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S12.E19: The Future

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KELLY MAKES A BOLD CHOICE – Sam (Jared Padalecki) comes up with a way to stop Lucifer’s (Mark Pellegrino) baby but Castiel (Misha Collins) has something else in mind for Kelly (guest star Courtney Ford). Dean (Jensen Ackles) is furious when he finds out someone stole the colt. Kelly makes a bold choice about the baby’s future. Amanda Tapping directed the episode written by Robert Berens & Meredith Glynn. 


This episode also marks Mr. Misha Collins' 100th credited episode with the show! He has starred in 99 episodes as the character of Castiel and directed one episode namely Mother's Little Helper. He is the first actor outside of the two leads to reach such an important mile stone! In celebration of this important achievement I have complied a number of gifs showing some of his best moments on the show so far! These have been hidden in a spoiler tag for those with slow internet speeds, or to make it easy for those not overly interested in the celebration to just skip it. 



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And one out of the spoiler tag just for @catrox14





ETA: I tried to make the appreciation stuff in a seperate post to the opener, but the forum software kept merging them together, sorry. 

Edited by Wayward Son
  • Love 8

OK, so Metatron removed Cas's grace and Cas is still alive and then Cas returned the favor and removed Metatron's grace leaving him alive, but all of the sudden we need a spell to remove an angel's grace and it might kill it.  I'm sure some people will be upset over the loss of the Colt, but we've been without it a while and it does make things a mite easy. 

I think cas has lost his mind. And I guess next season will be him playing daddy to the baby.  I don't really understand why Cas wouldn't just be able tobring Kelly back to life after the birth.  And, no reason thebaby would lie to you, right Cas? Of course not.  But, then again, Cas always believes everything anybody tells him, so it is quit in character.

I would have been bummed we didn' get the original Joshua back, except that they killed him 3 seconds after he showed up, so I guess it's OK.

  • Love 2

OK, so Metatron removed Cas's grace and Cas is still alive and then Cas returned the favor and removed Metatron's grace leaving him alive, but all of the sudden we need a spell to remove an angel's grace and it might kill it.  I'm sure some people will be upset over the loss of the Colt, but we've been without it a while and it does make things a mite easy. 

I may have misunderstood but, I thought the reason they needed the spell was to remove the Grace before the baby was born.

This was a mixed bag for me things i liked were overshadowed by how much I hated them giving Daegon she a huge power boost. 

I hated that Daegon killed those Angels so easily.  I also hated that she destroyed the Colt...i was screaming Nooooo! Right along with Dean.

I loved Castiel in this episode he was very down to earth (no pun intended). I still adore the Cas/Dean friendship.

Absolutely hated that they killed Joshua so easily, although I'm glad they recast the character, since he was pointless in this episode.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Ok I really liked quite a bit of it.  I thought the writing was good because I felt the tension for the entire hour.

I am always here for Castiel/Winchester interaction.  Family or antagonism, he is probably one of my favorite supporting characters within the shows history.  He's still a gullible, naive and in a weird way, GUILELESS mark BUT he is cunning enough to know how to "work" Dean when he needs to trick him.  Also like the turn around that even though Sam and Castiel have become tight over the last few years, Sam was took insurance and was able to outmaneuver Cas with the tracker.   

Castiel is capable enough to cause EVERYONE (Dean, Sam, Crowley, Lucifer, Rowena, Miscellaneous) but not capable enough that he can solve every problem.  Before Kelly and the Baby did their trick, Sam and Dean were the only thing that kept Daigon from incinerating him.   

Having said all that, Castiel taking the lead on this whole thing is going to be SUCH a disaster.

Even when Dean is ludicrous, JA is still so awesome.  "Let's go find him and kick his feathered ass." LOL

Lucifer/MP is always good but his scene tonight when he was chastising Daigon was....wow.  The writers don't let him show his menacing enough because the actor did that REALLY well.

  • Love 4

I am so upset right now. Like this is not okay. NONE of this is okay.

Cas is being played by Lucifer via that stupid baby

Also, fuck you Dabb. For not letting Dean use the Colt once to kill someone and then the one time he gets it, it gets taken away from him and DESTROYED. 

Gods, I'm so pissed at this show. I just can't even. I'll be back later.

