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A Place To Call Home - General Discussion

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I think the key to her evilness was that she was always smart enough to get her victim alone and hone in on his/her greatest weakness. Either by her threats, lies, or flattery, each one thought she knew them perfectly. They managed to bring her down by exposing her demonstrating this tactic. I'm just sorry she's still alive though batshit crazy, because you know she'll get just better enough to fool her captors and get out.

Edited by CoderLady
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That Rose is a vile little creature, isn't she?  Regina and Rose make me think of Snidely Whiplash and his faithful servant, Mutt, from the old cartoon. And Gino is proving to be a real disappointment. Rose is a grown woman making grown-up decisions- no one has tricked her into anything, Gino. She knows that what she's doing is wrong, she's just enjoying the crumbs that Regina throws her too much to care.

Edited by TVForever
  • Love 8
4 hours ago, TVForever said:

Just watched Episode 12. Gino and Rose deserve each other. I REFUSE to feel any sympathy for Rose- she was not some " duped innocent"- she was a willing participant. 

Neither do I. She keeps talking about people being mean to her, but no one really was, even after she kidnapped the baby, which she should have been fired then and there. Olivia still liked and sympathized with her, but Rose was quick to turn on all of them once Regina got in her ear. She wasn't even subtle about it.

I can't even feel bad for Gino. All he's done is bitch and moan that Anna can't give him a son, but acts shocked at the notion of the marriage being annulled. He even said that marriage was for children and without them it's meaningless.

I really wanted to slap Sarah for not going up, or at least sending the baby, to Ash Park when they told her Regina was on the loose.

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On ‎07‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 1:34 PM, txhorns79 said:

At some point, it's just like: "How crazy and evil can she be and still remain a person who can exist within the reality of the show?" 

I sped through the first three seasons like the wind, but the first half of season 4 dragged for me.  A lot of it is because of Regina, and the whole Anna and Gino storyline really let the season down as well.   It did pick up in the last 4 or 5 episodes, although I'd started fast-forwarding through any scene Regina had with Sgt. Taylor.

On ‎07‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:31 AM, TVForever said:

Just watched Episode 12. Gino and Rose deserve each other. I REFUSE to feel any sympathy for Rose- she was not some " duped innocent"- she was a willing participant. 

Yeah, after how nice Anna was to her, and how forgiving Olivia was after she kidnapped baby Georgie, for her to fall so easily for Regina's bullshit meant, for me, that she was either almost as bad as Regina or she was mentally defective.  Either way, good riddance.  And to Gino as well.  Anna, you deserve better.


Oh, and I have to add: I hated the way Jack and Caroline's lovely wedding, which I'd been greatly anticipating, was intercut with Regina and Taylor having sex.  Really?!?!?  UGH!

Edited by proserpina65
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I just watched the season 5 premier...


Ho hum!  There was very little to like here.  Basically Inverness is a really conservative small town, filled with racism, homophobia, sexism... I'm glad the aboriginees actually exist on the show finally, but I don't like that Henry is now racist and overall being turned into a villain, Jack is homophobic, Sarah doesn't want to marry a non-jew and supports her friend in forcing his teenage daughter to go to Israel against her will, Elizabeth's husband is coughing up blood, and we don't see James AT ALL throughout the entire episode; also missing are Olivia, Jame's/Olivia's son and James' working class love interest.   Regina is back as a blond ('her natural color'--it seems hard to believe that the character really thought dying her hair black was flattering) and angling to get out of the mental institution.   But at least Gino is really gone and Anna is trying to move on.    Sarah and Mr. Blythe were sweet together and their son is cute, but that wasn't enough to save this.

I really hope James appears next episode--perhaps the actor is on paternity leave?  I know I read in an interview that he went away to film Outlander when his wife was just about to give birth and got back just in time for their child to be born, so I'm certain the two shooting schedules weren't conflicting with each other. 

