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Speculation with Spoilers: We're all Seers Now


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21 hours ago, Babalooie said:

I rewatched.  It still looks like two large chairs like thrones, but it could be a headboard, I guess.  Time will tell.  :)

You are right...but they look cozy....I am going thru withdrawl.  Maybe Lagertha redecorated her sex dungeon?  I woudl rather see Ubbe there than that 50 shades guy....of course Vikings could go CSI: Miami and hire bad actors to make the lead (cough David Caruso) look better ....

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I'm not sure what you guys are looking at - but, I don't like the idea of Lagertha and Ubbe.  Even though, to be fair, I think Ubbe is very attractive and, of the sons, the most likely to succeed.  He's in the corner, not saying much, but what he does say is smart.  He may not go anywhere (that's for history, not me, to say.)  But I like his character of all the sons -- including Ivar and Bjorn.  Ivar is awesome but I can't say I "like" him.  And there is something just off about Bjorn.  He's too desperate to be like his father and, yet, different.  He hasn't hit his stride yet and he so desperately wants to.  (All just my opinion and how I'm reacting to the characters, of course.)

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3 hours ago, Captanne said:

I'm not sure what you guys are looking at

Captanne, if you go to the previous page and watch the Season 5 preview that I posted, you will see a scene with Lagertha and Ubbe looking at each other with drinks in hand.  It's open to interpretation.  What do you think?  Let us know.  BTW, thanks for these discussions.  It helps with the Season 4 withdrawal.

Edited by Babalooie
13 hours ago, Captanne said:

Sure!  I like Ubbe.

ETA:  Hm.  Not loading here on the work computer.  I get home late tonight but will take a look there.  I'll post when I see it (I'm old, I might forget, but I don't intend to.)

The link doesn't load on my home computer so it isn't just you.

Good point about Bjorn in your post above.  Wanting to be both like Ragnar but to separate from Ragnar's shadow and be his own man.  That was part of the reason he went on his version of a walkabout going all ice and snow and killing the poor bear back a few years (a decade+ now?) ago story time-wise.  Well maybe the whole reason really.

Edited by green
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Casting videos for Season 5B.



Ubbe marries Torvi. She becomes his wife in Season 5.

Alfred The Great is now King. Alfred has granted them a large area of land in his Kingdom.

Ubbe made an alliance with Alfred and leads the Saxon Army on his behalf against the Vikings.


Katheryn Winnick also posted some interesting Instagram videos.

Lagertha, Bjorn, Ubbe, and Torvi are in Wessex with Alfred, Athelred, and Judith.

Æthelwulf is missing so I think he dies in the first half of Season 5.

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If the link isn't loading, go to spoilertv.com and find Vikings under heading Cable A-N History.  Here it is.    http://www.spoilertv.com/search/label/Vikings

19 hours ago, spinxella said:

Casting videos for Season 5B.

Thank you so much for helping us go through withdrawal.  Interesting about Torvi.  I wonder what happens to Margrethe?

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On 2/9/2017 at 0:55 AM, spinxella said:

Casting videos for Season 5B.



Ubbe marries Torvi. She becomes his wife in Season 5.

Alfred The Great is now King. Alfred has granted them a large area of land in his Kingdom.

Ubbe made an alliance with Alfred and leads the Saxon Army on his behalf against the Vikings.


Katheryn Winnick also posted some interesting Instagram videos.

Lagertha, Bjorn, Ubbe, and Torvi are in Wessex with Alfred, Athelred, and Judith.

Æthelwulf is missing so I think he dies in the first half of Season 5.

Hi, spinxella, I can't find those instagram videos - could you post a link, please?

I am sad if Aethelwulf dies so soon.

We also had some spoiler here earlier in this thread that stated that in Season 5 Sigurd goes back to Kattegat and fights Harbard, who has come in and taken over same, and kills him and wins but decides to leave Kattegat anyhow and found his own kingdom. 

Yeah you know how that spoiler worked out.  Unless someone finds a way to resurrect Sigurd between seasons I somehow don't see that happening.  I'd take all of this with a grain of salt.

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On ‎2‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 0:52 PM, green said:

Yeah you know how that spoiler worked out. 

