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Expedition Unknown - General Discussion

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New season started yesterday.

First episode was pretty interesting; a look for the missing loot stolen by John Dillinger.  Started at the jail that Dillinger escaped from using the wooden gun.  And Josh got to shoot an actual Tommy gun that Dillinger grabbed during the escape.  (Josh was a surprisingly good shot too!)

No money found, but there were a few strange artifacts found at the two main locations searched; the old Dillinger family homestead, and Little Bohemia, the vacation lodge where the FBI tried to gun down the Dillinger gang.

There was also a nice book-ending segment at the end, but I don't want to spoil that.  Sufficed to say, it was a really heart-warming thing that Josh got invited to participate in.


There was also a new show on afterwards: Hunting Atlantis.  Seemed decent enough to me.  At least, better than the Templar series from last year.

Edited by SVNBob
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I thoroughly enjoyed the John Dillinger episode.  I missed this show!  I like when Josh takes on actual history or lost city stuff (vs. the crypto or alien stuff).  I enjoyed the Little Bohemia Lodge and the car at the end was really neat.   

In general, I continue to find Josh to strike one of the best balances of nerdy enthusiasm, excellent, if sometimes weird, guests, and a lovely self deprecation.  I think he is successful partly because of his innate likeability. 

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I was going to take a trip up north and visit Little Bohemia, but the reviews online said they had bad food. lol I don't really understand why someone would bury empty glass jars. Maybe they do it for fun, imagining the disappointment on people's faces 100 years later. 😆 I liked that Josh called Dillinger out at the end for what he really was, a murderer. I didn't really like the sugarcoating of him earlier in the episode, or the giddiness of shooting a gun that was used to terrorize people. Overall I enjoyed the episode and glad the show is back!

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Saw Josh doing his Shark Week show with William Shatner last week.  And then I also recently watched an episode of the original Start Trek.  It was amazing to see Captain Kirk, in his prime, at the height of his powers, after seeing a 90 year old William Shatner on Shark Week.  It was almost hard to believe that it was the same person.

Amazing to see a 90 year old scuba diving with sharks though.

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Based on the first two episodes of this season, and the preview of the 3rd, it looks like they're focusing on stories based in the US for the season.  Which makes sense, given the state of the world when they were shooting.

As for this latest episode, it felt a little weird to me.  I got the impression that what we saw would normally have been compressed to be half an episode in seasons past.  Parts of it, like Josh visiting the archivist at the lighthouse, felt like padding.  (Him kayaking around the island to the stairs up to said lighthouse definitely was padding.)

However, if a story was going to be stretched to fill the usual timeslot, this was the best kind of subject to do so, so I'm not complaining in the slightest.  Organizations like Project Recover deserve getting highlighted like this.  Good for Josh, the ExU crew, and Discovery for using their platform to do so.  Doubly so for bringing more attention to the Missing in Training that aren't counted as Missing in Action.


Finally, I enjoyed the semi-irony of them searching for a torpedo bomber using a torpedo drone.

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Another DB Cooper show.  Will the DB Cooper story ever stop being fascinating?  Probably not.  Josh actually might have found parts of DB Cooper's briefcase.  It's hard to believe that was missed by the FBI years ago, when they searched the site where the money was found.

The suspect who had confessed to being DB Cooper had an interesting, but odd, story.  I didn't think he looked anything like the police sketch though.  The sketch of Josh thrown into the mix was amusing.

I didn't realize the chute Cooper used was not maneuverable.  I have always thought he had survived.  Last night was the first time I started to have some doubts.

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I too was surprised to have another DB show, but I enjoy the topic.

I am a Marvel and Loki fan, so I was tickled that he included a reference and picture of the lovely Tom Hiddleston in character.  (In the series - In the past, Loki lost a bet to Thor and Heimdall and him being DB Cooper was his punishment or something and when he jumps out of the plane, Heimdall uses the Bifrost to bring him back to Asgard)  Based on the show last night, that is probably about as good an explanation as any of the other ones we have. LOL. 

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20 minutes ago, TrininisaScorp said:

In the series - In the past, Loki lost a bet to Thor and Heimdall and him being DB Cooper was his punishment or something and when he jumps out of the plane, 

Thanks for explaining that, I haven't seen the series.  I thought it was probably a reference to a scene in The Avengers that I had forgotten.

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11 hours ago, rmontro said:

Another DB Cooper show.  Will the DB Cooper story ever stop being fascinating? Probably not. 

