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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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Wendy's story or non-story about her shoulder injury is sketchy. For someone who loves to talk generally and loves to talk about herself specifically, she is not very forthcoming about the details. For goodness sakes, this is a woman that talks about her meals in great detail. What is she hiding under those shirts?🤔

ETA: She had to mention that the doctors said she is the healthiest human being that was ever born. 

Edited by Morgalisa
Added how healthy she is
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SPECULATION: Maybe she fell down (or passed out, as rumored on another site) and injured her shoulder and her arm got bruised in the process; a shoulder fracture wouldn't cause arm bruising so she has to cover the telltale arm.  Also, Wendy and her circle know the rumors about her health are rampant and if she says she fell, it would just add fuel to the fire. So she keeps the details vague on how the shoulder thing happened.

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Woah...I just went to reply from my phone and apparently I had this in the reply (below) and never sent it. Lol!  Was trying to post that Perezhilton.com has a story about the mystery surrounding her latest incident and recent behavior. 



And another thing...it would have been cute if she said “love you, Jerry!” and blew him a kiss like he did to her 9,000 times. And have the audience say, “thank you, Jerry” as a nod to all that he said and did while he filled in for her, because you know she was watching...

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Wendy's shoulder story is about as flimsy as Scary Spice.  Take that back I think I heard Scary Spice fell down the stairs.  How exactly did Wendy hurt her arm.  It's weird when the show comes on and she doesnt do her girly run to her chair.  

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20 hours ago, Jeanius said:

Today's Wendy - live!! Wendy is seated again - she is seated throughout the entire show. Her arm is still under her clothes. She is about as "casual" as she can be, wearing a grey sweat suit with some black embellishments. She tells us she has on a soft cast and a sling, and her "flower ring" - she mentioned that ring yesterday as well - and she lets us know her hand is warm, courtesy of her ginormous boob(s).

She starts in on Hot Topics - the whole beginning seems rushed - she seems a bit nervous. Kim K wants Kanye off Twitter. She pauses, and starts a mini-rant about how weird Hot Topics is lately, a "death march" (?) and everything is a repeat, and there is no juicy stuff. Also, she can't eat, she spills soup down the front of her robes, she has gone through five robes, and there won't be any good stuff until February. Sounds like she may be off the month of January? 

Back to Lukewarm Topics …. the Kate Hudson Weight Watcher story. It's a garbled discussion … Kate has never had a weight problem, she has 25 pounds baby weight, she is worth this many million so why not get a few more, why not, she has good genes, well, don't be mad at Kate, be mad at Weight Watchers.

Next Not Topic - she is going to go home and watch 450 new episodes of Law and Order, and eat miso soup. 

She sips her tea and makes a face - "Green tea. Yuck!!!"

Next is a story about David Spade dissing Uber for the drivers being too chatty. She talks about a button to indicate if you want to chat or not. Norman explains it would be a button on the app, and Wendy says then the driver would not come and pick you up!! She says "Ub-dam-ers" just want to talk to people. I don't think Uber drivers decide whether to pick people up based on whether or not they want to chat, but Wendy is convinced that they do. Whole story was strange. And of course Wendy doesn't want to talk to people. 

Megan Mullally can't find a designer to dress her for hosting the SAG Awards. Christian Siriano has stepped up, but Wendy thinks this is somehow not so great because Christian, (or Kristen, as Wendy called him) is known as that guy that steps up to help the poor gals that can't get other designers. I happen to like Christian, so pooh on you, Wendy.

She tells the story of when Julia Roberts realized that she was famous - when someone asked for her autograph when she was in a bathroom stall. Wendy says she would sign an autograph in the bathroom, but not in a stall. I do not believe this for one second. Wendy would be disgusted to be approached in a bathroom. (I probably would be as well, but no chance I will ever be famous, so what do I know. )

Alfonso is suing over his dance, the Carlton being used in the video game Fortnite and NBA 2K. Also, some other guy is also suing over his dance. Wendy says something about they should sue together, no it would be separately, the other guy is younger, so he should definitely sue (not sure what AGE has to do with it). zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Guests are Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard. First they are interviewed, then later they sing. I like them together, they seem to get along so well. Wendy ask Ruben about a broken engagement - Ruben looks SO sad, he really doesn't want to talk about it, but Wendy plows on. Clay helps out, he looks like he feels really bad for Ruben. Wendy loves to twist the knife. What a bitch she can be. 