Here's an analysis of the Season 5 trailer with no mention of Sigurd's resurrection.    It does speculate the premier month.  Other pertinent articles are included, too.  Enjoy.





Edited by Babalooie
Added additional articles
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I would love for the next season to already start this spring but I doubt that will happen.  Like it says in Babalooie's links there has always been at least a nine month break between seasons.  However, I have some hope maybe it will start earlier than November.  The History Channel has a new series coming this Fall about the Knights Templar and since the new character Heahmund is supposed to be a precursor to them they may be pairing Vikings and the new series together for synergy.

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Leaked page scripts from Season 5B.

Floki is living in Iceland. Aud might be his love interest. Lots of new characters.

Ivar and Hvitserk are back in Kattegat with new love interests Thora and Freydis.

Ubbe is leading the Saxon Army for King Alfred The Great. Torvi is with him.

Aethelwulf is dead and buried next to Ecbert. 

Judith lives on. :)

We'll see King Alfred's wife Elsewith and his daughter Ethelfled.

Bjorn is in York and hooking up with Gunnhild.


Based on Instagram/Snapchat photos, Lagertha is living in England now. Probably exiled by King Harald.

Alfred's brother Aethelred is still active and seems to be taping a lot with Alfred and Ubbe.

Edited by spinxella
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On 7/6/2017 at 4:47 AM, PIckyviewer said:

Is it ever hinted at how the king's son got ahold of a piece of jewelry like this?
Will there be some future battle in the middleeast in the series? 


I believe that Ecbert gave the ring to Aethelwulf when he passed on the kingship to him.

They aren't going to the mideast in that the mideast usually refers to the far eastern end of the Mediterranean as well as inland as far as Iraq and the Arabian peninsula.  Their first encounter with Islamic culture was in Spain with the Moors who came from and maintain their lands in northern Africa near by as well.  That is where Bjorn will have to sail through on his way to Italy which also isn't in the mideast.

I saw an overseas season 5 Vikings trailer that had at least one moment that I didn't see in the US trailers - you can see a clear shot of Lagertha and Heahmund kissing passionately.   Will be interesting to see how this comes about....

About Rollos's return - might he be returning to help one side of the upcoming Vikings civil war?  And which side could it be?  He always had a soft spot for Lagertha and last we saw him he and Bjorn were on somewhat civil terms.  Hmm.

Historically Rollo's Normans didn't just play a famous part in British history they were also power players much further South, like Italy, etc.

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27 minutes ago, magdalene said:

I saw an overseas season 5 Vikings trailer that had at least one moment that I didn't see in the US trailers - you can see a clear shot of Lagertha and Heahmund kissing passionately.   Will be interesting to see how this comes about....

About Rollos's return - might he be returning to help one side of the upcoming Vikings civil war?  And which side could it be?  He always had a soft spot for Lagertha and last we saw him he and Bjorn were on somewhat civil terms.  Hmm.

Historically Rollo's Normans didn't just play a famous part in British history they were also power players much further South, like Italy, etc.

That would make things Veerrry interesting!

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I invite posters to read Wikipedia's write-up of the battle of Edington. Many names used in Vikings appear in the write-up.  There were several earlier battles in Wessex  (Ashdown) and others over about a 7-9 year period. You'll see Alfred, Aethelred  (preceded Alfred as King), Ivar, Ubbe, Halfdan  Ragnarsson, and "Aethalstan".  From other sites one finds that Ivar is ordering this war that is led by others (brothers and so on). One of Ivar's brother is killed and one is baptized as a Christian. There is more to find if you research the subject deeper.

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Interview with Michael Hirst about where we go next after the latest battle in the midseason finale.  Hirst has alluded in multiple other interviews to Rollo returning for unfinished business and elaborates here a bit:



IGN: What can we expect from Rollo now that he's come back? Is there unfinished business for him?

