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Happy! - General Discussion

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How many more episodes are there? I don't think the crazy can rise any more, and yet it does. Weird demonic squishy beings killing key figures in human history at their prime . . . hey, why not?!? I mean, if we could have an odd-unicorn/horse creature ejaculate rainbows from his horn . . .

I liked this week's fight scene. Is there a name for the technique where the action is frozen and also showing the depth of that shot?

I like the BTS clips after the episodes, because everyone seems to have a blast. "Well, when we got Big Show, we had to build a fake Big Show with the stomach crumbled and Blue landing inside of it."

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13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

"Well, when we got Big Show, we had to build a fake Big Show with the stomach crumbled and Blue landing inside of it."

That was The Big Show from WWE?  Wow, i didn't realize. LOL

I'm glad the baby wasn't from some icky orgy and that it was Nick/Amanda falling into old "habits".   Wish we had more Mere, I'm really liking her this season.  The scene with Grandma Kill Needle was great.

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Sax: Don't throw an orgy if you're not willing to get fucked.

Bo Peep: You're as green as a frog with chlamydia, aren't you?

Nick: What, you're smoking now?
Happy: I'm a man. I can do what I want.
Nick: What did you just say?
Happy: That's right. I met a lady friend last night. Shared some drinks, shared some laughs. Then, well, I don't want to kiss and tell.
Nick: Did you get a little stank on the hang-down?
Happy: We made love, Nick. It was tender. We wept. Well, I did.
Nick: Well, whoop-dee-fucking-do for you. While you were out fornicating with what I hope is another imaginary friend and not a mouse or a pineapple or something, I had a psychotropic breakdown, went to an orgy, found out Smoothie's alive, working for Sonny Shine, and kidnapped a Wishee. Spoiler alert - they're monsters. Now I would love to sit here and gab about your sex life all day long like a horny old lady on cable TV, but did I mention I got Amanda downstairs, whacked out of her fucking skull and pregnant?

Amanda: For a long time, I could only remember the bad things about you - the drinking, the drugs, the affair. I thought I had enough anger to last a lifetime but I'm looking at you right now and I can't find it anywhere inside me. I forgive you.
Nick: You're high as Gibraltar.
Amanda: That doesn't mean I don't mean it.
Nick: It kind of does.

Sonny: Help! Help! Humperdonk! Humperdonk! Flobbert! Baballoon, Baballoon!
Orcus: You know, if I wanted you dead, I'd have already made you bugger yourself with that poker.
Sonny: Why are you talking like Elton John?

Orcus: Now to show you that I come in peace I'm going to retrieve Ms. Hanson for you.
Sonny: That's impossible. Her ex is a super soldier. He must do Bar Method, like, every day.

Amanda: Ta-da!
Happy: Looks like a pile of puke!
Nick: And what is that you call this tasty dish?
Amanda: Orange juice risotto.
Nick: Tangy.

Amanda: I'm going back to Sonny. He's more of a man than you'll ever be.
Nick: So you've seen his penis?

Orcus: You look quite striking, Louis.
Sonny: Penguin suits really aren't my thing, but I do, don't I? It's my wife's. She played Joel Grey in the unauthorized Cabaret story.

Orcus: This is high art. The highest. But, no, you'd rather play what is it? Critter Crush. 
Sonny: I was about to enter the Centimorph Maze.
Orcus: You are going to die one day. That is the only certainty that you will ever have. All humans are armed with this knowledge, but most of you just piss your time away playing video games, watching sports. Fame.
Sonny: Yes, what about it?
Orcus: I can give it you.
Sonny: No, I'm I'm a pretty big deal already, Mucus.
Orcus: Orcus.
Sonny: Tomato, potato.
Orcus: Your name can stand besides those of Kangaroo, Rogers the Wiggles Or it could stand amongst the greats Lincoln, Lenin, King. Diana.
Sonny: Oh, now we're talking.

Nick: How was it?
Happy: How was what? The lovemaking?
Nick: Please stop saying that.
Happy: It was earth shattering. It was mind bending. Who knew so much excitement, so much joy and emotion could be packed into one intense minute?
Nick: One minute?
Happy: Is that bad?
Nick: It is the second smallest measure of time on earth.

Nick: All right, listen, you want my advice?
Happy: Love life advice from the guy whose wife is bound and gagged in our basement.

Nick: Hap, years from now, you'll be eating a bucket of fried chicken watching a terrible rom-com rented from your local Hollywood Video with your wife. You'll excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and promptly stalk Bo on social media. Now, with any luck, her boyfriend won't be wildly successful, handsome, hung like a mule.

Hailey: This is for your own good. Dad says so.
Amanda: Oh, your wonderful dad who abandoned us penniless and alone? Who doesn't care about us? Who's a drunk, an addict, a killer?

Smoothie: I think that one or both of us might be having a schizophrenic episode.

Happy: I guess this means we're off the wagon.
Nick: You're goddamn right.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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If nothing else, Amanda did look really great in that dress on. For being strung out on psycho juice and chilling around psycho orgies. 

