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Dance Moms in the Media


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Well the award is still worthless. Makes no sense fans would attack each other. It's not like these girls actually had to work hard to get nominated. Their fans nominated them, so I don't get the whole attacking each other.

The fans have been attacking each other since Chloe was still on the show (and make no mistake, if Maddie won, they'd be doing the same thing.). If we have anyone to blame for the severity of their rivalry it's Lifetime and Abby. To me, they will always be the Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera of Dance Mom's. 

It would have been classier for her not to do the obvious shot at Abby at the end - because in all reality she never would have been famous in the way she is without Abby. However, I guess her comment keeps people talking and keeps her associated w/ the Dance Moms brand a little longer even though she is no longer on the show. I wonder if they will bring the whole thing up on the show (how Maddie was nominated, what happened, etc.). My bet is they won't, but you never know.

I was really hoping one of the non-Dance Moms people would have won so that NEITHER side would get bragging rights from this popularity contest.

Edited by MyFavShows
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Perceptions vary for sure, but I thought Chloe's shot at Abby was very classy.  She named no names and didn't sound angry or spiteful.  It was a piece of advice based on her own experience and a lot of kids who are constantly put down need to hear it.  Well done, Chloe!!


I'm very happy for her.  Since leaving ALDC, she's become confident, beautiful and happy again.  I remember the last two seasons she was on DM, she looked completely beaten down and miserable.  I didn't enjoy Christi's constant screeching and ranting but she was the mother who always supported her daughter and in the end, was wise enough to get her out of there.  Chloe's dancing has improved too, so it's an all-around win win.

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It would have been classier for her not to do the obvious shot at Abby at the end - because in all reality she never would have been famous in the way she is without Abby. However, I guess her comment keeps people talking and keeps her associated w/ the Dance Moms brand a little longer even though she is no longer on the show. I wonder if they will bring the whole thing up on the show (how Maddie was nominated, what happened, etc.). My bet is they won't, but you never know.

I was really hoping one of the non-Dance Moms people would have won so that NEITHER side would get bragging rights from this popularity contest.

I'm not sure that is fair to say about Chloe; she will always be associated with DM's regardless of what she does, but being inspirational to the teens watching was a great and powerful message to give. She was damned if she did, damned if she didn't. 

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She even thanked Abby. I thought the speech was good and her positive message was what many people (including me, to be honest) needed to hear. There is so much cattiness among "role models" (I'm looking at you T. Swift) that it was nice to see someone be gracious and classy for a change.

She thanked her and I thought "wow - that's nice that she's actually thanking Abby in spite of all the negativity between them, etc. - she's taking the high road, good for her!". Then she went right into the prove them wrong stuff which was a clear dig at Abby for anyone who knows the history and I was like "ugh - here we go - now all her fans are going to be going crazy about how she got her revenge on Abby" - and they are from the looks of the social media comments :(. Some of these fans think the Chloe vs Maddie thing is some type of holy war. It crazy.

Ha, don't let my lack of class paint Chloe in a poor light, I am just really pleased that Chloe got a "win" after what she endured on the show for two seasons.  I'm just really happy for her.  As to putting some sort of end to the out of control fans, I was hoping that there might be one competition between the two studios this season where we didn't get the revenge thing - but a view of how there can be really healthy competition between studios.  We'll never see that though - it was just my pipe dream.


It sounds like Chloe didn't even have a solo this year in competition - choosing instead to bond and work hard with her team mates, I wonder if that was her decision or one of the adults around her.  I think it says a lot about how serious she took fitting in with her new team.

I can think of a lot of reasons why the adults around her would not want her to compete solos anymore - it's actually a good strategy. She has a lot more to lose by not winning than she ever could gain by winning. And she'd be in the very competitive teen division in non-rigged/non-producer controlled comps which would make whatever happened more valid. She's just not a good enough dancer that she'd be guarenteed a win or high placement at every comp she did (very, very few are at her age), so it's just safer for her not to compete at all cause then all her fans can just go on assuming she WOULD win if she would compete w/o ever finding out the truth.

It will be interesting to see if Maddie keeps competing in real competitions next year when she turns 13. She will be in the same situation Chloe was this past year next year. Maddie still did a lot of the big name comps as a junior this year and was quite successful, but not sure if she'll be able to have the same success as a teen (she's also not as good as the show makes her out to be) - and can you imagine how ruthless people would be if she didn't place high at a real comp?

Just not worth the risk to win a trophy when you have all this fame and hype on your shoulders like these girls do.