Hirst: Yes, that's literally it because Rollo's coming back to deal with things that were never dealt with in the past. All the way back to Season 1. There are issues about Rollo and Ragnar as brothers and their relationship and there were all sorts of stories that were hinted at back in the first year. For example, the notion of whose son Bjorn actually is. So Rollo is coming back to confront and deal with those personal, but huge, issues in his life. I was thrilled that Clive [Standen] could come back, to deal with these stories, and continue to be a living presence on the show. He was doing another show [NBC's Taken] but he loved Vikings so much that he wanted to come back. He wanted to make it work. It was quite a big moment.


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Thanks for the link.  But if Hirst is going to retro write Bjorn being Rollo's son that will make me seethe.  The only thing from Season 1 was that Rollo was hot for Lagertha and she refused him firmly.  There was no "strong" indication they had an affair in the past, more that Rollo wanted her too back in the day but lost out to Ragnar back then.  To now add in some Lagertha was pregnant with Bjorn when she married Ragnar is just too much stupid soap opera stuff.  Also Rollo telling Hvitserk to ask Ivar not to kill Bjorn is hardly the concern of a father to a son because, you know, Ivar can be trusted less than a coiled rattlesnake.  So stop with the over the top surprises.

Poor Guthrum since Hirst didn't really know for sure who was going to get killed off in that battle until he wrote it so there went Guthrum's trip to the Med down the tube because he seems esactly like a last minute throw in.  Kind of like how Hirst admitted thinking up killing Sigurd at the last second.  Not surprising though. 

People that think these shows have their storylines set in stone seasons in advance just don't know how a collaborative media like TV works or how someone who is a show runner operates.  Not that I know either, heh.  But I do know a lot is by the seat of their pants and sudden ideas popping into the guy's head and a lot else is based on actors with contracts expiring and other offers and also network demands etc etc.

I may be mixing up this link with the article linked accidentally in the wrong thread (A Simple Story) by Babalooie but in one of them Hirst likens Ivar to Trump in some important ways and makes for interesting reading.

Babalooie, can you put your link in this thread as well?

Anyway both articles seem to indicate that Lageretha will be around for awhile yet.

Edited by green
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Yeah, I'm really not happy with possibly retconning Bjorn in a who's the daddy story this late in the game either.  Especially when you consider that so much of the first season was about Ragnar's obsession with his legacy (meaning children) and how that obsession is what ultimately doomed his marriage with Lagertha.  They were otherwise presented as being faithful to each other, with Lagertha clearly not interested in any feelers Rollo was putting down.  So to come back and try to say now that that's not what we saw?  No, just no.  It's disrespectful to all the characters involved and Rollo will go on to have plenty of famous descendants of his own.  We've already briefly met his young son who will grow up to be William Longsword, through whose line will tie him to so many of the royal houses of Europe.  Depending on how it ridiculous it gets, I may seethe right along with you.

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16 hours ago, green said:

But if Hirst is going to retro write Bjorn being Rollo's son that will make me seethe.  The only thing from Season 1 was that Rollo was hot for Lagertha and she refused him firmly.  There was no "strong" indication they had an affair in the past, more that Rollo wanted her too back in the day but lost out to Ragnar back then.  To now add in some Lagertha was pregnant with Bjorn when she married Ragnar is just too much stupid soap opera stuff. 

I will seethe as well.  All I can think of is Nip/Tuck when - surprise, surprise - Matt was really Christian's son instead of Sean's

Thanks for the link.  So Rollo luvs him Hvitserk because they are both the forgotten brother of their generations?  Oh please.

Rollo was always my least favorite of the original five main characters: Ragnar, Lagertha, Rollo, Floki and Athelstan.  Why?  Well there was the rape in episode two of course but also he was the biggest cry baby and whiner of anyone on the show. 

Boo hoo, Ragnar gets all this fame.  Ugh maybe that is because he earned it while you just want to lay around Kattegat all day getting drunk and screwing the ladies.  Why didn't you come up with the idea of sailing west first.  Oh, because of the above.

Then Rollo betrays Ragnar several times plotting with Siggy to overthrow him and then between all that plotting he actually did betray him by joining Jarl Borg.  He can't fight Ragnar personally in that battle because in the end Ragnar would have whipped his ass though he gives some brotherly propaganda speech instead because Rollo never can stand up for himself.  Ragnar forgives him but instead of being grateful he hates him more.