I agree that the Hot Topics are all the same stories - Kim and Kanye, Meghan Markle, and a handful of others have made up the bulk of the topics, and the rest is mostly filler. 

That was interesting. I have only recently started watching Wendy, so it was new to me. I think they did that to remind us that Wendy is/was relevant, and also as time filler.

That’s the one I went to. It wasn’t live. It was taped Tuesday afternoon. I was sitting on the opposite side in the studio and barely could see anything. Cameras and workers blocked my view. When I did see Wendy she needed help walking. Security guard helped her to her seat, helped her get up and she leaned on him the whole time. She said she hurt her shoulder and it’s in a soft cast.

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No offense to Rueben Studdard or Clay Aiken but damn Wendy.....that's the best you can do for guests?

Maybe Wendy injured her arm throwing a punch at the mistress.

1 hour ago, galaxychaser said:

That’s the one I went to. It wasn’t live. It was taped Tuesday afternoon. I was sitting on the opposite side in the studio and barely could see anything. Cameras and workers blocked my view. When I did see Wendy she needed help walking. Security guard helped her to her seat, helped her get up and she leaned on him the whole time. She said she hurt her shoulder and it’s in a soft cast.

That's an interesting experience you had. I wish more people who have been to her show would post on here. I know tickets are free but even free is not worth it to go see her lame ass show.

ETA: Dish TV has Wendy's guests for today listed as Rueben Stoddard and Clay Aiken but 40 minutes into the show it's apparent those are not her guests! 

And one more thing: just get yourself an electric scooter Wendy and call it a day.

Edited by chenoa333
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Besides the Wendy article on Perez Hilton shown in a comment from earlier this week, I saw also stories on other gossip sites Dlisted and ONTD and the rumors and guesses are all over the place.  I saw multiple sclerosis, breast implant illness, osteoporosis/arthritis, etc.  I also saw stories that there is friction between Suzanne and Wendy because Wendy caught Suzanne's husband having an affair with an intern or receptionist and Wendy ratted him out.  Best one is that the sidepiece is pregnant and Wendy found out and violence ensued and that's how the shoulder got injured.

When they ran that 10 year montage of Wendy's guests on Tuesday, it seemed like something done at the end of a person's career, not on a random day of the week.  It felt like a tribute, or the end of an era thing.  It made me feel like things are being wrapped up for an ending.  I'm preparing for the announcement...

Edited by patty1h
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Does anyone know why she sounded strange today?  As she got further into Hot Topics, she almost sounded as though her throat was closing up or something almost like a hearing impaired person...it was very strange.  She started out clear, but then it got worse.  All shade and critiques aside about the quality of the show lately, but she really needs to prioritize her health.  Other shows have come back after a long hiatus...Curb, or just end it.  Do a podcast or XM.  Other people will figure out the technology for her.  

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One thing I noticed in the 10-year montage is the drastic change in Wendy. She looked so much better and healthier with more weight on her IMO. Plus, as another poster mentioned, she was with it and able to keep up. She keeps getting names mixed up all the time now.

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21 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m skeptical, but not going to rule out DV. 

What is DV? 

That montage was not a good idea. Showing us how Wendy used to be so fun, sharp and quick proves how far she has fallen (no pun intended). Her looks have changed, too. She's aging rapidly. Somebody upthread mentioned multiple sclerosis as a possibility. I do believe something much more serious is going on with Wendy's health than she is letting on. I also think she passed out and fell again. The question is Why. There has got to be a reason why this woman can barely walk anymore and is hiding her entire arm from view. Wendy needs to realize that people are smart and she can't hide the truth about her health forever. 

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Domestic Violence. She could have been pushed which precipitated the fall. Also why she’s keeping quiet on the subject. 

This is speculation but I know I’d have a row (fight) with my guy if he blatantly kept a side piece, like his gal in Morristown. 

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49 minutes ago, For Cereals said:

Does anyone know why she sounded strange today?  As she got further into Hot Topics, she almost sounded as though her throat was closing up or something almost like a hearing impaired person...it was very strange.  She started out clear, but then it got worse.  All shade and critiques aside about the quality of the show lately, but she really needs to prioritize her health.  Other shows have come back after a long hiatus...Curb, or just end it.  Do a podcast or XM.  Other people will figure out the technology for her.  

There definitely was a change in her speaking. Freaky. 

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1 hour ago, Morgalisa said:

 Do a podcast or XM.  Other people will figure out the technology for her.  

Wendy's got a lot more to figure out in her life than technology.

