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Explain it to Me Like I'm Lily: Recaps for the Disenchanted

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Okay, so I'm getting sucked back in.  Eek.  Seems like nothing happened for a very long time then I missed the new developments.  I'm half watching, half FFing, the last couple weeks, so I realize I missed THE BIG REVEAL of Adam to Chelsea.  Can anyone give me a date on that, so I can watch it online?


I see we have TWO new 40yo miracle moms, and Hilary I guess left to have a real baby?  Did Neil kill her or lock her up someplace?  Is the actress coming back?  Did they ever reveal The Killer?  Does it even matter?   I see corporate contracts and positions are as dumb as ever. 

  • Love 5

Okay, so I'm getting sucked back in.  Eek.  Seems like nothing happened for a very long time then I missed the new developments.  I'm half watching, half FFing, the last couple weeks, so I realize I missed THE BIG REVEAL of Adam to Chelsea.  Can anyone give me a date on that, so I can watch it online?


I see we have TWO new 40yo miracle moms, and Hilary I guess left to have a real baby?  Did Neil kill her or lock her up someplace?  Is the actress coming back?  Did they ever reveal The Killer?  Does it even matter?   I see corporate contracts and positions are as dumb as ever. 

Hi peach, sorry you got sucked back in, but it sure is great to see you!  I can't answer all your questions, but the killer turned out to be Det. Harding.  Turns out he was a thrall for Marco...because...reasons.  Bleh.

  • Love 6

Hey, peach!

It looks like the Adam reveal was July 13th, or thereabouts.

MM is on maternity leave, as she did indeed have a real baby. She and Devon went on their honeymoon to an island called the Fat Virgin (in Spanish, I'm not making this up) and she fell off a cliff, or was pushed off a cliff, possibly by Neil. He secretly "rescued" her and brought her back to GC, where he's keeping her sedated in the house he once bought for her. Devon is currently being blamed for her disappearance. The actress isn't taking a long maternity leave, so I expect her to wake up soon.

The cabin killer turned out to be Hot Cop, who was in league with Marco. I'll leave it there, but I can give more details if you actually care. It was just as dumb and nonsensical as you can imagine.

  • Love 6

The cabin killer turned out to be Hot Cop, who was in league with Marco. I'll leave it there, but I can give more details if you actually care. It was just as dumb and nonsensical as you can imagine.


Well, that sucks.


I did see a few minutes of Neil and Hilary on the Fat Virgin island, so I knew he was up to some kind of shenanigans. Back to back drugged and kidnapped stories, yay.  Not.


So, Kevin has a great new haircut.

  • Love 6

You know Sharon's had a miscarriage right?

Yes, I got through last week.  So she's faking being pregnant while trying to get repregnant.  And I was hasty in my questioning because Neil told me all about what happened after I asked.  lol  And Kay Chancellor is still God, and dang, how many letters did she write before dying?  FF.

And Adam's in league with, dun dun dun, Ian Ward!  So that was "exciting."  Guess I'll plow through this week to get up to date.

I couldn't access the episode where Adam revealed himself to Chelsea, but I saw a montage sort of clip.  Which also brought to my attention that Avery went nutso and had Joe at gunpoint for some reason?  Is she gone now??  That disappoints me, because the main value in having Dylan with Sharon was how much it would irritate Avery.  I'm also disappointed that Faith doesn't hate Sage anymore.  Bummer.

  • Love 7



photo fox

Oh, and Nick got married again. #stillnodinner





I'm also disappointed that Faith doesn't hate Sage anymore.  Bummer.

I saw her talking to Sage's enormous belly as I FF'd - just assumed she was putting a curse on the baby.



Edited to say this thread is all I'm up to doing tonight - back to the Vodka.

Edited by movinon
  • Love 6

Avery went nuts it was complicated and not written in character. When Joe hit GC she was wacing poetic about their romantic moments, willing to be alone in hotel room and going on trips with him, and even had fantasies about him. Later she is terrified of him, says he's an abuser, and a psycho.

She was raped in the park and blamed Joe and she also remembered a repressed memory (?) of Joe hitting her once. She pulled a gun on him & was gonna kill him but Dylan (of course!!) saved the day. Then she left town.

