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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 7 (11/09/2016 - 11/15/2016)


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6.00 in.  He's stuck on B1-B2-C2, and trying to get the C2 mirror to hit something.

6.30 played.  Jason's "winning" this, it appears.

7.20 played.  Still off-track.

He's trying to hit D4 from C1, but the mirror won't angle that much.  10 seconds now.

And he's past Jason's time.  Gee, maybe waiting forever and a day fucked up his performance?  Das bullsheet, BB.

Edited by DAngelus

Starts to put A3 back in, says "no" and moves back to B2, again.  Right back into the trap. It still doesn't work.  16.15 played now.  He's going to be last.

Kryssie and Morgan will think he threw it.

17.30. in.  He's set up a mirror at E1, but there's no way to reach it, of course.

18.30.  He's almost definitely going to time out.

19.00 played. Back to B3-A3.   Will he at least solve it?

So, if we still have AN/AV in play, we put up…anybody as AN, since Team Longshot will already be nommed.  One of them wins the Veto, Jason has to backdoor somebody else, the Team Longshot member votes for the AN, the last Misfit votes for the remaining Longshot, and America breaks the tie and sends the AN home.  

Enjoy your HoH, Jason!

(Now watch, AN/AV are cancelled, instead.)

Actually, if Justin or Danielle (whoever wins the final CP) completes the "advance to F4" challenge, they may not even be eligible to vote.  Say Justin gets the CP, and wins his F4 status.  Jason noms Morgan/Shelby, America noms Kryssie, Morgan wins Veto, and Dani has to go up.  America votes out Kryssie, Morgan votes out Danielle, Justin doesn't get a vote, and Jason has to break the tie, with Morgan and Shelby both staying. :)

Edited by DAngelus

4.20 AM BBT…still waiting for the reveal to see what (if anything) was done to redress the Shelby situation.  Some on Reddit are theorizing that they may still redo the HoH, they just had Justin do it to level the playing field if they're going to reuse the comp (or some version/variation thereof).

#FreeKryssie2016 worked!  She's in Tokyo, and looking about as happy as any of us would be.

Still no sign of Shelby.  For all we know, she DORed.  But I really doubt that.

Reddit's best "theory" for #Where'sShelby?


Rumor is that due to the DR leak yesterday they are allowing her to recover by spending three hours in the DR with cute puppies.

Edited by DAngelus

4.55 AM.  Kryssie now lying on her back, but awake.  Jason/Morgan/Danielle as before.  Justin/Shelby still unseen.  

Are they actually keeping them all in separate rooms until the reveal?  Why bother?

Just realized it's been 50 minutes since Justin finished the comp.  What the hell, BB?  Where's the reveal?

Meanwhile, my cat is going crazy and sprinting around the room.  Because he doesn't understand why I'm still up, either.

I just finished reading Dangelus's posts and I don't think anyone's won officially. Jason got the best time.

Dangelus, did you get any sleep at all? I had to bail before the eviction vote and I'm pretty tired.

Question for BB experts: Is the POV winner automatically safe from eviction? Is that the normal rule? In the two years or so I've watched BB, I haven't really noticed if that's the case or not.

An excellent question. Nobody knows.

Jason went first, posted a time of 8.15

Morgan second, took 12.45 to complete it.

Kryssie third, took 15.16

Shelby fourth, the equipment malfunctioned during her try, her time was above Jason's but there are obviously other factors at play.  She apparently went into the DR and had a long "conversation" with the producers, with nobody knowing what to do.

THREE AND A HALF HOURS LATER, they had Justin run the course, probably hoping he'd beat Jason's time and make it all moot.  Naturally, he couldn't even finish the course (at 3.45-4.05 AM, no surprise) and was DQ'd.

We've now waited another hour for a reveal, of which there has been no sign.  Is Jason the HoH?  Are they going to redo the comp?  Will Shelby get a one-week safety as compensation?  Co-HoH? A trip to Bermuda?  A trip to Burbank?  No one knows.

