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Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion

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Looks like the Browns have some competition.  Discovery debuted a new show featuring an off the grid family last night, called Raising Wild.  The title sounds to me like a reference to the Bush People, who were always described as "raised wild".  With the Brown kids growing up and getting married, this show restocks the channel with some younger kids to draw in younger viewers.

I watched it last night, a little too early to form an opinion on it.  The main difference is this family has just moved from the suburbs to a homestead (in Washington), so there is no claim of having their own accents or not knowing what an ocean is lol.  Haven't seen any grifting yet either.  

I don't see a forum for it yet, so I mentioned it here.

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Was just about to mention this.  I saw parts of it myself yesterday.

There certainly does seem to be less bullshittery on this show.  But I guess we'll see how the show unfolds from here on out.

I am wondering if they are going to cut ties with the Browns and just air this family instead.  Probably will depend upon what sort of ratings Raising Wild gets.

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17 hours ago, brgjoe said:

There certainly does seem to be less bullshittery on this show.  But I guess we'll see how the show unfolds from here on out.

I am wondering if they are going to cut ties with the Browns and just air this family instead.  Probably will depend upon what sort of ratings Raising Wild gets.

I was wondering that myself.  Maybe Discovery is floating this as direct competition with the Browns to see if they can replace them.  I thought someone had said that the ratings were down for Alaskan Bush People?  Maybe they're embarrassed by some of the controversy there has been with the Browns, which could be why there appears to be less BS (although who knows, maybe the Hinds aren't really living on the homestead lol).  And who knows maybe Billy has started to make some demands they don't want to meet.  Or maybe the Bush People were so successful they just want to add another. 

This family doesn't seem to have the "oddball" appeal of the Browns though, they almost seem too normal.  Might make them boring.  Time will tell.

It's odd that both series are set in Washington.  Is that state giving away tax incentives for filming there, like Alaska used to do?

Edited by rmontro
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4 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

I watched last night, they all seem to be working towards the same goal. We'll see how far they get with it....however, am I the only one that thought they were gonna bury that trailer?? I don't see it keeping stuff cool just sitting out in the sun. 

I'm pretty sure they said they were going to bury it.  The previews show them working on the trailer next week, so they're not done with it yet.  

Sounds like we need to start a separate Raising Wild thread.  I doubt it would get the traffic that Alaskan Bush People does though.  All we have to do is start a thread titled "Raising Wild" here:


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8 hours ago, brgjoe said:

Well now.  Looks like we will have a new season of these misfits after all.

I am seeing advertisements for this show on the Discovery Channel.  I believe they said it will start up again on Sunday, August 4th.

Of course their new "season" may only last 5-6 episodes again.  So, who knows? 

I saw that and really couldn't believe it.  Who really cares about this shit show.  It used to be a good shits & giggles but no more.  Maybe they are going to focus on the "grandbabbies"  😉

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So, the new season started tonight, it picked up right where the last one left off.  Seems to be footage from this past winter.  Funny, all those years in Alaska we never saw any footage of them in the winter, but now we do.  Are they actually living on this mountain, or just filming there?  And if they're really living there, where is Bam's girlfriend?

Billy hates billy goats.  I'm sure there are several jokes in there somewhere.  Ironic at least.

No mention of Matt in the episode or on the map.  Looks like they're pretending he doesn't exist for the moment.  Hope he's getting his problems straightened out.

Nice moment with No-uh and Rhain making Bird their child's godmother.  I do believe she would take the responsibility seriously, but I wonder about what resources she might have to provide for him.  Anyway, a nice way to help mend fences between Rhain and Bird.

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You guys are going to LOVE this.

We are currently on a cruise, and our shore excursion yesterday was out of Skagway, Alaska (not too far from "Browntown").  We went on a scenic excursion, and then went to a touristy area called "Liarsville."  Before arriving in Liarsville, our driver told us that the people who founded the town were con artists and thieves.  They developed a way of determining whether newcomers to the area were experienced fellow con artists, or whether they were naive people, ripe for being scammed and/or robbed.  