Edited by Glade
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7 hours ago, Glade said:

but I don't like that Henry is now racist and overall being turned into a villain, Jack is homophobic,

I think Henry and Jack (and Jack is my favorite so defending Henry in this episode isn't my first choice) are really snapping at easy things when other things are on with their lives.  I think Henry is struggling with fitting in in Inverness, especially with James away, and with the knowledge that James is away in London where Olivia's brother and James's former lover is now single.  

I think Jack is struggling with giving up power in the hospital.  Work was his life for a lot of years when he didn't have a romantic life due to his war injuries and now Mr. Fox has descended had has started making changes in a place where Jack has felt confident.  Then he can't go home and get a break from his frustrations with Henry because Henry is also at Ash Park.   And he suspects Caro is bored to death and they are fighting so there is no happy place in the world right now for Jack.

Is there some institutional racism and homophobia with both characters?  Maybe.  Probably.  Jack struggled with his feelings about James in season 2.  As long as both Henry and Jack try to do better than their instincts, I think that's all you can ask.  That stuff is ingrained so deeply... realizing you're reacting from a place you don't particularly like and acting differently is really, truly the best most people can do.

Jack doesn't out Henry, despite the part where having Henry out at the hospital is probably in Jack's personal best interest.   Henry is a better surgeon than Inverness is likely to get without Henry's desire to be with James so Jack would have more influence.  And Jack probably isn't wrong that Henry needs to be careful about how often and from where he posts those letters, Inverness is a small town and people will talk.  You certainly don't want Doris posting a letter a day from Henry to James.  She'd start talking and Henry has always been very careful about that sort of thing, even in the city, as a way of keeping his reputation.   

Henry goes and tries, in a very clumsy way, to make amends with Riggs.  He doesn't fully succeed but I think his desire to apologize at the end was from the right place.  

I suspect James and Olivia are going make an appearance in the next, they are certainly both series regulars this season.  

Reggie's blonde hair cracked me up.  It is the Actress's natural color. And I absolutely could believe that she'd dye it because clearly George liked Elaine's dark hair and she so resembles Elaine.  However, I think we know that she was like 13 when they met so that she would have started dying at such a  young age is less likely.  

George is EASILY my least favorite character in the series (more than Reggie and that asshole who raped Carolyn).   I don't think the differences in their faith will be a huge stumbling block for Sarah and George but I do think it is a real conversation to have as they move forward with their relationship especially as she's been confronted with interfaith relationships with Isaac and um... the girl with TB who is all grown up now...   um... yeah, her.  

I suspect if anything derails them it will be the fact that George is an absolute idiot who keeps getting himself involved in schemes perpetrated by Reggie and that asshole who raped Carolyn.  

That kid who plays David sitting mostly silently in the background of scenes listening as his parents/ and or George and Caro talk... um.. yeah... totally don't need to see a lot of him.  So creepy.  He can pop in a scene an episode so we are reminded that his parents love him... but David can be with the help or out playing a lot of the time.  That would be great.  

I am cool with Carolyn chaffing under her lack of opportunities in Inverness.  That is something she openly worried about before she married Jack.   But watching Carolyn and Jack's marriage fall apart Anna and Gino style with Jack being a boor is something that will break my ship little heart and hard.  Hope these two can by the end of the series come to some compromises that work for both of them.

So glad that Gino is gone.  Won't be missed.  

Lung cancer for Goddard?  Feel bad for Elizabeth especially if after all her worry bout her heath issues it is his health issues that cut their time together short.

We won't get Season 5 until Thanksgiving here in the US (via Acorn).  I was going to give up on the show as it became more and more soapy, but guess I'll be back in spite of myself.  I found the 3rd and 4th seasons disappointing after the first two seasons.  So many of the characters have changed.  Gentle George has turned into a totally different person.  Like Former Nun, I've often wished for an alternative Sarah.  I know Marta Dusseldorp is very accomplished and much admired in Australia, but I find her Sarah verges on the smug and self righteous.  From the comments I've read about the new episode I don't have high hopes for any return to the sensibility of the first two seasons.     


All Episodes Talk: There's No Place Like Home - A Place To Call ...