She is definitely hiding so much truth about what is going on in her life. People respect and admire someone who comes clean and admits they are having problems.

Wendy just keeps faking it, lying, telling everyone that her life is great. She really thinks we're all stupid. No sympathy from me for people who are full of b.s. and think I'm dumb enough to believe them.

Edited by chenoa333
Smokin' hot Jamaican
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Another far out rumor about the covered arm... it's to hide a ruptured implant.  I found myself looking at her chest area the last few days and it looked "different" but I thought it was the way her shirts were fitting with her arm tucked inside.  Hmmm. 

EDIT:  Oh, boy - this is a horrible rumor:  Kevin is slowly poisoning her.

Edited by patty1h
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13 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Does anyone know why she sounded strange today?

I read in an article that Wendy apologized on Instagram and said that she was impaired by pain medication.  I noticed that on her Twitter account, where there are normally numerous video clips from an episode, that the only posts today were sponsor-related ones about the Holiday Gift Grab.

Here is the link about her apology.

Edited by KWalkerInc
Adding link.
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4 hours ago, KWalkerInc said:

I read in an article that Wendy apologized on Instagram and said that she was impaired by pain medication. 

Wendy is impaired by lies. If you are so physically/medically impaired by Grave's disease, pain meds and (insert Wendy's next lie here) then go home, put your show on hold for awhile and take care of yourself.

But she continues to show up injured, ill, with odd behavior, memory loss, etc and wants us to believe all is well,  these things are just a little mishap. My guess is, she knows she's going down and will soon be in the news but not in a good way. Too bad for her because she could go down with dignity and respect but THAT is not her style. She's all about trashy, not classy!

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Whatever is going on with Wendy, her husband is the root cause of her problems and the stress associated with him is impacting her health before our eyes.  Like a lot of people in life, she will hold on to this relationship to save face rather than admit that she was wrong.  She should realize that her husband was a vehicle for her to have her son and move on with her life. She is still young enough that she could enjoy her millions, her life, her son, her other family that consists of her parents who are still alive and her siblings.

Edited by Apprentice79
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Whatever is going on with Wendy, her husband is the root cause of her problems and the stress associated with him is impacting her health before our eyes.  Like a lot of people in life, she will hold on to this relationship to save face rather than admit that she was wrong. 

I wonder if a straight divorce is harder than we think - what if Kevin was a package deal for the show.  I'm sure with him getting set up as a show producer and her manager, they most likely have contracts and have put in clauses that will protect/benefit him.   It's probably a very messy tangle that Kevin would fight - he wouldn't give up his meal ticket easily.  At this point, who knows if Wendy even has the energy to fight for her freedom.

EDIT:  I just had a thought as to why Wendy's sticking with the show during her health issue:  she is thinking about all of the folks behind the scenes and doesn't want to let them down.  She knows the production team, cameramen, makeup, wardrobe, hair, set dressers and cleaning people have families and bills and are depending on her being there so they get a paycheck.  If that is the case, that changes my opinion on the situation.

Edited by patty1h
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8 hours ago, patty1h said:

I wonder if a straight divorce is harder than we think - what if Kevin was a package deal for the show.  I'm sure with him getting set up as a show producer and her manager, they most likely have contracts and have put in clauses that will protect/benefit him.   It's probably a very messy tangle that Kevin would fight - he wouldn't give up his meal ticket easily.  At this point, who knows if Wendy even has the energy to fight for her freedom.

Big Kev has been an albatross around Wendy's neck since her radio days.  Wendy views him as protective and being a man in her eyes. For me he seems like a controlling abuser who isolates her from her family and friends.  I am not saying the he abuses her, but, his persona is not good at all. 

Yes, I do think that Big Kev has his tentacles all in her money, investments, assets, the Wendy show and her production company.  So, a divorce will be long, expensive, ugly and humiliating. Big Kev will see to that and if she is struggling with her health, this will only make things worst for her.  

Edited by Apprentice79
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Wendy Watchers,

Calling your attention to this site announcement:  http://forums.previously.tv/announcement/56-whered-my-show-go-and-other-reorganization-information/

This forum will likely be consolidated to a topic when the W shows go through the reorganization.  So check for the Other W Shows forums to find Wendy Williams.  If you have questions, please PM @PrincessPurrsALot and I'll guide you through.

To reduce stress, enjoy this non-Wendy GIF that expresses how I often feel when watching her show.


