paigow January 29, 2017 Share January 29, 2017 The task force chases an elusive assassin who kills by imparting a fatal disease on her victims; Red enlists Tom for an undercover operation inside his criminal organization. Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Wow ! Nothing but the sound of crickets here since 11pm EST -- that's not a good sign considering this is the first day of Feb. sweeps. 1 Link to comment
mertensia February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Poor Natalie. 1 Link to comment
surfer February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Holy crap! That was Niles from "The Nanny" Dembe and baby Agnes playing in the background was all kinds of adorable. 5 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Oh goody, Moldova 14 years ago. If I wasn't depressed already, this isn't helping. Is Red using a time machine to back in time now ? Plus, 14 years ago put this at 2002 -- but this hospital looks like it's straight out of the 60s. And the virus is on the loose -- did young Nathalie touch all those dead people ? Because they kind of made point later that contact was the key to transmission. Navabi is acting all cold and distant from Aram ...... again. FFS !! How many times are they going to do this ? Navabi is pissed about her pay -- ummm, I knowed she's on detached duty but doesn't the Mossad pay her. Blacklister of the week is some sort of Typhoid Mary. Yawn. This is making me yearn for the days of the Kings of the Highway. And the baddie after Reddington might be someone named Magnusson -- and is the same actor that played Sherlock Holmes' foe Moriarty on a couple of episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Turns out he was the guy who bought the cruise line out from under Reddington last episode. Natalie Luca is a bubble girl -- where's the the Yoo-hoo, the Trivial Pursuit game, and the card with 'Moops' as the answer. Oh come on. Let's let this highly, highly contagious woman waltz out of a quarantine facility to go play house -- and then for good measure not bother to monitor them. And then not to be at all SHOCKED when you find out said contagious woman goes AWOL. Seriously, there should be panic setting in, but this Hawthorne Biomedical woman seems to be seriously underwhelmed by this news -- unless of course she's evil. Which she is. Malik and Nathalie are the ultimate Romeo and Juliet -- they can never be together because she would kill him. And now it's going to turn into a bad version of Casino Royale. The writers really are out of ideas, aren't they. Oh nooooeeeessss !!! Death slouching. Red feels death slouching all around him. Maybe death needs posture lessons. How did Hawthorne Biomedical know to go to the poker game location exactly in order to re-capture their lost Typhoid Mary (because "Lucian's Meningitis Nathalie" just doesn't roll off the tongue) ? Unless they had a mole inside the Post Office seriously, they saif that the FBI lead them there but how did they know to ring a hazmat truck with them ? Oh FFS !! Mailk was shot, but there's no reason why he would know he was going to die. But he grabs Nathalie's hand anyway, they finally smooch -- and he's dead. So we never know if he could have survived that gunshot wound. If in the movie Bad Santa Billy Bob Thornton's character can get shot 8 or 9 times in the back by the police and yet not hit a major organ, I would think Malik would at least wait for a paramedic for an opinion first before committing suicide by girlfriend -- since, you know, he wasn't a medical doctor. No sign of Mr. Kaplan. Or the dogs. Or Agnes' babysitter while Tom was out running ops for Red. Thankfully very little Lizzie in the episode. Aram donated half his salary difference to Navabi so that they were making the same. No, just no, that's just not how payroll works in the Federal government. That is just stupid beyond words even for this show. Are we (the viewing audience supposed) to know who Isabella Stone is ? Because I got nothing. Maybe if she had a cool Blacklister name I'd remember her. Would someone hiring a biomedical assassin really use their real name ? Since Red had no idea who Nathalie Luca was, or that she even existed, how did she qualify as a Blacklister exactly ? If anything Hawthorne Biomedical was the evil asshole corporation of the week, and deserved the number on the Blacklist. I guess the writers have pretty much given up on this show and are concentrating on the spinoff. Lizzie has already given up on their relationship and wants Tom to be free and do what he does best -- so Tom already has a hall pass to skedaddle. 50 minutes ago, surfer said: Dembe and baby Agnes playing in the background was all kinds of adorable. That was pretty adorable. 1 Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 6 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said: Malik and Nathalie are the ultimate Romeo and Juliet -- they can never be together because she would kill him. I was thinking Rogue from X-Men. 2 Link to comment
paigow February 3, 2017 Author Share February 3, 2017 6 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said: Or Agnes' babysitter while Tom was out running ops for Red. Are we (the viewing audience supposed) to know who Isabella Stone is ? Because I got nothing. Maybe if she had a cool Blacklister name I'd remember her. Pretty sure that Dembe was babysitting....he was not there when Red "captured" Niles Isabella Stone...possibly a Kaplan alias / friend Link to comment