Another reason Chloe may not have done solos at her new studio was to not have implications/consequences to the other soloists in her age group there. Knowing how "zealous" her fans are, there could have been some backlash against her teammates if they were to place higher than her (which would be a definite possibility if they went head to head cause those girls at ger studio are very good), and, at the very least, it would be very distracting for them to do their solos at competitions where the entire focus is on Chloe and her solo because she's "famous". I wouldn't be surprised if these things played a role in the decision for her to not compete solos anymore as well.

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Here's the link. In the article it says, "Although Lukasiak doesn’t compete solos anymore because she fears that she would either be “judged too hard or too easily” because of her stint on the hit show, she went on to win nationals with her new team for their group dance."

I hope one day Maddie and Chloe will be able to go out, grab a coffee and laugh over all of this. Sad situation.

Unfortunately I think their friendship is burned.


Here's the link. In the article it says, "Although Lukasiak doesn’t compete solos anymore because she fears that she would either be “judged too hard or too easily” because of her stint on the hit show, she went on to win nationals with her new team for their group dance."

I remember Chloe or Christie saying Chloe doesn't do solos because she's new to the studio.

Chloe may begin competing solos again in a year two or when the show or Maddie are off the air.  I hope all the competition hype does down when the show ends.

I don't know if Chloe will ever still be studio dancing a year or two from now. I doubt she'll ever stop training, but she appears to have a lot of other stuff going on in the background + real school, she may lack the time. Unlike Maddie who is turning 13, Chloe is turning 15. 


As for Chloe not doing solo's, I think it's the safest bet to keep her away from drama regardless of the reason she gives. As it is now; she's within a group that Abby can't try and purposefully go against. Even with it not being filmed, if Abby sought after a competition with Chloe in it and then she lost, it would still make the air waves because Abby actually hates Chloe that much, imo. 


There are some interesting pictures floating around of those claiming to have Abby's face when Chloe's name was announced---I doubt they're true, but it would be interesting if they were. As of now she's being smart by staying quiet. But I googled her name today and out comes a story about her making a fan cry and yelling at the parents that it got her kicked out of a restaurant/casino. Oh Abby, your glory days are just over. 

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I really don't care about Abby because she's just horrible.  What I'd love to have seen is Melissa's face.  She's such a master of smuggery when Maddie is winning everything and seems to lose it on the rare occasions Maddie doesn't win. Seeing Melissa's reaction would have been sweet considering that Maddie Ziegler is the most popular 12 year old in the known universe.

Edited by limecoke
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There are some interesting pictures floating around of those claiming to have Abby's face when Chloe's name was announced---I doubt they're true, but it would be interesting if they were. As of now she's being smart by staying quiet. But I googled her name today and out comes a story about her making a fan cry and yelling at the parents that it got her kicked out of a restaurant/casino. Oh Abby, your glory days are just over. 

Is it wrong that I'm dying to see those photos and actually spent a few minutes trying to do so? 

I think Abby believes her awful attitude and hateful ways are somehow endearing her to fans and make her interesting. She's so wrong about so much ... including that.

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Is it wrong that I'm dying to see those photos and actually spent a few minutes trying to do so? 

I think Abby believes her awful attitude and hateful ways are somehow endearing her to fans and make her interesting. She's so wrong about so much ... including that.

Bwahahahaha! I came upon them on accident; if they are real, I wouldn't be surprised. TCA is too classy to pan over the 'losers' in each category and it didn't look like Chloe was sitting near the DM crew; so if someone got a picture, they would have needed to be in the audience I'd think. 


As for Abby, she's an idiot. But I think we all know that.

I can think of a lot of reasons why the adults around her would not want her to compete solos anymore - it's actually a good strategy. She has a lot more to lose by not winning than she ever could gain by winning. And she'd be in the very competitive teen division in non-rigged/non-producer controlled comps which would make whatever happened more valid. She's just not a good enough dancer that she'd be guarenteed a win or high placement at every comp she did (very, very few are at her age), so it's just safer for her not to compete at all cause then all her fans can just go on assuming she WOULD win if she would compete w/o ever finding out the truth.


Chloe, along with most of the other girls on this show, showed tremendous potential and talent as pre-teens.  She would have been "a good enough dancer" if she went on to a serious school.  She didn't though and only because of that she probably wouldn't win.  Maddie won't win any of these competitions either because she is pursuing other things.  Kalani is right behind them in falling behind the other dancers her age who train on a regular basis.  But it's not lack of talent or potential that is stopping any of them.

She exercised great restraint considering how she was treated by Abby. I will have to disagree with you on this one.


