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The Brides and The Grooms

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Doug's moles didn't bother me at all. Unless they are cancerous or problematic in another way, why have them removed? To appease others who find it appalling? Good for him that he's kept them.


Vaughn and Monet are quite the sexy couple, but I can't help but feel Vaughn is not as attracted to Monet as she is to him. He didn't say anything outright, it's just the impression I got.

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In this interview http://www.emme-magazine.com/2014/07/24/jamieotis/ Jamie says she was contacted by the producers to be on the show. I doubt anyone here is shocked to hear that, but at least it's confirmed. I have to give Jamie some props for her confidence, because most people would wish to hide in a hole somewhere after doing some of the things she's done on TV, yet she keeps on truckin' and setting herself up for ridicule. I for one think she's just being herself, even though having some kind of a filter wouldn't hurt.

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In this interview http://www.emme-magazine.com/2014/07/24/jamieotis/ Jamie says she was contacted by the producers to be on the show. I doubt anyone here is shocked to hear that, but at least it's confirmed. I have to give Jamie some props for her confidence, because most people would wish to hide in a hole somewhere after doing some of the things she's done on TV, yet she keeps on truckin' and setting herself up for ridicule. I for one think she's just being herself, even though having some kind of a filter wouldn't hurt.


I read that article last night.  For some reason, Jamie doesn't bother me.  Yes her time on the Bachelor/Bachelor Pad was cringe-worthy but I guess she seems sorta  harmless compared to some of the other reality TV people who keep popping up on my TV over and over and over again. 

Edited by CindyBee
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Doug's moles didn't bother me at all. Unless they are cancerous or problematic in another way, why have them removed? To appease others who find it appalling? Good for him that he's kept them.

While I agree that he should keep them if he wants to, the other person has just as much right not to want to be with him if she finds the moles off-putting.


I'd never seen Jamie before, so all I know about her is what I've seen on this show.  I haven't been impressed.   

While I agree that he should keep them if he wants to, the other person has just as much right not to want to be with him if she finds the moles off-putting.


I wasn't talking about the rights of others - just Doug's. If people find moles appalling, that's their prerogative. However, I feel very strongly that people should not change themselves to appease society's idea of what is attractive. The world would be quite boring if we all did. I'm glad Doug hasn't changed himself.

  • Love 3

So, I've read in the forum so far about some of the entertainment industry connections with the contestants, plus what I'm watching in the matchmaking episode. I'm not sure about Monet, except that she works in fashion and that's not her legal first name. With the others:


Jamie: Bachelor (Pad)

Doug: Wannabe Comedian

Vaughn: Model

Cortney: Burlesque performer

Jason: Amateur wrestler


I don't know if this makes the show automatically fakety-fake. The people who self-select to be a on reality show, especially one that marries them off, are going to tend to be performers to some extent. The "experts" even pointed out that Cortney and Jason's costume adventures were a sign of compatibility. Plus, none of these people are especially famous and I have a hard time thinking any of them really expect to become real-world famous out of this digital-tier cable show.

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I am so glad I found this forum! I was on another, but as someone else said previously, they have Dr C posting with them and you can not question him or the process without getting backlash or their favorite couple Jamie & Doug. I like that here everyone can have an opinion and not be slammed for it.

Now let me say this, I think Doug is sincerely deluded. Although he does seem to be a nice guy and MIGHT be what Jamie needs, I really don't think he's type of man she wants. He has had many different jobs according to the cast info and his Linkedin profile. Jamie has mentioned often wanting someone stable. Although he would be her 'lap dog' for life, does any woman really want or respect a man like that? Doug is kind of like a everyday Joe, I get the vibe that Jamie wants someone more sophisticated. Plus he puts so much emphasis on his family and baseball I think this could become a problem if she can't be at every family function or game.

But mostly I am just not buying that she has actually fallen for him. Jamie stills gives me the impression that Doug is beneath her and that's why she treats him like he should be grateful she's with him. I think her behavior changed because she was coming across so poorly. Someone else had said that they think she's setting things up to not look bad when she ends it. I don't believe all the tweets etc showing them still being together and at various functions

  • Love 3
Now let me say this, I think Doug is sincerely deluded. Although he does seem to be a nice guy and MIGHT be what Jamie needs, I really don't think he's type of man she wants. He has had many different jobs according to the cast info and his Linkedin profile. Jamie has mentioned often wanting someone stable. Although he would be her 'lap dog' for life, does any woman really want or respect a man like that? Doug is kind of like a everyday Joe, I get the vibe that Jamie wants someone more sophisticated. Plus he puts so much emphasis on his family and baseball I think this could become a problem if she can't be at every family function or game.


