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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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On 7/22/2017 at 2:37 PM, Tammee said:

Its called vacation-itis.  In her head shes already gone.  I know thats how I do it lol

Except Wendy has been like this since the new season started. I don't think it's vacation-itis at all. Besides, didn't she just have a couple of weeks off about a month ago before this 2 month hiatus coming up?  

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A few tidbits about what happened between WW and Howard Stern:

I heard Wendy on Howard Stern and that got ugly fast.  Wendy's been on at least twice before and even though Howard was his usual probing self (asking her about her husband cheating, etc.) Wendy was pretty gracious and praised Howard for his work on those visits.  This time, the talk started out pretty innocuous with Howard asking how much weight Wendy has lost, and then got her to confess that she doesn't allow anyone to get in elevators with her at the studio. Wendy got snippy when this fact came out - she started ragging on Howard hanging out with celebrities and then she called him a "star fucker".  Howard got defensive, which is funny because he has thrown worse comments at guests over the years.  

Howard got brusque and you could tell he wasn't interested in furthering the interview.  He did ask WW about her emojis and her charity (which I'm sure was her main reason to be there) and that was basically the end.  I just don't understand what caused the chilliness between these 2 radio greats.

EDITED TO ADD:  Just remembered that Howard kinda compared Wendy to Steve Harvey with her 'solo elevator' edict.  He implied that she was going 'big time' and treating her staff like second-class citizens ala Steve Harvey, who wrote memos to his staff telling them not to talk to him while he's at the studio.  Maybe that rubbed her the wrong way.

Edited by patty1h
More thoughts
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I think Wendy is a diva but she doesn't see it in herself.  I think she came up in the radio ranks and paid her dues and now she thinks she's just earned the right to have things done "her" way, not recognizing that it comes off badly sometimes.  For instance, I sense there is tension between Wendy and Suzanne, especially when Wendy has Suzanne wear her fashions so she can compliment her and thus remind viewers of her clothing line.  I don't think Suzanne just coincidentally wears Wendy's clothing line so often - it's pre-planned and I watch Suzanne's face.  She doesn't always look happy to be used as a shill.

Going back to her appearance on Howard Stern, when she explained how she demands to ride the elevator alone, she said it dismissively, relating how she tells staff to take the stairs because she doesn't want to have to speak to them in the elevator after having talked on her show.  She explained that doing the show is "work" and she's burned out on talking by the end.   I guess she realized how bad that sounds cause she tried to soften it by telling Howard that in the offices, it's all hugs and kisses and we're-a-team, so the elevator thing is no big deal.   Sounds diva-ish to me.

Edited by patty1h
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10 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Why am I not surprise that Wendy acts like a diva. So, the common folk cannot ride the elevator with her,  who the hell does she think she is..You have got to be kidding me, she is a piece of work.   I remember how she used to dog Mariah and J-Lo about their diva antics back on the radio. 

Probably because Wendy looks like a hot steaming pile of fresh dog crap when she's coming from and going to work....wig isn't on, 3 layers of make up not on, no fake eyelashes, and her waffle pattern hosiery is not on her legs. 

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On 7/25/2017 at 10:21 PM, rmcrae said:

Ms. Wendy, please stop trying to copy Mariah. And WTF is up with the second pic? It barely looks like her.

The front teeth don't look correct. One appears to be overlapping, the right tooth overlapping the left,  from the way that we see her. Wendy is especially proud of her teeth and they are straight and the result of a good orthodontist.   It's a puzzlement. 

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6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

A little off topic:

I was watching Jeopardy and lo and behold there was an answer and the question was "Who is Wendy Williams?"  Not one contestant got it!! I thought she was far better known. Hmm

Am I getting too low brow watching this? 

Haha! I love that nobody on jeopardy knows WW! And I seriously doubt that WW watches Jeopardy because she could never get the right question to the answer! 

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have watched this show now and again, and off for years. sometimes i like her and sometimes, not so much. some of the things she says! don't know all that much about wendy,  the woman. but i ran across her book "wendy bares all" (i think that was the title) and skimmed through it because it was mostly shit. anyway, what i got from it was this. wendy grew up privileged to a great degree compared to a lot of us, no matter how much she denies it. i don't care how much my parents could have scrimped and saved on average salaries. there is no way we could have afforded to live in her area, have help, have our college education paid for, get a brand new car for graduation, have our rent paid for . WTF!! why can't she admit she had it better than good. ?? and my God, that woman thinks a lot of herself. your parents did you no favors by making you so egotistical. she has no problem saying she is pretty. not that that matters but get a grip. many of us have come to terms with our beauty or lack of.  she is a piece of work. also, i call bullshit on the story about her stealing $10,000 from her grandmas mattress and spending it at, i forget the name of the store , saying this was way before macys became macys. wendy, macys has been around long before you were born. it did not come in to being recently. and...this store she went to surely did not accept confederate money!!! wtf!! btw, confederate money is worthless, not priceless and surely they would have called the authorities on you. such a bull shit artist. 

and your  breasts are ridiculous to put it mildly. therapy would be your friend. 