8 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Dangelus, did you get any sleep at all? I had to bail before the eviction vote and I'm pretty tired.

Question for BB experts: Is the POV winner automatically safe from eviction? Is that the normal rule? In the two years or so I've watched BB, I haven't really noticed if that's the case or not.

No sleep. Briefly tired, but I slept in until noon yesterday (after staying up for the election), so I haven't hit 18 hours awake yet.  Not really an "all-nighter", I guess.

The PoV winner is safe, unless they're already on the block and don't use it (Marcellas, S3), or use it on their fellow nominee (Dick on Daniele, S8; Brendon on Rachel, S13).

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

An excellent question. Nobody knows.

Jason went first, posted a time of 8.15

Morgan second, took 12.45 to complete it.

Kryssie third, took 15.16

Shelby fourth, the equipment malfunctioned during her try, her time was above Jason's but there are obviously other factors at play.  She apparently went into the DR and had a long "conversation" with the producers, with nobody knowing what to do.

THREE AND A HALF HOURS LATER, they had Justin run the course, probably hoping he'd beat Jason's time and make it all moot.  Naturally, he couldn't even finish the course (at 3.45-4.05 AM, no surprise) and was DQ'd.

We've now waited another hour for a reveal, of which there has been no sign.  Is Jason the HoH?  Are they going to redo the comp?  Will Shelby get a one-week safety as compensation?  Co-HoH? A trip to Bermuda?  A trip to Burbank?  No one knows.

I think I was so tired last night on the east coast that I didn't even think of another HOH comp. I thought they were getting a few days before having one. LOL!!. So Jason (if he is HOH) will nominate the girls.....AGAIN!! It's like rinse, lather, repeat with BB OTT.

5.10 AM BBT.  Danielle just went into the DR.  I didn't hear her called (maybe they had Shelby/Justin fetch her, to let the other HGs sleep?), but perhaps we're going to get a reveal, soon.

They're being called to the living room.  No backyard reveal, it seems.  Redo?

Edited by DAngelus

I'm really glad I decided to go to bed, despite the fact that I'm still exhausted and it's going to be a shitty day at work. Thanks for the updates, @DAngelus.

Oh, so I guess they finally dealt with the issue. It only took a few hours. Where's Shelby? What happened during that missing time that made everyone wait and basically fall asleep (besides Kryssie)?

No, but seriously, have the cameras even glanced at YR where Shelby's supposed to be? Because I'm definitely worried about her whereabouts if she hasn't been seen since her try. Did she DOR? And why didn't the interns or anyone in production let the HGs know what was going on? 

Eh, I gotta leave for work very soon so Danielle better come out of DR quickly.

And....Shelby sighting finally, it seems!

Shelby's mirror broke at 7.23; they couldn't figure out her time, so she and Jason face-off again tomorrow night.  Basically, Shelby gets a redo, and the three losers know they didn't win.  Decent in theory, I suppose.

ETA: by "tomorrow night" I mean, tonight.  Thursday.  It's still Wednesday for me, though, at least in my mind.  Since I haven't gone to sleep yet.  But soon, I should hope.

Edited by DAngelus
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Four cams on Kryssie/Justin in Tokyo.  I think because Jason/Danielle are bitching about Shelby not deserving a second chance in London, and Shelby's telling Morgan about her talk with production in the bathroom.

At the end of the day™, it is what it is™.  And Longshot's shot at HoH has improved from 40% to 50%. :)

Of course, you could argue that Kryssie and Justin never were going to win this, anyway, so Jason's odds have actually improved from 33% to 50%.  But I still make Shelby the favorite in the rematch.

Dangelus, you're a trooper! I hope you can get some sleep now. I wonder when the new HOH comp will be. Probably while I'm at choir practice.

My niece's band concert last night went well and I got home in time to vote - didn't have to vote in the parking lot. I'm glad the Ballsmasher party united enough to vote Morgan. I think the Misfit supporters split between Danielle and Justin.

