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S02.E08: We Fight Deaths on Thick Lone Waters

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I picked watching Cubs win World Series over this (and every other) show, so glad I'll get to see Weller go missing next week. And stay missing, I hope. I did see commercials for the episode all day, odd the network was advertising a show that won't be on. (Yeay CUBS!)

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A dumb filler episode but I got a couple of chuckles out of it. Frankly I need something light and fluffy. I really enjoyed how dumb Weller was in Clive's version of events. "I can't make a fist after that fight!" 

Reade's plan is very terrible.

Yikes, this show just loves to kick the shit out of Jane. I want my poor girl to have a win. 

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Two anagrams for the same episode? I tried, in the first season, to keep up with figuring them out but by the time they all made sense the season was over and I didn't feel like they revealed anything. But they are a cute little thing the show does.

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I actually liked this one, and seeing things from criminal's perspective was fun. (I actually liked that actor; if they don't have him back on the show, I'd like to see him somewhere else.)

But Weller family drama is still unnecessary; although I did like seeing the team hang out outside of the office.

Oyyyy.... Reade and Zapata's arc is still spiraling out of control. It's either wait for something to Go Wrong, or Reade/Zapata does Something Stupid.


I was interested in the anagrams last season, but I haven't bothered this season.

Edited by Trini
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Nasi dropped a pretty big hint there in the control room when she handed Patterson the all access key.  She said specifically that she thought the mole was a woman.  My bet is that she's laying a trap somewhere in that datafile, waiting to see if Patterson takes the bait.  Process of elimination.  I also loved her smackdown of Billy Badass when she told him "That's not Sanscrit, it's Arabic. And no, you don't get to know what it means."

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25 minutes ago, twoods said:

Damn, my dvr missed this one because it showed up as a repeat. Glad to see it was decent.

It's not up yet but if you log into the NBC app or website with your cable/satellite details, you can catch it there.

19 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

Nasi dropped a pretty big hint there in the control room when she handed Patterson the all access key.  She said specifically that she thought the mole was a woman.  My bet is that she's laying a trap somewhere in that datafile, waiting to see if Patterson takes the bait.  Process of elimination.  I also loved her smackdown of Billy Badass when she told him "That's not Sanscrit, it's Arabic. And no, you don't get to know what it means."

Oh, I didn't notice her comment about her believing the mole was a woman! How did I miss that... I was thinking Nas screwed up big time, giving Patterson access to years worth of intelligence after working with her for, what, a few months? But that would make so much more sense, planting a trap and waiting to see if her suspicions are right. I wonder if there's any connection between this and having Jane see Nas open up that safe, like maybe Jane would realize that there was a different item in there. I wonder what made Nas start looking at Patterson, or has she been doing little things here and there with everyone? The bugs to listen to Jane (and Borden), dating Weller... is she doing surveillance on the others?

I enjoyed this episode, though I was confused at first. The way they started in the middle of the story, after the unexpected week off last week, made me worried that they had skipped an episode. I checked here to make sure the proper episode was airing and noticed the episode title was unfamiliar... so confusing, lol.

I liked the case of the week and the different versions of each character. I also thought they did a much better job showing how this team is a family. Usually it comes across to me as telling rather than showing, and struggling to do so, but it seemed more believable this time.

Nas was a baller in this episode. I loved the scenes with her and Weitz. She and Weller weren't awful, though I still think it's weird that they're so into each other.

Reade and Zapata's plot continues to feel separate from the rest of the show. Zapata probably got caught on camera putting the knife in that guy's car and/or Reade was caught on camera handing Freddie that bus ticket. They just keep digging themselves in deeper.

I'm not sure if Roman's bluffing (perhaps on Shepherd's orders) about Phase Two so Jane informs the FBI and Sandstorm takes them out, or if he's desperately trying to give her one last chance before he has to rat her out.

Edited by omgsowicked
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I can't even try to follow this show any more, it's so all over the place and makes no sense. Not that some fictional tv show needs to, I guess. It kills an hour that I don't have to think about anything else. But thinking about this show is a time waster. The shaky camera started to bother me, and letting the bad guy go on for so long describing what (did not) happen was irritating as was Jane dressing like a hooker to be a caterer. How does she get rid of those tats so easily? And why wasn't she invited to the baby cake party? Inquiring minds want to know that stuff, the heck with Sandstorm and the mole.

