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S08.E19: 767

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This one was pretty funny! I like that our guys were able to work well with marshals. It's a nice a subtle nod to the fact they *usually* get along with the other federal agencies. 

I also like the small references that while Kensi is back at work, her recovery is still an on-going process. She's still struggling to sleep, to the point that getting a a *good* night's sleep is something to comment on. She apparently hasn't seen her girl gang (my term, I'm not typing out all those names each time) in awhile either, as they apparently don't live close. Even suggesting they go do something over the weekend seemed to catch Deeks off-guard which to me implies she's been sticking pretty close to home for months now. Small things but I feel they were good references to her still being somewhere in the recovery process. Going back to work *doesn't* automatically mean everything is fine and the way it used to be. 

Hetty was right: it's been a crappy year and they are finally coming out the other side. Of course, this means things will get blown to hell again soon. Season finale is looming!

Edited by anna0852
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Definitely a fun episode with the requisite action. It's good how the writers provide information through dialogue: we know that G and Anna are together (and evidently things are going smoothly) and that Kensi's feeling more comfortable and finally getting some real rest. Enjoyed the G & Sam banter and their different perspectives on the plane (who hasn't sat next to someone like the chicken man?). The scenes with Kensi and Deeks were good comic relief and moved the story along. Especially enjoyed the scene between Kensi, Sam's SEAL buddy Lincoln, and Deeks, aka Shaggy. Cute. The plot was tight and generally well constructed. The entire team worked like a well-oiled machine. The conversation between the captain, Sam, and G at the end seemed to be foreshadowing--and not in a good way.  The closing scene was a nice way to review the year, but it suggests bigger challenges ahead.

Edited by 123BP
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Kensi and Deeks continue Boring me beyond words ?? Really getting these two together was the worst decision and by far the most uncharismatic couple ever ! Individually I liked these two but their romantic togetherness has been detrimental to both of them and thank goodness there is at least the funny Eric and Nell and the equally captivating Callen and Anna because there are at least  2 couples worth watching ???Sam and Hetty are Awesomeness combined !

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5 minutes ago, CountryCrazy said:

Kensi and Deeks continue Boring me beyond words ?? Really getting these two together was the worst decision and by far the most uncharismatic couple ever ! 

So, I'm not the only one who finds that the Kensi-Deeks relationship has become boring. I, too, like the characters as individuals, but think it would have been more interesting dramatically to keep their relationship prickly and quasi-confrontational.

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2 hours ago, CountryCrazy said:

Kensi and Deeks continue Boring me beyond words ?? Really getting these two together was the worst decision and by far the most uncharismatic couple ever ! Individually I liked these two but their romantic togetherness has been detrimental to both of them and thank goodness there is at least the funny Eric and Nell and the equally captivating Callen and Anna because there are at least  2 couples worth watching ???Sam and Hetty are Awesomeness combined !

And I am the total opposite ? cannot stand Anna and I won't enjoy Nell and Eric until Eric is allowed to grow up. 

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Kensi and Deeks continue Boring me beyond words ?? Really getting these two together was the worst decision and by far the most uncharismatic couple ever !

I find Kensi and Deeks boring as well. I always thought I was at a table for one for thinking that. I like them separately, but together not so much. I am also, not wild about the whole partners become love interests angle.

I am not an Anna fan either. I have never seen the actress in other roles, but I find her terrible. I just do not buy whatever they are trying to sell with the Callen/Anna pairing.

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6 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

These are functioning, responsible adults and I'm delighted they act like it. 

All the agents are functioning, responsible adults, but the Kensi and Deeks relationship reminds me of my parents while the Callen and Anna relationship seems more like lovers. I think that's fine; all the couples are different. If the couples were all the same, that would be boring.

I like Kensi and Deeks a lot also, but sometimes I get annoyed depending on who's writing them--what I don't like is them behaving like cartoon characters. At times I think their "hijinks" and "antics" are too ridiculous to be believed, and I'm not a fan of that. I know they give ECO a lot of leeway, and I believe he'll give them takes where he really overdoes it and ones that are more reigned in, so maybe it's also a directing issue of letting go of some of the crazier takes even when they're funny. I know they're used as comic relief a lot, but there needs to be a balance where you can also identify that these people are professionals in a serious and dangerous job. I think they've done a better job of that for the most part this season, though last episode was pushing it a tad. They can be funny without you questioning how these people even manage to tie their shoes in the morning. In contrast, I actually loved their opening scene this week.

As for the couple working together--I think it's one of those things where you have to suspend reality a bit, because the alternative was eight going on nine seasons of will they-won't they unresolved sexual tension, and I'm not sure any couple can hold up to that for that long. I'm actually really relieved that we're no longer doing that.