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She definitely had the solution figured out.  51 seconds (the difference from the announced time for the broken mirror and Jason's finish time) seems as though it would have been more than enough, but she wasn't moving terribly fast.  Probably too tough to call.

And good night/morning.  May I sleep better than Morgan is.  

59 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

and, can we finally say Justin isn't throwing anything and is just plain ole DUMB! Rant over!

This why Justin is the perfect person to give the next CP to (if you are a Ballsmasher fan).  Since there is some sort of challenge attached to it, I could easily see Justin getting confused and taking forever or just giving up.  

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Question for BB experts: Is the POV winner automatically safe from eviction? Is that the normal rule? In the two years or so I've watched BB, I haven't really noticed if that's the case or not.

I think BB should have announced the CP winner in place of the Veto competition, after the nominees had been chosen by the HoH. I'm no expert, but:

Power of Veto (original): Winner can remove a nominee from the block but the winner is NOT safe from being nominated.

GOLDEN Power of Veto (most commonly used on BB): Winner can take a nominee down and cannot be picked to replace the saved hamster.

DIAMOND Power of Veto: Winner is safe from nomination, can take a nominee down from the block, AND names the replacement nominee (usurping the power normally held by the HoH).

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I've been afraid of Justin stumbling into an HOH win out of luck. But hell, if he won HOH, maybe he'd actually have to play the game. 

He's pretty useless as a player, overall. I'm hoping that if he gets to F3, people don't vote for him based on game because he has none. He's the Ultimate Summer Camp player. He may have good social game, but his refusal to talk game loses points with me. He's playing a game; he needs to be participating in it instead of whining like a baby. Him and Kryssie are the only two I don't want winning or getting to the end. I'd take a Jason win over these two buffoons because he actually respects the game. 

40 minutes ago, ZSweetJane said:

I think BB should have announced the CP winner in place of the Veto competition, after the nominees had been chosen by the HoH. I'm no expert, but:


Honestly, I'm convinced that production realized that Shelby or Morgan going was a boring outcome once they saw the steamroll happening, so they changed things up. It's stupid rigging, but it's Big Brother. Plus, it almost did spice things up. It wasn't a boring DE, it forced Danielle/Jason/Kryssie to talk to Shelby/Morgan (I finally heard where Kryssie's head is at!), and Whitney leaving wasn't a total loss. There's been a lot of bias and mistakes from production this season, but I've come to accept it. If we didn't get the rigging, Shelby would be gone and Morgan would be the target. It's why I need Shelby to win HOH tonight; it'll force more gameplay with both sides of the house. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I've been afraid of Justin stumbling into an HOH win out of luck. But hell, if he won HOH, maybe he'd actually have to play the game. 

He's pretty useless as a player, overall. I'm hoping that if he gets to F3, people don't vote for him based on game because he has none. He's the Ultimate Summer Camp player. He may have good social game, but his refusal to talk game loses points with me. He's playing a game; he needs to be participating in it instead of whining like a baby. Him and Kryssie are the only two I don't want winning or getting to the end. I'd take a Jason win over these two buffoons because he actually respects the game. 

Honestly, I'm convinced that production realized that Shelby or Morgan going was a boring outcome once they saw the steamroll happening, so they changed things up. It's stupid rigging, but it's Big Brother. Plus, it almost did spice things up. It wasn't a boring DE, it forced Danielle/Jason/Kryssie to talk to Shelby/Morgan (I finally heard where Kryssie's head is at!), and Whitney leaving wasn't a total loss. There's been a lot of bias and mistakes from production this season, but I've come to accept it. If we didn't get the rigging, Shelby would be gone and Morgan would be the target. It's why I need Shelby to win HOH tonight; it'll force more gameplay with both sides of the house. 