I agree Doug's career path, or really lack of it, might end up being a problem for her. Obviously, the economy has been pretty bad for quite a few years so he may be just a victim of that, it's hard to know. It does seem weird that he works at the same company as his brother and sister.


I feel like Doug hasn't figured out what he really wants to do with his career. He seems like he would have the right personality to be a salesman, but I'm guessing he probably doesn't love it the way Jamie seems to love being a nurse. I'm not sure I can see Jamie being supportive of him still trying to figure out what it is he wants to do. Doug actually reminds me of Jim Halpert from The Office. Jim was a bright and personable so was a good salesman without having to try very hard so he never really tried very hard. It wasn't until the end of the series that Jim found a different sports-related career that he was excited about that he became motivated to work hard. I can see Doug being like that.


I really like Jamie, but she is sooooo needy. She's overly emotional, very anxious, and I think deep down very insecure with a deep sense of shame because of her background. I don't see Doug as Jamie's lap dog at all, but if they remain together he will definitely spend his life emotionally propping her up. In the matchmaking episode, Dr. Pepper described him as having a "caretaker" personality, so he could be OK with that.  Doug seems to be easy going, even tempered, and totally lacking in any drama, which I think is exactly the temperament Jamie needs in a spouse. I don't think she could ever deal with anyone who was short-tempered in any way.


About Doug's family, I think the show kept bringing up the baseball game, making it a bigger deal than it really was to anybody. And I think Jamie actually puts as much, if not more, emphasis on family than Doug does. Jamie has said in numerous different interviews that marrying into a good family was extremely important to her and last episode said Doug's family is exactly what she was looking for. It's odd to me that she keeps saying she doesn't have any family except her four siblings and their children. That's a pretty big family, larger than Doug's immediate family.


Someone else had said that they think she's setting things up to not look bad when she ends it. I don't believe all the tweets etc showing them still being together and at various functions


If that's what she's doing, she's doing a really bad job of it. Her instagram is almost all about her and Doug, and every time she post something most of the responses are about what a great guy Doug is and how she is so lucky to have found him. If it turns out she dumped him, she will face a big social media backlash from her followers.

Edited by absolutelyido
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I think your right on several points. By looking at Doug's professional profile he hasn't had a job longer than 18 months other than the part-time or volunteer sports related jobs. He doesn't seem as ambitious as Jamie may want.

While Doug may be a "caretaker", I don't see Jamie appreciating this quality in him. I bought up the softball game because he also said he doesn't think she realizes how important it is to him.

Regarding all the tweets and pictures it seems way off that the producers would allow all of that, it basically gives away the outcome.

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Agree Jamie's freedom on social media is a puzzle. Jason and Cortney had one hint on theirs and it got closed off. Jamies is constant pics that seem to spoil the outcome. If it turns out that she had been fooling her followers I agree that there will be a huge backlash. I am thinking more and more that Jamie is just attention seeking. This is her third reality show she knows that people scrutinise her account.

My prediction is she stays with Doug for the show but dumps his arse within 12 months so it looks like she gave it a fair go and then she can cry victim to the media again. After Bachelor/Bachelor Pad she was not above bashing the format and fellow castmates both on social media as well as main stream media. I especially love her calling out their morals after she has the most awkward kiss ever and then she jumps on top of a sleeze ball on her next go round at fame. Only to then call the media that she is dating another reality star when he friends her on facebook. She puts all this down to being naive, umm no you think she would learn your lesson the first time after that it is on her.

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I'm giving Doug a pass on the job front. While the economy has improved statistically, not all sectors have picked up, and some folks are still at sea. The other thing is that he just might not have a passion, and that's not something a person can force.


One of my friends is married to a guy like Doug. He changes jobs every 18-24 months and can't seem to stick with anything. He's smart, but he doesn't have a direction. My friend is very driven and always thought she'd marry an equally ambitious man. It was frustrating to both of them for a while, but then they just decided that that's the way he is. My friend loves her job and her company, so she is the breadwinner, and when he's working, his salary goes into savings and extras like vacations. He also does repairs around the house, landscaped their yard, did a stint as a stay-at-home dad, took a cooking class so he could be competent in the kitchen, and volunteered at a farmer's market in exchange for credit to be used there. My point is that my friend's husband had the same pattern as Doug, but they made it work.


Now, will Jamie make it work? Is she flexible enough to adapt to the man she's got instead of the man she thinks she wants? I'm doubtful.

  • Love 3

I forgot to say in my earlier post that perhaps Jamie & Doug do stay married and the producers know they are the fan favorites so that is why they let them be so obvious on social media.

