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S07.E18: Diamonds Under Pressure

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2 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Maybe read what the OP wrote that I quoted? OP wrote PK never "said" anything about it, he obviously did, to Ken and Lisa. And I'm aware Lisa said it with a smile.

Once again, the fault lies with Erika, huh? She could have worn more...she could have not played the victim...boy am I glad this season's over!

I did read what you responded to, he was accused of gossip which is why I responded. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Well, then again, she isn't an "introvert" as she claims! LOL

As another poster already so eloquently stated introverts value time alone to recharge but are able to handle interaction just fine.

4 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

I did read what you responded to, he was accused of gossip which is why I responded. 

And my response referred to what he stated, not gossip that did or did not take place.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

They already exist. There are C-strings, which have wire in them so they can be molded to your body. They look painful as all get out.


Then there are the strapless panties that use silicone to adhere to your body.


I swear that some mostly normal company used to sell a thong with clear straps. 

Also everyone knows that the preferred term for that type of underwear is "snatch guard" (TM LuAnn).

Screw it.  I'm sticking with my Granny Panties.

  • Love 4
On 4/6/2017 at 2:44 PM, Giselle said:

Well we have seen Vincent tune her out on more than one occasion. Even her son lets her blather on and on while tuning her out. Only defense aside from divorce.

Or separate vacations.  Eileen is about due for another divorce, isn't she?  In her earlier years, she was open about how much she got around. And she married her third husband on the way to the delivery room.  Yep, I'd say she's got no business sitting in moral judgment on anyone.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I agree.  PK was there when an obviously shaken Dorit returned from Hong Kong.  I am quite certain if the husbands were drilling Harry about something he and Rinna said about someone, Rinna would be right in the thick of things.  Regarding Rinna she made an allegation about Dorit, PK and all their guests-it would not bother me if those guests showed up to confront the sleazy bitch.

I don't get why it is so bad if a man joins the group.  It is almost like conceding men are superior in a discussion or argument.  If Erika's points are valid regarding her feelings and her observations are valid (which they weren't) would it not be better if both husband and wife to hear her thoughts on the matter? 

If Tom were there defending Erika, would people be jumping all over him? 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, hecate2909 said:

I take offence to you bringing rape into this and trying to detract my character, My mother has been raped more than once and I don't take that chit lightly thank you.

ETA Rape is always about power but not always violent, but we are NOT discussing RAPE we are talking about someone who flashed someone by accident what she flashes on the daily and can't seem to get over someone making a joke about it.

Very sorry about your mother. It's a terrible thing and it must be hard to have someone you love suffer like that.

This is the thing though, we are talking about two different things in some ways. The flashing, which embarrassed Erika, and then the allegation that she was doing it on purpose, which is what offends Erika. And the notion that she shouldn't be bothered by someone accusing her of doing it on purpose because of what she does for a living. That somehow having a career where she is very sexual means that she is also the kind of girl who would sit across from a married guy and spread her legs to give him a glimpse of her pretty puss. With his wife - her new friend - sitting right beside him. That she would do this to Dorit, and also to her marriage vows. The notion that one thing has anything to do with the other thing. Isn't that what you are saying? That it's OK to accuse her of doing something like this, something that pretty much every woman I know would consider a huge breach of the girl code, because of what she does for a living, and she shouldn't be upset or offended by it. If that's not what's being said, I must have it all wrong (which would not be the first time). 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

They are nothing alike, Carole/Erika. Carole has a sense of humor and loves small talk/gossip.

Again, this is the wrong job for someone claiming to be an introvert, it is based around small talk/gossip and idle chatter. And if you can't get along with most women, a HW show is not for you either as the show revolves around them and their interactions with each other.


I guess I cannot see how it is the wrong job for her. It is her job, right? She is garnering a paycheck from it?  It has given her opportunities for things like DWTS which she would have never been considered for had it not been for this show. Andy loves her. Apparently he wears Erika Jayne Tshirts to the gym. She has a fan base, and friends on the show. Sounds like it's a pretty good job for her. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, hecate2909 said:

Well she could have worn knickers, or she could have been more discreet or she could have laughed it off, or she could have told Dorit weeks ago that she was in fact pissed about the situation; coulda woulda shoulda.