And of course later he breaks his word to guard the Seinne so they can pillage in Paris next year then betrays his entire people by being bribed by the Franks.  Who can forget when he lead the Franks into his own camp and had every other Viking still on Frankish soil slaughtered.  Men, women and children,  No wonder there is no current "Norse" in Normandy in this version of history.  He betrayed his own group that were loyal to him and had them all killed.  I hate TV Rollo with a passion.

Edited by green
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My fear is Hirst will mess with the historical record of Rollo in some bizarre fashion.  I don't mind his taking liberty with obscure historical figures but when he "improves" upon the likes of Alfred and Rollo I start to grind my teeth.

You don't have to make Rollo more exciting, the reality is exciting enough. And unlike Ragnar who was more of a legend than a real person Rollo  was real in a very tangible way.  You can visit the cathedral where he is buried and there are statues of him in Northern France.  His line is a big deal in Europe to this day.

I don't want him to be revealed as a bed wetter or whatever bizarre thing Hirst has in mind.

And personally I have always enjoyed Clive Standen's Rollo and think he has added a lot to the show over the seasons.  I don't want Rollo's exit story retconned in some asinine way.

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On 1/29/2018 at 3:49 PM, green said:

Thanks for the link.  So Rollo luvs him Hvitserk because they are both the forgotten brother of their generations?  Oh please.

Rollo was always my least favorite of the original five main characters: Ragnar, Lagertha, Rollo, Floki and Athelstan.  Why?  Well there was the rape in episode two of course but also he was the biggest cry baby and whiner of anyone on the show. 

Boo hoo, Ragnar gets all this fame.  Ugh maybe that is because he earned it while you just want to lay around Kattegat all day getting drunk and screwing the ladies.  Why didn't you come up with the idea of sailing west first.  Oh, because of the above.

Then Rollo betrays Ragnar several times plotting with Siggy to overthrow him and then between all that plotting he actually did betray him by joining Jarl Borg.  He can't fight Ragnar personally in that battle because in the end Ragnar would have whipped his ass though he gives some brotherly propaganda speech instead because Rollo never can stand up for himself.  Ragnar forgives him but instead of being grateful he hates him more.

And of course later he breaks his word to guard the Seinne so they can pillage in Paris next year then betrays his entire people by being bribed by the Franks.  Who can forget when he lead the Franks into his own camp and had every other Viking still on Frankish soil slaughtered.  Men, women and children,  No wonder there is no current "Norse" in Normandy in this version of history.  He betrayed his own group that were loyal to him and had them all killed.  I hate TV Rollo with a passion.

I suspected that might be why Rollo would have spoken with Hvitserk.  So I don't think "oh please" at all, I think it makes sense, within the story.  I remember in an unrelated interview Hvitserk's actor mentioning Hvitserk was something of a berserker(eh no one berserks like Rollo did but he didn't have Uncle Rollo around to teach him) so that came to my mind as a bond they'd probably have shared in some small way which may have made Rollo feel sympathetic towards him.

Also I feel you are simplifying the story. (And you know, if Rollo whined then it must run in the family because gods know Ragnar whined enough about how oh so hard it was being king and how he never did anything for himself or his happiness, boo hoo poor selfless little him LOL ).  At least Rollo had some reasons to complain.   If all things were equal then maybe you would have a point but they weren't equal.  It's been related that Rollo's parents always favored Ragnar, so Ragnar always had a leg up, so to speak and other people would have seen that parents doing it and pretty much followed their lead.  Why do you think in episode 1 or 2 they  had Rollo extract a promise from Ragnar that they'd be all treated as equals..  That certainly suggests Ragnar had a habit of not going so.  Only then Ragnar proceeded to NOT tell Rollo things about his plans even when Rollo asked to be included.  How can Rollo contribute, if he's being kept in the dark?  IMO, Ragnar did that on purpose - he was holding Rollo back.  And given what we've seen Rollo is capable of accomplishing, clearly Rollo always had the ability to do great things, he just didn't have the opportunity and Ragnar always made damn sure he wouldn't get them.  He would have been an idiot not to take that opportunity when the GODS, per the Seer, were giving him an opportunity for.  Rollo earned it, he listened, he learned, he waited patiently and when it came, he knew what it was and he took it.