Only if it ever gets truly solved, and maybe not even then.  As has been said, DB Cooper stepped out of a plane, and into infamy and myth.

The lack of answers and evidence have helped keep this case alive.  And the fact that "Dan Cooper" is such a blank slate, so he's incredibly easy for Hollywood to project any kind of backstory onto to make an interesting interpretation of the character.

One thought I had about the case, when they brought up that Reca did have credible eyewitnesses to part of his story: Maybe there were two (or more) people involved.  Multiple men in black suits and white shirts "deployed" throughout the Northwest to create different "sightings" of Cooper, in order to throw authorities off the track.  That would explain Reca's witnesses, but him being totally removed from where the money was eventually found.


After watching the episode, I read through the Wikipedia article about Cooper.  There's a list of several "suspects" and/or people who claimed to be Cooper.  Reca was listed, as were the other names thrown out at the beginning.  But there was one surprising name; Barbara Dayton.  She claimed she dressed up as a man to stage the hijacking, in order to get back at the FAA for not allowing her to become a pilot.  But she recanted the story when she learned that charges could still be brought against "Cooper".  She died in 2002, and the FBI never commented on her story.


10 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

I too was surprised to have another DB show, but I enjoy the topic.

Well, this year is the 50th anniversary of the event, so I'm not that surprised.  (That's also probably the reason it got worked into Loki.) Plus, it's another fully US-based story, so it's one they could look into this past year.


After the Atlantis show and a repeat of the sunken prayer bell in Myanmar, they aired a repeat of the Forest Fenn episode.  At the end, there was a tiny bit of followup.  They added 3 black screens with white text to say that the treasure had been found and confirmed by Fenn before his passing, and that the finder is remaining anonymous and not revealing the location.  Nothing we hadn't discussed upthread, but it is an "official" acknowledgement from the show.

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15 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Maybe there were two (or more) people involved.  Multiple men in black suits and white shirts "deployed" throughout the Northwest to create different "sightings" of Cooper, in order to throw authorities off the track. 

An interesting idea, I have a few basic problems with it:  First off, the more people involved, the further that money gets diluted.  Also, what if one of the "decoys" gets caught, and wrongly convicted?  Seems risky.  And speaking of risky, if Reca really did bail out of a plane that night, he was also taking his life in his hands.

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7 hours ago, rmontro said:

First off, the more people involved, the further that money gets diluted.

True.  So hypothetically, let's say there were just two.  "Cooper" and Reca.  Makes splitting the $200k really easy, and each still gets a substantial portion.


7 hours ago, rmontro said:

Also, what if one of the "decoys" gets caught, and wrongly convicted?

That would depend on the exact charges.  Conspiracy would be the only thing they could actually be convicted of, and that wouldn't be a wrong conviction.  But charges directly relating to the hijacking wouldn't stick.


7 hours ago, rmontro said:

if Reca really did bail out of a plane that night, he was also taking his life in his hands.

Keyword: If.  He claimed to, as part of his claim of being Cooper.  But no one witnessed his "landing".  All the truck driver saw was him walking/limping on the side of the road, then eventually entering the diner.  No evidence of a jump or landing then.  Which is why there was that big metal detecting search in the woods that Josh joined (the one that "overshot" the timeline with the unfired bullet from the late 1800s that they found.).  They were looking for parts of the parachute to help corroborate Reca's confession.

And I never meant to imply there were multiple jumpers; only multiple men in suits walking around near the woods in various places in the Pacific Northwest on Thanksgiving eve 1971.  Like a proto-flash mob...but in different locations.  Or this scene from The Thomas Crown Affair:


In any case, this is deep in the realm of pure speculation and unprovability.

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12 hours ago, SVNBob said:

And I never meant to imply there were multiple jumpers; only multiple men in suits walking around 

Okay, I thought you were saying they maybe wanted some sightings of people parachuting scattered around.  And Reca had said he had broken his leg jumping that night (probably just a hairline).  To back that up, there should be some medical confirmation that his leg was treated, or even a later x-ray that showed it had been broken at one time.

If your theory is correct, it makes sense that he went into the diner and engaged the truck driver, since it would ensure that someone at least had seen him and might remember him.


12 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Conspiracy would be the only thing they could actually be convicted of, and that wouldn't be a wrong conviction.  But charges directly relating to the hijacking wouldn't stick.

I guess you have more faith in our criminal justice system than I do.  Lots of people have been unfairly convicted.  But in this case it would have been a bit of karma.