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I saw a Blind about her. It stated that after her injury (shoulder?) her MDs adviced her to forgo the show and check into a rehab. She obviously didn’t listen. I wonder what she needs rehab for? Drinking? Did she fall down drunk and was all alone so it took awhile to find her and get her help? Drugs...as in pills? She has had that zombie look in her eyes a few times. 

I’m on the fence with this Big Kev and pregnancy issue. If indeed the other woman is pregnant then Wendy should leave him with her head held high. She thinks he has all the power, but I doubt the court system willl find him innocent of mental cruelty when he has been blatantly living in Morristown with the mistress and the paps have caught them out and about together. Sure she will lose a lot of money but if she lets in run off of her like water on a duck, comes back stronger than ever, then I think the media and fans will be there to support her and welcome the new and improved Wendy back (whew...sorry for the run on sentence). Continuing to let things remain as they are will only lead to her demise. 

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

. I wonder what she needs rehab for

I think sometimes the term "rehab" also applies to people who need physical rehabilitation for injuries. Like after (HYPOTHETICALLY) your husband shatters some of your shoulder bones. Lol. 

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59 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I think sometimes the term "rehab" also applies to people who need physical rehabilitation for injuries. Like after (HYPOTHETICALLY) your husband shatters some of your shoulder bones. Lol. 

Fair point. Still, her behavior of late does have me questioning. Then again, having the situation that we allegedly are thinking about would cause anyone to crack emotionally. 

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I agree with @Mindthinkr. The ONLY way Wendy saves this situation is to kick Kev to the curb and come back all "yeah, I was down, but hear me roar!" She needs to own the situation and speak openly about it. Not only would that be a ratings bonanza, but everyone would totally have her back. And also she could say, see, I dish it out, but I dish about myself, too. Then at some point she can regale us with tales about her dating. ... ... Um, Wendy, just a heads up. No Q-tips in the nostrils, burping or farting on first dates.  

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13 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I agree with @Mindthinkr. The ONLY way Wendy saves this situation is to kick Kev to the curb and come back all "yeah, I was down, but hear me roar!" She needs to own the situation and speak openly about it.

I doubt she'll do that. She's already lied so much and appears to be a coward when it comes to honesty. She is a mess and she should just cut her losses, cancel her show and get better physically and emotionally. 

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28 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I doubt she'll do that. She's already lied so much and appears to be a coward when it comes to honesty. She is a mess and she should just cut her losses, cancel her show and get better physically and emotionally. 

Doubt that would ever happen, although it might be a “what is best” scenario. 

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I also doubt that Wendy will open her personal life to the viewers.  I see her coming back after a divorce and saying something like "I guess you all read the papers. huh?" like nudge wink and leave it like an inside joke between friends.  The audience will clap and hoot and Wendy will maybe wipe a tear.  Then she'll firmly imply that it's her past and she's moved on, so it's time for Hot Topics!  Then she'll never speak about it again.  But if a divorce happens and she comes back to the show, any gossip story that she tells that involves a cheating husband will be like ashes in her mouth.

Edited by patty1h
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6 hours ago, patty1h said:

The audience will clap and hoot and Wendy will maybe wipe a tear.

You mean she will jab at her eyes with a Q-tip. giggle.gif I think you are spot on about how she will handle it, and that is one of the reasons I can't get on board with the way she cackles and viciously goes after other celebrities who have any kind of issues. 

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Excuse my ignorance, but as Wendy's business manager, wouldn't her husband continue to profit off of any endeavor that was negotiated before the divorce? So as long as The Wendy Williams show remains on air, Big Kev is getting a paycheck, right? Ooh, I know Wendy loves this show (and the adulation that comes with it, natch)  but I'd sooner see her ending it than letting her ex-husband continue to make money off what she's got going on. Even if Wendy wants a divorce, their business relationship makes it as such that it would be a big ass pain in the ass to disentangle. As Wendy would say, we'll be watching. 😂

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@UniqBlue69  It's impossible to know what kind of loopholes, clauses, etc. Wendy or Kevin have in their contracts.  If the producers were smart, they'd have written in a way to buy out Kevin's contract in the event of divorce.  I'm sure they wouldn't want to give him another dime if they split, and going by the rumors about his crap behind the scenes, they'd be happy to see him go.

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I can’t post links but Tamara Tattles (I know) put out a article yesterday about Wendy being sorry that she did the show high on painkillers. Just as I was about to check it out bam...cable and WiFi went out for 18 hours. It doesn’t say much, but it sounds like she’s beginning damage control. Doesn’t she have PR people? If not she should have. This could turn into (her private life) a sh#t show. 

