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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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It's SO ANNOYING listening to them all talking at once. The SUPER EXTENDED meet and greet footage is kind of interesting on a certain level, but it's already gone on way too long. They should give them some type of challenge or do something else to break it up. I guess this is why they usually give them a week or so before the feeds start. I'm always annoyed when anything significant happens during that time, but knowing that this is the alternative-- I get it.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Guys....guys, I just had a revelation.

We won't have to see Jeff this season, will we? If we don't, then this definitely makes it a good BB season for me! At least as of right now! 

From your keyboard to doG's ears, but won't there still be blackout periods when production is prepping them for comps and whatever else? Will they not show Jeff clips during those times? (For the record, I'm totally ok with fish/FOTH/whatever instead.)

Also, will they not have Jeffterviews with the evictees?

Edited by TheRealT
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

I missed it. How?  Did he tell anyone? Does everyone else know?

Someone clipped it on twitter.   As far as I can tell he didn't tell anyone.  I think he def learned from the twin twist to keep his mouth shut.

I read on Joker's that Alex called her sister "Mo" and Shelby noticed.  

Can still only watch the feeds on my app, have to wait til it comes back online so I can go back and watch the bits and pieces that happened overnight.

I'm not surprised Morgan and Alex were found out. They really do look alike. But it seems like Jason is the only one who suspects. I read that even with Alex's slipup, she recovered enough with Shelby to maybe keep her off of the sister train for a bit longer.

Shane, Cornbread, and Monte are already thinking about getting out a girl, it seems. Them and I think Scott don't trust Justin or Jason. 

It seems like Jason, Justin, and Danielle are the late nighters this season. At least they are tonight. It seems like this trio could be the first to form an official alliance. 

I also read that Jason was trying to figure out who M.L is because Cornbread, for some reason, lied about his name and said it was Chad? Dude, if you can honestly go up to someone's face and say that your name is Cornbread, you should have no shame. They already know your name ain't real, bro. 

Alex also had a chat with Whitney and told her that the girls need to fight in competitions so they can prove to the guys that they can. They're also worried about the big personalities and who "America" will love, like Jason and Cornbread. 

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1 minute ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Have these people been in sequester since the beginning of S18? 

No, they haven't. Jason and Danielle both said in their first solo conversation last night that they had at least watched up to the Paulie/Day jury fight at their homes. At that point, they also knew that they were going to the Big Brother house. So they were most likely sequestered around the time that Victor or Corey were evicted. 

Plus, they only started promoting BBOTT in July. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

No, they haven't. Jason and Danielle both said in their first solo conversation last night that they had at least watched up to the Paulie/Day jury fight at their homes. At that point, they also knew that they were going to the Big Brother house. So they were most likely sequestered around the time that Victor or Corey were evicted. 

Plus, they only started promoting BBOTT in July. 

I did wonder - I can't imagine what it would be like to be sequestered for 100 days and THEN go into the house...

LOL, I'm reading up on more Twitter upates. Jason was up for a while on his own, talking about how Alex/Morgan look like the same generic bland blonde girl (I guess he might not know they're siblings after all), how he thinks he trusts Scott, how Neeley/Kryssie are petty and bitchy, and how he's getting close to Danielle. 

Monte and Neeley are "early" risers. They're both up and Monte doesn't know where anything is, which is understandable. But he also didn't know that the coffee machine needed a filter, so... 

Monte is a cross between Caleb and Corey. 

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At least Cornbread is playing a social game. Do the HGs even know cott is there? Scott is so awkward. He reminds me so much of me. I completely understand BUT it is going to get him sent home.

So there's a rule this year that HGs must be awake between 10 am and 10 pm. That would disqualify me immediately. I love to nap.

Cornbread is worried about having to lose people because "none of us are assholes." Can't wait til the asshole comes out of everybody

Edited by zibnchy
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So, is this cast considered the B cast? Could they not get cast on a broadcast season or did they just apply for this online season and go on? I'm just curious if any of them had made the Final Rounds before but were cut. In general, they don't seem any different with any other "normal" BB cast. IMO!

