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Goodness, why am I so nervous about the possibility of Jess being evicted? Like, I can't stop thinking about worst case scenario and it bugs me that it's bugging me. Did Jess somehow sneak into first position on my favourite houseguests list? 

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Raven is getting her stitches out tonight and she can't shut up about it.  She claims she's happy that they're coming out.  We should start a betting pool on what her next "injury" will be.  She will need to find a way to get the attention back on her.

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Alex just said to Jason, "Do you see why we need Matt and Raven?"  Blech.

I am beyond done with Alex. She is so motherfucking stupid. I wish Jason would get away from her because without her influence he might actually do something.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Jason eats a chip, fears the wrath of the Production God.

Matt has diet Coke and cheese slices on his slop for a week, not a whisper.

Unbelievable. Why does Production even give a fuck about Matt? He adds literally nothing to the show or the game.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

I do wonder if the Battle Back winner will get a one week bye? Doesn't the Battle Back winner usually go right out the door the following week?

I was wondering about this myself.  I hope so.  It particularly would make for more "drama" if either Cameron or Cody wins BB.  YMMV. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I am beyond done with Alex. She us so motherfucking stupid. I wish Jason would get away from her because without her influence he might actually do something.

Same here.  

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Goodness, why am I so nervous about the possibility of Jess being evicted? Like, I can't stop thinking about worst case scenario and it bugs me that it's bugging me. Did Jess somehow sneak into first position on my favourite houseguests list? 

We all hunger for maximum chaos, so you are just creating it in your mind.  lol

No one likes Dom other than Mark and he is even going to vote her out.  Jessica is safe.   Breathe through your nose and stay hydrated.  :^) 

Edited by wings707
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22 minutes ago, zorak said:

Raven is getting her stitches out tonight and she can't shut up about it.  She claims she's happy that they're coming out.  We should start a betting pool on what her next "injury" will be.  She will need to find a way to get the attention back on her.

Swan dive off the balcony. Fuck the stairs.

In all seriousness, she's been complaining of a headache and an upset tummy since the feeds came back after the Temptation reveal (and her lack of winning it). That's pretty low-key for Raven.

ETA: Jesus. I just saw Raven's makeup today. Daaaaamn. She's so white, she's silver under the lights.

Edited by Callaphera
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If no one spills about winning the temptation within the next 12 hours or so, then I'd guess either Dom or Jess won it. Bc everyone else has a big mouth and would tell at least one ally. 

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16 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

If no one spills about winning the temptation within the next 12 hours or so, then I'd guess either Dom or Jess won it. Bc everyone else has a big mouth and would tell at least one ally. 

They could at least be nice enough and tell the Cameras when no one else is around. So selfish if they don't! Haha. 

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The Temptation and Consequence sequence will be on tonight's broadcast show, right?

If Jessica is smart--and on some level I think she is--she will keep her mouth shut about it if she did win the temptation.  If Dom won it, at some point she'd blather on about "God's Will" or some such thing that called the temptation to her.

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2 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

The Temptation and Consequence sequence will be on tonight's broadcast show, right?

If Jessica is smart--and on some level I think she is--she will keep her mouth shut about it if she did win the temptation.  If Dom won it, at some point she'd blather on about "God's Will" or some such thing that called the temptation to her.

Nope. Tomorrow's episode probably.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Did anyone catch Dominique talking by herself awhile ago?  The camera was on Jason and when he got up it switched to Dom alone in a bedroom.  She either got the temptation or she is delusional.  Since the camera cut to her, she was mid thought but she was saying something about putting Raven up.  Then she was saying something about if she put up Mark, Mark would go home.  She also said some stuff about if she wins veto.  And she said, "When I put him up, the true snake is going to come out".  Not sure who she was talking about.  It was camera 1 and it started sometime between 12:11 and 12:12 feed time. 

Edited by zorak
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15 minutes ago, zorak said:

Did anyone catch Dominique talking by herself awhile ago?  The camera was on Jason and when he got up it switched to Dom alone in a bedroom.  She either got the temptation or she is delusional.  Since the camera cut to her, she was mid thought but she was saying something about putting Raven up.  Then she was saying something about if she put up Mark, Mark would go home.  She also said some stuff about if she wins veto.  And she said, "When I put him up, the true snake is going to come out".  Not sure who she was talking about.  It was camera 1 and it started sometime between 12:11 and 12:12 feed time. 

Well since she is going tomorrow (likely and she knows this), I would say this may be a sign that she won the hex.  Sounds like she is planning for the future.  Or god told her she was going to win the battle back.   One of the two.  