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2 hours ago, msrachelj said:

have watched this show now and again, and off for years. sometimes i like her and sometimes, not so much. some of the things she says! don't know all that much about wendy,  the woman. but i ran across her book "wendy bares all" (i think that was the title) and skimmed through it because it was mostly shit. anyway, what i got from it was this. wendy grew up privileged to a great degree compared to a lot of us, no matter how much she denies it. i don't care how much my parents could have scrimped and saved on average salaries. there is no way we could have afforded to live in her area, have help, have our college education paid for, get a brand new car for graduation, have our rent paid for . WTF!! why can't she admit she had it better than good. ?? and my God, that woman thinks a lot of herself. your parents did you no favors by making you so egotistical. she has no problem saying she is pretty. not that that matters but get a grip. many of us have come to terms with our beauty or lack of.  she is a piece of work. also, i call bullshit on the story about her stealing $10,000 from her grandmas mattress and spending it at, i forget the name of the store , saying this was way before macys became macys. wendy, macys has been around long before you were born. it did not come in to being recently. and...this store she went to surely did not accept confederate money!!! wtf!! btw, confederate money is worthless, not priceless and surely they would have called the authorities on you. such a bull shit artist. 

and your  breasts are ridiculous to put it mildly. therapy would be your friend. 

Well said! her parents both have Masters degrees.  So, they were a rare breed at the time, given, the status of Black people, at the time.  Wendy has become insufferable, with her weight loss and her talk show, she really thinks that she is all that. Her nastiness has really amplified and I hate the way that she treats the people who work for her.  

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Someday in the not so distant future, an ex-WW employee is going to make millions off a tell all book.  If Wendy doesn't have this TV show to bring home the bacon...she's got nothing to fall back on. Big Kev does nothing to advance his education or work experience (other than being Mr. Wendy Williams) and Wendy is NOT a comedian. She's a one trick pony. Her show is successful because there's not a damn thing on TV during the day when she's on. Hot Topics is fun. So that's 20 minutes of her show. And I don't believe that all of Wendy's sharp, witty, funny  remarks about celebs originate from her. I suspect many of the employees at the daily morning meetings come up with the witty remarks and Wendy claims them as hers.  She is wise to enjoy her fame while it lasts. 

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15 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Someday in the not so distant future, an ex-WW employee is going to make millions off a tell all book.  If Wendy doesn't have this TV show to bring home the bacon...she's got nothing to fall back on. Big Kev does nothing to advance his education or work experience (other than being Mr. Wendy Williams) and Wendy is NOT a comedian. She's a one trick pony. Her show is successful because there's not a damn thing on TV during the day when she's on. Hot Topics is fun. So that's 20 minutes of her show. And I don't believe that all of Wendy's sharp, witty, funny  remarks about celebs originate from her. I suspect many of the employees at the daily morning meetings come up with the witty remarks and Wendy claims them as hers.  She is wise to enjoy her fame while it lasts. 

maybe  susanne, who wendy treats like her dog? I would read that book in a heartbeat!!

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My turn to rant...  I listened to Wendy back when she was on the radio in NYC - I liked her gossip and some of the interviews.  I didn't start watching her show until about 18 months ago - it was the least objectionable show available in the time slot, but every time I tune to it, I ask myself why?   I only really pay attention during Hot Topics but so much of it is so superficial - dumb rappers and thots and foolishness that I feel like I'm losing IQ points.  Then enduring the redundant Sound Off portion, when she goes into the audience and has people give their opinion of the crap already covered in HT.  

I also feel bad for Suzanne and Norman - they both have this "gotta keep the talent happy" scared look in their eyes.  Suzanne rarely looks happy when she's corralled into being the "model" for Wendy's fashion, having to "yes" Wendy to death.  I cringe watching Suzanne try to be upbeat while having to help Wendy shill her clothing line.  I'd ask for extra pay for that.  Don't get me started on her pushing those crappy emojis.  Lady, you're starting to look like you'll do anything for a buck.

Another thing is Wendy going off-topic in the middle of sentences.  I know she said she has ADD or something, but it throws things off when she goes from a long discourse on, say, JLo and suddenly she's changed to some food she ate or her eyelash is loose or she's dabbing a QTip to her eye.  Ugh.    And I also think she is becoming a stick figure with circus boobs.  I can't say I've noticed any surgical enhancements to her face, other than it looks thin(ner).