So a death god runs around making deals with famous people and are taken out by lumpy demon creatures. Sure, why not, that sounds pretty on brand for this universe. The edits of famous tragically deceased historical figures with those lumps around (lump on the grassy knoll!) was so fucked up, that it turns around and becomes hilarious. 

That fight scene was great, and I love that Sunny Shine thinks that Nick is some kind of super soldier. The dude does have a pretty impressive record, especially for a lay about drunk. 

Okay, how did all those cops know who Nick was? Hasn't he been "presumed dead" since the end of Season 1? 

The trashier side of me wants to know what kind of "deal" Mer struck with that lady detective. But maybe some things are better left imagined. 

Happy looked cute in those prison stripes, like he was part zebra. 

Smoothie and Hayley dancing to Tears for Fears -- charming and twisted all at once. Is Smoothie being turned into a sympathetic character? Ye gods, hope not! (BTW, I was grimly reminded of my own advancing age when I saw how an '80s song reminded one character of his childhood.) 

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I don't think Smoothie is sympathetic the way he is grooming Hailey to be a killer. And the revelation that his abusive "father" was just some random dude he didn't know.

Smoothie and Hailey dancing was at the same time both really cute and totally chilling. The way the people in the restaurant were looking at them I am surprised no one called the cops. People reacted as if they knew him and the two guys talking in the booth at the diner about Smoothie castrating himself for the science fair. 

Nick finding the pink bunny with the missing leg. Oh my. 

Really enjoyed Sonny getting shot down by the Network executives.

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"Well...that happened."

Smoothie getting his special cancelled was honestly pretty satisfying. And the guy on TV saying that if he was the executive guy that "he should really kill himself" was so darkly hilarious. 

I dont think I want to know where Mere did with that cop, but thats nothing compared to whatever is coming out of Amanda, or what happened to her poor boyfriend. 

Happy in jailhouse stripes is super adorable. 

Hailey and Amanda dancing was both cute and super creepy. Everyone was looking at him like they all know what he is, and everyone is too freaked out to say anything, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he killed his dad ages ago, or that he was never even abusive, just Smoothie has always been a monster. I know I should stop being shocked by Smoothie, but realizing that he was killing some random guy just to keep grooming Hailey into a killer, was so chilling. 

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I've gone back through this season's posts and I don't see it addressed (or I missed it if it was addressed in the show), but are we just assuming Hailey blacked out everything except the general idea that she was kidnapped last season? How the hell doesn't she remember Smoothie? Remember the classroom scene with all the other kidnapped kids dressed and made up like dolls? She and Smoothie spent plenty of time together last season. The pink bunny eye didn't change his appearance that drastically.

Nick: Oh, crap, did I butt dial 911 again?
Police: Get down! Get the fuck down!
Nick: Okay, everyone relax. Take it easy.
Police: I will empty this gun into your fucking face.
Nick: Okay, but I'm gonna need your car first.
Police: I will shoot you in the head, neck, and chest until I am completely out of ammo!
Nick: Sounds reasonable. You're gonna need ibuprofen, boys.

Police dispatch: Car 1103, please respond. We've got a code 8 in need of additional officers. Home disturbance, shots fired.
Nick: Car 1103, and I got to tell you that all these reports about a disturbance at this residence are greatly exaggerated. Now the tenants have agreed to turn down the fucking noise, clean up after their pets, and wear some fucking underwear when the curtains are open.

Happy: Nick, I think that's-
Nick: Pee-pee, Hap. It's pee-pee.

Kap: First of all, I'm not buying you as a lady cop. You got the sexy part, although a low-cut blouse, preferably in a bold primary color, would helpful in that department, but where's the no-nonsense blazer that says, "I can hold my own in a man's world, pinch my bottom at your own peril"? 
Merry: I have that blazer. 
Kap: Sure you do. And the hairstyle - I understand the appeal of no muss, no fuss, but you look like you're here to sell me an investment condo.

Nick: I'm a virus. Everything I touch, everything, anywhere near me is bound to be infected sooner or later. Amanda, Hailey. I've lost everyone that ever meant anything to me.
Happy: You haven't lost me.
Nick: What the hell you still doing here, anyway? Shouldn't you be out rutting with a lawn ornament?

Nick: Gawd, I want to turn you into a chess piece.

Merry: Look, Sax, I can't sugarcoat this. Since I last saw you things have gone from weird to, like, super fucking weird. Blue has escaped from prison, only he isn't Blue. He's gonna kill Sonny on live TV.
Nick: Sounds great. I'll set my DVR. Just give me a moment. It's gonna feel so much better. Oh, yeah, like lancing a hemorrhoid. Now, where were we? Mer, look I can see that you've got a nice, comfortable seat on the observation car of the crazy train, but I need you to stay here. Here. And by here, I mean reality.

Nick: Look, Mer, it does have an asshole.

  • LOL 2

I was disappointed that Amanda was having a Wishy baby but, I kind of figured it had to be. I like how everything is coming together, we're getting explanations for what's been going on with each character.