How did they pass the info?  They HOWLED.  If a couple of Liarsville residents got together and howled, newcomers who were on to them would join in the howling, and were safe from being robbed.  But if the newcomers DIDN'T howl, it was assumed they were fair game for being fleeced or robbed.  The bus driver had "warned" us about this, so we ALL howled when the official Liarsville greeter got on our bus and let loose with a loud "Wooooooooo"!!!

So now we all know why the Browns are so fond of howling!!!  They're looking for their next target!!!

Edited by AZChristian
Cruising = champagne = typos.
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On 8/5/2019 at 12:16 AM, rmontro said:

Nice moment with No-uh and Rhain making Bird their child's godmother.  I do believe she would take the responsibility seriously, but I wonder about what resources she might have to provide for him. 

Being a god parent has absolutely no duties, legally.  Your only duty is to make sure the child goes to religious instruction.  I signed my niece/god daughter up for religious pre-school.  After that I would just put a bonus on each gift.  Her bonuses ended after her baby shower, as did her gifts.

@AZChristian - that was awesome!

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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

Being a god parent has absolutely no duties, legally.  Your only duty is to make sure the child goes to religious instruction.

There is a tradition that a godparent takes care of a child if something happens to their parents.  I've heard of it before and certainly No-uh and Rhain referenced it.  I've heard of the religious obligations also.  It may be that the duties depend on what religion or culture you are a part of, and what your will says of course.

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20 hours ago, rmontro said:

There is a tradition that a godparent takes care of a child if something happens to their parents.  I've heard of it before and certainly No-uh and Rhain referenced it.  I've heard of the religious obligations also.  It may be that the duties depend on what religion or culture you are a part of, and what your will says of course.

A quick Google search should clear up the difference between a god parent and a legal guardian - in all 50 states.

On 8/7/2019 at 4:37 PM, jumper sage said:
  • oops.
    On 8/4/2019 at 11:16 PM, rmontro said:

    Nice moment with No-uh and Rhain making Bird their child's godmother.  I do believe she would take the responsibility seriously, but I wonder about what resources she might have to provide for him.  Anyway, a nice way to help mend fences between Rhain and Bird.

I can picture her mouth-feeding the baby up in her little birdhouse. They better be careful that she doesn't get too attached to it, especially if she loses her little sister to some man.

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Love how when they couldn't get the trailer all the way to the top of the hill, they said 'oh, we need to make a spot for it later', and proclaimed success!  whoo hoo!  We did exactly what we said we would do, see, if you never quit, you can do it!

Then the cameraman's sarcastic framing of the not-sucessful climb to the top of the mountain as he panned out to end the segment, where the trailer was sitting still halfway down the hill, crooked, and off balance.

Edited by Xena
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12 hours ago, Xena said:

Love how when they couldn't get the trailer all the way to the top of the hill, they said 'oh, we need to make a spot for it later', and proclaimed success!  whoo hoo!  We did exactly what we said we would do, see, if you never quit, you can do it!

Then the cameraman's sarcastic framing of the not-sucessful climb to the top of the mountain as he panned out to end the segment, where the trailer was sitting still halfway down the hill, crooked, and off balance.

The next episode we'll probably see it perfectly level like they did it by hand, Maybe their generous neighbors lent them some expensive equipment in exchange for some goat cheese or one of Noah's awesome inventions!                                                                                                                    I was thinking Bear might like it if he goes for an EXTREME ride down the hill some night while he's sleeping.

Edited by Eataton
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S10:  E02:

Apparently Bear's shipping container is still crooked.  Wouldn't leveling the thing be one of the first things you do?  And he's planning on stacking more of those on top of it (he said he wanted to make a castle)?

I was pleased to see Rhain's cat Cole turned up okay.  They showed that in a brief spot in the middle of a bunch of commercials.  I usually fast forward through the commercials, so I was lucky I saw that part.  I figured that cat was a goner.

It was funny how some of Bird's cats had scientific or mythological names:  Cyberspace, SciFi, and Valkyrie.  Wouldn't have guessed that.