The fact is she has adopted some sort of righteous indignation about her pussy being mentioned when she makes a living at being frankly low class and tawdry and acts like a schizo half the time (pun intended) how are people supposed to read her if she isn't honest about how she truly feels or who she truly is?

ErICKa - the perfect definition of low class and trashy b.

5 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Very sorry about your mother. It's a terrible thing and it must be hard to have someone you love suffer like that.

This is the thing though, we are talking about two different things in some ways. The flashing, which embarrassed Erika, and then the allegation that she was doing it on purpose, which is what offends Erika. And the notion that she shouldn't be bothered by someone accusing her of doing it on purpose because of what she does for a living. That somehow having a career where she is very sexual means that she is also the kind of girl who would sit across from a married guy and spread her legs to give him a glimpse of her pretty puss. With his wife - her new friend - sitting right beside him. That she would do this to Dorit, and also to her marriage vows. The notion that one thing has anything to do with the other thing. Isn't that what you are saying? That it's OK to accuse her of doing something like this, something that pretty much every woman I know would consider a huge breach of the girl code, because of what she does for a living, and she shouldn't be upset or offended by it. If that's not what's being said, I must have it all wrong (which would not be the first time). 

Thank you for your kind thoughts, and ITA we are  talking about 2 very different things.

The implication that it was deliberate was made in  jest by more than just Dorit who only asked a question of 2 ladies she thought new the subject of her suspicion better than she did, seriously they put it in her head and went along with the joke, YET Dorit gets all the flak.

That makes no sense to me nor does the high level of moral outrage coming from someone who decisively acts in a tawdry and questionable way not because she needs the money but more because she craves the attention.

It really is hard for me to empathise with her because she is cold and does come across as deliberately and unnecessarily rude/scathing also uncaring about anyone but herself and her feelings.

Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Very sorry about your mother. It's a terrible thing and it must be hard to have someone you love suffer like that.

This is the thing though, we are talking about two different things in some ways. The flashing, which embarrassed Erika, and then the allegation that she was doing it on purpose, which is what offends Erika. And the notion that she shouldn't be bothered by someone accusing her of doing it on purpose because of what she does for a living. That somehow having a career where she is very sexual means that she is also the kind of girl who would sit across from a married guy and spread her legs to give him a glimpse of her pretty puss. With his wife - her new friend - sitting right beside him. That she would do this to Dorit, and also to her marriage vows. The notion that one thing has anything to do with the other thing. Isn't that what you are saying? That it's OK to accuse her of doing something like this, something that pretty much every woman I know would consider a huge breach of the girl code, because of what she does for a living, and she shouldn't be upset or offended by it. If that's not what's being said, I must have it all wrong (which would not be the first time). 

Dorit did take it too far but she said from the get go to others not just Erica that she did NOT in fact think it was deliberate.

I also think that when Erica started screaming that they thought she was a whore it was similar to Eileen's outrage at being asked about her affair, overblown and projecting their internal guilt and insecurities onto others.


  • Love 12
8 hours ago, hecate2909 said:

Dorit did take it too far but she said from the get go to others not just Erica that she did NOT in fact think it was deliberate.

I also think that when Erica started screaming that they thought she was a whore it was similar to Eileen's outrage at being asked about her affair, overblown and projecting their internal guilt and insecurities onto others.


Actually in the descriptor of the episode where Dorit actually gives the panties, Bravo describes "Dorit questions whether Erika's flash was intentional". I think that was the set up from Dorit from the beginning, before she talked to anyone else. In the scene below, the one from the kitchen the next morning before she talked to the other gals, she says "now I don't know if she deliberately flashed anyone". Then of course while giving the panties she said the same thing to Erika. She was ready to go there right from the start. Kyle also said while talking to LVP about it she she didn't agree with Dorit that it was on purpose, but that Dorit wasn't ready to let it go. 


Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Actually in the descriptor of the episode where Dorit actually gives the panties, Bravo describes "Dorit questions whether Erika's flash was intentional". I think that was the set up from Dorit from the beginning, before she talked to anyone else. In the scene below, the one from the kitchen the next morning before she talked to the other gals, she says "now I don't know if Erika flashed on purpose or not". Then of course while giving the panties she said the same thing to Erika. She was ready to go there right from the start. Kyle also said while talking to LVP about it she she didn't agree with Dorit that it was on purpose, but that Dorit wasn't ready to let it go. 


In the kitchen conversation with PK. Dorit questions whether or not it was "deliberate", she does this again in her TH. Both times using the word deliberate.

Does she get a pass cause she used her Chim Chimaroo accent, you know British humor and all?

  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Actually in the descriptor of the episode where Dorit actually gives the panties, Bravo describes "Dorit questions whether Erika's flash was intentional". I think that was the set up from Dorit from the beginning, before she talked to anyone else. In the scene below, the one from the kitchen the next morning before she talked to the other gals, she says "now I don't know if she deliberately flashed anyone". Then of course while giving the panties she said the same thing to Erika. She was ready to go there right from the start. Kyle also said while talking to LVP about it she she didn't agree with Dorit that it was on purpose, but that Dorit wasn't ready to let it go. 


Initially she did.

IIRC she raised the question of why? with Eileen and Rinna who then both insinuated maybe it was deliberate Eileen most specifically.

I will rephrase with almost from the get go and even after Eileen and Rinna emboldened her to pull the panty gag she said that she really did not think it was deliberate.

Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 1
15 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Introversion has nothing to do with whether you would go on a reality show. The technical definition of an introvert is someone who gets tired by being around other people and needs to recharge by being alone. It's literally a physiological thing. Extroverts, by contrast, get charged and energized by being around other people. Because introverts have limited energy when dealing with others, they tend to hate small talk or idle chatter, they keep to themselves socially or else they need breaks after a chunk of social interaction. They much prefer more one-on-one or intimate connection than big group settings. Introverts also tend to be picky about with whom they connect  or whom they let in because social interactions drain them, so you don't want to waste vital resources on dbags like PK (haha just kidding - not really). There are tons of introverted celebrities - Michelle Pfeiffer springs to mind as big one (and yet check out her performance as Catwoman) - and, yes, there are definitely introverted reality stars. I would say Bethenny is an introvert, Carole as well. Dina from NJ was definitely an introvert.

No, Erika was actually more than willing to be gracious and even laugh it off when Dorit first gave her the "gag" panties - it was only when she realized Dorit had been talking about it behind her back - and making veiled suggestions that perhaps it was intentional that Erika got pissed.

I agree with Erika willing to be gracious and laugh it off with the gag gift.

Dorit just can't / won't stfu about pantie-gate.  It's never ending and I would be pissed too. 

Dorit gave her digs right up to the very end...

Dorit says “I know who I am.”   Erika responds “I know who you are also.”  Erika then says "she has seen enough".   

Dorit responds by pointing at Erika’s kitty and saying “so did we all.”  Thus taking back her apology and showing all that she has actually has not dropped pantie-gate. 

I'm still can't wrap my head around the WHY she was constantly bringing it up. There seems to be more to it than just camera time. Is she trying to convince herself Pk is that desirable? Is she trying to get rid of the gay / bi-sexual PK rumors? It's all very odd. I got the same vibe with the Rinna bag-o-pills story. Deflect?  I'm actually beginning to wonder if  Rinna wasn't  spot on about her cocaine accusation.  To be honest, if I was at that party and people were called in to "clean themselves up" (WTF is that?) I would be thinking the same as Rinna.  I'm sure a lot of us have been at parties where guests were all of the sudden mia - and we all knew what they were doing. I would love to see footage when they all came back out to the table.  

Of course, it's just my opinion...

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

I agree with Erika willing to be gracious and laugh it off with the gag gift.

Dorit just can't / won't stfu about pantie-gate.  It's never ending and I would be pissed too. 

Dorit gave her digs right up to the very end...

Dorit says “I know who I am.”   Erika responds “I know who you are also.”  Erika then says "she has seen enough".   

Dorit responds by pointing at Erika’s kitty and saying “so did we all.”  Thus taking back her apology and showing all that she has actually has not dropped pantie-gate. 

