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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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I think Matt just told Christmas he's not going to compete. Hmmm, Paul won't like that, buddy!

Matt thinks production didn't plan on doing this comp but they decided to because of Jessica saying she got the Temptation. Like what lol.

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7 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Why does everyone care what Paul thinks?! Do what's best for YOU. If it ticks off the bridge troll all the better...

LOL!!  Love it. 

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Mark unknowingly throwing Elena under the bus a bit by saying she's upset about people saying one thing and doing another. Matt saying, "Why is she so upset?" is a real head-scratcher though lol. Really Matt? Hmmm, I wonder!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Mark is asking Matt and Raven if he's good with them.  They of course tell him he is.  Why would he believe them at this point?  He's telling them after Paul talked to him he understands why they did what they did.  Raven says she will talk to Elena but she just wanted to give her space. 

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Elena is such an entitled little brat. Really disappointed in her. 

I actually this she's more pissed that she was made to look like a fool on national TV than anything else.

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I sure hate to lose Elena, she is onto Paul and furious with him.  She watched as he purposely gave Mark and her wrong details on the tattoos.  And that info got Mark and Elena out first. 

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Again, this is Big Brother, most of the cast are morons every year, so I try desperately not to overreact to the stupidity of the current HGs when I know very well that last year's HGs were dumb, as were the previous year's and the previous year's and next year's cast. So I don't want to throw around stuff like saying that Jessica's read on the game is among the dumbest ever, since that's probably not true. There's been SO much dumb out there in BB history. 

That said, yes...holy shit, she's dumb. How in the world can she not think Paul is coming after her and Cody? HOW?!

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Just now, watch2much said:

my first reaction was "yuck". but then I thought there could be a very slight chance that she is playing the long con.

I think she believes it in the moment, but yes, even Alex wouldn't literally throw her game to Paul if it came to that, I don't believe.

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She says she's the most pissed off that Matt and Raven tried to touch her last night.  She is now bringing up the fact that Raven lied to Jess's face right before the vote because Mark said maybe Raven changed her mind last minute.  Elena is not buying it. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Pissed off Elena makes me want to see her win the temptation comp, and then come after Paul, Raven, and Matt.

YES.  She is the only one who sees what Paul is doing. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

She says she's the most pissed off that Matt and Raven tried to touch her last night.  She is now bringing up the fact that Raven lied to Jess's face right before the vote because Mark said maybe Raven changed her mind last minute.  Elena is not buying it. 

Raven leaned in and gave her a kiss. It was cringeworthy. 

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Oh man, I just thought of the best idea. Let's say Mark loses this comp. Or hell, WHOEVER loses this comp. Have Paul nominate Jess and Cody with them, but then tell them, "Oh yeah, we're voting out the third person, not you." Then watch them believe them and not use the hex and then one of them gets voted out. They're just stupid enough that this is at least a theoretical possibility!

"We didn't think that they'd lie to us a THIRD time!"

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Since BB does not know how many will compete in any given week this has to be a quick and flexible set up.  Something timed, I bet.   

Edited by wings707
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Jess think Paul wants to work with Cody and backdoor Alex.

If I didn't know any better I would think these were hired actors ensuring that Paul wins.

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7 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Jess think Paul wants to work with Cody and backdoor Alex.

If I didn't know any better I would think these were hired actors ensuring that Paul wins.

I know it's early still, but there doesn't seem to even be a slight chance of Paul losing earlier than maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Final 3. 

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I'd really prefer the kitten cam over the puppers cam.

Those poor guys, just wandering around the run and listlessly picking up toys. And then you can tell someone is walking by and they get so excited and their tails start going and they're super happy... and then the person just goes away and they go back to being sad puppers.

Someone needs to take them out to a nice big field and throw balls for hours for them to chase. Poor puppers.

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I'd like to see what would happen if only one person decided to play in this comp. They'd probably make up some new "rule" on the spot and say the comp is cancelled because at least two people must play.

But the one person who volunteered to play should then make a big fuss saying it's not their fault and they should win by default and should be safe.

It would be a big mess. Just like the rest of this silly season.

Edited by MissBluxom
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I have to say, I'm actually digging this one. I like all the strategy talks that result from HGs getting the choice, and weighing their options, and all the possible scenarios. This is the part of BB I enjoy most, so it's fun.

That said, my opinion is that Jess/Cody are morons for not competing. If you have a chance to save your hex for another week, YOU TAKE IT!!!

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8 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I have to say, I'm actually digging this one. I like all the strategy talks that result from HGs getting the choice, and weighing their options, and all the possible scenarios. This is the part of BB I enjoy most, so it's fun.

That said, my opinion is that Jess/Cody are morons for not competing. If you have a chance to save your hex for another week, YOU TAKE IT!!!

There's no need to use the hex this week. Paul isn't going after them. He's totally going to go after Alex and Josh. Because.....reasons. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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My dream is that Cody goes on the block and Jessica does NOT use the hex but saves it for herself another week.  The more I watch Cody play the game the more I think he and Jessica are both going down thanks to his input.


She needs to start working on her own and the only way to do that is if Cody is gone.  Gosh I hope she keeps the hex for herself and he leaves and she plays the game like she is soooo capable of playing it.  Like no other in the house.  She is a little firecracker of a girl and now that she has Kevin filling her in on the details..what next?


I can't believe all the ass kissing going on with Paul HOH.   Don't they know America is W A T C H I N G !!!!!

11 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

There's no need to use the hex this week. Paul isn't going after them. He's totally going to go after Alex and Josh. Because.....reasons. 