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Wendy doesn't have to say anything about what is REALLY going on with her because TMZ and every other gossip site will have the scoop. I believe TMZ is the most reliable source of info on celebrities. Harvey Levin knows what TMZ can report with no legal repercussions. WW will be headline news real soon. 

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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

Wendy doesn't have to say anything about what is REALLY going on with her because TMZ and every other gossip site will have the scoop. I believe TMZ is the most reliable source of info on celebrities. Harvey Levin knows what TMZ can report with no legal repercussions. WW will be headline news real soon. 

That will force her to confront her demons head on. I mean, how much worse can it get? (Rhetorical). She needs to make some changes with her life. I wish her the courage to do so. 

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50 cent is enjoying the hell out of the rumors of Wendy seeking a divorce from Big Kev for allegedly getting his side piece pregnant. He is trolling her hard on the internet. I cannot fault him for that since Wendy has been spreading rumors that he is a down low brother since her radio days.  I suspect a lot of people will be enjoying the schadenfreude.  Wendy has done so many people dirty in the Hip hop and R&B community for years spreading unsubstantiated rumors. I have to give the devil her due, Wendy was one of the few people who used to say that Bill Cosby was not the saint that he portrayed himself to be, it was pretty brave on her part, especially since he was an icon in the Black community and beyond. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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8 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

s.  I suspect a lot of people will be enjoying the schadenfreude.  Wendy has done so many people dirty in the Hip hop and R&B community for years spreading unsubstantiated rumors

Yes. This is how she made her "career". But the walls are crumbling down. 

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There's a YouTube channel (Chronicle Speaks) and she states that the house in Morris Township that Kev bought for the mistress is up for sale for much less than Kev paid for it. Chronicle Speaks posted the pics of the interior and you can see some empty rooms and some furnished. Realtor told her nobody is living in it. 

CS also posted pics of the real estate documents showing Kevin (aka Kelvin) Hunter bought the house under an LLC called Morris T. 

It's an interesting 11 minutes and the "receipts" are all on the video. My apologies but I don't know how to link the actual video.

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I find it hilarious that Wendy had her lawyer send a cease and desist letter to a minor gossip site reporting the love child when pretty much every fucking day on national television she engages in bitchy speculation (and gets her facts totally wrong) about celebrities' affairs, divorces, children, drugs, etc.

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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

There's a YouTube channel (Chronicle Speaks) and she states that the house in Morris Township that Kev bought for the mistress is up for sale for much less than Kev paid for it. Chronicle Speaks posted the pics of the interior and you can see some empty rooms and some furnished. Realtor told her nobody is living in it. 

CS also posted pics of the real estate documents showing Kevin (aka Kelvin) Hunter bought the house under an LLC called Morris T. 

It's an interesting 11 minutes and the "receipts" are all on the video. My apologies but I don't know how to link the actual video.

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Thank you for posting that Jaded. The video I watched on YouTube by Chronicle Speaks showed photos of the home for sale where the mistress lived and pics of documents showing Big Kevin/Kelvin/MorrisT LLC as owner of said home. I apologize for my lack of "tech knoweldgy" in posting the direct link but it's all there with more documented info.

Happy New Year to all my wonderful PT posters. Best of all life has to offer you in 2019! 💞

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2 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Thank you for posting that Jaded. The video I watched on YouTube by Chronicle Speaks showed photos of the home for sale where the mistress lived and pics of documents showing Big Kevin/Kelvin/MorrisT LLC as owner of said home. I apologize for my lack of "tech knoweldgy" in posting the direct link but it's all there with more documented info.

Happy New Year to all my wonderful PT posters. Best of all life has to offer you in 2019! 💞

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Denial. Denial. Denial. This is sad. She's going to stand by her man no matter what and continues to claim everything is great in "Hunterville".  

She made a public apology for being on pain killers which caused her to slur an act weird. She blames the pain killers on her fractured shoulder but still no explanation of how she got the injury and why she's hiding it under her clothes. 

What about the two weeks before the injury when she had to sit all the time and could barely walk. No apologies or excuses for that. We see you Wendy. Stop with the lies. 

Because she won't face reality and tell the truth there is most likely be more strange behavior to come. 

Oh, and if all that's not enough, it's reported that the show has been renewed for 2 more years. Wow, I can not imagine any other daytime talk show host getting away with this. 

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