I really, really like the Mere/Sax team up. It's always fun to see them bicker. Plus I still like that Mere really seems to be friends with and cares about Amanda. 

Poor Simon, I didn't particularly like the guy (he was a little too good) but, it sucked that he got killed.

BeBe was hilarious. I'd love to see more of her.

The Hailey/Smoothie stuff was creepy/gross but, worked so well for what they're planning. Poor Hailey is just getting totally messed up over these last 2 seasons

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Any word on the possibility of a third season? Even if the only returnees are Nick and Happy, I don't know if the insanity could be topped. Also, Sonny and Orcus could be brutally murdered in hilarious ways (who calls Johnny Weir "rent boy" to his face?), and it still wouldn't feel like justice has been serve. At least Amanda is sane again. Well, as sane as one can get in that world.

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Nick: How about I just assist myself?
Merry: He's just been shat out of an inter-dimensional alien asshole.

Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you don't like to be call Blue no more. You're now, um, Orifice. God of assholes.

Amanda: I remember everything - everything I said, everything I did, everything. I couldn't stop myself. Can you imagine what that's like?
Nick: Pretty much felt that way my entire life.

Happy: Whipped cream is a gateway treat, Nick. It leads to more decadent confections.

Smoothie: You can't torture me. What would be the point?
Nick: Fun.
Smoothie: Maybe for both of us.

Smoothie: Let's play Would You Rather? Would you rather have gone your whole life without ever knowing about Hailey but guaranteeing that she's safe or is all of this worth it just to play daddy for a few months?
Amanda: Would you rather have my fist down your throat or up your ass?
Happy: Whoa, Amanda's really good at this.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Glad that Amanda is back to normal, and that she dealt with her trauma with the time honored tradition of flamethrowers! Her and Nick seem to getting along pretty well, which is good because poor Haley is really gonna need support after a psychopath is trying to turn her into an Easter hitman.

Johnny Weir! Holy crap!

So who are these new weirdos with the branding irons and going on about old gods?!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Glad that Amanda is back to normal, and that she dealt with her trauma with the time honored tradition of flamethrowers! Her and Nick seem to getting along pretty well, which is good because poor Haley is really gonna need support after a psychopath is trying to turn her into an Easter hitman.

Johnny Weir! Holy crap!

So who are these new weirdos with the branding irons and going on about old gods?!

Other than Johnny Weir, did anyone spot Dream A Little Dream Meredith Salinger as one of the weirdos? I can’t believe I was the only one that recognized that face of hers, which is so distinctive to her features. She is the one that doesn’t speak while the other woman talked. I said, “That’s Meredith!”

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Hell yeah, Halloween season, just what I was hoping for! I hope we get another season, it seems like a lot of stuff is getting set up. Amanda is in jail, Nick is a kinda zombie, Happy is alone, tons of imaginary friends have been destroyed because children have lost their innocence, and now cloud god says that even more crap is about to go down!

Loved Smoothies glee to be killed by Nick. Of course with this show, who knows what dead even means anymore. 

Was God voiced by Jeff Goldblum? Because he really sounded like Jeff Goldblum. 

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Ah, Jeff Goldblum in a role he was born to play! Hope we get to see (hear?) him again on this show. 

I loved this final episode, watching Sonny get smoked and taking all those IF's with him. (Hey, we all lose them sooner or later.) Then, Happy in the empty IF bar and finding BoPeep, um, occupied? I guess that was inevitable as well.

My memory of last week's episode is a bit fuzzy (the show airs late in my time zone.) Was that a witch coven Merry was recruited into? I guess that would be in line with a Halloween-based third season (assuming we get one.) 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, arachne said:

My memory of last week's episode is a bit fuzzy (the show airs late in my time zone.) Was that a witch coven Merry was recruited into? I guess that would be in line with a Halloween-based third season (assuming we get one.) 

Yes, I believe those were Assunta Bianchi's 'sisters'.

So that was Jeff Goldblum as God. My other question from watching was the song playing during Sonny's death sung by Ann Margaret?

I really liked the finale although it went 10x crazy towards the end. Killing off Sonny and Smoothie feels like a good ending to the first story. I'm guessing S3 will sort of be a new story, not a new chapter but a new book in the series.

I look forward to seeing what Mere will be up to now that she's part of the sisterhood of burned hands. I can't wait to see the Happy/Sax reunion. 

I feel really bad for Hailey, she's totally beyond messed up. 

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Deadly Class, Happy! Cancelled at Syfy


Syfy has dismissed Deadly Class and also has some sad news for fans of Happy! The cabler has cancelled both series, TVLine has learned.

Deadly Class, which wrapped its 10-episode first season in March, will be shopped around by Sony Pictures Television. Meanwhile, the Chris Meloni-headlined Happy! ended its second season last week. Universal Content Productions will also shop the show around. (Happy! found success on Netflix in its second window run. It stands as the streamer’s top performing second window drama, outside of You, in key male demos and teens.)

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