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Broadway.com has some sense of humour about  the obvious: 


Darren Criss’ Glittery Dreams Came True

Here’s another guy who might need beautification tips from NPH: Darren Criss, who is stepping into Hedwig’s shiny gold boots beginning April 29! After telling us that the transgender East German rock goddess is his dream role, we couldn’t be more psyched for him. And for ourselves. Because in case you’ve forgotten, WE’RE DARRENCRISS.COM. Heart you, Darren. Always and forever. XOXO. Love, Broadway.com.

Edited by fakeempress
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These BW websites embarrass themselves badly with the over the top Daren ass licking.   Seriously, Patti Lupone and Bernadette Peters themselves don't get that adulation from them, it's actually quite amusing.


Now on to an article regarding Matt Morrison and "Neverland"



According to Mia Michaels, life is always coming full circle in a serendipitous way, and her Broadway debut as a choreographer only enforces that belief. The new musical Finding Neverland sees her reunited with former dance student and old friend, Matthew Morrison ("Glee," South Pacific).


I find it interesting that her first gig as a BW  choreographer she reunites with her old student Matt Morrison. 

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The hair gel makes him look kind of plasticy to me, or they're also using bad make-up on him. I don't know, but I tend to feel mild revulsion when I see Darren in the Blaine costume, but when he gets to look like himself, I don't. It's weird.

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Blaine looks ridiculous period. The only time he looked good was when the character was first introduced and the first time we saw him out of the Dalton uniform (BIOTA) he had a preppy look about him but it was more preppy chic and less dorky. Which is how he started looking the minute the character came to McKinley.


Between the overly gelled hair, the Steve Urkel suspenders, the horrible, horrible bowties, just a mess. And it didn't help when he was made even younger than Kurt and Darren seemed to purposely playing him that way. There was nothing physically attractive about Blaine in my opinion. 


That said, I have always found Darren very good looking. But I have a thing for darker guys. I imagine Darren will likely not look at hair gel for months now that Glee is over. And it'll be interesting to see if he lets his facial hair get out of control like he did a few summers ago, now that he doesn't have to shave like everyday to play the character. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I loved this excerpt on the Paybill article on Matt Morrison:


Michaels says she always knew that the star possessed a special quality. "He was always a hard worker and always had a talent, " she says. "He's a hard worker to this day, no matter how successful he's become, he still has an amazing work ethic and does not settle for mediocrity. Neither do I. We push and push."



The pressure is really on Matt with "Finding Neverland", IMO the success of the show rests more than somewhat on his shoulders as he has to make the "whimsical" nature of the musical come through.


It had a successful trial run in Boston with Jeremy Jordan in the lead role, but of course a BW run is a whole different ball of wax.

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I still can't get over how much Glee uglied up Darren. He's actually really attractive in real life.

Well, Matt Morrison also looks more attractive outside of " Glee." To me it's one of those weird mysteries.

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Well, Matt Morrison also looks more attractive outside of " Glee." To me it's one of those weird mysteries.

I think it's true of all the regular men on the show, it's just more startling with Darren. Most of them go from attractive to more attractive, he goes from not attractive to attractive.

But yeah, what does glee do to them? I think it's kind of true with the women too, Melissa and Becca especially always look prettier in real life.

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I loved this excerpt on the Paybill article on Matt Morrison:

The pressure is really on Matt with "Finding Neverland", IMO the success of the show rests more than somewhat on his shoulders as he has to make the "whimsical" nature of the musical come through.

It had a successful trial run in Boston with Jeremy Jordan in the lead role, but of course a BW run is a whole different ball of wax.

Matt has admitted to being a perfectionist, so it's not surprising to read that he won't settle for mediocrity in his dancing. That's a great article.
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God , Matt Morrsion, Cory Monteith, Mark Salling and especially Kevin McHale look much better than how they dress up their characters.

Kevin cleans up amazingly well

You can't mess up with Harry because those abs remain the same.

