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Young Justice - General Discussion

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Shit, I want to get into streaming someday. I was leaning Netflix, but who knows when I’d be able to see this if I pass on DC’s service.

This is gonna be one of those “the sequel you never knew you wanted” things, isn’t it? Wow. Think we might get a third season of Green Lantern: The Animated Series If this one gets enough support?

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On 7/20/2018 at 8:17 PM, Lantern7 said:

Shit, I want to get into streaming someday. I was leaning Netflix, but who knows when I’d be able to see this if I pass on DC’s service.

This is gonna be one of those “the sequel you never knew you wanted” things, isn’t it? Wow. Think we might get a third season of Green Lantern: The Animated Series If this one gets enough support?

Since this is DC's first foray into streaming, I imagine they'll also make the show available for purchase either digitally or on DVD.* I think I might just buy the entire season on Amazon. I'm not really keen on subscribing to the DC streaming service. I own DVDs of a lot the existing shows and movies and I think Titans looks dreadful.

*Netflix learned after they'd been streaming for years that some people just like DVDs and had to produce limited runs of their prestige series because people wanted to watch them, but couldn't or wouldn't stream.

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I will forever love this show for the line "all Martians love television."

Naming the Green Beetle of Mars B'arzz O'oomm is hilarious.

Lian Nguyen-Harper is the world's most danger loving baby.

I've got to think that having the Reach Runaways almost exclusively use skateboards to get around was an explicit reference to Dwayne Mcduffie's infamous Teenage Negro Ninja Thrashers memo to Marvel. Especially because the Reach Runaways were all PoC: Japanese, Argentinean, Native-American, and African-American.

And for the preview footage of season 3


I love that "crash" has caught on with the team.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Is anyone watching?

The politics on Earth are waaaaaaaaaaaaay more complicated than in season 2. Batman is still a calculating manipulative son of a bitch. He's so damn awful. If he had bothered to use his public profile as Bruce Wayne, maybe Lex Luthor wouldn't have somehow have managed to become the Secretary General of the United Nation. Lord in heaven Bruce.

Does Kaizen Gamorra's presence at the UN mean that Wildstorm is in play? Static, Icon, and Rocket brought in Milestone. New member, Hardware, who quit as part of Batman's gambit is also from Milestone.

M'gaan and Connor are back together, but M'gaan is no longer in green face. Snore.

And it looks like Artemis/Tigress is living in Star City helping retired Clone Roy William raise Lian. I wonder if Artemis ever graduated from Stanford.

I don't think I knew that Lynn Pierce (nee Stewart) was John Stewart's sister. Wow! That's some coincidence.

I'm also not a fan of DC Universe's 3 new episodes a week plan.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Harper Brothers Bowhunter Security and their bickering and slow-mo walk in their rent-a-cop uniforms was hilarious. Jim is the most physically mature of them all, but Will has a little bit of a dad bod. I guess that's what happens when a superhero gives up the life for a 9 to 5 job and raises a kid. Though he doesn't seem like he's really lost a step when it came to his moves. It's good to see that Famous Original Roy isn't such a raging self-destructive psycho. I'm curious about what Roy and Jim have been up to during the last 2 years. Roy declined an invitation to join the team at the end of season 2.

All Harper and a Dick.

The Goode Goggles and everyone playing the show's version of Pokemon Go reminded me of HISHE's Batman Go video.

Ra's al Ghul is no longer with the League of Assassins or the Light. What the hell happened? Yes, the Light didn't give two shits that Ra's might have been dead at the end of season 2, but they didn't seem to give a damn about most of their members. The seemed to have no problems tossing Sportsmaster aside for Deathstroke. Was the completely masked ninja Jason Todd? Jason died at some point between season 1 and 2. Has Ra's had Jason for 3 or 4 years? Also why was Batman close enough to Ra's or Talia during the past 2 years that Talia is now holding a 6 month old Damian?

It seems like Terra is an enforcer for the Light or the League of Assassins.

Barbara is in a wheelchair, in a relationship with Dick, and calling herself Oracle. How did she get into a wheelchair? I'm hoping it's not the Killing Joke.

Nabu is just sucking the life out of Zatara. It's been 7 years and he's aged 20 or 30 years. No wonder Kent Nelson refused to wear the helmet for 65 years. Nabu needs to get a familiar like Teekl. As always, Nabu is a dick.

Darkseid is playing a very long game. He's using human metahumans as soldiers, he's making incursions on places like Rann, he's stoking civil unrest on New Genesis, and assisting his partners in the Light to be in positions of power so that they can shake off the Green Lantern protection.