Of course if Jamie and/ or the producers are playing games with this and they still split not long after the finale there will still be a lot of angry viewers who will (rightfully) feel like they were totally played.

I think Jamie & Doug and Cortney & Jason are still married. I have no doubt that there will be a second season that will continue to follow those couples since it's FYI's most popular show. All 4 of them re-tweet anything anyone says about wanting another season for them. Of course, they can't officially announce it because that would give away that they are still together. Of course, maybe the next season will show the demise of the relationships that lasted beyond the 5 weeks.

Edited by absolutelyido

I do not want another whole season of the same couples, next season I would like an update because I doubt most of the couples will still be married. If they split the experts are not going to want to advertise thier extreme social experiment failure. As is Jamie & Dr C have both said on social media that the Danish version was successful as 2 of the couples stayed together conveniently forgeting they all split within 12 months. 5 weeks is nothing in the scheme of a marriage.

Edited by crazychicken
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I don't have numbers to back it up, but I think setting this show in NYC is going to lead to higher divorce rates. The national average is like 50% divorce rate over 5 years. The purpose of an experiment is not always to be right, but to prove (meaning to test) the theory. For the sake of the show, it doesn't really matter. The Bachelor has a horrible success rate and people watch it year after year.

I don't have numbers to back it up, but I think setting this show in NYC is going to lead to higher divorce rates. The national average is like 50% divorce rate over 5 years. The purpose of an experiment is not always to be right, but to prove (meaning to test) the theory. For the sake of the show, it doesn't really matter. The Bachelor has a horrible success rate and people watch it year after year.

I for one do not watch the bachelor expecting a successful relationship, I watch for the crazy so I can snark. This shows "experts" have told us numerous times that these couples are a great match and will make it if they put the effort in eg not our fault. I went in rooting for these couples after tonight I just hope they were not hurt if they split. I am losing faith in all of the relationships.

Call me just a silly romantic, I felt a real tender moment with Jason & Cortney's last scene. In my mind they just didn't verbalize the "I love you". Then they show the scene for next episode and the feeling is dashed! I know I shouldn't fall for this each week because it never turns out how the producers portray it.

I think it's pretty clear how hurt Monet is. I think Doug is getting a clue that he'll never be good enough or perfect enough for Jamie-Aunt Gorgeous. I think at this point he is just playing a role. Like Crazychicken posted previously, Jamie wants him to accept her quirks and faults but she never accept the faults of others. The realization of this will definitely hurt Doug.

I think Cortney will be devastated if Jason decides to end the marriage

I'm wondering if anyone else has viewed Jamie's web page. jamieotis.com "Host, Model, TV Personality, RN" Check it out. She's definitely in it for the fame.


And yes to armchair critic, Jason is not good looking. He definitely does have something weird going on with his mouth, but I can't seem to put a finger on it. Cortney could do so much better.

I ventured back to the other board and Monet was answering questions I have cut and pasted her responses from http://community.babycenter.com/post/a51777142/married_at_first_sight_part_3?cpg=47 just to save searching


Q Did you stay with Vaughn? Lol.

A Keep watching love bugs... :)


Posted 08/26/2014
In reply to tinylittle11:
Posted 08/26/2014

Q Omg! Monet is my favorite! Monet, if you could do it again would you do anything differently (ex. Get a brand new apt with Vaughn like the other couples)?

A I think you might be on to somthing... I wonder what would have happened if we had moved into an apt. that was new...




In reply to Smokey Mikasa:
Posted 08/26/2014
Q I have a question. At this point in the show what were all of your friends telling you to do? Were they for or against Vaughn?

A Interestingly enough my girlfriend who are around during the filming really want Vaughn and I to work it out... Vaughn and I are trying and they know that and support that. A lot of time women have female friends who dont support them in their relationships. I have amazing girlfriends and they are #mebeinghappy

Q Sorry, I have another Monet question. We don't see you and Vaughn having a lot of tender moments. Did you guys laugh/cuddle/chat/have fun or was it all pretty intense?

A Vaughn and I actually functioned better off camera. He and I had many moments of fun...


In reply to biologyle:
Posted 08/26/2014

Q AAHHHHH!! Monet!! Hello! I was wondering about the relationship that your parents modeled for you growing up. Did your father have a traditional male role and that's why you desired that in a mate? Just curious if you are open to sharing.

A Hi, my father was 18 years older than my mother and raised me for the most part. He was 49 when i was born. He was a "mans man" but never during their relationship did i ever get the impression that my mother was meek. He was the head of the house hold but she was her own person


Comment from Dr C again on his meetings with Monet and Vaughn


In reply to Wenders11:
Posted 08/28/2014
Q I would have paid big money for a ringside seat to that show, lol. They need to release an extended version with all the footage we didn't get to see!