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On 10/15/2017 at 4:13 PM, USAFAN said:

From the comments I've read about the new episode I don't have high hopes for any return to the sensibility of the first two seasons.     

The show has always been super soapy to me but I don't find this season to be as over the top soapy as the previous two.   Everybody is miserable so I'm not finding it as much fun as previous seasons but it isn't, yet, over the top in its soapiness.

David Berry was sequentially filming episodes of both APTCH and Outlander and having a first child while this season was being filmed. So I expect he’ll be in many but not all of the episodes. Glad to hear that Acorn has announced a Thanksgiving airing for the US; Outlander ends its season in early December.

FINALLY I have finished season 4, I have been waiting to be able to post here without getting spoiled. 

For whatever reason, I LOVED this show. I know it's OTT soap and Regina just chewed her way through scenery with so much camp - but the gorgeous wardrobe and beautiful Australian scenery carried me through. It even got me reading about the Italians in New South Wales in the 1950s, I guess that's a whole piece of history. When I looked at the credits I was interested to see crew with Australian sounding first names and Italian last names. 

Only minor complaints with the plot holes along the way. Like where did Sarah's Jewish friends in Inverness go when René was being buried? That was at least one man. Then there was the bitchy nurse at the hospital whose character went nowhere. Rose should have been dismissed around 50 times before getting to the end, which I didn't get because Elizabeth was so easily able to let go of Harry's cousin/sister (? I forget). 

How far away exactly is Inverness supposed to be from Sydney? Because Carolyn seemed to imply it was a world of distance, but everyone on this show is constantly running back and forth between Ash Park and Sydney like the two places are just over the river from each other. Every time someone gets a little bored, it's like, "I know! I have the perfect idea! Let's go to Sydney!" Yes, Sydney, now there's a change!

On the other hand, I didn't mind a lot of the plot contrivances or small conveniences. Like how they'd say "I've called Gino and Anna to come to Ash Park to discuss this" and next scene there they are, having already had the "discussion" and moving on to whatever they are going to do about it. It did keep the pace up.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who was relieved when René kicked the bucket. That was going nowhere fast. I can also do without anymore Gino, unless his character changes. He's too homophobic and angry and chauvinist for me to like him that much. I do think the idea of him and Rose is interesting. 

I don't have a problem with Regina coming back Kimberly Shaw-style as long as they don't send her through the same hoops they already have. 

The policeman's death went nowhere interesting. I'm not even sure why they made that choice.

I loved Elizabeth's character trajectory.

Sarah's character was mostly OK with me, but as others have mentioned, she can be a bit much. She really reminds me of Claire from Outlander. They're even both nurses. 1st season Sarah was such a Mary Sue character - of course everyone would be in love with her and women would distrust her, etc. I liked it a lot when the story finally expanded beyond Sarah's world and the show became more than just about her. 

I wouldn't mind seeing Gordon Walsh move to Inverness and become a love interest for poor Olivia, or even for Anna. I wish we'd seen side-by-side scenes of him with both actresses to see how much chemistry they look like they may have had. Abby Earl looks super tall. 

Am I the only one who thought Bert's chained, rotted body was going to surface every time someone went swimming? Like the cadaver in the Poltergeist swimming pool. lol. 

Phew! Last, also agree that Season 4 finale could also have been the Series Finale - but I'm glad to hear it's coming back for season 5. 

I agree with you about Rose... she should have been given the boot when she "kidnapped" Georgie.  And poor Amy (Harry's sister) gets the boot for talking with the witch Regina. I hope Rose and Gino ran off into the sunset together.... couldn't stand either one. It's nice Elizabeth has become a softer, forgiving person. But IRL it doesn't seem possible that her intellectual charms would be enough to attract a Handsome Dan like (whatever his name is...)  I know it would end the program, but I wish George would find a new love and return to being the sweetheart he was in the first two series -:)

4 hours ago, USAFAN said:

I know it would end the program, but I wish George would find a new love and return to being the sweetheart he was in the first two series -:)

It is not particularly unusual for me to not be terribly invested in the leads of a show but I'm really, really not here.  I guess it would end the show if Sarah and George were just like peace out we're moving to Sydney.  Bye.   