Is Snapper Carr part of the team?

Edited by HunterHunted
Changed Ray to Roy because autocorrect doesn't think Roy is a name
  • Love 4
On 1/11/2019 at 3:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

Also why was Batman close enough to Ra's or Talia during the past 2 years that Talia is now holding a 6 month old Damian?

I had no idea who that was, so thanks for clearing that up.

On 1/11/2019 at 3:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

How did she get into a wheelchair? I'm hoping it's not the Killing Joke.

I wish they’d fill in the gaps of the two year time jump. I understand there are somethings they’re holding back because it’ll be relevant to the plot later, but there are other things that are glossed over that’d it be nice to get answers to. Also, is there a reason why Dick won’t tell anyone that he’s working with Barbara? 

They touched on it this episode, but I have a feeling that Princess Tara is going to be working with the villains (either the Light, League of Shadows or metahuman traffickers) of her own free will. It’ll be a situation similar to what M’gann had with her brother this episode.

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4 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

I wish they’d fill in the gaps of the two year time jump. I understand there are somethings they’re holding back because it’ll be relevant to the plot later, but there are other things that are glossed over that’d it be nice to get answers to. Also, is there a reason why Dick won’t tell anyone that he’s working with Barbara?

Dick theoretically should be disclosing things to his friends because his schemes and machinations were 2 seconds away from ruining all of their lives in season 2. However, much like his surrogate father, I can see Dick making his circle of trust even smaller as a way to protect his loved ones. 


They touched on it this episode, but I have a feeling that Princess Tara is going to be working with the villains (either the Light, League of Shadows or metahuman traffickers) of her own free will. It’ll be a situation similar to what M’gann had with her brother this episode.

Tara is almost certainly wherever Deathstroke/Slade is. It's a way for the show to allude to the Judas Contract without actually going through the steps.

Edited by HunterHunted
On 1/11/2019 at 1:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

Bowhunter Security and their bickering and slow-mo walk in their rent-a-cop uniforms was hilarious. Jim is the most physically mature of them all, but Will has a little bit of a dad bod. I guess that's what happens when a superhero gives up the life for a 9 to 5 job and raises a kid. Though he doesn't seem like he's really lost a step when it came to his moves. It's good to see that Famous Original Ray isn't such a raging self-destructive psycho.

Agreed on all - except it's Original Roy, not Ray.  Roy definitely calmed down a lot since he was so hell bent on vengeance with Luthor and the only thing that seemed to get him to reconsider was that thing on his arm.  It's also interesting that Jim was back in his Guardian costume.  Does that mean Mal chose to leave it or are they sharing the role?

On 1/11/2019 at 1:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

Was the completely masked ninja Jason Todd?

I think so.  It makes sense since the character died and Ra's has his Lazarus pits.    


why was Batman close enough to Ra's or Talia during the past 2 years that Talia is now holding a 6 month old Damian

I'm sure well get an answer but I think it will end up that somehow Talia got Bruce's DNA either from covert means (stealing a blood or semen sample) or maybe she did have a brief affair with him during the time skip.

On 1/11/2019 at 1:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

Barbara is in a wheelchair, in a relationship with Dick, and calling herself Oracle. How did she get into a wheelchair? I'm hoping it's not the Killing Joke.

Ditto.  I'm not happy that Barbara was put into a wheelchair to become Oracle (I don't mind that she is Oracle now), since all that super science can't seem to get her on two feet again.  Considering all the reworkings of many characters with long backstories which were done well (like the Roy clones and Bart Allen) I'm disappointed they went with crippling Batgirl.


On 1/11/2019 at 1:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

Nabu is just sucking the life out of Zatara. It's been 7 years and he's aged 20 or 30 years. No wonder Kent Nelson refused to wear the helmet for 65 years. Nabu needs to get a familiar like Teekl. As always, Nabu is a dick.

I thought the same!  It's only been 7 years since Zatara willingly put on the helmet and the best poor Zatanna could do in that time was arrange to have her father back for a mere hour a YEAR?  Not even an hour a month, Nabu???  A dick indeed.  Makes me miss the Dr. Fate we had in JLU.

Wolf seems to sleep a lot lately - is that old age?  He's at least 8 years old in YJ's timeline so maybe.

On 1/11/2019 at 1:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

Is Snapper Carr part of the team?

I don't think he officially is - more like a confidant and ally.  He was the JL's mascot when he was a teenager and as he expositioned, he accidentally outed the secret location of The Cave to the villans.