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Dom is obsessed with who is a snake.   Everyone who actually plays this game misleads, manipulates and lie.  She prides herself in having been totally honest.  Oh please.  

I have come to really like Jessica.  

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I, for one, refuse to believe that Dom won the temptation.  It's possible that Grodner is giving it to her to see it used this week.  There's no way she legitimately got the votes over far more popular HG's.

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Ugh I hope Dom doesn't have it. 

I'm on the fence about it.  If she stops her own eviction, she will have to win HOH or she'll be out of there.  But if by chance she does win HOH, she might be able to get Paul or Raven out of the house.

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Yes and yes to @Cutty and @gunderda.  Talking to herself, Dom said everyone is getting on her nerves.  How can that be she doesn't talk to anyone.  She is radiating bitch as she bustles around the kitchen saying things under her breath.  

1 minute ago, me5671 said:

I, for one, refuse to believe that Dom won the temptation.  It's possible that Grodner is giving it to her to see it used this week.  There's no way she legitimately got the votes over far more popular HG's.

I don't think she won it and I cannot see why AG would want to keep her around.  There was a lot of tweets asking everyone to vote for Dom to get the hex but I doubt they rallied enough.   

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

A part of me hopes Dom did get it because it would piss everyone off and that's funny to me.

Same. I'm Team Chaos. 

I'm also Team Whoever Evicts Paul or Raven. 

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At this point, these HG are all such Paul shippers, I hope Dom did get the DOT and stops the eviction. Then, goes out and wins HOH. Just seeing Paul on the block at her hands would be worth the watch.


Be rude to me and I'll be worse to you. Shut the fuck up Paul. You are an entitled asshole.  Oh wow ! I guess he pisses me off a little bit.

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

A part of me hopes Dom did get it because it would piss everyone off and that's funny to me.

I definitely want this!  At the very least it would genuinely freak Paul out. 

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13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently they were told there were a lot of votes cast for this Temptation. Weird they would tell them that.

A part of me hopes Dom did get it because it would piss everyone off and that's funny to me.

I don't see that creating chaos.  I see another week of Dom taking to her bed and doing her private show on camera when no one is around.  There is potential chaos with Jessica if she wins HOH and even more if Cody returns. 

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Alex tattled to Paul that Jessica told her that Paul is afraid of Cody coming back in the house.  Now Paul is saying Jessica will be gone if he wins HOH.  Now I want Jess to stay, Dom to still be there, and Cody to come back in the house just to fuck with Paul.

Now Paul has hatched a plan for Christmas to say something to Jess about Cody and Paul and see if Jessica says it again.  If Paul gets a signal from Christmas he plans on calling Jessica out in front of everyone.  Paul and others fee like Jess has become too comfortable and Paul wants to rattle her by making her think that she might get voted out tomorrow.  He did say that if Jess wins HOH they are all fucked.

Edited by zorak
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8 minutes ago, zorak said:

Alex tattled to Paul that Jessica told her that Paul is afraid of Cody coming back in the house.  Now Paul is saying Jessica will be gone if he wins HOH.  Now I want Jess to stay, Dom to still be there, and Cody to come back in the house just to fuck with Paul.

Now Paul has hatched a plan for Christmas to say something to Jess about Cody and Paul and see if Jessica says it again.  If Paul gets a signal from Christmas he plans on calling Jessica out in front of everyone.

Alex lies and hates Jessica.  I am not sure if she is telling the truth.  Jessica does not confide in Alex, does she?  They have an adversarial relationship.

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Just now, wings707 said:

Alex lies and hates Jessica.  I am not sure if she is telling the truth.  Jessica does not confide in Alex, does she?  They have an adversarial relationship.

I'm not totally sure either.  I did catch part of a conversation earlier between Alex and Jess.  I didn't hear all of it but what I did hear was Jessica saying something about if Cody came back he would want to work with Paul.  Alex may have twisted it but I didn't see the full convo.

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I think Alex did successfully plant a seed of doubt in Raven's mind.  She told Jason earlier that she had planted the seed.  Just a few minutes ago Raven was telling Matt that Alex said that Elena and Mark are the only 2 people Jessica did not talk about.  She and Matt then started talking about how they need to win HOH this week.

Raven and Matt are hoping Cody doesn't come back.  They say it would be a nightmare.

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Matt doesn't have on his band aide.  Do we know what it was covering?  I haven't read that anyone figured it out.  

