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S07.E19: Reunion Part 1

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1 minute ago, AndySmith said:

Doesn't that belong in the Ericka thread? Or the DWTS thread?

You  are more than welcome to take it either thread. Since it is just another opinion about Erika I thought it might assuage the Erika "hate".  It seemed to touch on a lot of things Erika we see on the show and it is current.  Again you are more than welcome to cut and paste it anywhere you like to put it.

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5 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I think Dorit does it with intention.

Well, we have PTVers expressing opinions from both sides of the fence...

Anything is possible. In this case, I just find it unlikely. IMO.

Okay, last thing I'll say on this topic, I promise (I think I can hear some cheering from my laptop, and that is going on my list of Serious Offenses by PTV ;)

When I mentioned PTVers in that context, I was saying those PTVers identify themselves as people who pick up accents easily, without doing it intentionally. I can't see why they'd feel a need to lie about that, so their experiences tell me there are legitimately some people in the world who pick up accents naturally, without any faking.  It's evidence for the claim that it's possible to speak with an accent without going out of your way to fake it.

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It seemed to touch on a lot of things Erika we see on the show and it is current

Yeah but nothing to really do with this episode. Anyway, to each their own, I was just making an observation.

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41 minutes ago, Vicky8675309 said:

Erika picking her nails and looking at the ceiling when PK was talking was rude and dismissive but I'm sure many will love it because the PK hate is strong.

If the hate is strong, it's because PK put himself in that position by continually gossiping and meddling in the women's lives.  Even he said he was wrong to do that.  It was obvious BRAVO had him at the Reunion for a reason - to face his truth - that's why he was so nervous.

Regardless of what issues Rinna's had, the only HW to ever speak negatively about Harry Hamlin - was Kim - who later admitted she lied.

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From the article ZM linked:

"The even more damning thing is it never feels as if the audience is learning anything more about Erika than purely what is on the surface. Everything feels staged and artificial. "

That quote seems just as applicable to this show and even this episode (imo). Even the scenes with her mother seemed staged imo. It sounds like her mother and grandmother treated her the same yet it was tough (??? she had to cash her own check and make phone calls yet her mother always kissed/hugged her and said she loved her.....that's a tough childhood? I'm confused). Doesn't everyone have a tough childhood to some degree (teenage angst and whatnot). I may have missed something from those scenes because I didn't find them riveting.

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3 minutes ago, escape said:

If the hate is strong, it's because PK put himself in that position by continually gossiping and meddling in the women's lives.  Even he said he was wrong to do that.  It was obvious BRAVO had him at the Reunion for a reason - to face his truth - that's why he was so nervous.

Regardless of what issues Rinna's had, the only HW to ever speak negatively about Harry Hamlin - was Kim - who later admitted she lied.

Well, Kim certainly implied something about Harry Hamlin and LR lost her shit. So, wonder why LR decided it was ok to imply something about PK? Not only that, but she went on to imply something about everybody at Dorit's dinner party. 

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

With a fair amount of plastic surgeries on these shows, noses, boobs, vagina tightening, fillers, Botox, lip implants, full time stylists, I don't see the big deal in Dorit trying to maybe improve herself with adopting whatever speech pattern she displays.  It is hard for me to say someone is pretentious when there is so much that happens with this entire group with the surgery, fillers and implants and of course the second personality.  A fair amount of time the very enhancements these women subject themselves to often detract instead of enhance.  RINNA'S UPPER LIP springs to mind and obvious implants.


There is also a fair amount of insincere speak on the show and with Eileen I rarely get a conversational feel from her it always seems like her acting voice.  It seems very practiced.  I just take Dorit as being malleable when it comes to speech.  Her fashion commentary voice to me seems like maybe she was in the American newscaster mode.   

I have experienced a fair number of friends who were raised speaking Spanish in the home and their speech doesn't have a trace of an accent.  When I am around their family and friends their speech and choice of words changes dramatically.  I have never thought to call them out for faking a non accent when not around their families.

