think she's cute, but I feel really bad for her. She has an absentee father and her mother has used her as a nanny for years. 

Me too! I think another thing that kills me about her appearance is she's much younger than most would believe. Her career was also very short considering the longevity of other models of the era. I get the vibe that Cairo has been in an adult position most of her life which has to suck. 

  • Love 4

Oh, my God, fast-forwarded through so much of this, esp Cairo and her daddy issues.  Everybody and their freakin' daddy issues! And quit trying to make Andrea/Attiana-gate happen. How many times did I have to see Shanna tell us not to mess with her babies? Too many! This all feels like trying to make something out of nothing. Surely these people's lives are not this boring.

  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, tobeannounced said:

Oh, my God, fast-forwarded through so much of this, esp Cairo and her daddy issues.  Everybody and their freakin' daddy issues! And quit trying to make Andrea/Attiana-gate happen. How many times did I have to see Shanna tell us not to mess with her babies? Too many! This all feels like trying to make something out of nothing. Surely these people's lives are not this boring.

Their lives probably are that boring which is why we have the show to watch lol

  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Cambria is such a bitch.  It's okay for her father to have a steady girlfriend, but her mother shouldn't even date?!  WTF!  My kids would have to have lost their ever loving minds to speak to me the way Andrea's daughters speak to her.  Disrespectful, unattractive bitches!

Amen, Adeejay. And boyfriend Max was really out of line to talk to Andrea the way he did. I was so glad Krista (actually really liked her this epi) stood up for her. No way would I let someone talk that way to my mom when I was that age. That is one messed up family. 

  • Love 9

This show is doing the Schroeder family no favors. The mother looks like an ass for showing her insecurities to the entire world ( or at least the 50 of us who are watching this mess). The girls look like spoiled, entitled little bitches ( and Max needs his arrogant butt kicked).  No wonder Ricky left town with his new girlfriend!

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, tobeannounced said:

Amen, Adeejay. And boyfriend Max was really out of line to talk to Andrea the way he did. I was so glad Krista (actually really liked her this epi) stood up for her. No way would I let someone talk that way to my mom when I was that age. That is one messed up family. 

I can't believe that Andrea allows Cambrie and Faith to disrespect her the way that they do. And Cambrie's boyfriend, Max, needs to shut his piehole. Their business isn't his. I was glad that Krista defended Andrea against all three of them.

Krista's son, Jake, liked one of my tweets about the show one evening. Even though he strikes me as a bit awkward and perhaps, insecure, he seems like a nice young man. In that regard, Krista did a good job in raising him, mostly as a single mother.

I get that this show seems to focus mostly on the Schroders, but the daughters aren't making themselves look good at all.

I still love Kelly. I loved it when she brought up (in her talking head) that JD is close to her age. He was talking like he was a wee young lad when Kelly was acting. Hell, I watched all of her movies back in the day, and I'm 41.

@Caseysgirl - I feel pretty confident that the only people watching this show are in this thread. ;-)

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

I can't believe that Andrea allows Cambrie and Faith to disrespect her the way that they do. And Cambrie's boyfriend, Max, needs to shut his piehole. Their business isn't his. I was glad that Krista defended Andrea against all three of them.

Krista's son, Jake, liked one of my tweets about the show one evening. Even though he strikes me as a bit awkward and perhaps, insecure, he seems like a nice young man. In that regard, Krista did a good job in raising him, mostly as a single mother.

I get that this show seems to focus mostly on the Schroders, but the daughters aren't making themselves look good at all.

I still love Kelly. I loved it when she brought up (in her talking head) that JD is close to her age. He was talking like he was a wee young lad when Kelly was acting. Hell, I watched all of her movies back in the day, and I'm 41.

@Caseysgirl - I feel pretty confident that the only people watching this show are in this thread. ;-)

Krista was fantastic, defending Andrea in a calm, reasonable and sensitive manner. She may be too normal to appear on a reality show! 

I agree that Jake seems like a cool person. If I mocked him, it's only because I don't think he should be pursuing a modeling career. But I would bet he'd do well as an actor. He is charismatic and good-natured. I think I read somewhere that he did some acting when he was younger?

So, what? There are perhaps five of us watching? I have nothing to do until Bravo starts up RHoBH or Ladies of London. 

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Krista was fantastic, defending Andrea in a calm, reasonable and sensitive manner. She may be too normal to appear on a reality show! 

I agree that Jake seems like a cool person. If I mocked him, it's only because I don't think he should be pursuing a modeling career. But I would bet he'd do well as an actor. He is charismatic and good-natured. I think I read somewhere that he did some acting when he was younger?