I'm still can't wrap my head around the WHY she was constantly bringing it up. There seems to be more to it than just camera time. Is she trying to convince herself Pk is that desirable? Is she trying to get rid of the gay / bi-sexual PK rumors? It's all very odd. I got the same vibe with the Rinna bag-o-pills story. Deflect?  I'm actually beginning to wonder if  Rinna wasn't  spot on about her cocaine accusation.  To be honest, if I was at that party and people were called in to "clean themselves up" (WTF is that?) I would be thinking the same as Rinna.  I'm sure a lot of us have been at parties where guests were all of the sudden mia - and we all knew what they were doing. I would love to see footage when they all came back out to the table.  

Of course, it's just my opinion...

After the panty presentation and drinks afterwards the one(s) bringing "it" up were Eileen and to a lesser degree Rinna and finally Erika


49 minutes ago, hecate2909 said:

Initially she did.

IIRC she raised the question of why? with Eileen and Rinna who then both insinuated maybe it was deliberate Eileen most specifically.

I will rephrase with almost from the get go and even after Eileen and Rinna emboldened her to pull the panty gag she said that she really did not think it was deliberate.

I for one don't see where deliberate and seduction are interchangeable.    People such as Erika Jayne do things like deliberately spread her legs and declare being pantiless http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live-with-andy-cohen/photos/erika-jayne-kenya-moore/item/10864628  I would in no way say this was suppose to be seductive.

I do believe Eileen and Rinna were honestly trying to clear up any nagging questions Dorit had about the Erikas.  It really isn't a crime to think it or even ask.  Dorit had been there and heard Erika announce she wasn't wearing any (undies). If Erika does not feel it was deliberate then all she has to say is, "no".  Erika after denying it could have even happened (photos don't lie) was well within her rights and she did an eloquent job of saying it was to prevent a panty line.   That was her intention of going sans undies. 

When these women go into battle and lob insults at one another it pretty much negates their previous declared détente (s). 

RInna claims Dorit was asked about a "touch up" not a clean up.  Words matter.  I have never heard the going to use a drug as "clean up".

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

In the kitchen conversation with PK. Dorit questions whether or not it was "deliberate", she does this again in her TH. Both times using the word deliberate.

Does she get a pass cause she used her Chim Chimaroo accent, you know British humor and all?

Erika would not have seen either scene by the time they filmed the Diamonds and Rose finale party. The Daily Mail party was in July. They tend to film for 3 or 4 months. This season began airing in December. When pantygate was discussed among the women, Dorit said she didn't think it was intentional.

This why I think someone in production had a hand in keeping pantygate an active story.

  • Love 6

Remember, if we keep bringing up Eileen and Rinna enough times, people might forget that the stupid gag was Dorit's idea to begin with. And Dorit being the one who executed the stupid gag.


Just saying a large group all going at once to get a "touch up" is a bit suspect. imo

At least they didn't say they were going to powder their noses ;)

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Erika would not have seen either scene by the time they filmed the Diamonds and Rose finale party. The Daily Mail party was in July. They tend to film for 3 or 4 months. This season began airing in December. When pantygate was discussed among the women, Dorit said she didn't think it was intentional.

This why I think someone in production had a hand in keeping pantygate an active story.

Erika said, on WWHL, that she "knew" her accidental flash would become a storyline when it happened. I think Erika's source for info was Rinna and to a lesser extent, Eileen. She didn't need production with Rinna buzzing in her ear. LOL

3 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Just saying a large group all going at once to get a "touch up" is a bit suspect. imo

Most people tend to leave the table after dinner is over, especially when it is served outside on a very, very hot day.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Just saying a large group all going at once to get a "touch up" is a bit suspect. imo

Or production wanted to wrap up filming and get the guests out of there.  Dorit has said they filmed for three hours.  There was footage shown before the party in the house.  If the conversation is going nowhere, or in this case if they maybe wanted to film a further conversation with RInna and Elliot Mintz, they have to figure a way to thin the herd.  Rinna lied when she said she was left all alone-she wasn't.  The cocaine accusation was just very reckless and improbable.