  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, magicdog said:

Wolf seems to sleep a lot lately - is that old age?  He's at least 8 years old in YJ's timeline so maybe.

Probably. He did sort of give off a very Murtagh-esque "I'm getting too old for this shit" vibe as he watched Brion, Halo, and Forager take off in Sphere. I still think it's hilarious and bonkers that Wolf was assigned to Beta Squad in season 2. It didn't include any of the original members and he was included on mission briefings. How smart is he? I know he was genetically altered, but even very smart dogs with special training still need to have their trainers or owners present. Not Wolf. 

If we end up with a romance between Jefferson and Dr. Jace, I'm cool with that. 

Josh Keaton as Black Spider. I still miss Spectacular Spider-Man.

I really liked the callbacks in Rescue Op to Independence Day and Fireworks. Dick admitting that he hacked the computer and Dick being the one to admonish Brion, Halo, and Forager with a nearly verbatim speech to the one Batman had given the team 7 years ago.

I've been curious about who they'll cast to voice Vandal Savage because of Miguel Ferrer's death.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Batman and The Outsiders was the first Batman comic I remember buying. . Looking it up YJ stayed very close to the comic book origin. Wikipedia:




The cast of the Outsiders was notable for having mostly new characters (Geo-Force, Katana, Halo and Looker). The other members were two characters who refused membership in the Justice League (Black Lightning and Metamorpho) and former Leaguer Batman.

The Outsiders formed in the fictional East European country of Markovia, which was ravaged by war at the time. Batman had attempted to enlist the Justice League's aid, but was told they had been ordered to stay out of the conflict. Because he disagreed with the order, Batman resigned to strike out on his own. He and Black Lightning traveled to Markovia to free captive Lucius Fox from Baron Bedlam (who killed the country's ruler, King Viktor). One of the king's sons became Geo-Force after gaining powers from Markovia's top scientist (Dr. Helga Jace) to stop Bedlam. Metamorpho was searching for Dr. Jace for the doctor to help him with his powers. Katana arrived in Markovia to kill General Karnz (Bedlam's military commander) as vengeance for her family's death. Batman found a young, amnesiac girl in the woods exhibiting light-based powers whom he names Halo who was an Aurakle that possessed the body of Violet Harper after she was killed by Syonide. These heroes banded together to defeat Baron Bedlam and decided to stay together as a team, later fighting such villains as Agent Orange, the Fearsome Five and the Cryonic Man.[3]


Edited by VCRTracking
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2 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

a young, amnesiac girl in the woods exhibiting light-based powers whom he names Halo who was an Aurakle that possessed the body of Violet Harper after she was killed


Someone on Reddit suggested that Halo/Violet is actually channeling The Source, which is what the Mother Boxes tap into to do all sorts of amazing things. Superboy points out a dismantled Mother Box in the same room that Halo remembers in a flashback.

  • Love 1

I'm another one who's deeply disappointed to see Barbara confined to a wheelchair. I'm sort of excusing it my head by telling myself that back in the YJ conception stages, before the New 52 was created, Babs as Oracle was always planned as an integral part of a later season. And as the current comics Barbara Gordon/Batgirl still has the backstory of several years in the chair we could see that story play out. In fact, even without all the access to futuristic and alien tech, one hug from Halo would see Babs spinning pirouettes.

(It's probably why Dick has to be keeping Oracle under wraps. Total plot-service to keep her in the chair.)

We got a tribute to Miguel Ferrer. I miss his voice, but David Kaye is doing a very good job in the role. James Arnold Taylor taking over for Tim Curry isn't as good. He lacks Curry's theatrical unctuousness. He's not bad. I might like him if I hadn't heard Tim Curry first.

I loved the exploration of the history of Vandal Savage. It seems that he pretty much is the source of the metagene in the human population. He was Genghis Khan and Marduk. Knowing how prolific Khan was as a breeder, I imagine the show will have similar statistics about Vandal's descendants. I imagine he's also been Alexander the Great, Atilla the Hun, and a ton of other notable conquerors. He's been playing a very long game for thousands of years by both defeating Starro and brokering a secret alliance with Darkseid. And the original Nabu is his son! I actually think that had he ever shared all of these details with Bruce or Dr. Fate, he might have had a much different reaction from those two. They are both so pragmatic to the point of cruelty. They'd probably fit in with the Light. Though Dr. Fate likely knows all of this.

Another interesting point is that Vandal Savage did refer to Nightwing as Grayson once, along with Jason Todd remembering Dick, Lady Shiva at the West-Allen house, and the time when the League was under Vandal's control means that the Light probably knows the secret identity of nearly every hero and sidekick on the planet.

