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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:I have said this before. These are idiots that need it spelled out. It is way more than just allowing Paul to run the game or calling them "groupies," they are carrying HIM to f2 instead of playing to win for themselves. 

They need to be clearly asked: "Are you here to win or are you here to make sure Paul wins?" At this point they have so much blind loyalty that if Paul is in the final 3, any of the two others would pick him to sit next to in a f2 and gladly lose to him. 

I fully expect either Raven or Paul to win and my only consolation will be if Cody wins fan favorite and they are later bombarded on social media by fans and others like Janelle and Rachel who call them fools. 

Paul already comes from a rich family so his win will not be life changing for him. If Raven wins, I will be as angry as the year Maggie won. 

I mean, at least Maggie was adept at brainwashing. 

But, you know, I'm kind of hoping for a Raven victory over Paul at this point. It would constitute the second year running that he was defeated by a woman (a despicable one but all of the remaining house guests with a viable shot at the win are varying degrees of vile) as well as a fitting cap for this abomination of a season and maybe, just maybe prompt some sort of casting reform for BB20.

My fingers are also crossed that Raven and Paul at some point turn on Matt and Alex alike to give them the psychological torture treatment. At this point, too, Elena has firmly established herself as the worst kind of sycophantic idiot and pretty much deserves the pile-on that's coming in 1 - 2 weeks.

The only thing that could salvage the remainder of this installment for me is America getting to vote Cody back in, which would technically be different from a battle back since Julie already expressly ruled out that possibility. 

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I do not want Raven to win for any reason.  She is a stupid child and compulsive liar.  She should NOT be rewarded even if against Paul.  She and her mother are grifters seeking money.   I want this con artist gone as soon as possible.  

ETA.  Seems like Paul has his eye on her for F2.  Watch him disregard anyone who mentions putting her up.  He will say, what for, she is no threat. 

Joker's BB Updates‏ @JokersBBUpdates  14m14 minutes ago

1102-Cody to himself: They even complain about the music. Gosh, da*n you dont have to provide music. Sorry production.

Edited by wings707
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2 hours ago, Nashville said:


One problem with this: Elena or, more specifically, Elena's demonstrated inability to compete effectively in anything other than an endurance comp.  Because whatever comps TPTB plan to run for the DE HoHs, the one thing you can bet on is that due to time constraints, at least one of them will absolutely positively NOT be endurance.

chances are that neither of them will be endurance.  They can't do endurance during the show and the 2nd HOH usually done after the episode, later into the night.  And if they do another endurance that is blocked from live feeds, people might come at them with pitch forks. 

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28 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

At least this season we've been getting spoilers on Reddit. Let's hope that person comes back and spills so that we can get an idea of what we're in for after Friday. Feed outages suck.

I saw the name of the band but since I had never heard of them, didn't remember.  Now that could have been a spoiler or speculation, I couldn't tell.  

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cody talking to Kevin.... says when he's 50 something him and jessica will be married with kids and grandkids.  Cody will get Jessica to move out to Texas and maybe they'll have a place out near LA. 

Now Kevin spouting off about memories and good times and living life to the fullest or something like that.  Talking about his brother who died. About all the things his brother didn't get to do.  Cody brings up his brother, he couldn't remember if he told Kevin or not.  Kevin says he did. Cody says his brother was a much better person than he is. 

Meanwhile..... Elena is with Paul in the wave room with her head on his lap. 

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2 hours ago, Cutty said:

I like Mark but he should have cut loose from Elena weeks ago. She's treated him like trash for most of the season. 

If those two sit and stare at each other one more time I'm throwing my pop can through the tv.  Gawd it's like they are possessed!

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh...so apparently, feeds will be down from Thursday until Friday night for their very special episode.

Unless the episode is another Battleback where Cody competes against second evicted for DE (in my dreams, Josh) to return to the house one more, I don't know why the feeds being down is necessary, especially if it's just another stupid concert.

This might have been already answered but I think Julie said no more Battle Back this year.  Which kind of stinks because Paul did get four eviction free weeks.  Sigh...

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5 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

This might have been already answered but I think Julie said no more Battle Back this year.  Which kind of stinks because Paul did get four eviction free weeks.  Sigh...

She said no Battle Back. She didn't say there wouldn't be a way to return to the house. Maybe there will be a Cancelled Cheque that someone gets, much like Paul's Return Trip ticket. Although it'll probably go to someone like Raven because we can't have nice things. 

ETA: I went with the cancelled cheque theory because I was trying to tie it back to the safety deposit boxes and they both happen in a bank? And cancelled sounded better than a NSF cheque. 