Just like "val -speak" - once I moved I lost my 'dude-itude' - because no one around me says it, it has practically disappeared from my vocab. I don't have an accent, but when I do go someplace and start to converse with someone they will stop to ask me where I learned to speak and who taught me.

It's also not about an accent, per se. It's also usage, syntax, slang and how confident you are when you do speak.

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51 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I think Dorit does it with intention.

Well, we have PTVers expressing opinions from both sides of the fence...

Anything is possible. In this case, I just find it unlikely. IMO.

What's the benefit of forcing an accent? That's the real curious part for me. Why it's more believable that she's forcing herself to sound, what I'm sure she's been told, silly than to believe she does it unintentionally?

Like what's the pay off that so many people think she's doing it for? She's gotten flack for it so I'm interested in knowing what is it that people think she's doing it for?

Kyle does it to be funny when she's imitating LVP. Some people do it intentionally when interacting with someone with an accent sometimes as deliberate banter but in those instances its just all in good fun.

What is the reasoning for someone to force themselves to speak like that on a regular basis? I don't get it. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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17 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

I find the idea that Dorit is purposely faking her accent fascinating.  Personally, I don't think she is. Why? Because when she was being attacked in HK and when she lost it on LR in the finale, she didn't lose her accent.  When people become frustrated or angry, they tend to revert to their actual speech patterns. To my ear, she didn't sound any different than usual.

The only time I ever noticed Dorit losing her accent was when she carefully spoke to Jagger. This implied that she was actually concentrating on how she spoke and enunciating her words. 

I was born in the midwest, which pretty much means it was hard to pinpoint the region I was from.  More of a "mainstream" accent.  We then moved to Tennessee and I picked up a very southern drawl. Mind you, my parents grew up in the midwest and NEVER had a southern drawl.  When we moved to the Dallas, TX area, my accent reverted back to my original midwestern accent with a hint of a southern influence (contrary to movies and television, most people in the Dallas area do not have a strong southern accent.  Most people here are transplants from other states, so there is no discernible accent) 

Dorit's accent doesn't sound British to me.  It sounds like a hybrid of several regions. I also believe she has a slight lisp, which may also explain why she seems to pause when speaking or use odd word choices when trying to get her point across.  

In any event, all this to say I don't give a fuck about Dorit's accent. If having a weird accent is a character flaw, then most of this country is doomed.

I think Dorit has been pretty self deprecating regarding her accent. I've yet to see her get defensive about it. If LR was hoping to score points by pointing out it was fake, she missed the mark.  

Erika seems like she would be exhausting to be around. The only time I found her funny was at the cheesecake tasting.  The rest of the time, she seems incredibly high maintenance. I would never be clear if I'm dealing with Erika the pearl clutching prude or the Erika that wears a c*nty necklace and doesn't give a fuck.

Then we have to blame Kyle for planting the idea in our heads.

They even flashed back to the scene at the reunion.

It was the first dinner with LVP, Ken, Kyle, Mauricio meeting Dorit and PK for the first time.

LVP starts with I've known PK for a long time and even knew his first wife.

Dinner talking about Dorit's background. Israeli parents, living in Italy, etc. They never mention that she's only been married to PK for a year but it seemed like they've been together for a long time

Then Kyle's TH shot - the words she is faking it never comes out of her mouth...but she widens the eyes and was making fun of Dorit's accent and impersonating her.

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1 hour ago, esco1822 said:

1. Brandi wanting to talk about Adrienne's fertility issues
2. Rinna wanting to talk about Kim's issues despite Kyle repeatedly saying she didn't want them discussed
3. Everyone on NJ who referred to Joe Giudice going to prison as opposed to "camp"
4. Everyone in OC regarding Brooks the Crook's cancer
5. Everyone in Atlanta who wanted to talk about Kim Z's sugar daddy early on in the show
6. Taylor Armstrong being abused (prior to Russell's suicide)
7. Bethenny's marriage
8. Luann's open marriage

This stuff happens ALL THE TIME. I'm not saying any of these examples is right, wrong or indifferent. I'm just saying it's literally the fabric of the franchise.