Vandal did seem upset by having to kill Olympia. 

Ra's isn't with the League or the Light, but he's still in contact with them. Deathstroke is on the Light's executive board. Cheshire is still running ops for them. When we saw Orm 7 years ago, he seemed fairly happy that Arthur and Mera were having a kid and now he's been in prison for 6 years. What happened?

Bumblebee is pregnant? Is she still with Mal? There is a massive superhero kid playdate going on. We saw the Tornado Twins, Lian, Arthur Jr., Anissa and Jennifer, Rocket's son Amistad, Bumblebee's unborn child, and Red Tornado's daughter. How does Red Tornado have a daughter? I've since learned that Jon Kent, Superman's son, was there too. And of course, Damian Wayne with Talia. It really feels like the show is setting up the next generation. Are we going to have a massive 10 year time skip?

Will seems to be harboring feelings for Artemis. She doesn't seem to be the least bit interested.

In a surprise to no one, Jeff and Helga are sleeping together.

As everyone suspected, Granny Goodness is behind the Goode Goggles. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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They're going to kill Halo every time she fights a baddie aren't they? 

The good guys appear to be massively outclassed by the baddies in this universe.  They've successfully weakened the League and the GLC, know virtually everyone's secret identity, and have multiple secret plans in the works.  Meanwhile, the heroes are aware of some bad things happening but don't seem to know very much about them.

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On 1/19/2019 at 4:15 AM, cambridgeguy said:

They're going to kill Halo every time she fights a baddie aren't they? 

The good guys appear to be massively outclassed by the baddies in this universe.  They've successfully weakened the League and the GLC, know virtually everyone's secret identity, and have multiple secret plans in the works.  Meanwhile, the heroes are aware of some bad things happening but don't seem to know very much about them.

It always annoys me when the good guys are always behind the ball like then X-Men were in regards to the Hellfire Club in the "Dark Phoenix Saga", but that's a Greg Wiseman thing. I much prefer the where the good guys at least a few, and not the "it was really a long term victory for the bad guys"  in a Wiseman.

I enjoyed the latest three episodes.

Unlike the Vandal on Legends of Tomorrow's first season I am actually interested in the YJ version. The history of Vandal Savage and his alliance with Darkseid was fascinating.

Loved seeing the Bat mini-squad of Tim, Spoiler, Arrowette, and Origin.

I like that going after the children of the heroes would be a "nuclear option" for the Light they don't want to use because they know the HUGE blowback it would cause. It does show how vulnerable the good guys really are.

I was hoping they didn't go there with Artemis and Will. If that's the case, despite missing him, I don't want Wally to come back. I could do without that drama.

Forager is like Dr. Zoidberg! I did tear up when he came back and everybody was relieved. They've become a great little family in just a short time.

Edited by VCRTracking
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I'm going to be the voice of dissent and say that I love that Barbara is now Oracle.  I've always held the opinion that operating as Oracle was far more useful, developed the character much further and was a great show of representation. 

As for Dick keeping her a secret,  that's not surprising if you go by comics lore either.  Oracle always thinks it's better if no one knows she's around.   She's a ghost or a myth.   No one originally knew she was Black Canary's partner. 


Eta:  Also we have Stephanie and Cassandra and that makes me very happy. 

Edited by Delphi
1 hour ago, Delphi said:

I'm going to be the voice of dissent and say that I love that Barbara is now Oracle.  I've always held the opinion that operating as Oracle was far more useful, developed the character much further and was a great show of representation. 

I actually like Barbara better as Oracle, but I loathe the Killing Joke. I'd much rather see that she ended up in the chair because of a regular mission, rather than the Joker tracking her down and paralyzing her. We've seen many examples of how "the life" is inherently dangerous: Roy is kidnapped and cloned before season 1, Wally ends up with a broken arm during season 1, Ted Kord, Tula, and Jason Todd die between season 1 and 2, La'gaan gets his leg broken in season 2, and Wally "dies" at the end of season 2. Artemis' mother is paralyzed because of "the life." Making Barbara's injury mundane gives Barbara more agency. It demonstrates that she knows the risks to herself and her loved ones and she still chooses to be a part of the mission because she considers it that important.

Violet and Fred Bugg with 2 Gs in high school was sweet and hilarious. Those two are adorable clueless dopey dopes. It looks like they've made a friend in Harper Row. I had to google her. She becomes Bluebird, an extended member of the Bat family, in the comics.

I like this origin for Cyborg waaaaaay better than Justice League: War where Victor stupidly and petulantly manhandles a Mother box until it goes off. This version makes the accident no one's fault.

