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5 hours ago, betsyboo said:
  • Jazz is in love with Adam, whether she knows it or not, and Adam knows but doesn't want to/can't do anything about it. 

Interesting observation.  I actually think the feelings are mutual but both are probably in denial because they know it would complicate things and might ruin team dynamics .. plus she's in his chain of command so there's all that mess as well.  Presumably if they hooked up, she'd have to get transferred out of the team, even though for some reason Preach seems to ship them ... Are the chain of command rules less stringent in Omega Teams?  Although in reality, I've seen the rules applied with varying degrees of strictness, to be honest...

While Dalton seems to often seek Preach's views on things, I notice that he usually picks Jaz to be his partner and to have his back in the field.  That may well be because he has Preach 'lead' the B team because he's the deputy, but Dalton and Jaz seem to work together on missions and seem to complement one another fairly seamlessly.  Then again, I'm a serial shipper so I might be seeing things where things don't exist.  

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Dean Georgaris the producer tweeted that the show returns on 8 Jan now instead of 1 Jan - however they seem quite happy because it means that they have more time to promote the episode and increase viewing/ratings.  So while I'm disappointed about waiting, I'm all in favour of more exposure for this show because while it has its flaws, I really enjoy it.

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Ok I don't want to criticize or nit pick but if they were hiding under the floor boards of that truck. How could you not have noticed that the bed was higher? (I didn't see anything myself but surely border inspectors would notice stuff like that)

Also is it really that easy to cross a border? Just start shooting and ram a truck across? Why not do it right away?

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2 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

The torture and rescue of Jaz seemed kind of...tame. Which, for me, was both good and bad. Good in that it wasn't anything hard to watch, but based on interviews with the actress after the last episode, I was expecting more brutal, dark, and desperate circumstances.

I kept expecting "there are four lights". In any case I am surprised they didn't go all the way and at least put the guards if not the interrogator in white masks.

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3 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

The torture and rescue of Jaz seemed kind of...tame. Which, for me, was both good and bad. Good in that it wasn't anything hard to watch, but based on interviews with the actress after the last episode, I was expecting more brutal, dark, and desperate circumstances.

I was so glad. I hate torture scenes and often have to FF them on Scandal. I was glad this was more left to the imagination - we saw the tools, we saw the blood on the floor, but we didn't see what exactly happened.  

I held my breath during that final border scene even though you knew our heroes weren't going to die and Hossein was (as soon as he talked about being ready to leave).

10 hours ago, jhlipton said:

All border crossing can be rammed with a decent sized truck.  Why would they be reinforced???  [Things I Learned In The Movies and On TV]

I like to refer to it as: [Things I Learned While Earning My Law & Order Degree]

2 hours ago, deaja said:

I was so glad. I hate torture scenes and often have to FF them on Scandal. I was glad this was more left to the imagination - we saw the tools, we saw the blood on the floor, but we didn't see what exactly happened.  

I held my breath during that final border scene even though you knew our heroes weren't going to die and Hossein was (as soon as he talked about being ready to leave).

Me, too! I thought it was great. I thought the whole ep was great.

I def stand by my earlier observation (I'm too lazy to go look, but I think in the Ep 9 thread) that Jaz is in love with Adam whether she cares to admit it or not, and Adam knows, but can't decide if that is a good or bad thing. I think he would have gone above and beyond for any of his team, so i'm not quite there yet that he did it because he lurrves her.

I loved all of the Anne Heche/analysts I can't remember: "We're monitoring a life or death mission, so you're gonna have to wait."/"Do you really think we'd leave???" stuff.

I rewound Jaz breaking the guy's neck three times. To have the presence of mind to always be on the lookout for a chance to escape... well, this is why I am not a service member and would be the very first casualty at Camp Crystal Lake.

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6 minutes ago, betsyboo said:

I like to refer to it as: [Things I Learned While Earning My Law & Order Degree]


I use Law & Order for rules of evidence. For combat tactics maybe Starsky from Starsky and Hutch was the first but there have been so many. Even basic things like how weapons are held have changed since I was a soldier 30 years ago. Maybe Riggs of Lethal Weapon is the most up to date with McGarrett of Hawaii 5-0  being the missing link sometimes going old school and sometimes going new school.

Edited by Raja
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2 hours ago, Raja said:

I use Law & Order for rules of evidence. For combat tactics maybe Starsky from Starsky and Hutch was the first but there have been so many. Even basic things like how weapons are held have changed since I was a soldier 30 years ago. Maybe Riggs of Lethal Weapon is the most up to date with McGarrett of Hawaii 5-0  being the missing link sometimes going old school and sometimes going new school.

I also have a Grey's Anatomy degree and a Jack Bauer degree for time-sensitive, national security situations. AM SMARTEST.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

The torture and rescue of Jaz seemed kind of...tame. Which, for me, was both good and bad. Good in that it wasn't anything hard to watch, but based on interviews with the actress after the last episode, I was expecting more brutal, dark, and desperate circumstances.