 I will give you the Brandi thing - the most horrendous thing to ever happen on the franchise. But the other stuff happened on the show. I am all for conversation about topics that come up on the show or topics the ladies introduce.  Kim cannot find fault about people talking about her drinking, because that has been a huge part of her story. She cannot just turn it off because she wants to turn it off. Juicy and Tre were meeting with Lawyers on camera, so they could hardly say boo about people talking about it. Beth and Lu's marriage were both topics on the show.  I am referring to things that the gals try to keep off of the show, hence the example of LVP's legal issues. Even I think it would be wrong for someone to try and introduce that topic, since clearly she wants to keep it away from the show and maintain some privacy on that topic. 

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Then we have to blame Kyle for planting the idea in our heads.

So we have Kyle to blame for this AND pantygate??? Bitch has to go.


What's the benefit of forcing an accent?

No benefit, she is just an idiot for doing it.

Edited by AndySmith
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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Which Erika?

Just saw this as I was taking a sip of my coffee. I laughed and it made me choke, so I spat coffee on myself, like a dork. My teen son saw that and laughed at me. I;m humiliated because while my side persona is CraZy Jel, is a drink dropping, coffee spilling maniac, this one, regular Jel, would never spit coffee on herself. How dare you suggest otherwise. I'm outraged!

So all of that is your fault, ZM, because you have to be responsible for the words that come out of your mouth (fingertips).  

I await your 20 pages of apology. 

PS Don't forget to apologize to my husband, too. For, uh, interfering with my marriage I guess?

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3 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

 I will give you the Brandi thing - the most horrendous thing to ever happen on the franchise. But the other stuff happened on the show. I am all for conversation about topics that come up on the show or topics the ladies introduce.  Kim cannot find fault about people talking about her drinking, because that has been a huge part of her story. She cannot just turn it off because she wants to turn it off. Juicy and Tre were meeting with Lawyers on camera, so they could hardly say boo about people talking about it. Beth and Lu's marriage were both topics on the show.  I am referring to things that the gals try to keep off of the show, hence the example of LVP's legal issues. Even I think it would be wrong for someone to try and introduce that topic, since clearly she wants to keep it away from the show and maintain some privacy on that topic. 

I am still trying to figure out why someone would want to talk about LVP's businesses?  Generally TV or not, most people are told not to discuss on going litigation.  The Agency has a publicized lawsuit, to what benefit is it to anyone to bring it up?   LVP had no problem bringing up Brandi's off show claims she and Ken were near bankruptcy and living in the valley. 

I agree about Kim to the point it has an effect on someone.  I disagree when it is just let's talk about Kim the alcoholic.  Rinna has pushed things too far with Kim and her sobriety/drinking.  Those who wanted to talked about Kim's arrest when it was relevant on camera and it was brought up by Andy. 

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6 minutes ago, Vicky8675309 said:

From the article ZM linked:

"The even more damning thing is it never feels as if the audience is learning anything more about Erika than purely what is on the surface. Everything feels staged and artificial. "

That quote seems just as applicable to this show and even this episode (imo). Even the scenes with her mother seemed staged imo. It sounds like her mother and grandmother treated her the same yet it was tough (??? she had to cash her own check and make phone calls yet her mother always kissed/hugged her and said she loved her.....that's a tough childhood? I'm confused). Doesn't everyone have a tough childhood to some degree (teenage angst and whatnot). I may have missed something from those scenes because I didn't find them riveting.

The 'check cashing' story made me laugh.

I remember my first paycheck - I could hardly wait to get home and get to the bank to get some cash into my pocket.

EJ is just socially stupid/inept - there are people born without certain 'genes' - they can't hack certain situations or lack the character/grace/drive to do simple tasks/chores. EJ is the kind of person that lacks strength in her character.