Well this episode was something though two things irked me; First why introduce Joshua just to kill him off like that (I mean its jarring when you could have easily had another angel meet kelly and castiel before Dagon killed them). Lastly why didnt Sam or Dean immediately use the Colt first when dagon was strangling Cass. 

Edited by G-Man
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Cas is being played by Lucifer via that stupid baby

Cas gets played by everyone, so at least the kept his character consistent.

5 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I may have misunderstood but, I thought the reason they needed the spell was to remove the Grace before the baby was born.

OK, I guess that makes sense then.

And, I'm really annoyed by the fact that the Impala was conveniently laocked.  I think the only othetime that car has been locked was in Houses of the Holy when it was also conveniently convenient for it to be locked. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Katy M said:

Cas gets played by everyone, so at least the kept his character consistent.

OK, I guess that makes sense then.

And, I'm really annoyed by the fact that the Impala was conveniently laocked.  I think the only othetime that car has been locked was in Houses of the Holy when it was also conveniently convenient for it to be locked. 

It's like when it fell into a the p(l)othole at the end of s10 when it's never been stuck before.  So dumb.

  • Love 1

I guess I was naive this episode because I didn't think Castiel or Kelly were being played. I really thought the story was Nature vs Nurture and that Castiel's future is to help the baby be "Good".

If Castiel is being played it changes my opinion of the episode because I'm just so tired of Cas being played.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I guess I was naive this episode because I didn't think Castiel or Kelly were being played. I really thought the story was Nature vs Nurture and that Castiel's future is to help the baby be "Good".

If Castiel is being played it changes my opinion of the episode because I'm just so tired of Cas being played.

Well, you could be right. Obviously, te rest of us don't know anything you don't.  Well, at least I don't, I suppose I shouldn't speak for any one else, but
I would infinitely prefer Cas being played, then to playing Daddy all year next season, and raising a superhunter that can just take care of all their problems making Sam and Dean completely superfluous.

3 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

I haven't watched the episode yet.  Figured I'd watch tomorrow with no commercials.  But I'm not sure, based on the sound of it, that I should do that.  

I'm with you. I've begun to skim through the weekly episode thread after it's been aired to get an overall feel of what transpired but I'm not too eager after reading some of these posts.

10 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Well, you could be right. Obviously, te rest of us don't know anything you don't.  Well, at least I don't, I suppose I shouldn't speak for any one else, but
I would infinitely prefer Cas being played, then to playing Daddy all year next season, and raising a superhunter that can just take care of all their problems making Sam and Dean completely superfluous.

I had the craziest thought during the episode, when Castiel was talking about who would be strong enough to raise Baby Luci if Kelly died. I wondered if they were going to give the baby to Mary to raise as a way to write both out of the story for awhile.

*don't kill me*

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 3

Remember the Supernatural motto:  give them what they want but not in the way they want it. 

IMO EVERYONE saying the Nephilm is EVIL is a misdirect.  We wanted Cas to get his mojo back. Cas got his mojo back.  However, they've created serious doubt that this is a good thing. 

BUT we also EXPECT Cas to f*ck up.  I think the show is using Cas' track record against us.  Sure, it's Satan's child. But Satan isn't talking to it.  Satan is talking to Dagon. The child, however, IS talking to the mother and Cas.  I'm going to put faith in Cas and this entire 'oh shit' feel is exactly what Dabb wants. 

Edited by SueB
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, MysteryGuest said:

I normally watch, but my cable seems to be giving me fits tonight, so I just gave up.  I'm honestly not sure what to make of what's been said.  Can someone give a quick synopsis?

Kelly kills herself. Comes back to life.  Cas comes back.  Dean gets mad at him for disappearing.  Cas steals the Colt.  Finds Kelly and kidnaps her from Dagon.  says he's going to take her to Heaven.  Truck breaks down.  Sam and Dean find him because Sam tracked his cell phone.  They had come up with a plan to extract the baby's grace making him human.  Kelly is against this because then he won't be special.  Kelly steals the Impala with Cas in it.  They try to go to Heaven.  Dagon shows up and stops them, killing Joshua.  Sam and Dean show up and try to kill Dagon.  They fail.  Kelly holds Cas's hand and the baby powers Cas up and kills Dagon, but not before she destroyed the Colt. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, SueB said:

IMO EVERYONE saying the Nephilm is EVIL is a misdirect.  We wanted Cas to get his mojo back. Cas got his mojo back.  However, they've created serious doubt that this is a good thing. 