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It was an interesting episode, but I was disappointed they didn't go back to the Reno theory from the prior episode.  Josh seemed to support the theory that Cooper didn't actually jump until the plane was descending into Reno, and therefore was able to land in a large open area, miles away from where the authorities would search for him.

If that was discredited later, it would have been nice to say why in this follow-up.

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1 hour ago, Frost said:

It was an interesting episode, but I was disappointed they didn't go back to the Reno theory from the prior episode.

There are so many different theories on who Cooper was, and several of them seem very plausible.  So I don't think the fact that they didn't go back to that means it was discredited necessarily.  New show, new focus.  

I remember hearing one particular theory on who Cooper was that seemed the most reasonable to me, but I don't remember which one it was lol.  I don't think it was on Exploration Unknown, but on some other show.  At the time I thought it was convincing, but if I heard it now it might not sound so good to me anymore, who knows?

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An episode not filmed in the USA! It's so interesting that the natives just threw gold into a lake, and that they valued salt over gold. I think my favorite part of the episode was Josh calling one of the conquistadors a jackwad. 😂  Part two looks exciting. 

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Not sure if anyone is still watching Josh Gates Tonight. When I set my DVR to record new episodes of Expedition Unknown, the last couple of weeks it's been recording Expedition X followed by Josh Gates Tonight. I don't know if it's a trick to get people to watch the shows, or if it's just Spectrum that's messing up the title. On this past episode, I thought Josh's Godfather impression was really good!

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On 9/10/2021 at 3:48 PM, pezgirl7 said:

Not sure if anyone is still watching Josh Gates Tonight. When I set my DVR to record new episodes of Expedition Unknown, the last couple of weeks it's been recording Expedition X followed by Josh Gates Tonight. I don't know if it's a trick to get people to watch the shows, or if it's just Spectrum that's messing up the title.

Xfinity has been listing it in the same way.  It's titled as a two hour block of Expedition Unknown.  But it can be an episode of Expedition Unknown paired with a Josh Gates Tonight, or an episode of Expedition X paired with a Josh Gates Tonight, or presumably any combination thereof.

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Speaking of ExX, the last two stories have been interesting.  In both, they seemed to resolve with a more natural explanation for what was going on than some of the earlier and more outlandish stories.

The most recent episode about the Van Meter Monster had lots of DNA samples of a few different animals come up, and Phil's hypothesis about misidentified birds being likely suspects seems to hold true.  Plus Jessica actually tried debunking the story from the 1900s, and probably did, with her noticing the bat shadow.

The previous story about the "feral humans" in the Smokies also had evidence of actual human DNA, and ended with speculation that it's just people that chose to live way of the grid.  But they never mentioned what seemed to me to another plausible explanation.  They kept talking about how people, hikers specifically, get lost in those woods all the time.  And they kept bringing up the fact that the feral humans apparently had "misshaped" heads/faces.  Seems to me that the two are related, and that these feral humans are hikers that had bad accidents involving severe, but non-fatal, head injuries.  Ones that could cause all sorts of physical deformities if not properly treated, and brain trauma like amnesia.

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14 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Speaking of ExX, the last two stories have been interesting.  In both, they seemed to resolve with a more natural explanation for what was going on than some of the earlier and more outlandish stories.

The most recent episode about the Van Meter Monster had lots of DNA samples of a few different animals come up, and Phil's hypothesis about misidentified birds being likely suspects seems to hold true.  Plus Jessica actually tried debunking the story from the 1900s, and probably did, with her noticing the bat shadow.

The previous story about the "feral humans" in the Smokies also had evidence of actual human DNA, and ended with speculation that it's just people that chose to live way of the grid.  But they never mentioned what seemed to me to another plausible explanation.  They kept talking about how people, hikers specifically, get lost in those woods all the time.  And they kept bringing up the fact that the feral humans apparently had "misshaped" heads/faces.  Seems to me that the two are related, and that these feral humans are hikers that had bad accidents involving severe, but non-fatal, head injuries.  Ones that could cause all sorts of physical deformities if not properly treated, and brain trauma like amnesia.

This sounds interesting!  I'm gonna have to start watching ExX in addition to catching up with the ExUn episodes I haven't watched yet.  I can get both on the discovery+ channel I subscribed to on Roku for the $4.99 a month.  (I recently started paying the $6.99 Ad-free rate, but since Hulu's price hike I went back down to ads.)

Thanks for posting this as a recommendation!