She's a lazy, pompous gal who finds it much easier to stick her nose up in the air and walk past a problem, than to face it and find a solution. Her style of dealing with any problems is to put on her "I smell shit face" - that way you start to sniff yourself because she makes YOU out to be that pile of shit.

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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

I agree about Kim to the point it has an effect on someone.  I disagree when it is just let's talk about Kim the alcoholic.  Rinna has pushed things too far with Kim and her sobriety/drinking.  Those who wanted to talked about Kim's arrest when it was relevant on camera and it was brought up by Andy. 

My point was less about Kim than it was about Kyle in regard to Kim.  Kyle didn't want Rinna talking about her sister's issues continually and that's exactly what she did.  I'm also talking more about Rinna's campaign to Eden about Kyle being "this close to Kim dying" etc. as opposed to Rinna being catty with Kim in a face to face argument. While I still think Rinna's behavior toward Kim was vile, Kim is pretty vile too so I would more understand Rinna being nasty face to face. It's the behind closed doors stuff that I find to be shady considering her friend Kyle asked her to knock it off. 

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26 minutes ago, escape said:

If the hate is strong, it's because PK put himself in that position by continually gossiping and meddling in the women's lives.  Even he said he was wrong to do that.  It was obvious BRAVO had him at the Reunion for a reason - to face his truth - that's why he was so nervous.

Regardless of what issues Rinna's had, the only HW to ever speak negatively about Harry Hamlin - was Kim - who later admitted she lied.

What was the lie Kim told about Harry? I thought she just posed a question or something like "let's talk about the husbands and what you don't want out there". What lie? Sure that question/statement likely had bad intent and was used as deflection but I don't see any lie or anything specific that was negative about Harry.

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11 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

So we have Kyle to blame for this AND pantygate??? Bitch has to go.

No benefit, she is just an idiot for doing it.

Ohhhhh...now Oiy gah it!

It is not BritISH and it is not EnglISH

It's FoolISH

Carry on

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2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Then we have to blame Kyle for planting the idea in our heads.

Darn that Kyle.  Her incredible power of mind control failed.  Fortunately, I missed that TH, so I was able to make my own conclusions based upon watching the show. I had no idea that if Kyle said something, it became the truth. I must pay more attention next time.

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1 minute ago, Vicky8675309 said:

What was the lie Kim told about Harry? I thought she just posed a question or something like "let's talk about the husbands and what you don't want out there". What lie? Sure that question/statement likely had bad intent and was used as deflection but I don't see any lie or anything specific that was negative about Harry.

It's not as if Kim asked about or mentioned Harry Hamlin and the Julianne Phillips' rumor.  :-)  Gosh Kim could have said, "Lisa you have a pattern you go after everyone, Star Jones, Julianne Phillips, Brandi, Yolanda, Dorit and me."

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13 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

So we have Kyle to blame for this AND pantygate??? Bitch has to go.

No benefit, she is just an idiot for doing it.

But the benefit would help in reaching the conclusion that she's an idiot for doing it.

Like is she doing it? How can she be an idiot "for doing it" when it's not even certain she is....

It's like the chicken or the egg.

But less cerebral...

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Carry on

For Queen and Country.


Like is she doing it? How can she be an idiot "for doing it" when it's not even certain she is....

Like she is an idiot for speaking with a fake accent on purpose.

Edited by AndySmith
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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

It's not as if Kim asked about or mentioned Harry Hamlin and the Julianne Phillips' rumor.  :-)  Gosh Kim could have said, "Lisa you have a pattern you go after everyone, Star Jones, Julianne Phillips, Brandi, Yolanda, Dorit and me."

I am not a Kim fan but I would want her back on the show to take down Rinna. The storyline could be this gossip (rumored/alleged sexual assault and blacklisting):


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Just now, Yours Truly said:

But the benefit would help in reaching the conclusion that she's an idiot for doing it.

Like is she doing it? How can she be an idiot "for doing it" when it's not even certain she is....