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Remember, if we keep bringing up Eileen and Rinna enough times, people might forget that the stupid gag was Dorit's idea to begin with. And Dorit being the one who executed the stupid gag.

At least they didn't say they were going to powder their noses ;)

Yes the panties were Dorit's idea and in poor taste yet she was not alone in questioning Erica's actions or rather choice to wear a white dress, short skirt, no panties in the company of other women's husbands.

It was Eileen who (Spread her legs and says "she is reserved") in a mocking manner about her bestie Erica & Rinna with her "Wow's" and refusal to see that Dorit did  not "torture Erica with this for 4 months" but in fact thought it was settled weeks ago when Erica said obviously now with duplicity (shocker) that she was OVER IT! and high 5'd Dorit.


Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Erika said, on WWHL, that she "knew" her accidental flash would become a storyline when it happened. I think Erika's source for info was Rinna and to a lesser extent, Eileen. She didn't need production with Rinna buzzing in her ear. LOL

Most people tend to leave the table after dinner is over, especially when it is served outside on a very, very hot day.

Of course she knew. By the time she learned of the flash, which was when the panties were presented (she didn't know she had flashed anyone prior to this) she heard from Dorit's own lips that she had been talking about it with everyone. Hence, you have a storyline. Kyle also said on WWHL that she and Erika talked about this through the season because they had become close, and that Kyle was very much aware that Erika was still upset about it. 

  • Love 4
Just now, motorcitymom65 said:

Of course she knew. By the time she learned of the flash, which was when the panties were presented (she didn't know she had flashed anyone prior to this) she heard from Dorit's own lips that she had been talking about it with everyone. Hence, you have a storyline. Kyle also said on WWHL that she and Erika talked about this through the season because they had become close, and that Kyle was very much aware that Erika was still upset about it. 

Shame Erica didn't tell Dorit that eh?

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Oh, didn't realize getting "touched up" was a group thing.  

Because Rinna has a penchant for lying I would like to see the film.  They were filming at the time.  It will certainly be interesting if the matter was addressed at the Reunion.  More importantly, when PK approached Rinna and essentially asked what had he done to her, she went into her Dorit called me an addict spiel.   PK claimed no knowledge of it BECAUSE IT DID NOT HAPPEN. There have been many a wife on wife disagreement and many times the wives don't take it out on the husbands.    Just as there have been many a husband who has offended a wife (Tom vs LVP, Russell vs LVP, Russell vs Camille) and the wives have managed to maintain a relationship with each other.

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

After the panty presentation and drinks afterwards the one(s) bringing "it" up were Eileen and to a lesser degree Rinna and finally Erika


I for one don't see where deliberate and seduction are interchangeable.    People such as Erika Jayne do things like deliberately spread her legs and declare being pantiless http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live-with-andy-cohen/photos/erika-jayne-kenya-moore/item/10864628  I would in no way say this was suppose to be seductive.

I do believe Eileen and Rinna were honestly trying to clear up any nagging questions Dorit had about the Erikas.  It really isn't a crime to think it or even ask.  Dorit had been there and heard Erika announce she wasn't wearing any (undies). If Erika does not feel it was deliberate then all she has to say is, "no".  Erika after denying it could have even happened (photos don't lie) was well within her rights and she did an eloquent job of saying it was to prevent a panty line.   That was her intention of going sans undies. 

When these women go into battle and lob insults at one another it pretty much negates their previous declared détente (s). 

RInna claims Dorit was asked about a "touch up" not a clean up.  Words matter.  I have never heard the going to use a drug as "clean up".

This brings me right back to the beginning -- if Dorit thought it was intentional, I can kind of see why she would, given Erika's stage persona. Although incorrect, it wouldn't be an outlandish conclusion to draw, given Erika's comfort with provocation and nudity (as her alter ego). Misunderstandings all around.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Martinigirl said:

My husband doesn't wear lipstick so I still don't understand why they all left together. 

Well lmaybe you settle for Erika said to Rinna when she brought it up, "maybe they hate you."  That is a far more likely scenario than eight people running from the dinner table to do a joint coke binge in the bathroom.  To hell with logic let's give Erika credit for breaking the mystery revolt from the dinner table.