A It was actually very interesting to see them interacting and feel the energy between them.  They can go from zero to 100, back to zero within seconds.  There is clearly a strong passion/connection, yet somehow it tends to compel them into conflict and negative intensity, rather than positive most of the time...

From the same forum http://community.babycenter.com/post/a51777142/married_at_first_sight_part_3?cpg=55 on Jamie & Doug


Posted 08/27/2014
In reply to oneluv86:
Posted 08/27/2014
Q About her reaction to Doug lying. I totally get it. Without going into too much detail I have a history of sexual abuse and parents/sibling with mental illness and drug addiction. Dealing with that at a young age causes severe trust issues; at least it did for me. I think her reaction shows she really was falling for and trusting Doug and that's why the lie, no matter how small it might seem to others, was a huge violation to her. For me lying brings back intense emotions related to my past and it's hard to separate the feelings from then to now. Obviously I don't know but I get the feeling she doesn't want to be a victim anymore and Doug lying to her how he did probably made her feel that way; not feelings you want from your husband. Like Jamie said-you can't understand if you haven't lived it.
Sorry this got long but I could really relate to Jamie this episode and felt the need to defend her to those saying her reaction was over the top.

A THANK YOU for sharing that and helping others consider Jamie's reaction from a different perspective.   I think it's very important for everyone to read carefully what you wrote.


As an aside from this he ignored all the comments not supporting Jamie.


Posted 08/27/2014
In reply to BombBucket:
Posted 08/27/2014
Q Doug sincerely apologized multiple times, too. You could tell he was begging for forgiveness and she wasn't hearing it. She just kept saying "I can no longer trust you. It starts with one small lie." Heartbreaking. Dr. C seemed to help resolve that issue. After Doug apologized for the 400th time with the direct supervision of the Dr. She seemed to finally accept it, but I'm sure she'll hold it over his head for future disagreements. :(

A I understand those thoughts and frustrations, what wasn't really discussed was the degree to which Doug continued to lie and lie and lie, ending after a long dialogue with "I swear on my mother's life." For me, that was what really pushed Jamie over the edge. She definitely derailed, but with 3-4 days ( and after our meeting) was able to really forgive him (IMO) and move past it.


Last edited 08/27/2014
In reply to BombBucket:
Last edited 08/27/2014
Q I just finished watching the latest episode. I feel so bad for Doug. Anybody else notice that he was almost crying after the cigarette lying incident (When he was talking to the cameras about it?) He's had it rough. He's been tediously working at Jamie and keeping his cool without ever asking anything of her. He had just dealt with her emotions concerning her family and knowing the weight Jamie put in that scenario, you know it had to be stressful for Doug to handle. So he slipped out for a smoke. She probably said "I hate smokers. They are disgusting and I don't tolerate it" at some earlier point, so when he got caught he probably panicked and that's why he lied. I can't sympathize with Jamie this time because she was REALLY hard on him. "I WON'T marry somebody like that." Ouch. After one moment of fault, Jamie tossed the whole thing out the window; everything Doug had worked so hard at was stomped on because she was upset. Doug was devastated and she had no sympathy whatsoever. She expects him to be PERFECT and any time a tiny thing doesn't line up, she tells him he's immature, not a man, not ready to be married, a shmuck... Poor guy!!!! No man can live up to those expectations IMO. Cut him a break, Jamie. Sheesh! Edited for typos.
A I think the was REALLY HARD on both of them in different ways. Though for me, it ultimately created a very important growth point for both of them, particularly Jamie who would DEFINITELY been out the door in other circumstances. She came very close to quitting the experiment immediately after when her emotions were reeling.


Last edited 08/28/2014
In reply to mpcvt:
Posted 08/27/2014
Q Doug smoking & lying about it. That was a BAD BAD decision on his part to lie about it & she is completely allowed to feel how she feels. However he made his first big mistake & she acted like she was done, there was not a thing he could say/do to right his mistake. He is human & will make more mistakes, I don't see her accepting less than perfection & he can never live up to that, I think he will get hurt in the long run. I really don't know that she will ever trust anyone enough to be happy with them.

A Your point about Doug being human and making more mistakes is an important one that I addressed in depth in my meetings with them both individually and as a couple.  I'm very frustrated that none of this made the edit because I think it was critical. In short, I was very concerned that Jamie have realistic expectations around Doug never, ever telling her another lie at any time in the future.  This, of course, would be ideal, but rather unrealistic.  Because the cigarette lie seemed so reflexive for Doug, I think the risk of that happening again at some point when he was frightened, vulnerable, or otherwise emotionally compromised was significant.  If Jamie were just going to react to this arguably inevitable occurence with the same "It's over" knee jerk emotional repsonse she had with the cigarette lie, then they would most certainly be doomed.