So, what? There are perhaps five of us watching? I have nothing to do until Bravo starts up RHoBH or Ladies of London. 

I also think Krista might to be too lowkey to be on a reality show. I can't remember which one of you mentioned it already, but I'm sure Krista wanted more exposure and used her son (on some level) to get it. They seem to have a good relationship, so I'm sure he doesn't mind it too much. Having said that I don't think being on camera really appeals to him. Neither does modeling. I'm not sure if Jake acted when he was younger, but it wouldn't surprise me if he had. He's only, what, 19? Maybe he hasn't figured out what really interests him yet. 

I actually like Atiana and Arissa too. They seem like pretty even keel young women. Given what I know about Shanna, I wasn't sure what to expect from Atiana, but she seems normal. If I were Shanna, I would be annoyed by the fact that other moms are insinuating that my daughter is a slut because she dates around. She's still in high school. I expect that behavior from a high school kid.

On Julie Montagu's IG, she mentioned that Ladies of London has been canceled. So, I guess this show is a good stand-in until your RH show returns. Lol.

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So, what? There are perhaps five of us watching? I have nothing to do until Bravo starts up RHoBH or Ladies of London. 

It's cancelled :( I'm still mourning that show. Their last season seemed too short. I would've liked to know Adela more. 


2 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I also think Krista might to be too lowkey to be on a reality show. I can't remember which one of you mentioned it already, but I'm sure Krista wanted more exposure and used her son (on some level) to get it. They seem to have a good relationship, so I'm sure he doesn't mind it too much. Having said that I don't think being on camera really appeals to him. Neither does modeling. I'm not sure if Jake acted when he was younger, but it wouldn't surprise me if he had. He's only, what, 19? Maybe he hasn't figured out what really interests him yet. 

I actually like Atiana and Arissa too. They seem like pretty even keel young women. Given what I know about Shanna, I wasn't sure what to expect from Atiana, but she seems normal. If I were Shanna, I would be annoyed by the fact that other moms are insinuating that my daughter is a slut because she dates around. She's still in high school. I expect that behavior from a high school kid.

On Julie Montagu's IG, she mentioned that Ladies of London has been canceled. So, I guess this show is a good stand-in until your RH show returns. Lol.

Krista seems like a cool person. She's probably doing it for the exposure and a nice check. This is probably a stepping stone for Jake. I agree he probably isn't sure what he wants to pursue yet. So he's just hanging out to pick up a check. 

Arissa is awesome. I love the little non moments with Atianna. In an earlier episode the way Atianna seemed genuinely bummed Arissa was excluded from a job. Arissa's pep talk was so sweet. I'm seeing a few true friendships happening. 

Despite how ick Shanna came off on past reality shows, I'm seeing a more normal side of her on this that I like. 

  • Love 9
51 minutes ago, LemonSoda said:

It's cancelled :( I'm still mourning that show. Their last season seemed too short. I would've liked to know Adela more. 


Krista seems like a cool person. She's probably doing it for the exposure and a nice check. This is probably a stepping stone for Jake. I agree he probably isn't sure what he wants to pursue yet. So he's just hanging out to pick up a check. 

Arissa is awesome. I love the little non moments with Atianna. In an earlier episode the way Atianna seemed genuinely bummed Arissa was excluded from a job. Arissa's pep talk was so sweet. I'm seeing a few true friendships happening. 

Despite how ick Shanna came off on past reality shows, I'm seeing a more normal side of her on this that I like. 

I do like the friendship between Arissa and Atiana because it feels real.

And yeah, Shanna's a sketchy reputation in the past, but she seems pretty normal on this show. 

I still can't believe that Andrea lets Cambrie and Faith talk to her that way. If they were my daughters, I'd be tempted to backhand them.

  • Love 4
On 9/13/2017 at 7:55 PM, Adeejay said:

Cambria is such a bitch.  It's okay for her father to have a steady girlfriend, but her mother shouldn't even date?!  WTF!  My kids would have to have lost their ever loving minds to speak to me the way Andrea's daughters speak to her.  Disrespectful, unattractive bitches!

On 9/13/2017 at 8:24 PM, tobeannounced said:

Amen, Adeejay. And boyfriend Max was really out of line to talk to Andrea the way he did. I was so glad Krista (actually really liked her this epi) stood up for her. No way would I let someone talk that way to my mom when I was that age. That is one messed up family. 

15 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

This show is doing the Schroeder family no favors. The mother looks like an ass for showing her insecurities to the entire world ( or at least the 50 of us who are watching this mess). The girls look like spoiled, entitled little bitches ( and Max needs his arrogant butt kicked).  No wonder Ricky left town with his new girlfriend!