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57 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

As for the couple working together--I think it's one of those things where you have to suspend reality a bit, because the alternative was eight going on nine seasons of will they-won't they unresolved sexual tension, and I'm not sure any couple can hold up to that for that long. I'm actually really relieved that we're no longer doing that.

And the Mothership proved, It.Gets.Old!

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1 hour ago, anna0852 said:

Apparently the actual NCIS doesn't habe any policies against it. At least last time I checked.

Interesting. Where did you check because I didn't see anything about this on the official NCIS website (I thought this might be under FAQ). I know that Gibbs hada rule against it (lol), but if it's official policy, that's interesting. A friend who works for LAPD can date/marry another officer, but they can't be in supervisor/subordinate positions or be partners in the field.

59 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

As for the couple working together--I think it's one of those things where you have to suspend reality a bit, because the alternative was eight going on nine seasons of will they-won't they unresolved sexual tension, and I'm not sure any couple can hold up to that for that long.

I don't think there's any question that Kensi and Deeks can work together and still date or marry; the question is whether they can be partners in the field and be romantically involved.

1 hour ago, sabretooth said:

I can handwave a lot on TV these days, but wouldn't there be some decompression issues caused by that gunfight in the cargo hold?

I'm sure we're not the only ones wondering about that. I was curious, so I looked it up. lol According to a couple of websites, if a bullet goes through the fuselage, the plane would not be severely impacted (the cabin pressure could be maintained) because the hole would be so small. It would be different if a bullet blew out a window or hit wiring. I don't know that there's any metal within the cabin that would cause a ricochet. In the cargo hold, it looked as if a lot of the bullets hit cargo and never touched the plane's fuselage.

As they say in my current home, the UK, "different horses for different courses."  I ADORE Kensi and Deeks as a couple, and I loved all their scenes this week, and especially the opening scene.  It managed to incorporate hints of sexy-times as well as a recognition that everything is still not completely copacetic after all the trauma Kensi's been through this year.  And I think the actors have some of the best chemistry on TV, but of course that's in the eye of the beholder.  Oh, and how cute was it that the explosives expert insisted on calling Deeks "Shaggy"?

All-in-all, I thought this was a totally kickass episode.  The stuff on the plane was well thought-out and well choreographed.  Loved when Callen burst through the ceiling panel onto the bad guy at the end.  Loved the competent and cooperative air marshals and flight attendant, and the final scene with the captain.  Oh, and I totally loved when Callen's annoying but sweet travelling companion saved the day at the end by fingering the terrorist with the uplink.

Also, I really appreciated the final scene with Hetty, Sam and Callen.  I think, overall, this was one of the best episodes of the season.

And thank you, 123BP, for doing that research about bullets on a plane, because that bugged me too.  I thought for sure their was something about how if a bullet pierced a plane in flight there would be catastrophic consequences, so I thought at the time that the entire gun battle was really unrealistic.  Your explanation makes me accept that part of the episode.  I think I got my idea from some other TV show, so I guess you just can't believe everything  you see on TV :)

  • Love 4
On 3/26/2017 at 5:11 PM, anna0852 said:

This one was pretty funny! I like that our guys were able to work well with marshals. It's a nice a subtle nod to the fact they *usually* get along with the other federal agencies. 

I also like the small references that while Kensi is back at work, her recovery is still an on-going process. She's still struggling to sleep, to the point that getting a a *good* night's sleep is something to comment on. She apparently hasn't seen her girl gang (my term, I'm not typing out all those names each time) in awhile either, as they apparently don't live close. Even suggesting they go do something over the weekend seemed to catch Deeks off-guard which to me implies she's been sticking pretty close to home for months now. Small things but I feel they were good references to her still being somewhere in the recovery process. Going back to work *doesn't* automatically mean everything is fine and the way it used to be. 

Hetty was right: it's been a crappy year and they are finally coming out the other side. Of course, this means things will get blown to hell again soon. Season finale is looming!

Well it helped that there was no jurisdictional pissing contest and the marshals were willing to follow what ever Sam and Callen told them to do.

Not sure what the mercenary was talking about how uploading the plans means he won, he isn't a true believer, he is a mercenary, all he cares about is money, if he is killed or in jail, he has no money.  I thought the "VP of Public Relations" girl was going to have a bigger role in the case du jour.

2 hours ago, HawaiiTVGuy said:

Well it helped that there was no jurisdictional pissing contest and the marshals were willing to follow what ever Sam and Callen told them to do.