So, I negotiated an agreement between the two of them in which Jamie would give Doug a "Grace period" of time to come to her if/when a lie should slip out.  I suggested 24-48 hours, but encouraged them to figure out something comfortable for both of them.  This would give time for Doug to center himself emotionally and make a better choice should he have another reactive emotional response and lie, and also force Jamie to have a more realistic and grounded approach to dealing with Doug's inevitable human foibles. 

They both responded very well to this and seemd very relieved and happy to have what appeared to be a workable plan, especially Jamie.  I think it gave her an important alternative option to her typical response which inevitably results in self-sabotage. She was very grateful to have it.

I would further like to clarify that I encouraged him to make a committment to her to "try his best" to be totally honest with her and not to undermine her trust.  I hate the way they edited that.  i would never encourage anyone to make a committment that they most certainly couldn't honor.


Posted 08/28/2014

If you pay close attention to his semantics he said "make my best effort," but it was right aftter some "never, ever" statement.  And they cut me off right after I said "..make a committment".  When the rest of my sentence was something like "always to remember how important it is to Jamie that your are truthful, and do your best to not to lie, and if you do, to honor the grace period agreement."  etc.

It would have been easy to edit in a short sequence on the grace period agreement, and it's so relevant to their story, i just don't get why they didnt.

This epsiode was by far THE MOST FRUSTRATING for me.  There was just so much really important, relevant discussion and issues addressed and worked through, that example is just one. UGH.

Just remember they edited about 14 hours total of discussion to about 4-6 min per couple I think.


Posted 22 hrs ago
In reply to rhirhi415:
Posted 22 hrs ago
Q Dr C, I am curious if you spoke to the couples about balance..in terms of partner support. From what we see on screen (which I know comes from editing), I feel like Cortney and Doug especially are so attentive and concerned for their partners needs and comfort level. I absolutely believe that Jamie and Jason care for their partners, but I don't necessarily see them providing that care etc. I feel like in a long term situation this could cause some issues and I was just wondering if anything like that was discussed when you met with them. Also-please tell me Lulu has stolen something and you have photos..so adorable!!

A Yes, this was addressed, particularly with Jamie and Doug.  I was, in fact, quite direct in addressing the apparent lack of balance in meeting Jamie's needs versus Doug's needs being both identified and met.  At that time, Doug was quite clear that he felt his needs were being met fully by the current dynamic in the relationship, even when pressed. 

Jamie acknowledged a lopsidedness to the dynamic, and hoped to be able to work toward more balance as she was able.  She was also very clear and specific in recognizing Doug's "saint-like" patience and understanding with her throughout the process (until that point), as well as expressing gratitude. 

Doug always struck me as having a sixth sense of sorts when it comes to Jamie's needs, and although I think he certainly struggles, his resolve and certainty seem to fuel his perseverence.

I think the show made it quite clear that Doug panicked and continued on with the lie. It is interesting that we only got the reaction/retelling of the initial fight from Jamie. Call me cynical but I doubt she reacted calmly to the initial lie. I do understand her initial reaction to him lying but he apologised sincerely so many times, but to carry a grudge for 3-4 days over it is crazy considering they had less than 2 weeks left before the big decision I wish she had of walked away it would have done him a big favour.  So Jamie acknowledges that she treats Doug unfairly and 'hopes to work on it' what a load of crap Doug promises to not lie to you anymore and you 'hope to work on it'. Get stuffed both Jamie & Dr C  how about instead you tell the crazy nutbag to work her own issues out before imposing them on the world, it is not just Doug she treats like crap it is her family as well. Jamie is NOT QUIRKY she is DAMAGED. Sorry for the rant it makes me angry that he lets so much crap slide with her.


Now I might not fully understand the deal between Doug and Jamie but I know that if I was aware my husband was lying to my face and I was supposed to let it go for 48 hours to give him time to come clean, i would actually react worse when he came to me.

  • Love 2

Hi Crazychicken,


I think we're on the same page regarding Dr. C and Jamie.  Are you wondering too about the relationship thats going on here with the Doc, producers and Jamie????  The Doc gets actually angry if someone posts something negative about Jamie. The producers allow her to be all over social media as well as Doug's family.  Most of the coverage on the show is about Jamie (maybe she allowed the most filming and they called her).


Like I said previously, I think having Jamie really took away from the authenticity of the show.  I don't think I'll bother with the next season if they bring in another Jamie.  Plus I don't like seeing people hurt, that's not entertaining for me, and I think Doug and Cortney are going to be really hurt.  Doug especially if he wasn't made aware of all Jamie's TV ventures along with the TB/BP.  Unless he's just going along with this for the show (which makes him look like a schmuck), I can't imagine his family having good feelings about the relationship after seeing how Jamie has treated him throughout the show. 