Rollo's between a rock and a hard place - he's expected to be loyal to his brother but his brother won't share, won't treat him as an equal and anything he could possibly do to become an equal would almost certainly be seen as a betrayal by Ragnar.  Ragnar is a spotlight hog, he doesn't share well.   I mean Ragnar was even a little jealous of Bjorn once Bjorn started doing stuff.  He wouldn't even support Lagertha with her Earldom after she helped save his hide in Season 2.  Also in that meeting way back with King Aelle in Season 1 - things would not have gone as well if Rollo hadn't volunteered to get baptised as part of that treaty, no one else was stepping up to do so Rollo did.   The reason Ragnar was even around to become an EARL in the first place is because Rollo refused to betray him to Earl Haraldsen, for which he was severely tortured.  Then Ragnar becomes Earl and Rollo got nothing.   

It was only at that point that Rollo joined with Jarl Borg - because he felt he was going to get nowhere in Kattegat with Ragnar.  Ragnar was always going to hold him back, keep him at arms length.  And then he and Jarl Borg were WINNING and they only lost because Rollo could not kill his brother - and surrendered putting himself at Ragnar's mercy and pretty much expecting to be killed for it.  Ragnar did not defeat Rollo, Rollo didn't not throw himself on Ragnar's mercy because he was beaten.  Rollo was in a position to win and threw his win away because he knew he couldn't bring himself to kill his brother.  Ragnar didn't kill him, in a way he did worse for all that it seemed to be mercy - he saved him so that way he could suffer, knowing he'd be an outcast and knowing he wasn't ever going to allow him to get ahead and would always hold that betrayal over him. 

But after a few years as town drunk he finally pulled himself together, he managed to work his way into becoming an accepted member of society again.  He protected Ragnar's family when Ragnar was not around to do so and saved them from Jarl Borg although he really had no particular closeness with Aslaug and her kids unlike with Lagertha and Bjorn.   Rollo supported Ragnar in every way in the English campaign, in Season 3 when Floki was getting all pissed off about working with the Christians, Rollo was talking quite sensibly about how they should have allies and even the gods made allies with others.  Then because Ragnar was pissed off at Floki for killing Athelstan and just generally feeling like everyone was taking him for granted - he decided to let Floki lead the first attack on the Paris walls, fully expecting it to fail in order to teach Floki a lesson.  Now mind you this meant the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of his people but hey what's that if you can teach someone a lesson?  Of course when it looked like Bjorn would take to the wall, suddenly he realised oops hey my son might become one of those dead "lessons" I better get my ass off the boat and do something(besides which if they did manage to take the walls it would look bad in the stories if it said King Ragnar was sitting on his boat watching right?)  

That this is where Ragnar is seriously injured I feel is not a coincidence.  This is the beginning of Ragnar's end, even if he has one more seeming moment of triumph by taking Paris.   Ragnar has become blinded by power and his ego has gotten the better of him.  If he wants land for his people, why has he abandoned those that were massacred? Why did he murder a man whose only crime was telling him about the massacre? All so he could come to Paris where he was not looking for land, he was just looking for loot and so he could say he'd seen Paris because Athelstan had made him interested in it.

And then in Paris?  LOL Ragnar TRICKS Rollo(and the others) into thinking he's dead, listens to all of them say their goodbyes, make their confessions to what was supposed to be his corpse and then lo and behold he's really alive.  This gets him into Paris, he gets to sack it, he gets his loot(whatever happened to farming?)  But it's at this point that Ragnar lost Rollo for good because, having not included Rollo in the plan, Rollo finally gives up the idea that Ragnar is ever going to treat him like he matters as anything more than a mindless attack dog and that he will be able to gain any standing of his own being loyal to him.  So when the Emperor comes offering a Dukedom and a princess?  Rollo has zero reason to be loyal to Ragnar plus they are a small group in enemy territory, the Franks really can kill them if they want to. If they can come offer him a dukedom, they can also kill them all if he refuses it.   