Tara Judas Contract blah blah blah. I don't really have any real comments about this except that I don't want to see Slade and Tara's disgusting screwed up sexual relationship depicted anywhere. I hate it.

Was that Wally's speed force ghost?

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Normally I hate it when new characters come and start taking screen time away from the originals. But I’ve really enjoyed Violet, Brione and Forager this season. And even though there was less screen time for my favorites it was great seeing how they’d matured and how they worked as mentors.

I forgot the details of what happened with Beast Boy so for a second I thought that Doom Patrol cartoon was just a way for DC to advertise their next series. But it was actually relevant. I’m going to have to do a rewatch before the second half of the season because there’s so much that I’ve forgotten.

And I’ll say it again - I hate that we have these huge time jumps with no explanation of what happened in between. At this point I’d take a scene with bad exposition just so I can have an idea of what has happened.

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It's disappointing that something which should have been able to support it's own forum is barely able to get a page of new posts for a long awaited new season. Wow.


7 episodes in to viewing Season 3 now and I'm definitely enjoying it. It's so weird that Dick Grayson has been the tentpole of not one but BOTH attempts by DC to bolster it's streaming service, but it really does prove what a compelling character he is.


The 7 I've seen so far have all been at least good, but I especially enjoyed Episode 7.  It's doing something REALLY different to have an episode from a point of view right alongside Vandal Savage, and have it be so damn interesting. I'm confused why they used the New 52s Kassandra/Cassandra instead of Scandal (other than Scandal's name rhyming with Vandal was always pretty dumb and distracting), and wonder what to make of that, but it really doesn't matter since the character in this episode was just a plot device to help tell a much bigger story, and it worked overall pretty well.  And even though the B plot, the Outsiders training scenes, seemed pretty disconnected from it, other than a few loose parallels, it was enjoyable too, and a very big change of pace from what most shows would spend time on.

Edited by Kromm
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Just watched the remainder of the 13 after 8.


Man, the end title sequences of this show are SO effing weird.  I wonder if another Lobo grows eventually from a Lobo thumb?


Also, the two traitors were clear all along, although I really don't think they know about each other and are probably working towards different ends and for different masters.  I do have trouble believing there wasn't an easier way to get DNA from Halo than the hairbrush trick though, or sooner.  As for Terra? Clearly it's either not her, or she is being controlled by another method on top of the obvious control disk. Or a distant third place, I suppose, to differentiate this from the comics, is that perhaps she's been in on things all along and was partners with her Uncle, not his victim.  Again, clearly whatever the Doctor is up to--and it's been obvious from the beginning she's shady as fck and has been up to something LONG before the hairbrush crap, it's apart from the thing with Terra, since it would be weird for them to put on a little forgiveness play like that, rather than just avoid the subject entirely (a far more natural reaction), and really another spy hardly would have been necessary if they were coming from the same place.

  • Love 1
On 1/25/2019 at 11:21 AM, Delphi said:

I'm going to be the voice of dissent and say that I love that Barbara is now Oracle.  I've always held the opinion that operating as Oracle was far more useful, developed the character much further and was a great show of representation. 


I'm okay with Barbara being Oracle. After all, there's nothing saying she had to have become crippled the same way in this continuity. In fact, it's the simplest of all things to just write it that she didn't. In fact, it doesn't even have to be due to injury.  The simplest of all ways is simply to make it due to a degenerative disease, or if that's too depressing due to the fact that most such diseases would eventually kill the character, make it an injury but one in actual battle and not one with her as a helpless victim of a character she never should have been an easy victim to.

On 1/25/2019 at 11:21 AM, Delphi said:

As for Dick keeping her a secret,  that's not surprising if you go by comics lore either.  Oracle always thinks it's better if no one knows she's around.   She's a ghost or a myth.   No one originally knew she was Black Canary's partner. 


She didn't seem to be a secret from the inner cabal / Justice League counterpart to the Light.

On 1/19/2019 at 7:15 AM, cambridgeguy said:

They're going to kill Halo every time she fights a baddie aren't they? 

It got annoying. It's not QUITE fridging, but it's close enough that it pissed me off.

Edited by Kromm
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On 1/27/2019 at 8:20 PM, Kromm said:

I do have trouble believing there wasn't an easier way to get DNA from Halo than the hairbrush trick though, or sooner.

I completely missed this. What did Dr. Jace do with Halo’s hair? I liked the doctor. But she apologized way too much, so in hindsight I can see it.

