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S04.E10: Belly Up

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Since we think Nathan is a plant/actor, I wonder if he and Whitney being cousins is in fact the truth. And if it is, did they know in advance they were related? Idk, it all seems very suspect. If they really are related, it's more plausible that he would have found out well before the first day. Why? Nathan was sharing with his mom about going out with a girl named Whitney. In real life, he would have shared with his mom that he would soon be on TLC with a reality tv star, naming her and the show. At that point mom would have told Nathan 'Hey, that's your cuz!' The facts aren't adding up. 

  • Love 10

First, inspiration struck with the sticks and how "threatening" they'd look with STICKS. Now, inspiration strikes again and they're going to do swords?? What. The. Actual. F**k. 

And HOW RUDE! Nathan tells her they're cousins and she can't get out of there fast enough. So what, you can't be polite? Talking to him is suddenly forbidden? You didn't kiss. You didn't get naked. You didn't swap any bodily fluids. GET OVER IT. You live in a (relatively) small town in the South. Be a F*king grown up and don't go running off screaming "cooties!" like Giggidy-Diggidy kindergartener. 

  • Love 22
15 minutes ago, LookABird said:

If I were the belly dance client, I don't think I would be thrilled that an utter novice was cast for a paying performance.  It irks me that the discipline of all types of dance is treated with such disrespect on this show.  (Dance geek rant ended.)  :)

If I were a serious (read: REAL) belly dance teacher, I wouldn't ask a first-time student to appear in a paid performance that is going to be me the teacher, one of my students and Miss First-timer. No. Just no. I can't imagine a serious (still reading: REAL) belly dance - or any other teacher - who would do that. TLC and their magic checkbook strike again!!

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

First, inspiration struck with the sticks and how "threatening" they'd look with STICKS. Now, inspiration strikes again and they're going to do swords?? What. The. Actual. F**k. 

And HOW RUDE! Nathan tells her they're cousins and she can't get out of there fast enough. So what, you can't be polite? Talking to him is suddenly forbidden? You didn't kiss. You didn't get naked. You didn't swap any bodily fluids. GET OVER IT. You live in a (relatively) small town in the South. Be a F*king grown up and don't go running off screaming "cooties!" like Giggidy-Diggidy kindergartener. 

There is soooo much I can say right now about the South and cousins. I'll just sit over there in the corner. Thankyouverymuch.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, greekmom said:

There is soooo much I can say right now about the South and cousins. I'll just sit over there in the corner. Thankyouverymuch.

Yea I have so much about that I can say as well and I am southern lol. 

Omg special preview is todd and twit in nyc and he gets mad at her cuz she is making it all about her and he storms off. Hahaha. I wonder if this was before or after they take the picture of them in central park. 

  • Love 5

This bellydance teacher can't put a newbie in a last minute solo and then say, "She's not focused." Yeah dumbass she's scared shitless because you are trying to make a fool of her. I really believe that this whole thing was to make fun of Whitney. I'm no fan, but that's a lot of pressure for someone who has been to two classes. This bellydance segment seems bullyish. I can't stand Whitney, but I don't laugh at her. This part sort of feels like they are laughing at her, like haha look at the fat girl try to bellydance with a sword on her head. It turned out fine but it seemed like they didn't really want it to so they could laugh about it later.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

I predict we'll be seeing Whitney on "MY 600 lb LIFE" next.

Doing the bariactric rumba?   Whit leads Dr. Now around the exam table.   Penny wobbles in and says, where's my yellow brick road? James is chowing down on frahhhd rice in the corner.  Ahh , my leg cha cha cha.

Geez, what a shit show.   It past even hate watching for me. I second everything Maggienolia said in her post about how rude she was to Nathan.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 16

That was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen on screen.  And I'm old enough to rented "Faces of Death" on VHS!

The constant whining and faux-worrying about How will I EVER be able to DO this?!?!?!? is really played out at this point.  Spoiler Alert:  She will successfully get through and come out feeling so, so empowered.  

Whitney can't get it together to do more than two or three rehearsals for the Dance Battle over the course of a month, but she can make it to 3 belly dancing classes in less than a week?  

You're something, but it ain't "senshus".

Although I'm glad to see Todd's hamstring healed so quickly that he could run the bases and slide into third.  /eyeroll.

Finally, even the barnacles couldn't feign interest/shock at the big Nathan reveal.  

  • Love 24
49 minutes ago, LookABird said:

If I were the belly dance client, I don't think I would be thrilled that an utter novice was cast for a paying performance.  It irks me that the discipline of all types of dance is treated with such disrespect on this show.  (Dance geek rant ended.)  :)

To say nothing of the revenue they lost when diners lost their appetites after seeing Whitney lose her skirt. Real bad financial decision, Restaurant.

  • Love 8

Without reading any of the other posts: Whit ought to stick to belly dance. She really didn't look bad for a lot of it.