First of all, not everyone wants Cas to get his mojo back.  SEcond of all, I'm not sure he did, I think he just got powred up temporarily while he was touching Kelly/Nephilim. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Katy M said:

Kelly kills herself. Comes back to life.  Cas comes back.  Dean gets mad at him for disappearing.  Cas steals the Colt.  Finds Kelly and kidnaps her from Dagon.  says he's going to take her to Heaven.  Truck breaks down.  Sam and Dean find him because Sam tracked his cell phone.  They had come up with a plan to extract the baby's grace making him human.  Kelly is against this because then he won't be special.  Kelly steals the Impala with Cas in it.  They try to go to Heaven.  Dagon shows up and stops them, killing Joshua.  Sam and Dean show up and try to kill Dagon.  They fail.  Kelly holds Cas's hand and the baby powers Cas up and kills Dagon, but not before she destroyed the Colt. 

I know I wasn't the one that requested the summary but thanks for the lowdown.  At least Dagon is no more which is a good thing..

3 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

Can someone give a quick synopsis?

Kelly finally decided the baby was too dangerous to give birth to and tried to kill herself -- but the baby saved her. So now she's Team!Baby.

Cas came back down to the bunker. Dean was pissed off that Cas had gone radio silent, and they sooooorta made up -- but then it turned out that he had just come to play them and steal the Colt.

So then Cas took the Colt to go rescue/kill (?) Kelly, and he did rescue her -- but couldn't kill Daegon while he was at it. Once they were in hiding, Cas and Kelly bonded, and Kelly said that if she died in childbirth, Cas should raise the baby.

Back at the bunker, the Winchesters figured out a plan to draw off the baby's grace and make it a regular human fetus (but they never really got the chance to do it).

The Winchesters and Daegon all caught up with Kelly and Cas, and there was a big fight and Dagon got killed. Then Cas bopped the Winchesters on the head and absconded with Kelly.

Throughout, there were lots of flash-y eyes like Kelly and then maybe Cas were getting possessed. But it's confusing who they were being possessed with -- maybe Lucifer, maybe the baby, maybe their own mojo?

That's just the broad strokes, though! Weirdly, it was kind of a slow-ish episode but overstuffed.

On preview, I see you've already gotten your synopsis! Jinx :)

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

So if the baby powers up Cas to kill Dagon, then maybe it's not evil.  Maybe it will also kill Lucifer.

Maybe, the baby killing Dagon means that it is in fact on the side of good.  Or maybe he just doesn't like Dagon.  Or, earlier in the epi Dagon said the baby would destroy everyone--people, angels, and sniveling demons.  apparently she forgot she was a demon.  Maybe the baby is inheriting Lucifer's hatred of demonkind. 

By the way, totally called the plan to draw off the baby's grace way back in February:

2 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Maybe, the baby killing Dagon means that it is in fact on the side of good.  Or maybe he just doesn't like Dagon.

I think the baby is mostly on Kelly's side right now. That's its mom, and Dagon was fucking with her. I'm not surprised that it would want to protect Kelly from Dagon as much as it would want to protect Kelly from herself/bleeding out!

TBH I doubt that Kelly is going to die in childbirth, because it seems like the baby would want and would have the power to stop that from happening.

Edited by rue721
  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I wonder if Cas has a tape player.  Or maybe he doesn't need one.

I guess Cas can listen to it while he's driving?

But I hear you. My first thought was that I wish we'd seen Dean making that mixtape on his never-before-seen boombox.