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jason was up for a while on his own, talking about ... how Neeley/Kryssie are petty and bitchy....

Jason, probably the #1 most petty and bitchy person ever on this show, has a problem with someone else's pettiness/bitchiness? LOL.

I went to bed right after Kryssie walked in last night. It was just SO boring watching them all walk in one at a time.

I thought I wouldn't like Shelby, but based on the very little I've seen/read about from last night, she's my current fave.

Have we had any indication when HOH will be played?

2 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:

I'm dodging this one because a) I'm suffering from BB exhaustion and b) CBS all access. I took a look at the cast though and I'm not impressed. I'll keep checking in for the snark though!


FUCK YOU NICOLE! Oh, wait...

Missed your Nicole love. I don't know if you heard but Natalie and James are doing a Periscope in about 8 days. If you haven't seen the one with Natalie and Michelle you should and it will give you an idea what it will be like.

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Ah, so we have found out what America can vote on: America's Nominee, which means that we choose the third nominee (no thanks), America's Eviction Vote, which is the houseguest with the most eviction votes from America gets an extra eviction vote; America's Care Package, and America's Have Not which lets US choose the Have Nots. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I was just gonna post that, @Lady Calypso

I both hate and love all of that.

I'm holding out hope since "America" is the dedicated ones who can pay for the All Access feeds, so I'd hope they're not just voting on popularity.

As a Canadian, all I can do is hope that people are on my wavelength.

Luckily, I still don't have a solid opinion on any of the houseguests, although people seem to enjoy Shelby, so maybe I should give her more of a chance. 

Oh that article also said the HOH will be at 4 pm est today.

Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Luckily, I still don't have a solid opinion on any of the houseguests, although people seem to enjoy Shelby, so maybe I should give her more of a chance. 

Shelby is just the type of HG that I normally am drawn to tbh.

Kryssie is already calling Jason 'her gay.' Ugh I hate these two already. I want Jason evicted first tbh. It's so stupid to have one returning HG.

I want Monte to go first. From the little I've seen and the most I've read, he's becoming a serious Alpha Male, but in a bad way. I'd rather not experience him at his worst. But, of course, he'll probably get to F5. 

Unless anyone actually had some good experiences watching Monte. I haven't been able to stand watching his Caleb/Corey ways. 

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So what they meant when they said we could watch comps on the feeds is that the comp would involve one person going into the DR while the others sit around chatting waiting to see what's going to happen? Really?

And I don't know whether it's just that I don't usually watch the feeds that much in the beginning or what, but something seems- off. It's like it's public access BB or something. Maybe the lighting is different since they're not shooting a TV show?

Edited by TheRealT
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I had to go on Twitter to read about the comp.

Well, that sounds dumb! But I guess they need a little more time to prepare actual competitions. The department who creates the comps needed more than a week off, it seems! 

I will say with Shane not being able to get HOH, that's one less of the Guys Alliance to win it. 

The HOH comp was them all sitting in the LR with a vial of blue liquid labeled "Only one can drink." Shane drank it and got called to the DR. He is now "infected" with a bug which he has to pass to someone else by giving them a bug necklace, which infects that person. Infected people can't be HOH. They have to keep passing the infection every time an alarm sounds until all but one person have been infected. The last uninfected person is HOH.

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3 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

I went outside for a little while to interact with people so did I miss the HOH? I can't figure out what's going on.

No, it's a weird Tag HOH Comp, where Shane cannot win HOH because he drank some blue liquid that has him "affected". Once an alarm goes off, I guess he goes to infect someone and it goes on and on?

Now, is there just one alarm for the HOH to start, or is it a "one alarm per infection" situation and we have to hear the alarm 12 times? 

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Monte/Shane are declaring their bromance. They want Kryssie out sooner rather than later. Shane wants to give the bug to either Kryssie or someone like Whitney. They're pretty confident that a guy won't be going this week, or shouldn't be going. 

These girls really need to form quicker alliances. This is why the guys get so much farther. They just form alliances right off the bat and usually, that is that. Right now, we have a clear guys alliance but I haven't heard much about the girls teaming up. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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