Having said that, I can see why she refuses to practice. That way, if/when she messes up, she's got an excuse. I think she's one of those people who is actually terrified of real success, because if you're seen to be good at something people will expect you to do it again - and will criticize you even more strongly if you fail.

She does not want to be successful. That's too much responsibility. She just wants attention without responsibility. Real dancers have enough respect for their art to PRACTICE. 

  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

You're something, but it ain't "senshus".

Oh god. "Senshus" gets under my skin soooo bad! And they use that word SO much like...just why are you using that word so much? It doesn't apply and you're saying it weirdly. Just stop.

I haven't watched this yet because my husband loathes this woman so I have to wait until he goes to bed and catch the second airing but paid-date-Nathan is her cousin/any kind of relative? And they live in the same relatively small North Carolina town and she didn't know? Bull.Shit. I'm southern. If there's one thing we excel at, it's the family reunion. No way they're related, around the same age, and living in the same city and didn't know about each other. No way. Balderfuckingdash.

So I did a little fb stalking of this guy and he's been hanging out with some woman named "Amanda" who mysteriously has no profile pic or any info available and he has one video of her shot from the back of her walking along a wall with one of his kids. She has shoulder length red hair. Sound like another Amanda we might know? Pure speculation but the body shape and size are right as is the hair length and color...

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, AmyB said:

I have not seen anything on either's social media about a second battle. They posted flyers for the first one so I figured they would do the same for a second one esp if they were doing it for charity. 

I fear what it means is that the 2nd battle will take place next year becuz this awful, delusional woman's show has been renewed for a 5th year. I feel somewhat complicit in that, if it's the case. Hate-watching is still watching; I'm sure TPTB don't care why ppl are viewing, just they are.

I haven't processed this episode enuf to comment. It was just terrible, maybe the worst yet.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

I really believe that this whole thing was to make fun of Whitney.

Many of us seem to agree that TLC & esp. the crew of MBFFL really hate her. They write these scripts, knowing she is so delusional about her abilities that she can't help but appear foolish. If she were a nice person working to achieve goals within the grasp of a 400# woman, that would make it sad when she fails. Twit is not that person, and TLC knows it.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, scoopski potata said:

I'm sorry, did I just see Whit park in the handicapped spot at the belly dancing studio? And I'm supposed to believe her weight doesn't affect her quality of life and everything is wonderful and fabulous. But she has a handicapped sticker because....? 

Or perhaps I didn't see what I think I saw. 

I didn't notice that. She doesn't have DP plates on that monster truck she drives, does she?

Twit is the kind of person who would park in a handicapped space just for her convenience, never mind that she is taking the space away from someone who actually needs it. If she's guilty of that, I hope she gets caught someday for a huge fine.

Edited by Dot
correct typo
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

To say nothing of the revenue they lost when diners lost their appetites after seeing Whitney lose her skirt. Real bad financial decision, Restaurant.

Well, I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that the whole restaurant performance was----gasp!---- fake.  Because no performer who valued her reputation and her paying gigs would drag a student who had only a few hours of training into her performance.  Because the place seemed strangely empty for a successful restaurant (successful enough to stage a floor show during the dinner hour, at least). Because (as we've learned from Roy and Maney) Whitney is always accompanied by a big camera crew - at least 20 people, Roy has said - and I doubt any restauranteur would want that kind of crowd interfering with the dinner service.

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, goofygirl said:

NOWHERE, we laugh at her because she thinks SHE"S A PROFESSIONAL DANCER and she ain't. Nowhere NEAR a professional. Plus, if TLC can't find another weird dance for her to do, they need to just let it go and give up.  I predict we'll be seeing Whitney on "MY 600 lb LIFE" next.

Oh yeah. I forgot Whitney is a "professional dancer" lol. I'm not even kidding, I actually felt bad for her because I forgot she's a professional and is supposed to be able to pick up moves pretty quickly. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, goofygirl said:

NOWHERE, we laugh at her because she thinks SHE"S A PROFESSIONAL DANCER and she ain't. Nowhere NEAR a professional. Plus, if TLC can't find another weird dance for her to do, they need to just let it go and give up.  I predict we'll be seeing Whitney on "MY 600 lb LIFE" next.

It's more obvious every week how desperate they are to keep this show relevant.  Seeing Bratney in leggings & sports bras out & about is making me want to puke!  In what world does anybody think she is a great dancer?  Just because she likes to dance doesn't make her a "dancer"!  

  • Love 2


So, how gracious are the Actual Belly Dancers? Now THOSE Ladies make 20 +extra lbs. look Wonderful! 

Edited by Nancypants
  • Love 10

I...can't. I can't with all of this. I really feel like an awful person because I genuinely dislike this woman because her personality is horrible and she's a raging narcissist not to mention she, as my mother in law would put it, has a lot of quit in her. I don't appreciate the message she's sending out that you've gotta be complacent with unhealthy. But outside of that her body is hers to do with what she pleases and I don't give two shits either way how she looks or what she weighs short of that whole trying to pretend she's healthy nonsense because that's crap.