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Watching the Mahogany Ship episode, from the 5th season, and they're searching the ship-shaped mound for the ship.  While digging, Josh hits something then yells at the guys "Hey, I've got wood over here!", then another guy says "He's got wood!" as they move quickly to Josh's position.

I sometimes hate how juvenile my sense of humor can be, but I can't help it.


Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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New seasons of all the shows started on Wednesday.

EXU was another Nazi-related search.  And when Josh goes after Nazis, he always finds something, so I was ready to see what he'd come across in this hunt.  This particular search for treasures both cultural and monetary involves secret underground complexes built before and during the War in what is now Poland, including a real freaking volcano lair!  (Ok, less lair and more bunker, and it's a dormant volcano.  But still, the trope is real.)  And it's the first of a two-parter, so more of the story next week.

EXX also dealt with a volcano, but an active one, as Phil and Jessica looked into UFO sightings near Mexico City.  Jessica speculated that aliens were coming for resources like uranium, and she did find that the volcanic rocks in the area do contain high amounts of radon (what radium breaks down into, and radium is what uranium breaks down into), so there is that.  But Phil brought up a possible natural explanation that I'd never heard of before: earthquake lights.  And as usual, results were inconclusive.

Didn't really watch JGT, but in the closing viewer question segment, he had on the female geologist from the search for Atlantis show to help with a question, so that was kinda cool.

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So they're showing a new Expedition Unknown, followed by an Expedition X, followed by Josh Gates Tonight.  To be honest, I would probably skip Expedition X if it were on alone, but since they're all strung together I tape and watch all three.  But yeah, it gets tiresome.  It's a bit too much.

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5 hours ago, rmontro said:

To be honest, I would probably skip Expedition X if it were on alone, but since they're all strung together I tape and watch all three.  But yeah, it gets tiresome.  It's a bit too much.

The entire block seems to repeat right afterwards.  Maybe you could use that fact and timeshift your recording to cut out most of ExX?  The only disadvantage to that would be that JGT might spoil something from ExU.  But JGT is the show I usually skip, unless there's a theme or guests that I'm interested in.

This week's ExX was pretty good.  The Ozark Howler was something I hadn't heard of.  And this was a Phil-centric story, if you catch the meaning.

The ExU was, as stated, the second half of the hunt for abandoned Nazi underground compounds and any loot or other artifacts contained therein.  And Josh found quite a few things.  Not any of the literal tons of gold that were supposedly at the one location.  But there was that unusual brick "foundation" in the middle of a path nearby that dig.  The speculation that it might have been part of an old guard building or a checkpoint station made sense.  But the local guide said that there was a creek that ran parallel to the path and that there was once a bridge to cross it, so I wondered if they'd found an anchor-point for said bridge.

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16 hours ago, SVNBob said:

The entire block seems to repeat right afterwards.  Maybe you could use that fact and timeshift your recording to cut out most of ExX? 

I mean, nobody has a gun to my head, forcing me to watch it.  I could easily fast forward through it and skip it.  But I just let it run in the background and don't pay too much attention to it.   I've seen some show before featuring the Howler, and they reached the same conclusion.

I don't even find Josh Gates Tonight to be all that interesting, depending on who the guest is.  The opening segments are usually fun.

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Really enjoyed the episode on the Dalton Gang and its treasure.  I do believe they found the dugout, because it looks very much like the remains of the Ingalls Family dugout in Walnut Grove, Minnesota.  

Didn't care about the fake monster show.  Josh Gates Tonight was just okay.  The Expedition Unknown episode was the clear winner for me.

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The Dalton gang episode was interesting, but I wish Josh could move on from Nazi gold and outlaw gold.  The show wasn't always 100% treasure hunting.  I'd like Josh to do a little more "regular" archeology.  As an example, the Easter Island episode was fascinating and I learned a lot about their culture that I had no idea about.  I'm a little tired of everybody running around with metal detectors looking for treasure.

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On 6/11/2022 at 9:21 AM, Frost said:

The Dalton gang episode was interesting, but I wish Josh could move on from Nazi gold and outlaw gold.  The show wasn't always 100% treasure hunting.  I'd like Josh to do a little more "regular" archeology.  As an example, the Easter Island episode was fascinating and I learned a lot about their culture that I had no idea about.  I'm a little tired of everybody running around with metal detectors looking for treasure.