I missed that part that he has a new girlfriend. Well this makes those girls really look even worse off IMO. And please someone kick that Max's butt and out the door. To come in and talk like that to the mom of his girlfriend? Where the hell does he get off? I am betting he is trying to piggy back some 15 mins of fame off them at this point. I am with you all that are glad Krista was there. I think Andrea needs Krista in her life at this point. She needs someone to have her back in these moments that is calm about it and to remind her she is in charge since she is mom. And mom needs to have her life as well. More so when daddy has moved on so fast himself. Guess its ok because he isn't even in the same area code as them anymore so they don't have to see it. I swear I wanted to smack those girls so many times as I watched this. I couldn't even believe the way the kept talking to her. Then to watch them throw mom under the bus (again) and poor Atiana (again). I am disgusted by them. I'm only sticking the rest of this show out at this point because of a few others. If I could not see the Schroeder girls I would gladly take that option. 

4 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I also think Krista might to be too lowkey to be on a reality show. I can't remember which one of you mentioned it already, but I'm sure Krista wanted more exposure and used her son (on some level) to get it. They seem to have a good relationship, so I'm sure he doesn't mind it too much. Having said that I don't think being on camera really appeals to him. Neither does modeling. I'm not sure if Jake acted when he was younger, but it wouldn't surprise me if he had. He's only, what, 19? Maybe he hasn't figured out what really interests him yet. 

I actually like Atiana and Arissa too. They seem like pretty even keel young women. Given what I know about Shanna, I wasn't sure what to expect from Atiana, but she seems normal. If I were Shanna, I would be annoyed by the fact that other moms are insinuating that my daughter is a slut because she dates around. She's still in high school. I expect that behavior from a high school kid.

I actually feel like Shanna is using her daughter to push herself out there again. Atiana doesn't look happy usually and as was said she isn't comfy with some weight gain so that doesn't help either I am sure. Even though I actually think she is pretty compared to the Schroeder girls. Well all he girls are compared to those 2 for many reasons outside of looks...personality plays into it as well and behaviors. 

Yes Krista does seem more lowkey and not "reality" show type. I have never been a fan of Days (had to suffer through that show when I worked a few day shifts at NBC studios) but she doesn't come off like most do on these type of shows. Her son seems a good kid for sure. I agree he should be acting instead or trying to go that route. He isn't model material. Decent look kid but just not for that. 

I would be annoyed too with insinuating my daughter was a slut like that too but at the same time you have 2 girls really pushing what is being said and adding to it in order to start drama. Which if its scripted it makes them looks bad still and if it isn't they are REALLY horrible girls. Which I think they more than likely are spoiled rotten brats.

I will jump on the liking Arissa and Atiana friendship train. I knew Arissa needed to speak to her and pump her up some. Atiana "faked" her confidence well. She has a nice shape unlike some. I'm not to keen on Shanna and the "spa" junk since its all vanity/cosmetic procedures that seem to go on though. Things like that can sometimes do more harm on the esteem than good IMO. I do hope her and Arissa end up being good friends look. Arissa is a great girl for her to look up to and for many others as well it seems like. 

OMG Kelly had me laughing with the JD stuff. We were saying what is he talking about with the age thing and then Kelly did her TH. I can't wait for her to tell him to step back and stop butting in to things he doesn't know about when it comes to Steven. That whole way about JD bugs me. He is a busybody that thinks he knows it all and he doesn't. 

Was anyone else a bit disgusted that underage Faith had her bikini bottom pulled up her ass like it was and it was being shown? I wouldn't let my 15 yr old daughter run around like that. I would make sure she had more self respect than to run around with her ass checks hanging out every chance she got or her chest as well. I noticed in the TH the sisters were doing her top was way to low as well. To hear about her behavior when Atiana "crashed" her "party". Um I swear I was like the moms, the 2 daughters (keep butting in Cambre out of it since she makes things worse) and toss in Krista to keep it calm and discuss it all. Faith needs to get put in that hot seat on this issue. If Faith wants to keep it up with running around like she is not only will she have no phone, she would have no money at all, either get a min. wage job or sent off to the strictest boarding school one can find or military school. This girl needs a major kick in her ass to get off that damn high horse. Not to be nitpicky but for a girl that is trying to be a model she doesn't have a clue on how to stand up straight at all. 

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16 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Peculiar blouse Andrea wears in some THs. Champagne or pale peach long-sleeved silk charmeuse with two rows of metal spikes around the collar. 

I pointed it out last week to my husband. It is the oddest thing to see with that shirt. I'm used to the spikes on black metal collars or bracelets with metal bands...not a champagne silk top like that. LMAO

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