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  1. I'm wondering if anyone else has viewed Jamie's web page. jamieotis.com "Host, Model, TV Personality, RN" Check it out. She's definitely in it for the fame. And yes to armchair critic, Jason is not good looking. He definitely does have something weird going on with his mouth, but I can't seem to put a finger on it. Cortney could do so much better.
  2. I just heard Jamie is going to be on next season's Survivor. Okay, just kidding! Although I wouldn't be surprised. She is definitely a reality*whore! Poor girl...she needs more attention then people can seem to provide her. I'm dreaming here, but I wish that the last episode would show Doug deciding not to stay married to her because he realized that nothing he could ever do would be good enough for her in her eyes. I'd love to see him turn her down because she thinks she's too good for him. That would be a great ending! Someone had posted that Doug would be able to pick and choose from real woman after the show is over. I agree. He's a nice, athletic, tall, funny, caring guy! You can do much better I assure you! BTW...for any of you who don't know this, Jamie has her own web page. jamieotis.com "Host, Model, TV Personality, RN" She's definitely in it for the fame. Personally, I think Cortney could do a whole heck of a lot better! Vaughn and Monet...geez...what can I say! The "experts" must have lost interest by the time they came to matching those two up. Not remotely compatible, I waver weekly on who I like least. This week...Both!
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