mertensia February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Well, I would trust Dembe to be a good babysitter. 4 Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Magnusson probably owes Red's not killing him to the latter's regret over "killing" Mr. Kaplan. Link to comment
saber5055 February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Otto wrote: "And the baddie after Reddington might be someone named Magnusson -- and is the same actor that played Sherlock Holmes' foe Moriarty on a couple of episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation." To continue the Sherlock link, Magnusson was the name of the villain that Sherlock (current PBS series) shot and killed at the end of last season. I fell asleep before this episode was over, so I came here to see what I missed. Not much, it appears. And surely (shirley!) Mr. Kaplan is not using one of her old aliases, unless she wants to "get" Red for killing her. And yes, best part of this show was Dembe with Agnes. I'm glad I got to see that, but sorry I got to see any Liz at all, she looked horrible. WTH, she can't buy a brush? And speaking of money, Navabi, don't you know that men always make more $ than women EVERY freaking WHERE? And Aram ... way to be stupid. Remember your last "girlfriend"? 2 Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 1 hour ago, saber5055 said: And speaking of money, Navabi, don't you know that men always make more $ than women EVERY freaking WHERE? And Aram ... way to be stupid. Remember your last "girlfriend"? They do completely different jobs and have very different skills. Navabi's job is more dangerous, but Aram's is more specialized and he is probably much harder to replace. What Navabi should be interested in is what Ressler is making, since they have the same job, although he clearly has seniority. Aren't they government employees with civil service pay scales anyway? 5 Link to comment
Primetimer February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 But it does believe in true love, provided that love includes murder and incurable disease. View the full article Link to comment
paigow February 3, 2017 Author Share February 3, 2017 3 hours ago, saber5055 said: And surely (shirley!) Mr. Kaplan is not using one of her old aliases, unless she wants to "get" Red for killing her. Kaplan is doing a Jason Bourne...using the red flag passport intentionally..let Red know that negotiations are open... Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 (edited) On 2/3/2017 at 1:34 AM, ottoDbusdriver said: Oh goody, Moldova 14 years ago. If I wasn't depressed already, this isn't helping. Is Red using a time machine to back in time now ? Plus, 14 years ago put this at 2002 -- but this hospital looks like it's straight out of the 60s. And the virus is on the loose -- did young Nathalie touch all those dead people ? Because they kind of made point later that contact was the key to transmission. I'm assuming that everyone else in Natalie's family died from the infection and she was discovered and taken to a medical facility and placed in isolation. After a while, when she didn't show signs of the disease, the staff either decided that she was fine, or someone got careless and came into contact with her, developing the disease. Other people ran to the aid of this first person, became contaminated, and spread it to everyone else working there. Although, in reality, uncontaminated people should have really started backing away from those who were clearly dying. Also, Natalie didn't seem to know that any of this had happened, so maybe the first person touched her while she was asleep, and everyone else died quietly. On the other hand, somehow people in Hazmat suits knew to come into the facility to retrieve her. It doesn't really make sense, unless the contagion was released into the ventilation system and people could become sick by breathing it in. Edited February 4, 2017 by ItCouldBeWorse 1 Link to comment
milkyaqua February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 Re: Navabi's pay. What agency gives out hard copies of pay statements/checks these days? Has no one heard of direct deposit? More nonsense to go along with the rest of the nonsense on this show. 3 Link to comment
Khat February 3, 2017 Share February 3, 2017 The whole pay thing was ridiculous. First off, they're two completely different jobs, and everyone knows that IT is generally a high paying area, especially if you're good, which Aram obviously is, whereas general law enforcement, to my knowledge, is not so much. Secondly, he's got 'at least' a year of seniority in the task force, (I wouldn't be surprised if everyone else's pay is higher than hers as well,) and who knows how long he might have been attached to the Post Office before the show started. And that's not counting the whole foreign operative thing, since I have no idea how that would all work. This was just a badly done, 'oh, look, we're doing women's equality', thing, with an attempt to tie it into the show with the sweetheart moment at the end. If they wanted to do it right, they would have her find out that a newer, white male agent is being paid more. 3 Link to comment