It's like the chicken or the egg.

But less cerebral...

Well it looked like eggs on Dorit's head at the finale party.

Maybe her brain scrambled after getting all those WIFI signals

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2 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

I find the idea that Dorit is purposely faking her accent fascinating.  Personally, I don't think she is. Why? Because when she was being attacked in HK and when she lost it on LR in the finale, she didn't lose her accent.  When people become frustrated or angry, they tend to revert to their actual speech patterns. To my ear, she didn't sound any different than usual.

The only time I ever noticed Dorit losing her accent was when she carefully spoke to Jagger. This implied that she was actually concentrating on how she spoke and enunciating her words. 

I was born in the midwest, which pretty much means it was hard to pinpoint the region I was from.  More of a "mainstream" accent.  We then moved to Tennessee and I picked up a very southern drawl. Mind you, my parents grew up in the midwest and NEVER had a southern drawl.  When we moved to the Dallas, TX area, my accent reverted back to my original midwestern accent with a hint of a southern influence (contrary to movies and television, most people in the Dallas area do not have a strong southern accent.  Most people here are transplants from other states, so there is no discernible accent) 

Dorit's accent doesn't sound British to me.  It sounds like a hybrid of several regions. I also believe she has a slight lisp, which may also explain why she seems to pause when speaking or use odd word choices when trying to get her point across.  

In any event, all this to say I don't give a fuck about Dorit's accent. If having a weird accent is a character flaw, then most of this country is doomed.

In any event, I think Dorit has been pretty self deprecating regarding her accent. I've yet to see her get defensive about it. If LR was hoping to score points by pointing out it was fake, she missed the mark.  

Erika seems like she would be exhausting to be around. The only time I found her funny was at the cheesecake tasting.  The rest of the time, she seems incredibly high maintenance. I would never be clear if I'm dealing with Erika the pearl clutching prude or the Erika that wears a c*nty necklace and doesn't give a fuck.

Even if the accent is intentional, it doesn't matter. Code switching is a thing and people have many reasons for doing it. I once worked on a study which was examining how minorities fared with particular health care treatments. It involved looking at quantitative and qualitative data. We'd have to do periodic interviews with people in the study. I'm a black woman who grew up in America and have a boring old midatlantic accent. For whatever reason some of the people in study were weirdly combative when I'd interview them.  I was also wearing my hair natural, which didn't help because they'd often chastise me about. Sometimes, I'd switch to AAVE, but didn't help much. After hanging out with a cousin from the UK and apparently doing some mimicking, I came into work, did some interviews with a crappy British accent, and realized that my interviews weren't nearly as difficult. The reality is that there was enough about me that didn't read as African American (my hair, my midatlantic accent, my name and whatever else) in their understanding to the study participants so they were constantly questioning where I was really from. When I started using the crappy British accent, the questions stopped immediately. I used it for the rest of the study because it just made my life that much easier.

Ryan Gosling admits that he purposely put on a fake Brooklyn accent because he wasn't being considered for tougher more macho roles with his original Canadian accent. And because he's been doing it for so long, he can't unstick it. It's now his real accent.


It's possible Dorit is a bit of a mimic or she intentionally put it on for some reason and can't shake it loose. Or she's putting it on for some reasons that serve her purposes. But losing or acquiring is a completely legitimate method of fostering communication. As is using different vocabulary or different grammatical rules.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

There is also a fair amount of insincere speak on the show and with Eileen I rarely get a conversational feel from her it always seems like her acting voice

Yes i've noticed this too. She speaks in that gaspy soap opera voice and says things like "how dare you" - who says that? I've never watched her soaps but it seems like what we're getting here is a character more than an authentic person - though after so many years playing a part probably just comes to her naturally.

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So they showed the flashback of Dorit jumping into the water to get her Birkin. I’m not a Birkin bag girl but I thought that bag she got was kind of hideous. At least she only had to jump into the water.