I have no idea why Faith suddenly stopped hated Sagebrush. These dumbasss writers don't remember what they made week to week.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 6

Avery went nuts it was complicated and not written in character. When Joe hit GC she was wacing poetic about their romantic moments, willing to be alone in hotel room and going on trips with him, and even had fantasies about him. Later she is terrified of him, says he's an abuser, and a psycho.

She was raped in the park and blamed Joe and she also remembered a repressed memory (?) of Joe hitting her once. She pulled a gun on him & was gonna kill him but Dylan (of course!!) saved the day. Then she left town.

I have no idea why Faith suddenly stopped hated Sagebrush. These dumbasss writers don't remember what they made week to week.

Wow.  That sounds truly atrocious.  I didn't even like Avery, but seriously.  The character didn't deserve that ending.   And now they're turning Neil into Kelly.  :-/

  • Love 6

Wow, did a driveby today, and I'm just wondering if this show is a comedy now, because if, so...it's outstanding.  I stopped because, uh oh, it looked like somebody might be dying?  Oh, it was just Sage.  Die, Sage, die.


Did a brief investigation to find out the plot is currently revolving around:  "Danger At The Gala." I wonder what kind of waiver you have to sign to attend a party in Genoa City.    More rubble confessions.  Stitch loves Ashley now?  lol  Stitch really has a big heart, you guys.


Other brief observations at 3x FF:  Neil and Gwen hooked up, and omg, TAD MARTIN has gray hair.  And Christine is still a dependable bitch.


Anyway, deja vu all over again.  Considering the dumb schedule change, I think they really are trying to kill this show.

Edited by peach
  • Love 7

^^What schedule change?

Yep, all the warnings about Phelps and Pratt have proven to be justified.


For my entire life, Y&R has been on at 4 pm (central), so it's a show you might catch after work or school any given day.  That's why everyone from Grandpa to my kids know who Victor Newman is, because this show has been on in the background of life.  Now, for some reason, it's on at 11 am.   Seems like they don't even want anyone to watch it. 


Honestly, I don't even need to watch it.  Obviously, some disaster has befallen a party.  Yet no one fucking dies.

Edited by peach
  • Love 2

I'm in Pennsylvania, and Y&R has always been on at 12:30pm. So it's always been a show to record for me. Except when I was a kid in the dark ages before VCRs...then, I could only catch it in the summertime and school holidays. Years ago, I used to work at the PBS station, and Y&R would be on in the break room at lunchtime. Not their own PBS broadcasts, but Y&R!

It's sad what they're doing to it. It's not even much fun to mock anymore.

  • Love 2

And all this time I thought Y&R stayed at #1 because it was on last, so it didn't go straight up against other soaps and more people were able to watch it (after school).  Learn something new every day.  lol 

With DVR's it doesn't really matter when anything is on, I suppose.  It sure doesn't matter when this tripe is on.

  • Love 4

In PA as well, Snap, and it's been on in the 1230 slot for as long as I can remember. You know, for all the maids and SHAMs (Remember Michael Keating as Mr Mom getting hooked on the show?). It at least used to be the #1 show for prison populations. But I think even in lockup you might decide working out, or converting to a new religion might be a better use of that hour.

  • Love 9

I started watching in the '70's because my boyfriend, his roommate and I worked in bars, and we didn't get up until late-11:00 San Francisco time, and we watched it and drank our coffee while getting our shit together.  Also, roommate had a crush on one of the players-so we all got hooked.  I'm still on the West Coast (WA now) and it's still on at 11:00 BUT I DON'T WATCH IT, PRATT, YOU SOAP DESTROYER.

  • Love 7

I started watching in the '70's because my boyfriend, his roommate and I worked in bars, and we didn't get up until late-11:00 San Francisco time, and we watched it and drank our coffee while getting our shit together.  Also, roommate had a crush on one of the players-so we all got hooked.  I'm still on the West Coast (WA now) and it's still on at 11:00 BUT I DON'T WATCH IT, PRATT, YOU SOAP DESTROYER.