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Um...thought she did..."The more you talk about chit..." Even that didn't stop Dorit

Actually it did.

After that Dorit was dragged into the Rinna Pill Popping BS which Rinna herself has not only promoted as her SL but also took the piss out of people struggling with very real problems with her pantomime all for effect about "Who said I had a Xanax problem?".

Well Rinna nobody actually said that; you were just dragging this absolutely massive bag of pills around and cracking jokes then PRETENDING not to remember the recent past and avoiding being called out for the big mouth you are which made some people and again not just Dorit question your SOBRIETY!

ETA maybe I should have said "SANITY"!

Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

My husband doesn't wear lipstick so I still don't understand why they all left together. 

I can't tell if you're being serious about the idea that  doing drugs is the only reason a group of people would get up together.  If you are, I can say that very thing happened at a dinner we were at last night, and it had nothing to do with drugs. We just all wanted to get going home.

Edited by Jel
  • Love 8

After that Dorit was dragged into the Rinna Pill Popping BS

Dorit dragged herself into that.


Well lmaybe you settle for Erika said to Rinna when she brought it up, "maybe they hate you."

Ericka was giggling when she said that, so it could have been her attempting to make a joke.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 3

No, Dorit brought it up herself, with no prodding, to LVP and Boy George. And she brought it up herself, with no prodding, at the dinner in Mexico. And she was the one who tried to bring it up by alluding to it to both Eden and Kyle on separate occasions (and in both cases, they didn't take the bait).

LVP even told Dorit to drop it, but Dorit didn't heed her sensei's advice.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, hecate2909 said:

Actually it did.

After that Dorit was dragged into the Rinna Pill Popping BS which Rinna herself has not only promoted as her SL but also took the piss out of people struggling with very real problems with her pantomime all for effect about "Who said I had a Xanax problem?".

Well Rinna nobody actually said that; you were just dragging this absolutely massive bag of pills around and cracking jokes then PRETENDING not to remember the recent past and avoiding being called out for the big mouth you are which made some people and again not just Dorit question your SOBRIETY!

ETA maybe I should have said "SANITY"!

You forgot Rinna's breakdown out by the pool after avowing to get Eden for accusing her of saying such a thing.  There were significant inconsistent and questionable behaviors of Rinna's that might lead one to ask if they were drinking, or "induced".  Many people go through years without seeing the likes of a Rinna and her constant need for attention and aggression.  Rinna displayed all of these in a relatively short period of time. 

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Dorit dragged herself into that.

Ericka was giggling when she said that, so it could have been her attempting to make a joke.

Or make a snide comment at a supposed friend.

No I still don't buy she has humour except at the expense of others like poor Eden who was trying to be nice and was ridiculed in quite a cruel fashion for her efforts.


  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, Jel said:

I can't tell if you're being serious about the idea that  doing drugs is the only reason a group of people would get up together.  If you are, I can say that very thing happened at a dinner we were at last night, and it had nothing to do with drugs. We just all wanted to get going home.

An Elite Hostess (i think that's what dorit calls herself) should never leave two guests sitting alone. 

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

You forgot Rinna's breakdown out by the pool after avowing to get Eden for accusing her of saying such a thing.  There were significant inconsistent and questionable behaviors of Rinna's that might lead one to ask if they were drinking, or "induced".  Many people go through years without seeing the likes of a Rinna and her constant need for attention and aggression.  Rinna displayed all of these in a relatively short period of time. 

I think she is bi polar which is perfectly manageable ironically with medication like Xanax and to be clear nothing to he ashamed of, but I also think she is psychotic which is a whole other barrel of phucked up.

Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Erika would not have seen either scene by the time they filmed the Diamonds and Rose finale party. The Daily Mail party was in July. They tend to film for 3 or 4 months. This season began airing in December. When pantygate was discussed among the women, Dorit said she didn't think it was intentional.

This why I think someone in production had a hand in keeping pantygate an active story.

By the time the reunion films - I heard that a week before the cast members receive the episodes not yet aired in one batch.

This is why I think Erika will be "pissed" all over again.

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