Yeah me too.  I'm thrilled they are all back but like when they are into mysteries and odd things.  Love the X team and those are more like i like, loved DB Cooper, and the ruby slippers and the Secret.  I also enjoy when they sit together in ExU Headquarters heehee and discuss it after the hunt.  

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I could do with fewer scenes of Josh driving (inexpertly) and squeezing into wetsuits and caves and pretending he's the important guy saying Go! at the beginning of investigations run by experts. Focus on the evidence, not Josh!

Edited by deirdra
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On 6/11/2022 at 10:21 AM, Frost said:

but I wish Josh could move on from Nazi gold and outlaw gold.  The show wasn't always 100% treasure hunting

True.  But now I'm wondering about the ratings for the different kinds of stories, and whether the "treasure hunting" episodes get bigger numbers, so TPTB are "encouraging" more of those stories.

Also in the vein of making "good tv", treasure hunts are also more likely to have an actual conclusion, like the 3rd Secret episode.  Other mysteries and archaeological expeditions may not.  Although there was a repeat of the 2nd Suleman's Heart episode after the new episodes on Wednesday, and that had a "conclusion".

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11 hours ago, deirdra said:

I could do with fewer scenes of Josh driving (inexpertly) and squeezing into wetsuits and caves and pretending he's the important guy saying Go! at the beginning of investigations run by experts. Focus on the evidence, not Josh!

ITA!  I like Josh's exuberant personality (most of the time) but it must irritate the people who've been doing all of the real work at the excavations or hunts or whatever when the EU film crew shows up and suddenly Josh is shown giving all the orders.  He's the one with the TV show, no need to be a glory hog!

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12 hours ago, Frost said:

ITA!  I like Josh's exuberant personality (most of the time) but it must irritate the people who've been doing all of the real work at the excavations or hunts or whatever when the EU film crew shows up and suddenly Josh is shown giving all the orders.  He's the one with the TV show, no need to be a glory hog!

Egads, I need glasses, I thought you ended that post  with no need to be glory holed.

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38 minutes ago, Grrarrggh said:

Has he ever found the money/gold/facts? 

He's documented several finds from the treasure book The Secret, that's probably his most successful episodes.  

He didn't find "The Sultan's Heart", but at the end of the episode they come upon the entrance of... something, I can't remember what.  It was something like the temple where he was buried or a gate to the town, sorry it's slipped my mind.

They did find a lost Incan city in the Amazon, although I guess that's not an uncommon occurrence.  They've also found several lost planes and ships over the years, that weren't the ones they were looking for, but still of some value.

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Occasional coins and small artifacts are found on various episodes, but besides the one Secret episode, I don't remember any real resolutions.

The Alcatraz episode drove me crazy!  Josh and the FBI guy just kept repeating each other.  "Welcome to Alcatraz."  "Welcome to Alcatraz".  "This is a tight squeeze."  "A tight squeeze."  These aren't word for word quotes, but examples of what the two of them did all episode!  It completely wrecked it for me because I was too busy being irritated.  Plus the raft in the show's "escape" was a real raft, not raincoats!   

Argh, finding a US penny and a story about Americans doesn't mean it was the Alcatraz escapees.  The photo thing was interesting but I'd like collaboration from someone else.  I guess I'm just a skeptic.

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23 hours ago, Frost said:

Argh, finding a US penny and a story about Americans doesn't mean it was the Alcatraz escapees.  The photo thing was interesting but I'd like collaboration from someone else.  I guess I'm just a skeptic.

I've seen a number of different shows on the Alcatraz escapees, and maybe I'm gullible and being conned, but I believe they escaped and went to Brazil.  The family believes that is a picture of them.  Admittedly, that doesn't prove anything, but to my eyes it looks like them in the picture also.  

My memory is a little sketchy, but I think they applied face recognition software to the picture in one of the shows I watched.  It was somewhat hampered by the sunglasses the pair were wearing, but the results were consistent if not conclusive.  

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Expedition X is a load of crap. Josh Gates used to be entertaining. Now his two sidekicks are absurd, but the girl is hot! Werewolves in Wisconsin? Ha! That's funny! The girl is scared..."I'm all alone here in woods!" As the cameraman films her... those who watch this show are idiots.

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I've always thought Josh gave credit to those doing the work and brings attention and resources so the people in the field seem glad to have him there. I never saw him as a glory hound, though he is a ham, to which I relate quite hard. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the Prohibition episodes. My house was built in 1922 and is right on a sort of cove-like beach. It was a fixer-upper and when we tore off the back porch to build a new one we found a lot of very old, distinctive jugs that suggest our house was the neighborhood speakeasy and/or the original owners were smugglers. I kind of love that.    