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With Cory it was that Finn's clothes were very ill fitting, especially in seasons 1 and 2.  I read somewhere that was a choice in order to make Finn look younger but there is a difference between baggy and what they put him in.  I also tend to think that was a cop-out in that Cory was a big guy so I am sure he wasn't the easiest person to fit.  It seems like they didn't even try a lot of the time.  

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He was 6'4".  I also think part of the reason he looks so big next to them is he has a different build than those guys.  Not only was he taller he was just bigger.  Not fat (although he wasn't as cut as them) but bigger. When he stood next to Damian McGinty he didn't seem to tower over him as much because Damian had a similar build.  Still, in more than one interview Cory, said he made everyone look like small woodland creatures when standing next to them.


One time he really noticeably towers over everyone is when ND sings "Beautiful."  

Edited by camussie
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The bumper for tomorrow's episode airing during Ellen says "Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, Chord Overstreet and more." Not sure if they only had clips of those three on the show previously or if there's a swapping of who else will be there.

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God , Matt Morrsion, Cory Monteith, Mark Salling and especially Kevin McHale look much better than how they dress up their characters.

Kevin cleans up amazingly well

You can't mess up with Harry because those abs remain the same.

The problem with Matt is that they only put him in sweater vests, which hide his impressive abs and arms.

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Still think they should have had Mike Chang shirtless 24/7.

Will Schuester also shirtless would work.

Along with Ryder Lynn and Jake Puckerman... actually either Puckerman but Jake works better for me. I like dancers!

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Cory looked Huge next to everyone agreed.

Still think they should have had Mike Chang shirtless 24/7.

Will Schuester also shirtless would work.

" Rocky Horror" was an awful episode for Will Schuester, but I enjoyed watching him be shirtless.

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For the girls, those Cheerios outfits make everyone look bad, and they're all actually very attractive. The ponytails do not help.


I literally cheered when Brittany threw hers in the fire.


The alumni uniforms they wore in 602 were way better than the original Cheerios uniforms.

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For the girls, those Cheerios outfits make everyone look bad, and they're all actually very attractive. The ponytails do not help.

They were awful.

One of the best things about season 2 is the latter half with no-one in a Cheerios uniform.

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He was 6'4". I also think part of the reason he looks so big next to them is he has a different build than those guys. Not only was he taller he was just bigger. Not fat (although he wasn't as cut as them) but bigger. When he stood next to Damian McGinty he didn't seem to tower over him as much because Damian had a similar build. Still, in more than one interview Cory, said he made everyone look like small woodland creatures when standing next to them.

I remember seeing a clip of Cory squatting to take a picture with a fan. The fan is apologizing for him having to lean and he says something along the lines of "I always do this when I'm with the girls...and Kevin." It was really cute.

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The bumper for tomorrow's episode airing during Ellen says "Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, Chord Overstreet and more." Not sure if they only had clips of those three on the show previously or if there's a swapping of who else will be there.

They're the five as first announced. The Ellen Show tweeted a picture from the taping. Lea and Darren will probably out-talk everybody lol.


My money is on Chord for turning into the mountain man in the near future.  

Edited by fakeempress
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He was 6'4".  I also think part of the reason he looks so big next to them is he has a different build than those guys.  Not only was he taller he was just bigger.  Not fat (although he wasn't as cut as them) but bigger. When he stood next to Damian McGinty he didn't seem to tower over him as much because Damian had a similar build.  Still, in more than one interview Cory, said he made everyone look like small woodland creatures when standing next to them.


One time he really noticeably towers over everyone is when ND sings "Beautiful."  



We had two star centers on our boys HS basketball team that you would never believe they were the same height, but they were.  One was fine boned with a face like a Raphael painting, the other was big boned and hirsute.  In fact at age 17 he could pass for someone around 28 or so easily.  I always think of him when I hear someone say Cory looked too old for playing a high school student.