They also showed the Dorit video from 2013. Does her company still exist? She never really talked about it on the show. This could be where PK hid his money before filing for bankruptcy. I wish they'd talk more about this swimwear company at the reunion

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Just like Eileen.

Nah, Eileen has always had that accent.


Does her company still exist? She never really talked about it on the show

Apparently, on hiatus since 2013.

Edited by AndySmith
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52 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is a little story about Erika and what this author perceives of her on stage persona Erika Jayne and her ability to win people over.  Just another view regarding Erika "hate".  http://www.buddytv.com/articles/dancing-with-the-stars/erika-jayne-needs-to-change-th-64156.aspx  

Oh, fuck the 'ericas hate'.
 Old EJ cannot control how ANYONE feels about her.

Her problem is that she wants everyone to take a knee and tell her how wonderful she is.

She can control how she comes off and how people do look at her.

So what is the big deal with showing your ET (elephant twat) about town - If you want people to respect your ass, you should start to respect it yourself. When you flop around on a stage, slapping your snatch to auto-tuned Casio banging, guess what?

People are going to look at you that way - no one ever said that the ericas  were 'whores or sluts' - that is the way the ericas look at themselves in the mirror.

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14 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

This is the best thing I have read in this forum this year - love it!!! 

I was quite surprised at how nervous LVP was before they went on stage to film the reunion. Not nearly as cool, calm and collected as she likes to come across. And I don't for a minute believe that LVP was innocently asking Erika about how she raised her son as opposed to how she was raised. She knew exactly what she was doing. LVP (as she said) is a long time friend of PK's - she is the one that suggested PK and Dorito for the show. There is no way she would not want to embarrass Erika after Erika has called out her friends, several times. 

Dorito without the accent in 2013 is hilarious!!! I keep thinking about the article link in last week's thread where Dorito and PK are interviewed regarding going on the show. PK claims that they are the most open, honest people you will ever meet, with nothing to hide. Lol. I wonder how many assests he hid during his bankruptcy to be able to afford 3 full time housekeepers and a stable of nannies. Not to mention the rent on their house (have they ever admitted that it is a rental?), expensive cars, etc. Anyone wanna bet on when his next bankruptcy will be? 

I really think that when Rinna and Dorit go at it, Rinna will use everything Dorit has said to her and throw it back at her.

Dori: I never said you were a drug addict.

Rinna: I never said you were a drug addict.

Dorit: You put my children in danger.

Rinna: You put my children in danger.

Dorit: I never said anything about your children.

Rinna: I never said anything about your children. I never used the words coke den or babies sleeping either, you did.

Dorit: There could be serious consequences to what you said for my chlldren

Rinna (If she is brave enough to go there): Boy George is a convicted drug felon in 2 countries both the US and the UK. He served prison time in the UK for his offense there, he pled guilty to a lesser charge here in the US and served community service. That is the greater danger to your children since you say he lives with you.

Dorit: I was talking about us bonding, It was a joke

Rinna: ala Teresa NJ voice...it was a joke, you know funny ha ha?

I doubt it will happen though

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2 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Except in 2013 she didn't have an Italian or faux-British accent. Accents aren't a switch you flip on and off when it suits you. I'd understand if Dorit and PK were married and living in the UK for the last decade or so, but given that her accents seems to disappear when she gets excited or angry could suggest that since she isn;t focusing on it, she can't maintain the accent.

I'm English currently living in the US and I tell people I speak Americlish. I think in my original accent and translate it to American when I speak to Americans. However, there are certain words I can't pronounce with an American accent and when I'm tired or angry the English one comes out more. 

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I do not really have a side in the Erika/Dorit feud. I can see both sides, but I will side with anyone who goes against PK. I dislike him so much.

Overall, I really do not mind Rinna, Eileen, LVP, Kyle, or Erika. I like them in some moments/episodes and dislike them in other moments/episodes. Though I will admit to growing tired of LVP a bit this season. I do not know why, but I am. Oh and a unpopular opinion of mine is I do not find the LVP/Kyle friendship to be that great.