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47 minutes ago, Darian said:

I've always thought Josh gave credit to those doing the work and brings attention and resources so the people in the field seem glad to have him there. I never saw him as a glory hound, though he is a ham, to which I relate quite hard.  

"Ham" might be the best description of Josh that I've heard.

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On 6/11/2022 at 10:21 AM, Frost said:

I'd like Josh to do a little more "regular" archeology.

Feeling better now?  A 90-minute episode almost entirely in a single necropolis in Egypt (only diverting to a museum that had a mummy from said necropolis that might not be who they originally thought, so they're trying to figure that out as well), that was part one of a two-parter.  And it looks like they made a significant find at the end of part 1 that they'll further examine in part 2.

Looks like the "treasure hunts" were setting us up for this epic adventure.

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'Joshtails'; the Machu Pichu.

JG:  This is terrible!  Why did we make this again? 
Offscreen producer:  It was named after a lost city. 
JG:  I don't think the ancient Mayans used this much Crème de menthe.

Scene outro-card: 
Just drink a beer instead.
(Trust us.)

I'll give JG credit, he can be quite funny.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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On 7/17/2022 at 2:00 AM, SVNBob said:

Feeling better now?  A 90-minute episode almost entirely in a single necropolis in Egypt (only diverting to a museum that had a mummy from said necropolis that might not be who they originally thought, so they're trying to figure that out as well), that was part one of a two-parter.  And it looks like they made a significant find at the end of part 1 that they'll further examine in part 2.

Looks like the "treasure hunts" were setting us up for this epic adventure.

Loved the one Egyptian guy digging while wearing a leather jacket. 

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On 7/7/2022 at 9:02 PM, rmontro said:

I've seen a number of different shows on the Alcatraz escapees, and maybe I'm gullible and being conned, but I believe they escaped and went to Brazil.  The family believes that is a picture of them.  Admittedly, that doesn't prove anything, but to my eyes it looks like them in the picture also.  

My memory is a little sketchy, but I think they applied face recognition software to the picture in one of the shows I watched.  It was somewhat hampered by the sunglasses the pair were wearing, but the results were consistent if not conclusive.  

I think I saw this same investigation on another show, and you remember correctly that facial recognition software was used and seemed to strongly suggest they were the same people. It was different from the technology used on Expedition Unknown, so that is interesting. 

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Seems like Josh had a bit of a head cold - or something resembling one - during certain parts of this latest expedition.  Like mine does when I have a similar type of cold, his voice sounded a bit rougher & slightly more hoarse than usual at the same time.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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27 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Loved his statement " Here we are looking for non- rattling snakes and whatever else Florida may throw at us".

Two of my favorite moments/quotes was when he was talking with the museum curator;

MC:  ... and his girlfriend, Laura Upthegrove, together they ...
JG:  Sorry.  The what now?  Her name was ...
MC:  Laura Upthegrove.
JG:  Sir, this is a family show.

(and later in the segment)

MC:  [discussing JA's fake eye piece and the Sheriff's use of it]  He actually put that on a keychain.
JG:  Well, that's one way to keep an eye on your keys.  *bad joke sound*

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I liked the segment where they were searching the Florida island for Ashley treasure.  I swear even Josh couldn't contain his belief that it was a waste of time.  

I loved just having the single episode of Expedition Unknown.  One hour of this goes down in an enjoyable, entertaining fashion.  Expand it to three hours and it becomes a drudge.

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12 minutes ago, rmontro said:

I liked the segment where they were searching the Florida island for Ashley treasure.  I swear even Josh couldn't contain his belief that it was a waste of time.  

I loved just having the single episode of Expedition Unknown.  One hour of this goes down in an enjoyable, entertaining fashion.  Expand it to three hours and it becomes a drudge.

I'll have the all-day marathon running on the TV if there's nothing else I wanna watch on, but I agree.  It can get a bit tedious and dare I say it 'boring', especially have already seen the episodes a bunch of times already.

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I missed the exact words, but got a good laugh out of Josh's reaction to finding the empty condom packet/holder thingy in the 'unearted' edition of last week's show about the Ashley gang;

JG:  Even bad guys practiced safe sex back in the day.  There is today's PSA. ...  And that's the climax of the show, everybody.  *mimes a humorous "what?" look around*  Sorry.  Sorry everyone."


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