I thought in one version of the story Tara is in love with Slade. Since I doubt they’d do that here I figured they’re going for Stockholm Syndrome. She’s been gone about two years so I think it’s possible.

21 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

What did Dr. Jace do with Halo’s hair? I liked the doctor. But she apologized way too much, so in hindsight I can see it.

Near the end, when they were cleaning up Conor and M'gann's house the doctor immediately retrieves the hairbrush she'd used to brush Violet's hair. It's sort of implied (though not confirmed) that the whole hairbrushing thing had been a ruse to get a dna sample. I'm also wondering if the daughter she spoke to Violet about is being held captive by her "boss" in order to make her do the work she is doing.

Edited by AllyB
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If we're going to have yet another iteration of "The Judas Contract" storyline I don't want Beast Boy to fall in love with Terra only to betrayed again. He's been through enough already! Besides he already has one cute, blonde princess. It's enough that her brother Brion is going to be hurt.

Nice having Cyborg's old voice actor from Teen Titans as his dad. Wish he gave his replacement advice like toning it down. The yelling was too much, or maybe it's just that the animation didn't match it. Too subdued while the voice was practically hysterical.


Just binged the entire series and I love it for the most part.

I loved Season 1 so much, so I had to race through Season 2, which I didn't end up liking. Mostly because there were WAY too many new characters I didn't care about and splitting the original team up all over the place was irritating. Wally, my favorite character from the the first season, was barely in it, and then when he shows up at the end they kill him. That made me think the show didn't like him all that much (similar to Aqualad, who was kinda pushed aside as well after Season 1). The favorites were definitely Miss Martian, Superboy and Nightwing.

But I think Season 3 is a big improvement overall. The new characters this time are much better integrated at least, and original team members (minus Wally and Aqualad) are getting more focus and are mostly back together as a group, which I like. I've grown to like Nightwing a lot and I'm so excited him and Barbara are together! It feels like I've been waiting forever to see that couple depicted onscreen in some version of movie or tv show, and now this is it. And I love that she's Oracle now.

I hope they show us more of them together, but it feels like the only couple the show really loves is Miss Martian and Superboy, who've always had a lot of focus (and I like them too). I thought they liked Wally and Artemis (they sure teased it a lot in the first season), but they were put so far in the background in Season 2, it kinda feels like a case of not knowing what to do with them once they were together. And now that Wally's gone, Artemis has a bigger role again, so maybe that is the case. (I REALLY don't want her to be with Will though, and it feels like they're teasing that. Ugh.)

Still, I hope they bring Wally back at some point. They haven't done much with Bart/Impulse this season, so it's not like a new speedster has replaced him or anything (kinda felt like that in Season 2, where Impulse had a bigger role), and they keep mentioning him in just about every episode, so they don't want you to forget him. I hope they bring him back.

Edited by ruby24
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I just finished watching it last night for the second time. 😁

I really enjoyed it.  Artemis is my favorite character, and then Conner and Dick, so having those three front and center was ideal for me.   

I did miss some of the characters from the previous seasons, like Jaime Reyes and Bart - they were probably my favorites from season two.  

I feel like they’re working up to bringing Wally back somehow in the second half of the season, with constant references to him.  I hope so - I loved Artemis/Wally.   I also really liked Roy Will/Jade, so I hope Cheshire can find her way back to her family.   

One of the things I really loved was that you really get the sense of how much history is between these characters, and even though we’ve only had two and a half seasons, it feels like we’ve watched them grow up.  One of my favorite episodes was “Private Security”, not just because it was hilarious (which it was), but because you really get how well they know each other.  Will knows exactly what Dick needs right then, and Artemis is still close enough with Zatanna to be there for her on her worst days.  Another great moment was in “Evolution” when Dick teases Artemis about being called “Tigress” and she smacks him and then gives it right back.  It was just such a long-time friends/family moment.   And Connor has grown so much and really settled and gotten comfortable with who he is...a far cry from the “rage monster” of season one.

The things I’m really looking forward to in the second half: of course, how they follow up on all the Wally teasing.  But after that...Jason Todd!  And baby Damien!  I want to see how that all plays out.  

As far as the new characters, I really like Violet and Forager.  I’m not as crazy about Brion - he’s ok, but he can get on my nerves with all his spoiled-prince tantrums.  I’m looking forward to seeing how things play out with Victor, and of course what happens with Tara and Dr Jace.  

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I just finished watching it last night for the second time. 😁

I really enjoyed it.  Artemis is my favorite character, and then Conner and Dick, so having those three front and center was ideal for me.   