I think Sydney in real life is a little under 4 hours from Inverness (in today's time, not saying what that would be in the 1950s).   So far enough that it is a trip but not so far that it isn't a trip you would take especially when money is no object and everybody but George can sleep at Carolyn's.   

The disappearance of the Gold's during the funeral was weird.  Not quite as weird as 


Their reappearance in season 5 

 but weird.  I mean not so much that they weren't there but that the show didn't throw us a, "Oh, too bad the Gold's have gone to Melbourne"   Because obviously if they'd gone to Sydney they could just come back for the funeral.  :).

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James gets nice love interests, but poor Olivia just keeps getting used.

Seriously.  James gets two hot guys fawning over his boring ass, while Olivia keeps getting the crap end of the stick.  

I'm wary of Regina by this point.  Short of her blowing up Melrose Place, err...Ash Park, I can't imagine what else there is for her to do and how she plausibly could return.  She's unforgivably anti-Semitic, she got slapped really good by Sarah, she slapped the crap out of Anna (which I was kind of fine with), she already accidentally murdered that teacher when she meant to murder Sarah, she killed the cop, she's been committed to the insane asylum and she's a Morphine addict.      

Glade... oh dear, I didn't think it could get more preposterous. Why does't someone just shoot Regina?  -:)  I read somewhere that George is investigating converting to Sarah's religion.  Sounds like Sarah has flipped her lid if this is what she's asking for.  Guess I'll just go back and watch the first two seasons before the story went off the deep end, jumped the shark, etc. etc.

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Well... I just saw the first two episodes of Season 5 and it wan't as bad as I expected.  Looks like the Jewish religion vs C of E  has been put to rest for awhile but I still think Sarah needs psychotherapy.  I understand her honoring her first husband with her conversion.... but, come on, expecting George and the son to do so too!  Anyhow, George is inching back towards the "nice" George... at least he gets to roll up his shirt sleeves.  (Even tho the vest is still on.) And... he gets to drive another gorgeous vintage car.

Anna is now too chic for words... she caught on fast after her farm girl days.  I was distracted from her story by her lover.... the same guy who played Harry-Sorry-David on Rake.  I liked H-S-D better.  -:)

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Season 5 has WAY too much going on...Carolyn obsessing over the artist who is not interested, Anna going off the rails albeit on her way to becoming an overnight star, Douglas ready to drop dead, Jack in a funk, Regina the cartoon character villain back in town, etc...George has got to be the least appealing man ever, why Sarah wants him is beyond belief. He is as thick as a plank, bought into Regina's crap for way too long. The fact that he married her made my eyes roll out of my head. This show is just too much. Also have a shabbus ceremony every episode is not great TV. I get her obsession with her faith but it slows things down. Also the whole Leah nonsense. Good grief! 

  • Love 2

Oy vey.. I think the show jumped the shark in Series 3.   Feel much as Bebecat.  But I do have a soft spot for George... well, maybe not the character, but the actor with his lovely smile and big brown eyes.  (And those ears !) He's easily overshadowed by Dame Marta.  she's 5'9 and with heels taller than
"George".  I can just see them as an old couple (of which I've seen many)... the Brunnhilde (sp?) wife and the shrunken husband.

In addition, I know Ms. Dusseldorf, is much favored at home... but as time goes by I find her acting style.... working hard to be the Meryl Streep of Australia....has started to grate on my nerves.

Oh well... I wish them all well.

  • Love 2

Can't fathom what another season will bring. Good grief, what's left? 

Eps 5&6 were a bit off the wall even for this show. Sarah deciding to go with George at the last minute and lo a d behold, who does she just happen to run into? One must suspend disbelief quite often with this series.

As far as George goes, he just has no charisma...he is meant to be a wealthy powerhouse leading an influential family etc...yet as played, he could be any bland, not overly bright city clerk. Sarah going for him makes little sense to me. 

