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"The View": Week of 12/05/2016

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Agreed....the last few minutes with them on the couch felt genuine and appropriate. I did like how Paula mentioned the show is "committed" in making sure CCBs POV will be represented at the table going forward. But by whom?

Edited by geekburger
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I'd love to see someone like me represented, because there are a lot of us, but we don't fit in to The View's narrow view. That is, liberal, opinionated, religious in that our morals are deeply affected by our faith, but open to other POVs and .. did I say, falling off the left side of the planet LIBERAL? I am so sick of the perpetuation of the idea that "Christian" means Republican, anti-choice, anti-gay, close-minded, stick-up-the-ass conservatives! Or have a funny moderate Muslim, or a thoughtful, informed Hindu. I would love to see a religious person I like on these shows rather than the stereotyped mannequins who keep get hired to represent "the religious one" on various panels.

I have to say that I do not want to be lectured by anyone about the severe limits of their 'faith'.

Keep your beliefs silent... we do not want people who wear their religion  on their sleeves.  The damn BIBLE says so.

Do not put anyone on the panel who sees the world thru the prism of religion ---- ANY RELIGION.

There are many belief systems out there and who is to say which one is right?  And really, WHAT DOES right mean?

We will all find out when we are dead, meanwhile, we have lives to live and insisting that ours are the only correct beliefs is...well - perhaps comfortable for you - but seriously,  you have no right to try to FORCE me to follow your beliefs.   I might find them 'silly'.

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13 hours ago, May Jacks said:

JediFoxNewsbot thinks we should all kumbaya around trump

Joy: Nevah!

Not to be mean (okay maybe a little bit), but my favorite part of the Ed Norton interview was him responding to a question by Candice that he's not into Hallmark movies (paraphrasing). Straight to her face. Unaware of her history with Hallmark, I'm sure. Made me laugh.

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23 hours ago, Vinyasa said:

I hate those in store shopping trips/store infomericals!

The good news is, whenever they start the infomercial/bargain segments, I fast forward the show (I always DVR) and get more time back in my day! 

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Well, well, well, goodbye Candace.  I think the final straw was when she, after the election, said we should all be prostrate on the floor........

I was like WTF?  Over Trump?  

13 hours ago, SunFun said:

Not to be mean (okay maybe a little bit), but my favorite part of the Ed Norton interview was him responding to a question by Candice that he's not into Hallmark movies (paraphrasing). Straight to her face. Unaware of her history with Hallmark, I'm sure. Made me laugh.

Ha ha!  I was sick last week.  The kind of sick where if you can't reach the remote without moving you just watch what is on.  Anyways there was a movie with Candace in it and gotta say she is not a good actress at all.  She tries to hard, if that makes sense.

Jedidia (or whatever) is making me want to reach through the tv and smack the crap out of her again.

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4 hours ago, Love2dance said:

The good news is, whenever they start the infomercial/bargain segments, I fast forward the show (I always DVR) and get more time back in my day! 

One of my sons challenged me to explain just what I like about The View.  I came up with "Joy Behar," but that's it.  I deleted it from DVR scheduling and so far haven't caught a show yet (it's been only a week).  I am sorry I missed Ed Norton's Hallmark comments.  I'll still come to this forum to find out if I missed anything.   Let me know when Jedidiah's gone; I might crawl back.

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18 hours ago, SunFun said:

Joy: Nevah!

Not to be mean (okay maybe a little bit), but my favorite part of the Ed Norton interview was him responding to a question by Candice that he's not into Hallmark movies (paraphrasing). Straight to her face. Unaware of her history with Hallmark, I'm sure. Made me laugh.

That was my favorite part, too. Edward Norton is one of my favorite actors, and while I know he meant no harm, I did chuckle at that. Then I felt a little bad for Candace, but then I didn't, because I was recently stuck watching one of her crappy Hallmark Christmas movies over Thanksgiving. Well my mom had it on, and I walked around the house until it was over.

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I think KellyAnne's word salads won't go over too well when she visits after everything that has happened in the past few days. Actually, I'm surprised she is even returning yet again. We'll see. At least CCB won't be there - hopefully Sunny will, and Paula might be a hoot.

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Jed needs to SHUT UP.  Policy!  Policy! Policy!  over and over - does anyone even KNOW what Trump's "policies"  are?  Because all I can understand is that he says one thing, then his people say he didn't mean it, then he says the opposite a week later, and denies saying what we have him saying on tape.  So Jed - it's not about POLICY. 

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