I do think the fans of both Chloe and Maddie are out of control and that someone needs to step in and say something to stop things before they escalate more.


I totally agree with your entire post, especially the out of control drama-induced teenage fans.  It's borderline same level as "bloods vs. crips" in teenage dance packaging!

I signed up for this website just to add this link.

-  It is a youtube video "Face Abby Lee when Maddie did not win".  However if you stop the slide show at 44 seconds you will see Chloe walking right by Melissa as she goes up to the stage to receive her award.  Melissa does NOT have a smile on her face.  However warning there is a photoshopped picture of Chloe holding a sign with a nasty message to Abby at 34, 35 seconds -  it was originally a picture of Chloe asking for votes. Edited by threegrandbabies

They look exactly how the majority of competition dancers look when they do ballet. I agree about Kendalls hands - that's a hard thing to fix.


Start right and then no fixing, start wrong, taped Popsicle sticks and then holding pennies.  Kendall's are soooo bad.  Reminds me of Latin dancers doing contemporary on SYTYCD they are so broken and ruin the lines, but they are perfect for Latin dance.

Edited by NextIteration

Abby has an obsession with feet and faces. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that arms/hands are areas that she habitually neglects. I'll never forget when 21-year-old Alexa Moffat came and basically gave Kalani 23492039857 corrections within a few minutes.


Which brings me to the mystery of Kira "owning" a studio.  For the life of me I can't figure that out.  It was pretty clear I think, that Kira doesn't really know a thing about dance, the mind boggles how she owns a studio that Kalani does not dance at.  There is a missing link somewhere in there since Kalani interviewed about she and Kira cleaning the studio (someone else's) to pay for dance classes.

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What does that mean?


Little girls that start in quality ballet classes usually develop lovely hands.  Competition dancers that don't have enough ballet tech as a foundation usually have terrible hands (think JazzHands!).  Popsicle sticks tapped at the wrist force them to stop breaking them (folding them) and then holding pennies between thumb and fingers helps with fingers.


It was really bad about a decade ago when "hamburger hands" were popular in jazz (think about how hands would look holding a hamburger).

Edited by NextIteration

It was really bad about a decade ago when "hamburger hands" were popular in jazz (think about how hands would look holding a hamburger).




Poor Kendall is so awkward and spastic.  She is a classic case of trying to teach her advanced moves before she had a basic foundation. 

It's not just the hands of most competitions dancers it's the whole port de bras.  The arms are always sagging.  They're so busy learning to spin like tops for points that the arms aren't given much thought.  A give away to good training is strong port de bras.  None of the young dancers on this show so far has shown good port de bras.

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Another term for the hamburger hands that I'm now remembering was Brian Friedman's criticism during S1 of SYTYCD of the contestant Melissa, he called her Lindsay Lobster Claws, after she fixed her hands and did a beautiful Waltz? I think?  He called her Betty Ballroom.


All the affected crap that Abby has the ALDC girls do with their hands in their "emotional" lyricals is at fault for their terrible hands, Kendall also probably fell prey to some form of JazzHands! since she has been slotted into being the jazz dancer for solos.

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Another term for the hamburger hands that I'm now remembering was Brian Friedman's criticism during S1 of SYTYCD of the contestant Melissa, he called her Lindsay Lobster Claws, after she fixed her hands and did a beautiful Waltz? I think?  He called her Betty Ballroom.




That's funny.  You usually see lobster claws in three year olds.  It's pretty good she was able to fix it at that point in her training.


One thing about Abby, she does slot the girls into the types of dance that they suck the least in.  Kendall can't really handle contemporary and I can't imagine her attempting hip hop or ballet.  At their age, Jazz is might be the most forgiving so Kendall can do relatively well in it. 

I really don't care about Abby because she's just horrible.  What I'd love to have seen is Melissa's face.  She's such a master of smuggery when Maddie is winning everything and seems to lose it on the rare occasions Maddie doesn't win. Seeing Melissa's reaction would have been sweet considering that Maddie Ziegler is the most popular 12 year old in the known universe.


Well, she might be the most popular 12-year-old right now because of her ALDC fame, but I predict Maddie is going to dump dance like an old banana peel once she "finds boys."   I laughed at an older episode of Dance Moms where Maddy turns up her nose in an "ugh" kind of way when paired with a boy for one of the dances.  Couldn't help but think that this yucky-boy reaction will soon be a distant memory.  She's coming up on that boy-crazy age very soon. And I'm willing to bet that boys will replace dance as her passion. 

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