Gabe's hayloft apartment actually looks kind of cozy.  You know, for a barn.  

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4 hours ago, RHOSingapore said:

A WOOD STOVE in a hayloft, in a barn?? With all kinds of dry hay floating around???  Maybe setting the scene for the cliffhanger finale when the barn burns down....

Is Gabes girlfriend moving up there with him BEFORE they get married?? Are they even engaged yet? I wouldn't have thought this would have been permitted or have I missed something. 

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I had forgotten about that scene with Gabe doing the dishes in the snow with a twig.  Yeah, that just screamed BS.  There are sinks on the property, yet we're supposed to believe they do the dishes this way?  Wow.

I'm concerned about animal cruelty with Bird.  If she keeps those cats trapped in that Birdhouse all summer, it's probably going to get suffocatingly hot in there.  I don't expect they're going to put an air conditioner in it.

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On 8/15/2019 at 6:09 PM, rmontro said:

I'm concerned about animal cruelty with Bird.  If she keeps those cats trapped in that Birdhouse all summer, it's probably going to get suffocatingly hot in there.  I don't expect they're going to put an air conditioner in it. 

Don’t worry rmontro. At the end of the shoot, the cat wrangler packs the felines up, and brings them back to their real accommodations. Which are undoubtedly 1st class, compared to anything that this band of preschool drop outs could provide for them 😄

Edited by wanton87
word change
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On 8/13/2019 at 9:44 AM, Whyyouneedaname said:

Is Gabes girlfriend moving up there with him BEFORE they get married?? Are they even engaged yet? I wouldn't have thought this would have been permitted or have I missed something. 

Why yes, yes you have.  You just know that Billy picked that child bride and did her before the wedding.

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I really can't watch this crapfest anymore, but I was channel surfing after I got home tonight, did our great inventor really build a toboggan with brake lights and turn signals? Please tell me it wasn't so. Of course after the bug zapper hat (with its long extension cord), I can believe any idiocy from these people.

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Wow, these born wild Bush people really have some radical ideas that the rest of us just can't fathom.  Imagine, getting the family together for a Thansksgiving dinner.  Who else could have imagined such a thing? 

I thought Rhain's resentment of Bird was on her face when No-uh talked about building a sled for his sister.  And here I thought they had patched things up.  Unless those scenes were shown out of order, which is quite possible.  I was laughing at the Honey Do list she had for him though.

Call me stupid, but I would watch Gabe as The Lonely Goatherd on every episode.  Or at least as an internet meme.

And I actually kind of heartwarming that Billy got horses for his daughters.  At least until we hear some story about how they're only being rented by Discovery or that Billy swindled some poor farmer out of them.

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Maybe he's returned to his old horse-thieving habits.

Interesting find. I knew that they were con artists, but I thought that it pretty much stopped there. It appears though, that they are in fact, genuine criminals, or at least were at one time (A bumbling, and less appealing version of Bonnie and Clyde if you will, minus the homicides, I think?) Just think, it wasn’t too long ago that people were still hung for this sort of thing. Next time someone tells you that the good old days weren't so good, you might find yourself reassessing that claim 😜

Edited by wanton87
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11 hours ago, rmontro said:

And let's not forget Rain putting her dirty socks to dry out on the cooking grate when they were barbecuing.

At least Bear had enough sense to know it was gross and warned her that she was about to lose them for good.                                                                                                                     By the way, what happened to Matt? Have they even mentioned him this season?

Edited by Eataton
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Speaking of dirty cooking practices, I watched Raising Wild (which was on after the Bush People) the other night.  The kid was rolling out pizza dough on the hood of an old pickup truck.  He tried using a bucket as a rolling pin, but it left a bunch of black spots on the dough (probably mud.  Hopefully mud) so he abandoned it.  But he was worried that the family might find out that he used his bare hands to cook with.

8 hours ago, Eataton said:

 By the way, what happened to Matt? Have they even mentioned him this season?