But this thing where she stops moving and her body parts don't just kind of disturbs me on a deep level. I hate that tlc commercial where she's dancing and everything keeps wiggling. It just bothers me. I don't like it when my own body does it (which it doesn't at all to the degree that hers does but there are probably some jiggly parts somewhere). Yeesh.

Edited by scoopski potata
  • Love 4
Just now, scoopski potata said:

I...can't. I can't with all of this. I really feel like an awful person because I genuinely dislike this woman because her personality is horrible and she's a raging narcissist not to mention she, as my mother in law would put it, has a lot of quit in her. I don't appreciate the message she's sending out that you've gotta be complacent with unhealthy. But outside of that her body is hers to do with what she pleases and I don't give two shits either way how she looks or what she weighs short of that whole trying to pretend she's healthy nonsense because that's crap.

But this thing where she stops moving and her body parts don't just kind of disturbs me on a deep level. I hate that tlc commercial where she's dancing and everything keeps wiggling. It just bothers me. I don't like it when my own body does it. Yeesh.

She is mean and petty and small and cheap and she is selfish and rude and wow ...so rude and detestable


Dud I mention RUDE?

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

In the opener Twit says "I've never had as little an idea of what I'm doing as right now" regarding belly dancing in public with the infamous Very Short Notice. Is she kidding?!!?! She NEVER has any idea of what she's supposed to be doing. St. Paddy's Day Parade... Dance Battle... CrossFit "competition... ... ... duh. WAKE UP TWIT!!!! 

ITA!  She said her only loss was the dance battle.  She didn't consider the St Pat's fiasco a failure?  What about her live radio remote when she couldn't work an off switch & record the show?  This chick is delusional!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

This bellydance teacher can't put a newbie in a last minute solo and then say, "She's not focused." Yeah dumbass she's scared shitless because you are trying to make a fool of her. I really believe that this whole thing was to make fun of Whitney. I'm no fan, but that's a lot of pressure for someone who has been to two classes. This bellydance segment seems bullyish. I can't stand Whitney, but I don't laugh at her. This part sort of feels like they are laughing at her, like haha look at the fat girl try to bellydance with a sword on her head. It turned out fine but it seemed like they didn't really want it to so they could laugh about it later.

I thought this one was actually try to make her seem better than she is - invited to the class, invited to perform, and she really wasn't that bad for a beginner.  Not that it made any of it believable, especially when the performance venue turned out to be an almost empty restaurant where her group made up half of the audience!  But if we WERE to believe this were real, how'd you like to be a woman in the class who has been practicing for a year or two, and then Whit shows up once and gets invited to solo in a performance!  Ha!

At the end - when Whit had her bra straps down and was talking to the dance lady - was I the only one waiting for Whit to announce the lady was in love with her and another big kiss? :)

  • Love 7

Om...obviously my black, snarky  heart is melting a bit...but I thought she did really well belly dancing!!

I'm 1/3 her size and I don't think I could..I'm in shape (sorta) but the hip and arm action was actually pretty spot on...and her confidence was on Fleek..

I would have had to be Drunky Drnkerstein to go out there...and I wooulda killed someone with my blade

I predict Whit does belly dancing in her battle..Obvi....duh .and she wins because everyone, including the other dance battle chick, are in awe of her grace, beauty and inovation...

Dropped the mike

Edited by Christi
  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, scoopski potata said:

I...can't. I can't with all of this. I really feel like an awful person because I genuinely dislike this woman because her personality is horrible and she's a raging narcissist not to mention she, as my mother in law would put it, has a lot of quit in her. I don't appreciate the message she's sending out that you've gotta be complacent with unhealthy. But outside of that her body is hers to do with what she pleases and I don't give two shits either way how she looks or what she weighs short of that whole trying to pretend she's healthy nonsense because that's crap.

But this thing where she stops moving and her body parts don't just kind of disturbs me on a deep level. I hate that tlc commercial where she's dancing and everything keeps wiggling. It just bothers me. I don't like it when my own body does it (which it doesn't at all to the degree that hers does but there are probably some jiggly parts somewhere). Yeesh.

I started out admiring her spunk but after seeing who she really is, she repulses me!  In the preview where Tod says "you made it all about you"?  Seriously?  Since when hasn't Whit the twit NOT made everything ALL about her?  Where has been?  I've never seen anybody as selfish, self absorbed & as entitled as she is!  I love her parents but they s/b ashamed!

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Alapaki said:

You're something, but it ain't "senshus".

I think I've figured out that the word she's looking for is PRE-tenshus.

Definition of pretentious

1:  characterized by pretension : such asa :  making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him — Richard Wattsb :  expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature pretentious language pretentious houses

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