That was a very nice change of pace. I also liked the female marshal  essentially tell them that they needed to handle the shit, but her ass wasn't moving regardless and no one (including them) was getting in that cockpit.

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On 3/28/2017 at 5:59 PM, mtmjr said:

 It managed to incorporate hints of sexy-times as well as a recognition that everything is still not completely copacetic

The problem for me with the opening scene and the sex bit was that in the previous episode "Getaway" Kensi had persuaded Deeks to start a campfire by hinting they would have their own "couples retreat" that night, so unless she meant just heavy petting--which doesn't really fit the bill and somehow his reaction didn't really suggest that--it seemed pretty obvious that their "retreat" would involve sex.

That was a good episode, a nice one-shot with no ridiculous overarching plot that makes no sense, where everyone played nicely together and worked together to stop the bad guys.

Anna is best when she's discussed, not seen or heard. I can live with her if her continued appearance stays like that.

Since this is now the second time this season that sexy time has been interrupted, I'll go ahead and say that I'm always wondering, are they REALLY expected to drop everything like that and head into work? They can't possibly take 10 minutes (or 6, or 2 1/2, as Deeks said) to, ehem, complete things, and then go? What if they're in the shower and just started shampoo when they get the call? For me if that happened, we're talking probably 20-30 minutes if I'm hurrying, before I can be out the door looking presentable. I get that what they do is important, but I still don't believe that it's drop everything run immediately to the job important. If it were that important, they would have 24 or 48 hour shifts wherein they stay at headquarters, like how firefighters work long shifts and stay at the station that whole time (and presumably, are not attempting sexy times).

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, JessDVD said:

they would have 24 or 48 hour shifts

Don't think that would work at all. First, I believe LAFD (and probably most large city FD) have shifts that last days, not just 24 or 48 hours. Besides, Hetty wants her agents to have a life outside work; mental health is just as important as physical health. Second, what would happen if the case began on the 23rd hour of their shift? They would then be on duty until the case was finished? Sleep deprivation anyone? As for dropping "sexy time" (really? lol) and going into work, the speed with which they go to work probably depends on the urgency of the case, but I would imagine they--like other law enforcement--are on 24 hr. on-call status. In this case, having someone possibly murdered who's working on a super secret Navy project probably takes priority over a little (and if it's 2 1/2 minutes--very little) "sexy time." Besides, it's not as if they don't live together.


3 hours ago, JessDVD said:

Anna is best when she's discussed, not seen or heard.

And I disagree. I like her interaction with Callen (the scenes in Queen Pin were good) and Sam (Getaway--loved the look he gave her when she started her car and drove away). I'm not a HUGE fan of "Densi," but I know others are, and I can live with them in small doses.

Edited by 123BP
16 hours ago, Humbugged said:

How often do people play completely different characters on the different NCIS shows .Because Ally Maki (real life BFF of Quake and Arsenal if you watch the comic book shows) who played the girl flirting with Deeks also guested on the mothership 2 seasons ago as someone completely different

Yeah I saw the name in the credits and then saw her and said, she was on youtube right?  I know who Quake is, who is Arsenal?

6 hours ago, anna0852 said:

All the freaking time @Humbugged! TJ Ramini had a multi season recurring guest role on mothership, before turning up here as someone completely different. I get that casting wants the best talent available but I wish they'd pay more attention to continuity.

I am guessing that casting knows agents who knows their clients can use some work...but yeah TJ Ramini played a pretty important character.  Haha...funny thing, I got him totally confused with Oded Fehr...totally thought they were the same person.

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1 hour ago, HawaiiTVGuy said:

Yeah I saw the name in the credits and then saw her and said, she was on youtube right?  I know who Quake is, who is Arsenal?

I am guessing that casting knows agents who knows their clients can use some work...but yeah TJ Ramini played a pretty important character.  Haha...funny thing, I got him totally confused with Oded Fehr...totally thought they were the same person.

Roy from Arrow (Colton Haynes) . And the 3 of them all used to have a youtube channel together before Chloe Bennet (Quake) and Colton got their breaks .


Funnily enough she is currently in Hawaii filming for Wrecked (the sitcom spoof version of Lost ) where she is a regular

On 3/31/2017 at 11:07 AM, Humbugged said:

Roy from Arrow (Colton Haynes) . And the 3 of them all used to have a youtube channel together before Chloe Bennet (Quake) and Colton got their breaks .


Funnily enough she is currently in Hawaii filming for Wrecked (the sitcom spoof version of Lost ) where she is a regular

Maki?  Yeah I think I saw previews for that show and always wanted to watch, but missed the first episodes and I loathe starting a show in the middle.  Know of anywhere that I can catch the show from the beginning?

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