Hey, you're in WA too!  I'm in Kirkland.

  • Love 3

My abc soaps got cancelled and this was always the "classy soap". I came on full time with a vengeance and was hooked. The stories were pretty enthralling at the end of MAB and new regime compared to now. Lord I and many criticized it but its pretty shitty compared to even 4 or 5 years ago in my book. I missed the whole hey day of y&r (80's & 90's) waaaa but saw some of the teen scene shit and big moments since I was a soap fanatic and would tune in when I could.

They really need to rehab and revamp the show. JMHO of course.

Also my comment about y&r being popular with pro athletes was since around that time I committed to being a y&r junkie I would watch at a gym that had a few pros pop in for a set and they'd always comment on Victor or ask for the scoop on Sharon and Phyllis when they'd see me watching. Also some of my neighbors are Bears and made comments off hand joking about catching up on y&r.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 4

When I came back to the show fulltime, sure it was to make some fun of it, but they really got me with the whole flashback to the original Shick.  I'm their age, I got married the same year as Shick, lol.  So I really enjoyed that, and could ignore previous Nick douchery for old times sake.  And reintroducing Phyllis.  I never liked Michelle Stafford, so I was interested in all of that.


But holy crap, did they take all of that great sentimental good will value and shit all over it.  I took a break from all the recapping which was really taking a lot of time, and I'm not good at making them short because there are just so many nitpicks it's hard to choose only a few.  lol.  I cannot bring myself to watch this IDIOTIC storyline of Sharon in Fairview.  I don't know how she gets up and goes into work every day, I really don't.


And it's the same shit different day in terms of all the "plots."  DANGER AT THE GALA.  Unconvincing baby switching.  Christine being a shrew.  Super Dylan, who doesn't even have to remember his lines because he already did all of this on General Hospital.

Edited by peach
  • Love 13

The episode of April 14 marks ONE YEAR since I started doing the recaps.  So Happy Anniversary! 


So, let's see, how far have we come in a year? 


We were behind the scenes at the big Jabot fashion show, which was supposed to become an annual event, but nobody's been running the fashion division for a very long time.  Neil was kissing Hilary for the first time.  Leslie had returned as Mrs. Dr. Barton Shelby.  Chloe was going off the rails.  Kelly was still a tall, sad kindergarten teacher for two more days, and Stitch was still a doctor.  Shick was picking up steam.  Fake Cassie was still running loose.  Abby and Tyler were boringly engaged.  Phyllis was asleep.  Adam was a hand.  Austin was just a guy with dimples and tall hair, and didn't have a name yet.  Avery was torturing us with that stupid cooking show.  Ian Ward was back to cause mayhem after his mistrial .  Nikki was drinking. Billy was small and scrappy and whiny.  Summer was whining about something.


ETA:  SHARON HAD A SEKRIT!  And VICTOR WAS GOING TO DESTROY HER!  In 2015, Sharon has a murder secret, and Victor is trying to destroy, well, everyone.


I was going back reading a few things for a laugh, and came upon this statement. 


Now it's November and SHARON HAS A SEKRIT pregnancy that isn't even real and that she may or may not know about, I can't even understand the postings about the dead/missing/stolen baby time jump fake belly situation.  But anyway, Sharon has a secret!  And the Newmans will destroy her over it! 

  • Love 8

Hey, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, peeps!  I miss this board and its hilarious citizens, but the show was just too stupid, and fall is when I'm pretty engrossed in muh zombie shows, although TWD is almost as stupid as Y&R lately.  Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season.  Now that Z Nation's season is over, and Vikings hasn't started, I might have time to fire up Y&R on the old DVR.  Maybe.  lol  Or maybe I will just...read a book.

  • Love 9

Peach - are you still here?  I've been in a snit since before Thanksgiving, and am now trying to catch up with reading posts.  I would never bother to try to catch up with the show.  Just came across this thread since I'm trying to start slowly, and remembered that you came back.  I missed those recaps when I was reading, and looks like I'm still gonna be missing them.  Still drinking but have added a little more interest to my life, so this re-introduction will be slow.  Still not watching - probably not ever.  

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