Dowel Jones February 4, 2017 Share February 4, 2017 21 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said: Navabi is pissed about her pay -- ummm, I knowed she's on detached duty but doesn't the Mossad pay her Completely off topic here, but I was watching The Great Escape and decided to read a bit in Wiki about it. One of the articles stated that the captured officers were paid a certain amount in camp scrip that could be used to buy certain goods from the Germans. What floored me was that the Royal Army deducted that amount from their regular paycheck. Returning to our weekly dose of confusion now... If there is anything an agency can do to create dissension within its ranks and make its employees vulnerable to external bribery, it is to create an obvious pay differential. Happens all the time. That armored car driver gets the (short) lifetime award for dumbest guy on the block. I didn't understand why Natalie, while in the hazmat vehicle, didn't just cough or spit on her abductors. Game over. It worked with the other armored car guy. The FBI was really on top of it there, too. "The hazmat team is on the way." "No, it just left." "No, it's on the way." "No, it just left" Cue the lightbulb. 2 Link to comment
Johnny Dollar February 4, 2017 Share February 4, 2017 Sorry Navabi. There seems to be tons of people in your position willing to shoot guns and get shot at. Aram, not so much. You should compare your pay to Ressler, or any of the redshirts willing to go into the bad places before you and Donald do, if you want to complain. It seems like they're setting up Tom's spin-off to let both Liz and Tom take a few weeks off at a time to be FBI agents and hired assassins while the other one does the whole parenting thing. I could just imagine their Sunday night dinner conversations: "Hey hon, can we switch off next week? I have to be in Chechnya to take out a couple of weapons dealers. I promised MI6." "Okay, but then you're going to have to cover for me on the 15th. Someone stole Red's favorite hat where he hides all of his passwords and he wants me to pose as a world renowned haberdasher to weed out the culprit." "Thanks babe. You're the best." 1 Link to comment
saber5055 February 4, 2017 Share February 4, 2017 Paigow: I like your take that Mr. Kaplan is doing a Jason Bourne on Red. I'm seriously hoping for a battle to the death (Red's) with her armed with just a magazine. THAT would be some great tv. And yeah, federal government salaries are public knowledge based on pay grade. I agree Navabi is replaceable; Aram, not so much. In fact, she's turning so whiney I wish they'd hurry up with a replacement. 3 Link to comment
Texasmom1970 February 5, 2017 Share February 5, 2017 3 hours ago, saber5055 said: I agree Navabi is replaceable; Aram, not so much. In fact, she's turning so whiney I wish they'd hurry up with a replacement. Made me mad when she got all pissy that he gets paid more than her. Like others have said comparing their jobs and skill set is like comparing apples to oranges. And why is she getting snippy with Aram he is not the person that controls her salary. Seriously has Mr. Kaplan fallen off the face of the earth, wish they would get back to her story. Link to comment
Dowel Jones February 5, 2017 Share February 5, 2017 5 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said: It seems like they're setting up Tom's spin-off to let both Liz and Tom take a few weeks off at a time to be FBI agents and hired assassins while the other one does the whole parenting thing. Tom will be going undercover as a homeless guy living off of whatever bottles and cans he can collect. Hence the title, Blacklist: Redemption. 3 Link to comment
paigow February 5, 2017 Author Share February 5, 2017 10 hours ago, saber5055 said: Paigow: I like your take that Mr. Kaplan is doing a Jason Bourne on Red. I'm seriously hoping for a battle to the death (Red's) with her armed with just a magazine. THAT would be some great tv. Or a pen....Escalate drama with Dembe unable to choose which one to shoot / save... Link to comment
tvfanatic13 February 6, 2017 Share February 6, 2017 I assumed Malik died of the gunshot wound since he didn't get the rash or vomit before he did. 1 Link to comment
dwmarch February 9, 2017 Share February 9, 2017 I thought that since this show will not hesitate with the gross-out factor most of the time that the romantic moment would be interrupted by the poor guy coughing a bunch of blood into the gal's face. Navabi still could have waxed poetic about it. "It was like that time me and my old boyfriend Moshe were on a raid in Gaza and he got shot in the lungs... and he coughed up a bunch of blood all over my new fatigues. The blood was pink! It was so romantic! Well, until he died in my arms. But that made it all romantic again!" Agreed that the pay difference between FBI IT Expert and FBI Field Agent is going to be vast regardless of the genders involved. What struck me more was this ridiculous notion that Aram could walk down to payroll, tell them he thinks Navabi's pay is some bullshit and tell them to make up the difference from his own salary. 1 Link to comment
saber5055 February 9, 2017 Share February 9, 2017 When I worked for the federal government, a guy came around with a box full of checks and handed them to employees. But that was in FREAKING 1969! And the computer took up an entire floor of one building then, too. Writers: Times have changed! Nowadays, the gov has joined with other progressive companies and has been doing direct deposit since ... well, since 1969. Aram would have been smarter to tell Navabi that he'd pay for her apartment and car and groceries. Especially since no HR department anywhere is going to split a person's paycheck to put in another person's paycheck. That's even more stupid than stupid. Have this show's writers no real-world experience? 1 Link to comment
orza February 9, 2017 Share February 9, 2017 A lot of companies still distribute paper pay stubs to employees with direct deposit. It's pretty much standard practice for companies using ADP payroll services. 1 Link to comment
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