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Wait, is Jessica the third nom? 


ETA: Actually, it's kind of brilliant. She's for sure playing for Veto. We know she can game hard when she wants to. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Wait, is Jessica the third nom? 


Yeah, I think so.  That's what it sounded like Paul just said.

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

LOL @ Matt coming in to say Josh should put Paul and Mark up because they need to fight for the POV.

Someone actually suggested Paul?!?

Be still my heart!!

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Just now, vb68 said:

Someone actually suggested Paul?!?

Be still my heart!!

To Paul, no less. That was the best part. Just a random Matt drive by bringing the disbelieving laugh for the live feeders, just like always.

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I can't wait to see what sort of Josh whispering Christmas might employ regarding the noms.  Will Christmas encourage him to do what Paul wants or not?

Josh to Paul:  "Why did Matt say to put you up as a pawn?"

Paul:  "Because he's stupid."

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Just now, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

Matt! To Paul! He shot him down in less 1 second 

I just saw it! Paul's face made me laugh.  "Yeah we need to win veto, but I'm not going up there!!!"

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What I don't get is if Jess is already up there, what does it matter what Josh thinks about Elena? Obviously she's going to be nominated with Mark, so why even argue the point now?


My bad, I missed that Paul didn't even want Elena nominated. That's dumb. If he was dealing with intelligent players, that'd be a HORRIBLE move.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Josh is whispering to himself, "I want Elena out."  He's planning on trying to convince Paul.  He says he slept on it and prayed on it.  He says he's going to do what's best for his game.

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I still don't get why Josh is genuinely mad about Elena/Mark voting for him. Like, they set it up that way! He knows that! I understand acting mad to Elena/Mark, but he mentions how upset he is about it to other HGs as well.

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

What I don't get is if Jess is already up there, what does it matter what Josh thinks about Elena? Obviously she's going to be nominated with Mark, so why even argue the point now?

Because he doesn't just want Elena on the block, he wants Elena to be voted out. Paul can't allow his favourite minion to shift his target away from who Paul wants in the crosshairs. 

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Just now, mooses said:

I still don't get why Josh is genuinely mad about Elena/Mark voting for him. Like, they set it up that way! He knows that! I understand acting mad to Elena/Mark, but he mentions how upset he is about it to other HGs as well.

They set it up that way, but Mark and Elena were obviously fine voting him out, so that still has to sting. 

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5 minutes ago, mooses said:

Oh, boy. I guess Jessica/Cody did the risky strategy. Well, they have a fighting chance.

It isn't a bad plan since Jess can't be backdoored now, and she has a chance to pull herself off to keep noms the same.

I'll laugh if Josh notices how scared Paul is to go on the block, and does it anyway. Put Paul up as a "pawn"!

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Curious how Christmas is going to play this with Paul. She agrees with Josh and I think is more suspect than Josh about the Paul/Elena relationship.

Paul tells Christmas to use her temptation. Ugh. Just say no!

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

So wait, does Josh plan to pull Jess down with Veto? 

I don't think so. He had been planning on nominating Jessica/Cody and BD-ing Elena. He thinks he has Kevin/Alex/Jason/Christmas/Cody votes against Elena but wants to convince Paul.

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I think this crazy effer really plans on trying to get Jess pulled off the block and now he's worried that Mark would be evicted over Elena. Dude, that's such a GIGANTIC move for, like, NO reason. You freaking moron. I'd love it, but it would be SO dumb. 

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

So wait, does Josh plan to pull Jess down with Veto? 

He should. It would be the best way for him to make an Elena boot happen but that's going to be hard with Mark on the block, too. Because he has way more of a target than Elena does. Putting Matt up against Elena would make it better for a Veto win to take Jessica down - if that's what he wants - and keep Raven or Kevin as the blockwarmer pawn in his back pocket.

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think this crazy effer really plans on trying to get Jess pulled off the block and now he's worried that Mark would be evicted over Elena. Dude, that's such a GIGANTIC move for, like, NO reason. You freaking moron. I'd love it, but it would be SO dumb. 

Well I, for one, would like him to be dumb. Put Paul up!

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I don't give a flying fuck about Josh or his "game", so I'm just rooting for him to make as many erratic decisions as possible. Not being able to nom either Jess or Cody is an excellent start. Already telling Paul he wants to get Elena out is also excellent. This week has promise, y'all.

I'm trying to decide who I want to go between Jessica and Elena. I personally like Elena MUCH more, but Jess has Paul's number and will be a thorn in his side, so I think I have to go with her. 

Veto is going to be crazy important tomorrow. 

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" I respected everybody's week, they going to put some respect on my week. If I want Elena gone, Elena's gonna go. I just gotta beat around the bush a little bit until Paul opens his eyes."

"She has Paul. I break Elena, and I take Elena out...Paul finally stops playing with the shady side."

This dummy doesn't realize that Paul is the shady side. This week just might be a mess!

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Just now, Christi said:

oooohhhh...Paul is lying to Elena about offerjng to go up...Oh I hope she tells Josh that lie 

Josh already knows.  Paul told him he was going to tell Mark and Elena that he offered to go up.

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3 minutes ago, mooses said:

" I respected everybody's week, they going to put some respect on my week.

Well, he's not wrong the week he was up. He walked around sad and kept to himself for the most part like they wanted.

I think he's crazy, but he needs to stand up to Paul on that point.

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

I don't give a flying fuck about Josh or his "game", so I'm just rooting for him to make as many erratic decisions as possible. Not being able to nom either Jess or Cody is an excellent start. Already telling Paul he wants to get Elena out is also excellent. This week has promise, y'all.

I'm trying to decide who I want to go between Jessica and Elena. I personally like Elena MUCH more, but Jess has Paul's number and will be a thorn in his side, so I think I have to go with her. 

Veto is going to be crazy important tomorrow. 

I'm rooting for Jess to stay personally because Paul doesn't get what he wants. I like Elena but I can sacrifice her for entertainment purposes. I can't believe I'm rooting for Josh to ruin Paul's game. I truly thought it would be a doomed week, but if he already is planning to get his own target out instead of blindly following Paul, then he might be a hope for the beginning of Paul's downfall. It may not be his downfall this week, but it could be sooner than I anticipated. 

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Just now, zorak said:

Elena wants to know the reason Josh wants to put her up as a pawn because she knows her being a good competitor is not the real reason.

How does she not know it's because she voted for him to leave? It's not rocket science.

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I do hope Elena gets winds of this and throws some grenades on Paul's game. But I don't think she knows anything anyone else doesn't know.

Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Okay, so now my hypothetical is a reality- so what does Christmas do if Cody's name is pulled? 

Paul wants her to use the Hex. I can't tell if she's actually agreeing to it or just biting her tongue and  praying she won't have to make that choice.

I'll go with she doesn't use it, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

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She says if he really wants to put up 2 strong competitors against Jessica, his strategy of putting up Mark and Elena doesn't make sense based on how they've performed compared to others.

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