  • Love 2

62GREAT I think we are defiantly on the same page about the Jamie, Dr C and producers.


It actually makes me stabby how much she is treated like a princess. I question why she was even allowed on the show by Dr C or any of the other experts with so many emotional issues, let alone the constant defense of her.


As for social media I noticed that before the episode Doug put out that he was not proud of his behavior and he never thought she over reacted, yet Jamie craps on thanks everybody for understanding me not one bit of remorse for her over reaction and it 4-5 months later, not one sign of personal growth. So I am now off both Doug and Jamie, before I felt sorry for Doug but if he can not see that she is so damaged she needs professional help then I say let him stay on the crazy train.

Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 1

For me, it speaks VOLUMES that the show contacted Jamie to be on it. That says to me some of their production staff, at least, had seen some of her previous reality show ventures and knew she'd be perfect for this show and she'd jump on board. The rest...is becoming history as we see it.


Poor Dr C, all of his time with the couples wasn't shown...how long did he think an episode lasts in order to show his full sessions with each person and couple?

Poor Dr C, all of his time with the couples wasn't shown...how long did he think an episode lasts in order to show his full sessions with each person and couple?



I met with V & M individuall for almost two hours each, and together for 3+ hours.  A little less for the other two, but not much.  I'm disspointed more footage from those meetings wasn't used.



So he spent half of his time just with Monet & Vaughn.


I am going with he is just an ASW as well but then I am probably not the best person to be objective on him. It does not take much to figure out that out of a 45 minute episode on conflict and resolution that even half of that 22 minutes on resolution equals 7 minutes max per couple but this is not the first time he has been disappointed in his edit. Welcome to reality TV Dr C.

  • Love 1

It also makes Doug looks desperate to be with someone considered "gorgeous" or is he in it for fame?


Unless I've missed it, none of the other "experts" defend Jamie as adamently as Dr. C.  Hopefully there's at least one honest one among them that didn't think she should be on the show but was overruled. It is very questionable why they would let someone on with her LARGE amount of baggage. Plus they should have known that despite how much they think Jamie needs someone like Doug (total lap dog), he did not fit her ideal of a mate, not successful or financially stable, not great looking, nothing to really call his own.  He just has the close family that she thinks she wants.  But a close family does not want a fake trying to play them all and treating their son/brother like gum on her shoe.


Although I would love for Jason and Cortney to work out, why let him to the show in the midst of his mother's illness and the consuming Fire Academy.


Hey Crazychicken, what is your opinion on my senario of the couples making/not making it and the editing?

Doc is gay, he stated this on his most popular thread where they love him and Jamie.


On some of the other threads I read everyone is pretty sure that Jason is going to dump Cortney.  Maybe that's why he hasn't really let her in or introduced her to his mom.  But even though he hasn't really let her in, what we're shown is that he keeps saying things to her that would lead her to believe that he really wants the marriage.

Unless I've missed it, none of the other "experts" defend Jamie as adamently as Dr. C.  Hopefully there's at least one honest one among them that didn't think she should be on the show but was overruled. It is very questionable why they would let someone on with her LARGE amount of baggage.


I have seen none of the experts defend anybody actually they normally only talk about the show in the media, if I had not found the other forum I probably would have a totally different opinion on Dr C as on the show he does not defend her just remind us of her extreme past. I do not do facebook so maybe they say more on there.


On a side note I wish they would cut the experts time down, it is flippin annoying to hear the obvious stated just after we have seen it and those stupid facts like we don't know what a honeymoon is. It is also flippin annoying to hear 60 million times this is a science/social experiment and they are risking so much to appear. Umm no I do not see you marrying a stranger, living with them and then if it does not work waiting 12 months for a divorce. You go on with your lives and go oops maybe they were not 'ideal partners' after all.



Plus they should have known that despite how much they think Jamie needs someone like Doug (total lap dog), he did not fit her ideal of a mate, not successful or financially stable, not great looking, nothing to really call his own.  He just has the close family that she thinks she wants.  But a close family does not want a fake trying to play them all and treating their son/brother like gum on her shoe.


It would be interesting to know how his family reacts to the episodes, this weeks must have been a huge eye opener on how damaged she really is. Even though they probably heard about it at the time since Doug talks to them and seems to tell them a lot it would be different seeing him hurting so much.



Although I would love for Jason and Cortney to work out, why let him to the show in the midst of his mother's illness and the consuming Fire Academy.


