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S01.E06: Episode 6

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This series continues to be absolutely gorgeous to look at . . . and absolutely confounding to watch.   

I can't figure out how this ever got made.  It's just so weird.

You know, I liked the recent movie, "The Lobster" starring Colin Farrell, which is also extremely weird. But you know right off the bat with that one that you are in an alternative earth -- some dystopian version of our world that satirizes the idea of society's demand for conformity.  Is this show supposed to be set in a dystopia? Is this a satire?  I can't tell.  Shouldn't a satire make me laugh from time to time?  This one hasn't made me laugh once.  This episode made me gasp (OMG he dropped the baby!  Oh shit the rejected priest-wanna-be just threw himself off the Vatican!)  It has confused me (why do people keep asking for cane sugar?)  I'm curious to see how this train ride is going to end.  But I can't help feeling just the tiniest suspicion that I've been conned in some way.  I'm going to be really annoyed if we find out that Lenny dreamt the whole thing.

Edited by WatchrTina
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I am really wondering what all this is leading to.  Is Lenny actually trying to destroy the church?

I felt for Guitierrez heading out  into the world. It would be a very scary place for him. Thinking of visuals, I love his face.  He looks like he stepped out of one of the Vatican paintings.   

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It's not only HBO, it's Italian TV. 

It's unbelievably sumptuous watching and I'm surprised to be saying this but the 'magic' elements are beginning to make it less real for me, and more of an unwelcome challenge. It's a lot easier to let go and accept GoT's dragons, in context, than a papal miracle reversing sterility. Not sure I can leave my own baggage enough to just accept Lenny & Co, but I did enjoy his pissing match with the PM

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On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 11:52 PM, WatchrTina said:

 It has confused me (why do people keep asking for cane sugar?) 

That joke/move was great. Voiello brought cane sugar into the Vatican because it was something he knew young hipster people were into and seeing as Lenny was a young American pope was trying to ingratiate himself with Lenny by having it available. This detective asks for it because he's also worldly and hip but Voiello shuts him down, even though he does in fact have cane sugar, because he doesn't like the detective and doesn't want him feeling comfortable and welcome.

I do with the Italian PM had pointed out that Lenny's big move only works once. He might be able to keep the Catholics home for one election but he can't keep up the mystery and suspense if he uses it to constantly manipulate the Italian political scene. It would be absolutely worth it to call Lenny's bluff because either Lenny uses that power and its gone, freeing Italy going forward or he doesn't. If the PM cares about modernizing Italy he'd do it. If he cares more about his own power he'll chicken out.

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I'm beginning to think there is no point to this show, other than to give us great scenery for a giant asshole to chew.

Since I'm immune to Jude Law's alleged charms, I'm hoping for some plot payoff, but I doubt I'll get it.

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I understand so little of this show that it is pretty much like I haven't even been watching. I am now going to read the AV club recaps so that I can clarify what I saw. Maybe I need to be Catholic? I just don't get it.

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With all the gratuitous sex, I'm surprised that the only scene that made me gasp (and rewind) was the dropping of the infant. YIKES!

I simply cannot believe this entire thing was written and filmed before the US election. The parallels are utterly chilling. In this ep, Lenny talked about building a wall - is this for real? (Which now has me rooting for a massive takedown of the pope.)

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A question for the Catholics here...in the scenes where Lenny is addressing the cardinals, there are always two wearing all black compared to the others in red. Do they represent an orthodox Christian church? I tried googling, but couldn't find an answer.

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Dussolier the best friend/adopted brother of Lenny, now Cardinal who Lenny wants to be prelate of the Congregation.  Dussolier however has a predilection for making Honduran Drug Baron girlfriend with spicy latin guy Cardinal sandwiches.  Which evidently you can't get in Rome.  Oh well, maybe he can switch up his order to Vatican Choir boy & Prelate on White Robed Nun Sandwich.  With a tossed salad.  The scenes with the young priest wannabee.   First his dinner gets awkward with the fancy Italian MILF (GILF?) propositioning (see you at the party dress super casual/ byo sacramental wine) then the crazy young guy needs comforting.  Dussolier using his power to deny the guy the priesthood for seven years even though the young man insists he isn't a homosexual.  Well I got news for you guy, Father Dussolier might just be abe to grease the skids for a confused young man who is willing to go the extra mile for the Lord.