8 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I saw the name of the band but since I had never heard of them, didn't remember.  Now that could have been a spoiler or speculation, I couldn't tell.  

Ooh, time to go down the rabbit hole of searching. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, missyb said:

Good editorial on why author isn't giving Paul credit for playing a good game:



Thanks.  Great read.  I had forgotten about this little piece of production bullshit.

"Not only was Paul given the power to save people, but Julie Chen even told the HGs that they had to tempt Paul to win a bracelet. So the very first lesson these new HGs learned is that if you want to be safe, you have to suck up to Paul because he is in charge and he gets to decide who stays. Like a baby imprinting on its mom, these newbies were immediately taught to be loyal to Paul."


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I am enjoying the Kevin/Cody conversation.  I am rethinking his Christmas thing.  He is talking about his family and I like what he is saying.  He said you are married for 31 years and all of a sudden your wife says she is going out for a glass of wine with friends for the first time in 31 years.  You have to be careful when you are married that long you can stop caring or showing you care.  He might be going through something here that will bring him back to focusing on his kids and wife.  He said the worst thing would be to end up 60 yrs old and alone.  It is important to have people you love and who love you around you.  

He said he would go out all the time without her and lately she has been doing the same thing.  He can't fault her for that.  All she did was work and raise kids her whole life.  

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Just now, wings707 said:

I am enjoying the Kevin/Cody conversation.  I am rethinking his Christmas thing.  He is talking about his family and I like what he is saying.  He said you are married for 31 years and all of a sudden your wife says she is going out for a glass of wine with friends for the first time in 31 years.  You have to be careful when you are married that long you can stop caring or showing you care.  He might be going through something here that will bring him back to focusing on his kids and wife.  He said the worst thing would be to end up 60 yrs old and alone.  It is important to have people you love and who love you around you.  

He said he would go out all the time without her and lately she has been doing the same thing.  He can't fault her for that.  All she did was work and raise kids her whole life.  

Did he keep her locked in the basement for 31 years? What the fuck?

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Did he keep her locked in the basement for 31 years? What the fuck?

NO.  They had 7 kids and she worked, there was no time or energy for anything outside of that.  

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Just now, wings707 said:

NO.  They had 7 kids and she worked, there was no time or energy for anything outside of that.  

Pfft. I may be younger than them and without children (yet. God save the world when that happens). But there's always time for wine. Always. 

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I only had 2 kids and worked and I didn't go out alone.  We would get a sitter and go out together alone or with friends.  My life was not without cocktails, certainly.  We had a fully stocked cabinet at the house!  It was not uncommon to have a Scotch when the kids went to bed.  

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9 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Pfft. I may be younger than them and without children (yet. God save the world when that happens). But there's always time for wine. Always. 

Well, I am sure they had wine at home.  He was talking about her going out, without him which was new, at the time.  He was fine with it, just made him sit up and pay attention.  That is a good thing. 

How can there be a shortage of beds at the point?  Elena and Christmas shared a bed last night after both Mark and Josh were trying to get her in their beds.  Oy.   

Edited by wings707
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22 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

She said no Battle Back. She didn't say there wouldn't be a way to return to the house. Maybe there will be a Cancelled Cheque that someone gets, much like Paul's Return Trip ticket. Although it'll probably go to someone like Raven because we can't have nice things. 

ETA: I went with the cancelled cheque theory because I was trying to tie it back to the safety deposit boxes and they both happen in a bank? And cancelled sounded better than a NSF cheque. 


Ooh, time to go down the rabbit hole of searching. 

From your lips to God's ears!  One can only hope!

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23 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

She said no Battle Back. She didn't say there wouldn't be a way to return to the house.

Unfortunately and sadly she did say that once you are out, you are out this time.  

Kevin has a weird manic way of speaking. It seems to get worse when he's worrying about something.

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5 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Well, I am sure they had wine at home.  He was talking about her going out, without him which was new, at the time.  He was fine with it, just made him sit up and pay attention.  That is a good thing. 

My mom was an expert at "Oh, you're playing in the yard? I'm just gonna pop over to the neighbours for a beer, shout if something attacks you" while my dad was at work. Of course, that was back in the mid to late-80's when we were still allowed to play in dirt and be kids without a leash attached to us. I just... 31 years without going out with friends for a drink? Either he's exaggerating or she deserves the biggest, longest vacation ever. 


2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Unfortunately and sadly she did say that once you are out, you are out this time.  

Damn it.

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My favorite ongoing plot right now is how long the producers are going to hold out calling Raven to the DR.  She is getting SO pissy about it, and they're probably loving it.  I have a feeling everyone kind of hates Raven.