This might be their Top 1 or 2 of rigging BB, right? At least, this one seems sooooooo obvious. Didn't the orignal CP rule say it was just have a single Veto and there wasn't anything about having a special Veto until last night, right? When Shelby and Morgan were going on and on what the CP could be I was like, "girl give it up!". Then it came and they were both safe. I didn't mind but I was shocked. If this had been the CBS broadcast they probably wouldn't have done this but since it's online and only us nut jobs are watching they probably said, "WTH!". LOL!!!

13 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

The CP never said anything about the veto holder being safe, maybe that was assumed? So Danielle didn't bother nominating Shelby since Morgan would save her anyway.

I hope Shelby wins HOH. I wonder when the rematch is.

I think the fact that it was before the safety ceremony led people to think it could mean safety for the veto holder; if it wasn't, why would it be before the ceremony? HOH could easily put up the veto holder and their target. But it was never outright stated, so I definitely think they were being vague for a reason. 

It ended up working out because gameplay happened, so this is one example of rigging that worked. Hell, Misfits fans still have all of their members; Whitney was the bottom woman of their totem pole. And Ballsmashers fans could never trust Whitney after her alliance flip. 

The rematch is tonight. It'll most likely be an altered version of the laser beam puzzle. She needs to win. It'll just keep things interesting, you know? 

AN is this week. The plus side if Shelby/Morgan get put up by Jason is that we can only choose out of the Misfits. People will be gunning for Kryssie. I hope it's Justin instead. We can hand Justin to Jason on another silver platter, hope that Morgan or Shelby win veto, and then maybe, just maybe, Jason will get the clue that Justin needs to go. 

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Well, that was certainly a clusterfuck, wasn't it?  I can't believe I have to wait a whole day for HOH.  But thanks, DAngelus, for keeping us entertained!  Hopefully you're sleeping right now.

I'm going to have to rewind back to the care package.  I'm not sure that was "rigged".  Just getting veto seems pretty standard, and not a big deal compared to the two previous care packages.  It essentially would have been the same as Alex being safe for a week.  But "rigged" or not, I'll take it!  Watching the LNC melt down and have a big old cry-fest was outstanding.

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I know it's not indicative of the entire fan base, but I love the HG ratings at Jokers.  Monte, Cornbread and Scott are actually listed higher than anyone in the LNC, and Kryssie is dead last, where she belongs IMO.  Now I hated me some Monte, and it probably would have escalated had he stayed, but it just seems like poetic justice for the hypocridiot Kry Babies (tm @DAngelus).  Currents standings are:

  1. Shelby
  2. Morgan
  3. Alex
  4. Scott
  5. Monte
  6. Cornbread
  7. Jason
  8. Danielle
  9. Justin
  10. Whitney
  11. Shane
  12. Neely
  13. Kryssie
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What a ride that was. I kinda wish I could've stayed up and watched it all live, but it went on until like 6 am et so there's no way in hell I ever would've stayed up for it.

Danielle should've taken out Justin. She has been making good strategic decisions, but she done fucked up there. But at the same time, it does make sense on some levels. Basically Danielle would have to win all comps to get to the end either way really. As for the CP, taking out Justin probably would've given her a much better shot at it, but it's impossible for her to know that and it was probably even odds between Whitney and Justin in her mind. 

I can't believe they made them all wait around like 47 hours for an HOH comp only to then tell them actually we're gonna play it again, but only 2 of you get a shot. Like shouldn't they just let everyone redo it? LMAO this season is the most beautiful mess.

Jason vs. Shelby for HOH is too much. I'm gonna be a nervous wreck. Come on BB, bring on an LSAT questions HOH! Also, please don't wait until midnight et to play it!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 hours ago, ZSweetJane said:

I think BB should have announced the CP winner in place of the Veto competition, after the nominees had been chosen by the HoH. I'm no expert, but:


4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

This might be their Top 1 or 2 of rigging BB, right? At least, this one seems sooooooo obvious. Didn't the orignal CP rule say it was just have a single Veto and there wasn't anything about having a special Veto until last night, right?