I did miss some of the characters from the previous seasons, like Jaime Reyes and Bart - they were probably my favorites from season two.  

I feel like they’re working up to bringing Wally back somehow in the second half of the season, with constant references to him.  I hope so - I loved Artemis/Wally.   I also really liked Roy Will/Jade, so I hope Cheshire can find her way back to her family.   

One of the things I really loved was that you really get the sense of how much history is between these characters, and even though we’ve only had two and a half seasons, it feels like we’ve watched them grow up.  One of my favorite episodes was “Private Security”, not just because it was hilarious (which it was), but because you really get how well they know each other.  Will knows exactly what Dick needs right then, and Artemis is still close enough with Zatanna to be there for her on her worst days.  Another great moment was in “Evolution” when Dick teases Artemis about being called “Tigress” and she smacks him and then gives it right back.  It was just such a long-time friends/family moment.   And Connor has grown so much and really settled and gotten comfortable with who he is...a far cry from the “rage monster” of season one.

The things I’m really looking forward to in the second half: of course, how they follow up on all the Wally teasing.  But after that...Jason Todd!  And baby Damien!  I want to see how that all plays out.  

Definitely! That's what I love too. I just wish they could maybe limit the number of new people they bring in per season, so we could still have the originals as the main focus.

But like I said, it seems like that's more the case this season, at least compared to Season 2 (though I'm not sure Cyborg is needed, after spending all this time with Forager, Violet and Brion- do we really need another angry guy on the team?)

I want to see more Oracle. I know she's sort of controversial, with some preferring Barbara as Batgirl, but I think it's a great character and a positive image of a person with a disability who can still be a superhero, still be in a romance, etc. I think it's great for representation.

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3 hours ago, wingster55 said:

Anyone see the three new episodes?

Yep. I'm nearing finishing the late 80s early 90s Suicide Squad run by John Ostrander and Kim Yale and the second episode with their appearance was my favorite. Amanda Waller is one of the great post-Crisis DC characters so it was great seeing her. Only wish she called Captain Boomerang "Boomerbutt"!

I loved seeing Big Barda but wished it wasn't Superman who got her on the path to reform instead of Scott Free!

Superman saying "Stay 'whelmed'" an dGuy Gardner saying "Don't call us sidekicks!" Nice.

I'm a Wally/Artemis shipper since season 1 so I was against the idea of Artemis and Will in the early half of the season. Now though, I do think she should move on. As much as I'd like Wally to come back, I'm really tired of resurrecting characters in comics.

Violet should tell Brion. He knows she's not Gabrielle and wouldn't think she unknowingly helped his parents assassins.

Edited by VCRTracking

Guy Gardner was appropriately annoying.

Thoughts on Bart and Eduardo? I don't hate it, but reading about people's thoughts on it made me realize that there was a BluePulse romantic ship that I was completely clueless about. I guess this explains why Bart/Impulse was on gamma squad in Bialya when they were getting Blue and Green Beetle off mode.

Edited by HunterHunted
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On 7/3/2019 at 9:37 PM, VCRTracking said:

Superman saying "Stay 'whelmed'"

Not to mention, "Great Scott!".  Gave me flashbacks to Superfriends!

On 7/3/2019 at 11:35 PM, ruby24 said:

I think this Artemis/Will thing is only there to cause drama for Wally's inevitable (and obviously getting closer) return. The minute she decides to date Will is when Wally comes back, I guarantee it.

Agreed.  Wally & Artemis were made for each other in this universe, and I can imagine all sorts of messy if she and Will get together.  In fact, I think even her sister just might get pissed!  Imagine what that argument could be like should she return.

On 7/3/2019 at 9:37 PM, VCRTracking said:

Violet should tell Brion. He knows she's not Gabrielle and wouldn't think she unknowingly helped his parents assassins.

 Yes and no.  True, she wasn't Gabrielle, but Brion, having lost his family that night (and ultimately setting things into motion with him and Terra getting their powers and her working for Deathstroke), it could still make him really upset and conflicted.  Speaking of Terra, I'm curious if the writers will be going full Judas Contract with the resolution of the story.   Because the show has done well in dealing with known storylines in the past, I'd like to think maybe we won't get the expected ending.  There has been two previous animated adaptations already and I thought it was odd to go at it a third time.

Speaking of Violet, remember the doctor collected that hair sample from the hairbrush?  She was examining it, but what did she find?

17 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Thoughts on Bart and Eduardo?