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Even with his height and build, I don't think Cory looked too old to be playing a high school student. I attribute that to how Cory carried himself when in character as Finn.   He had the mannerisms and physicality of an awkward teen boy still getting used to his considerable height down pat, especially in seasons 1 and 2.   To this day I can look at almost any picture of Cory on set and tell just from the way he is carrying himself if it is a snap of a scene being shot or a BTS photo during some down time.  He changed his bearing that much when in character as Finn.  

Edited by camussie
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That was an interesting article. As an Empire fan, I don't feel like the music aspect is as important on Empire as it is on Glee, in the sense that I think you can watch Empire and not be watching for the music. I think every Glee fan is somewhat listening for the music, or at least some people's voices. You've only got two people regularly performing on Empire, so it's less diverse (and you also aren't wondering why so-and-so hasn't sung).

I don't know how much Empire will actually affect Jussie's independent music career. Unless you're a super-fan, you probably wouldn't know he's also got his own stuff out there or that he wrote some of the stuff on Empire. But I do agree that working on Glee probably has stifled some people's ability to get their own music out there, but I also think that has to do with the type of show it is. Even when Glee was huge, it was kind of categorized by non-watchers as "high school musical the tv show", and as it has always been of debatable quality, I'm sure there's people out there who might love one of the cast member's voice or potential music, and never look into it because of the Glee connection.

In the grand scheme of things, in terms of music, I think Glee will have the bigger impact as the big musical TV show that offers the downloadable music for people to buy.

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It will be interesting to see how much life the music sales will have once Glee ends. Since orginal broadcasts can't even attract 2 million live viewers these days I am not exactly seeing a FRIENDS like syndication run to keep up visability.

Edited by Pink ranger
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That was actually pretty funny, the cards against humanity portion. Is it just me or has Amber done 0 press for this season? I think she's the only regular this season that hasn't. Please correct me if i'm wrong!

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Chord's saying he was cracking up at the end because they were all close to 30 playing high school kids all emotional or whatever was actually pretty funny. Also, I like Lea Michele just fine or at least I don't dislike her but there is something very annoying about her voice at times. It's this high pitch squeal thing that kind of drives me nuts. Also, I see Darren's clearly not putting any gel near his hair. I don't blame him.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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That was an interesting article. As an Empire fan, I don't feel like the music aspect is as important on Empire as it is on Glee, in the sense that I think you can watch Empire and not be watching for the music.

I'd have to agree with that. The music is like a nice little addition and since the show is about the music business you expect it, but I don't feel like the episodes are built around it. Where as with Glee, especially in later seasons some people were only watching for the musical performances. I know I will be forever grateful to Hulu providing just the clips of musical performances. 


I think something else the article mentioned is worth noting. Who the shows are aimed at. Originally I do not think Glee was a show specifically aimed at teens/young people. It was a show about teens/young people with some pretty strong adult presence, but that wasn't necessarily the audience. Especially the first 13 episodes always seemed to me much more adult in theme then what the show became. When Ryan got it into his head that he was "touching and changing lives" the show went all in on the teen focus and really appealing with the teen demographic. On the one hand teens spend a lot of money and can me things buzzworthy like they did with Glee. They downloaded a lot of songs, filled up arenas for concerts, etc. The downside is that teens are very fickle and have a short attention span. So when they were with Glee they were intense with their devotion, but when they were done, they were done. A show like Empire is very clearly aimed at adults. Sure teenagers are watching it, but that is not who they are marketing the show too. Now true the R&B/hip-hop angle could perhaps limit the shows appeal, but since the show is really about more then the music, (like how you can like Nashville even if you aren't really into country music) I think it has a better chance for staying power then Glee.


I agree when all is said and done Glee will probably have made a bigger mark on the music industry. I doubt Empire is going to be breaking as many itunes singles sales, etc. partly because they aren't really churning at as much music as Glee did. But as a TV show it could, if they don't screw it up be able to maintain its quality a little longer then Glee did. 

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But as a TV show it could, if they don't screw it up be able to maintain its quality a little longer then Glee did.