Edited by patty1h
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On 7/26/2017 at 4:37 PM, LIMOM said:

I love that she tells Howard she's a fun woman, because she goes to the strip club with her husband  and makes it rain on those "hos". 

I absolutely don't see anything wrong with couples going to strip clubs. I think it's great if both people love it. However I don't believe for one minute that Wendy loves it, she goes only for her husband and I don't even believe Wendy is fun. She may pretend to like it for that husband of hers and only talks about it,  to make herself sound "cool". Of  course I could be completely wrong but I don't think I am.  It must be exhausting to be married to big Kev. 

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26 minutes ago, rcc said:

Wendy probably goes to the strip clubs so she can keep on eye on Kevin and he doesn't leave with one of those "hos." 

That's exactly why I think she goes. 

I remember the story she told a few months ago. She said she and big Kevin decided to go some club  in Brooklyn, at like 2 in the morning. She said they woke up and just decided to go. In my head I thought she woke as Kevin was heading out and hurried and threw on her short shorts ran to the car. 

Edited by imjagain
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17 hours ago, imjagain said:

That's exactly why I think she goes. 

I remember the story she told a few months ago. She said she and big Kevin decided to go some club  in Brooklyn, at like 2 in the morning. She said they woke up and just decided to go. In my head I thought she woke as Kevin was heading out and hurried and threw on her short shorts ran to the car. 

Don't forget he cheated on her while she was bed-ridden with a high-risk pregnancy. Big Kev is a piece of work. Not to mention, that he sexually harassed an intern during their radio days.  Wendy made a lot of disparaging comments about the young lady. Wendy is not happy with Big Kev, she is just dealing with her situation. This is just my opinion, I could be wrong and they are truly happy together..lol

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6 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Don't forget he cheated on her while she was bed-ridden with a high-risk pregnancy. Big Kev is a piece of work. Not to mention, that he sexually harassed an intern during their radio days.  Wendy made a lot of disparaging comments about the young lady. Wendy is not happy with Big Kev, she is just dealing with her situation. This is just my opinion, I could be wrong and they are truly happy together..lol

Nope she is not  happy, she is scared of his hood ass, Imo

Howard is an ass and so is Wendy.

As far as him being a star fucker, I for one remember when Wendy had an oral transaction with a certain large rapper

And having threesome with another semi famous couple on a yacht.


I keep on missing the interview, I only heard the part when she said that she lost 50 lbs.

Howard is savage, I hated when he talked about her body. He is nasty when interviewing women.

Do people really buy celebrities emoji?

i can see teenagers buying the Kardashian ones but I can't see them buying the WW ones.

As far as her clothing line, it is ok but I would rather support  Serena Williams line.

After her interview with Andre, I felt that it was just a pathetic money grab on her part and I don't like her that much.

The real Wendy Williams  is incredibly unlikeable at this point of her life.

She reminds me of the red bitch on the talk.

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1 minute ago, LIMOM said:

Nope she is not  happy, she is scared of his hood ass, Imo

Howard is an ass and so is Wendy.

As far as him being a star fucker, I for one remember when Wendy had an oral transaction with a certain large rapper

And having threesome with another semi famous couple on a yacht.


I keep on missing the interview, I only heard the part when she said that she lost 50 lbs.

Howard is savage, I hated when he talked about her body. He is nasty when interviewing women.

Do people really buy celebrities emoji?

i can see teenagers buying the Kardashian ones but I can't see them buying the WW ones.

As far as her clothing line, it is ok but I would rather support  Serena Williams line.

After her interview with Andre, I felt that it was just a pathetic money grab on her part and I don't like her that much.

The real Wendy Williams  is incredibly unlikeable at this point of her life.

She reminds me of the red bitch on the talk.

Alleged threesome on a yacht? Who was that?

On 7/30/2017 at 8:17 AM, patty1h said:

My turn to rant...  I listened to Wendy back when she was on the radio in NYC - I liked her gossip and some of the interviews.  I didn't start watching her show until about 18 months ago - it was the least objectionable show available in the time slot, but every time I tune to it, I ask myself why?   I only really pay attention during Hot Topics but so much of it is so superficial - dumb rappers and thots and foolishness that I feel like I'm losing IQ points.  Then enduring the redundant Sound Off portion, when she goes into the audience and has people give their opinion of the crap already covered in HT.  