Now the others who stayed behind, they aren't smart enough to realize this - they don't realize the only thing keeping them alive is Rollo accepting that Dukedom and marrying the princess.  The only reason they can walk around Paris freely and come have a talk with Rollo and ask for a meeting is because they are under Rollo's protection by virtue of HIS treaty with the Franks.  Ragnar has no power here, Rollo does.  They are loyal to Ragnar who a) allowed hundreds of them to get killed unnecessarily to get back at Floki(not to mention the guy he murdered so no one would find out about the Wessex massacre so he could go to Paris instead of avenge their people)  b) left a little tiny force behind in the middle of enemy territory, a people he only defeated because he faked his death. I'm not even sure what the thought process behind that way - they barely eeked out a victory what in gods name is to keep the Franks from killing a few dozen people a couple miles outside Paris when the rest of them leave?  Nothing, nothing except the treaty they make.    The ones with Rollo were not loyal to Rollo at all, they were loyal to Ragnar and not very bright on top of that, I mean they didn't even have the forethought to pretend to be loyal to Rollo so that way they could switch sides when Ragnar came back.

Once it becomes clear to Rollo they are betraying him and he'd be walking into a trap, he simply removes his protection and the Franks do what the Franks would have done months earlier and killed everyone.  The only reason they lasted that long is because Rollo made the treaty.   Is it really any worse than Ragnar letting hundreds of his people die to get back at Floki? At least Rollo faces them, so they know why.  All those people who died on the wall don't know Ragnar never really expected to win that battle.  And for all that guy screaming about how Ragnar would avenge them(because of course he didn't know about how Ragnar decided the Wessex settlement of peaceful farmers wasn't worth avenging at least not until he had nothing more interesting to do), Ragnar didn't give a damn, he was just pissed off Rollo finally got the better of him.

Rollo did all this with little support - his own people were going to betray him, even though he was the only reason they lasted as long as they did, he was in a completely foreign land and culture on his own, the Franks had no respect for him though they wanted him to protect them from other Vikings, his wife wouldn't let him touch her.  Rollo earned all that on his own.  He may have been "handed" a treaty(though it was his fighting prowess on the walls and his cleverness in stopping that big rolling spikey thing on the bridge singlehandedly which got their attention and made them think he was someone they would want on their side so it was his own deeds that made them take notice) but he had to earn it to keep it.  And he did - he adapted to an entirely new culture, became fluent in a new language, learned to read and write, built a new system of defense in order to fulfil the terms of the treaty, he earned the love of his wife(for a while anyway LOL), he and the Emperor seemed to have a real understanding.   Rollo proved himself trustworthy in a way Ragnar literally never did.  

You can look at it as betrayal, but all Rollo was doing was defending Paris from invaders, from people who do NOT belong there, who were coming to loot, kill and destroy from it's rightful people.  Rollo isn't taking anything from Ragnar that is Ragnar's, Ragnar took a pay off, for which he was supposed to leave and not bother them again, a deal which he BROKE when he faked his way into Paris in order to sack it and now he was planning on coming back to get more which did not belong to him.   The Vikings are terrorizing and killing people to steal from them.  Rollo's like the outlaw who becomes a law man.   The fact is if Ragnar did not come again looking to steal and terrorize and take what was not his in Paris, he and Rollo would not have been at odds.  There would have been no fight between them.  Rollo was a defender, Ragnar was an invader.  

This is literally the best way Rollo could do this.  Paris was never really Ragnar's.  Ragnar won a battle through a trick that was never going to work again, after losing two previous battles(or at least fighting to a draw).  He could never hold it, I mean he couldn't even hold a settlement in Wessex, he's going to hold Paris?  But he could kill, terrorize and steal from them.  Rollo could stop him from doing this ever again.  This completely removed Rollo from Ragnar's sphere of influence, it's not near the lands Ragnar was actually KING of.  Rollo doesn't have to take anything from Ragnar that is actually Ragnar's in order to gain this power.  All Ragnar or any Viking with him had to do was not invade the area of Western Frankia Rollo was sworn to defend.   That gave them the whole rest of Europe and anywhere else they want to go.   I think Rollo would have liked to have had some of his own people along with him, but they weren't smart enough to join him.  

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