As someone who finally caught up with the episodes because I was tired of everyone I know talking about it and asking if I'd watched it, I wouldn't be so quick to assume that. It's soapy as hell, I'll say that and it was entertaining for what it was, but I think the second season will truly tell the tale. The biggest flaw I see is what happened with the The O.C. - they are burning through storylines like nobody's business. And it makes me wonder if what happened to The O.C. will happen there too.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Also, I see Darren's clearly not putting any gel near his hair. I don't blame him.

I've never seen Darren with gel in hair outside of Glee or the tours (some product, yes).

Edited by fakeempress
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Chord's saying he was cracking up at the end because they were all close to 30 playing high school kids all emotional or whatever was actually pretty funny. Also, I like Lea Michele just fine or at least I don't dislike her but there is something very annoying about her voice at times. It's this high pitch squeal thing that kind of drives me nuts. Also, I see Darren's clearly not putting any gel near his hair. I don't blame him.


I think my favorite part of that was Chris going "Speak for yourself."


You can tell he was that quiet kid in school that made all the side comments and got you in trouble because you'd laugh louder than his comments. 


I really don't even know how they got Blaine out of Darren. He's very attractive, but he's also a rumpled mess. Blaine is cartoonish but he's very cleaned up. 

Edited by mercfan3
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I got a kick out of Lea's Im coming for you Chord during Cards Against Humanity. As someone who is competitive especially over silly things like board games I think it's funny how competitive she gets.

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I really don't even know how they got Blaine out of Darren. He's very attractive, but he's also a rumpled mess. Blaine is cartoonish but he's very cleaned up. 

Eh, hair, makeup and wardrobe. Also, I've heard both Chris and Christina Hendricks talk about how the clothes they wear as Kurt and Joan on Mad Men resp. get them into character, Christina especially with the girdles etc. -- she said how the support garments immediately affected her posture and carriage, and from there, the attitude and the character. 

Edited by fakeempress
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Eh, hair, makeup and wardrobe. Also, I've heard both Chris and Christina Hendricks talk about how the clothes they wear as Kurt and Joan on Mad Men resp. get them into character, Christina especially with the girdles etc. -- she said how the support garments immediately affected her posture and carriage, and from there, the attitude and the character. 


I know..but some people just stay sloppy looking no matter what you do to them. Outside of Glee, Darren looks like he'd be one of those people. (Also, the comment was somewhat tongue in cheek. Somewhat.) 


And i'm sure costuming helps...especially when it's as different. 

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Darren looks well put together as himself at events, so I'm not getting the always sloppy allusion. If it's about letting his hair grow and growing a beard when he's not at work, lots of actors do that as well. Joaquin Phoenix, for one, has looked positively scary off work. 

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As someone who finally caught up with the episodes because I was tired of everyone I know talking about it and asking if I'd watched it, I wouldn't be so quick to assume that. It's soapy as hell, I'll say that and it was entertaining for what it was, but I think the second season will truly tell the tale. The biggest flaw I see is what happened with the The O.C. - they are burning through storylines like nobody's business. And it makes me wonder if what happened to The O.C. will happen there too.

Oh yeah. Anything that has that big of a build up has just that much more of a chance of a big bust. And Empire certainly could go the way of Glee (or the O.C.) I agree how they play Season 2 will tell the tale. It certainly did for Glee. 

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Matt and Chord tend to have a lot of facial hair when not working on " Glee" too. It's not unusual. The former currently has a beard and mustache, though that might be partially due to his role.

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Empire is quite a bit like early Glee. Flashy, witty, fast-moving, soapy, and at times veering toward preachy (although not nearly as much as Glee).

Those poor kids on Ellen, squished onto one couch!

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Glee's Final Curtain Call (Entertainment Weekly scan)



Cory really was the big brother I never had. I think being a young gay kid, I’ve never really felt respected very much by older straight types. But with Cory, we just respected each other so much and we respected working with each other so much. That’s what I’ll always remember—the abundant respect that he gave everyone."

    — Chris Colfer on Cory Monteith



This is as personal as Chris has ever gotten talking about Cory Monteith.

Edited by caracas1914
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