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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

My mom was an expert at "Oh, you're playing in the yard? I'm just gonna pop over to the neighbours for a beer, shout if something attacks you" while my dad was at work. Of course, that was back in the mid to late-80's when we were still allowed to play in dirt and be kids without a leash attached to us. I just... 31 years without going out with friends for a drink? Either he's exaggerating or she deserves the biggest, longest vacation ever. 

You had to hear the conversation to get it.  I think in their culture in Mission Hill it was normal.  The wives didn't do what we do today.   He didn't stop her from going out with the girls.  All the girls were home raising a gaggle of kids and working, too.  

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Now Josh and Mark are debating again..... more about flip flopping... you're with cody.. then you're not... then you are..... 


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3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

My favorite ongoing plot right now is how long the producers are going to hold out calling Raven to the DR.  She is getting SO pissy about it, and they're probably loving it.  I have a feeling everyone kind of hates Raven.

Wasn't it Becky in BB17 that went almost a week or longer before they called her in for another DR session?

Whoever's record it was, I hope production blows it out of the water with Raven this season. 

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Now Jason calling Cody a fucking idiot.

Alex I guess told Cody he could have her cereal and now she's pissed that he ate the entire box.  And she says she's the only one that was being nice to him.  Ugh... this is going to turn into a whole gang up on Cody in the kitchen. Jason going off on Cody now

Alex to Cody "hows your kid.... do you even have one?"


nice Alex...

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Alex and Jason are attacking Cody.  What assholes!  Leave it alone, he is going on Thursday!  They had such a nice talk yesterday, too. 

Alex said, how is your kid, do you really have one?  What is the truth Cody, so you even like Jessica.  Alex is a total bitch.  

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And this is where Josh loses every argument he has with Mark. When he brings up the week he was on the block .He claims to have been alone, lonely sad, crying knowing his BB game was going to over. He was going home. LIAR. He knew the entire time that he was safe.  He was in on it, ordered to play along  and be sad, and he did. He LIES when he pulls that shit on Mark.

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The only thing that makes me happy with this situation is that all of these people are going to feel like complete assholes when they get out of the house.

Cody "i'm leaving this week so it doesn't even matter"

Christmas "that's right, so what's the point of you being here right now?"

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LOL, Cody is not giving them ANYTHING that they want. He's just eating cereal, agreeing with them, and just nodding along. It's pissing them all off. 

Cody: I hate you all and you can hate me. I'm going out the door on Thursday so...

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

The only thing that makes me happy with this situation is that all of these people are going to feel like complete assholes when they get out of the house.

Cody "i'm leaving this week so it doesn't even matter"

Christmas "that's right, so what's the point of you being here right now?"

That is why Cody must be voted as fan favorite. It will be revenge for watching these fools all summer. 

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Cody is slightly reacting to Kevin, Kevin wants him to sit down with everyone, treat them nice, tell them everything.


What these fucking idiots don't know is that Cody hasn't done anything to these morons!!!

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why these people think khe's going to want to have a venting session with these people while they gang up on him.

Cody says from this point he will be nice and courteous and not talk to anyone.  Christmas says they don't want him to not talk to people.  They want answers. 

Cody "I didn't mean to be a jerk alex"  

Christmas "that's not an apology"

Jason "and it's not true"

cody finishes his cereal and leaves. 

good job guys!! isolate him even more even though he's for sure leaving.  

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Ah, here comes my favourite part. Where they all sprain their shoulders patting themselves on the back.

Nope, never mind. Josh versus Mark, round I don't have enough fingers and toes to count.

Edited by Callaphera
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Mark now comes out. And they bombard him with questions. 

Now they think Mark is with him because him and Mark have never argued. 

Alex calls out everyone so that makes her a badass.

Now josh is going in on Cody in the bathroom while cody brushes his teeth.  Cody probably can't get out of there fast enough.

Josh tells Cody not to protect Mark because he's been shitting on him the whole game. 

Poor Mark... his poor jaw is on the floor......

Josh asking Cody if him and mark had a thing when he came back.  Cody said no, just jessica.  Him and Cody were just friends.

Paul says "clarity - that's all we needed and we finally have it"

All of this over a box of crappy chex cereal!!!!!!

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I love that Cody remained so calm during all that bullshit and didn't give them anything. Mark should follow that same strategy instead of getting pulled into fights with that pack of hyenas.

Christmas demanding answers, as if they have a right to anything, just makes my blood boil.

Now I'm just watching Cody chill out in the yard instead of switching to hyena-cam.

Edited by Michichick
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