The torture was brutal and dark (and the interrogator seemed like he really should have known better); it was just not shown (which is a Good Thing).

A man that smart and seemingly up-to-date would know that torture does not produce reliable results.  He did use some of the more modern techniques but I was disappointed when he reverted to "common" (as he called them) techniques.

There was one thing that was (thankfully) understated: when Jaz woke after being hit, the interrogator implied that he had undressed and redressed her when he commented on her old wounds.

7 hours ago, deaja said:

I held my breath during that final border scene even though you knew our heroes weren't going to die and Hossein was (as soon as he talked about being ready to leave).

Designated Survivor recently subverted that trope.  They introduced a character that had all the earmarks of Baby Go Splat -- just about to retire, thinking about reconnecting with his estranged daughter, etc.  But he actually survived the episode!

If I were a high level US Official, I would be greatly concerned that the team handed this drone tech over to the Chinese.

The Russians already know about it since it is theirs.  So, who cares if they get to keep it once the US got the sample they wanted.  But why let the Chinese now develop a similar drone and defense to it?

IMO, the Chinese have done a better job high teching their military than the Russians lately and the Chinese are (in)famous for stealing technology from other countries.  The last thing you want is to give them an assistance.

Edited by Rus-L
On 11/16/2017 at 8:05 AM, Netfoot said:

Yes, I'm sure they do it to save money.  But they don't seem to mind spending goodness knows how much to get all the other weapons and  accoutrement correct, or at least believable, but buy a rubbishy knife that looks like it's made from tinfoil and not save more than a dollar or two, if that.  

(And I'm not an expert by any means.  I have a small collection of mostly inexpensive knives.  Thus, I know that the same $25 that buys a piece of junk that won't peel a banana, can buy a very serviceable blade instead.)

I suspect it's for the reason you stated earlier -- safety.

As for the Spetsnaz, for the elite of the elite in Russia, they seemed a bit incompetent.  Yeah, I get the hero/villain dynamic TV loves to display (and I'm not complaining about them not seeing the Americans in the grass, that's actually believable), but for a elite team to not be able to track and then actually hit their target at least once, has me scratching my head.  And why wouldn't they have their people in the back of  that truck to protect the drone?  Armored bank trucks figured that out a long time ago.  And the truck with the drone would not be the last truck in the convey, enabling anyone to just jump on the back and go in.

Don't get me wrong, I like this show, and I understand it's not going to be all realistic (maybe not at all to those with special forces experience), but at least pretend or fool me so I don't think about this stuff.  :-)

On 11/14/2017 at 11:43 AM, Irishmaple said:

I felt bad for the Mongolian nomads. The raid by the Russian special forces did some damage, and then they were held at gunpoint by Americans. Why wouldn’t the Russians just kill everyone though? It seemed shortsighted to leave survivors with knowledge of the drone and the raid. Even in the middle of nowhere people talk.

Why would the Mongolians speak Kazakh?  I honestly don't know, which is why I'm asking.

On 11/15/2017 at 0:07 AM, blackwing said:

I found it particularly unbelievable that the Russians would walk literally almost on top of the team in the tall grass and not even see them.

I once saw a documentary on the history of special forces in the U.S. military. Essentially, the formal special forces we have now in America came out of WWII.

The documentary mentioned how special forces were monitoring Japanese troops on one of the islands they conquered.  At one point, a Japanese soldier needed to relive himself, so he broke away from this unit marching down a road.  He went to the side of the road to do his business into a bush.  Unbeknownst to him, behind the bush was an American special forces soldier hiding out.  The Japanese soldier ended up peeing right on the American without ever knowing it.  The American remained completely still and hidden despite this indignation.

It's amazing what special forces guys are trained to do...

I liked it. In a lot of ways it was a standard hostage situation, but that meant there wasn't a lot of time spent on family melodrama (looking at you, SEAL Team). The operation was well-executed, and there was a person who spoke the local language actually there, unlike last time an episode was set in Latin America.

The psychological issues for Jaz were nicely understated and didn't take up too much time. I just hope we don't end up with her freezing at a bad time during a future mission. I'm here to watch people being good at what they do and pulling off clever tactics.

They said that Jaz's deployment is for another four months, so what is supposed to happen by that point? Presumably they don't plan to just send her home and have her actress sit around twiddling her thumbs.

(Of course, we don't even know if the show is getting a second season, so it could be a moot question)

I really appreciate that they don't beat us over the head with "issues" but seem to be showing them in a more organic way. They aren't going for total melodrama, which is a refreshing change. It was why I couldn't stand SEAL Team.

I really hope they pick this show up. I'm thinking the time slot didn't do it any favours, and maybe with a shift to another day it could find a larger audience. But NBC has such a poor track record with me that I doubt they'll make the right decision here.