Raven has been following Matt around all day and bugging the shit out of him.  At one point she rested her chin on his shoulder and said. "I am looking at you."  Matt continued to clip his nails and said nothing. 

This hoopla over something Alex said Jessica said is nuts.  They are still voting out Dom and want to rattle Jessica just before HOH comp so she won't win. 

Alex lies and does not have a pulse on the house.  Much ado about nothing. 

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18 minutes ago, zorak said:

Alex tattled to Paul that Jessica told her that Paul is afraid of Cody coming back in the house.  Now Paul is saying Jessica will be gone if he wins HOH.  Now I want Jess to stay, Dom to still be there, and Cody to come back in the house just to fuck with Paul.

Now Paul has hatched a plan for Christmas to say something to Jess about Cody and Paul and see if Jessica says it again.  If Paul gets a signal from Christmas he plans on calling Jessica out in front of everyone.  Paul and others fee like Jess has become too comfortable and Paul wants to rattle her by making her think that she might get voted out tomorrow.  He did say that if Jess wins HOH they are all fucked.

They're not all fucked. He's just worried that HE'S fucked, so he'll make everyone else feel like their fucked too.

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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I hope Jessica got the temptation so she can go full Janelle on Paul and his minions. Cody coming back would be icing on the cake. <3 <3 <3 

unfortunately  , they would give Paul a pass. Only Dom will take him on right now. Jason is dying to but doesn't have any support. Yet !

Maybe Ramses, also no support.

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You know...it WOULD be hilarious if Paul, who probably doesn't know that the temptation is stopping the eviction, does go through with rattling Jessica and she decides to use her temptation to spite Paul, and then Cody reenters the house. Having Dom, Jessica, and Cody in the house, and having Alex/Paul's HOH nullified will cause both of them to freak the hell out. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

You know...it WOULD be hilarious if Paul, who probably doesn't know that the temptation is stopping the eviction, does go through with rattling Jessica and she decides to use her temptation to spite Paul, and then Cody reenters the house. Having Dom, Jessica, and Cody in the house, and having Alex/Paul's HOH nullified will cause both of them to freak the hell out. 

But Paul doesn't want to do it himself, he is urging others to bait her. And he will stand in the sidelines . And he is very good at getting people riled up.

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Just now, missyb said:

But Paul doesn't want to do it himself, he is urging others to bait her. And he will stand in the sidelines . And he is very good at getting people riled up.

Well, he's trying to get others to bait her, from what I'm reading. But I think he also wants his shot, because he LOVES to rattle people before comps. See: Michelle last season, and I'm pretty sure he tried to rile someone up last season as well.

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

He's trying to get everyone riled up.  It didn't really work on Elena and I'm not sure she's down with this. 

She likes Jess, so probably not. 

If Jessica has the hex and they rattle her too much, too soon she could use it and Dom will stay and they all really want her gone. 

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christmas has been trying to pump Jessica for information.  I'm not sure Jess told her anything she hasn't said before. 

I hear that she failed hard. I laugh at that. So....I might like Jess now more than I like Christmas.

In other news, I'd laugh for days if Kevin had the temptation and Dom/Jess didn't. 

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28 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Matt doesn't have on his band aide.  Do we know what it was covering?  I haven't read that anyone figured it out.  

The lyrics to Boyz II Men's "Song for Mama". An... interesting choice for such a large piece on his arm.

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Paul, shut the fuck up.  Good god, I am so sick of him.  

Just now, gunderda said:

Christmas baiting Jessica failed lol 


boo hoo Paul. 

Love it!  

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I'm also Team Whoever Evicts Paul or Raven.  [Ceeg]

Yes.  This.  I'm all on board for Dom getting the Halting Hex and staying in the house--provided that doesn't automatically then send Jessica home--if that means a Dom-Cody-Jessica coalition to get Paul out.  IF Cody successfully battles back, that is.


You know...it WOULD be hilarious if Paul, who probably doesn't know that the temptation is stopping the eviction, does go through with rattling Jessica and she decides to use her temptation to spite Paul, and then Cody reenters the house. Having Dom, Jessica, and Cody in the house, and having Alex/Paul's HOH nullified will cause both of them to freak the hell out.   [Lady Calypso]

As I've said before, I want Paul's HoH to be impotent.

Man, I really want all this to work out!

[Posting from my Kindle Fire, where the Silk Browser apparently doesn't play nice with this forum's awesome "Quote This" function which gives attribution and notification to th original poster, so I've had to make do.]

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