I am getting weary of Sarah in general. She is almost too much of a do-gooder sometimes. And then she pulls a knife on the blond matron lol...just bizarre.

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On 11/24/2017 at 9:31 PM, USAFAN said:

Well... I just saw the first two episodes of Season 5 and it wan't as bad as I expected.  Looks like the Jewish religion vs C of E  has been put to rest for awhile but I still think Sarah needs psychotherapy.  I understand her honoring her first husband with her conversion.... but, come on, expecting George and the son to do so too!  

Sarah is getting on my nerves with this latest season.  I agree that her expecting to raise David as Jewish without regard for George's religion is wrong.  She wanted to convert because of her first husband and that's great because that's what she chose.  But now that she is bullying George into accepting that David will be raised Jewish even though the boy is Jewish only because his mother converted.  Expose him to both religions then allow him to choose.

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On 11/24/2017 at 8:31 PM, USAFAN said:

Well... I just saw the first two episodes of Season 5 and it wan't as bad as I expected.  Looks like the Jewish religion vs C of E  has been put to rest for awhile but I still think Sarah needs psychotherapy.  I understand her honoring her first husband with her conversion.... but, come on, expecting George and the son to do so too!  Anyhow,

David would be Jewish by rights of having a Jewish mother.   Apparently they've been raising him as both and it is important to her to raise him as a jew.   Just because she converted to be with Renee does not mean that the faith didn't become incredibly important to her.

Quite frankly most kids are raised relatively randomly based on whatever faith the people raise them are part of.  I didn't go to church growing up because my parents didn't go to church when I was growing up.   My father was raised baptist because his father was raised baptist.  My mother was raised lutheran because her mother was raised lutheran.  

Sarah identifies as Jewish so of course she would want David to as well.  And as they agreed that it would ultimately be David's choice once he grew up, I don't see the issue here.

Also Sarah didn't ask George to convert.  George looked into it on his own and as far as I know he didn't pursue it.

I don't particularly care for either Sarah or George.  I genuinely don't like George and I could take or leave Sarah... but this is a really common issue for parents of mixed faith children and I don't think either having strong or emotional opinions on the subject is out of bounds.

On 12/7/2017 at 10:03 PM, Bebecat said:

Eps 5&6 were a bit off the wall even for this show. Sarah deciding to go with George at the last minute and lo a d behold, who does she just happen to run into? One must suspend disbelief quite often with this series.  



It helps that I don't care for either Sarah or George so I don't pay all that much attention to their stories... but yo... this one.  THIS ONE.  

Things get a little more centered starting episode 7.

And honestly I thin starting with season 7 parts of this season are very, very, very good.  However, this season is still to me incredibly dark and lacking the fun joyous moments of some of the previous seasons.  I need a bit of fun.

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I was just wondering.  In 1958, in Australia, would a woman, even one as liberated as Carolyn, use the F word?  And also, were people snorting coke a la Studio 54?  I noticed way back in Series 1 (I think) that Sarah used the term "hit the ground running" when describing returning to work early.  I don't ever recall hearing that in my teenage years..... which coincide with the time in which APTCH takes place.

I suppose poetic license has its place.  But most of the show is so authentic to the time.

  • Love 1

So is that it for James /David this season? Yeah I know he did a few episodes of Outlander but he wasn’t featured a tremendous amount. 


And that’s a truly crappy way to write him out of this series. He gets back together with Olivia’s brother and just walks away from everything? I kept waiting for George to ask him ‘what about Henry.’ 

  • Love 1

I was just wondering.  In 1958, in Australia, would a woman, even one as liberated as Carolyn, use the F word?  And also, were people snorting coke a la Studio 54?  I noticed way back in Series 1 (I think) that Sarah used the term "hit the ground running" when describing returning to work early.  I don't ever recall hearing that in my teenage years..... which coincide with the time in which APTCH takes place.