I do find Dorit annoying, but I do think she is harmless. I hate her saying things that fall flat are just jokes.

Now I loathe Kim Richards. I was so happy when she and Brandi got the boot. I am so sick of the Rinna/Kim storylines. If Kim was more of a background player like Camille generally is when she shows up then I would be fine, but she isn't. I hate Kim. 

So basically this season had more Kim/Rinna drama (they are not going to like each other, who cares at this point), Pantygate, and a pill/vitamin baggie issue. This season was pretty lame in my opinion.

Edited by Misslindsey
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Me thinks they(PK and Dorit) want to take down Erika any way they can. Esp. after Erika didn't warm up to Dorit as she was hoping. Erika's husband is an attorney and most likely knows what Pk did to hide his money and filing BK in the US. I don't think they really want the details out there and prob the reason why Dorit wanted a fast friendship with E. (imo) I think Erika saying to Dorit "I know who you are" hit a nerve.

It is no secret that millionaires and billionaires occasionally file bankruptcy. But how should the average billionaire get the most out of their bankruptcy? The debtor should consider taking a trip to a country with forgiving bankruptcy laws, settling down and establishing themselves as a member of the community during their vacation, filing bankruptcy, and then enforcing that bankruptcy discharge in the debtor’s home country. In this way an individual debtor can discharge their unsecured debts, but also continue to live the high life. 

Edited by Martinigirl
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I doubt it will happen though

Maybe if PK and Dorit invite Rinna to the bathroom during the breaks in filming...


I'm English currently living in the US and I tell people I speak Americlish. I think in my original accent and translate it to American when I speak to Americans. However, there are certain words I can't pronounce with an American accent and when I'm tired or angry the English one comes out more. 

Well, that makes sense...you're living in a foreign country, at least.

Edited by AndySmith
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28 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Even if the accent is intentional, it doesn't matter. Code switching is a thing and people have many reasons for doing it. I once worked on a study which was examining how minorities fared with particular health care treatments. It involved looking at quantitative and qualitative data. We'd have to do periodic interviews with people in the study. I'm a black woman who grew up in America and have a boring old midatlantic accent. For whatever reason some of the people in study were weirdly combative when I'd interview them.  I was also wearing my hair natural, which didn't help because they'd often chastise me about. Sometimes, I'd switch to AAVE, but didn't help much. After hanging out with a cousin from the UK and apparently doing some mimicking, I came into work, did some interviews with a crappy British accent, and realized that my interviews weren't nearly as difficult. The reality is that there was enough about me that didn't read as African American (my hair, my midatlantic accent, my name and whatever else) in their understanding to the study participants so they were constantly questioning where I was really from. When I started using the crappy British accent, the questions stopped immediately. I used it for the rest of the study because it just made my life that much easier.

Ryan Gosling admits that he purposely put on a fake Brooklyn accent because he wasn't being considered for tougher more macho roles with his original Canadian accent. And because he's been doing it for so long, he can't unstick it. It's now his real accent.


It's possible Dorit is a bit of a mimic or she intentionally put it on for some reason and can't shake it loose. Or she's putting it on for some reasons that serve her purposes. But losing or acquiring is a completely legitimate method of fostering communication. As is using different vocabulary or different grammatical rules.

I've had a very colorful life and have had many reasons to adjust how I speak and how I sound whether it was for work (Imagine answering the phone with the slang I used on the streets of the Bronx, Oy ve), for comfort, for inclusion, for appeasement, to sooth, for professionalism, for acceptance, to be inviting etc. etc. etc.

I guess it's hard for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure or luxury of being presented with these types of real world circumstances to understand how it can come about organically and be a natural occurrence. <shrug>


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12 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Nah, Eileen has always had that accent.

Apparently, on hiatus since 2013.