This is really the only couple I am still rooting for, she seems sweet and if he can open up I think they may work. I am hoping that it is only editing that makes it look like he dumps her next week. Agree on this is a really crappy time to go on this show, and he also has baggage which means he has trouble opening up. They did not score well on that scale the only people I would count as ready for a long term relationship is Cortney & Doug they other four have communication issues in various forms.



Hey Crazychicken, what is your opinion on my senario of the couples making/not making it and the editing?


At the end of the show I am guessing Cortney & Jason plus Doug & Jamie continue on with their relationships with Monet hopefully giving Vaughn a huge spray and running away fast, she has been diplomatic to his face so far though so honest in her talking heads. Long term I do not hold out much hope for Doug & Jamie due to her huge issues, actually I don't think Jamie will have any successful relationships until she actually sorts her crap out. I hope Jason lets Cortney in and they buck the odds so I am going with they will last the longest.


On editing i has been  pretty fair so far I think without them throwing to much staged drama actually at the couples it has been fairly truthful on what has been happening in their lives, though there has been a few instances where it has been edited for drama later that I felt were unnecessary eg Monet & Vaughn's 'I am all in' turned out to be the opposite. I prefer documentary over soap opera if I want staged drama I watch the bachelor. There have been a few times were a small remark has made me think we might be missing a piece of the puzzle, like Doug's brother at lunch saying 'are you still walking on eggshells' when Doug did not seem to have an issues and I still wonder what set Vaughn off on his honeymoon.


Up until last week I was empathetic to Jamie and hoped over time she would learn to let Doug in, once she started throwing her family under the bus and they seemed fairly normal to me nothing to be ashamed of I admit I lost sympathy for her, I still hoped that she would seek professional help and her and Doug would work out, because I do not think she will find somebody so patient with her and accept her 'quirks' as she puts it. After last week and her total lack of self awareness that what she did was in anyway wrong I off the bus, nobody deserves to be abused emotionally like Doug was. Dr C backing her up just sent me over the edge.



Hum, sounds to me like the (not so good) doctor really likes him some Jamie. Maybe they can be on next season. Married at First Sight--plus a couple that has seen each other but we want to include in the show--Season Two.


Dr C is gay. I am wondering if he is just trying to protect his image on why she was cast with so much damage. If we are asking that question surely other professionals are too.

On Jamie's ASW ways this is what set alarm bells off for me


http://instagram.com/p/qIDJapI51M/ notice the caption Bathroom selfie for my husband! #married #amazing #stranger #marriedatfirstsight


now look at the promo pics for the series http://imgkid.com/jamie-otis-married-at-first-sight.shtml click potential wife

Edited by crazychicken
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I have seen none of the experts defend anybody actually they normally only talk about the show in the media, if I had not found the other forum I probably would have a totally different opinion on Dr C as on the show he does not defend her just remind us of her extreme past. I do not do facebook so maybe they say more on there.


On a side note I wish they would cut the experts time down, it is flippin annoying to hear the obvious stated just after we have seen it and those stupid facts like we don't know what a honeymoon is. It is also flippin annoying to hear 60 million times this is a science/social experiment and they are risking so much to appear. Umm no I do not see you marrying a stranger, living with them and then if it does not work waiting 12 months for a divorce. You go on with your lives and go oops maybe they were not 'ideal partners' after all.




It would be interesting to know how his family reacts to the episodes, this weeks must have been a huge eye opener on how damaged she really is. Even though they probably heard about it at the time since Doug talks to them and seems to tell them a lot it would be different seeing him hurting so much.



This is really the only couple I am still rooting for, she seems sweet and if he can open up I think they may work. I am hoping that it is only editing that makes it look like he dumps her next week. Agree on this is a really crappy time to go on this show, and he also has baggage which means he has trouble opening up. They did not score well on that scale the only people I would count as ready for a long term relationship is Cortney & Doug they other four have communication issues in various forms.



At the end of the show I am guessing Cortney & Jason plus Doug & Jamie continue on with their relationships with Monet hopefully giving Vaughn a huge spray and running away fast, she has been diplomatic to his face so far though so honest in her talking heads. Long term I do not hold out much hope for Doug & Jamie due to her huge issues, actually I don't think Jamie will have any successful relationships until she actually sorts her crap out. I hope Jason lets Cortney in and they buck the odds so I am going with they will last the longest.


On editing i has been  pretty fair so far I think without them throwing to much staged drama actually at the couples it has been fairly truthful on what has been happening in their lives, though there has been a few instances where it has been edited for drama later that I felt were unnecessary eg Monet & Vaughn's 'I am all in' turned out to be the opposite. I prefer documentary over soap opera if I want staged drama I watch the bachelor. There have been a few times were a small remark has made me think we might be missing a piece of the puzzle, like Doug's brother at lunch saying 'are you still walking on eggshells' when Doug did not seem to have an issues and I still wonder what set Vaughn off on his honeymoon.