I also feel bad for Suzanne and Norman - they both have this "gotta keep the talent happy" scared look in their eyes.  Suzanne rarely looks happy when she's corralled into being the "model" for Wendy's fashion, having to "yes" Wendy to death.  I cringe watching Suzanne try to be upbeat while having to help Wendy shill her clothing line.  I'd ask for extra pay for that.  Don't get me started on her pushing those crappy emojis.  Lady, you're starting to look like you'll do anything for a buck.

Another thing is Wendy going off-topic in the middle of sentences.  I know she said she has ADD or something, but it throws things off when she goes from a long discourse on, say, JLo and suddenly she's changed to some food she ate or her eyelash is loose or she's dabbing a QTip to her eye.  Ugh.    And I also think she is becoming a stick figure with circus boobs.  I can't say I've noticed any surgical enhancements to her face, other than it looks thin(ner).

Great rant! Lol. Thank you!

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Nope she is not  happy, she is scared of his hood ass, Imo

Howard is an ass and so is Wendy.

As far as him being a star fucker, I for one remember when Wendy had an oral transaction with a certain large rapper

And having threesome with another semi famous couple on a yacht.


I keep on missing the interview, I only heard the part when she said that she lost 50 lbs.

Howard is savage, I hated when he talked about her body. He is nasty when interviewing women.

Do people really buy celebrities emoji?

i can see teenagers buying the Kardashian ones but I can't see them buying the WW ones.

As far as her clothing line, it is ok but I would rather support  Serena Williams line.

After her interview with Andre, I felt that it was just a pathetic money grab on her part and I don't like her that much.

The real Wendy Williams  is incredibly unlikeable at this point of her life.

She reminds me of the red bitch on the talk.

Please spill the tea about Wendy and the Rapper. threesomes! I am not surprised Wendy used to say on her radio show that a woman has to always satisfy her man's needs.   Wendy is stuck in a bizarre 1950's  mentality about Women, men and their respective roles in society. There is a disconnect to me due to her fierce independence and hustle to be first a DJ, radio personality, now talk show host.. Wendy just seems so lost and unhappy. She no longer seems happy to be on the show.  I remember her always wanting this, back,in her radio days..

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21 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Please spill the tea about Wendy and the Rapper. threesomes! I am not surprised Wendy used to say on her radio show that a woman has to always satisfy her man's needs.   Wendy is stuck in a bizarre 1950's  mentality about Women, men and their respective roles in society. There is a disconnect to me due to her fierce independence and hustle to be first a DJ, radio personality, now talk show host.. Wendy just seems so lost and unhappy. She no longer seems happy to be on the show.  I remember her always wanting this, back,in her radio days..

Lord, I can hardly picture her in a twosome! Lol.

It's that old saying "Be careful what you wish for". Once you get it you find out it's not all it's cracked up to be.

I think the show is in a rut and needs SOMETHING to jazz it up, and I don't mean another "spin the wheel" contest.  It is so cookie cutter and predictable, but so are most of the other morning talk/entertainment shows.  For instance, I rarely watch Rachael Ray, but I'm sure her stuff is stale and been-there-done-that.  I think these talk shows are afraid to be the one to break the mold that will drive viewers away.  Problem is though, I sat here and thought long and hard and asked myself what Wendy show could do to get some new life and I'm coming up empty.

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13 hours ago, patty1h said:

I think the show is in a rut and needs SOMETHING to jazz it up, and I don't mean another "spin the wheel" contest.  It is so cookie cutter and predictable, but so are most of the other morning talk/entertainment shows.  For instance, I rarely watch Rachael Ray, but I'm sure her stuff is stale and been-there-done-that.  I think these talk shows are afraid to be the one to break the mold that will drive viewers away.  Problem is though, I sat here and thought long and hard and asked myself what Wendy show could do to get some new life and I'm coming up empty.

I was going to seriously ponder this and try to come up with a few scenarios that would work or some possible solutions but then I thought "Nah". I'd never get a thank you, credit, hire/pay or it would just be stolen from this site. Nope. Wasn't worth the effort although I did have some nifty ideas! 

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On 7/30/2017 at 4:31 PM, imjagain said:

I remember the story she told a few months ago. She said she and big Kevin decided to go some club  in Brooklyn, at like 2 in the morning. She said they woke up and just decided to go.


Yeah, I remember her saying that. That is one shady story.  If it's true and they just decided to up and go to a club in Brooklyn at that time, I tend to believe they were still awake doing recreational drugs, not that they just woke up. Maybe lil' Kev was gone for the weekend and they were partying. I'm not gonna believe Big Kev is a straight laced family man now. And Wendy has been acting off and looking weird all season. Something is going on. Cocaine, maybe? I dunno, I have proof of nothing, just observing. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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