It was a normal Veto; it's just that having it awarded before nominations gave it more power than the Veto normally does.  The Veto, post -S3, has always protected the holder from being placed on the block.  It's just that having the Veto awarded pre-noms takes away the HoH's opportunity to nominate the holder, at all.

The CP message pointed out that the CP is always delivered before nominations (both this season and in BB 18), so they were merely keeping with precedent.  Not BB's fault that nobody here (including myself) spotted how this would increase the power of the Veto.

(And remember that Team Longshot was IMO rightly reasoning that this CP should logically be more powerful than the co-HoH before it arrived.  A simple post-noms Veto would be fricking useless here, as I and other were despairingly pointing out a few pages back.)

And there is a precedent for doing the Veto pre-noms, even without the CP element.  Presumably that's why Jason was talking about S4, even though he got it mixed up with the original "Diamond" PoV, which was simply the F4 PoV as we've come to know and love it since.  (You win it and you get to control who is the sole vote.  It no longer seems radical after 15 seasons, but it was new back then.)  What he should have (and perhaps later did) remember was that at the F6 that season, they played Veto before nominations, but the impact was muted because it was Jee who won, and he was already HoH and thus in no danger of being nominated, anyway.  

(It destroyed his social game and got him booted next, because the Veto was "how much are you willing to punish the house?" and he put everybody on PB&J for the rest of the season and then he went and won an individual McDonald's-sponsored food comp, when he was already the only one eating, due to being HoH, but it didn't affect the F6 nominations the way that Morgan's CP here did the F7 noms last night.)

So I'd say that BB threaded that needle (increase the CP value without breaking CP precedent) fairly nicely, after all.  Now if they could just run a HoH comp in less than 18-24 hours…

On a different "production sucks!" note, did any of the LNJ upon hearing Shelby's DR leak go "LSATs! Omg, she's a lawyer!" or not?  Because the Shelby/Morgan convo I saw about it later had Morgan saying that she heard the LSATs line first and was confused for a second, and then more clearly heard the bit about Shelby bitching about her chin acne in the morph poster.  Is Shelby's secret blown, completely?  Or did the other side miss it?

Edited by DAngelus
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I get the disappointment but accusations of cheating and rigging are a little OTT. There were cameras from all angels and they spent hours going over the tape. HOURS !! Maybe the mirror broke between Khyrsee and Shelby's setup. Production broke it. . In my heart, if production is not 100% positive what caused the malfunction, they have no choice but to do a redo. No big conspiracy. Shit happens. Equipment fails.

In fact, overall fan reactions to events in BB have become more and more OTT. Twitter is the worst . Most boards have remained more ciivil. All for a game that will never ever directly effect the outcome of our lives.

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3 hours ago, DAngelus said:

On a different "production sucks!" note, did any of the LNJ upon hearing Shelby's DR leak go "LSATs! Omg, she's a lawyer!" or not?  Because the Shelby/Morgan convo I saw about it later had Morgan saying that she heard the LSATs line first and was confused for a second, and then more clearly heard the bit about Shelby bitching about her chin acne in the morph poster.  Is Shelby's secret blown, completely?  Or did the other side miss it?

I don't think any of them realized what it meant at all.

Twitter is cracking me up with how irate they are over Shelby getting a redo. The funniest thing to me is when people claim it's about the 'integrity of the game.' LMAO! This game never had and never will have integrity. Like at least admit it's because you're rooting for Jason.

Seriously y'all, go to twitter if you need a laugh (and I feel like a lot of us do this week). They have collectively lost their minds over this. 

I probably shouldn't post some random person's tweet but this it too good.

Like Justin literally ate as a HN and nothing was done about it. Calm down, LNJ fans!

I really hope Shelby wins HOH just for the epic twitter meltdown.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Longshot about Justin's utter failure in the HoH comp:


MORGAN:  He's a lot more dull than we thought.

