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S02.E13: Land Of The Lost

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I did think it was great that we got to see Amy Pemberton.  I've also noticed that she's been billed along with the rest of the cast at the front of the episodes this season, so that's a nice win for her as well in a (mostly, now) voiceover role.

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I noticed that Gideon still called Sara, Captain Lance. Rip is the Captain in her programing but yet she accepts Sara and gives her the Captain title without any programming. 

I wouldn't mind seeing human Gideon again. I wonder if they'll tell the rest of the team about meeting her. 

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2 hours ago, MarkHB said:

I did think it was great that we got to see Amy Pemberton.  I've also noticed that she's been billed along with the rest of the cast at the front of the episodes this season, so that's a nice win for her as well in a (mostly, now) voiceover role.

She has been credited at the beginning since the very first episode.

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53 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I noticed that Gideon still called Sara, Captain Lance. Rip is the Captain in her programing but yet she accepts Sara and gives her the Captain title without any programming. 

I got the feeling Gideon acknowledges whoever is officially recognized as in charge of the Waverider as Captain. She had been explicitly told by Sara, the current Captain of record, not to listen to anything Rip said, but he had a fail safe built in she was unable to refuse. Right now Sara is the one she responds to as Captain. I imagine if Sara tells her to start responding to Rip again she will, but the question is what would happen if the two of them gave conflicting orders? Most likely she would go with what Sara said unless told otherwise.

Edited by KirkB
Spelling is good.
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Gideon still calls Rip Captain.  She did it when he apologized, after Sara had already left the room.

I don't really think we can draw any conclusions about Gideon's notion of the chain of command at this point in time.  Next episode may clarify.

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On 3/8/2017 at 3:46 AM, Ariah said:

Loved it. Funny and dramatic at the same time.

I still consider Legends to be the best of the DC CW shows. The team just clicks well together.

- -

- very "Doctor's Wife" episode with Gideon in a human body (and the voice actress could finally show her face!). "Killjoys" did a similar thing with Lucy. Here's to Gideon getting a body some time soon, but I'm afraid the writers will just forget about the kiss and had it a one time thing.

- not too happy with the whole 'Stein will be gone soon' anvils they keep dropping. Just stop, show. Just stop.

- Nate. I'm not a fan. He's ok but not front and center. But I'd be glad if his fate was to stay with Amaya in 1940's/1950's. Though I'd be sorry to lose Amaya. Like that one.

- Oh, Rip. Good to have you back. Enjoyed you as the most effective member of the Legion of Doom. The guys are doomed without you, pun intended. And, like every self-respecting Time Lord, erm, Master, Rip has an affection towards his time machine. ("Did you wished really hard?")

- So, who's the Captain? I'm thinking Sara will still keep the title. 

I suppose there's a better chance of real-life Gideon being modeled after "The Doctor's Wife" even though it's more like The Andromeda.

In the beginning, Rip pulled a Winter Soldier on Gideon.

The brain backup was like Dollhouse.

They used Matrix type needles in the medical bay.

And, of course, Land of the Lost with similar special effects.


On 3/8/2017 at 3:59 PM, Stacey1014 said:

I missed the first 20 minutes of the show because of basketball (they started the show already in progress), but what I saw was good. I liked the two Saras battling and the appearance of Gideon. The dinosaur scene and the end where Rip spoke with the rest of the crew was also good. 

I feel for you. I had to wait 20 minutes, but my station aired the whole thing.

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Gideon is beautiful!!!!!!! I was kinda drooling a bit!

Loved Ray being a good friend to Nate. Not sure how I feel about him stealing that dinosaur egg for omelettes but if that's my biggest problem with a character it's probably not that bad. 

Really liked the Jax and Stein stuff and LOVED how Mick is kinda the same in both evil reality form and normal form. 

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On 3/7/2017 at 10:06 PM, Maverick said:

I'm assuming Ray met Mari in the Arrow episode she appeared in?  Did she relate her backstory there or are we supposed to assume Oliver filled her in later?   And don't Jax and Stein know her too?  I thought Firestorm was in one of the Vixen episodes.  

 I found the Nate/Amaya scenes cringeworthy.  Nate is such a putz.   I'm more than a little tired of the nerdy goofball (who happens to look like someone who aged out of a tween soap opera) pines for the super hot woman and wins her over.  

I did a quick check, and apparently Ray, Stein, and Jax were all in Season 2 of Vixen.  I haven't seen that show, so I don't know how it fits into continuity - however Ray would've already been with the Legends when Mari appeared on Arrow last year.

As for Nate and Amaya...  I think on last week's Supergirl thread I commented that Kara and Mon-El come off like a couple of 8th graders, as written by out of touch adults.  I don't know if Nate/Amaya was even that mature here - they're left alone for a minute, and their only thought is, "welp, I guess we get to make out now..."?  Come on - these are two grown ups.  They fight evil and help save history together.  They're on a mission to recover their Flux Capacitor.  The rest of their team are risking their lives to help heal a former teammate-turned-enemy.  Surely we can come up with something intelligent for them to do - hell, I don't even care that they've basically forgotten that she's only there to avenge the death of her lover.  Nope!  Just have them awkwardly flirt like they're at some middle school party.  I swear, Barry and Iris are the only couple in the CW-verse who are allowed to act like adu-  Oh, wait - forget I said that...

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Rip is back! I loved Evil Rip, but its good to have Real Rip here again, complete with long jacket and slow motion. I enjoyed how Sara and Jax got Rip back to himself, and how his brain was apparently wired to see his friends as enemy's, hence him still having his personality as Evil Rip, but being...evil. I hope we get a scene where Mick and Rip get drunk and bond over getting brain fucked by assholes.