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On Tue Jan 16 2018 at 10:10 AM, Xantar said:


They said that Jaz's deployment is for another four months, so what is supposed to happen by that point? Presumably they don't plan to just send her home and have her actress sit around twiddling her thumbs.

(Of course, we don't even know if the show is getting a second season, so it could be a moot question)

Presumably the entire team goes home Preach gets to see his kids and the rest do whatever it is that they do while the replacement team forward deploys to Turkey 

I loved Adam's revealing himself at the end there, and I know I'm a hopeless romantic here, but I was hoping for something...

He did seem nervous, at first I thought he would confess some feelings for Jaz, but I guess admit the dark side of himself is hard, damn fine acting there!

Jaz admitting to Zander about her father, somehow I think we'll be hearing more about her childhood, remember the burns/scars in the previous episode? It seems important.

And yes, I know, but I still want a Adam and Jaz happy ending, sigh

I'm not sure I got the "I'm Joseph" anyone wanna help me out here? Did I miss something?

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My wife brought up a very interesting point at the end of the episode.

This team can’t do undercover work anymore.  The Iranians (and the French for that matter) now have photos of them and presumably will be passing them around.

On 1/8/2018 at 11:02 PM, saoirse said:

Well, I knew that Hossein was dead the minute he talked about leaving Iran and that they killed his daughter...

It was becoming obvious he was wearing the red shirt early in the previous episode.

  • Love 2

Was that Anne Heche's husband??

Overall, I was more interested in the missing US hacker girl than the backstory stuff with Patricia. I find her a more interesting character in the present, and I didn't really care for the flashbacks. It was dull. I hope the second part gets more interesting. I wish we'd been able to spend more time with Verina.

I did like the Amir had no issues admitting when he's in over his head and he has a gut feeling things are off, as do we all lol.

Once again, the ridiculous teenage uber-#4x0r of mythical fame.  Accidentally hacked a nuclear sub... how?  Was it running Windows?  Did she guess it's FaceBook password?

Did the boss look totally stupid with those long tresses?  Or what?

Good baddie.  Because we all know there are people out there who can look at you and derive a detailed psychological analysis in 12 seconds, without hearing the sound of your voice.  Right?

I really like this show.  It’s far superior to Seal Team but this wasn’t my favorite episode.  I wasn’t drawn in to Patricia’s back story and I didn’t care that Anne Heche’s husband was playing the bad guy.  I agree that everyone got too rattled by him. Don’t these folks go through hours and hours and hours of psychological training to not get rattled in situations like this.  Writing like this annoys me.  I know it’s supposed to make the villain look Uber smart but it just makes the heroes look Uber stupid.  Did the writers start taking tips from “The Following?”  If you never watched that show-don’t!  Could have been soooo good but ended up being a total clusterfuck because of the bad writing.

I was bored with Patricia's back story. I like it better when the team is getting into and out of impossible situations. My fear is the show won't be renewed and the last two eps will be focused on Patricia and that random new guy. I only tuned in for Mike Vogel cuz I saw him at Best Buy years ago returning some stuff and he was nice to people, but I've fallen in love with all the team members. 

See I like this episode because I like Anne Heche an her as Patricia is awesome.  I really liked seeing a younger version of her that was just a tick gullible or maybe just arrogant to her own talents and got manipulated by an obvious move.  

I don’t think the team is looking stupid. When a master is looking to manitou often you go fir the obvious broad shots.  Yes they are rattled by them but then he is trying to see how to manage them.  It’s interesting to watch.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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19 hours ago, threebluestars said:

Was that Anne Heche's husband??

Overall, I was more interested in the missing US hacker girl than the backstory stuff with Patricia. I find her a more interesting character in the present, and I didn't really care for the flashbacks. It was dull. I hope the second part gets more interesting. I wish we'd been able to spend more time with Verina.

I did like the Amir had no issues admitting when he's in over his head and he has a gut feeling things are off, as do we all lol.

right?? i really enjoy this show and have started to look forward to it - but i keep forgetting it's on and then I get home from work Tuesday and it's like a bonus! It took me entirely too long to realize it was James Tupper - I kept thinking it was Will Chase but I knew that was wrong.

I liked that she recognized his voice immediately. Altho I question two uses of "button up." The first one - fine - "Get him buttoned up." But the second from the plane was weird. I don't know why it struck me. I think I expected her to say "locked down" or something more black-site-ish.

I also liked that Adam, Noah and Hannah (that's her name, yes? I suck.) have their own little cabal about looking out for Patricia.

Ok I have one question who was whatshisname referring to when he said "your boyfriend" to Jaz. Dalton or Amir? I'm hoping Dalton, (I know there are a few who don't want this romance, but I do) this guy is very astute do I'm guessing he picked up some vibes between Dalton and Jaz.

Hot new guy in the picture, albeit a bad guy, but I love the accent!

I hope the show gets renewed it certainly is better than any of the other military shows that are airing

Mike Vogel is awesome, and @calliope1975 that is so cool, your having seen him!

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