Jury is still out - there were moments when we saw Eduardo him speaking to the other metahumans (translating his father's speech into "teen speak") when I wondered if he still had issues with him (or maybe it's the system in general).  It's nice that he is using his experience to help other metas, although I'm not sure if he'd want to be in "the life" of an active superhero.  As for Bart, I still like him, but I still want to know why the future he tried to save still looks like crap despite defeating the Reach.  Was it due to a war with Darkseid or something else?  I'd also like to see more of his life leading up to his time travel trip.

Livewire is also in this universe but completely different origin wise than the DCAU version;  I'm curious if she'll go rogue.  

I found it interesting that De Sade was non verbal. 

I kinda miss Ed Asner as the VA for Granny Goodness.  It feels odd having a female VA play her now!

I wasn't crazy about Big Barda's VA (I love Grey Griffin but not in this role).  I hated how she's constantly screaming when speaking.  I also thought of Scott Free as well, but I don't know if he'll be introduced in this universe. 

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2 hours ago, wingster55 said:

There's been a disappointing lack of Nightwing this half-season. 

Anyone notice the credits of the last episode? It's Conner's dog (forgot the name, sorry) sleeping as usual but this time with a Kid Flash doll. Foreshadowing? 

Yeah, I noticed that too. He was a big presence in the first half, so I wonder if it's intentional. Make him the main character in the first half, switch to Artemis in the second? Build her up before Wally comes back, I'm guessing.

I don't know, I still think the show has way too many characters. I don't know about anyone else, but I got into it in the first season because of the core group of characters that I grew to love- Dick, Wally, Conner, Mgann, Kalder and Artemis. Them individually and as a team.

As soon as Season 2 started bringing in all these other people who kept coming in and out it was just really hard to care about any of them. I wish the focus could be on the same characters from the first season they spent so much time establishing.

Edited by ruby24
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3 hours ago, wingster55 said:

Anyone notice the credits of the last episode? It's Conner's dog (forgot the name, sorry) sleeping as usual but this time with a Kid Flash doll. Foreshadowing? 

Not the first time I've seen Presley (Wally's and Artemis' dog) sleeping with a KF doll.  I think the first or second episode of Season three credits showed it.  I'm certain KF will be back somehow;  it's going to be messy if Artemis and William (Red Arrow) decide to give into their mild attraction towards one another.  It would be awkward under normal circumstances but when she has a speedster boyfriend who is presumed dead and he has an ex who works for the League of Shadows, neither would take their paring very well!

  • Love 2
On 7/13/2019 at 2:42 AM, ruby24 said:

I don't know, I still think the show has way too many characters. I don't know about anyone else, but I got into it in the first season because of the core group of characters that I grew to love- Dick, Wally, Conner, Mgann, Kalder and Artemis. Them individually and as a team.

It’s weird, I’m really invested in the core group that you mentioned, and the new group they introduced in season three (Brian, Violet and Forager). I think it’s because the characters in season two felt like they all just popped up at once. I would love an episode dedicated just to the original group though. Maybe we can get that when Wally comes back?

Also, during episode 18, please tell me I’m not the only one who thought of Stranger Things when that monster started absorbing the kids.

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Violet with some realistic destructive teenage actions... I knew those ahils seemed to be beating aquaman a little too easy.. I wonder of the fish woman from Cuba will be around more... I still miss my original team.. Im totally enjoying the show but I'd be lying if I said I care about static and powergirl or geoforce as much as M'Gann... Tigress.. Or my Fav guy Aqualad( he'll always be that to me) 

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9 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I still miss my original team

Ditto.  I think they could have done at least 2-3 seasons with the original team and slowly introduced viewers to new members (like Zatanna) and integrate them into the team as needed.

After a rewatch, I am getting annoyed at the "wokeness" that has appeared in the show - Violet (aka Gabrielle) suddenly decides she's not sure she's a girl (despite being in a female body and having the soul of a motherbox)!!  Before that, she felt she should keep her hijab, despite being another sentient being and living in a culture in which she doesn't have to.  Of course Brion is OK with it, but I don't recall this silliness before Season 3.

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Apparently S4 will focus on a smaller/tighter team which thank the gods because while I love YJ, they have soooo many characters that most have been getting overshadowed for the newbies and so many stories are left on the cutting room floor.

This episode was the closest we got to seeing all 3 Wonders together even though they didnt appear in the same frame. 

Beyond tired of them using Violet as their killing toy just because she can heal.

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Did they say which characters they would be focusing on? I can’t remember if I’ve seen Nightwing at all this half season. And there have been scenes where I could only name one of five characters on the screen. I liked how the season started with the originals as mentors to a few new kids. But I’m not going to be all that invested if the show becomes all about the younger generation.

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