Listening to the radio nonstop and frantically pressing Record when this comes on:


Also essential to the angel BFF mixtape:

Edited by rue721
  • Love 1

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly quick thoughts:

The Good:

  • Everything Team Free Will. They were mad at Cas but the LOVE and bond between the three is so evident. 
  • The MIX TAPE!!! Be still my heart.  I don't look for romantic Destiel but I adored that moment. 
  • Dean saying Team Free Will and calling Cas a 'dumbass' like Bobby said Idjit. 
  • Cas having his mojo back-- I don't mean the powers, I mean his groove, his spirit. 
  • That Kelly tried to commit suicide.  That sounds super horrible but in this case, she's proving to me that she is not just a sentimental ball of mush. She wants to protect the earth and thinks this is the right pre-emotive move. 
  • That the baby saved Kelly.
  • Lucifer was truly f*cking scary for a moment there.  That's the Lucifer who should be on our screens. A real threat. 
  • Dagon's swagger.  Yeah, she's the Bad Guy but she had style. 
  • That Dagon died.  It was time for her to go. 
  • Dean fixed the truck.  (Competency kink)
  • Sam tracking Cas (they know him so well)
  • That the boys were immediately suspicious at the end.  I WANT them to doubt.  This looks hella fishy. Personally, I have Faith Cas is doing the right thing but I want the boys to be skeptical. They don't have the 'proof' Cas does. 

The Bad

  • Stunt angel #1 & 2.  Cardboard
  • Replacing Joshua with Mr Milquetoast.  I LOVED the original Joshua.  This was NOT him. 

The Ugly

  • They MELTED the Colt.  Not Cool.  Not Cool at all. 
Edited by SueB
  • Love 5

- I love that even though Dean is pissed at Cass, he 'gets' why Cas is the way he is, and explains it so well to Sam.

- Did they seriously just take the iconic character of Joshua, have him played by a different actor, and then kill him of in like 5 seconds? Damn, even Tess didn't get treated that badly.

- I do like that Lucifer's baby is such a complex issue and they are exploring many different perspectives.

- I lost track of how many times I said "Goddammit Cas!"

  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I guess I was naive this episode because I didn't think Castiel or Kelly were being played. I really thought the story was Nature vs Nurture and that Castiel's future is to help the baby be "Good".

If Castiel is being played it changes my opinion of the episode because I'm just so tired of Cas being played.

My husband is sure its the nature versus nurture. I'm not so sure-Cas doesn't have a good track record-but wouldn't it be nice if he was right?!  I loved hoe JA played Dean angry at Cas when we all know he was just so worried... And when he said its a present you keep it. Also call out to the new baby Zepp!


I cried out Noooo the Colt!!! That really saddened me. But I guess the colt is like full strength Cas-it would make it too easy for them.

55 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I haven't watched the episode yet.  Figured I'd watch tomorrow with no commercials.  But I'm not sure, based on the sound of it, that I should do that.  

Oh you should watch it.  Sam was smart, Dean showed how much he cares about Cas's safety and Lucifer was scary!

49 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I had the craziest thought during the episode, when Castiel was talking about who would be strong enough to raise Baby Luci if Kelly died. I wondered if they were going to give the baby to Mary to raise as a way to write both out of the story for awhile.

*don't kill me*

That absolutely crossed y mind too!

48 minutes ago, Periadoc said:

1. I am all about all the Cas/Dean stuff in this episode

2. I REALLY hope they do not make Cas/Dean/Sam play "daddy" to this demon child. This plotline is so terrible. Of course its gonna be evil! Its LUCIFER'S child! How could it not be evil?? And it is obviously controlling both Kelly and Cas cause its in its best interest to survive. 

Jesses wasn't evil...as far as we know.

  • Love 3

Boy, that was bad and really boring.  Lots of stupid people.  And stupid angels.  And stupid demons--I mean, Dagon is going to rule alongside Luci.  Rule what?  She says that Sproutifer is going to kill all the disgusting angels and humans and demons.  So, she wants to be Queen of--what? rutabagas?  What else would be left?  (Hopefully, Asmodeus only want revenge.  A good reason that has stood the test of time.  lol)

Dean not only cannot get a kill but he also doesn't do any research anymore or come up with any ideas or plans.  Except that one time when he didn't know who he was.  Maybe someone should hit him on the head.

Why they brought back either Joshua or the Colt is beyond me.  

I have no idea why the show takes the position that a half-demon (Jesse) or a half-archangel (Sproutifer) would be more powerful than a full demon or a full archangel.  Then again, this is SPN, so I guess...reasons?

  • Useful 1
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