Up until last week I was empathetic to Jamie and hoped over time she would learn to let Doug in, once she started throwing her family under the bus and they seemed fairly normal to me nothing to be ashamed of I admit I lost sympathy for her, I still hoped that she would seek professional help and her and Doug would work out, because I do not think she will find somebody so patient with her and accept her 'quirks' as she puts it. After last week and her total lack of self awareness that what she did was in anyway wrong I off the bus, nobody deserves to be abused emotionally like Doug was. Dr C backing her up just sent me over the edge.




Dr C is gay. I am wondering if he is just trying to protect his image on why she was cast with so much damage. If we are asking that question surely other professionals are too.

On Jamie's ASW ways this is what set alarm bells off for me


http://instagram.com/p/qIDJapI51M/ notice the caption Bathroom selfie for my husband! #married #amazing #stranger #marriedatfirstsight


now look at the promo pics for the series http://imgkid.com/jamie-otis-married-at-first-sight.shtml click potential wife

What da hell?

I don't really mind Jamie that much. She's clearly got some issues, but so do most people, even the ones who aren't "damaged". And I definitely don't think everyone with issues should stay single until they've been to therapy for years. Actually I think a loving and understanding partner can help a lot more than any so called professional. I agree with Dr. C about Doug having a sort of sixth sense when it comes to Jamie's needs and that's already a huge step in the right direction. Compare that to Vaughn and Monet, for example, who don't seem to be at all in tune with what the other one needs, even after being told. Some people just understand each other and some don't. I think Doug and Jamie do, and that's the best foundation for a successful relationship. They also have a similar sense of humour and a lot in common according to Jamie. I definitely think they can make it work, if Jamie just stops overthinking everything. I really don't think Doug is her lapdog either. On The View she called him the most amazing man she's ever met or something along those lines and seemed very genuine about it, so I don't think she's blind to his great qualities by any means. I really hope they can make it work.

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I don't think Jamie needs to stay single for years just until she is further along in the healing process so that she has more self awareness that her actions are damaging her relationships. If I saw signs that Jamie was sorry in anyway for how she treated others I think I would feel differently about her but she is still in survivor mode as such I will hurt you so you don't hurt me. I wish she took some time out from relationships all together to work on accepting herself and her past so that she does not lash out or judge others. She said that she now knows what a good relationship is but IMO does not have the tools yet to maintain that. The other thing that bothers me is that her expectations are not realistic she has this fairytale in her head that once she has the husband and babies her life will be great but until she is ready to accept that nobody is perfect she is going to be disappointed over and over again. She said 'you have a baby then you are stuck' yet is all gung ho to jump in and have a baby and expects it to still be perfect. Children lead to more stress on a relationship not less.

Jason on the other hand is gaurded admits it is his issue but is working within himself to let Cortney in without the judgements and self sabotage.

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I don't really mind Jamie that much. She's clearly got some issues, but so do most people, even the ones who aren't "damaged". And I definitely don't think everyone with issues should stay single until they've been to therapy for years. Actually I think a loving and understanding partner can help a lot more than any so called professional. I agree with Dr. C about Doug having a sort of sixth sense when it comes to Jamie's needs and that's already a huge step in the right direction. Compare that to Vaughn and Monet, for example, who don't seem to be at all in tune with what the other one needs, even after being told. Some people just understand each other and some don't. I think Doug and Jamie do, and that's the best foundation for a successful relationship. They also have a similar sense of humour and a lot in common according to Jamie. I definitely think they can make it work, if Jamie just stops overthinking everything. I really don't think Doug is her lapdog either. On The View she called him the most amazing man she's ever met or something along those lines and seemed very genuine about it, so I don't think she's blind to his great qualities by any means. I really hope they can make it work.

I agree with this. People can go to therapy for years until they are better able to handle life. They're better off getting into relationships and living their life so that a therapist can help them get through real experiences. This may or may not apply to Jamie and Doug because this is a TV show marriage. Even if Jamie is a reality addict, I hope she realizes that the clock is ticking on her being TV pretty.

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Jamie is paired with Jason. What the heck is going on?!? So how could they not have seen who they were marrying if these pics are up?


Those pics were taken after the show was filmed and they were used in some article or on the site before the season started and they hadn't revealed the couples yet. They were still teasing us with possible pairings, as if there was any suspense in that. But they were definitely taken after they were already married, so I have no doubt that the selfie was for Doug.

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