Dorit Lemel is the founder/designer of Dorit, an Italian swim and resort line. Dorit began her career in Italy where she worked behind design, manufacturing, sales and marketing before returning back to NYC in 2009 where she established Dorit International, an American/Italian based company. High quality, optimum comfort and a commitment to fashion is what best describes the Dorit brand philosophy. The collections are designed to be versatile with reversible and adjustable tops and bottoms. Every theme has an exclusive Dorit print and solid range for the ability to mix and match within the themes. In addition there is a diverse range of resort wear both casual and elegant for the move from the beach, to lunch, to sunset bar, to evening. The finest Italian fabrics, master Italian craftsmanship and attention to detail are the pride and promise of the Dorit collections. “Looking good should be effortless.” - Dorit Lemel

2009 to 2013

hiatus or Hoiading the money

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I guess it's hard for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure or luxury of being presented with these types of real world circumstances to understand how it can come about organically and be a natural occurrence.

Nah, some of us have had those pleasures and luxuries and still raise an eyebrow at the bullshit that comes out of certain people's mouths.


hiatus or Hoiading the money

Six of one, half a dozen of the other?

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At the beginning of the season, I found Dorit to be selling herself hard as a rich BH woman.  Which, to be fair, is what the show is about and why I watch it- to see the rich and pampered lifestyle I don't have for myself.  But, she was selling it hard and it came off as feeling a little much.  Additionally, I initially found her to be a bit rude to Erika.

So imagine how surprised I am that by the end of the season the  obnoxiousness of Erika and Rinna and Eileen has me actually rooting for  Dorit.

I watched Dorit agree with PK that it was wrong for Eileen to not give some indication that her mom had passed, I completely believe Dorit threw the pill incident into every conversation possible because she did want to imply there might be a problem, or at least open the door for someone else to explore it, and I think she took panty-gate a little too far.

And yet I still whole-heartedly side with Dorit.  The other 3 were that absurd and exhausting.

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Erika turned into a "gotcha" game with Dorit which is unfair, calculating and poor sportsmanship. Dorit was blindsided. Talk about manipulation...she's over it until she's not. Erika changes the rules when she sees fit. She even said as much. "It's over (her hurt over this giant nothingburger) when I decide it is". Yuck. Erika is a vile, stupid woman. 

Dorit needs to take LVPs approach.  She's apologized that is enough. Erica's actions has shown where she stands and apparently has taken lessons from Eileen.  No apology will ever be good enough. Whether Erica chooses to accept the apology or hold tight to her horror over pantygate like an anchor is up to Erica. Let go or be dragged. It's on Erica now not Dorit and PK. If Erica keeps choosing to wear a hair shirt then quit bitching that it itches or take it off.

Maybe that should read hair panties and not hair shirt..

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There is no was that I can put any credibility in the idea that Erika was embarrassed by panty-gate.  Tom is a smart man, perhaps he controlled the narrative here.  Maybe he gave her an idea of a storyline to run with.

Because there is no way on earth that I will ever believe that a woman who performs nearly naked while gyrating in almost exclusively sexual moves, while singing vulgar lyrics, in a show that began with a pep talk like the one Mikey delivered.....that woman is not embarrassed that a man looked at her and saw up her skirt.  Nope.  Not a chance.

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4 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

No idea about that, but I do wonder who would get custody of the accent if Dorit and PK ever get divorced.

I might be a party of one but I believe Jagger can speak and he's fluent in multiple languages and he doesn't have a British accent

Dana's claim years ago was that her son spoke Thai...I think Jagger has him beat.

Also...Jagger does not speak when filmed because of both Dorit and the camera crews presence (poor kid has Stranger Danger face) when they are around.

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Does anyone have any theories as to why one would force an accent?

I had brought it up earlier and I was really looking for some ideas on what is it that Dorit is trying to claim or attain falsely that makes it so offensive if it's done inauthentically?

What is it that has the women appalled and crying foul about? What does Dorit receive in exchange for putting on a fake accent? Whats the reward that she's unjustly vying for?

Can someone answer this? It was a Real question I was posing. Trying to put a logical face to this dilemma.



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