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Honestly, I just cared about that last bit with Jane/Roman.  They are so much more interesting to me than anything else on the show.  Him saying that he works better with her, I really do just love them.  I wonder if he is playing her for Shepherd based on the preview for next week.

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I enjoyed the overall story, but I'm so tired of this trope of TV shows starting an episode at the chronological end of the events and then flashbacking to "48 hours earlier" or whatever.   Or telling an entire episode through a series of flashbacks interspersed with what is currently happening. 

Hey TV show powers that be... this type of storytelling is no longer "edgy" or "interesting".  Because everyone is doing it.  I agree with the sentiment upthread that because there was apparently a last-minute decision to preempt the episode last week, and the way this week's episode seemed to just start in the middle of the events... so confusing.

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The fight scenes, figuring out tattoo puzzles, being able to get the knife back to the evidence room and all the other crazy shit that does not make sense sometimes is not the most unbelievable thing about this show to me. It is how Weller is such cat nip to all the women. One on the show is pregnant with his child, Jane still has feelings for him I think and Nas is all gaga over him. So ridiculous.

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The stuff with Reade and Zapata is really getting ridiculous.  I'm pretty much laughing any time they're in a middle of a freaking mission, and yet they have to take time out of it, to discuss how in the hell they are going to cover all this stuff up.  They even had to do it in Weller's office at what point.  I kept waiting for them to be talking somewhere, only for the camera to pull back and reveal they're in one of the interrogation rooms, and one of the suspects is just sitting there, all "Uh... guys?  I'm right here.  I can hear you!"  While I'm glad the show wants to do more with those two, they really need to wrap this bit of silliness up.

Ah, Weitz!  I guess they're bringing back all the recurring characters from last season.  Still smug as ever.  Although, he seems to not care a flip anymore about Zapata, and how has Nas in his sights.

The mission was by the numbers, and I figured out the twist with the bad guy pretty early on, but seeing the different "versions" was kind of fun, especially the cocky asshole played by Duncan from Rookie Blue.  Ridiculous, but his version of Jane being in love with him cracked me up.  And I actually think his "dumb, coward" Weller might be my new favorite Weller, which is actually kind of sad.

Definitely felt like Nas giving Patterson the hard drive is some kind of loyalty test.  I don't see Nas just giving that away.

Still dealing with Weller's baby drama.  Found it kind of strange that they went out of their way to bring up Allison's new squeeze, Conner, so I wonder if there is something going on about that.  Only thing I can really think of is that it ends up being an undercover Roman for whatever reason.  If she starts gushing about his bushy beard, then I'll consider it a confirmation!

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I thought the procedural plot was fun! last week rich dot com, this time some fun twists with the guest characters on the heist crew... 

I like jane, i like nas, I like patternson, I'm even starting to be able to deal w weller again, but this reade and zapata shit... i don't know are they building up to something thats gonna come around to bite them in the ass like last season with mayfair? because if not I'm pretty annoyed with the fact that we spent half the episode on their drama when there was a huge roman/ian bombshell that wasn't even addressed I'm like are you guys just killing time with b plot? like I'm sorry on another show this might be a 'page turner' so to speak but I'm not devoted enough to the characters to care and it all just pales so heavily in comparison to the rest of the episode and most of the other plot lines (baby weller I'm looking at you) 

i thought it was cool that jane and weller finally addressed the whole jane has no friends situation, and also that they did one of those little team parties like in season one only this time how jane looked totally uncomfortable and separated. I'm glad that the show seems to be acknowledging that its not 'family FBI' verses 'family Sandstorm' and we know to root for family FBI bc they're the 'good guys.' it's more like jane surrounded by co workers on all sides but being emotionally isolated and doing what she's gotta do either because its right or because she has no choice but not nessisarly based on team loyalty. (except the way ian spoke at the end makes me think she might finally have a real friend! i mean patterson is nice to her but she hasn't had a deep relationship or a real ally since weller turned on her)

I think i have a different opinion of the whole Nas key card hand off though... i mean she pretended not to be freaked by this lawyer guy coming after her badge but could it be she's actually worried and cluing patterson in could be a way to make sure her work on sandstorm continues even if mr eyebrows takes her down? 