At least according to the internet, the phrase "hit the ground running," has been in use since the late 1890s.  Also, given how long cocaine has been around, I'd have to imagine people were snorting it before the 1970s.  As for use of the "F" word, I can't think of any reason women would not have used the word in 1958.   I think we sometimes think that because movies and television of the era did not feature that kind of language, that it wasn't in use.     

Edited by txhorns79
  • Love 5

txhorn... you've made me realize how provincial my teen years were .  In the movies and on tv, married couples had twin beds,

kids used to giggle about the F word.... but nobody used it in conversation, and "drugs" were used by musicians in New York.

I never played sports so never had any reason to hit the ground running -:)  But, unfortunately, the attitudes toward Jews, blacks,

and "homos" were the same as Australia. Clothes and cars were pretty much the same.  Until this season with George and his fancy Cadillac I'd forgotten what ugly monsters they were.

I liked Carolyn's f-bomb because it was treated as sort of shocking.   Caro going back in and saying she'd apologize to the staff.  Hah.   It wasn't as if he was dropping F bombs every other word, she was well and truly pissed and let it fly.  Didn't seem anachronistic to me.

Fuck is found liberally in Lady Chatterly's lover a banned book that Anna took from Carolyn's in season 1.  She'd know the word.  And in the heat of the moment why wouldn't she use it?  

Admittedly my mother who had her first child in 58 never cursed at all before her divorce when her therapist told her it was okay to curse.  She had a reasons to be really, really angry and it was fine to express that anger and she still didn't feel comfortable with it.  My father ,who came after my mother's divorce, cursed all the fucking time.  I'm pretty sure fuck was his favorite word. He'd get all upset when women cursed but he certainly taught me to do it.    

  • Love 1

txhorn... you've made me realize how provincial my teen years were . 

Don't feel provincial.  I'm just used to those kind of discussions from the Mad Men forums.  Every episode there would be someone who said: "I don't recall people using that phrase when I was young, so therefore no one must have used it, and they can't use it in the show." 

Edited by txhorns79
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On 12/13/2017 at 6:47 PM, MizStaken said:

So is that it for James /David this season? Yeah I know he did a few episodes of Outlander but he wasn’t featured a tremendous amount. 

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And that’s a truly crappy way to write him out of this series. He gets back together with Olivia’s brother and just walks away from everything? I kept waiting for George to ask him ‘what about Henry.’ 

Yeah, it was a letdown.  David Berry was on leave due to his first child being born, but it really left quite a hole in this show.  I also don't see why Olivia had to be gone that long.


And we should recall, James also left Harry behind, and the hints that he might choose him over Dr. Henry were completely abandoned and Harry has vanished into the ether.

I'm surprised there will be a 6th season of this ultra-tedious show.

Edited by Glade

Regarding Harry, my take on him was that some of Henry and James's city friends took a shine to him and he went off to check out life in the city. 

David Berry also had a role in "Outlander" which films at around the same time as "A Place To Call Home."

This is just speculation on my part but 


I wouldn't be surprised if James makes an appearance in the finale.  If he does, it will probably be to reconcile with his father thus setting up the chance of his returning to Ash Park.  Maybe not permanently, but for an episode or two each series.









Edited by Badger
3 hours ago, Badger said:

Regarding Harry, my take on him was that some of Henry and James's city friends took a shine to him and he went off to check out life in the city. 

David Berry also had a role in "Outlander" which films at around the same time as "A Place To Call Home."

This is just speculation on my part but 

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I wouldn't be surprised if James makes an appearance in the finale.  If he does, it will probably be to reconcile with his father thus setting up the chance of his returning to Ash Park.  Maybe not permanently, but for an episode or two each series.

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Turns out David Berry filmed his four episodes in Scotland and this was done because of his other commitment to APTCH. (His appearances in Outlander 3.12 and 3.13 were filmed on sound stages in advance of the South Africa filming of those episodes. Outlander has already begun filming its fourth season (principal photography of the first four episodes is already completed.  And IIRC, in the book on which the fourth season of Outlander is based, his character only shows up for a spell towards the last part. So with more time, both shows should be able to better accommodate the sharing of Mr. Berry.

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