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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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LMAO!  Paul doesn't think he has any pull.  Oh my god.  Jessica has his number.  

There is no battle, I never initiated a battle.  No flies on me.  Shut up Paul.  And Christmas, you too.  

Paul checked in on everyone earlier, he warned Elena to stay away from Mark, again and told Kevin he is being too nice.  

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1 minute ago, F. M. said:

What's he saying??

Jessica is calling him out as being the puppet master over everyone else in the house.  She says he has a lot of power.  He says he doesn't.  She's giving him very specific examples of instances where she said he was behind people doing certain things (like Jason's veto speech, Josh going off on her and Cody during a veto ceremony).  She's pretty much spot on about him being the one behind all the stuff that's gone on in the house.   He just denies, denies, denies.  But she isn't stupid. 

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Xmas and Alex can just have several seats. These people are doing anything and everything to discredit Cody.

Pauls go to is when someone questions him "so you think that I put someone up to it even though I made a promise to you. I have no power"

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jessica is calling him out as being the puppet master over everyone else in the house.  She says he has a lot of power.  He says he doesn't.  She's giving him very specific examples of instances where she said he was behind people doing certain things (like Jason's veto speech, Josh going off on her and Cody during a veto ceremony).  She's pretty much spot on about him being the one behind all the stuff that's gone on in the house.   He just denies, denies, denies.  But she isn't stupid. 

He can't seem to argue with Jess, plus he's a lying little shit! 

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I have had it with them questioning a man's service to his country. They are insane. He has to have his dog tags covered because of his social, and where do these people think war movie scripts come from? Real life events! War sucks. 


Stolen valor is a serious thing these days, and if what Cody has said wasn't true, his fellow Marines and others in the know would be telling us as much.  


These horrible assholes in the house need to back off and gain some self awareness. It's not funny.

Edited by Slider
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"I dont like my name being thrown around behind my back" ok Paul.

Jess "so who?" Paul "unless all 9 people are lying to me" Jess "so I talked to everyone in the house about you" lol. Such a long awkward pause from Paul.

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I was just about to say I don't know how Jessica can keep a straight face listening to Paul's lies.  And right after I thought that, Jessica said it was comical.

Edited by zorak
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Just now, Star Aristille said:

And look where Raven is.

Believe me.  Jessica's better off being this Jessica.

Oh, not Raven literally, but she wanted to be in the majority where she could relax. This is stressful shit for Jess.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Oh, not Raven literally, but she wanted to be in the majority where she could relax. This is stressful shit for Jess.

Ah, that I get.  But at least she's in the more rooted-for spot rather than the hated one.

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Paul is lying now.  LOL  He is telling everyone that Jessica has gotten info from others about what he has said.  She didn't name names.   He is stirring an already boiling pot.  Now the hunt for the snitch.  She did not say anything that Paul is saying!!!

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It was just yesterday or the day before that Christmas had a long loving talk with Jessica, telling her she had a friend in her.  It was a love fest.  

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Just now, wings707 said:

Ahhh, here we go.  Raven is on the hot seat now.  LOL  Actually Raven did say the house was against Cody.  Why is that bad?  It is true. 

Raven even told Paul earlier what she told Cody when he asked her why she was against him.  I'm not really sure what the point of that was.  Jessica already hates Raven and it's not like they're close so it's not like he needed to turn Raven against Jessica or vice versa.

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Just now, MrHufflepuff said:

Maybe someone slipped caffeine into whatever Paul drinks?

I guarantee that Paul loudly and proudly tells people how he doesn't drink coffee and doesn't need caffeine... while tossing back his third Monster energy drink of the day. 

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I don't see how Christmas's behavior is all that surprising since she previously encouraged Josh to provoke Mark with the pots and pans. 

But the bitch is 35/36 years old? Not that Paul's conduct is defensible in his mid-twenties but just ... wow. To be in the homestretch to 40 suggests that this is Christmas's foundational character rather than an anomaly of groupthink.

This is a BB15 redux in many respects and I'll be tuning out once Jody is gone just as I did that season upon Elissa's eviction. 

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And the fact that Paul and some minions stood outside the closed door and then opened it and continued to stand outside the room makes it pretty obvious that Paul put him up to it.

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Now Paul has let it out of the bag that Jessica was trying to make a deal to get Alex out of the house in exchange for not using the hex.  Alex already knew this of course but Paul is trying to stir some more shit up.  Cody pretty much told Alex that Paul was just trying to stir the pot right now.

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36 minutes ago, wings707 said:

LMAO!  Paul doesn't think he has any pull.  Oh my god.  Jessica has his number.  

There is no battle, I never initiated a battle.  No flies on me.  Shut up Paul.  And Christmas, you too.  

Paul checked in on everyone earlier, he warned Elena to stay away from Mark, again and told Kevin he is being too nice.  

Did he say "No flies on me?" What an idiot to get that expression wrong. (If you're the one paraphrasing, though Wings...could happen to anyone, common mistake ;) )

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1 minute ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Did he say "No flies on me?" What an idiot to get that expression wrong. (If you're the one paraphrasing, though Wings...could happen to anyone, common mistake ;) )

No those were my words as to what he was doing.  

Edited by wings707
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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul, Josh, and Alex are all wearing tutus.  I'm not sure what they're planning on doing.

Confronting Cody and Jessica in the APSR about the Plan B to get Cody out.

ETA: Did we just get fucking Fished right before the big Tutu House Meeting? Ugh.

Edited by Callaphera
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