SHELBY:  Yup.  He might be artsy-smart, but that's a whole different thing.  That won't help you here.

I guess they should apologize for accusing him of throwing comps, huh?

ETA:  Just saw video of the DR leak.  (It wasn't during Shelby's actual DR session—we saw her being shocked with the sisters as they sat in Yoga—but rather as they were cuing up the Weekly episode to be played on the feeds.)  I will give props to Danielle:  as soon as she realized that they were hearing something they weren't supposed to, she ran from Tokyo to bang on the DR door and alert BB to the screw up.

Jason followed, slight behind, and then turned back.  Justin never budged from his bed.

Edited by DAngelus


Shelby's face while Justin is talking to Julie about how he thought he was going home in the DE is EPIC!

Hang on, let me get a screencap.

Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 4.33.12 PM.png

Her reaction shot to the Trump news was…less fun, so I'll skip it.  Not that there weren't few good moments in the discussion…


MORGAN (in shock): A reality-TV star is President.

SHELBY (bitter laugh):  So there's hope for us!

Stockton/Willett 2028!  I'm good for it.  (Sorry, Morgan, you'd be underage, so I'm talking Alex here.)

Danielle was the only one to guess correctly that Trump won.  She's being logical about voting patterns and such…although she somehow thinks California flipped to the "R" column, which is almost impossible these days, with the state-wide Democratic edge.

Danielle is also a Republican, albeit anti-Trump. Does this mean she's a "balance the budget, cut Social Security! We're teaching the poor 'personal responsibility', anyway!" deficit hawk?  Because she doesn't seem like an ultra-religious type.   I guess she could be an "unleash the engine of capitalism! get rid of regulations, cut taxes, build, build, build!" type who just dislikes Trump on personal reasons, even though they're pretty much aligned;  I haven't heard her talk enough to know.

Of course, the fact that I try to avoid her on the feeds might have something to do with that, I admit.

Edited by DAngelus
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I was surprised to learn Danielle was a Republican as well. I was also surprised that Shelby somehow didn't know Monte was a Trump supporter. Really, Shelby? She was like "I never would have aligned with him then!" That is one of the criticisms I have of the BSers, that they continue to make it seem like the LNJ demonized Monte for no good reason and spun his "harmless" comments into something more sinister. If it had been one or two comments then maybe but I feel like every time this guy opened his mouth something overtly sexist or subtly racist came out. I hate when they defend him. I also hate when they perpetuate this myth that Justin waved his dong at Morgan. We all saw the video, that's not what happened! Of course, Monte was the ringleader for that as well. Other than that I love them. Hope Shelby wins tonight!

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Things the HGs don't know about politics/civics/history:

• Nobody can remember Mike Pence's name

• Talk turns to impeachment, but nobody recalls that impeachment is only by the House, you don't get kicked out unless you lose the trial in the Senate

• So they know that Bill Clinton was entangled in a scandal, but they think it stopped short of impeachment, instead of his being tried and winning the vote.  (And of course they don't know anything about Andrew Johnson.)

• After some brainstorming, they recall that Nixon was impeached, but think that's why he was removed as President; they don't know that he resigned rather than face trial in the Senate.


ETA:  Jason jokes about marrying Naeha from BBCan3 to get into Canada.

Shelby realizes that her somewhat dramatic reaction to the news is going to be on the internet for the rest of her life.  (Yeah, but you look great!  That dress really shows off your boobs. [Sorry.])  She also wonders whether Canada needs more waitresses, keeping up the pretense, even though they just had a discussion about SCOTUS and Shelby was begging Ginsburg (aka "RBG") to stay, because "you're my favorite!"  I guess she's a waitress who really likes the Supreme Court, is that it?  Not that anyone catches it…

Justin thinks they're having riots in New Orleans because of the election.  The others try to dissuade him, but he says "you don't get it…people go crazy when the Saints lose".  Heh.

Edited by DAngelus

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