Edited by pumpkin
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On 11/9/2016 at 11:55 PM, omgsowicked said:

I also thought they did a much better job showing how this team is a family. Usually it comes across to me as telling rather than showing, and struggling to do so, but it seemed more believable this time.

^totally with you on this its been driving me nuts all season 

I think i have a different opinion of the whole Nas key card hand off though... i mean she pretended not to be freaked by this lawyer guy coming after her badge but could it be she's actually worried and cluing patterson in could be a way to make sure her work on sandstorm continues even if mr eyebrows takes her down? 

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Thanks Dowel. I was one from PTV who donated $$ to buy and then get rid of Weller. And I'm with those who can't understand why he's such a chick magnet. Surely there are men around who know how to shave, clean up and smell good, and can speak politely, with thought, and aren't just an all-around dick. Maybe that guy Jane met at the party, there's one. Weller is just so ... disgusting in every way. YMMV, of course.

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Clive's mini Rashomon made this episode - the show rarely cracks a smile (just like its leading man) so it was good to see some humor. The actor played such a nasty character on 'Rookie Blue' that it took me a while to appreciate what they were going for but in the end I enjoyed it. I also liked the family vibe they got going at the baby party. And then Jane returning from her new family suddenly having to face her old family was a good juxtaposition.

Still not caring about Reade and Zappata's side-show. Dragging someone innocent into their whole mess is not cool and no way that's not going to backfire.

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On 11/11/2016 at 10:03 PM, blackwing said:

I enjoyed the overall story, but I'm so tired of this trope of TV shows starting an episode at the chronological end of the events and then flashbacking to "48 hours earlier" or whatever.   Or telling an entire episode through a series of flashbacks interspersed with what is currently happening.

I don't like the trope in general (thanks to Alias using it every other episode) but it wasn't so bad here. It was moderately amusing how Clive kept making himself out to be the hero and there was the twist that Lynn was lying. The timing of the episode didn't make heaps of sense to me after last week's cliffhanger though. It seems like Roman would have gone straight to Jane as soon as he got that warning, not waited at least one day and possibly more to go and talk to her.

I'm hoping Nas gave Patterson the keycard because she was worried Weitz would manage to take her down or expose her (I sometimes wonder whether we'll find out she's just a rogue ex-agent given that we never see her team). I don't really want Patterson to be an eeevil mole, especially if the writers had her become suddenly completely evil (I don't trust them not to be that lame, frankly).

Edited by Beatriceblake
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It's nice to know that our "heroes" are prepared to not just steal evidence but frame an innocent man to conceal that fact. Aiding a murderer to flee is just the (pink) frosting on the legal shitstorm cake, though there I can sort of sympathise. I would love it if it turns out that Sandstorm in fact ARE the good guys in the end and that the government is terminally corrupt, though the show is nowhere near competent enough to pull a twist like that off.

From the criminal to the merely obnoxious, again we get Stubbly pulling his Alpha Male bullshit and going off half cocked on his own (seriously Jane, a five year old could tell he was lying to you there!) - and then getting caught and tortured. But you're a MAN so nobody else is allowed to take risks, even if they are certified Badasses who have shown they can withstand prolonged torture (sorry, it was done by the CIA, so that's "Enhanced Interrogation").

On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 10:12 PM, pumpkin said:

I think i have a different opinion of the whole Nas key card hand off though... i mean she pretended not to be freaked by this lawyer guy coming after her badge but could it be she's actually worried and cluing patterson in could be a way to make sure her work on sandstorm continues even if mr eyebrows takes her down? 

I agree with pumpkin - I think Naz is worried DoJ(?) guy WILL succeed in getting her fired (possibly because HE's in the Grand Conspiracy) and is passing her intel to Patterson to make sure the disc stays in the hands of people she trusts.

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