Stop with that Stein foreshadowing show! Stop that right now! I don't want anyone to leave, they all have a special part on the show that will be missed if they leave. I really like Mick and Stein as a double act. I could watch Mick snarking at Stein while Stein is horrified that Mick is smarter than he looks every day. I LOVED the super smug look on his face when Gideon confirmed his idea about Rip could work. Never would have expected that to be a combination of characters we could see every week!

Ray and his little dolls were funny, but also kind of sad. The poor guy must have had a crappy time stuck there all alone, with only dinosaurs around. Apparently he was basically living out Castaway that whole time or something. I love Ray, but it would be nice to give him a more dramatic story sometime soon. I adore him as a lovable, idealistic goof, but I would like to see his character develop a bit more.

The only character we really don't need to Nate, and, really, its not that I dislike Nate, and I liked his scenes with Ray this episode, but he just seems to exist to be dorky (which Ray does already) and hook up with Amaya. Speaking of, I think the actors have some decent chemistry, but I am rally weirded out by Nate/Amayas tendencies to start hooking up in the middle of missions. First in the revolution, and now here! Its like they cant spend three seconds together without drooling on each other. And I really like Amaya! I just don't really feel this pairing.

Oh well, minor issue. This is still my favorite Arrowverse show right now. Its just so much fun, and its character work is the best out there right now.

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On 3/7/2017 at 11:13 PM, scarynikki12 said:

Ray amuses me. Naming a T-Rex Gertrude was delightful. He's best at comedy and far away from romantic shenanigans

I give the writers a lot of credit for using his goofy doofus persona as an effective plot point.  It looked like he was just being a dork and cock-blocking Nate and Amaya unintentionally.  Nope!  He knew full well what he  was doing.  I don't watch Arrow so I didn't know what he was referring to with Amaya's granddaughter, but I figured it was a thing and not something just made up in this episode.


I really like how the show continues to previous events and past characters.  It's nice when they pay attention to their own continuity.

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32 minutes ago, mac123x said:

I don't watch Arrow so I didn't know what he was referring to with Amaya's granddaughter, but I figured it was a thing and not something just made up in this episode.

Mari (the granddaughter) appeared in 1 or 2 episodes of Arrow, but most of her story (including what was talked about in this episode) is told in animated form on CW Seed.  There are two seasons that each amount to roughly a half-hour show.


Aside: I just went to their site and the revolving tagline at the top said, "More DC shows than we could fit on The CW."

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On 3/9/2017 at 2:40 AM, Spaceman Spiff said:

Good episode. The sfx when Sara meets white canary was so bad. Worst split screening ever. White canary was looking way to her left so Sara looked like she was taking to her right ear. I am surprised Sara didn't want to kiss herself, I mean what she doesn't find herself hot too?

The Ray and Nate coitus interruptus was really starting to bug me until Ray revealed he was doing it on purpose. I like that he explained Amaya's destiny to Nate. Jax really has come into his own on this show. His is the best character progression I think for this series. Seeing the actress who voices Gideon was awesome.

This show and Timeless really are covering the same plot lines aren't they.

enjoy both shows but they both rehash dr. who episodes

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Definitely! And DW rips off another episode regularly (often they even say " Oh No! Not This Again! (insert threat here)"


They Have Arthur Darvil and Time Travel, it would be worse if they didn't use that. And The Ship's Crew also has some other characters which are fantastic.

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On 3/10/2017 at 1:32 PM, tennisgurl said:

Ray and his little dolls were funny, but also kind of sad. The poor guy must have had a crappy time stuck there all alone, with only dinosaurs around. Apparently he was basically living out Castaway that whole time or something. I love Ray, but it would be nice to give him a more dramatic story sometime soon. I adore him as a lovable, idealistic goof, but I would like to see his character develop a bit more.

Enjoy and agree with most of your post.

But the little dolls were my favorite part of the episode. I also love that they have made it into the previously on moments in later episodes. I did feel bad that Ray who thrives on his relationships and interacting with people was stuck in a time period with no interaction.

It really does seem that Rip scattering the Legends was a good plan, but he really chose the worst time periods for a lot of the characters.

I do want to see a deeper dramatic story but my fear is that they are going to link it to some random LI. And as much as I enjoy RP now, I've yet to find a romantic relationship of his that BR has excelled in. It's when they attach him to the LI that I have issues with RP. So as much as I want a dramatic storyline, I want them to either make it about his fiancee or family - but I definitely want them to keep it far away from any LI of the moment.

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On 3/22/2017 at 2:21 PM, kismet said:

I do want to see a deeper dramatic story but my fear is that they are going to link it to some random LI. And as much as I enjoy RP now, I've yet to find a romantic relationship of his that BR has excelled in. It's when they attach him to the LI that I have issues with RP. So as much as I want a dramatic storyline, I want them to either make it about his fiancee or family - but I definitely want them to keep it far away from any LI of the moment.




Have I somehow missed these references??

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Rewatched this one the other night and forgot how awesome it was.  A few things jump out.

On 3/7/2017 at 10:13 PM, scarynikki12 said:

Ray amuses me. Naming a T-Rex Gertrude was delightful.

Ray is clearly a fan of Windsor McCay to name a dinosaur Gertie

On 3/8/2017 at 6:04 PM, foreverevolving said:

So it's now 100% certain that Rip is modeled after the Doctor, right?!!

The more I have watched this show, the more convinced I am that Matt Smith was miscast and Arthur Darville should have been the 11th Doctor.  Heresy, I know, but I'm sticking to it.

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