They haven't mentioned him at all as far as I know.  He wasn't even on the map where they showed each kid's allotted property.  He took off for rehab again last season.  It doesn't appear much, if any time, has passed since last season on the show, so I imagine at the time of filming he was still in rehab.  I don't know if he plans to return to the show or not.  I can't imagine what better opportunities would be waiting for him.  

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On 8/20/2019 at 5:01 PM, rmontro said:

They haven't mentioned him at all as far as I know.  He wasn't even on the map where they showed each kid's allotted property.  He took off for rehab again last season.  It doesn't appear much, if any time, has passed since last season on the show, so I imagine at the time of filming he was still in rehab.  I don't know if he plans to return to the show or not.  I can't imagine what better opportunities would be waiting for him. 

It seems strange that he is just gone. No one mentions him, appears no one cares. He is also missing from the series opening group photo. I have heard rumors that he may return. And I agree, I cannot imagine what better opportunities would be waiting. Not a lot of options for a 35 year old, uneducated, homeless, substance abusing, lazy slacker without a resume or a trade. 

Edited by realityobserver
add more snark
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Holy crap guys, Noah did it. He invented something that is actually functional and practical. Seriously, that diaper dispenser is freaking genius. He should shop that idea around, if some baby furniture company hasn't already called him. Obviously he didn't invent the technology, but if he really thought of using it for diaper dispensing on his own, I am impressed.

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On 8/23/2019 at 10:28 PM, realityobserver said:

Lol at Bore's skid row container.  Truer words were never spoken.

When they were shooting the clay pigeons, they made it look like everybody got a hit on their second shot.  But you could see on the ground a big pile of cartridges lol.

I still liked Gaybe's moronic yodeling though.

The new episode was mostly about Bird not wanting to kill the chickens, not much to say about that.  I was surprised that Gabe actually shot the chicken instead of chopping or twisting its head off.

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15 hours ago, realityobserver said:

That picture of Bird as Lee Harvey Oswald was both hilarious and disturbing.  

I've also been wondering about No-uh's inventing lately.  Now that he's married and going to be a father, it isn't quite as cute as it used to be (not that it ever was).  Do you notice you don't hear him proclaiming what a genius he is as much anymore?  Or how he's a modern day Leonardo Da Vinci?  I have a feeling his wife put a stop to that crap.  Well, now he can say she has made him a better man.

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45 minutes ago, rmontro said:

That picture of Bird as Lee Harvey Oswald was both hilarious and disturbing.  


Yeah, this one...

After I bent the recap around the JFK assassination, I thought of the 'alleged doctored photos' of Oswald in his backyard, and immediately thought of this.

One of the few times I literally laughed out loud. I usually only write the text, but I submitted this also.

I thought about making little notes on the photo with arrows pointing out all the fake stuff (shoes on backward, fence not built to city code), or with Jack Ruby in a lawn chair and other stupid stuff.

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1 hour ago, realityobserver said:

I thought about making little notes on the photo with arrows pointing out all the fake stuff (shoes on backward, fence not built to city code), or with Jack Ruby in a lawn chair and other stupid stuff.

Like a crooked shipping container, Bear perched in a tree, Gabe yodeling, Billy and Ami stealing horses...

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13 hours ago, rmontro said:

That picture of Bird as Lee Harvey Oswald was both hilarious and disturbing.  

I've also been wondering about No-uh's inventing lately.  Now that he's married and going to be a father, it isn't quite as cute as it used to be (not that it ever was).  Do you notice you don't hear him proclaiming what a genius he is as much anymore?  Or how he's a modern day Leonardo Da Vinci?  I have a feeling his wife put a stop to that crap.  Well, now he can say she has made him a better man.

He made the sled two episodes ago and made that awesome diaper table last ep. I'm telling you, that thing is the bee's knees. 

35 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Sorry, ladies, Bear is officially off the market.

According to the article, the "sparkler" was handed down through her side of the family.  Translation:  Her father gave it to her after a former fiancee broke up with him.

"Raiven" sounds like some kind of witch name. This chick may be interesting. Does she run around and climb trees too? Also, I see that Gabe & Raquell are married and expecting. With only two episodes left, I doubt that we'll see any of this.

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