So Lenny is got his Kangaroo whispering powers back.  Plus the not yet explained healing/miracle with some other kid's Mom back in the day.  God grants his request for a baby for Esther.  Vatican health plan, doesn't cover IVF or fertility treatments, they do however cover extended stays in the hospital for uncomplicated births (unlike the US where you get sent home after 4-6 hours).

OK so he almost dropped the baby.  Geez you drop one baby and everyone freaks out.  The guy is holier than thou people so lighten up. 

The Benedictine Monks and their dirty feet.  MaKing demands on the Pope.  Just who do these guys think they are.  So Lenny calls their bluff, 'you want your vow of poverty, I'll see that and raise you no monasteries so you can enjoy your poverty vows in the gutter.  Holy punks.  And don;t even think of trying to kiss this gucci slipper, you probably brush as often as you wash'  OK I threw in that last part but I swear he was thinking it.

I did like Spencer's sly smirk as he went up to kiss the slipper.

I love this show.  Plus it is on Sunday and Monday so I get a double fix of the show.  Awesome scenery.  Amazing costumes.  The writing and directing keeps me interested and guessing.

The part where Dussolier and Lenny took a walk to go get cigarettes and that foxy lady (high-end prostitute was implied) gets his picture.  Says the proof of god was in his eyes.  Who was this lady with the million dollar snapshot now on her phone?  Which Lenny let her keep.

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Why is all the deeply sexual perversity saved for the Americans? Cardinal Best Friend and his threesomes, Cardinal Pedophile in New York and SPOILER


the up coming meeting with an American author who espouses perversity in his writings and is the Pope's favorite author.

Edited by WaltersHair
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And just because someone's gotta point out the obvious: Esther / Easter /Ishtar

Was that an Easter lily we saw grow from bud to bloom in the garden, when she confessed her part in Voiello's scheme?

Edited by FemmyV
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I'm not completely sure what all I've just watched after I've seen an episode except that:

1) the sets and scenery are beautiful;

2) the music is good;

3) whatever I've just watched was a little weird; 

and 4) Jude Law is beautiful with his spray-tan and all white clothes and is amazing when playing a "bad" guy. 

So basically...weird but beautiful shiny objects got my attention for an hour...but I'm not sure what actually happened. Yet I'm still going to watch this weekend.

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Federico Fellini. Italian filmmaker, 1960s. Lots of influence here.

Italians are far more pragmatic about the clergy than Americans are. Some of Lenny's capriciousness has Italians shrugging where Americans would raise a protest, sign a petition, or file a lawsuit.

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On 2/2/2017 at 8:39 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I'm not completely sure what all I've just watched after I've seen an episode except that:

1) the sets and scenery are beautiful;

2) the music is good;

3) whatever I've just watched was a little weird; 

and 4) Jude Law is beautiful with his spray-tan and all white clothes and is amazing when playing a "bad" guy. 

So basically...weird but beautiful shiny objects got my attention for an hour...but I'm not sure what actually happened. Yet I'm still going to watch this weekend.

This sums up my reaction perfectly

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The hospital scene was my favorite scene of the series so far because the pope was so out of his element, he showed vulnerability and humanity for the first time in the series. One of the most powerful men in the planet and he didn't know how to pick up an infant.  Plus juxtaposing it with the next scene of him being such a bastard with the Italian PM was great too.

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On 2/1/2017 at 6:44 AM, vibeology said:

I do with the Italian PM had pointed out that Lenny's big move only works once.

I thought Lenny was ridiculous, and I guess it fits into my interpretation that the church isn't nearly as important as it thinks. I don't think the PM should have even bothered. I don't think catholics are nearly as devout as Lenny is gambling on.

Edited by ganesh
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