Disagree.  Cody and Jessica are the only ones coming after him and he's no fool!  He won't make a wrong move like Jessica did on Wed!

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1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

Disagree.  Cody and Jessica are the only ones coming after him and he's no fool!  He won't make a wrong move like Jessica did on Wed!

How could I be wrong? Jessica and Cody believe it and their read on the game has been immaculate up until this point, so I think that they're correct and that Paul is not going after them for....reasons. 

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The haulting hex would have been MUCH more interesting had Jessica kept it to herself.  But she got greedy and tried to stretch it out by lying. 

I like the idea of this new comp but it takes the feeds away for too long.  Not good.   

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

How could I be wrong? Jessica and Cody believe it and their read on the game has been immaculate up until this point, so I think that they're correct and that Paul is not going after them for....reasons. 

Ok I'll bite.  What reasons?

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Just now, Jeanne222 said:

Ok I'll bite.  What reasons?

They exist only within Jessica and Cody's minds. 

2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

The haulting hex would have been MUCH more interesting had Jessica kept it to herself.  But she got greedy and tried to stretch it out by lying. 

They were going up either way, though, right? So I don't think her attempt at stretching it out hurt her, so I think it was worth a shot. But yes, her absurd notion that Paul isn't going after them is a sad commentary on her state of mind. 

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How many times does it take, getting dropped on your ass during a trust fall, before you stop trusting the people that are supposed to catch you?

Tune in to Big Brother this Sunday to see whether the question is still unanswered for Cody and Jessica.

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

They exist only within Jessica and Cody's minds. 

They were going up either way, though, right? So I don't think her attempt at stretching it out hurt her, so I think it was worth a shot. But yes, her absurd notion that Paul isn't going after them is a sad commentary on her state of mind. 

I agree.  Selfishly I wanted to see Paul's face as she announced she was cancelling the eviction with no warning.   Better for viewers, not for them. 

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Just now, wings707 said:

I agree.  Selfishly I wanted to see Paul's face as she announced she was cancelling the eviction with no warning.   Better for viewers, not for them. 

Oh, on that I ABSOLUTELY agree. I'm pissed that we're missing out on that. At least we got to see Chen-bot freeze on live TV!

2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

How many times does it take, getting dropped on your ass during a trust fall, before you stop trusting the people that are supposed to catch you?

Tune in to Big Brother this Sunday to see whether the question is still unanswered for Cody and Jessica.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, still shame on you.

Fool me thrice...stop fooling me, guys! I am going to get so mad!!

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I wonder if they brought back the RV from last year's Roadkill comps. It probably took the whole year to air it out after the Uncle Austin stench they pumped into it during the last comp. 

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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I wonder if they brought back the RV from last year's Roadkill comps. It probably took the whole year to air it out after the Uncle Austin stench they pumped into it during the last comp. 

That is my guess.  Perfect set up for this type of comp.  

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If cody leaves, I see a powerful teaming up of Elena and Jess. Why should she stay loyal to Paul ? No reason I can think of. She mentioned to Mark that Xmas was one of 4 who lied to her face and Paul was the only one who came and talked to her. Xmas always said she was giving Josh sympathy vote and voting out Ramses.

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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Paul fed her incorrect information about the tattoos. That's part of why she's so angry. 

Yes.  I am not sure why she is furious with Mark but she is, big time.  Maybe more at herself for getting into what appears as a showmance with him.  She has never really liked him all that much and now he is her BEC.   

How long have the feeds been down? 

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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

How long have the feeds been down? 

According to your time stamp higher up on the page, you posted that the Puppers Cam came on two hours ago. Roadkill used to take around four hours? But there were more people competing in that, assuming that the comp is an individually timed thing.

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3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Again, this is Big Brother, most of the cast are morons every year, so I try desperately not to overreact to the stupidity of the current HGs when I know very well that last year's HGs were dumb, as were the previous year's and the previous year's and next year's cast. So I don't want to throw around stuff like saying that Jessica's read on the game is among the dumbest ever, since that's probably not true. There's been SO much dumb out there in BB history. 

Sometimes I think people are trying to convince themselves of these things that they know aren't true just to make themselves feel better.

2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Since BB does not know how many will compete in any given week this has to be a quick and flexible set up.  Something timed, I bet.   

Yea, I have no doubt these Temptations Comps will be individual and timed like the Roadkills were. So, for 3 weeks the feeds are gonna be down for like at least 4-5 hours on Friday. Which is annoying. But still, I'm with @Katesus7 on liking this twist. I most like watching people talk game/strategy and this provides that.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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In that clip above: Jessica, talking about representing Boston as Miss Nightlife. "... and be the pride of Boston's nightlife. I mean, we're a city and someone needs to represent that."

This just in: Boston is a city. Thanks, Jess. Never would've figured that one out on my own. 

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, I have no doubt these Temptations Comps will be individual and timed like the Roadkills were. So, for 3 weeks the feeds are gonna be down for like at least 4-5 hours on Friday. Which is annoying. But still, I'm with @Katesus7 on liking this twist. I most like watching people talk game/strategy and this provides that.

Exactly. Also, I'm sure that the houseguests like having something to do that's not sitting around, waiting for eviction night. Sure, it would be nice if they spread out the comps a little bit (HOH Thursday, temptation competition later on Fridays, veto maybe Sunday, veto ceremony Tuesday), but I also partially understand why it's set up like this. It just sucks when there's a huge gap from Monday's ceremony to Thursday night. 

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